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Canada’s competing for the fastest drop from a first to third world country.


Canada's winning!


We gotta win at something I guess?




Never thought I'd see Alberta or Canada grouped together with Sub-Saharan African countries in any conceivable statistic. But here it is!


Economic collapse speedrun any%


You have no idea what the third actually means. It's a teem from the Cold War . The first work was the USA and its allies Second is Russia and its allies Third is unslighed countrys . Canada is not falling apart get off the internet abd go for a walk...or move to America and prey, you can drink the water or don't have your health insurance denied


OK Professor. The common colloquial usage is more or less equivalent to "Developed" and "Developing" countries. It's semantics, it doesn't matter.


Yes, it does. You're using it as a slur, and it's false .


It's semantics. Grow thicker skin.


My skins fine , your simply wrong and acting like we live in some dystopia society which is a lie


>your simply wrong *You're >acting like we live in some dystopia society No, we live in a First World nation that is experiencing a rapid decline in quality of life and economic opportunity. Either leave your head buried in the sand or lookup the data for yourself.


I have not once said canada is perfect... We would rather blame immigration then ourselves who keep electing the same colour parttys into power and do fuck all. We need a complete over haul of our ecomoc policy to fix canada..trickle down economics has failed its time, and the flow canadain tax dollars to the top stops. But it won't because the blue and red people are busy fuckijg each other over to fix canada


Do you feel that the current rate of immigration (Permanent, Nonpermanent, TFW, etc) is sustainable and an overall net-positive to our economy?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You know when a commoner says third, first, or second world they are not being highly technical about it, but merely refer to the living conditions and quality of life?




There is a lot of interprovincial migration to Alberta, but most of the newcomers are international.




Why the scream then? As per StatCan newcomers are only those who have obtained PR. The term does not include students, TFWs, or refugee claimants.


Stats Can should stick the the practice of statistics rather than defining new words. Although I appreciate that they do need to explain exactly what they mean by specific terms. I was not aware that they were using the term 'newcomer' to mean immigrants with PR. What do they call immigrants with citizenship? Stats Can has introduced the word "racialized", which they use to describe humans who are neither white nor Indigenous. They have used this to replace the term "visible minority".


> I was not aware that they were using the term 'newcomer' to mean immigrants with PR.  The term newcomer is coequally used for those who have been in Canada less than 5 years. The term "immigrant" [refers to anyone who has been a Permanent Resident, including naturalized Canadians](https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3Var.pl?Function=Unit&Id=85107#). >Although I appreciate that they do need to explain exactly what they mean by specific terms And they do. Those who care so much can just google things up off StatCan off website. Or use the ISQ if you live in Québec. >Stats Can should stick the the practice of statistics rather than defining new words. This has been their standard definition for ages now. Nothing new there. >Stats Can has introduced the word "racialized", which they use to describe humans who are neither white nor Indigenous. They have used this to replace the term "visible minority". Coool, that is relevant to this conversation how exactly? Or are you trying to sh\*t on a statics agency?


I'm not trying to shit on statisticians, but on whoever came up with the term "racialized", probably some bureaucrat.


Yes you're. You jumped from complaining how StatsCan supposedly mislabelled immigrants to giving us to narrow of a definition but jumped straight into bashing the term "realized". My sense is you just want to compain. Which is valid in this economy, I just don't see how using a particular term has anything to do with your employer not paying you enough.


I find the term "racialized" somewhat offensive because it implies that some races are more important than others. I have nothing against statisticians. One of the nicest people at my former workplace had a PhD. in statistics. I have taken probability and statistics courses myself up to 300 level, and I have taught first year statistics many times. Before I retired, I was happy enough with my pay level, and am comfortable with my pensions. What I worry about is how my kids and grandkids will do in the future.


Canada has institutionalized affirmative action. Since the Charter which explicitly allows it. Using terms "racialized" fits pretty nicely into the overall picture. So I'm not seeing what the problem is unless you're talking about the whole post-1960s Canada. In which case I really don't know what to tell you. As per your kids and grand-kids. I guess you could go to your local council and start demanding new houses to be built as loudly as you're demanding to lower immigration. And then also vote demand your MPs to lower your OAS/GIS if you're getting any and redirect those funds into childcare, starter homes, and workplace training. Oh, demanding a national old-age care insurance so I wouldn't have to rely on my home to pay for my retirement would be also nice. So your kids don't have to go through stuff you're going through making their living space into a palliative care piggy bank. It's a bit strange to see older folks complaining about affirmative action their own generation brought in. While ignoring the fact that a loud minority of older home owners are often the ones forcing municipalities to halt housing construction. And they're the ones whose pensions are being paid for by importing working-age immigrants. But who am I to judge, eh?


I thought the term 'newcomers' could be used for both inter-provincial and international migrants to Alberta. I wasn't trying to use newspeak, which I despise. But you are correct, the term is being used for newspeak.


There are new and old immigrants, not all immigrants are newcomers, amd some of those inter provincial are immigrants, ya uneducated sheep.


[And Smith is demanding more!](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-seeks-higher-immigration-allotment-to-address-workforce-shortage-ukrainian-evacuees-1.6824687) Well her donors are!


Almost as if conservatives are for wage suppression... odd.


Red and blue work for the donor class - they just virtue signal differently! Democracy has been hijacked.


Almost as if major political parties don't actually represent the will of the people.


Your fucking liberal leader is granting these visas…


I think you're quite upset, but I do have a questions. Do you postulate that Ford directly cutting Education funding in Ontario, an action which forced universities to recruit more foreign students in order to keep the doors open, might have had anything to do with this? Or do you believe this is the direct goal of only the Liberal Party? Do you believe that some other party might have a different objective that's been put in writing?


Whose Liberal leader? I am PPC ... Smith is complaining that Trudeau is pretending to cut back! Let that sink in! Same with Ford! We have a full blown clown show on our hands.


I've never voted conservative or liberal, seems like you may be a poor conservative voter from your manners though.


i was actually just looking at rental housing prices yesterday on rentfaster and noticed a slight downward trend in what is being asked for rent now vs just a couple months ago in my area of Edmonton. it is a very small downward trend, but noticeable. the small private landlords mostly, and some of the older properties via the big management companies. newer houses/buildings are still up there for rent though.






Quebec should be kicked out of Canada


And the original sub continues to insist that supply and demand doesn't exist.


I mention it there all the time without issue. I think the mods just don't like repetitive derailing of discussions. There are lots of things we can do and only things related to immigration are talked about here. This sub has no answer when asked about zoning or tax reforms, for example.


Has Canada been kicked out of the G7? Not that I'd blame them for kicking us out. Is there a link for this graph?


We contribute absolutely nothing and are barely capable of governing ourselves. We’re only there because the Americans wanted a reliable ally with them.


Our GDP is in the sewer as well


Canada is 10th ranked in GDP... the tenth biggest economy on Earth. Of the 9 ahead of us on that list only the USA as significantly more gdp per capita, Germany about the same, the rest significantly less. That's hardly "the sewer"


Look at GDP per capita... And you'll see the real story.


I did.. of the 10 biggest economies on earth, in gdp per capita, we're tied for 2nd with Germany. If you only look at only GDP per capita, you come to ridiculous conclusions like Iceland's economy is richer than Canada or Saudi Arabia or Germany, or DC is richer than California. It's ludicrous. Do you think Ireland is richer than the USA? Because by your logic, it's the better economy, while by any objective measure, the USA is by far the richest nation in all of human history. Is Monaco, a country with 1/3 the GDP of newfoundland richer than USA or China or Japan or Germany? Or all over them combined? Fuck no. The question is absurd. Else the G7 should be a bunch of micronations, while China/Japan/USA/Germany/France/US are totally irrelevant. Ignoring total GDP is myopic, but looking at per capita of the largest economies does make sense, and we do great in that metric.


Only were on a decline, while others are improving. -0.4% if I'm not mistaken.




I don't know why. Too much social media? Canada has a lot going for it, and the quality of life here can be very good, and the environment is large and excellent. I've met numerous cool, likeable Canadians, and had many positive experiences here. That didn't magically stop in the last few years. Really it seems like some people have been playing chicken little since about 2015, and it's starting to wear on people.


Chicken little huh? How far away from a person living in a tent do you live nowadays?


Countries definitely gone downhill noticeably over the last 5 years but it’s still pretty good. That being said we should end or reverse this slide before things get worse. It’s important to address issues before they get worse.


It’s just cesspool sub your in, people here think Canada is “third world” it’s laughable.


Finally the truth. We just whinging immigration this, immigrants that but no one asks why we keep bringing people. It's because we don't produce shit, No innovation, no service exports, nothing. Countries don't seek out "Made in Canada" products in any sector. So we just import people to increase domestic consumption and sell houses to each other for GDP growth. This ponzi scheme will keep running as it keeps our corporate overlords happy, politicians plump and citizens distracted. Poor pajeet hustling Uber hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel but no, it's all going to shit, both for him and us.


People like you have shit for brains. Canada may not be great in your eyes but to our allies we are great. That's why everyone wants to move to Canada. Our problems today will not be the same tomorrow.


Our allies are currently literally yelling at us for failing to meet our NATO obligations. And yes, literally the only reason Canada is in the G7, as opposed to say, Spain, Australia, or Turkey, is because the Americans wanted a North American ally with them. This is very well documented. That’s the *only* reason we’re there.


Someone’s weak feelings got hurt to learn the truth


This country is a write off , if you’re a skilled Canadian get the hell out of this hell hole , I did and I am not regretting my decision


That'll be $25K, please


What ?


You didn't hear? There's an emmigration fee, and it's going way up.


😂😂good thing I left Canada 2 years ago ! If they want their departure tax they have to come to my property to collect it.


There was a rumour today started on telegram the government was considering a $25,000 departure tax. Not substantiated rumour …


The damned government should be encouraging people to leave.




America's military is the only thing that prevents us being taken over by Russia or China. You should be very thankful for it.


Yeah right ! And how are your tax dollars in Canada are spent ?




Our fastest growing industries are money laundering and auto theft. Canada is actually a major terrorist funding source, read the full report from ICAIE. Also there’s Cullen commission report that was published in 2022. Canada is funding terrorists by willful blindness. [https://icaie.com/2023/11/icaie-issues-new-policy-brief-on-the-growing-harms-of-cross-border-illicit-trade-vectors-and-threat-convergence-to-canadas-national-security-urgent-attention-and-action-are-needed/](https://icaie.com/2023/11/icaie-issues-new-policy-brief-on-the-growing-harms-of-cross-border-illicit-trade-vectors-and-threat-convergence-to-canadas-national-security-urgent-attention-and-action-are-needed/)


First Canada is an amazing country. You are not missed. People like you should give up your citizenship. When the country you move to doesn't want you, you will run back crying to the shit hole Canada.


Well I moved to the US , right off the bat my salary was a tripled , I was able to save up put a 35% down payment on a house that’s 10 times nicer than anything I could get in Canada. I’ll become a US citizen in a couple of years, and no I won’t give up my Canadian citizenship, it’s my birthright ! Unlike most Canadians I’ll take my rights seriously !


Beautiful 4bdrm homes all granite going for $300k in Texas. Same home here in Canada is over $2M. I don’t blame you!


Yeah tell that to u/ok_farm1185 😂 Problem with this country is that there are still too many willfully blind wokes running around. I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with another liberal minority government! Chances are slim but never say never.


Largely just African countries. Canada sure is on a poor trajectory. Unfortunately, this will hurt young people much more than the boomers who wanted this to fund their retirement/


and have a surplus of labour so they can pay peanuts for care + support as they age


It's called : the "Century Initiative "!


And then they wonder why so many of their friends are dying of bed sores...


Canada? This is new India.




New punjabi


That's ok, young people have had it easy enough already /s


Africa is already three times bigger than Canada though. So what’s the problem? Leave Africa ALONE already !!!!


Boomers don't want this immigration. We have kids and grandkids to worry about.


You vote conservative and its conservative monetary policy and conservative provinces championing these policies.


The Liberal federal government is responsible for the current 3.2% population growth rate which is destroying the country.


Yep, Federal liberals and conservatives have nearly identical monetary policies wich are center right.


The immigration rate since Trudeau has been PM is higher than it has ever been before, especially in the last two years.


I'm not disagreeing, the CPC has also stated they will not change immigration numbers. Liberals and conservatives are the same when it comes to monetary policies. Boomers have voted for the path Canada is on.


Not correct. Poilievre says that he will match immigration to home building. Who did you want us to vote for? I actually voted NDP most of the time, back when they were a party for working people rather than for woke elites, as they are now. I certainly never voted for Pierre Trudeau, who started the immigration ball rolling.


What's a woke elite?


.....pretty much all India.... Soon gonna be one big gurdwala ffs....


Just like Surrey!


And Brampton


Also Sydney in Nova Scotia


India, Nigeria, and Somalia, based on what I’ve seen. The Indians are mostly fine, if incredibly awkward. The Nigerians are all super preppy and stick out like a sore thumb. The Somalis have terrible english skills and seem to have major issues with integration. Admittedly, at this point, pretty much everyone has major integration issues. The East African groups in particular though seem really bad for this.


Somalians engage in tonnes of terrorism and crime


Drug trafficking.


It's Somalis, not Somalians -- not that anyone would expect you to know something as basic as that.


Both work perfectly fine, jackass


Here you go, my highly educated friend who I’m sure cares deeply about getting things like this right and definitely doesn’t easily get a sunburn.   “ Somalis overwhelmingly prefer the demonym Somali over the incorrect Somalian since the former is an endonym, while the latter is an exonym with double suffixes”


Look right underneath that Wikipedia clip you copy pasted idiot lol “What is the definition of Somalian?” “A native or inhabitant of Somali” Nobody asked for your fucking grammar policies lol


Read what I posted again. Slowly. Sound the words out if you have to, or maybe ask a grown up. 


Again, nobody gives a flying fuck about your grammar policies, they both work completely fine, and also nobody gives a fuck about you’re virtue signalling of being ethically correct.


You know when someone says “grammar policies” you’re definitely talking to the cream of the crop. Canada’s best! Remember your sunscreen! 


And you didn’t post anything. You copy pasted a clip from a Wikipedia page lol.


Could you expand more on your point on Nigerians, how do they seem preppy?


They all seem to be very upper class private prep school types. I’m not complaining about this but it’s a bit odd working with them in Red Deer. You got the rural Berta boys and a couple Nigerians who look and act they were teleported in from Yale. We had a work BBQ (landscaping company) and we all showed up in grubby jeans because y’know, it’s a landscaping company. These guys showed up in chinos with scarves tied around their necks looking like banana republic models (the clothing store). They also have very upper class British accents, despite being from Africa. So definitely a wealthy private prep school upbringing.


Nigerian scammer fittin right in lol


I'll eat my hat if you actually know anything about a gurudwara.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Blame Trudeau


Lmao "fucking Indians"


Next stop: Dawson City. LOL


Look at the fast growing countries.All that are 3rd world countries! Artificially overpopulating a country/province to apeace the "Century Initiative " corrupt leaders and corporations! This can't be good!


It is worth noting that even as Toronto home process have flatlined and down from 2022 peak. Calgary prices are at an all time high and climbing fast.


This is just not true. You are taking a province and comparing to national rates. If you took individual provinces from other countries you could find higher. Classic misinformation.


I agree - it's a very strange chart. Almost like those websites where one can enter a particular area to compare to other pre-selected areas.


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yeah, this makes no sense as a comparison Why one province against countries, this chart should be showing all the other provinces, states and territories of those other countries as well.


Well... Canada (as a county) is #6, which is extremely high for a Western country.




C'mon Abertan's, you guys have more balls than us Ontarians. Protest!


I'm surprised its so high in Kazakhstan and Singapore.


Totally normal. No chance this affects normies in Alberta adversely in any way. You can always eat ze bugs if you can’t afford groceries. Globalism is the cure for all our ills. Get with them if you can’t beat them. More people, more people. /sarcasm


Edmonton just rezoned for density, and Calgary is talking about it now.  It shouldnt be as bad as other areas like Vancouver or Toronto.


It will be bad, neither city has the infrastructure to accommodate more density.


This is pure bullshit. There is so much space in the endless sprawl it’s insane. Problem is the boomer NIMBY population that are completely disconnected from the reality the majority of Canadian citizens are living in.


Your comment is pure bullshit, as I never said anything about a lack of space. I said both cities lack the infrastructure (roads, public transit, etc) to handle more density. I have no problem with increasing density, I have a problem with traffic problems getting worse as some if not most of the major routes in Calgary are basically parking lots already, despite the LRT platforms being able to accommodate four LRT cars only three are being used despite the trains being quite busy. The delay of the green lrt line isn’t helping at all either


Oh, this is great. We're up there with all the other super-advanced countries! /s


Why though


Why are the African countries growing so fast?


Lots of babies.


it's the developing country/poverty/survival mindset. Have lots of babies as many may not survive to adult hood. Education, healthcare, and better quality of life are the only things to get people out of this mindset.


Poverty and high fecundity are strongly correlated.


Bonus gem within the globalist framework: if a region is particularly unhappy with the status quo^^TM , you can just ship in new voters instead


I'm seeing Indians from India in some remote spots in Canada it's messed up


Look at all of those stable, beautiful places to live at the top of that list




Interesting! Check out all the top places besides Alberta. Maybe Canada can divert all newcomers / immigrants (say, over 50,000 people per year) to those countries?? 😃


You can't compare a province to a country for growth. That makes no sense.




Canada's ranking is right up there with Somalia and Kazakhstan. We must be doing something right. Look at those countries at the bottom of the chart like the US, UK, and Japan. Who would want to be like them? I'd much rather be the next Burundi.


Alberta is an independent country now?


Century Initiative. Google it. Know what it is and who is behind it. Canadians are not in control of Canada. 


This isn’t an invasion!! /s


That's a strange chart that measures between countries - and then throws in a single particular area from one of the countries. I can only imagine if other countries had their stats broken down by region we would see some extreme numbers.


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Lets call it what it really is, POPULATION REPLACEMENT.


Canada no longer deserves calling itself a first world country


And they are all Indians!


this stat is directionally interesting but it’s a little bit of a chart crime, since it’s comparing the region of alberta to national averages of other countries


Do they demographics wide split? Curious to know which country is contributing to this


All I see is Indians and Africans…Trudeau turning Canada into 3rd world country we need a new PM


Congrats. We beat Niger and syria.


Alberta... the new 3rd world. Time to build a boarder around it, before we loose control. Check points and travel documents required to enter and exit the province. I'm kidding....


Besides Canada and Singapore, those other countries in the top end are all sh!thole countries


it probably still holds relatively true, but it's ridiculous to compare provinces to countries. Because even in Canada the average growth will get pulled down substantially by provinces like nunavut and the territories.


Fucking hate it Alberta used to be amazing but its feeling like a rat race ever since Trudeau policies have taken place. I am down for mass deportations


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Why are you comparing a province to nations? Makes no sense


Is Quebec the only province that is allowed to think it is a nation?


Liberal freeloaders from BC and Ontario will vote NDP next election. Idiots.