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I literally just fled across the country to get away from parents like these. So many wonderful people. The idea that the world is dangerous and cruel is a lie to control you.


"You have to learn to act normal or no one will like you!" but it turns out "normal" behavior comes off as incredibly stiff, anachronistic, and unnatural outside of the rural South/Utah and ends up crippling you socially because it's not the 1950s.


Oof this one hits hard. My dad told me this when I was in my teens and my mental health was in the absolute toilet. That no one would ever like me if I kept "acting that damn weird" And I did in fact think I was unlovable for years because I couldn't just turn off being depressed and anxious like he told me to. But once I got out and made friends... turns out the only person who thought I was weird and unlikable for having panic attacks was my dad.


Now I have the urge to watch Hunchback of Notre Dame. "the world is cruel, the world is wicked, it is only I whom you can trust in this whole city, I am your only friend."


im literally afraid of 95% of people because i thought the whole world would be evil child raping monsters because of what i grew up with


The first post that speaks to my experience so directly that I feel it healing me. To know that others went through the same thing, I feel validated and seen. Thank you for sharing, OP.


Somewhat understand and relate to this as my mother once said she called me a bitch all the time so if anyone’s else in the real world did, it wouldn’t bother me...