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I've never seen the tank transport ship sprite, is there a setting for it?


He’s used the amphibious tank card. Normal tanks don’t look like that.


Just a bit unrealistic that it can cross oceans like that. IMO it should have that sprite only when disembarking since they'd be launched from a few km offshore. [Duplex drive tank – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DD_tank) Also Japan had [its](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_2_Ka-Mi) [own](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_3_Ka-Chi) amphibious tanks which would be fun in Pan-Asian, but obviously this leaves nothing for Axis and Comintern


If you get an amphibious tank card you can use them as any nation. There are representation in axis and comintern doctrine too. They are usually only part of events.


I already know, but what I'm saying is that there are good examples for both Allied and Pan-Asian amphibious tanks but there wouldn't be any for Axis or Comintern


Recently I played a 6X speed round and I destroyed around 200 units (all against real players) without losing a single unit. I didn't use a single gold. Strategies of my opponents were just hilarious. While all my troops were either level 5/4 (Axis) they hardly upgraded their troops (mostly Soviet). They just fell for my traps every single time. But didn't change their strategy. In one case I destroyed 36 units with my submarine that they're transporting. They also placed their troops near sea and my battleships destroyed them. They simply didn't have any answer to my plan. It's so easy.


Ah yes, another one of those truly genius plays we mere mortals cannot seek to understand


Nobody is saying it’s a genius play. But it’s a fucking boneheaded play to send 60 troops without any cover.


I once had a guy on 1939 try to surprise invade me(Germany) as France by embarking and sailing all his troops around Belgium and the Netherlands. I caught them with my subs and it was maybe my most glorious day of playing this game. Proceeded to conquer all of France in like 9 hours.




It happened to me to be accused of paying things by someone who later claimed that he/she spends monthly only a certain amount, who happens to be five times more than I spent ever on this game…


Yes those who accuse us of gold should shut up . I hate those pwople and wish them everything bad


I once did this. My KDR was decent at the time and kd shot up to 13.4 KDR. Wiped out their entire army, navy, and airforce in less than 24 hours. Was a few years ago when I was still new. it was on a 22-euro map which I know is a newbie map but I think it was still good.


It does happen frequently on the newbie map but this one was pacific. It should not happen on pacific.


Who cares if you use gold 🤣