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I sure hope this guy rides off road otherwise he needs to stay home.


100x going down is pretty bad even if you're off road lol


No it’s not lol, falling a bunch on hard enduro is completely normal, why do you think enduro gear is so heavy duty?


I spend my entire childhood riding dirt bikes in the woods and around farms. We would make the sketchiest ramps and did everything you can imagine kids doing. I've fallen off plenty of times, but eventually you learn how to get out of ruts, get over trees and land jumps without crashing. I don't know anyone who has crashed that much and we were out riding everyday


I haven't had a single crash worth mentioning in the past 4 years on a dirtbike because i've calmed down but I still ride pretty hard haha. Crashing multiple times on flat ground on the street is a big problem lool.


Motocross is different from enduro


Powerline Park GNCC 2017, I probably fell 20x in just 3 hours. Never have I had so many issues just trying to ride at a steady speed on level ground


[Looks like a nice track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EHFFPflIgk)


The layout was good, but it went from hardpack in all the open areas Saturday to getting dumped on overnight and like grease on glass for bike day. One time in the bypass around the creek jump I got stuck bad enough it took 6 extra people to pull/push me out. Eastern Ohio clay is something else that’s only rivaled by riding on kaolin when it’s wet.


You can see a hundred crashes in the first hour of the [erzbergrodeo](https://youtu.be/x2aC85lKc8Q?si=FHdHzQkwGO4TCUS3) and those guys are mostly pros and talented amateurs.


over 20 years that averages out to 5 a year. definitely seems possible, especially if hes constantly pushing his limits


then you weren’t riding hard enough. pal


Enduro is hard shit, you wanna see good clutch control? Look at some of that stuff gnarly af


All I ride is gnarly trails, and you can tell from a mile away which of these commenters think riding on gravel is sketchy


Depends on how you land, tapped out and hit the dirt wrong you can hit the ground and stop instantly and break way more. All depends on how you hit


100x over 20 years is 5 times a year. If you ride enduro that's peanuts.


he said ‘tarmac’ and mentioned inch long pieces of metal in his but soooo most likely not


I'm gonna say it's implied. If not..... Popcorn?


i don't know where the cutoff point is where you decide "i am not skilled enough, i give up on riding", but i feel like it's LONG before crashing ~100 fucking times


I mean, Marc Marquez would learn the limits of a track by crashing in practice. Maybe this guy is just the total GOAT


Dude found the absolute limit of every roundabout in town


I've prob gone down 50-ish times, 4 of those on the race track and much of the rest being off-road, most of them being very minor tip overs or washouts, obviously, but have a few big offs at speed. I mean if you're riding at "30%" at street speeds and crashing frequently then yeah you should prob get into knitting or something. Also gonna say, I fucking love modern body armor, that stuff is a miracle and bouncing off the ground and coming away mostly unscathed is def a perk in my book.


Do you mean these dirtbike vests you wear inside or armored jackets in general


I wear ADV gear as i have a mandingo ADV bike. the advanced armor stays soft/fexible when worn, but hardens on impact. I'm sure there's video out there.


Yeah- unless he’s a lotbro trying to ride slow speed circle wheelies or learning to whip donuts/drifts and other really technical tricks(over the course of many years) 100 times is like “wtf are you doing you suck” territory lol.


100 crash minimum for footbrake circles 😉


TIL Mr Bean rides a DRZ


This MFr out here averaging 5 falls a year thinking that's normal lmfao


Coincidentally he gets on a motorcycle about 5 times a year


i drop my bike being a retard doing crazy larries and rolling burn outs does that make me shit


naw. (I do too)


You can bet your life that the guy who wrote the comment always goes at least 5 under


I applaud the tenacity to keep riding…but he’s fallen off 100’s of times….how??? Also you know how lucky you have to be to fall 100’s of times and never die on public road with or without gear 😂


Someone buy bro some balance.


I absolutely wear a back protector…. and I leave the elbow and shoulder armor in my lightweight gear, but I pulled the hip pads out of my rain pants because they were too much of a hassle to deal with. Knee armor isn’t removable, which is fine. I grew up skating transition and vert, so knee and elbow pads are second nature. As to falling 100+ times, we need way more context. In nearly 20 years of street riding, I’ve had one off, and I was wearing a leather jacket, gloves, and boots with jeans. Got scraped up a bit on my legs but nothing serious enough to warrant additional gear. In the dirt, it’s nearly once per ride. If you’re not crashing in the dirt, are you even riding? And yeah, I wear all the armor in the dirt. It’s getting to the point where I’m likely to start wearing knee braces on top of everything else. (all that skateboarding didn’t help). If you’re going down 5x a year on the street, you’re doing something seriously wrong.


If you watch the video it’s actually quite interesting, the main point is that CE level 2 pads are half as protective as they need to be to stop the strongest bone in your body from breaking, basically what they’re saying is that there’s no evidence that pads stop fractures and breaks, they just may stop bruising and some pain from smaller knocks and give you something extra to slide on. So essentially if you’ve got slide resistant clothing the pad’s actually don’t do a whole lot unless you’re wearing race pads and that an airbag is probably a better idea instead of a chest and spine protector.


I think it's a little short-sighted. I understand the point he's trying to make but to conclude the video with "I'm not gonna tell you to take the armor out of your moto gear but I take the armor out of mine" rather than "This is unacceptable and either gear manufacturers or the EU needs to step up and raise the standards so these pads are actually protective" seems a little irresponsible. I've gotten better at actually forming my own opinions now but my first year or two of riding I treated everything Fortnine said as gospel so I can see some brand new idiots pulling all the pads out of everything they own cause Ryan said it was safe when in reality the pads do provide protection, just not as much as one may think and certainly not enough to prevent fractures most of the time


If u listen very carefully , u can hear him falling to this day


If you ain’t falling, you ain’t trying.


I take offense to the fact he didn’t enjoy the glass to the asscheek


Hes a fake rider and hes possibly straight




I think Bro has problems with their balancing organ in the inner ear


Dayum 100 times? Maybe its not for you LOL


Shit man, I've fractured my L3 vertebrae and I had a back protector on. Maybe I'd be paralyzed instead had I not worn one, but having protection doesn't guarantee one is invincible. Even hearing people still get fucked up while wearing the airbag systems.


wow, how did it break? by compression or contusion? Because from what I know back protectors are great against contusions, but don't do much when (for example) you fall on your ass and the force becomes parallel to your column


Can't recall what the back specialist said while I was in the ER hopped up on the good stuff. Getting chucked off the bike did a number to me as I was tumbling along the back straight. Fractured my shoulder socket along with dislocated it, cracked 5 ribs, L3, ankle and foot. Here's a picture of me tumbling along https://preview.redd.it/3pgito4adyrc1.jpeg?width=4928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe03d101e787d19279c98d0ddc3547b908714625


I would absolutey make this my profile pic, this goes hard (still rip to you and your bike)


And i'll bet he lectures people about riding dangerously while failing to understand he's a massive hazard to himself and everyone else on the road haha


Oh yeah that’s the stuff


In this thread we see who the pavement princesses are.


how do people crash this often and keep riding? i’ve yet to go down besides in motoX


Git gud


Can you say APRIL FOOLS?!!! Fool.


I’ve been riding since ‘98 and I thought 8 drops was bad. This guys on a whole ‘nother level.


Has everyone forgotten its April fools day 😂


the kicker is the content creator is just putting out pointless content for content sakes. Something controversial like 'hurr durr pads and light armor are useless' generates a lot of noise. ​ Everyone knows the 'armor' is nearly useless at high speed crashes. However have you ever fallen over at low speed w/ pads and w/o? The first scenario you have a small bruise, the second you have a bigger bruise that lasts longer.


>Everyone knows the 'armor' is nearly useless at high speed crashes. However have you ever fallen over at low speed w/ pads and w/o? The first scenario you have a small bruise, the second you have a bigger bruise that lasts longer. Yep, I thought it was generally understood. Helmets and boots actually prevent injury. Everything else is there to lower discomfort from scrapes and bruises.


You realize he uploaded today on April 1st?


He already addressed that point in the intro by stating the jokes not on you, it's these here pads that are the real laughingstocks. How you gonna argue a video you didn't watch. I guess that's no worse than "Christians" misquoting a book they haven't read.


>Everyone knows the 'armor' is nearly useless at high speed crashes Depends on what you mean "high speed". I'm fairly sure my knee pads could possibly save me from a horrible injury at a 70-80km/h crash.


I've fallen at low speeds without pads and have been fine. All the "armored" moto gear I have ever owned I have never been convinced will stay in place if I actually crash with it. The added comfort of no armor is probably worth the added recovery time on the off chance you crash.


Someone is definitely straight.


Bet that DRZ is one mean machine


if a mf feels the need to say "I've been riding for more than 20 years" - 🤓🤓🤓 IM NOT LISTENING TO YO RETARDED AHH 🤪🤪✌️✌️


Nothing wrong with that if he's out doing mad shit. I've binned plently of bikes due to being a madcunt


One thing is bragging about a 100+ lay count, but a 100+ hadda-lay-it-down count... that's embarrassing.


Crashing 5+ times a year is crazy


he maybe should look into a different form of transportation


Falling over occasionally on a dirt bike is one thing but to fall over 100x on the road is insane. Dudes not meant for 2 wheels


I'm petty but I absolutely need to revisit this video just to argue with this guy and also tell him that he's fucking lying lol