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Just enjoy and don't care about bots, u will get them at the start and it's better than you facing legendary players that will slide and move while killing you




Don't forget the 180 jump peek quick scope .


there is no better way at improving than to play against challenging players with exceptional movement and aim. Thats the only way to get better.


That can kill motivation quite fast tho. Getting familiar with the game and playing with players with equal skill level is the way to go. Also hud is the bread and butter of the game, it defies how much you can actually do.


Well discipline always crushes motivation. You know you’re not a good player and with enough mental strength, you will be able to lose to actual good players with things you can take away in order to improve. You won’t get better playing against similar or lower skill players, you have to lose to get better.


Of course, i was just referring to constantly getting crapped on by much better players. Losing is important too, how else would you have room for improvement?


Well, exactly, so no point saying that method “can kill motivation quite fast”. If you’re new to any game, you should be focussed on getting better, not winning games. And the best way to get better is to lose to very very good players so you know where the standard is set. I think at the very start of beginning a new game, you should play against equal skilled players but after a week for two, you should be losing to very good players.


Majority wouldnt play if it was purely a competetive populated player base. That means a drop in players and therefore a drop in revenue


I would actually prefer it if they got rid of the bots entirely


Me too. But player retention would drop which then means lower income


But going against them right at the start of your journey is gonna do nothing but demoralize you. Its like getting dunked on by a lv. 100 boss right when you start the game. Rather it's better to fight lv. 5 enemies first, and then slowly climb your way up


No, it a game for fun What fun would it be to be nukes every game? You would simply stop playing v quickly


Welcome aboard, soldier! 🫡 You will face mostly bots for awhile; it’s the game’s way of getting you used to things while also making you feel like a superhero. If you want to speed the process along, play ranked MP. Once you get to Legendary, you’ll see mostly real players in almost all matches except for the daily bot invites. Good luck and have fun!




True, I’m on legendary BR ranked and everyone is so good. Like a ninja class suddenly going beside you and using a shotgun to one hit you. Enjoy it while you can


Those invites are from bots???


Yeah the invites when you first log in are all bots


I figured, it just didn't make sense getting an invite a second after logging in.


Dang...I thought they were true friends 🤣




I’ve heard that some players don’t get them at all and some players get two per day, but I get one per day every day until reaching Legendary rank. For MP, at least.


Been playing 3 years and have never received an invite from a bot. Always wished I had though as I've heard the ranked invites give extra rank points. 😶‍🌫️


The bot matches don’t really give extra points, but it’s way easier to earn more points by getting MVP, more kills, more time on obj, etc. Also, if the daily bonus match is *also* the same mode as the bot invite match, you can occasionally get way more points. For me, I don’t get a bot invite unless the game is completely force-closed and I restart it. Just as a test, last season I pretty much only played the daily bot match in ranked and easily reached Legendary with zero effort and a k/d above 14. Combined with an easy climb to Legendary in BR by using Alcatraz weekend matches, it was a very relaxed season haha.


Alcatraz... RIP. Easiest way to get a weapon on the leaderboard if it's ground loot. I heard they're bringing it back soon though. That's also how I normally rank up in BR. I've been getting a surprising amount of bot lobbies in MP rank lately though. A few times I've had back-to-back bot lobbies in GM (Domination) which is very unusual since I don't use a controller. Not complaining though as it does make the legie climb that much faster. 🤙


That’s good news about Alcatraz! I used it to grind out weapon Mastery, Diamond camo, tournament camo, and BR rank all at the same time. I’m not really a BR player and without Alcatraz, I probably won’t even attempt another Legendary climb in that mode this season.


I feel you. BR isn't really my favorite either, especially if I don't have a good team to play with which is usually the case lately as a lot of my friends have stepped back from CODM or our work schedules don't allow for playing together. I'll still hit legendary though to get the tokens for the free gun. I think Alcatraz is coming back either next season or next series (season after next).


I'm gonna miss Alcatraz. The bot lobbies and the sweaty ones. I heard it's gonna be in rotation but I'm not sure how long we have to wait


I miss it a lot. It’s pretty much all I played on the weekends. Until it comes back, I guess I’ll just concentrate on Clan Wars or something. I also pretty much hate all the MP tournament modes, so I probably won’t even go for the tourney camos.


Are you sure, this year the bot invites have become worse.


Yeah I'm positive. I'm very familiar with the bot names and the only invites I get are from people I have as friends.


Gotta get to grand master or legendary then you’ll be playing real people. A lot of people play but they are just in the higher ranks


except at the beginning of the season 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Awesome man, thanks for the answer I’m gonna do just that!!


It starts to get really really hard at the higher ranks, so prepare


Enjoy the bot kills while you can, they are getting better with each update. If you play br, you'll spot the bots doin dumb shit like running towards gun fire or have guns when they land


Or do the tango of shooting each other for 5 minutes. I can tell they're bots just listening to the gunfire


Right some how blasting full magz and no one down lol


Add me and I’ll play with you! I’m legendary level 350 we can play normal matches together and I can share you my mythic guns! 😊 once you reach legendary we can also play ranked matches together. I enjoy playing search and destroy a lot.


Sure thing man!! What’s your add ?


you'll get mostly bots until your abou level 40ish, and then after that the game has a sense of your actually skill and will match you up against players with somewhat similar Spm/kd. regardless you will always meet bots no matter what level you are even if you're max level 350. the game will put you in a bot lobby after losing 2 games in a row to keep you encourage to play so you don't just quit because everyone's kicking your ass


Thanks guys!! 🙏


dont worry after clearing low ranks your servers should be filled with real players especially in br


It gets really sweatty in the upper ranks dont worry lol


Tighten your seat belt until you find Chinese eSports team in every 2nd match you play


How do we know if we are playing bots??? I thought I was so sick at playing:(


You remember their names and watch their movement. They're pretty much always the same.


If you get killed by a bot, watch your death replay. It's very different from an actual player. It's robotic, they barely run, mostly walk, the gun just stays in one place most of the time, sometimes when they lock on to a player and jump the gun just stays locked on to them.


Yeah, they literally have aimbot and wall hacks it seems. Very frustrating at times. I used to get one shotted in the foot by a pistol or SMG all the time a few seasons ago. Seems like they've fixed that but instead made them just absolutely ruthless with their aim in general.


They also use mostly KN44 eruption, Peacekeeper mythic and blue bizon. Can also one tap through walls. Will walk past you. Shoots a single bullet at a time and just stares.


This just broke my heart a little. I had no idea. Been playing for a few months and really enjoyed it and doing well. I'm Elite V in ranked MP. At what point are you not playing bots? Is it like a certain level or just after you've played long enough? Seems crazy that I'm playing ranked MP/ Tournament MP matches and playing bots. Any way to turn this off?


You can't turn it off Rank MP would give u real players mostly so don't worry about it trust me you'll pray for bot lobbies if u play legendary ranked lobbies


You're probably right about that last part 😅


Lol trust me man me being in legendary I pray for bots 😭 cause the rage you get with META spammers, head glitch players, movement gods and when your shots aren't landing 😭 feels like a dent in your skills


I wish I could turn it off loll


Don't worry, in Elite V, you do get real players. If you have a winning streak against bots, the game puts you up against real players. Most times, it's 3 real players and 2 bots in each team, but that can differ at times. But, if you have a losing streak against real players, then the game puts you up against a full bot team, to raise your spirits in a way.


Check the other comments bro!!!


I'm getting full lobbies of real people on my alt and it's below you im pretty sure. Not saying you're bad but ig I just perform better


How can you tell they aren't bots?


Names, movement, guns(attachments), profile pictures, skins


Idk then I think I'm playing real people too. Definitely in ranked anyway. Almost everyone has a skin and a pretty unique name


Any examples? Bots have skins but people have a larger variety


https://imgur.com/a/PAqVCxT Here's a Ranked match I was just in. I just ranked up to Pro I so I guess I'll see if anything changes.


Yes those are bots, wish they didn't make bots have BP skins but yeah. You'll see those names pop up over and over again


Damn I don't know if I pay enough attention to the names. Definitely notice a difference after Pro I rank, at least a little. Where is usually MVP every match definitely not the case anymore but who knows.


It's just patterns, in public matches, the bottom 2 are always bots


It's bot when you stand in front of them and their guns are pointing in another direction instead of being aggressive at you. Reach Grand Master and you'll experience real matches. Anything below it is so you can adjust your layout and settings and hud on your preferred play style. It is also familiarizing yourself with map location names and objectives. In higher ranked matches, when there's on mic, you'd hear teammates call out locations e.g "enemy is at trailer". You better know that at that point so you can respond asap.


Nowadays, bots are having more epics and legendary gun skins than me.. 🥲


There are two ways to consistently find real players, one is playing rank and getting to upper ranks, the other is playing clan war tasks. BR also pretty much always has at least one real team to oppose you, but you might not meet them until the final circle and they might get wiped by bots before that. Also, start learning how to move now that you're not under pressure. It is nice that the game introduces you slowly because good players would wipe you and you'd lose your motivation to play.


It's very active still and growing because v warzone sucks


i’m boutta take a break off this game ngl there’s nothing to do and it’s lowkey starting to get repetitive


It's basically all bots in the beginning. After a bit you play with actual people mixed with some bots. But not always. Ranked multiplayer has mainly players but sometimes bots. Mainly just players though. Especially depending on your rank. The higher the rank the less likely you play against bots. Also, third person BR is mostly players I think compared to First person BR. I usually play with regular players most of the time but sometimes bots, all around. it's still a great game imo. Like I said tho if you rank up in ranked you play most exclusively with players and not bots.


Regular pub matches you’ll get bots at the very start and quickly start getting more real players the more you play. Hardpoint shipment is a great place to find real players, usually 3 per side + 2 bots per side. Ranked matches you’ll get bot lobbies up until around Pro Rank. I rank up friends accounts and I find the reals start coming around pro, more in Master Rabk with the odd bot lobby. Grand Master rank you will almost never get a bot lobby unless you lose 3+ matches in a row. Finally, at Legendary rank, you’ll face 5 real players every game. I’ve been told bot lobbies can exist in legendary rank, but I’ve never seen one and I rank up my own account past 11,000 points every season (legendary starts at 8,000) so I’m still sceptical until I see it for myself.


Ive been playing since day 1. Actually recently stopped and started Warzone mobile. Bots and try hards make killing fun. Lol. Like others have said rank up the individual game options ( MP and BR) to legendary and you'll encounter slide, jump, slide, 180° spin, quick scoping fuckers that'll make you wish you were playing bots again. Lol. Also keep an eye on the "meta" weapons and load outs because they can give you an advantage until they are undoubtedly nerfed once the developers realize they made a mythic too OP or shitty players are getting an advantage using an unfair BR class.


I play but never thought about bots until visiting this sub. It never made sense to me how in a match here and there some teammates or possibly bots are 0-11 or some ridiculous ratio not even one kill 😵‍💫


Well I'm part of the real people lmao


Hey, I’m one of the bots with that unreleased PP Bizon skin. You’re a good player :))


I just play whenever I'm available or having some wifi issues


Me but I need clan


You can join my clan if you like. Just add me and get to the clan through my profile. It uses special characters I can't readily type or I'd just send the clan name. My UID is dēēpFRĒQ Same goes to you too OP (Assuming you see this comment)


Thank you 🙏🏽


No problem. I'm also down to team up so just send invites whenever you see me on. Do you use mics?


Yes I use mics and you ?


Yeah I do as long as my roommate isn't asleep. Did you send a friend request? What's your username? I have a lot of req so if you did I won't know which one is you.


tbf some bots are better than real players. have you seen their aim? no matter how fast you move, you are always on their crosshair lol


Its the most popular COD title ever. The bots arent there to fill in the gaps of low player count, its to strike a balance between competetiveness and enjoyment. Players dont stick around if they are constantly being yeeted, so they throw in the bots. Personally, and i think im in the majority when i say this, i think there is far too much bot involvement. The balance should be more toward the competetive side than it is right now With that being said, the higher rank tiers has less bots and eventually no bots near the top. So i would suggest playing ranked


My buddy Eric does


Just have fun playing. Glad you like codm.


If you team up with people you'll be put into lobbies with other teams of real players that are also sharing a lobby to keep the match balanced. If you like you can add me and we can run some matches together. I also have a clan if you're looking to join one. My profile name is: dēēpFRĒQ UID: 6971151045523865601 Just search for either of those to find me. Got a profile pic of myself with my baby.


Wait till you meet someone with a clan initial in your lobby


The bot thing was also super disappointing to me, but it would be impossible to always have new players to play against for new players. As far as I know it’s actually still a super active game & has a ton of players, but at least half the players are super crazy pro veterans.


Enjoy it bro because it's better than facing legendary players with snipers or br players with shotguns in the beginning, they will come when you are high rank


I play hah


3.. only correct answer. Everyone else is lying just like they did with chemtrails. Believe me. Not sus at all


I think somewhere there is a list of all the known bot names so you can know when you are/ aren't playing bots. You can generally tell from the kill cams, though. And if you have 50 kills 💀


Get to legendary rank or top 5k then u will know how good u really are . There are people who practice for hours everyday just to improve


I’m a real person who actually plays. Once you reach higher rank is when the difficulty increases


In February there was almost 75 million players online if that helps. Codm posted statistics a while ago, surpassed the amount of players online since the pandemic in 2020


Bots are free legendary weapons as far as I'm concerned


I don't really understand, I never relate to people who talk about bots, I pray for bots in my lobbies, am a above average, pretty good player but me getting a win is something I really have to work for and be strategic about, I think if you take your time ranking up at your own pace that's what happens and if you rank up with everyone, it's annoying due to the fact that ain't no bots around, think about it.


I do


MY USER IS: JordonOakley


They higher ranked you get the less bots you’ll play against


Count me as -1 person, I recently started to play 4fingers (from 2) and I bet a veteran II bot would get more kills than me


I play daily


Play ranked , anything after legendary you play with real people, but keep in mind most of them think they are good from spamming the mouse left and right 90% of the time 🤣


Your late in a season I believe so yeah you're playing bots. The real players are all in higher Tiers than you currently. Trust me you'll know it when you see it. Codm has some Reay good players as you move up the ranks.


In world i think 70% of people play codm but in reel in game play 90% from 2010 to now 2024 hhhh cod forever ♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥🤝💀☠️


Depends what you’re playing. If you’re doing ranked, after you reach grand master it will only be real people, so that’s where you’ll find out if you’re naturally good or not. In regular multiplayer, i’d say the vast majority of “people” will be bots. Great for grinding out camos though!




At first you will get a lot of bot matches, but that will change here soon


Oh and in mp in most games there will be about 2 to 4 bots on the map