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If you want to quit then quit, I quit a few years ago and haven’t looked back since


The best answer


It is. Our crew has been going since day 1, most of the original members have quit now. The two guys that I'm still in touch with were so relieved to get away from the game :) I'm still playing - F2P (apart from two cars, some Subaru that's been gathering dust ever since and the AMC Javelin which is still my favourite car in the game) - and enjoying completing the stuff I can. It's normally the final events where I fall by the wayside due to not having enough S6, but I can live with that :) I doubt very much that I'll be as interested in CSR3...


The javelin,really?


Yep. I love the way it looks, just downtune and race in slower lobbies for fun.




Shit… we can’t even get csr3 if we have an iPhone… and I’ve had csr2 since the game came out lol… it just gets boring after awhile… it took me 6 months to get my 5 elite licenses then I gave up for awhile and just started again a few days ago lol… I’d rather be playing Forza Horizon on the Xbox on a big screen anyway tbh


How tf you completed tempest 5?


Is that the season after with the purple logos… the ones that came in after gold rush?…I’ve only got the licenses… I can’t seem to get past like level 3 against the nufangs crew… my case doesn’t have enough speed when setup with the correct PR level


Getting the BMW won't calm your anger for the game though. I finally snagged it yesterday but I've realised the only way you'll win is either blind luck on crates to get stage 6 parts, or you pay for race pass and get your universal 6s. Either way it's not over yet. Also heard, tyres stage 6 is the one making the most difference to your final speed. I'm doing 11.2 and need to get to 10.8zx to continue. I didn't do my research and wasted my 6s. I'm still trying to decide wasting more money on the race pass upgrade. I got a couple days so maybe I'll get lucky on a crate.


Trans > Body > Tires > 


https://preview.redd.it/r9arli8nj80d1.jpeg?width=2244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207fefecfab26fe07c8fc23ba20b4913c3c31743 Thanks for the tip, added Trans and that was all I needed. 👍


Just wait until tomorrow for the BMW bruh, faster people will have moved higher up Also if you want to quit just quit


I just wish the Porsche 911 GT2 was a tad bit faster than the F1, I can get a more consistent time with that car & what really helps is the shared S6 parts


Yeah I quit at rank 2700 Game is same ol same ol Boring really…. Glad I made that decision! Did have lots of fun once


😭😭😭 it is very repetitive. Been taking a break and got back on yesterday and they make you race 50 races just for silver 70 keys 😭 who just wants to keep sitting there doing literally the same exact thing over and over it gets boring. Then you move to another challenge and its the same thing for whatever you do 🤣 stale asab the ONLY way i can play this game is if im smoking


To be fair it’s simply meant to just take up time and if does it greatly lol. I don’t mind doing the 50 races for the keys because it gets me not too far from getting : silver crates lol. If you spend less time worrying about what you don’t have and what your accumulating and how what your accumulating and will accumulating overtime would make it so you could accumulate more you’d enjoy the game more


Yea accumulation works if you dont have to spend those keys 15 times to get required vehicle to earn rp for your teams milestones and other accumulations 😭 sht is trash definitely can waste my time doing something better


Keep smoking then


😭😭 im tryna quit honestly 😭🤣😭 but i be coolin when i smoke i be gettin road rage if dont 🤣😭


What made me quit was the constant cash grind. I could have 1000 gold keys but not enough cash to upgrade and partcipate


Some seasons are great, and others are not. This season, my resources are so low that I might only be able to work with the Prestige Cup car. I'm hoping to get the GT R in the upcoming duality event. It's not guaranteed, but I'll give it a shot. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Remember that the game is just something we use to take a break from reality, where real sh!t happens.


I feel you. You'll get the M3 though, just a day or so more. There will always be some scumbag that wants to ruin others' races, but most of them will have moved up the rankings now.


Im done with it too basically, only a matter of time. Might come back a while later but its just too repetitive, feels more demanding than actual work just to get the cars that are *required* to advance in the game 😭 they make you pull 15 times to get a guaranteed prestige cup car and prestige cup is one of the main races everybody should be able to play. Its already enough exclusive events where you have to pay to play, and already too many resources they make you struggle to get. Im free to play and its no way you can keep up


it's just a game come on man


You don't have to take this game too seriously like care for every car, I get the easy pick and forget the rest. The BMW I got in 50 races running 7,05 with F1 maxed only to elite lev 30 not doing the finale though too many cars to upgrade that I don't have S6 for so it's probably going to be expensive in game cash and real so not for me


there was a very short period of time when i first started playing that i spent money on the game, and it made me hate the game. i quit spending money, and i stopped hating the game, because now its just a game, not something i actually invested my hard-earned money on. NOTHING in this game is worth real money, its just a mobile game, treat it as it is and it gets far less frustrating


These events are made to be hard on purpose. Even if you get the bmw you will be praying for the right stage 6 parts. NM has big events designed like this so you spend real money. Once you come to terms that you don't have to get every car and participate in every event the game is more enjoyable.


There is still time rn I'm on 1382 before I was on 1391 so I just decided to take a break then I would go back and try and win the car


This is the issue I am having to, feel like deleting it because I have no self control and spend waaaaaay tooooo much real money on this game, but feel like I can't delete it because of the amount of hours and money I put in it... Vicious cycle 😅


I felt that way about clash Royale but just like NM, supercell fucks its players by rigging the game and that along with not wanting to spend more money on the game made it easy for me to quit it


Fix yourself first


Once CSR3 is fully released and becomes the “new good” all the cheaters will move to that game and CSR2 will mostly be free. That’s when I plan on working harder on the game.


Dude ! The servers won’t exist to support csr2 Everyone who wants to continue will be forced over to csr3


I was the same way...I finally won the bmw but now can't max it cause I won't pay for crates So chill..you have time..you'll get the car..if possible put " need car" in your name some people may help But you'll get it


Put the game down for a while. I quit a year ago after playing every single day for over 5 years. I suddenly had so much free time in my evenings that I was normally using to grind for crew RP during Wildcards to reach target. We were only a top 100 crew but between the game and discord it became a chore. I needed a break. I pop in now and then to see what new cars are coming up but I’m not eager to jump into another crew again.


Agreed. Most of the cars are just reskinned versions of previous ones. The drag race aspect of it gets repetitive and boring after a while so it doesn’t have a lot going for it in endgame. At minimum it could have been an auto drive 3D race track but you control the accelerator and brake.


i finally got it last night after 287 races with my F1 (714 / 2380) it’s possible, you got it bro


What's your shift pattern? i'm 714 / 2412 & can't' seem to run faster than 7.15x


i’m just barely hitting a late launch, letting gas go around 5.5-6k RPMs, spam shift between 6-7k RPMs and NOS between 3-5th gear. and i was hitting times from 7.100-7.117 pretty consistently


Play this game like any other,for a break in reality. If it wears on you to the point it's depressing u in rl you should definitely stop. I've been playing too long and do have more than I like invested in it. I can break,but stopping all together,I don't know. All games are challenging,that's why we play. There are levels. I have 2 accounts and it bugs me not to do every event with my alter,so I get where u are. Money,cheaters,game glitches and all. Just have nothing to replace it with. By all means,if you can quit,do it,if not put a limit on what you do. Imho,the game is the source for cheating. I raced a maxed prize car at race 660.


I’m a new player (rank 102) and enjoying the game but do find it has built-in characteristics that potentially make it addictive. I’m on the tempe5t 2 story at the moment, and think I will try to semi-retire from the game when I’ve completed Legends and Tempe5t 3. That’s my endgame / exit strategy at the moment.


I raced over 750 races to get cars with the crappiest cars and got the cars


That is pure torture 😩😭


I have tried downtuning it I guess I don't have the right parts.


It’s easy to downtune even fully fused stage 5


I don't have fully fused stg anything. Intake st2 turbo st4,etc.


When you fully fuse stage 5 You can find some great low PP & high Evo To put you in a slower lobby than what your car can actually run ! Some people call this Lobby edge tuning or down tuning but end result is good…. Common mistake people make is go straight to live and smash lobby in the first 3 races! It’s the wrong approach… lose the first 3 ! Let the game AI adjust to win / loss ratio


CSR3 will practically be what CSR2 is so no need to fret much about it not being out yet, it’s simply in alpha. I woukdve worry much about not getting the bmw because there will be many other cars you can get a lot easier.


Its looking like to me everyone is quitting after this major tax-grab of an 90s event where the cars suck and you HAVE to pay. F1 GT maxed is 713 2569 RINGBROTHERS PATRIARC runs faster 6.6 so you could have bought it during ford event or won during nebraska cup, but its whooping the new F1 GT. New event is pointless,dumb,stupid,cash-grabbing, bought the patriarc and am onto the s6s now. Recently left my crew because i just wont be racing anymore. Although i WILL be catching those F1 GT on the flipside licking my dust in Live Race, i wont be back on.


Maybe if they did another America event with whole NEW lineup of muscle cars that would be more enjoyable because the cars are more pleasing to the eye unlike this bmw and 90s jack roush mustang which are hideous




Why don't I see CSR3 on Playstore?


Only in Malaysia. I've not bothered as beta looks good but game play & bugs, feedback isn't good.




https://preview.redd.it/geslmtfsp60d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6c3b11273c681c4589e62164fc62213b1614d3 Took 750 races to get both


Bye Bye 👋


Geesh,down votes on a question.


This is not a question this is half a cry for help & me venting on the state of this game


Not what you said,what I said about you liking the amc