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Obvious imho. No one would have played the current cod if they released MW2 multiplayer again


Yep, they didnt release it because they want people playing the new game


no, they didnt release it because they know they cant make dlc/changes otherwise it will die a sad death like the cod4 remaster


They would’ve done it anyways. The changes they made to MWR didn’t kill it, if anything they kept it alive for a bit longer.


COD 4 remastered ain't dead


yeah thats quite a lot of people


[here you go](https://steamcharts.com/app/393100?callback=in&code=YMZMMDLHNMQTNGUYZI0ZZTHJLWIXM2ETNZEXZDDMZWMWMTHH&state=eab7fc76871f4cf7a701c5ff8b9bcb0f)


Definitely on PC there's still a bit of players on PS since it was a free game awhile back.


COD games have a history of not really being popular on PC after the original COD 4 up until MW2019. I graduated high school in 2016 and almost no one had a gaming PC back then. And a lot of PC community had an elitist attitude toward casual COD gaming. And the devs had a hard time providing stable ports for the wide range of hardware, PC games are also much easier to cheat/hack in.


most pc gamers mainly played CS:GO, TF2, and other Valve games (because Valve made Steam) along with Battlefield, Siege, and then later on PUBG After fortnite and mw2019 made crossplay more mainstream, those games became more popular on PC TL;DR, Valve had a monopoly over the prefered games of PC gamers (CS:GO, CS:S, CS 1.6, TF2, and Dota 2 being the biggest ones) In a post about BO3 on PC from 2016, people were convincing cod players to play CS:GO and maybe even other Tactical Shooters


BO3 on PC was such a good port and had official mod support.


i believe these comments were on a post talking about the delisting of individual dlcs after dlc 2 workshop was added late into the bo3 cycle


Played every CoD on PC, and sure, most of them died as soon as the next game in the franchise was released, but during the active life cycle I never had issues playing any of them.


I played the shit out of black ops 2 on pc in like 2012 and 2013 and we were still getting private servers back then, I think, and it wa crazy populated. At least for as long as I could stand playing it. I don't think it really died until the next game came out. And that was on pc.


I graduated in 2014 and a lot of my gamer friends had PCs. Nobody hated CoD for being too casual, they just ruined CoD on PCs because they went away with dedicated servers. They brought cross platform to the series and now everyone complains that mouse and keyboard all of a sudden is more accurate as if they didn't spend the last decade before saying consoles were superior for CoD. You also won't escape CoD itself being a casual shooter since there's only unranked matchmaking too.


You know damn well keyboard and mouse is more accurate cut that shit out 😂


I've known that for years. Try telling that to someone who played exclusively on Xbox 360 back in the day while you're playing TF2 on PC lmao. There are people who still believe the human eye can't see above 60 (60 is the new 30) fps and that high refresh rate monitors are marketing gimmicks, except for that sweet 4K 120Hz TV on their XBOX Series S|X or PS5, that's REAL refresh rates


Nope, it’s practically dead there too. You can find one or two TDM lobbies but that’s it


On PlayStation you can find plenty of snd domination and tdm and hardcore tdm


Yeah I know about TDM, but I haven’t ever found a HC lobby. The only other mode I’ve found a match in was Dom, and that hasn’t happened in a while


The ones I stated I can find a match in of em on PS5 Even today I've tried cuz I play it daily


Console must be where everyone’s at because i play on playstation and never have issues getting matches


Do you play anything other than TDM? Because getting any other type of lobby is like finding the holy grail.


Yeah I got on there recently. It’s nothing but TdM. And the game has prop hunt


Yeah that’s what I thought. No idea why people are acting like there’s a populated playerbase


i haven’t played in a few months but i was able to get a free for all match pretty quick. i’m sure everything else that isn’t that and TDM is completely dead though.


Holy shit


its WAY more populated on consoles


the pc port of remastered is not great and was originally locked behind infinite warfare purchases... more people are playing og cod4 on steam (doesnt count people playing old disc copies) https://steamcharts.com/app/7940


11 people on PC as of 4 mins ago, Holy fuck


pc isnt popular,, it never was until mw2019 (besides cod 4-bo2 and bo3)


Are you being facetious? 3 games before mw2019 is a lot, lol Facetious might not be the best word here. How about sarcastic, or ironic?


ok here is my point cod 4, waw, mw2, bo1, mw3, and bo2 were popular enough on pc to have a playerbase mw2 and bo1 have a all-time peak of over 100K players on steam ghosts, aw, iw, mwr, wwii, and bo4 didnt have that popularity due to that era of cod bo3 added custom maps for zombies so the game on pc has a very alive playerbase when mw2019 came out, people were playing on pc more already and because of crossplay, the game wouldn't die this is my explanation


That one's still populated and fun. What are you talking about


Which begs the question why don’t they hold off from making new games while in the meantime making money off remasters? Current COD players would still play and old ones would return


I’d buy a waw remaster so fucking quick


They need to make a waw remaster and stop with all the black ops games for a bit. World at war was treyarchs literal first cod


They did Cod 3 as well, but to be fair it's really the OG Modern Warfare and later that are remembered most!


Oh I guess I just forgot then, never played any cod earlier then cod 4


No cod 3 was their first


I feel like it has to do something with mtx’s and how they’d need to figure out a way to implement the system we have now into the remaster


The only way it works, is IF it's a true remaster. But they won't do that. They'll change a few things and it won't play the same way. Then they'll add SBMM and everyone will lose their mind. They're incapable of just doing a remaster it will end up being different.


Because that would just be MWIII but worse


OG MW2 wasn't hyper monetized like the games are now.


Good times where the only paid content were Map Packs


MTX really ruined a lot of good games series in the last 10 years. I'm just happy we still get quality SP games these days still


It's been a slow and steady process but games like Fortnite really speed ran the race to the bottom


I still play Modern Warfare Remastered along with all of the others but that's my favorite. :)


Is it still active?


Yeap just played full lobbies. It's Xbox only.


I play it on ps5 it's not Xbox only 😂 and the only matches you'll find on PlayStation are domination, snd and tdm


I'm trying to say I play it Xbox only with only other Xbox players like you can only with PS5 players


PS4/5 is dead?


Idk I only play on Xbox lol


If Xbox is alive then PS4/5 is alive too


More players on PS4/PS5 than on Xbox.


Sweet, I’ll have to redownload it


By “full lobbies” they probably just mean TDM lol


That’s all I play anyways hah


What's your gt?




Came here to say this they wouldn't be able to charge £60 for an old remaster and everyone would just be playing that instead of buying this current cod - seems pretty simple to me aswell.


Make it subscription based? 5 cents buy in per match, winning team gets their buy in refunded. Lol that would actually be fun af and keep making them money while pushing some of their (probably) younger player base towards the new game. Obviously not going to happen but I thought it was a cool idea


Lol 😅- sadly we probably aren't far from a time when something like this is a real thing, I mean ea putting literal ads in a game u pay money for doesn't seem any better/worse than this idea and they get away with that


Pretty sure that constitutes gambling in a load of places and as such is a no go from start.


Yeah probably right, which makes it crazy that loot boxes are so rampant in games now lol


Sure, but they mostly skirt the legal framework as laws doesn't really keep up with the tech. Your suggestion is straight up money being wagered, and that in general does have existing legal framework.


They looked at infinite war fare and said no not again😂


I never played infinite. Only cod 4.




fair point actually, im just a bit mad it didnt come out at all in the first place. I wouldnt mind if they had just released that for a year to take more time to work on a call of duty before releasing it tho


If they took more time, they lose money


They should take a year off between every release, and drop a remaster in every off year.


Completely agree


Would be nice but they won’t and also corporate greed can’t let us have good things as they would just slowly fill it with micro transactions and not include the original games dlc as base and make people buy it again


That wouldn’t be taking a year off between releases dingus


They did attempt ot during Infinite Warfare. IW's reveal trailer ending up becoming the second most disliked video on YouTube at that time. Because of it, they lumped in MWR with it, but required the IW's disc in order to play. This seriously divided the community up. The old school fans played MWR while newer fans played IW. I'm someone who played both. Though I played IW more than MWR. So, to prevent the player base being split, they did not release an MW2R with Multi-player, as they know they will immediately lose money on their newer games while majority of the player base would be playing MW2R. Now, I know for sure that they have it in their back pocket, waiting for the green light should they have bad games. Mostly what's keeping the newer games alive is all these crossovers and lack of developing new original content. It's bad enough when you ha e a Warzone map and have it used for virtually all MP maps, just sections of it and for Ground War maps as well.


I think itd be dope if they released it like mid bo6s life span because i need a remastered cod


Uhhh you been living under a rock for the past year? MW3 2023 is the closest we’ll ever come to a 2009 mw2 ever again. And it’s nothing like the original.


MW3 2023 is what MW2 2022 should have been from the start


I believe it was intentionally not released to not draw attention away from Warzone, if it was just MW2019 I think they'd have probably released both, it's just they knew a new F2P (this time) Cod BR game would do *incredibly* well, and wanted to ensure it would have the biggest potential impact upon release, then obviously COVID happened and it made the game blow up bigger than they could have ever imagined so it didn't matter anyway. I still feel like we were robbed of what an amazing thing a full game MW2R could have been, it's one of those things that Activision still technically do have up their sleeve tho, if Cod does hit a rough patch they could still make a Golden Era Cod full game Remaster and dangle that nostalgia carrot to get fans back on board.


They dont want to drop complete games you can play for decades anymore because they just wanna drop half made games that they keep updating and adding new buyable meta guns to milk money out of people and then just leave it broken and release another and continue the cycle. We wont ever have another MW2 or BO2 comparable game because those games can be played for so long so you dont need to buy a newer one. And the restrictions on game chat and emblems will make it so it wont happen again. They only get $60 out of you if you buy bo2 and play it for 5 years. Instead of getting 60 from you then 20 every month from 1/2 the community to get the new meta gun for the next year then rinse and repeat the next year. We wont get another good unfiltered OG cod experience until people stop doing microtransactions and stop playing games that punish people for talking in game chat.


Fuck capitalism man


We just aren't the target audience anymore. All the games we loved those devs probably don't even work there anymore and now the target audience is the lil kids with gamepasses and their parents credit card.


Yup, at the end of the day $ talks. Just glad I got to experience COD in its prime


>They dont want to drop complete games you can play for decades Yeah found out when I **\*ahem\*** got BO1 through *"alternative methods"* and couldn't play zombies and multiplayer, even with bots


what? I used to not even have internet. I could play it but i bought it on disc.


They killed it to keep milking players on mwIII and warzone. Nobody would play it if mw2 mp was remastered


You know what I’ll say it. I can make better business decisions then those in charge at Activision


I don't doubt you can make better business decisions for the consumers/players. But for the shareholders (which a company is \*always\* concerned about prior), your business decision(s) isn't "optimal."


You saying that releasing the multiplayer would piss off Activision shareholders?


Yes it would, it would be rather difficult to hyper-monetize like they do to the new games now, so not only would it take away players from the new games, but they wouldn’t be able to milk the players for their money in stupid shit like skins and whatnot 




facts, thats exactly how they killed the cod4 remaster


I wouldn’t say the supply drops ruined the game. That game is still a solid remaster


It partly did since they didn’t even stop at skins but added weapons as well.


I'm just hoping Microsoft can manage it better, they supposedly give a lot of freedom to their devs, so if they end up giving creative freedom to IW and treyarch we could be seeing some great stuff


Some of y'all still miss loot boxes, doubt it lol


I did like the loot box system in advanced warfare


There are some reasons I can see why Activision pulled the plug of the multiplayer. dividing the multiplayer community, in which Activision would want as many players playing and paying for the current shit instead of sticking to MW2R. Other reasons can be seen from MW1R. The players will beg for rebalances and new content in the remastered multiplayer, which is more work for the dev team, when they could’ve been focusing all resources in 1 game instead of


Unpopular opinion, but I feel like people would have mixed reactions to MW2's multiplayer remaster. The game is nostalgic for many, but it's still a 15 year-old game with stiffer movement and barebones gunplay. It's not a bad game, but its age would definitely show to a modern audience.


One Man Army and Stopping Power with no juggernaut would be enough to scare most modern players away


Games are made to make money not to be fun. Games are judge on how quickly it gets you to a buy screen. If it doesn't make money they don't care. MW2R would of pullled to many players from Warzone/Current Title that they would lose money. Happed in MWR with IW it split the player base and doubled the workload.


Because you will still keep buying it and spending money on the next, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next, each time asking yourself why its just a reskin of MW2019 with worse gameplay.


1. It would take people away from their mainline releases. 2. It wouldn't be the same. MW2 was a broken unbalanced mess, but that's what made it so iconic. The standards today would force the developers to fix the game, but that would've caused major backlash in turn. If they don't, they also gain major backlash for not fixing issues that were blatant. They can't win. It's best to leave it untouched.


Guaranteed people on here will complain that it "doesn't feel the same" if it were to ever come out. Not saying I don't want MW2 remastered but it'll definitely be a different experience. It's the same crowd that begged XDefiant to have no SBMM but then complained about "sweats" because they got pubstomped every game


Regarding #2, what was busted? A lot of people here consider it the GOAT CoD MP. There are tons of issues with the new CoDs that the devs just ignore, and they are worse than what was going on in OG MW2...


A lot of people do not consider mw2 to be the goat MP lmao 😂 and you clearly didn't play the MP if you didn't think it was busted like you didn't play it at all that's not even a debate the games clearly busted lol and no you are wrong they didn't fix the problems back then because that wasn't really a thing patching in fixs like now


Out of map glitches, one man army noob tube spam, danger close lunge, extremely low ttk making every gun kill you with only 2-3 shots even without stopping power, and killstreak kills counting towards killstreaks making every other game a spawn-die-spawn-die simulator. If the game was made today for the first time exactly the way it was back then, people would've called it a buggy broken mess and it would've been patched by the developers, but the standards were just different back then, so no one cared at the time.


MW2 was horribly balanced. Underbarrel launcher, duel 1899’s, One Man Army, shotguns secondary, death streaks, etc


Oh yeah, the balancing inn the new CoDs is \*perfect\* ...


This smartass comment just making it seem you don't know shit about mw2 which I know isn't true mw2 is the most unbalanced mp ever nothing comes close new games are way better when it comes to balanceing


Compared to MW2 yeah they kinda are


Ngl bro u never played mw2 have u


I did, and it was great. The “imbalance” was nothing you couldn’t do/unlock yourself, unlike some of the recent Call of Duties like MWII where you can skip earning better guns and can just pay for them outright. The starter guns in MWII were pretty ass but since I pre-ordered the game, I got the Battlepass (normally a paid item) which I was able to unlock the Kastov, which is pretty solid, early on. Some of the OP stuff you straight up can only buy, not earn I also won’t forget how Riot Shields in OG MW2 weren’t as OP as they are in the new MWII if you guys want to talk balancing 


It's not perfect but it's better, and they took out some things like one man army and killstreaks kills counting towards other killstreaks.


BOCW and some of the other newer CoDs had score streaks where kills from the OP score streaks would count towards next score streaks. That shit on Nuketown '84 was ridiculous.


Completely incomparable. Score from streaks contributing to scorestreaks was nothing like kills from streaks contributing to kill streaks. The way you got high score streak in CW was still by getting a bunch score through the streak multiplier


Acr, 1899, noobtube and some other things that were totally busted.


2nd point doesn’t make sense since they left CoD4’s balance the same. They didn’t nerf the M16 or M40A3 with Acog, and the maps still have the spots you can parkour onto. What would make it not the same is not many people on game chat and more people going towards a meta/broken setup. Realistically the only way people would complain is if a large majority of players begin to abuse OMA Noob Tubes or only use cheesy tactics


A lot of the out of map bugs and glitches were patched and the balance didn’t matter after introducing loot boxes with weapons that didn’t even exist back then. The game was unrecognizable after the first couple of months.


Not really a lot of them were still there. And those guns still didn’t beat the M16. The game still felt and played like cod4. It’s not like they added some crazy or futuristic weapons. Plus all guns still kill within 2-3 shots w stopping power either way.


I miss when COD was good... That's ***my*** Roman empire


old cods are thriving on xbox especially bo1


They could have thrown this out in 2020 in lieu of Cold War, and given an extra year to the Devs under the gun during a PANDEMIC, and saved us from Vanguard, and reset the cycle. MW2 Remastered multiplayer in a Pandemic would have made Activision the Heroes of the Universe.


At least they could have included the spec ops in the remaster realease


What the fuck


I will never understand why people are confused why the didn’t release the multiplayer. Activision would be stupid to split their player base again


I feel any and most cods will be trash for you if all you want is nostalgia


Activision like many other game studios now are a bunch of idiots


I'm not a expert on the terminology but i think the Publishers have most of the fault.


Right right. Gotta remember who makes most of the decisions like EA for example RIP battlefield.


Because COD 4 remastered was so much fun that it was averaging mroe players than the mainline cod. Hence why they went back an injected more MTX things into cod 4 remastered. Even today that shit still slaps.


Second only to the original cod4. Was just playing it yesterday and feels like a completely different experience than modern gaming. And by different I mean better.


Probably because they know people will keep buying this stuff anyways.


They didn't want their new game to fail. That's why


Because no one would play whatever current ass slide warfare they pumped out that year


I know why they did it, but really would have been smarter to make remastered mps a summer release thing instead of just doing the lazy "put new maps in current game" thing they do now


Because Infinite Warfare failed. If IW was a success, we likely would’ve gotten IW2 bundled with MW2 Remastered. Instead we got MW 2019


It wasn’t at all because of infinite warfare it was because they didn’t want to split the player base and have warzone, mw2019, and mw2 active during a cycle


Should have seen the missed potential of BO4


At least in another universe the folks are playing multiplayer of MW2 remastered. At least in another universe the OG Infinity Ward never collapsed


Considering how fun mwr was, this would have been an absolute banger


I would be all over that


Because there fucking stupid


It could but another reason why it was never released besides people would not play the new game I remember hearing that they changed the multiplayer so much that it would not even be close to MW2 I could be wrong though


Based on how everyone found MWR disappointing I'd understand the hesitation. This was also during lootbox era CoD and Idk about y'all but I'd rather not gamble for cosmetics anymore.


COD is woke garbage.


Planned Obsolescence. Same reason phone companies barely upgrade things each year.


Crazy how they did it for COD4 remastered but not MW2


They’re saving it for when they need to pay a dept or something lol, it’s the “release, make $500 mil instantly” game.


More $$ with less effort


Because millions will pay the full price for half the game.


MW2R MP turned into MWIII. They didn’t want to fragment their community like they did in 2016. So they scrapped the remastered MP and remade all MW2 MP maps for MWII as part of an expansion, which eventually turned into a standalone game in the form of MWIII. Mission successful for Activision.


Bc the piggy fans buy up any slop they put out.


The rumor was that MW2 Remastered Multiplayer was ready to go but it changed so much from the original that even the devs knew people would hate it, so they ended up scrapping it.


Because unlike MWR and Infinite Warfare which stood on their own with unique settings; Modern Warfare 2 Remastered was released during the year of Modern Warfare (2019) which would have divided players and possibly caused *even more* confusion for new ones by having both be current game. Not to mention MW19 has remastered maps from MW2 which would have been worthless if MW2R had multiplayer (and now the entirety of base MWIII would have been worthless had that been a thing).


Well i think its quite obvious why they didn't release it. It would show how much worse they have got and if it was faithful to the old game no Micro-transaction which would give Activision a heart attack.


Well I want the good ol' spec ops split screen of MW2 and MW3 on my ps5 but I'm guessing that's never happening


And we got mW3 2023... What a downgrade




That image is either fan-made or from early in development. MW2CR uses a yellow outline and different backgrounds.


Because they knew that MW 2019 was utter trash and people would rather play a good Call of Duty like Modern Warfare 2


Activison doesn’t make anything they just published


Because they saw MWR's success over IW and they cant sell anime skins in MW2 so Activision scrapped it


Cause people wouldn't play the pubg clone garbage. The only good games coming out now are remasters and even those are being ruined


honestly dont understand the WANT to play some janky mp, you boys wanna fire up the ol ps2's while we're at it? cod is so blinded by nostalgia, yall is worse than wrestling fans




They ain't doing it now especially when all the MW2 maps are in MWIII


Because the OG MW2 did NOT have any option for pay to win (better guns, better attachments through micro transactions). All about money now and off they added this stuff like they did on cod4 remaster, it would flop like cod4 remastered did. People just need to quit buying their garbage games. Haven't played a good NEW cod in over 10 years now


They will never release a great game, only average or mediocre. The hype of the next game fixing your issues with the current one sells the next game. If they release a game that gives everyone what they want there is no incentive to buy the next game. It’s manipulative as fuck


Makes me lag all the damm time i even have to reset my whole game


Well the new MW3 is the answer I think.


Because they know all the simps will buy it. The same people I hear calling each game trash have bought the last 4 installments after screaming at their monitors (my closest friends and its funny). I haven't bought COD since cold war, it's just not fun or unique anymore.


Id be lyin if i said i wasnt guilty of it, its like a toxic ex u keep comin back to and everytime ur just left the same


Yeah that's exactly why I quit. I've been playing since World at war. The game made great strides and tried to change for about 10 years then after MW1 2019 they just stopped trying to keep it interesting. Nothing will change until we the people turn our heads towards other games that deserve out attention and forget about cod. It would only take a couple of installments and they'd become inspired again.


Yeah the game was improving and improving, then they made more and more microtransactions, and i believe when mw 2019 got released they cared at the start but when they realized people would play no matter what is when they got reallyyyy greedy


I feel the only way to save cod is to stop playing it. It may take a couple years (not even a problem since there's so many other games to fill the void) but it would get the devs attention.


Yeah ngl we could boycott it but we know theres a lot of people not down for it too


Oh for sure. But we know that the numbers are down because they lied about how many players purchased MW3 so they could save face and hype it up more. That's why there was an implementation of bots to the game, to fill lobbies and to add to "total number of players". Once people stop buying useless cosmetics, the game will really be hard for the big heads to profit off of. I honestly went back to pubg, xdefiant and a few others that I honestly enjoy more. I got a buddy who hates every cod after a few weeks of playing but continues to buy each one. We need to break that habit of wasting money for games that leave no good memories. I'm glad we could have this chat lol




Because it keeps you hopeless fools buying the next game thinking it might be better this time.


Because the money is in the skins and battle passes


Game is garbage thats why activision is making billions off it.


because you keep buying cod and pretending like its not the same game every year lol


Imo, MW2 myltiplayer was just a gambling simulator if you're gonna get GL'd across the map of if you got a GL kill across the map. And just made the experience for me kinda suck.


Activision: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) But to give you a more detailed answer: Once Activision saw how successful Warzone had become, they decided to use that as a means to capture a broader audience of all age groups and warzone became Activision’s GTA online. I will die on this hill when i tell everybody that MWIII was literally a copy paste of MWII and the only new content was recycling decade old maps. Guess who else did this? Uhh Rockstar with GTA V. So yeah, Activision half asses games and puts as little effort as possible in everything else besides warzone and store bundles because…money. MWIII was literally just them double dipping.


This hurts my soul more than it should


Because people like to buy trash.


The reports were that Activision didn't think people would like it. Which is a real thought seeing how MWR went.


There are far better games to release the MP of imo. I know MW2 has the biggest nostalgia but if you complain about COD these days then forget about MW2. Shotguns that were snipers, snipers that were shotguns. Danger Close, noob tubes and one man army. Heartbeat sensors. Fuckin Deathstreaks. And so much more. People are quick to forget that a lot of the worst stuff in COD history was in MW2, along with some of the worst maps. It was fun, to an extent, but it wasn't some be all end all.


Some of the best maps ever are from OG MW2. People always beg for maps like Terminal over a decade later to be featured.


*some.* Some, sure. But others are absolute dirt. Even Favela, a fan favourite, is poor map design. Having one team spawn with an immediate height advantage is mad. Then there's Estate. And let's not even mention Derail or Quarry! Then there's Underpass and the whole Karachi/Invasion/Skidrow which as maps, are all basically the same.


I liked those maps, especially Karachi, and since all those maps are also in MWIII, it seems like quite a lot of people liked them as well to want them back over ten years later.


Dude... Every map from MW2 is in MWIII ha It has nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with laziness. Derail is awful. But it's in MWIII, does that make it popular? Of course not, they just copy/pasted old maps. But maps are the least of concern. All the other shit I mentioned is far far worse. Like, you'd be willing to tolerate deathstreaks again? I'm guessing not.