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Best advice I can offer is either use Asgard’s Valor or Elysian Aegis. Being able to freely pass through DoG’s body (more importantly, his head) while NEGATING the damage is way too important to pass up. If you’re already doing that, then you’ll have to wait until someone more experienced with melee than I to come along and help.


Sadly yes, I’m currently using the aegis. I probably should have included the artifacts I was using lol


What other accessories are you rocking? If you’re looking for a strong defensive accessory, I recommend The Absorber (and later on, The Sponge). It’s a fantastic, all-purpose survival boost and heal.


At the moment I’m rocking the Asgard Ian aegis, the seraph tracers, the fire gauntlet, the badge of bravery, the philosophers stone, the war banner of the sun, yharims insignia, and the affliction. I could probably swap the philosophers stone for the absorber


I don't think you need Asgard if you're rocking the aegis since they do the same thing but aegis have the damage buff. I would replace tracers with other wings since it doesn't give you any bonus and the vertical speed is not too great compared with alternatives. You should upgrade the philosopher stone to deific amulet. Also, get every single buff available to you at that stage, from drunk princess included.


If you absolutely feel the need to, don’t forget about the red sword in the underworld, but other then that I can only really say that you could either learn the fight enough to where you know how to dodge attacks more effectively, use rage/ adrenaline the second you can, get a friend to help, or try a class swap


Ah yes, o’l reliable. The big red o’l sword. I’ve gotten the devourer to a few thousand Hp before but sadly I died