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M16. It's been my main gun since it got the Wildfire perk. It's decent at close range and a monster at mid to long range. You can forgo ranged barrels because it has a 4-shot to kill range up to 40 metres, and an unlimited 5-tap range, which is why I love it. Not much recoil too even when built with fast attachments. I've tagged many snipers and MG42 users at long range with the M16, but I barely see anyone use it in Ranked. It's seriously underrated.


My problem with the M16 is finding a good build but yea it's definitely a underrated gun


I use Short Barrel, Tac Laser, 39-round mag, Wildfire, and Classic Red Dot/Red Dot Sight 1. It's surprisingly fast for a long AR, and recoil is manageable if you just drag the fire button down. It's gotten me to Legendary multiple times.


Good to know thanks


If you feel the recoil is too wild, swap the short barrel for a compensator.


I have a more stealth/marksman playstyle, sometimes rushing. My M16 load out is marksman barrel, suppressor, full ammo perk, holographic sight, and strike stock. SUPER accurate, but with a little slow ADS (hence rush with pistol)


That's interesting might try both of these out


I run mine like a run and gun type weapon, but I also usually just run a gun a like and make a build around it, rather than finding one with stats I like and improving them. I run Wild Fire OWC Laser - Tactical Rubberized Grip Tape MIP Light Barrel (Short) No Stock


Good to know


I use it a lot but removed wild fire of later. Love the point click kill nature of it


same still burst fire for me ❤️


I love 1 bursting LMG users with the swordfish. *chefs kiss*


Swordfish is wonderful, especially in BR matches.


what's your build for br? i never thought about the swordfish, but I'll try it out with a build you'd recommend


Everything you say is why I use the Swordfish. Both guns are highly effective for accurate shooters. I call it Point kill Point kill. I pair it with the Renetti pistol, which has a three shot volley, so it feels very similar to the M16 and the Swordfish. For short-mid maps I use the Chicom, which also works well with accurate shooters with its three shot volley. But on short mid Maps I often just go pure Renetti, running around really fast, dodging and running right up to pairs of people. Point kill Point kill.


lol bro I am same as you, I use burst weapon for every range


I am glad to hear that! With burst weapons, the time between bursts needs to match our personal timing to do (what I'll call) our enhanced version of aim, shoot, reassess and repeat. It doesn't work for everyone, and some people dislike burst weapons, partly because enhanced aiming isn't how their brain works, or the shot latency is wrong for them. I don't like spray weapons, where I'm hoping enough bullets hit, to slow or kill the opponent. Why would I do that when I can just point and kill? 🤣 There are times when spraying can help, such as groups of opponents coming in on you. I try to minimize those moments by being really aware of foot sounds, and I dodge a lot! Are there other burst weapons you've tried, or advice?


I use Swordfish, chicom 99% of the time. And goes for meta weapons when the match is too hard lol I choose FFAR1 if I want to go full auto, first 5 shots are pin point just like swordfish


I am just amazed by how likely our weapon of choice are lol


my people 🫰


I also used the M16 quite often and got it to mastery, however it has this weird glitch of desync where the bullets would "ghost" through the player My build: tactical suppressor, light barrel(short), red dot sight, 39 round and wild fire


agree but I still use the burst fire lmao


I’ve been using the m16 for a while now. I try out other guns but always go back to the m16.


Low recoil builds can laser people at range, your best secondary is a full auto pistol


I have a launcher. lol, it's really fun to hit campers and snipers with it, especially when they try to slide out of the way


Same for me, although I keep it mainly for UAVs, don't affect the game but also don't want to give pro enemy more advantage, I used launcher mainly to go from master to grandmaster in previous season.


Use the launcher perk. I get lots of uavs and counter uavs with it




M4 ✨ recently got the diamond




samee! its such a good gun and its def been helping me dominate at dropkick


Sks, passive but devastating if you use correctly


I want to use this but I’m so helpless with marksman rifles. Using two finger play style on my phone. Guess I have to use 3 or 4 to really use them properly


3 or 4 finger play style is kinda hard to get used to but it become so easy once you start doing it, I do not regret switching my to 3 finger but I’m on iPad so it might be different for you


Also, the 50 cal pistol is the best the secondary imo. 2 shot and 1 tap headshots


Agreed. The GS can outgun some primaries!


J358 beats .50 GS if you can aim


You have to have a godly aim coz that J358 stopping power ammo count sucks. I'd still choose 50GS 2 tap capability


I mean it takes 1.5 seconds to fully unload the gun. If you can't kill the enemy in that time, you're most likely dead anyways. Also, J358 has much better two tap power and can one tap close range


Oden is goated now, but of course need accuuracy. If someone likes such slow weapons, this and MoW are the prime choice.


if you outgun me 4 times in a row , I’m pulling out the Man of War…guaranteed


Have you equipped thermite on Man O War?


second time someone has told me about the thermite Man o War, will have to try it for sure


I just assumed you use it by default,like I can go toe to toe with pro players being an average just with this gun, I pull it out after after being constantly harrassed by jump sliding monkey, 3rd and 4th Loadout to counter this bs


EM2 for me, it's slow but deals high damage for an assault rifle, you just need to connect shots and can easily outmatch meta guns, but it's still inferior to oden


Got a no recoil load out on my Mythic Grau that’s been slaying lately. I find the metas shift a bit every few weeks, even if there aren’t changes officially posted


I have been using knifes




ICR-1, Maddox and TEC9 are pretty good weapons.


I agree


do you use the echo fire mod?time to kill is insane , in the midrange.


No but is it as good as people say it is? I know that it increases recoil a lot, so I don't know if I could control it. And I'm a more passive player so I don't know if a weapon with a big recoil would suit me


oh you’re passive , makes sense then💯 I’m aggressive , especially when I’m tryna deal with people who camp for streaks( if you’re that player , I’ll see you eventually😳)*evil laugh *


I'm a hp and dom main that mostly plays objective, so I do camp 😅. And I'm average at best so I'm lucky if I manage to get all three scorestreaks (and they're just care package, predator missile and sentry gun, easy to get if you're on a killstreak or capture points enough time).


I apologize in advance then , cuz I be talking the most shit when I kill campers lmao


Nah, don't worry. I do it too sometime lol.


Pp19 bizon. I recently bought the tokyo escape battle pass from vault and it had a really nice blueprint of pp19 and since then I've been grinding on it. One of the best smg imo.


💯. It's got like no recoil and can hold it's own even in mid range fights.


my new QXR fossil fire (i dropped at least $50 on the cod points, so ofc imma use it), the rytec AMR (thermite mag and 4x scope), and PDW-57


Krig for short range maps like nuketown and hijacked, and the SKS on maps like crossfire. The m16 was my go to for a long time, but have been venturing into more ARs(DRH and HVK slap). The one downside to the m16 I experience is short range against SMGs. Even if all 3 bullets hit the enemy first, during the gap between bursts the fast fire rate of SMGs wreck me. Haven't really taken to SMGs as it doesn't suit my play style.


That's far


Same goes for me tbh. First I didn’t think much of the Oden, but after trying out different build & getting used to it, it definitely became super OP in my hands & my to go to gun.


🤣 good gun to take down campers I've noticed


I hate this gun, i shouldn't but it's just not for me. The slow fire rate really bothers me. I love the as-val and outlaw, but i always have so can't really relate to the post.


I weirdly made this into a sniper build shoots 2 shots and usually there done of course there's those random players no matter what take barley any damage from shotguns or snipers but otherwise it's good


Good for you, imo I'd be pissed even if it one shotted with that fire rate. Just not my thing lol. Maybe I'm too used to as-val. I also don't hate the man o war but definitely not my thing


Agreed bro oden is so fun to use yeah lately iv’e been dabbling in the TEC-9


Just bought the Oden mythic today.. I'm no PTS, but I'm curious how it'll perform in BR


Ohohohoh dude its top 3 meta right now you made a good choice


Thanks man! let's see how it goes..it did alright on the tournament MP match I played earlier


TEC-9 is legitimatiely so good! Haven't unlocked the burst mode yet, but it shreds on full aute=o.


Burst is better trust


The swordfish, extreme one-burst potential with the halberd mag and comes with a laser sight.


Grau. 0 recoil and fast fire rates for TDM Chopper to dominate in hardpoint and domination


Swordfish all the way. Good at long and close range.


Oden was my Main gun for two seasons but I don't have a main gun that in using but as secondary I find the j358 fun for now


FR556 is one of my favorite weapons and a main for the most part but I do try to switch it up lol


Cx-9 with the burst shot. Been having a blast in SnD.


I been trying to get gold on all my snipers, having way more fun than I should with the NA45. Face it, it is an absolute dog turd, but what I love is when I kill someone they get mad and try to hunt me down lol


Definitely understand that one


It is total garbage. It’s my last sniper to gold and I am hating it


Oh, it's a nightmare of a grind. Gotta set your perks right. The demo expert is needed and use the ammo with high damage. Besides that I just shoot for pure ads


Type 25 is a shredder in small maps.


EM2 - Demonic Feline.. It has become a regular MP gun for me.. It gives me a weird satisfaction with the recommended attachments, a silenced sound on shooting and the crosshair with the scope that's so perfect for it's recoil. Whenever I use other guns and feel like losing, I'm switching to this atleast for the sake of satisfaction.


Sks, I’m trying to find something good enough to terrorize mg42 users consistently


I feel like the Maddox is a better version of this


ICR-1, both Kilos, Mg42, RPD, PKM, ZRG, Koshka


Arctic, getting it diamond very soon


M16 and DR-H






I used to love the oden it’s still in my rotation but never seem to pull it out. I’ve been having too much time with the thermite crap last season and now this mg4. I’ll bust it out the next time there’s a lull in fun guns


I am AR player , I have been using ASM10 as my main gun since 2019 and every AR I try feel sh!t.... Because I am used to this gun only for long time?


Hmmm dlq and spear 😂




Em2 and type 19 build as a marksman rifle absolutely slaps


The krig can go hard, my secondary I have been gravitating towards ballistic knives but playing with 4 finger layout with custom setup is the best way to utilize ballistic knives effectively in my opinion, very fun and the rage audios during their kill replay are always funny


I've been maining Oden since it's release and it's kinda nice seeing other people realizing it's potential for once


AK47, PKM and Bruen MK9!!!


Tec-9 with MW 11


The HVK. I slept on that for years….absolutely destroys in the midrange. Might grind aether camo for it


CX9. Didn't like it at first but now I do.


PP19, Locus and ICR-1


For me it’s the UL. Didnt like it for so long, but now i like it and can use it pretty well. Even my clan mates are going: what gun he using? The UL? Gotta try that.


Might try it again lol I didn't like it for a while either


Your gun is fun too. Seen it a lot in champs


Probably my Mac-10. I love using it against people who keep killing me and then they switch over to it🤣🤣


Shotguns, deagle


That's a fun one


For me, it's the FFAR1, I've always hated her, but this season I go through the ranks with her


Such a decent gun especially with the right build


I've finally found a building plan with which I get along well with her


That's awesome


QXR, it is SERIOUSLY underrated especially in hp or dom




I’ve been rus-ing it


Rus 79U?


Yeah I never really cared for it but it’s pretty good for rushing it’s been my go to this and last season


I love that gun I have it diamond my favorite part is people still believe I'm a bot while using it


Hg40 has been kicking ass minmax strafing speed and hip fire bullet spread


I am an Oden guy. Totally fun


Fennec’ing my way through.


DRH for MP, I’ve been really liking AK-47 paired with the CBR for BR


Mine is As Val it's a really fun gun I got like 5 headshots in a game without even trying


Type 25, I've started to grind for the diamond badge & at first didn't like how it handled/bullets dropping too fast. But now I like it because it's like a mini-fennec at medium range 😅


Mg42. i just started using an automatic again after only using a sniper (Locus, Tundra, & Dl Q) for almost a year. I only started using it cause I was in a SnD match in Favela and they kept getting me from long distance hella quickly😭


So far, i have been trying to change my playstyle I mostly used aggro smgs, but i have been having a blast playing with the MoW and the EM2 playing more passive and locking down common routes to the objective The only difference is that with the MoW i have to run toughness to stay on target


I always try to change up my guns makes a challenge sometimes and those are good choices




Good choice


Chicom, its very underrated, no recoil, able to kill in one burst, great hip fire, alright range, and great mobility. Im trying to get diamond on it


Mx9 cause I'm region leaderboard for it, plus don't really see people using it 


CBR and kilo-bolt(I used to be skilled at using the latter a few years ago but quit for a while and just tried it again)


Amax for good old nostalgia when coastal first came out and everyone was shitting on it cause it was a new ranked map




Type 19, so much fun


I have been using both the Type 19 and the Man-o-War (no, I don't use the thermite ammo) recently as alternatives for the Grau 5.56 and HVK-30 respectively. Both of them amazed me at how well they performed, with the Type 19 being purely satisfying, and the Man-o-War being able to 3 shot even at sniper range.


Type 19, loving it 😬


Kilo 141: Prolly my favorite AR it just flows so nice, is mobile and has stopping power PP19: LOVE this one no recoil, still an SMG but can hold it's own in mid range if I need it to PKM: Only if I have a good camping spot though cause dear lordy this one is slower than a freaking heavy duty sniper if you ever need to move SKS: I have an on again off again relationship with this one to be honest. The more skilled/fast I get the more I appreciate the XPR and prefer it for that kinda stuff, still a great gun though AK-47/AK117: Solid and dependable, not really OP but alright XPR: Sniper that can shoot many bullets and has good enough ADS. Honestly I just use this instead of SKS at this point and appreciate that it was the first sniper that made learning to snipe seem achievable and fun Koshka: My gosh I LOVE it but why is the next shot slower than the freaking DLQ33. This one is my favorite for quick scoping/sliding around/being a pain in the a ss but it's only fun if I'm in the flow cause otherwise I die DLQ33: Honestly this is just amazing and I DOMINATE with this one in long range, the ADS is a little slow and clunky compared to the Koshka though Man-O-War: realistically I mainly use it for the thermite when I'm sucking cause if imma die imma take someone else with me M16: Crazy underrated so many of you are sleeping on this one. It's pretty op for mid to long range when you get used to the bursting bullets Tundra: Ehhh I don't know why but I find it to be a sad middle ground between the DLQ33 and Koshka. Probably great when you figure out how to use it though


Rytec: Probably the easiest sniper to use out of all sniper, guaranteed 1 tap to every body part with explosive rounds. Mac 10 is what MSMC wish it could be. plus the attachment option is good, like it better than older CODM attachment. Rifle is kinda hard to say which rifle top which but as far as I am concerned It's a tossup between Oden, GRAU, Maddox, and Peacekeeper. Shotgun is a 2 category stuff and it's Jak-12 and Argus for each type of shotty. Didnt use any marksman rifle


Outlaw plus knife. Outlaw is a shotgun that can also be used long range. It feels really broken.


I've been using type-19 or new lmg a lot recently. Love the build I did for type-19 sometimes ppl on enemy team steal it XD. But for the lmg it's a nice laser and on the uav game mode that left a bit ago oooooh it was fun!




Oden is funny. Every bullet it shots I feel like I'm using nailgun


Hbr, i used to main this gun pre gun smith then i stopped usin it until thunderbolt sling and holy it still lasers real good and its really good at range Would recc this gun for everyone


M16 with the Wildfire is so fuckin amazing...


R9-0 and rpd


Before, Swordfish was my main, because I got lucky or skill that I have that overkilled it. Now I use M13 because of its fire rate and accuracy which is good. I also have a complex play style. I play mostly on MP and not more of BR, because I like matches that make my team and I lose, I hated this kind of time skill-based matching in CODM, it's the worst about this game. But I still play CODM, I have high hopes of win rates and all.


I've gotten very comfortable with Man-o-war with thermite ammo. Really great for Frontline and death match


Im an oden main


Have you seen people using the Holger 26?


I'm personally not a fan of that gun I couldn't get into it


Same with the oden it’s so underrated with the two-tap potential


I have started using the M16 and the MK2


Still can't let go of that M4 assault since the free legendary give away, but i really play by what's meta most of the time


I’ve been on the grind for Damascus since I was like… level 10. So I’ve never really stuck to a main weapon for general play. That said, 3 of my loadouts are specifcally for ranked, and I usually rotate between the Type 19, the KN-44, and the ICR. But


Over 6 months I spent time getting damascus shorty toom me the longest because of long distance but someone on here helped me out with that


I managed to get all my camos myself so far. As of now I’ve gotten somewhere around 60 camos in the space of about 3 months. I’ve already done all the sidearms except for the SMRS double kill, but I only need 3 more of those. And I’ve also done all of the DMRs and im working on shotguns before moving on to another category.


They fixed the shorty so now it's easier but yea good luck on the adventure


Probably the MG42. To be honest, they should nerf this gun, I mean with the right attachments it can reach up to 268 fire rate lol. Drains the mag in a few seconds, although it's bad that I have to reload every few moments, it has its advantages it got me to legendary and it kills people really quickly with the 268 fire rate attachments. Super fun weapon ngl.


Recently went back to the ASVAL with a new set up.


Ots 9