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Hey you have a right to be angry but please don’t dox or encourage people to harass him. It’s not nice and goes against Reddit policy. I’ll be banning those who do so. Edit: weird how so many have suddenly swiveled to be pro cancel culture


Zero trust society man. Not only does he have no shame over stealing from the poor, he’s broadcasting it so that other can steal from the needy as well. Horrible.


I wonder how much the hoodie was




He got it free from university on orientation day






Mass deportation should commence immediately


Do t forget part 2. End immigration for 30 years minimum


The rich people that want slaves would never allow the feds


The French have a way of dealing with these things




Are we at the storming the Bastille point now? Whose bringing the dropy thing. Let's do this classier than our southern neighbors and only get the rich.


Viva la revolución!


You spelt Tim Hortons wrong 


And when immigration returns ensure there’s a legally binding commitment that it will never be 90%+ from the same country, ANY country, ever again.


this 100%. Even US distributes immigration quotas among countries. Canada is becoming little india (was becoming little china). If we did not have disproportionately large immigrants communities from a couple of select countries, we would not have had chinese commie influence nor indian government assassins roaming around.


jfc, finally someone is waking up, why the fuck do we have so many immigration quotas coming in from 1 specific country or region? it is so obvious what the liberals want, bring in English speaking obedient "slaves" to do all the menial, garbage jobs here while securing their votes to continuously stay in power by giving them free handouts, PR, etc...




You're going to get only one kind of shill bot myopic 18 year old liberal college student reply to that: Ending immigration would kill the economy. Which it wouldn't. Remember covid? Everyone quit for CERB and employers were desperate enough that they started paying higher wages? Meaning people made more and could thus spend more? And housing was more affordable for a brief moment. And businesses did just fine. But LPC/Developer/Tim Hortons shills who get paid shill bucks and mod karma in city subs insist we NEED immigration at current or higher levels


The tide is turning. Even staunch liberals are fucking done with this. Our children are fucked.


The benefits of reducing immigration (and making what remains hyper-focused on sectors like healthcare) would drastically outweigh the costs at this point. I could not care less if a few Timmies franchises went bust.


just from india


As our country circles the drain, these pieces of sh*t steal from the poor. Outrageous.




Can we start with this dummy im ptetty sure this is a crime


No matter how many times people say the word “deport” it’s not going to happen en masse. The most the government will do is wait until their visas expire and tell them to leave. This guy isn’t getting deported, there’s no reason that can be provided as to why.


Just need to make policy so difficult that they leave themselves. Remove all benefits. Make it illegal to hire a foreign worker over a Canadian. Things like that.


Yeah he’s broadcasting it to his followers so they also do it en masse leaving even less for the poverty stricken needy. He looks well fed and not starving but there is some child out there who didn’t get any bread or bananas because of this moron


Unfortunately I stopped giving to the food bank because of this.




Worse, He is actually bragging about how smart he is by getting "free" food


Maybe if we started prioritizing immigration from high-trust societies over low-trust societies we would end up with a higher trust society 🤔


People from high quality countries don't want to come here, why would they? Why would someone from Denmark or Germany want to come *here*?


Meanwhile we’re supposed to be horrified by the “Use of food banks is rising” headlines.




Great thoughts, thx for taking time to write and sharing. Very articulate. Will borrow some of it


What a literal dirt bag.


He looks very very well feed.


he is calorically significant


Of course he gets hundreds of dollars in food per month from food banks!


This was posted a few days back on Instagram( you can check his account name on the video). Now he seems to have deleted the video and also his LinkedIn account because many people were spamming him and contacting his employer. Edit: This video was also posted on the wlu sub a day ago which is probably the university where he studies.




But the bigger problem is that there are so many of these students quietly scamming the food banks, this guy just bragged about it openly. In the video, you can see several students waiting in lines for getting "free stuff" from the food banks.


for anyone wondering, international students currently make up 2.5% of the population in Canada. and that's not counting family they have brought over


And their spouses get a work permit too! And they don’t need to know either of the official languages!


Or the homes and apartments purchased. I'm not canadian and I have heard about it.


There's always another Tim Hortons around the block looking to exploit cheap labor.


Nevermind the stealing from the needy, Just this sentence alone should be enough. “Hope he got fired” but he’s an international student? Shouldn’t they not be working at all and have more than necessary funds to pay for their abroad education? If you are fine/advocate for this then you either fully believe these students are here for education solely, in which they’ll take back home, or firmly believe they are here to scam the system and are okay with it because you feel bad for them, or something. These are the only two scenarios for natural citizens that are pro-international student. One of which required turning a blind eye, and one of which requires absolute ignorance, neither are a good thing.


Bye bye




Good. Thanks for posting this


Based on his LinkedIn, he doesn’t even go to Laurier. It says he went to Concordia U in Montreal. That’s what I suspected as a student just finishing up there. I haven’t seen many international students in general at that school.


Hopefully he will be deported as well, but I don't have a lot of trust in our immigration system anymore.


International students stealing from the poor. Nice.


International students who must guarantee that they can afford to live and study without having to work. > **Proof of Funds:** International students are typically required to provide proof of funds to support their studies in Canada. This may include bank statements, scholarship or sponsorship letters, and other financial documents demonstrating their ability to cover the costs of tuition, accommodation, transportation, and living expenses. The person in the video is a parasite.


They show fake bank loans and proof of funds.




Next Air India flight out of here put him on it to New Dehli.


In Canada we do not punish criminals , or deport fraudsters , duh 🙄 we reward them ! Canada is fast becoming a zero trust society if it isn’t already, and people like this student aren’t helping the situation either , I would like to this Canada is a very tolerant country but well hard to be tolerant when people feel being exploited!


Truth. So tired of this Shit show. Every party is just some corrupted, greedy shit.


I'm a tax-paying full-time worker. If one of Toronto's *unhoused* has an episode and throws hands at me on the TTC and I have to defend myself, *I'm the one* getting the criminal record.


No kidding ! These kinds of policies are responsible for the volatile society we have right now. People are broke , they are angry and broke and seeing videos like this certainly exacerbates the situation. Canadian citizens are being discriminated against and are taken advantage of on a daily basis, many jobs in the public sector openly state that their job opening is only available to a certain people based on their racial groups and colours instead of being based on merits etc…. Wages have remained stagnant, quality of like eroding, owning a home is becoming a pipe dream , for many it already is ! On top of that you have Calgary mayor saying crap like “being lifelong renters is liberating and not owing a home gives you freedom “ Remember the RCMP report that warns of a a revolt once Canadians realize how broke they are ? Cracks in the society are starting to show and are getting wider every day, it is just a matter of time !


> starting to show They started during the Pandemic. What's going on is splintering.


When you looked outside before the pandemic you recognized Canada. When we all got let out of lockdown nothing looked the same. That’s when it truly started.


I was trying to put it mildly, but you’re right




Same. The problem is a large part of our population is brainwashed and aggressively votes against their (and our) own interests.


This is intentional. For those of you who don't think there is a coordinated push worldwide to destroy the western culture and its idea of decency, think again.


You can report immigration/visa fraud being committed by someone to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html


Not the public insta profile 😂 how ballsy


Once you get in that algorithm, you realize there's legit thousands of students posting content like this trying to be "influencers" - often boasting about how they're taking advantage of Canada/"taking over"


They don’t care lol. They know no one gonna do shit or say shit to them. We are a non confrontational country or people as a whole


Where's the deport button.


You can report immigration/visa fraud or abuse being committed by someone to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html


I don't know why the government loves their disgusting URL's so much.


I always contemplate if the Canadian Govt website is genuine or if it is phishing


He should be charged for this. I am unsure of the charge, but there has to be something they can do to prevent this type of crap. Either that or threaten him with deportation if he pulls this type of stunt again.


Unfortunately its hard to crack down on the people taking advantage of these services without also punishing people who genuinely need it (minus when they broadcast it like this) People who need it the most (i.e homeless people/actual refugees) sometimes don't have proof of their identity and wouldn't be able to access these services if they were required to bring those things Unfortunately starting to hear about some homeless people being turned away because of some food banks now requiring them to prove they live in the area. Even though they don't have an address because they're homeless




Some cultures don't see generosity or charity the same way we do. To some it's almost seen as foolishness or a weakness to give things away. It's sad. This is why assimilation is important. Assimilation doesn't have to be a dirty word, and it doesn't have to be a total erasure of an immigrant's racial, ethnic, national, or religious identity. But to have no assimilation at all leads to chaos, alienation, and mistrust on all sides. We have to have at least some shared values and visions.


I agree. I see a lot of culture clashes happening recently- particularly when it comes to driving laws and etiquette and littering/literally shitting on the land. Where I live we have a huge Filipino community and I find their culture meshes quite nicely with Canadian culture. A lot of their values are similar and overall I see a lot of interest in embracing Canadian customs as well as sharing their own. We need to face the reality that not all cultures feel warmly or are at all interested in the country they’re moving to. And that should matter.


That's why we need to imitate the US and cap immigration by country to avoid a certain culture or mentality to take over.


This is probably the most level headed take on this very contentious issue I’ve ever read. I really love immigrants and multiculturalism but I don’t love some of the attitudes we’re importing. Do those attitudes contribute to the societal conditions they are escaping when they immigrate to Canada, and if so, should we not be taking measures to prevent those attitudes changing the direction we’re headed as a country? I don’t know, it’s a complicated issue and I don’t want to pretend I know best.


That’s literally how we acted when we still possessed pure animal consciousness run by our ego. 😳 Everything is a fight, stealing, contempt, strength/weakness.


That's how you get ahead where they're from.


Part of the culture - my Indian coworker who grew up in New Jersey from age 10-18 said fights break out in India in exams if you don’t share your answers. His cousin in India in last year (grade 12) was jumped by 4 guys after an exam outside school after he didn’t show his answers. Ended up with a concussion. Crazy smh


Plus they're taking our housing


I study abroad in France. They cheat here, too. Kinda funny tbh. 


The Indian Subcontinent has a very scammy culture. This is normal behavior for them. Tourists who've gone to India talk about people constantly trying to scam them. I don't think India is the most violent country in the world- the murder rates are probably much lower than say Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, South Africa, Jamaica, or Trinidad. But when it comes to scamming, I think India is the top country in the world. Some other countries or regions have a lot of scams too (like Nigeria, for instance) but I don't think they're on India's level. Before there were proportionally fewer immigrants in Canada from the Indian Subcontinent and the immigration system was fairly selective. So earlier South Asian immigrants tended to tone down the scamminess. It was like earlier immigrants knew they had to act a certain way to be acceptable to mainstream Canadian society and keep certain things on the down low. But nowadays there are so many flooding in with so little selectivity, that the full-blown India-levels of scamminess are coming through. If anything, the current system is now *rewarding* people who scam their way in. This is bad for Canada in the long term because when you get an overly scammy society, then things start to fall apart. People who get jobs by lying and don't know what they're doing means things won't get done properly, for instance.


I work at a hotel and we hired an Indian girl who claimed to have years of experience with Marriott in Canada. On day one of training, which we thought was just to get used to our specific property procedures, *she couldn't even count the cash till*. She had no idea what Canadian bills or coins looked like or what their value was. She was out the door within 5 minutes. I asked the manager did you not call references? She said she did and they checked out. Turns out they were fake references lol


Yup, and then some Indians say that they are morally superior to North Americans: [https://youtu.be/AtPO0agf8SY?si=X10y4YoHqs5cdU0J&t=679](https://youtu.be/AtPO0agf8SY?si=X10y4YoHqs5cdU0J&t=679) . What the guy says in the video is not an uncommon discourse in many parts of the world about Westerners.


There was a study done like 10-15 years ago that showed the breakdown of Indian and Chinese student mobility. The very wealthy of China and India go to the US or UK as a first choice; they will come to Canada to attend Rotman, Schulich, Smith and Ivey. That's it. The others are all either middle class or have compiled enough money and gotten approvals that way. We're still operating under the assumption that they're all rich. Rich Indian kids go to Massachusetts, not Ontario. Ontario gets the poor kids. We allow them to come and then force locally at-risk people to compete with international students. It's a farce.


There are students who wouldn’t even get into good schools in their home countries. Like you said all the rich, top students go to top schools in the states or England. All the non rich top students go to top local schools. If you’re a top Indian student, you’re going to go to the best schools in India and build a good life for yourself locally, the same way you would as an American or Brit graduating from MIT or Oxford. Canada is getting students who aren’t rich and who aren’t even good students.


And then after a semester of fucking around in class, on their phones, cheating on exams, talking over the instructor, they have the balls to protest because they failed. Claiming they *deserve* to pass because they paid tuition. The unbelievable entitlement of this lot is positively disgusting. Taking us all for fools.


All it takes is a government and populace with actual balls and these measly fucks will slither away back to India


^ this. Canada attracted the worst of the lot. Congratulations


I wouldn't call them poor, though. The poor don't even get out of their hometowns in India. These students come from the "upper middle class" of Indian society. The upper middle class is more or less comparable to the middle class of Western societies in economic status.  But yes they are not the wealthy (or landed gentry as they used to say say in Britain). 


Poor relative to the scale of international migration. Here in the US you have Chinese and Indian students buying luxury cars to drive around. When I was still faculty in Canada, we had students that were lower-middle class. They had collated resources from multiple relatives and parents had taken small loans. They would be honest and say they had nothing. But Canada does a shit job of vetting applicants. A private company does it and Canada lacks oversight. It's too fraught. It doesn't make sense. And once they arrive here, unlike the US (and to a greater degree the UK) we lose all sight of them. They can vanish like a fart in the wind and there's no real ability to conduct enforcement. Because ministries don't know what the other is doing, many can successfully change their status without ever having stepped foot on a campus.


I go to school in Windsor which is nothing flashy and I have not seen a single Chinese student scamming the food banks. I volunteered at one, and only saw a couple of Asian seniors probably not able to survive with their pension during the current state of the economy. I made friends with some Chinese fobs and one of them drives an Audi SUV and I know a few whose parents bought them mansions here. Even the ones that aren’t flashy still have parents that support them since the tuition is still astronomical compared to domestic students.




This is a helpful contribution to this conversation. I will be emailing (even though I don't live in KW) and I hope others commenting on this post also share their concerns with the MPs in the KW area. As an aside, I hope you are connected with the supports that you deserve.




Fuck this! I can't believe how we reached a new low when a citizen is approved for legal suicide but not for a fucking shelter. Please don't give up. I know it's rough but please don't go. Fuck MAID and fuck the whole world for that matter. I read your comment and I was about to punch a hole in the wall because this is freaking unacceptable. I haven't seen my family for 11 years now so I know how it feels to be alone against the world. We need you to stay here with us.


This guy is slime. Punt him quick, please.




India is colonizing us.


Hear ya. Just yesterday a few cut me off and one almost side swiped me. More and more were seen working at one mall I haven't been to lately-usually a few in one store-once one gets in.... At IKEA everyone else was working but 2 were chatting on and on in their lingo oblivious. I've never seen or felt anything like this before. Every time I go to the library a few are there printing out multiple resumes. Most bad drivers are...probably on zipping on an uber run. Disaster. Thanks Fraser, Trudo, Millstone.




What a POS to broadcast how to steal from the poor. Fucking shameful.


Well, consider the 20B gold heist criminals are bailed and living their lives, i doubt anything will happen to him


Fuck this country


No, this country has *been* fucked.


I don't think Indians and Indian immigrants will ever recover from the damage caused by these international students. We might be awaking a new ultra right wing front.


I didn't even use the food banks when I probably should have (skinny, broke, no lights on) cause I felt other people needed it more. In reality it's people abusing it. Id refuse him simply for being fat 


Can confirm, brown culture is like that, growing up in it. I was born in Canada and brown people (immigrants) seem to just want to milk the system or find loopholes. That's why their own countries are shitholes.


Earlier South Asian immigrants used to tone it down or be a little sneaky/lowkey with it, IMO. But the newcomers are just going full-blown with the scamming.


The difference is that know they come in droves, so no need to assimilate, they creat their own groups and don't feel the need to integrate to Canadian society.




Hang on, I just checked the wlu sub and saw that they have also posted the same video yesterday, and many in the replies are obviously angry. 


Some of my darkest days were having to line up to use a foodbank when an overseas transfer got stuck and I had nothing to fall back on except Dollarama Maple Cookies (best calories per cent) and lentil soup from the food kitchen. Even then I couldn't do more than a week of it even though the soup kitchen was on campus and meant for students like me who were struggling (and was paid from the student society fees that everyone was paying into). This sort of free loading behavior is just atrocious.




Usually I would chuck this to a few bad apples but a few months ago an article by the CBC, multiple food banks outright said this was being said my multiple immigrant students and they had to inform them that no, this isn't what food banks are for. Very easy to blame the immigrants, but in reality food banks are going to need to implement a vigorous vetting process to establish who can and cannot access them.




This fat bitch is living off of a lot more than free fruits and veggies.


You think buddy will ever make a donation ? Hmmm




I really start to miss those rich Chinese international students


It's sad that we're turning into a no-trust society because of all these shameless people who are taking advantage of everything. What a piece of human garbage.


I’m hiring for a senior management role right now and I’ve gotten about 40 applications just from Indian students here and not a single one are qualified. I’ve never seen this before in my hiring. I’m also getting many applications from people still in India. It’s wild


My friend works in big tech. They interviewed two Indian students who had very impressive resumes for data analyst positions. During the interview, they couldn’t answer questions about what variables were.




How to save money: Steal from the poor? This guy took a page from the billionaires.


Probably drives a bmw


Terrible racists like me knew that multiculturalism (parallel communities/keep your own values/culture/ language) as a state sanctioned enterprise and not a melting pot(wed yourself to your new country/integrate/leave regressive shit behind) would eventually be the death of Canada. The tipping point would just depend on the ratio of arrival of unintegrated third world nationals to time span. The shorter the span, the faster the deterioration.




In this culture it’s seen as a massive win if you somehow get stuff for deep discount or for free. Even if you don’t need it. My father owns a small business and his absolute worst customers are Indian immigrants looking to make sure you sell at a loss or no profit lol. He’s started to inflate prices for them so they negotiate down to a price that everyone else pays and they feel like they get a deal.


Why would a data scientist working in TD need to get free food from a food bank? This is just greed. Disgusting behaviour.


We become low a Low trust society when we import people from these scummy places


Deport them all. NOW.


Cans we stop using the term "International Student" and just say "Indian students"? Students from other nationalities are not causing these problems..


Although it's predominantly Indian students, other groups are also scamming the food banks and also sharing videos in their own language explaining how to do it. Overall with the mass immigration policy, Canada is descending to a low trust society. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/19czzs6/student_of_uottawa_shares_how_she_and_her_husband/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Should be for actual Canadian citizens. Should have to show ID or something.




Go to their TD Mississauga creekside buildings. It’s like Bombay. Every single one.


Of course it’s Laurier. lol. I’m Surprised it’s not a Conestoga student though. lol


I looked at his LinkedIn and he didn’t go to Laurier. Unfortunately he’s giving my university free bad press😒😒🤦‍♂️




You forgot fraud and scamming


Yup 🇮🇳


Have you ever heard people say it's easy (easier) to be homeless in India? I have. Apparently it's like a subculture because of the warm weather and the army of charities that make it their mission to feed people.


This group has hit a critical mass in Canada. The Gov't bureaucracy is full of Indians and thus they not only do not deport their own but actively push through approvals for immigration & PR for other Indians. Canada is now on a irreversible path to becoming an Indian overseas state in the next 50 years.


This guy deleted the video off his instagram pretty fast, but he's an immigrant who works at TD Bank, and still is abusing our social services. It's just in the mentality of people from the country invading Canada to do these kinds of things.


Fuck this guy. This is food meant for the poor and needy. Ask your rich dad to feed you.


Absolute scum of the earth.


We all need to do our part as Canadians Tell your friends and family this is happening. Email government and university officials.  This guy is so lucky he isn't doing this shit in Eastern Europe. 


As a South Asian I can tell you for certain folks it's cultural tbh


He's not here to contribute to Canadian society. He's here to take as much as he can from Canadian society. DEPORT


Also shame on the employers for wanting to bring these people in the country rather than giving local canadians raises


One reason to avoid Tim Hortons, and most any chain restaurant.


I’m an international student at another country, just wanted to say that it’s some particular nationalities that act like this. It’s frankly horrible to be judged because of these people. I’m living in an accommodation of 60% Indian 20% Chinese and it’s a nightmare, they lack basic manners and empathy with others, constantly throwing parties at unreasonable times during the middle of the week. The guys at my flat are Indian, they just completely clogged the sink because they can’t understand the concept of throwing food in the trash before cleaning your shit. At the start of the year, they were throwing rubbish on the ground and making the shared spaces absolutely disgusting. Most of them don’t come to study, assimilate and integrate. They come for an extended vacation/party. No empathy for natives or other nationalities of internationals. I’m sure some of them came with good intentions but it’s a small minority. And why they do that? Because there’s no punishment and repercussion. I also grew up in the third world with people like this being the majority. If there’s no appropriate consequence, these people will just take advantage of whatever they can. You are essentially showing weakness by slapping their wrists, they start testing your limits until you get situations like these. In the third world, throwing trash around a shared kitchen would land you a fine that increases the more times you do it. Here, these guys got out with a nice and respectful talk. They just learned they can do whatever and nothing will happen to them, the situation has only gotten worse overtime. The nationals are literally panicking because they don’t know what to do to make them stop. As an international student that has been trying really hard to integrate, these people disgust me. They will get all of us expelled when patience runs out and then laugh about it. I sincerely suggest really harsh punishment for actions like these, please just kick them out! Don’t even give their money back. I’ll be happy to follow the rules, and all others that have suffered because of them and the stigma they cause will as well. We will be there if happier than you all if these people get deported, trust me. It’s worse living next to them. They are literally the reason we want to get out of the third world.


Why did anyone think of mass immigration of a people whom seem to have no loyalty or respect for the country they’re entering was a good idea?


No one saw how they treat their own country I guess….


I hope this got posted in the Kitchener Waterloo sub








We pay taxes so fools like this can come on fake documents and take food from food banks. The needy have to starve while he can do this. Mass deportation!!!!


Time to send this fucker back to his homeland


It's absolutely depressing and hilarious to me at the same time, as a European, to see that Canadians looked at us "racist Europeans" who dealt with the same effects of immigration, and decided to do exactly the same thing but worse. Canadians single handely doomed their society. And don't give me the "its the liberals or conservatives". You voted for this. You were tolerant, pro immigration, pro diversity, and wanted a taste of it. Now you got it, and you will reap the rewards of it in full. That is, the demise of your once prosperous society. You will know what its like to be hated for being of European descent in your own country. You will rue the days when you and your liberal parents made those fateful decisions, as you watch the hordes multiply in a birth rate that you can never hope to match. Canada is over. And people who say "Conservatives are better" are liars. listen to the likes of Jordan Peterson, the king of Conservative ideologues. He was never against immigration and constantly railed against Europeans for their "far right identity politics". Conservatives are pro immigration because it suits the profit seeking labor maximising of capitalist doctrine.


I think the post modernism of the 90s slowly slipped into normal thinking. Moral relativism, avoiding judgement as much as possible, rejecting the concept that certain conduct is evil (or even that evil is a usable term outside of comics) - we lost the plot. The only way out that I see is rallying behind someone who speaks in terms of morality. I’m not saying social conservative, but someone with a robust idea of right and wrong and the value of truth and Justice. Who that person is, I don’t know.


Send them back to India 🇮🇳


This is completely disgusting


This is disgusting.


As a volunteer in a food bank in Quebec, we know the word has passed here too, about the free food. All in a sudden, a mass of international students are coming by. We have huge line ups. BUT, they can't take as much as they want, and it's not true for this guy either, i'm sure. Every food banks as limits so the more people can benefit from it. If we have eggs, it's gonna be 6 eggs by person. That's an example. On bread, we don't have a limit cause we have so much of it, it's actually doing us a favour when they take lots. Veggies, we do have limits too. Some who come do actually struggle financially but, others just profit from the system big time. And it's pissing me off. I won't watch the video, it's gonna put me in a bad mood and the day is already long and boring....


Welcome to Canada. Home prices are literally double the cost than in the US. Food prices and gas is insane. And we let in over a 1M immigrants last year and the target is at least 500K per year. Oh and this guy. Immigration at a sustainable level ok. But Canada cannot afford any more right now. And they live in their neighborhood ghettos, not assimilating and playing the race card at the drop of a hat. Now if this guy is struggling and needed food fine. But no he is taking away from the needy without shame. He broadcast it on the internet! Welcome to Canada.


The reason he posted by this way is they have no social awareness. India a country that is known for shitting in the streets. You think he's going to be ashamed from taking from a foodbank when he isn't indigent? Maybe Canada will rethink about their immigration policy.


Some cultures see generosity and charity as a weakness to be exploited. "You mean to tell me that this is free? What a bunch of dumbasses." And trust me, shaming them doesn't work because they rarely engage in introspection.


As an Indian (living in India), your country needs to do better to protect their citizens and their welfare. People will exploit without limit if given opportunities, so you need to set limits on how much you allow yourself to be exploited and how much value you obtain in return. Set limits on how many Indians and other foreigners can come in and limit how much American private investment companies like BlackRock and Chinese nationals can buy up residential housing meant for you. You need to be a bit selfish and aggressive for your sake, else you will end up becoming a doormat in your own country.


Why are Canadians so eager to create a New India out of this country I will never understand. Nobody complains, nobody does anything, just online comment outrage but real life nothing happens. They can't put a 7% cap like the US on immigrants per country? And allow students to work on campuses only like in the States?


What? People think third world migrants leave third world values at home?




When do we ship him and his friends home? Im PR now but I took the same IS route to come here. We never even considered going to food banks because that is unfair. We were asked to show our financial capabilities to support ourselves during the visa application. This type of people just want to take advantage of all the benefits that Canadian should receive. I'm even surprised food banks allow this.


As an employer, I will blacklist someone list this. This shows a huge lack of ethics and morals. Where can I find this guy/info from the original post?


What a loser


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No more PGWP. Finish studies and go home.


This makes my blood boil....


Again, when you mass import people from third world countries, where everyone is trying to maximize their resources by hook or by crook, because it's such a dog-eat-dog world there, the mindset is completely incompatible with a high trust society like Canada's. We didn't have these problems before because we had a properly functioning, selective immigration system. When you open the floodgates, a lot of trash is going to come in to exploit what they see as a system which is ripe for exploitation. Like this guy.




A clear violation of his visa he should be immediately deported


Immediately deport. Fuck this guy. So unbelievably shameful.


Clearly we need food banks to start requiring ID for non-homeless folks using the food bank.


Go back home


That’s so nice - willing to feed himself whilst others in need go without……


Deport ASAP


He’s taking from the mouths of Canadian children