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Race more in the showdowns and the WEEKLY ELITE RACES


Yeah you can get 5 gold Elite token from about 5k sd races lol goodluck


500 races. Still a lot. And if you have an active crew you can get 15 a week


Yeah sorry for that but the number you get is still so low it ain't worth it plus my clans shit


If you get into an active crew, everyone will be doing the 8 races a day, and everyone will get the 15 yellows. All it takes is 8 races a day among 30 members, to get the reward for 900 total races. A lot easier than 500 races all by yourself…




Yea as a crew we don't get that far.. Looks like its time to search for a new one


Try r/csrrecruiting


Hey I'm in slowpoke racing and we always finish the week elite cup and always get the prize car too just have to reach 1 million rp every season


You gotta find a better crew then. That's literally your only choice if you don't want to have to hook up your bank account intravenously to their servers. Literally EVERYTHING and EVERY DECISION in the ENTIRETY of this game is built and designed to get money out of you, it's all made this way on purpose to make you feel like you're getting nowhere and like you have to spend money to make any progress. This is a fucking lie and you can play everything this game has to offer for free, eventually. Give yourself zero milestones or achievements for 6 months, stop doing campaigns and elite tuners, make it your goal to spend as little resources as possible and earn as much as you can in that time and you'll be in a much better place to go ahead with resource heavy races like elite tuners and the prestige cup. Also, if you give yourself some time to build up resources, you'll be a much more attractive player to a crew because you'll have fusions/keys to be able to participate in things that'll give you crew rep and you'll have had time to learn and understand live racing better so you'll be much more consistent in your rep gains. Edit: my crew hits the penultimate reward for the weekly elite cup every time. We try for a full rack, but we understand our players have lives and families, etc, so we don't push too hard on that.


SD races?




Only 500 races.




https://preview.redd.it/cmljry78ql2d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3982ab78a36ef8837c9a5fee60b701d77b6d1092 You don’t need 5000 trophies to get them


I meant races and not 5k but 500 the trophy count is still high I usually get around 700-900 trophies per showdown


That’s rough, yea that’s the only way. Get in a crew that completes weekly elite cup races. Eventually you’ll have a ton in your inbox waiting to be claimed because you’ve maxed out the 500 limit😂. Unless you want to pay cash I’ve had this deal popup occasionally https://preview.redd.it/93a2cebemk2d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fa338e36e37e9e9df00e6e7efaf11679f3baf9


Yea im a f2p


That deal is one of the few fairly priced deals that’s worth getting


How much RP do you put up a season?


Depends if i am free like the season that just ended i did 750+k but sometimes zero cause i can't play due to some reasons but the clan that i am in only gets till 14-15 rewards


Right there with you. I’m part of a minimum requirement crew, and my availability to play varies greatly. I’m a full time tradesperson in a management role, but still hit 900k - 1.8m each season. Let me know if you’re looking for a crew that will help you hit your goals a little sooner.


I don't know man i been kicked out of far better clans for being idle for too long but u know i am student and can't play games that require alot of time


My Toyota GR Supra (which I’ve been working on for 2 years) and my McLaren 720S are one level away from being maxed. I feel your pain.


This game is so fucking pay to win it’s insane


Dayum, son! How’d get THOUSANDS of reds and so few golds? I’m always fighting for those reds and have a few hundred gold to spare.


Idk i guess i never used the red ones


Reds are always my problem... i am typically unable to collect golds bc i am maxxed and they expire


https://preview.redd.it/y2q45rjz4n2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db308ab9a19684187438c0439038b4e07609077 Don’t forget about the event shop ones


Just get a crew that finishes the WEC. I’m sure they are posting posters that say they finish WEC




No way u 16 maybe 26 😜😜


I’m in the same boat. I’m debating on spending irl money on the elites cause I want to get it done cause that’s the last one I need as well 😭


I'm stuck there too, but with the supra so I can't do the rest of the challenge for it


I left the supra at level 30


But 60 is a stretch in just over a day,they have you over a barrel. I was in the same place with the nsx. I needed reds though.


In a day its ofcourse not possible


Don’t make it purple star yet until you have all s6 for it. The crates get locked from keys and take real money to get


I thought that happens after completing the last race ..thanks




There's a glitch that allows you to get discounts from rare imports. Just wait on it, and you'll be good.