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they’ve been closed for a little while now on the upper level because of heating issues, it was over 30 degrees inside the store. they might be closed on the bottom level for the same issue now, too


I work in kitchens I wish my work closed at 30c lol


Odd. The Bay in Lethbridge upper level had been closed for the exact same reason. You could still access the main floor, the upper level was completely closed to the public


Went yesterday and the sign said they were experiencing heat issues...not sure what that entails though...


They’ve had limited hours for a while now, I think the sign says due to “staffing issues”, but I kind of think the writing is on the wall for the Bay.


People have been saying the writing is on the wall for The Bay for 20+ years.


Every Bay in the city, if not Canada has some sort of major building issue. The escalators don’t work, elevator is out, heating issues, plumbing etc. Always a bad sign when the company stops maintenance


Can confirm in West Vancouver


As someone that does work for vendors in the stores it’s bad when the vendors are reaching out to me to fix store issues as the store won’t fix things like lighting




lol yes it’s been like that for a long time now. They have people positioned everywhere directing traffic but can’t seem to fix anything. You have to walk outside then back in.


Give guest services at South Center a shout.


It was closed yesterday afternoon too. I saw what I thought might have been a sign but didn't go read it, and I didn't see signs at other entrances.


Market Mall is only open 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. Has been that way for a while now


And almost as annoyingly, the escalators haven’t worked in months. To get up to the second floor, you have to use a sketchy emergency staircase only accessible from outside the building.


Most of the stores are like this now


The elevator is toast too.


Not sure why your post was down-voted. Chinook Bay location is also not the same as regular mall hours, 11am-8pm I believe.


Was there a few weeks ago and it was overly hot in the building with hole cut in the ceiling and fans blowing. It’s one of the nicer Hudson’s Bay in the city…. But you can tell HBC isn’t putting a dollar into the business. Who knows maybe HBC doesn’t want to pay for AC


I saw a week ago or so they are having heat issues apparently because they aren't paying utilities for ac and they are behind on payments Might just be bullshit because I saw it on Facebook but that might be the reason?


What time does she go out? I believe the bay opens later than the mall.




And it should’ve been open. The Bay used to be so much better than it is now.


They want to get me back, all they have to do is open a Zellers Diner inside.


I used to work at the Zellers diner in Richmond, BC 38 years ago. The worst customers were the Zellers staff. Specifically the cashiers. They thought they were better because they were a cashier and I was just a lowly waitress. We were also constantly the only server and part of our duties were to make these complicated ice cream sundaes. It was kind of a terrible job, but I loved their fries and gravy.


I bet if you call the store's number or the mall's guest services number a call you'll get your answer.


We actually tried and it rang and rang and rang and rang. No answer




I gave them 10 more years at best but sounds like it’ll be a quicker death than that.


The Bay downtown has only 3 of six floors open. Escalator problems and hardly any merchandise in the womens department. It used to be the best Bay in Calgary. It's sad to see.