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Use just enough to not overflow when getting the next tokens. First levels do no require much.


Exactly. Use just enough to avoid overflowing the cap, so that when the next tuner event comes around, you can max out the car once you get a favorable discount crate. Especially the pink tokens. Those are the hardest to get, and wasting earned tokens on lost overflow, especially pink, always makes me say a few choice words to myself.


That's what I did exactly. Passed on the lc500 and Mustang (only 5*) and saved enough to purple the Corvette, the Silvia and the 720. Did not get 40%+ discount for the Nsx so I gave up on that as well (4* only). And after all those timed events finished, I recently purpled my GR Supra.


Depends on the platform if you can keep more than 15,000. I'm not sure why, but on my Android account, there's no cap at all. Notice, I have 41,000 green tokens. it's the red and yellow i'm struggling to get because it takes forever and most of my cars are upgraded past the point of needing more greens. I only have a few that still need green tokens. https://preview.redd.it/2k8s0s6y1m1d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=76bc7142e8a1e98f37bf5603e5eb2affd93ca2c0


I am also on android but i don't know y can't i get to keep more than 15k


i'm not sure why it happens on mine. I will say that even when it only showed 15K, it was always a soft limit for me. I could spend a lot of greens and it never went below 15K. Suddenly, after the last update, it unlocked from showing 15K to showing the actual amount i had. I was up at about 46K for a while. On my iOS device, I can also go over the blue limit. I think the limits were supposed to be 15K - Green 10K - Blue 5K - Red 500 - Yellow It seems like, regardless of the platform, the yellow limit is sort of enforced (i never see it move about 510 now), but the others all seem to just increase to whatever is awarded. There is a difference in what i see on my Android vs. iOS so not sure why that is.


Did you ever buy tokens with actual money? Supposedly if you do the cap is increased. I would like them to increase it because I always accidentally hold onto something too long. Today two 500 green and a 300 blue.


Time to start transferring blues to pink


But pinks already maxed


That was for the other person who comments.


My bad




Use them. Greens are easier to get. So try to avoid max. If you are close to 15K then spend them on other Tuners or Legends. Maybe at the same time you can complete race pass goal.


https://preview.redd.it/j4mjfosq0n1d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec56de71eb7e638b7356704a955075284c2d7cc That's where my excess tokens go.


That's a really good way but don't they usually expire specially the showdown ones


Showdown ones don’t. WEC ones do.


Showdown does not expire just the weekly elite cups tokens do but hasn't been an issue.


Actually, I'd be more concerned with using a few of your red to ensure you have room from WEC and in-event awards. Aside from the F1, you are probably better off eliting the Supra and subsequent Elite Tuner cars from the campaigns.


How the hell do you have so many tokens, I'm struggling to get any at all πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ


I just kept collecting for a long time and none of my customs car is maxed


Showdowns can help alot


Oh okay, thanks I've never really done them lol


What is the best way to participate in it? I mean I like this game and want to progress but I don't think spending 18€ twice (I have two accounts) per showdown event is the best thing to do


You should have a fairly upgraded car near to max ..u can get rewarded based on trophies u have from winning races and just from numbers of races completed irrespective of you win or lose


Been hovering around that stupid 15k green cap for months, all my cars are EL29 or above and anything spent essentially now goes to waste upgrading dupes to EL4 (I refuse to waste blues on useless upgrades). I save the 250 + 500 greens from each sd in the inbox, convert 100 greens into 10 blues each day for free (plus now spend 25 coins to convert an extra 100 greens per day). Even so, with WEC, 2x Weekly Trial, Showdowns, etc. , it's barely below or goes well over by hundreds of instantly and permanently lost tokens because of that stupid time wasting pain in the arse 15k green cap !!! Due to this pointless cap, I no longer run Token Trials, and run no more than 90 showdown races. Token cap only harms legitimate players & should be abolished.


That's one hell of a healthy stash.


Spend some but save some for the next thats it.


Use it since it capped at that amount then collect the one you earn from WEC


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Spectrum_Wolf_noice: *Use it since it capped* *At that amount then collect* *The one you earn from WEC* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Leave them in your inbox until you need to collect them




I heard that there new bonus chapter gonna have some crazy car. Maybe a Lambo or sumthing


Use them but have you finished the supra or anything else? The nsx is pretty slow compared to them.


I have the supra till 5 yellow stars but it still probably won't get to purple compared to how much token i have i was considering nsx because it only has one s6 left and i might not have the parts for it as well as u don't get any more crates for Toyota


You would be able to get to level 33 with the supra, however for purple stars you need atleast 200 gold elite tokens


The tuner cars come up quite often in Showdown races so you gradually pick up the S6. Once you get to the higher levels what slows you down is pink tokens.