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I thought before the season started, everyobe will be using the termite man-o-war lols. turns out it will be this gun


Termite was becoming a problem before it got nerfed. Of course, the MG42 being an overall better weapon doesn't make MoW Termite rounds attractive anymore.


Except nerf did nothing


What nerf? Are you talking about late 2019 S36 on mp? Cause now on br S36 is still the top weapon.


Yep, I'm talking about the 2019/2020 S36 MP meta.


Correct me if I am wrong, but the MG42 actually kills *slightly* faster than the S36 in BR (at least with attachments).


Yeah mg42 surpasses s36 in br in ttk and many more aspects


Dude the MG42 is like 4x faster than the S36


I kobe'd two kids with a grenade that were head glitching a wall in end game covering both directions with that mg42 in br. They had killed my whole team who rushed them but one lil nade and they both went poof 🤣


Controversial opinion: The MG42 is fine as is and shouldn’t be nerfed. Yes, the fire rate and TTK is kinda insane. But it’s hard to move around quickly with it and the ADS is still slow, even with a really good build. It’s only OP in certain situations and you have to have skill to put yourself in those situations.


> still fine as it is That thing outclasses every other LMG that is not UL736 in terms of mobility, outclasses every LMG that is not PKM or Bruen Mk9 in terms of accuracy, has the highest ammo count and has the easiest recoil pattern of all LMGs. Saying it is balanced is absurd to me honestly.


Totally agree , I always become victorious using ak117 over the mg42.


It's the reload that sucks for me. Any decent player can deal with an mg42 user. Just wait for the reload


This is why i run a 117 and an MG. They don't expect a 117 to come out after i run out of ammo on the MG ;) peek me thinking yo safe and get beamed hahahahaha.


at least in the smg meta people were actually running around, now they just sit in a corner with this gun it’s so annoying


It has bugs I hope they fix them. 


The MG42?


Yes. It has bugs that need fixing. 


It’s needs a nerf to be nerfing too


Why does it need a nerf it's not that over powered. 


That thing has better TTK compared to Fennec and Mac-10, has the 2nd best mobility and easiest recoil pattern of all LMGs, and ppl would still think it's not overpowered? The fact that almost all lobbies right now have plenty of MG42 users means a lot of its capability (or broken-ness, I would say).


Rn it kinda is, fastest fire rate in the game no recoil decent mobility with ads and stuff and good hip fire It’s basically what the s36 was but even better since it’s a laser beam


It's fire rate is bugged, also it does have recoil. 


The slight vertical recoil that can very very easily be controlled is basically no recoil and how is the fire rate bugged? It has 3 attachments that increase it


They don't increase it, I've tested it. Also the reload times are the same for all ammo including the fast one. 


Idk about reload speed cause I don’t really pay attention but I just checked and they do by a little. The stats is was off saying 268 as max and low is in the double digits so that weird But I looked at it with all attachments that decrease fire rate No attachments And 3 increase fire rate attachments and they do increase and decrease it but not by much


It isnt bugged. It shoots normaly at 47ms-65ms. Issue you are talling about is stat bars which i mean what did you exoect its stat bars they aint gonne fix em they have alwaye been inaccurate


That's why weapon comparison system exists. It'll give you the exact stats of a certain gun


Exactly but people too lazy and they read fucking stat bars


S36 75 damage 75 fire rate Rank was fun in those times


It would kill 3 guys before I could even scope in.


There was an S36 meta? I've been playing since June 2020 and I think I've come across maybe a handful of players who use the S36.


In og S3 there was.


It was meta around S3 to S5 2020. Since you joined in June, you weren't around back then. MP was brutal, with S36 campers everywhere. It was just like the MG42, except it had a lesser fire rate and mobility. You didn't even need a fore grip to keep the S36 on target. Of course, after it got nerfed to hell, people stopped using it in MP.


S36 Meta in a nutshell • Released first as a legendary (literally the same as hbr3) • Everyone got the free version at the same time (unlike the mg42 is more Accessible for grinders) • Literally no recoil • Bullet spread (i think it doesn't exist yet) • Wall penetration is so OP • Short Reload time and bullet amount is way too op


BSA didn’t exist or bullet speed All we had was recoil, range, mag, fmj for walls. It was very simple


the time where we believe fmj increases damage and the time Hawksnest peaks with his gun infos


I never got the free S36 legendary


same (its literally just inviting friends cuz my friends already play or cannot fit the game) alongside the water purifier


Makes sense why I wouldn't remember it. Thanks to explaining 👍🏼


Yup it was. We had the ak117 and type 25 then s36 was a laser with its ttk for back then being fast


There was. Then the recoil got kicked up a lot. Today though it's decent, I believe they did buff the S36 a while back.