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I hate Utah state troopers bruh. One gave me my first speeding ticket in 6 years a couple weeks ago for having the audacity to be the last car in a line of cars going the same speed. Fuck that guy


Had the opposite I was leading a group, and they went after me.  Goldilocks type sheit, don’t wanna be first, don’t wanna be last, wanna be in the middle of the sped pack.


Utah state troopers are the worst cops about speeding tickets in the country. They actually hold you to 0 and over…


Virgina troopers are just as bad, 10mph over and they justify it as reckless driving


If you're going 80 or over it's automatic reckless driving in Virginia even if the speed limit is 75. Virginia state troopers absolutely love sitting on i95 waiting for someone to do it.


80 in the fast lane on I91 here is slow, people just drive right past state troopers sitting in the turnarounds and shit at that speed. 80 in a 65 is the conservative not-really-speeding speed. 85 is pretty du jour in the fast lane and I see people doing 90+ on a daily basis and driving like that's just how they do


not true, its 85 mph and up or 20 over


NC it's the same, 1 over and it can be a ticket if the cop is in a bad mood.


I got off easy then. A handful of years back I was trying to make some time driving back home to MA. Speed limit was 70 iirc but everybody was doing 80+. So I took it up to 90, doing some lane changes, covering some ground, then I see this Dodge Magnum wagon keeping pace with me for a couple miles. All of a sudden lights flashing from behind the grille Pulls me over, smells pot. I had just smoked 15 minutes earlier. Told me he has the right to search the car because of the smell but I'm not going to jail... yet... and to just be honest. Got me to give up my pipe and all the herb I had for the ride home, had me empty the weed out on the highway and throw the pipe over the fence. Told me to slow down and sent me on my way


I’m not saying I disagree but as a fellow NC resident I’m a bit shocked by this comment. I’ve always thought NC was pretty lenient on traffic related stuff


I drove fast as shit between Wilmington and the back gate of Lejeune twice a day for several years, only got pulled over once and I was really, really speeding, like 30-40 over. Dude wrote it as 18 over and gave me Stern Looks. This was during the GWOT and I was an active duty Marine at the time but around Jacksonville that made you a second-class citizen in the eyes of the law because there were so many of us causing so much dumb trouble 100% of the time


We used to joke with my friends back in college that US-264 was basically a race track because we never saw troopers patrolling it. I used to set my cruise control to 90mph and not have to touch it between Greenville and Zebulon. Did that drive like once every other week when I was back in college. Never got pulled over


I think for the most part if you're not doing stupid shit or giving the officer troubles usually its just a warning/no ticket but they have the ability to ticket anyone over the posted limit which is crazy considering that the handbook teaches kids its okay to speed up to pass etc. Laws are all kinds of backwards in this state imo


>the handbook teaches kids its okay to speed up to pass Speed up...up to the speed limit.


Part of the reason for this is Utah does have some of the highest speed limits in the country. Still fuck them, but generally the higher the speed limit the more strictly enforced it’s going to be.


Fuck that guy, straight in the ol prison wallet…without lube if you really wanna raw dog his oinkin ass.


We’re y’all being proper squids or did they just roll up on you parked for some bs like an equipment check? Either way, give us some details, did someone dip and now they’re big mad?


My b, my b. I don’t want to talk about it too much because we have a case to fight now, but the position you see us in in the pic is how we were sitting when UHP rolled up and blocked us from leaving. No lights, no sirens, no nothing.


What did they charge you with?


Brother, I believe they did it using Aisin AMR300.


Wtf is an “equipment check”? You can get pulled over for that??


Exhaust, plates, lights, etc. some states are way more heterosexual than others.


you can basically get stopped for whatever a cop wants.


Yeah I know. I’ve just never heard of an equipment check before


What did the bacon want?


I would also like to know the follow up.


I was like “why sad face so many bikes….ohhhh”


**I see 8 retards and only 2 pigs you all suck for not taking one for the team and now you’ve all lost.** Gratzie


UHP sucks donkey dick. That being said tho I’ve gotten lucky somehow every time I’ve had the pleasure of coming in contact w one


Forest services is what’s fucked me over the most


forest jannies are the fucking worst.


I thought this was fort union, but after looking at google maps for like 20 minutes, I'm not sure. Where is this?


There’s enough clues in the pic to find it, took me a minute but I figured it out🫣


How he get why you like that




UHP hates my guts by now for sure