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Hahaha I have a terrible habit of making good money and then not bothering until I am desperate. I make great money in a few nights, bills paid, food in the fridge. Buy a few things I like. Then, I don't bother making money to save. If I made what I do when I do go online, every night, I would be able to live a much nicer lifestyle. Im too comfortable being poor. I don't have much of a desire to make more, hence why I chose this lifestyle There are so many things I wish I could do, but I lack the motivation. So, following this thread. I really need advice.


I have what I call ETERNAL FEAR where I’m terrified of being broke lmao so I squirrel most of my money away, but I also have a lifestyle to maintain so I make myself work stupid hours to keep both these things up. This has made me SO burnt out that I can barely get online and got into a bit of bother with a coke addiction so I could work mad hours - resulting in me barely working AT ALL these days whilst I recover lol… 🥲 it’s ALL about balance and budgeting. Paying for necessities and a few treats and planning for the future, rather than naming a wild number and killing yourself getting there. You could have a few days where the money is for living, and a few days where you save whatever it is you make during that time. It ALL adds up and you’ll thank yourself later! 🖤


I grew up in poverty- it’s comfortable for me. This is a belief I’ve tried working through, it’s so hard! I watched my mom blow her paycheck in frivolous things and we’d be eating boxed mash potatoes for a week..never saved. It’s scary esp when you’ve got no one to fall on for help. If I don’t work I’m homeless. I put it off by working out first and then get tired - it’s an ongoing cycle, so now I’m just starting first thing in the day to get it over with- it’s so weird cuz I really love camming (except slow days and staring at myself), I think it makes me feel vulnerable (I was a fat kid bullied) so I always have some anxiety about it.. I could go on and on. My mindset now is if I don’t make money I won’t be able to work out living on the streets lol I think just realizing where my subconscious is with it and trying to be on top of it. Telling myself if I loved myself I wouldn’t put myself in these predicaments- which is true.


This is me


Omg same


Same!!! I'm also supporting 2 people rn but like I hav3 the time to be on more..I just can't do it..lol I have mental issues too so..ya know. But yeah its tough and I need to learn to save money for real- that's always been a struggle for me.


I struggle with this a lot, especially if I take a few days off. The small steps thing really helps. Try removing as many obstacles from it as you can. Do minimal makeup, minimal setup, throw on a hoodie and tell yourself you only need to stream for 5 or 10 minutes. Remind yourself that you can quit at any time, with or without warning. Try journaling about this and see if you can't find a pattern to it or factors that make you want to log on less. Start small even if you (like me) hate starting small with anything, do it anyway. Leave yourself wanting to stream more. Remove as many obstacles as you can from it - 5 minutes in front of your camera with minimal (or no) makeup and a hoodie is still 1000x better than not doing anything at all. I'm still struggling to get scheduling down but I know once you get into the habit of it it helps enormously.


This is actually really, really good advice! ❤️ It’s the only thing that kept me going despite of burnout. No make up. Put a sports bra or a cute bra on - if it’s slow I just log on later and don’t torture myself. This is my main income so I need those hours (3,5 a day) but sometimes I cut 30 min or so if it’s not worth my time. I take breaks when I need etc.


Maybe you have some pathological demand avoidance, its a neurodivergent thing


oh my god I have this and burnout makes it god awful next to impossible


That refers to avoidance of demands made by other people, and it’s not a “neurodivergent thing”. Humans naturally don’t like being bossed around, or bossing around other humans. It’s pretty sad that so many people assume it’s just normal to want to be controlled by others or to control others, but patriarchy and capitalism absolutely fuck our heads in unimaginable ways. Humans are inherently cooperative and egalitarian, despite what so many believe.


can you cite your sources please. Additionally, which is it "humans don't like being bossed around, or bossing around other humans" or "humans are naturally cooperative and egalitarian" PDA is not about being "bossed around" though it can be misconstrued that way. Described in this study: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13603116.2021.1916108


All of this “psycho-babble” is a means of making people feel like there is something uniquely and inherently wrong with them because they don’t fit well into our patriarchal, capitalist society that only serves capitalists. Is there an opposing diagnosis to “pathological demand avoidance”? “Pathological compliance disorder”, perhaps? No? So if I refuse to be bossed around by some illegitimate authority(i.e., all authority figures), there’s something wrong with me, but if I allow myself(and others) to be treated like shit, I’m all good? Makes sense!


Sources please.


I'm definitely looking into this.


I need to learn about this. Thank you for the terminology.


Sometimes I get like that but I have to remind myself that this is a job and its my only job so I have to hustle everyday. It definitely is a struggle. The good thing is that you can log in at any time you want.


Truth!! That's what I try to do too..and tell myself how it's better than any dumb vanilla job I had - where I'd work my ass off for nothing! Being grateful and giving yourself a pep talk def helps.


So this might not work for everyone, but what worked for me was taking small steps. Id increase the amount of days I would work every week gradually until I started doing 6 days a week. Eventually something clicked in my head and I stopped feeling that I don’t want to log on.


Try to not beat yourself up about it. It’s totally natural to not want to spend hours a day talking to depraved men on the internet, even for money. In fact, the money aspect possibly makes it harder, because you know what? It’s not natural for humans to want to make money either. We want to spend our time with people we love and trust deeply, and when we can’t do that, we become incredibly unhappy and feel incredibly unsafe. We have been brainwashed into thinking that “normal” people like being cogs who care only about money and stuff, and if we aren’t like that, there’s something wrong with us. There’s a very good chance that you’ll work just enough to make the money you need to pay your bills and survive. Have you ever not done that?


God I needed to read this today !!!! I’m screen grabbing it for when I’m hard on myself for not wanting to work!


Glad to help!


I think a lot of people struggle w/ this in general, even outside of SW. The difference is you can’t get fired if you don’t show up so there’s no external motivation. I just started a month ago and I was doing 6 days / week and i think I might take my 4th day off tonight. Staring at a screen for 3+ hours and being hyper aware of the way you’re being perceived isn’t normal- it’s draining! Can you shorten the time you’re online so it feels more digestible? I just got aunt flow and I can feel my motivation withering every day lmaooo


I felt this so bad 😔 aunt flow killing my already-low energy for it 🤦


I have the exact same problem, you aren't alone.


Every single day :( lack of self discipline and motivation are the biggest obstacles I’ve found. Otherwise I also love it! 😆


I’m in the same boat… I struggle to get online, I make a few hundred bucks I’m like okay I’m good but if I actually find the motivation to work it like a normal job I’d make so much. I’ve worked 36hr for the month! I tell myself to just go online but excuse just pile up!


Write down a schedule and stick to it! Don’t just stare at the screen sit there and read a spicy book out loud, play a game etc


Same - my brain is not my friend- I struggle with it too- if I would just work everyday, make 500$ log off and be done, my life would be so much better. It’s pretty easy most days to make this within a couple hours, but my fucking head always gets in the way. I’ll do it after I say, and then I’m tired and the thought of even doing my makeup is too much. I feel this so much- like Nike says- just do it! Eat the frog - get the hardest thing done first (which is difficult when you do night shifts lol)


Yes. I stream on more than one place and I’ve been pretty lucky with how I log on and don’t really struggle struggle to make goal. Of course I do still have days I don’t but if I stay put for my time for the day I make what I set out to make. But I also have to be online to make it happen 😭


For some reason for me, having my outfit picked out the night before helps me a lot. As well has having all my toys and everything else I need set out and ready to go.


I need discipline myself. I think it's jus my social meter for even online can be much. Even if I'm getting paid.


Fighting this right now. It’s awful.


I can relate. I need an additional reg job where I'm not looking at wieners all day. 🙄


I had to switch to FemDom and Fetish. I don't do penetration but I still do full nude and use a tip vibe externally. I wear layers so strip tease is extra hot. It took time but I'm so much happier even though it's harder for me intellectually, it's easier emotionally. For reference Im on SM and clip sites


Maybe accountability partners would help- I’ve been wanting to do a 75 hard camgirl - where I do 6/6 which is a lot so 6 hours 6 days… anyone?


Wait I am so down for this we should have a camathon thread or something


Im online every day ,two Times per day ,totally burn out but no Money ..i dont know what the hell ,150usd only i earned in 3days working 2shifts


Be honest with yourself. If that job would actually make you happy we wont have this discussion right now. Set yourself a goal maybe? and look for the way out into something that actually makes you happy. That’s what I am doing right now. I am a top model, I’m making a lot of money. But I am in this cycle too because I hate it.


Listen to what your mind and heart are telling you. It’s obvious that you hate the job but love the money. That’s no way to live your life. Go study and find something you love to do. You have one life. You’ll never have this time back.