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I’m guessing that means you have no credit score and it’s a default code possibly:


thank you!


Lexis Nexus is not a credit bureaus for credit cards and loans. So you're confusing different types of credit bureaus. There are over 100 different types of bureaus that score your risk. But they don't all score your risk for credir cards and loans. Those bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. So, no that doesn't mean that you have a credit score in the traditional sense of the scores for loans and cards.


ohhhhhh, thank you so much! when i searched lexisnexis i understood it was a background check company, but i just assumed the score on the letter i was given was a credit score, but i get it now.


What country are you? If the US, that is not a valid score, so it's an error code of some kind. There's no need to wait until tomorrow or call anyone. Just go to annualcreditreport.com and get your free credit report.


i'm in the us. i tried annualcreditreport, but after submitting all my information i get an "unable to verify your identity" message and have to request by phone or mail and i'd rather just call my credit union tomorrow. but the website includes that one of the reasons why they usually can't verify info is not enough credit history, so hopefully it's due to that. i was really freaked out by seeing 222, so thank you!


Yes it means you don't have a report because there is no data to generate it from.


222 is not a score so it would seem like you don’t have a score. Not to say credit is not important but I would not worry too much. You don’t have any credit cards and as long as none have been open fraudulently you should be fine. Might be like an error code or “filler” score for people with no score. Congratulations on opening your first checking account. I wish I had been as aware of credit and how opening accounts might impact me at 18. Be responsible (it seems like you understand that since you’re here asking questions and trying to learn) and I bet that you will wind up being very successful with building credit.


thank you for the information and the congratulations! you shouldn't be too hard on your past self, i don't know how long ago 18 was for you, but the internet has grown rapidly and to be honest, without social media i don't think i could be as aware of credit as i am right now.


If your parents have good credit ratings and are responsible with their credit cards, you might consider asking them to add you as an authorized user. You don't need to actually have or use a card from their credit, just be listed as an authorized user. That should help your rating. And you should get a card of your own. If you are in college, there are a number of cards designed for students that will often sign you up with no prior credit history. If necessary, you can get a secured credit card to get started.