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The game would be more popular than the current release that’s why they haven’t done it and may not ever unless they get desperate


Microsoft allowed the Halo MCC to exist so they’re very ironic that they hesitate any COD remake


That’s partly because the newer halo games weren’t doing well. Aka they were desperate. Now cod is fortnite 2.0 and every middle school kid is swiping mommy’s credit card for the captain America skin. So yeah we’re in trouble if we’re hoping for an actual goat cod any time soon.


MCC was released after the record breaking sales of Halo 4, it was a net positive for the community as they just had to re-texture the CE & 2 but still went out of their way to do new things with it like the terminals. Halo 5 released and it was very well recieved, with a good multiplayer despite complaints and between 5 and Infinite they re-released MCC on PC and have added every console exclusive Halo game to it. MCC came at the second height of Halo's popularity, COD could do remakes but they really don't need to because as you said. People are spending 20$ on skins, mostly whales though not kids.


MCC is a fine example of how companies should be bringing their games to the current consoles/market. Launch was awful! But it’s been 10 years now since the launch on Xbox one and honestly I think the MCC is in a state that it should be. Plenty of players in customs, lots of social lobbies on the main modes and all of the games are available to play! I think if cod did this with a “black ops” release and a “modern warfare” release it would outsell every cod ever. All I want is WaW-BO3 and CoD2-MW3. Obviously infinity ward and treyarch on their separate sides, but it would be lovely to see this be a thing.


Thank you for including CoD2! Absolutely unbelievable game that more people should play! (Although I understand that far too many of todays gamers weren’t born when it was made!) Wow. That hurts! 😅🤢 Edit: I’d go a step further and say throw CoD1 in the IW collection, and CoD3 and Big Red One in Treyarch set. Go all out on old school CoD!


Cod2 on Xbox 360 was my first “next gen” game, it blew my 15 year old mind lol


It still has some of my favorite campaign story sequences. It was also my first next gen game while I waited for Halo 3 to come out!


Halo 3 though. What a game! I genuinely don’t think it’s ever been topped!


I wish! I’m doing a lot with asking for COD2 in IW collection. It will probably perform like Halo CE in MCC where some love it and others despise it.


If cod2 is all I get I’ll happily take it! That’s my favourite of the pre-cod4 games. A guy can dream though! Looking back on cod3, considering it was thrown together in like 6 months or something, maybe I’ve been too harsh on criticising it over the years. It’s amazing it turned out that good!


Call of Duty: Captain Price collection


Cod1 didn’t age great. 2 was awesome though. People talk about w@w being this epic campaign but it paled compared to 2.


CoD2 is one of the best they’ve ever made! Only CoD4 and MW2 top it for me. Showing my age a bit but for me, infinity ward was always better than Treyarch back in the day. That run of games from CoD2 to MW2 are just perfection!


The guys that made cod2, 4, and MW2 were the OG IW team and were super talented. They WERE the best and it’s not even close. They were let go during og mw2 for whatever reason. They went on to make Titanfall 1 & 2, widely praised. Now they make apex legends.


Halo operates differently to CoD. With CoD they can release a new game every year and people will buy it every time, and then continue to spend on in game cosmetics. With Halo, they release every 2-3 at least, but usually a bit longer. MCC just helped to fill that gap of a yearly release without having to make another Halo game. It helps that with CoD they can basically just copy and paste from previous titles, which has always been a joke but is even more true nowadays with how MWIII is just a reskin of MWII. People will buy it regardless. Halo has a lot more care and attention put into each game, and if they recycled content it would get very old very fast and so they avoid it. They know that players won't buy a new game every year and instead expect the game to be supported for a while after release, with meaningful changes and differences between games.


Tbf Halo 4 had a very poor audience reception which caused the downfall of the series. Halo 4 only had good sales because they were riding the coat tails of 3 and Reach. Halo 5 and Infinite then were not as popular. Ghosts is the 4th best selling CoD game, but it probably didn't have a positive effect on the series' future sales.


Halo 4 had an amazing audience reception what are you on about? Like it wasn't as well recieved as Reach but it was well received with an extremely active playerbase, large amounts of back and forth dialogue between dev and players. A constant flow of new content, it won awards for best shooter, multiplayer, etc. Its only real issues that players had were the convoluted ass campaign and other than that it was a well received game. It was the third most played game consistently in the year it was released on Xbox. Halo 5 was literally as popular as 4. It sold just as much, had an extremely popular multiplayer for it's time despite having the worst story of any of the Halo games and had its popular warzone replacing Spartan Ops. Infinite is probably the second worst recieved mainline Halo game. Behind ODST. But it still dominated the release window it had. Halo to this day is a massive franchise, it's not as popular as it once was but absolutely nothing can maintain momentum indefinitely in gaming.


Fortnight is cod 2.0 you have that the wrong way


u know how corny and old u sound talking like this?


Microsoft had nothing to do with COD until MWIII was basically released. Let's see what the tempo is moving forward though. BO6 is looking to have a nice campaign, which personally is a good sign to me, but I'm glad it's on game pass because I'm not pre-ordering COD ever again. They don't have the same release quality that they used to.


Because microsoft had nothing to do with activision when this remaster released. Since Microsoft took over, there have been lots of rumours of remastered bo2, wouldn’t be surprised if we did get another remake in the coming years if bo6 doesn’t pull through and live up to the hype.


Microsoft also didn't own CoD when the remaster of this game released


Microsoft just acquired Activision. The decision to do the mw2 campaign remaster only was solely an Activision decision from years ago.


Microsoft wasn't owning Activision at that time, so they clearly had no control over it


Honestly I’m shocked they haven’t gone down the MCC or metal gear route and made a $60 bundle with some old cod games included


It's funny and sad that MCC is more popular than the new Halo games.


Because while halo was insanely popular with 1-reach, they don’t have the staying power cod does, nor was it an annual release. And they needed something to move Xbox ones. Unfortunately for them, mcc was broken for about 2-3 years after release


Playstation owned cod at the time


Playstation didn't own CoD. CoD was owned by Activision-Blizzard who had a deal in place with Playstation for exclusive releases and advertising. Before that deal was in place, they had a deal with Xbox. Now Microsoft bought out Activision-Blizzard and so directly own the CoD IP. This is an important distinction, as Sony had no or little say over the development of the franchise, but now Microsoft has full control over the franchise.


This is it, my guy. They know if they ever whipped out this stallion, nobody would play anything else. It's that good. The whole reason it's considered so legendary. It was. Yes you could talk about the danger close one man army noob tubers or the marathon lightweight commando rude boys that will teleport across 2 rooms with a pistol of his choice in one hand and a tac knife in the other (you're dead before you know it) But let us not forget the sleight of hand pro and stopping power for they were gods among men, the great *equalisers*. Juggernaut was there giving you them sought-after juicy hitmarkers.. dirty bastards. 69420/10, I would recommend it to a friend. Absolute. Masterpiece.


poeticly written, thank u sir


Thank you sir. It came from the heart ❤️


That’s actually so damn true, never thought about that.


They can’t add micro transactions 😂 that’s why. $60 is all they got from us.




The fact that this cod was the most requested bc cod game and the fact that they said they would change things to do with multilayer that og's wouldn't like so I geuss they were worried.... can't complain we got all of the og mags for mw3. Some battles can't be won 🥺


I still don't get it, they would make money either way, and arguably a larger profit just because it's a remaster of an existing game. It's quite literally the only thing I've wanted from them for a decade. We got campaign only, and then current mw3 which is a terrible experience and doesn't do the old Mw2 game any justice at all.


I suspect it’s like those business that force people to come back to the office because they pay for all this office space. Likewise they have all these workers and they have to pay them to do something. Idk truly. What their problem is. It would be amazing.


I mean if they really believed it would be more popular wouldn’t they remaster it and add a bunch skins and make more money? The reason is it wouldn’t be more popular, likely because of the inability to make that game work and fit into the Warzone timeline and chronology. Warzone is their money maker, no one is going to start playing multiplayer by the millions even if they remaster a fan favorite. At the end of the day, BR makes money multiplayer doesn’t


The problem is the old software that it’s all based on is not easily compatible with the skins and stuff. That’s why they did MWIII on the current software and gave us all the old mw2 maps. But guess what, all those skins and micro transaction crap ends up making the game less immersive and players leave or don’t even buy the game. I didn’t even buy MWIII because I saw this coming, and will all the slide canceling button mashing I knew it wouldn’t be the same as the OG.


You have no idea what you’re saying. Why couldn’t they add micros transactions? They added supply drops to an older game’s remaster (COD 4). Companies extend legacy codebases with new bits, upgrade them etc. all the time. I know because I do such things as a profession, I have legacy code in my app from 2013 that still runs in 2024, and we have 10s of millions of active users and we extend the code all the time with new features. The IW engine is still running legacy doom code from the 90s because, it started as ID tech in 2024, what do you mean? They upgrade that engine all the time. Secondly, if the micro transactions didn’t make more money than a traditional model, they wouldn’t do them. For every person like you who doesn’t buy the game because of it hundreds more spent hundreds of dollars on micro transactions to make up for it Like I said, game companies are optimizing for maximum ROI. If they had any sort of hint that removing SBMM, remastering old titles, and removing micro transactions would somehow grow the community and make them more money in the end they would do it in a heartbeat. Obviously the new shitty COD model makes them way more per dollar spent so they do it. You saying “if they just remastered it they would get more popular” just isn’t true. They’re not dumb, they developed a formula for shoveling the same shit to consumers every year and making billions. They have optimized the model to the last cent


Well maybe you’re right then, I thought it would be more challenging than that. But I think the point stands that the skins and all will ruin the vibe of the game. But idk how much that impacts it


I just kinda want a zombies ultimate collection with everything from before cold war in the style of the master cheif collection so you could maybe randomise playlists. Quick Search for matches for every game and map variations without changing games and stuff. With the modding support of black ops 3. I would play that game indefinitely. If they could just combine all of the old games from before say ww2 in that style it would be the most popular thing on the planet for a minute. Imagine searching for SnD matches from cod 4 to infinite warfare. Or just for a random coop campaign level and just dip in and out that would be cool


Based on what they put out for 2023, I would have thought they're desperate.


Yeah cause COD 4 remastered was so popular even after people asked for it to be remastered 😂


COD4 Remastered is the reason this game doesn’t exist. More people were playing it at launch compared to Infinite Warfare




It was close but it still has the slide/slide cancel nonsense. That’s what really makes a button mashing game vs not imo. Notice how all the golden era cods don’t have all this advanced movement, the movement is what really killed cod.


Still mad there’s no remastered MW3.


Need a cross play multiplayer release. I love MW3 so much, but in the long run it would die due to player count getting low. Cross play keeps these games alive so well.


They could easily make this remastered for 2026 *(2025 it's rumored to have more Treyarch related content)* and add some content that could've been in MW2R multiplayer. This will give more time to cook for the next big COD... 🤔


I wanted real survival back not the half assed attempt at it in mw19


It doesn’t need a remastered


Yes it does. For a few reasons: 1. For PlayStation players, it's stuck on 3. 2. The multiplayer security has been compromised for years now. 3. It could use a few touch ups and quality of life improvements (I.E FOV Slider)


But if they did that how would they get you to buy the new mw3??


I feel like part of no Multiplayer was the glitches. OG MW2 Multiplayer is so infested with them that they kinda became a core part of the game's identity. Fixing them would mean you are nerfing certain weapons, or giving some weapons the ability to use attachments they never got to properly make use of. It would shift the gameplay dynamic a ton from the original game in the sake of being correct.


Tbf, I always did love running around with Akimbo Model 1887’s


God that gun at launch was a sniper rifle


I dont think a modern audience would like MW2. The balance was completly broken but we were all vibing too it. People facing the Usain Bolt with tactical/commando or the broken intervention/ump in 2024 would get mad really fast.


I get your point, but honestly who cares about the modern audience? From what I've seen online for the past decade, anyone talking about a MW2 remaster was around for the original and would more than likely get the remastered multiplayer were it available. It's just all of us lol, the kiddos would be busy with their new crap anyway.


Is commando really worse than them adding settings to the game that actually accommodate movement sweats that run around with aim assist bunny hopping and slide canceling with every movement like a meth head though ?


Not really if they just used the values they had at the end before BO1 came out. They had everything honed at that point. It wouldn't be hard at all. They literally still have the build online with servers.


They didn't have everything honed in at all. They stopped development midway through the support cycle because of disputes with Activision that led to most of the staff being fired or quitting. Multiple devs have said that they were planning a few more patches to bring balance adjustments and to stomp out glitches. Some of these changes included nerfing noob tubes, not allowing One Man Army to replenish ammo (I think another dev said something about not allowing you to switch to another class that has One Man Army equipped as well), nerfing the Commando lunge distance, among other changes. It seems like Infinity Ward weren't happy with the way they left things (or at least the employees at Infinity Ward who actually worked on the game) and so if they did release an MP remaster they'd have to choose between keeping things the way they were when development ended, or make the changes that the original devs wanted to make to try and launch the game further into it's potential.


Lightweight care package glitch? Patched. Javilen grenade glitch? Patched. Broken Models? Nerfed. Broken G18s? Nerfed. Broken Rangers? Nerfed. Crazy Rafica fire rate? Nerfed. Spas crazy range? Nerfed. Any and every bad bug that MW2 had they addressed and fixed...


As I said, they stopped midway through the cycle. They addressed a lot of issues but still had more to fix, as mentioned by several of the original devs.


Pretty much this. However, I would love to see a re-release or remaster of the MW2 multiplayer with the glitches fixed and certain balance issues resolved. I get that would probably upset a lot of people though. But for me, it’s because of the state MW2 was left in why I consider it the only classic CoD that has aged horribly.


AKA if MW2 were to be released today the DSP-esque streamers that infest Twitch like asmongold would bitch and moan about the game being "le unbalanced" because they are mentally incapable of having fun, and require everything they play to be of the purest slop My case in point: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree expansion


Yeah and if it were remastered everything would be abused 10x more than it was back then.


If they fully remastered MW2’s online multiplayer it would have done amazing numbers.


It would draw attention away from the current release and all the battle pass micro-transaction bullshit. That’s why they won’t do it. Sadly for them, The OG MW2 wasn’t designed with those things in mind, so they wouldn’t be able to continuously monetize it


Exactly.. they sold there own company out just to copy other games. Had they stayed true to themselves, they woulda not only made more money but would have a massively loved fan base.. I literally hate COD now unless it’s to play old zombies or old games.


They would've just filled MW2 remaster with micro transactions and battle pass systems, they done pretty much the same thing in MWR back in 2016 where they added loot boxes to multiplayer even tho original game didn't have em


That's not entirely true though, at least not from a lack of Activision trying. They monetized the shit out of CoD 4 remastered. Also I don't entirely believe sales would be cannibalized since it's all under the same Activision roof.


They re-released the game on current consoles and me and my friends played it for like a week then everyone went back to playing something else until the new CoD. The nostalgia was nice but what would be the difference in a remastered version?


I’d legit pay $100 for this before I pay $70 for 90% of the hot garbage that gets released now


There is a project called H2M that’s recreating MW2 MP using MWR’s engine. I think release is summer sometime AFAIK.


Inb4 it gets shitcanned like SM2.


Thank you for this. I was looking for a way to play it.


I wish they had at least done spec ops mode.


It’s pretty simple, because people will play it and it makes less money


The only reason any of you liked that shit was because of the bugs and over powered weapons and you would all hate it if it came out now


Which one is it? Either they like it because of OP weapons or they hate it. Can't have both.


They like it because if the nostalgia if it released today it would be seen as the same garbage cod they release every time


I disagree. I still play the older CoDs and I can tell you comfortably I would happily take a remaster over MW19, 2, or MW3 2023. The old ones are actually fun.


2019 was a perfect game what are you talking about lol


Perfect is not the term I'd use lol. It was mediocre at best, only thing carrying it were gun feel and graphics. Forgettable.


Oh no you didn’t. Prepare for a subjective list: 1. Gameplay so tight that it ruined the meta. Slide canceling wasn’t even an optional skill at the higher level 2. Brought back all the classic maps for free 3. Introduced war zone 4. Made quick scoping viable again 5. Super balanced guns, perks, abilities and kill streaks (those that weren’t got patched) 6. Hands down the best cosmetics (not something I ever used but to each their own) I haven’t even scratched the surface but there’s some great examples.


None of those mattered to me except maybe 5. It was a chore to play


I’m so mad I’m shaking…


How was any gun overpowered? They were all great to use except one or two like the F2000 and that one sniper. You could dominate with 98% of the guns.


I'm really tired of this argument about MW2. Yeah, the TTK was really fast and every gun killed quickly. No, the weapon balance was not particularly great and you were still putting yourself at a disadvantage if you weren't using one of a handful of meta weapons. To say you were just as well off with the L86, MP5K, Uzi, or M240 as you were with the UMP, ACR, SCAR, or TAR is just absurd. Sorry. The game predated ranked playlists and SBMM. If those things had existed at the time, you'd have seen lobbies with all 12 players using the UMP or ACR. Guarantee it.


Multiplayer was unbalanced one man army nade spam trash people are delusional if they released it the way it was then the community would be up in arms today


No they wouldn't.


I'm guessing activision realized that if mw2 got a full remaster it would outsell any of their new games (mw2 2022 and vanguard 2021), therefore making the current team look bad. I can understand this being the reason why but vanguard and mw2 2022 weren't good and it ended up hurting them


I really think people who say that are delusional. They’re great games, especially for people who grew up with them but the modern audience would rather play the game will all the shiny animations movement and graphics than a 15 year old game with slightly prettier graphics than the original. Also, vanguard was the best selling game of its year and MW22 was the fastest selling cod of all time. We always like to say the game is shit but there’s a reason why they do it again, it sells better.


Remember: people whining here are a minority, therefore they'll not reflect on a game success... 😮‍💨


Mw2 was great, loved it


I loved how Dead Silence was used in MW19 and MWII 👌 It feels like a reward instead of something that all players can use from the get go... 😒


The multiplayer and Spec Ops were indeed fully remastered. It was all removed from the campaign remaster's release at the last minute because of MW19's massive success and Activision feared the games would compete with each other.


I'll never get over that. God forbid another Activision game cannibalizes another Activision game, that's like a money black hole!


Source? Calling bs on that.


There are several articles about Activision admitting the reason the MW2 remaster didn’t come with multiplayer content was because MW19 was the beginning of a plan to “bring players together seamlessly in one unified multiplayer playground.” There were also some YouTube videos I saw that talked about an interview with an anonymous dev that claimed the same thing I said, but I can’t find it right now. So at best, MW19 is still the main reason MW2 only had its campaign remastered according to Activision themselves.


and the maps. Bummed we didn’t get the DLC maps though.


They saw what happened with COD4 Remastered. Mostly everyone played that one instead of Infinite Warfare. I would be playing OG MW2 multiplayer over new MW3 anytime. Also since the maps were remade into MW3 as well. My guess is the maps were for MW2 Remastered but though more people would play New MW3 because of the maps. Sucks but this is our timeline


We got all the maps and a lot of the guns in the new MW3, that’s more than I thought we’d ever get. The mechanics of MW2 were fun at the time, but people would absolutely hate them now. Look at all the complaints people have about modern multiplayer and multiply them by 100 - if everything isn’t perfectly balanced people throw a tantrum


This game wouldn’t do well today. Nostalgia makes us believe that if we had this exact same game release today, we’d all have as much fun as we did back in our younger days. Unfortunately, it probably won’t play out like that. We’re much older with different tastes, the play style in the cod community has changed drastically as well (it’s more competitive, not as chaotic/fun).


I mean, I loved CoD4 Remastered when it came out and a lot of other people did, and that is even older and more old school than MW2


I agree that it was fun, but they had to include modern elements as well to make it a bit more entertaining, like cosmetics and newer guns. Also, remember that the game didn’t release by itself, it was attached to infinite warfare, so it was basically a free game if you bought the main title, this definitely helped its reputation. However, overall reception was pretty mediocre, nothing too crazy. Im not saying that I wouldn’t love to play remastered exact copy of MW2, I’d love to try it. My point is, I don’t think it’s going as well received as people think. There will definitely be hype behind it, but it won’t be the saving grace of this franchise.


that remaster was garbage it was perfect when it first released but the updates added way to many changes its not even cod4 anymore fuck that shit remaster they will fuck up a mw2 remaster because they want consistent money coming in from dlc and they know they cant add changes otherwise it will die like the cod4 remaster


This is exactly my point. The cod community isn’t one united group of people who want the same thing. A lot of older fans, want games like the classic titles, some fans really love the advanced movements and future settings, some fans love the sweatfest of SBMM, and other fans love the immense amount of cosmetics above anything else. There’s such a divide within this community that simply remaking MW2 and leaving it as such is very hard to believe, at least not with Activision losing some part of the community, which is money that’s lost. We both know how much Activision likes its money too.


atleast they remastered the campaign and made it better in my opinion than the original


Yea, I enjoyed the remastered MW2 campaign a lot! I can’t complain there.


I still play mw2 online on Xbox and it’s fun af


Camping is ok ? Just in old games


It's because they can't put skins in it


They can though, they literally did it with MWR lol. (Not that I want that)


Shoulda remastered spec ops as well


Best mp ever.


They know how popular it is, duh.


I think they knew that if they remastered the multiplayer it would affect warzone and mw 2019 at that time.


Can't interrupt the slop machine! God I fucking hate what warzone did to COD.


It made Activision more greedy that they made the games revolve around it especially the mw series where they pit little effort in everything else, i hope they get rid of it in cod 2025


I just want WaW remastered


Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could go back and play this multiplayer with my friends into the wee hours of the morning again. Just once…


I'm a very casual player, but check out that TtK.. is that what MW3 has?? It sure doesn't feel like it. This is perfect imo. I feel like you have to chew on an opponent unless you get headshots in mw3?


They didn't want to cannibalize sales on warzone, plus Warzone is just more profitable with having micro transactions and season passes.


I loved cod 4 remaster, played that instead of infinite warfare. Mw2 should have got the full treatment


The modern player base would absolutely crap themselves after being swatted out of the air consistently by the OG Spas-12


It took to long to finish and just made it Mw3 multiplayer levels.


How else would they have sold MWII and MWIII


Greedy fucks


Meh, they didn’t have the balls to do the campaign justice.


It would cut into their warzone slop profits, I think that activirgin has prevented them from making an actual good MP since BOIII because it might cut into their battle royale slop playerbase/profits


I recently switched to PC and bought MW2 on steam. I play on controller (no aim assist) and get horrible hit registration but still hop on because it’s just a fun game


I can. Remastering the multiplayer would split the player base.


They need to release remaster bundle consisting of BO1 BO2 COD 4 MW2/3. Sort of how they did with Master Chief Collection. I’d buy SOME skins to ensure that service stays up.


Outside of World at War this is my second favorite game in the series. Many long nights were spent playing this game when I was in grad school.


YouTubers would moan about every little thing that made it fun and brown nosers like Merc would say this needs nerfing and that and the devs would ruin it so shittubers/streamers can get high kill games. Add SBMM, the randomness of fun would be gone.What i wouldn’t do to experience this game from day 1 again when there was no sbmm and no profanity limit.


they almost did mp, but scrapped it because it would have taken players away from mw19




They saving it for a rainy day


You missed it? They rereleased it last year


That reload animation is so good! It’s just so fluid and smooth which usually I don’t like I like a bit more snappiness but for some reason this just works


The modern audience would hate it because of how unbalanced it was. My counterargument to that is Fun> balance and MW2 was fun


Am I nuts, didn’t they remaster MW2?!




Yea, and the new intervention does not hit the same u/CallOfDuty did you guys feel the same?


It would flop like COD4 Remaster did. Todays playerbase wouldn't last long in a game with no crazy movement.


Because they know it’s Multiplayer will have more player count than MW22 and even MW23


A remaster nowadays would be fucked.


Its a shame that the multiplayer never got a remaster


The best three games you had to wait in line for midnight release and actually buy maps not skins. If you didn't have the map DLC you were considered poor. Also stop buying the Micro-transactions on the new cods !!


It’s because they wanted those MW3 sales


They'd be effectively killing any cod game they release after that if they remastered MW2 multiplayer.


That M4 reload is best reload in call of duty history


They don't want people jumping ship from there hot garbage new game. We may never get a true remaster unless it's a stand alone game with it's own singular release.


cod fans are more nostalgic than wrestling fans, truly incredible to me


Lmao you didn't even leave the window in the entire clip, why don't you move around the map.


2024 and people are still complaining about camping in a game with noobtube, AC 130 streaks with spawnkilling potential, and rapid fire 1 shot barrets


So maybe you do understand why people wouldn't want an exact MW2 remaster.


I understand that anyone who’s willing to waste money on a Chevy should not have any authority on anything.


I spend money to have fun in life, while you are wasting your time crying about why we can't go back to a 2009 video game. Was 2009 the peak of your life or something? Has it been downhill from there? I played since BO1, and I play the modern cods. There were more "kids" back then than there are today. Mostly kids liked the original MW2. I was the kid from back then...


Homie I posted a clip about a game I liked, asking why the campaign remaster didn’t have multiplayer. You’re off on your period complaining about camping. Unsportsmanlike meatriding; 15 yard penalty.


No, you don't understand. Your title asks why the game doesn't have a remaster. And then the video you posted with it and then your comment proves exactly why. I just thought it was funny. I'm glad you understand.




It's a game from 2009, who tf cares?


The issue is that it wouldn't be received well. MW2 was a broken unbalanced mess, but that's what made the game so iconic. Fixing them would turn it into something else. Not fixing them would reveal how broken the game was and people would be in uproar calling out Activision for releasing yet another broken mess. They can't win and they know it, so they don't even try, and I honestly don't blame them considering what the franchise is already going through.


bloody good old days \*lights cigarette\*


"iT wOuLd sPliT tHe pLayErBasE!" That argument for them not remastering the multiplayer is bullshit to me. The Infinite Warfare trailer got soooo much hate and so many dislikes, many people were even said they were getting the game just for CoD4 remastered. Yet somehow IW lobbies were still thriving and still highly populated. Hell, I can still find a full match in IW on PlayStation to this day. Not to mention BO3 still got support and new content until 2018, 3 years after it came out. It literally got updates and new content after two more CoDs came out...


If they remastered that game it would turn into the cod 4 loot crate bs high key


A look at MWR will tell you why they won't do a mw2 remake


the good ol days. 2009-2013 was the best period for cod


I feel robbed


they gotta know *how much* money they would make if they remastered the multiplayers leaving them untouched


They learned that lesson when the remastered COD 4 completely, it came paired with infinite warfare, initially it was supposed to be a free addition to the game if you got it but when the trailer bombed hard, they wanted to keep a profit and made you pay $80 to get the version of infinite warfare with cod 4 but when most the player base was playing cod 4 (which had no in game market) it suffocated infinite since side by side people played what they felt was the better game and cod lost out on potential profits of people buying market items in infinite among other things. Always chasing the goddamn profits above everything else nowadays, you best believe MW2 remastered would likely be the larger player base rn if they gave us multiplayer.


Y’all don’t like mw3 23? That’s basically mw2 multiplayer remaster right there. Just has more to it. Like op weapons and sway, slide cancel and movement, fov. MW3 is fun.


MW3 23 is nowhere near the same, what are you talking about lol. It's like calling Battlefield and Call of Duty identical because they both have a gun centered on the screen.


Tf not even. The damn game has a lot of remastered maps get with the program. Where tf did battlefield come from? 


Remastered maps doesn't mean much when the game mechanics are entirely different from the original MW2, it's like comparing apples to oranges. My point was saying MW3 2023 is essentially the same because it has remastered maps makes just as much sense as saying Battlefield is the same, no sense at all. How are you confused? Lol


I practically explained it. Exactly. and once again wtf does battlefield have to do with mw3? They definitely are not comparing at a larger scale and from what I’m implying, and once again the games will progress. This is what I’m saying “MW3 isn’t a bad game it’s comparable to mw2 due to remasters and remodels, and characters likeness.” I understand cod gets tons of hate everyday. I’m not confused. 


I realize that, you're still somehow not understanding my words and the concept of similes lol. MW3 2023 is a completely different game in my opinion, and thus not an acceptable substitute to the original MW2. They're not the same experience like you're trying to imply, the only similarity they share is that they're FPS games. Otherwise the mechanics are entirely different. That's why I made this comparison: >It's like calling Battlefield and Call of Duty identical because they both have a gun centered on the screen. I really don't know how else to explain this, I feel like I can't put it into simpler terms for you.


nu-MW as a whole is just tacticool wannabe slop that cares more about battle royale than making an actual good game


I’m sure they put a lot of it into battle royale because it’s free and shared between the companies. You can have so much idea in a game as to ideas for the game. It’s suitable for the wide variety of players. 


At this point, they should just stop doing the whole yearly release thing altogether and focus full-time on the shitty warzone slop. Ever since Warzone came out, we've been getting worse and worse post-launch support for the paid releases. Warzone has become the main game instead of the side mode, and it's now practically required to install any of the nu-cod games. Honest to God, at this point just stop it with the paid $70 releases, they clearly don't give enough of a shit anymore and it's just sad to see them try


The multi-player of this game exists, and it's called MW3 (2023). Hahahahahahaha


Greatest COD of all time hands down. Those who disagree were just too trash to get a nuke.


99% of all OG MW2 gameplays is just some dude camping in a building somewhere


there was no remade mp for tlou either :(


Because the multiplayer was straight up ass.