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I listen to mirror to mirror when I’m in my bedroom rotting and then face to face when I want to listen to it in the car. Overall I like mirror to mirror more because I’m in the angsty gay teen stage right now and that version is relatable and comforting. Also because I have mtm on vinyl and it’s one of my prized possessions.


i definitely prefer face to face but i must say that the mtm version of cute thing is by far the superior version


I too am punched in the heart by that guitar solo at 4 minutes


i also prefer face to face but mtm nervous young in humans is so much better also the middle part of blid


I think FtF generally sounds a lot better and is an overall improvement to MtM but when I’m in the mood MtM just hits in a way that FtF really can’t replicate


This goes for all the early works tbh. Like up until Living While Starving




i think bodys works better with fewer of the electronic influences in MtM and I like the "stuck in one body / stuck in one mind" lines. mostly I like FtF better though


DUUM dum DUUM dum DUUM dum DUUM dum


I really like mtm because it feels more emotional and raw, and it has some lyrics that I prefer over the ftf versions. ftf is still great though


Ftf is objectively the better album, though I personally prefer mtm cute thing and nervous young inhumans over the ftf versions


i prefer mtm bc it sounds more emotional and personal than ftf . im also too used to the mtm lyrics to listen to tft without feeling confused or weirded out


I love your pfp


i think the production changes in FtF are absolutely amazing so i listen to that one more often, but i really love the original lyrics in MtM and that one overall just feels more personal


mtm when my brain is decaying and ftf when I'm going about my everyday life


mirror to mirror


mtm as it has such raw emotional value. the personal factor of it just makes it so much more of an interesting listen then ftf. i also prefer the older sounding albums then newer albums so that also adds to me liking mtm more


I prefer face to face personally, but mirror to mirror still has a special place in my heart


They’re both special to me in different ways, and even though Will’s older versions of songs are almost always better, I think FtF is the exception. It’s easily his best work to date.


face to face is so much better


ftf is better but mtm nervous young inhumans did it better


mirror to mirror 100%, heard it first and fell in love with the emotion. I almost never listen to face to face personally


i think it depends on my mood, but i mostly listen to ftf.


I prefer Face to Face. There are some songs that I prefer more on Mirror to Mirror, Stop Smoking being one of them. I do feel sometimes the performance is a little over the top on Face to Face. Some of the speaking parts go on for too long. But overall I prefer Face to Face because it is a polished more professionally recorded emotionally vulnerable album. Not to say I don’t like old Car Seat Headrest Monomania is great.


FTF is better, like objectively. Will’s delivery on MTM is a lot more raw though and I wish he kept the “thank god for the little things” line in FTF.


“Leviathan was powerful and inevitable / I fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death” is literally unbeatable. Plus the "NACHAM" scream on famous prophets (minds) is emotion that I don't know if I've seen will replicate since. FtF 90% of the time MtM when I wanna spiral.


mirror to mirror for me, certain songs are much better on face to face but overall mirror has that youthful charm to it


If i want to listen to twin fantasy i listen to face to face but there are certain songs like famous prophets that just hit different on mirror to mirror


ftf sounds really good and polished but i do think a lot of tf songs benefit from the gritty raw sound of mtm especially considering what the album is about mtm just hits you. high to death is one such example


I like FtF because I can actually understand what Will is saying.


face to face was my favorite album ever but mirror to mirror ended up taking its place.




mtm easily better, so much more emotion in it but i do like ftf


People are really not appreciating Famous Prophets MtM and I'm sad :(