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Instead of the silly crate they should protect your rank xp. That would be better in my opinion


They really should do that or the bare minimum they should do is make you lose way less xp than you normally would. And if that’s not something they would do is they should at least let you pick what you want from the crate😭


Yeah I’ve never gotten a rank shield card from the crate, only credits


I can't even get that. Just worthless xp cards. "Wander what I'm gonna use that on. This max level gun, or that max level gun?"


Yeah I always pull xp cards. It’s so annoying


Ive been thinking this the entire time. I dont understand why they dont. Nobody cares about an XP card, yaaaaay thank you so much.


Imagine being so bad nobody wants to play with you >.<




NaNaNaNaNaNa..... The reason you hate this game's community!... CODM is inarguably one of the best mobile games to ever be made. The community however, as shitty as League of legends, your teammates quitting may have lots of factors behind it. One might have disconnected, one might be in a hurry, hell one probably got called for dinner. Plus if you ask me, in game modes like TDM and Frontlines, your teammates quitting is actually AN ADVANTAGE LOL!!.. Less kills for the enemy.


+ Free rewards and more xp (strong opponent, mvp, etc )


Yes less kills for them and more getting spawned killed cause we're outnumbered for me


Or another reason your teammates are shitty af XD. I've rage quit a couple times cuz I got the worst team mates...


no offence, but then you're part of the problem now


I mean you are the only one trying in the game and you are telling your teammates to not rush or not go to the same dam spot where a camper is just sitting n farming kills but they don't listen, what am I supposed to do. Better to just leave that team. The problem is the guys with 2 kills and 20 deaths in tdm or Frontline etc


no matter how bad it is you should never sink to their levels maybe you can even see good clutches like this


Maybe you r right and for that


Kill me, when you said TDM I could only think of The Diamond Minecraft..


The Diamond Minecart!! I'll kill you just because you got that wrong. Fake Dan fan.


Darn, that’s fair, I meant minecart, but auto correct corrected it to Minecraft


You would think that would make sense and be the case bc i did too, but unfortunately its not. You just get out numbered and your teammates do worse


Bruh, I wish this happened to me more often. You do get some extra xp when they fuck off.


That other person cursing the game coz he got disconnected as soon as he entered the match ooof


i got a kinda shitty phone so a couple of times i've selected play again w some (not really?) friends and like immediately lagged like fuck and left. never leave a ranked match voluntarily tho, if i get whooped i get whooped


I quit if it’s a completely one sided battle or if there is a melee fetishist or camper.


And I’ll bet it game induced also. Typically I don’t mind. Many times the quitter is causing the loss if it’s kills that get you to the win. Plus you get some points back from the quit.


For me, regular match quitting is even more annoying. Ranked at least you get compensation. Regular you get nothing but bad experience.. and also knowing those losers don't get punished for doing that.


It's me. The guy who quit on you. I'm not sorry. I'd do it again.


I don’t hate it because sometimes you have to quit getting another player is better then an afk one I hate that it can cost you 100 ranked points and your get a epic credit crate wtf is epic about a credit crate


Y’all really struggle and complain about getting to legendary!? It’s not hard at all


There are actually a lot of people that quit several games in a row to get a bot game.


I think if your teammate leaves, you should automatically lose only up to 15 xp


Dunno if you noticed but they also lowered the Last Standing rank xp bonus. Went from 25 to 15.


Yipee free 25 points


I never let my team down because I'm not a quitter plus it's not fair for the rest of the team


They should reduce the loss exp by a margin and I’d be good but slightly buff the win exp for winning with a few less members against a full team


to those who rage quit for any reasons; no offence, but then you're part of the problem now


am i stupid or i thought when a teamate quits it canceled out the xp loss? then again im probably high and wrong


tbh to me its a good thing cuz at least you'll get less penalty if you lose. but understandable.


i never play ranked bc my team never works together.


It looks like people would rather quit than play with you. Are you the smelly kid?? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I mean when they don't quit people hop on reddit and complain that their teammates are bad players 💀