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I think you know exactly what you need to do


youre very right 😞 I just have no resources or friends other than him i dont want to be alone. But tbh alone would be better than whatever im stuck in now


Speaking as someone who left a shitty relationship a couple years back, being alone is indeed much better. Don't stay with a douche just bc you're afraid of being alone. You said it yourself you earn much more than he does, I'm sure you can figure something out!! As for making friends, maybe you should consider joining some sort of club or going to events where you can socialize? There's plenty of ways to create your own network of people, just takes some time and patience


You may not think you want to be alone, but you do. This will give you a ton more time to work your business. I wouldn’t worry about friends or anything else at this time. I would make your money, get a car, a nice place and take care of yourself. Sounds like you are paying all the bills anyway so I think it’s time to give him the boot.


take it from someone raised with a pathological fear of caring for themselves alone - you can do this. you don't need anyone except yourself, you are your own best friend, partner and parent. you can care for yourself 1000x better than he can, especially now that he seems to believe your relationship is transactional. loving someone isn't about being owed by them. i've given my boyfriend money when he's been struggling and i don't expect a cent back. this person only wants to control you. you're so young, your life is just beginning, don't start it off with some leech attached to you, trying to drain you of money you need that you earned with your hard work. you can make new friends, and you will, as you earn more with less time you'll have more time to spend going out and socializing, joining clubs, volunteering, whatever you want to do. it sounds like you're already doing a fantastic job and earning a lot of money, so to celebrate, give yourself the gift of freedom from a relationship that is no longer serving you


you may only have him in your corner right now but i promise you once you leave him you will create a new support system for yourself. when you’re with a partner like your current bf they suck up all your energy and attention and resources, sometimes it’s intentional on their part and other times it’s just an incompatibility or they’re a naturally draining person. when you leave him you’ll have all the time and energy in the world to focus on building these things for yourself. if you’re lacking girl bffs try reaching out to some old friends from the past, you’d be surprised how many of them are lonely or need a true friend despite making life look great on their social media pages. even if their life is perfect, most people will make room in it for another friend. i’ve moved around a lottt so i’ve used bumble (on bff mode) after some moves where i knew literally no one and have met some really cool girls there, two of which are like best friend level connections in my life now. you’re worried about loss of money or how youll pay for rent if you leave him but if anything it sounds like he’s about to become a much bigger drain on your bank account without a job. he’s already been slacking off at work and now expects you to “help him out” because he lost his job. soon enough you’ll be expected to cover both halves of the rent, groceries, the electric bill, and whatever new video game comes out next. if you left him you’d have amazing internet connection to work whatever hours you needed to make ends meet, and you’d only be paying for yourself which makes it sm easier to budget if you’re having a slow month and to save money when you’re having an amazing month! as a side note ik it’s really scary not having someone to lean on if everything were to go wrong. i’m also one of those people and have gone through most of my life very alone and learning how to be there for myself. that doesn’t mean that we need to stick by people who don’t deserve it for a false sense of security. you’ll find true security by being there for yourself because you’re 100% capable of it. make sure you’ve got some money saved/ put aside and keep on top of that, build your savings up for those worst case scenario situations you have in mind. after awhile of having my own back and making good decisions for myself i learnt to trust myself, you’ll get there too bb<3


Bless your heart girl, you know what you need to do and you’ll do it when you’re ready in the meantime stack that dough!


Leave before he stops paying rent knowing you will cover him.


Yeah, how’s he gonna pay rent with no job? At the very least, make him get his own Internet like on his phone or something.


Him buying you weed and plushies is not the same as you buying necessities and paying bills. Get him out of your house or you out of his house because he’s gunna leech off you if he’s already quit his job. That’s absolutely his plan. In two years you’ve also both grown differently. Girls do a lot of growing at your age compared to boys your age. I don’t wanna sound like an old biology teacher but yeah. You’ve got different experiences and can mature more over a couple years than he could. Also depends on experience. But you’re at an age where you can excel at what you’re doing and have a decent career or you can fuck it up for some boy. I think you know what to do. 🧡


Honestly, it sounds like he is not mature enough to be in a relationship. If he doesn't respect you and what you do for work, you can't change him... In my opinion, you would be better off without him.


I think so too, im just scared because i dont have any other resources just yet- sure i can branch out but im scared. and when i say no resources- my mom has passed and my dad is a deadbeat, I do not have a car or permit. i also have no social life / friends bc i became a hermit after camming. but I guess fear is a sign you should take a step forward and do something though.. Thanks for the advice 💗


I’m old enough to be your mom and I will totally be there for you if you need it. Seriously don’t hesitate to message me.


I’m 48- have been there many times and done that. Girl, you’ll be fine. I left with 2 kids and was able to make it fine- you got this. You don’t owe him shit- him hanging that over you is NOT love. He should never bring that up and throw it in your face- that means it was transactional, again not love. You’re young- many will come and go, but tbh- being alone is the best:)


Knowing you were able to make it with two kiddos eases my mind so much.. thankyou for your comment.




I really needed to hear this, thankyou


Plenty of cities are walkable & give a walkable score on the sites to look them up.


Sounds like he isn’t comfortable with you caming, and probably never will. My older brothers both had stripper GF. They were amazing ladies and my bros couldn’t see past it ( they really fuck up tbh ). I know you worried about rent but if he isn’t working and earning, you’re gunna have to pay anyway! Give him one warning if he doesn’t do it leave.


He doesnt care that i cam at all, if anything hes jealous that he cant do it himself. We have made content together before and he thinks that he could leave his job and live off the money from that. like dude, im barely making anymore than i was before i made content with you. 🙄 Hes just money-hungry and thinks i owe him because i make money and he doesnt. Youre definitely right about the rent thing because he literally said something about that and along those lines the other night, implying i would have to pay it in full. Thankyou for your input 💗


If you really need to escape & live in the U.S. try [Coolworks.com](http://Coolworks.com) it is a job at different state parks & resorts. It will be good to mix it up job wise while you are young. You can buy a bus ticket & be gone. Many jobs on it supply housing. He is using you for resources & this situation will not improve. **DO NOT GET PREGNANT!**




Your welcome hope all goes well for you 😁


He could start camming on CB or any other cam sites that allow men? Then he doesn't have an excuse haha


thats what i tell him, his excuse is that he’s dyslexic and wont be able to read chat, but i told him that most viewers would be understanding, and just to have a short and simple menu 🤷🏼‍♀️ He just doesnt want to try


This is not uncommon. It’s pretty much a trope that some guys in relationships with SW’s feel they deserve a ‘cut’ of your income. They won’t say it outright often, but they feel entitled to your money and justify it bc you ‘made it easily’ and are selling what they view as theirs. Don’t let yourself be guilted, especially when you are the one who bears the risks, hassle, and stigma. Furthermore, he adds to the stress by shitting on your source of income while holding his hand out for the spoils. You are one sprained ankle or skin rash or cold away from being out of work a bit. Keep your money.


My ex bf didn’t work for months, wouldn’t see daylight for weeks and just play his video games. I broke up with him because I wanted to date a man, not a boy. I was paying every single bill while he sat on his ass, not even looking for a job. I now date a man who is VERY SUPPORTIVE of my cam career. I am still the bread winner but he does his part when it comes to the bills. Hun, you deserve A LOT better in my opinion. Save up that money incase of future emergencies. Incase you need to get your own place.


So he’s a broke entitled loser who started dating an underage girl when he was a legal adult and now wants to control your finances while he sits on his ass all day…What exactly are you getting out of this relationship, again? Girl drop the dead weight. It might be hard for a little while if he’s become your only support system but you can meet new people and you’re going to be way way better off and you’ll be amazed how much better life becomes when you’re not dealing with this manchild anymore.




I just signed a lease like 4 months ago, so moving is not really an option. my rent is 1,100 and thats very cheap for where i live and the economy IMO. Everything else is very helpful, thankyou for your input. Im trying to save as much as i can until i break it off


Thats exactly what you should do ! Save up money for your future rent. Then try working as much as you can until you reach your goal. Also if you push crazy hours, this will also help you increase your fanbase, that will equal in being more successful, and equals in more money. Stay strong, push through and pursue your purpose! Good luck ! 🍀❤


Oh hell nah


Hunnny the fact that he was buying you whatever you wanted as a MINOR when he was by law an ADULT (I don’t care if it’s a two year gap in this instance) bc what you have described is unfortunately grooming. Leave him.


Oh girl. Send him packing


Run while you can. 18 is way too young to be in a relationship anyway. Males will hold you back out of pure jealously. They can become abusive as well, when you’re doing good for yourself and they aren’t. You should deal with your co dependency issues because trust me, being alone is fucking great. If someone isn’t adding to your life, they serve no purpose. Hopefully you will learn most people are energy vamps, and are useless.


These types of jobs have always caused problems in my relationships, one way or another. Welcome to sex work! :-/ I think it is always a bad idea to support a man personally, nothing good will come out of it, they won't appreciate it. They will just get more resentful and passive aggressive, greedy and possibly physically aggressive.


Women in every career are having these issues with the men in their lives. If you look around reddit there are plenty with the same problem.




respectfully, drop the leach and focus on yourself. you may be alone but you wont feel lonely. and it wont take long for you to expand your community. you could start going to an activity regularly (like a workout class, cooking class, rock climbing, anything) and within a month youll feel differently. trust he will just hold you back and stall your progress


The no friends part got me. One thing that relation will sometimes do is isolate you from any safety net. I also get the rent part, I was years in a relation that didnt make me happy because of it. The first part is reach out to people you know, don't be alone. The second... well in my case I just went to live with a girl that needed to split the rent. I did it twice trying to leave the same guy. You don't depend on him to live. Not at all. And it seems you know this already. You are pulling his dead weight. Aside of all that, breaking up can be really difficult so be patient with yourself. But prepare to do it. You totally can


You are being financially abused & life despite having to do things on your own will greatly improve. Doing those things on your own will be growth & the independence you need in life. Those are like skills that will help you be so much happier. Lots of men sabotages their girlfriends & wives careers & ability to have an income, savings and good credit score. They do it on purpose to fuck you over. You need to write down your goals & then figure out how to achieve them. Friends, there are books & youtube vids on how to do that. But join a book club, join an online cam girl texting group, knitting or some kind of hobby group. Go take up yoga class to help center yourself & meet new people. There are all kinds of books, blogs, podcast & youtube vids on how to save money, prioritize what is important & budgeting. These are things you can do all on your own without thim. Like how to get a good credit score, set up an emergency fund, retirement fund and savings for a new place all on your own. You got this & he is only holding you back. Start lying to him about how much money you make.


A gift isn't meant to be paid back. That's shitty of him to ask. If you don't want to leave him then try buying him a plushie and tell him to head back to work if he wants to have more money. But TBF, you should cut this relationship off. He's using you, and is trying to increase the amount he can use you. This type of person will never stop increasing it. 🤷


He's taking advantage of you, he's getting in your while you try to make your money, soon you will be having to take care of all the bills, you are not his mom and you should not be taking care of a man who doen't work and play little games all day. Don't be scared to move out alone. I know you're very young and I presume you don't have a family to have your back, just like me and most of us here. I know you're going to be scared but do things even with fear, go out of your comfort zone because it is still toxic even if you find comfort in it. We are your friends, this is a safe place, and I'm very grateful for all the girls here because they've helped me a fucking lot. You're not alone, we're here for each other, soooo listen to the advice!!


Girly I was in your exact shoes at your age I moved in with him when I was 15 im 20 now. No car, no job, distanced from my family and friends at the time. I was scared to leave.. you already pay half rent! I bet that’s enough to rent a room somewhere else where you can grow and all your money will be yours not feeling like you owe him. That’s what I did, the first week is scary but after that it gets so much better ! You deserve to spoil and take care of yourself you work hard. It took me too long to realize I don’t need anyone and you definitely don’t need help from him. You can grow and make more money, friends, and meet someone who wouldn’t have you paying half rent.. someone mature who will support you 100% You’re too young to be stuck. I regret not leaving sooner don’t make the same mistake I did and wait. It’s a waste of time. If you need anyone to talk to or want a friend to vent to my dms are open


Hun, as someone who aged out the system and thought that I needed all those people around (the people who knew I got state subsidy on top of my pay full time pay checks, they charged me stupid rent for my “half” , but really it was them taking advantage of the money . Being alone and scared of not making it was my fear, and they were a comfort level. Guess what ? I sure tf DID make it without them !! Him being out will give you motivation to grind even harder . Multi stream ! You are young , you have a good head on your shoulders with the money making mentality you have . You got this . You don’t owe ANYONE shit !! That’s on him . You do you .


Ugh it took me until 26 years old to ditch these disrespectful losers 😂 my advice is start early! 18 sounds like the perfect age, easier said then done tho 😜 💞 with love


You don't owe him shit. He has been lucky just to be with you. You know what a lurker/ time waster/ freeloader is from this job. Well, sounds as though you live with one too. Just yesterday, there was another young lady, but her problem was the opposite of yours bc her BF wants to PROVIDE for her! Now, her man actually has the right to an opinion in my view bc he contributes a lot!


Is there anyway you could move elsewhere with lower rent on your own? It may still be an increase overall but maybe not as much as you’re paying right now. Also trust me, the mental clarity and stress relief of leaving a shitty situation is most likely gonna boost your work potential. You can get your head down and grind without someone else bringing you down. As for the alone part, like others have said it’s better to be alone than with someone who doesn’t value you and your work. Good luck! I hope things work out for you. I’m happy you’re seeing your worth and knowing that this isn’t right; this ain’t the behaviour you want from someone you spend so much time with.


Girl, you'll be fine. Do not stay in this relationship, trust me I'm almost 40 and the queen of bad relationships. I stayed in all of them WAY WAY longer than I should've...out of comfort..and I regret it. The change will seem rough at first, but once you get through the initial hump of it you'll be so much better off. You sound young, my advice to you- enjoy it!! Don't let anyone or anything hold you back. I bet you'll find alot more opportunities once you go out on your own. And if you really need help with your rent at first, I'm SURE you can turn to some customers to help...I mean especially gpimg through a bad break up. I have a BF and some guy just paid my bills. (And I'm sooo grateful omg) anyways...life is top short to not take chances and if you stay in your comfort zone you'll never grow. You guys will end up breaking up anyway I'm sure- just nip it in the bud. Good luck I know it's not easy.


Your young don’t waste those years in a toxic relationship. I did from 16-22 and I missed out on ALOT!


Leave, it will only get worse.


You don't owe him shit. If he tries to guilt you, SHUT IT DOWN.


I just finished listening to Madonna sing “don’t go for second best” and I open Reddit and see this. Please darling. You’re so young. Don’t waste another minute of your beautiful wonderful life with a guy who disrespects you like this. You deserve wayyyyyy better.


Dump him


Get rid of him. Within a few days you will be okay, streaming more and making more. Your fans will love that your single, they will be there for you I bet! Call a cab, get delivery. Without him, you will make some friends. For sure. He is causing you more pain and strain than not. Sounds like it's getting worse ...


I've yet to see a relationship where the lady cams and the guy has an issue with it work out well.A man should support you. Just the verbal disrespect is a problem. Take money out of it, because it's just money, money comes and goes....... do you really want a man that isn't respectful? One that is acting childish? He's an adult man and he should act like it. If he doesn't want to work but wants you to help support him, whatever... but he NEEDS to respect and support you in the process. Respect is key. I think the other advice here is dead on. And you know...


I am the lucky girl married with another lucky girl that is also a content creator. But we both had a poor past and since the beggining we share everything : loss and profits. Hope you find someone that deserves you!!


I saw in the other comments that you dont have a car or permit. If it’s something you feel is stressing you, you can start off by getting your permit/temps & then work on your license. I was in a similar situation as you. My parents couldn’t/wouldnt teach me and my ex wouldnt either, so I opted for some driving lessons with an instructor. You can probably find some classes to sign up for online& some places will pick you up and teach you with a car provided.


First of all, I wouldn’t recommend dating someone who you met in foster care. You met someone in survival mode. And men in survival mode in my opinion are dangerous, emotionally, and often physically. Nothing against him. But he hasn’t worked out his demons so he’s already not a candidate to date even had you not mentioned the other things. Secondly, he seems like he gave you gifts with the intention of getting some thing in return. That’s not actually giving a gift. And that’s so incredibly selfish. He has no right to it since he already gave you that stuff. The fact that you’re complaining about him, but still with him is a problem. I would recommend breaking up with this person and removing them from your life entirely. Blocking them. This is not a safe person to be around. I understand that you were there for each other during difficult times. And you are very young so this is a lesson you have yet to learn. But some people are only meant to be in your life for season. The younger you are able to learn this lesson the less heartbreak you will face .


When you give into fear baby you won't do anything,and since he knows he's your only friend he'll take an advantage... believe in yourself,you know you can do it and since you're making some good money Get a house hunny We will guide you over here, you've shared with us meaning we're your online friends I am rooting for you!!!and no you owe no one money and he's been greedy so f him and move!!!!


i’m sorry that sounds awful, with my bf he bought me 5k+ worth of gifts within our first couple years dating and he hasn’t asked for any back. He works and helps me w bills i am helping him pay some debt off but he didn’t ask me too. I would run if the relationship isn’t too serious.


Leave him and any men like this in the future. I promise youll be okay. You’ll definitely be happier and more successful in the long run. I went through this same thing i paid for EVERYTHING because i felt bad for him but the truth is I shouldnt have. Hes a grown adult with an able body. He can go get his own money. Get out NOW


You say you just signed a lease 4 months ago? That gives you 8 months to plan an exist strategy. Start slow, start now. Start saving, looking at places and budgeting for you move. Try maximize your earnings as much as possible while living below your means. Don't over spend, don't be flashy and DO NOT reveal how much money you are making to him. Work hard and just lie, say it's been slow, you're putting in extra hours cause your not making much money and that you can only afford to pay your half of the bills. You can even go so far as to plan it this way: by keeping the apartment you're staying in and getting him to leave. At the end of your lease, break up, tell him your landlord is not renewing and that you both need to leave but instead YOU renew the lease and stay. 




Clients/customers are not welcome in this subreddit and therefore your post has been removed. Thank you for understanding!


Just wanted to comment that online gaming would normally not cause your stream to buffer as online gaming hardly uses any bandwidth at all unless some aspect of the particular game is requiring him to upload data to other parties, streaming for example, large texture packs for custom artwork, stuff like that.


it most definitely does. When you sign up with a wifi provider you purchase different tiers of wifi based on what you do.. if youre a gamer they recommended a higher bandwith. I would disconnect constantly when he was online. Also, what did this comment add to this post, at all? 😂


Correcting you, it most definitely doesn't and it doesn't matter what ISPs say xD


mk buddy well nobody asked, also this reddit is for camgirls not weirdo camgirl tracking sites


...I've been here since 2019 and one of the original moderators I just couldn't devote enough time to it. Anyway I was just giving you the information since you said you blew up on your boyfriend. You don't have to take my word for it you can just look up the information. Sorry if it came off short I was just squeezing in some quick messages while waiting in line.




Despite the name of this subreddit, male cam models are welcome. We don't condone this kind of behavior. Your comment has been removed.




We don't condone bad behavior, therefore your post has been removed. Thank you for understanding!