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File a human rights complaint. I’d be curious to see what happens.


I've looked into this, and the loophole they're using (that would get ignored if you or I tried it. Telling!!) is that because they're sharing a living space (kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom) they are legally allowed to discriminate. Again, if that loophole was abuse by you or me, we'd be hit with "Muh abuse in bad faith" and the media would slander us. How long do you think "Renting out a room! White Men Only." would be up before your post and the account you made it on gets deleted? Rules are enforced based on who the enforcer arbitrarily just *decides* who is acting in bad faith and who isn't instead of enforcing the law to the letter of the it. The spirit of the law is corrupted.


Then send property standards and the fire martial at him. Continue the conversation - tell him you’re a gay couple, he’ll say something homophobic and BAM you have what you need for a human rights complaint.


Modern problems require modern solutions ;)


Pretty sure if you did that, the police would raid your house. Yet these fucks get away with it for free


Oh yeah, big time. And it would be an aggressive asshole like this guy: [FOOTAGE: Journalist David Menzies Arrested While Scrumming Chrystia Freeland (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnUfUoFODRg)


That’s is fucking nasty. Smh. Fuck these liberals and what they did to our country. The nerve of these people. Deport and seize assets.


100% correct. Even if there wasn't a loophole, they would still be exempt. Cops would be like *"Ooooh we didn't realize you're part of the victim class! Sorry for bothering you!"* Judges would be like, *"Oooooh so you're Indiannnn? Sorry for bothering you! Would you like me to award you some public money for all the stress this little misunderstanding caused you?"*


It's almost as if diversity is not a strength.


hahahahhaah just wonder if you could rent a room only for white men hahahaha


Yeah right. If you did that you'd immediately be called a racist oppressor by virtually everyone and be shamed on the CBC.


We can all play their game. Over 50 units. Around 500 apps from Indian nationals a month. 0 acceptances.


So I can post one that says no black people? And not get in trouble because it's for a shared living space?


Honestly that would be a good way to proof a point and bring some awareness into these practices


It can say No whites but can’t say No Jews , I bet some of you get emotional just reading that sentence … gives you a hint at who really has power


My friend was SA’d by an Indian immigrant at their work and Human Resources said they couldn’t do anything for “cultural reasons” so I feel like a complaint about this would amount to nothing. Just Canada and it’s diversity!!


wtf! They should post where they work and the HR response publicly.


Yeah Human Courts Tribunal they’ll get fined and have to pay applicants discriminated against. It needs to change.


I wish more people called them out, good for you. I always tell people stop acting so nice to people who are fucking us, being too nice and accepting is what got Canada into this mess.


>...being too nice and accepting is what got Canada into this mess. Absolutely. I've been saying that for years, too. Canadian "niceness" (read: political correctness) is why Canada is like a patient with a compromised immune system. We have an opportunistic infection that, under normal circumstances, could be easily dealt with. Our politicians put our hand into a fire, then told us, **"Actually, you don't feel pain. That's just your imagination. Bigot."** We know how to call out *white* racism, but we're afraid to call out *Indian* racism (which is about 1 million times more common now), and now it's spreading like a cancer throughout our society, in every fucking city. Canadians need to start getting angry, REAL fast, so we start putting pressure on our politicians to stop fucking us over with this malicious open-borders immigration policy. If we do nothing (and say nothing), they won't turn off the faucet. People need to share their stories so we can help to wake up more citizens. This is the first step. The LAST thing our politicians want is for us to talk about this problem; we're supposed to roll over and quietly accept it. So we should do the opposite. Show other Canadians (and the world) how bad we've let this get. Enjoy: *(Looks like he's taken it down now)* [https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/411694348382430](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/411694348382430) **I had some good shit lined up for you guys:** [https://imgur.com/Uxjdzsc](https://imgur.com/Uxjdzsc) [https://imgur.com/kUt5Rnr](https://imgur.com/kUt5Rnr)


Yup I work at a residential home builder and it’s all Indians and middle eastern people buying the homes. They are racists, disrespectful, bothered because I’m a woman, and they lie constantly, whether it’s their financing and income, forging documents, doctoring builder documents to try and say they bought stuff they didn’t, building illegal basement suites, the list goes on. And we are expected to just let them trounce all over us while refusing to assimilate. I’m so tired and can’t afford to live the life my parents did because of them.


I had a roommate from the south of India when I lived in Vancouver recently. He kept locking himself out of his room because he left the key in there and closed his bedroom door from the outside, when it was locked on the inside. The landlady had a rule that if you did that you had to pay a call-out fee (because that was an hour of her day wasted), but he was ADAMANT that "the lock is broken!" when it clearly wasn't. He looked her right in the eye every time and lied to her face. No shame *at all*. He used that same lie to avoid paying the fine 3 or 4 times. He lied about EVERYTHING, CONSTANTLY. His girlfriend moved in and kept taking up the kitchen constantly and he told me he had permission. After about 2 months of being unable to cook because of her, I phoned the landlady and asked if she really gave this girl permission to live in my house. She didn't even know the guy had a girlfriend! He moved out three hours after that phone call. Lying scum! I'm not making this up but a few days later this guy sneaked back to his old room because he forgot to take his smart lightbulb with him. He came all the way back just to get a lightbulb! They are *so* cheap.


When my neighbor was demolishing his house, the guy who was operating the excavator ended up knocking down my fence, and when I confronted him, he said it was already down, wouldn't acknowledge it, and pretended to not understand English until I told him that I had him on my security cameras knocking it down, and then he asked the builder to talk to me, and they made all these promises to not worry and that they would discuss a new fence, but it never happened, and they just replaced the damaged parts that didn't even match the original cinder blocks. Every time I tried complaining to the workers about not using my property to do work, everyone would pretend to not understand English, and after they walked away, they would swear in Hindi. I got into an argument with the builder because they worked on a Sunday, and they got mad at me for calling the city, asking why I called and that it was the owners that were working on the house, and I told them the owner of the house is Chinese and not South Asian. These new South Asians that we are getting are not like the ones of the past. These ones are constant liars and are shady. Like one of my friends in the home building business, he says that South Asians will always try to get one up on you if you don't call them out on it. 


And you didnt hose them down while playing the Pakistani national anthem? Missed opportunitu


I work for one. The lies are constant. They really do lie about absolutely everything.


Their country is corrupt and they bring that attitude with them


In BC, the Indian builders usually hire only Indians. You'll rarely see any other ethnicity.


Yes I have heard of arabs who have no shame in lying, scamming etc. After all non-muslims are infidels anyway and besides it is their culture to do so. Not going to change suddenly. They actually try to turn it back on us. Beware.


Indians ≠ Arabs


The lying and the shady work practices gets me the most.


The only reason Canadians have a global reputation as being nice, is that previous generations didn't have to deal with the shit we are dealing with now. This ignorance is slowly being chipped away as more people wake up and see this isn't the country they grew up in anymore.


Some Canadians tried to warn about the disaster bringing in these people would cause but they were shouted down as being racist.


My Dad is still being called racist by his own family to this day (his sister and his nieces) even though everything he said 30 years ago is all coming true. He also never said anything derogatory about ANYONE, only stating facts. I guess people can't handle facts.


I knew because I worked with them.


It's also because the previous generations of non-European immigrants were secular, highly educated, and Europeanized themselves. The well-meaning cosmopolitan people who pushed multiculturalism assumed that everyone else in the word is the same.


good point. the folks from India that came here in the late 1980's and into the 1990's are not at all 'cut from the same cloth' that those in current day coming here are. those in the past made an effort to integrate into the country they chose to call home. they became proud Canadians and meshed well into our melting pot. I remember my suburban neighbourhood not changing so much as far as the atmosphere goes when i was in my teens in the 90's and i was seeing the area become more multicultural (it was predominantly Caucasian in the first decade of my life). We didn't have houses with 20 tenants each sleeping four, five, six to a room on mattresses on the floor. we didn't have rental ads calling for only a very specific sector of folks as prospective tenants. we didn't have anyone boasting about taking advantage of food banks. we didn't have the feeling that we were being choked out of our own country that we were born in. and i was friends with some of the immigrated Indian folks back then. they were as you say, educated and Europeanized. Now? yeah, way different. I take public transit. and I live in Edmonton. and from what i have seen the last couple years (and it's increasing as of late) is any race that isn't Indian is often a clearly visible minority on the bus.


They are pushing to make us have to do things their way.


Indeed these are not educated people. Canada is using the guise of "student visas" to actually let in blue collar workers from India. These are People from remote villages who don't speak English and have never even been to an Indian city (Bombay, Delhi) before.


Our political class has completely betrayed us and the nation. Traitors, all of them. We used to know how to deal with treason.


Waiting for a Khalistan to be carved out of BC or Ontario. And millions of AK47 decal sporting cars. Plenty of small pp energy on display these days.


I had wondered what the gun stickers were all about . Are they inciting war?


That will be interesting. What would the federal government do then? They aren't going to be able to stop the white separatists to try to stomp us down. If they try to break away, so do we.


“Only for punjabis” could also mean no Indians as well. More than half of punjabis don’t even consider themselves Indians. My point is, it’s not restricted to not providing units just to Canadians. These kha-list-anis won’t even let us (typical Indians as OP mentioned) in. Although i agree with the OP that your niceness and political correctness have gotten yourself into this in the first place. But Canada itself is providing a safe haven to these ter-ror-ists (wanted by the Inter-pol as well btw) in the first place. And as far as Indians being racist is concerned i somewhat agree to that but you’ll never see people from cities and with proper educational background being shitty (which Pun-jab knows very little about). Pu-nj-ab is one of the third world of our third world. Your government kisses their ass day and night to get votes. I had some hope from Pie-rre but apparently he’s playing the same game as your current clown. And before you come at me with anything, remember that 1. These people are openly giving us de@th threts and your govt doesn’t do shit. Forget about housing. 2. Please don’t consider these people as one of us coz they (most of them) don’t consider themselves Indians as well. 3. And before any woke folk starts punching me through reddit, please google Air India Flight 182 1985 (that had 268 Canadians btw). So before you come at me for hating. Please give it a good read. 4. And with all due respect, please stop associating us with them and vice-versa. P.s- we have a lot of issues i’ll admit that but we’re also pretty chill and friendly. Please don’t consider all of us like these ungallant people. We’re sick of them too. Thank you for your time!


Thank you. I am always talking about this flight and can't imagine why the government would take such a chance after that. What morons. Reading an older book talking about immigrants from the other punjab in Pakistan and how most immigrants are so uneducated. That usually means very religious. Also there will be scams. Same probably applies now. Trying to get ahead but without the background that would work well here. Canada and these foreign agencies are doing a disservice to the world importing trouble and people with such a different take on things who stick together. It won't end well so stop please.




Also they are looking for within their community because they are easier to exploit and evict due to limited understanding of rental laws esp those who are new to the country. Many frequently rent out one unit to multiple people.


We need more people like this guy!


What you said extends to whole of north India especially those from Gujarat


It’s not that acknowledging their racism is bad, it’s that a lot of bigot Canadians don’t understand how racism works. You don’t solve this problem by outing every brown person you see.


We're not "outing" every brown person we see. Just the racist ones. Which is unfortunately most of the current Punjabi wave. It's not a coincidence so many stores only have Indians working there. Believe me, white people are applying, too.


If Canada was a person, it would be bent over spreading it's cheeks saying, "Stick it in right here!"


Pin this to every post.


>I wish more people called them out I wish people took them to Human Rights Tribunal for racial discrimination and clean them out through levied fines.


Kind of wished he went to his home, honestly. I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR VIOLENCE, FUCK OFF REDDIT. It's pretty fucking telling that "we should have this conversation where you have to look into my eyes and see it from my perspective" is "InCiTiNg ViOlEnCe"


Any race that makes it specific to their own race is racist. The fact that they put Punjab only is illegal you should report it. I don’t know, people like him they should definitely look into mortgage fraud, and/or money laundering.


Only matter if it's whites only dude


I'm going to get in trouble for this maybe but with what is going on these days it can only mean that jt has a sikh boyfriend. Nothing else makes any sense.


im not saying its time for vigilante justice and destroying investment properties but if there were a time i think it'd be when things dont look extremely dissimilar to our current landscape


Can't even write in proper English..rip Canada


Racist Punjabi Landlord's property is in Saskatoon but his Facebook profile says he lives in Montreal. So this guy has investment properties in different *provinces*. He's rich, and all thanks to being allowed to break rules that we're supposed to follow to the letter. Most of these properties have bunk beds in every bedroom, beds in living rooms etc.


oh no.. these listings have finally reached saskatoon 🤮


Why hide his name? Let everyone see who it is


Doxxing gets you a reddit ban.




Immolated! 😂


Someone should put a fake ad in saying they will only rent to people of northern European decent. Under a fake name, of course, since you would spend the next several years dragged in front of a Human Rights Tribunal if you used your real name. But they might trace it back to your computer. Too risky.


Exactly. As soon as you hit "Post", an elite SWAT team will rappel down from a helicopter overhead and you'll end up being frog marched away, all in front of a CBC team. Ten minutes later... "*Justin Trudeau is about to make an announcement about the evil white supremacist who was apprehended today!"* *First this:* 😠 [Justin Trudeau condemns attack on girl who says her hijab was cut (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSx25kfHKzw) *Then this:* 😅 [UPDATE: Reported cutting of girl's hijab 'did not happen,' police say (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmWKeYMKruE)


Literally jail under the new law.


You would need to use Tor and Tails, and a bridge. Police in Quebec have tracked down people who called them pigs or idiots in online comments before to ticket them.




Did you report it? I spend my days reporting these posts. DM me for details.




That is his community okay? If you any problem you should buy own house okay? He can be racist okay? If you any problem you should go to his country okay? /s


Yeah. What a fucking asshole, okay?


At this point I'm more pissed off at the clueless fking social science majors whose daddies pay their rent, who spearhead this whole gaslighting campaign about "racism." Them, and the overpaid PMCs who enforce *dIvErSiTy AnD iNcLuSiOn* to the conspicuous detriment of the Native people, trans people, and disabled people, for whom our millions of new neighbours have nothing but contempt.


Me too. That's the root of the problem — we have millions of self-loathing idiots, all with the right to vote. The third world only came because our politicians rolled out the red carpet for them to shit all over it.


If a white person posted an ad looking for fellow white people only then it would be all over the news, resulting in that person losing his/her job and endup as a social outcast!


We are collectively unable to react to this problem, whether it happens in the employment sphere or the rental market. No one's allowed to talk about it. Talking about Indian racism is **taboo** in Canada. It's absolutely pathetic. **No one in Canada is allowed to notice the MILLIONS OF EXTREMELY RACIST INDIANS IN OUR COUNTRY.** I'm starting to get REALLY sick of seeing this shit everywhere I look: [https://imgur.com/3V0F0kt](https://imgur.com/3V0F0kt) [https://imgur.com/UXxsteo](https://imgur.com/UXxsteo)


it's like constantly being told Canadians aren't enough...gotta look elsewhere in a relationship, that feels like sh\*t...same applies here


Post an ad that says English only, no Irish or Scots and no continentals lol


They're crazy racist and don't see a problem with it. I know I don't represent the entire country when I say this but when I was growing up racism was something we made fun of at least and at most stereotype insults we'd throw at each other. I've only been denied employment based on my race(black) once, which a huge difference compared to what my grandfather went through and never really thought about the loss of opportunities because of something as ridiculous as racism. These newcomers are not only blatantly discriminatory and racist towards actual canadians but literally destroying the social fabric of the country's society. What young guy at 18,19,20 is going to be able to go get a low wage job to dip into the job market and get the experience he needs to progress in life? How's anyone reaching their 30s going to be able to buy a home when people like in OPs post buy houses and only let particular people with the right color and features participate in the rental market? White people in this country had a good thing going by letting in small amounts of immigrants and engrossing them in Canadian culture and values. Now you decided to let in everybody at once and they're going to be engrossing you into their culture. Yall better wake tf up and put shit back the way it was.


>How's anyone reaching their 30s going to be able to buy a home when people like in OPs post buy houses and only let particular people with the right color and features participate in the rental market? EXACTLY! Other races are quite rapidly being PUSHED OUT of the rental market by these landlords, and the same thing is happening with employers like Tim Hortons and Walmart, which are close to 100% Indian employees now. It's not even a choice. Other races HAVE TO RETREAT TO OTHER AREAS. This is an invasion without a single shot being fired. If this happened in France, the old school French would be marching in the streets, demanding their politicians fix it — holding their feet to the fire. Canadians just roll over and play dead, quietly hoping their lives will stop getting worse but afraid to actually complain about anything. We're becoming homeless, broke, and eating old food, and *still* the only complaints are a few Zoomer TikTok videos about cost of living and this sub.


Totally agree. All other races are affected by this, and it is destroying the plans laid out for all Canadians and that doesn't even mention the massive uptick in crime like scam calling our elders and car theft.


There are couple of reasons why Punjabi landlords do this. In their worldview, it’s easier to convince a tenant from their own ethnicity to agree to: 1. Pay the rent in cash (Landlord does not want to declare it on income taxes) 2. Not ask for rent receipts or any other form of paper trail that can haunt the Landlord during an income tax audit or be used as a leverage by the tenant owed to point 1. 3. Not sign a lease and have word of mouth tenant landlord agreement. This allows landlord to back out of any responsibilities of a landlord and gives him the flexibility to kick out the tenant at any point that he wants. 4. Have roommates share the same room. All of the above reasons hint at underlying greed and defrauding Canadian tax system.


Its not even racism. They are doing this with more sinister plans. You can educated a racist. You can't educate scammers. Scammers aren't ignorant or lacking experience


lol the irony of bringing Indians in to try and increase inclusivity/reduce racism is hilarious




Diversity is not our strength. The time and money wasted not to mention the air india flight mentioned above.


I've literally never heard the n-word in my entire life until I went to college and it was spammed with Indians, like I have never met a more racist group and when me and my friend, whom is black and was the one being called an "N", brought it up to administrators they literally told us "oh poojeet learned it from rap songs he doesn't know what it means". Like huh? A. I do not listen to rap but I'm 99.9% certain they don't use lyrics calling people "dirty n's" and making monkey noises B. Are you implying that a man in his 20's is roughly as smart as a toddler simply as he's from India????????


These people need to be deported, i havent came across any other immigrant group thats so racist and obnoxious. They deserve all the hate they get especially after all the crimes they are committing


Wow that’s racist


Is there no means of reporting? Alternate solution, get an Indian to rent it from him, then sign it over to you having the imposter provide the face while the details and signatures are all yours. Then demand everything under the sun that's legal, unsure about Sask, but in ON that's lightbulbs, filters, water softener. Demand compensation separate from the lease for lawn maintenance and snow removal. Change the locks and demand any visit or contact in person be 24 hours notice in advance, call the cops every time he shows up unannounced. If he pushes back put his money in escrow and file to see the tenancy board. Tell him at that point if he has a problem with it, he should stop renting and sell it.


It's hard to report without knowing the street address. I looked into it with another Indian landlord who had a billion tenants in one house.


It’s time for Canadians to start calling out all of this BS. Enough is enough.


Exactly. It's been getting progressively worse for a long time and most people are afraid to call it out. I'm here to move the Overton Window. It is now socially acceptable to talk about the Liberals' irresponsible mass immigration policy.😊


This kind of prejudicial landlord rental trash should be subject to multi-million dollar fines, criminal charges, and imprisonment. You would then see those ads disappear very quickly. But Canada has a mostly useless judicial system with extremely poor federal leadership. Canada's downward spiral as a nation continues. Next.


White people would be in jail for advertising that. Truedopy only caters to immigrants.


Report him to CRA. Likely not paying tax on the rental income. Can try bylaw too if it is a legal rental. But bylaw seems to drag their feet. CRA goes on a mission to catch cheaters.


I never got the street address, sadly. The only way I would get that far is if I used a fake Punjabi name but then he would no doubt try to talk to me in Punjabi first anyway!


You can always use chatgpt or google translator


Imagine moving to a new country to do things like this. These people have no moral compass Im so glad I left Canada and don't have to deal with racism anymore for being born who I am




These are so fucked up. It makes me so fucking sad. Our country is turning into absolute shit.


how do we fight back?


Mass deportation


how do we get that started?


Strength in numbers so cut the numbers unless you want these values to pervade.


So first hand experience with such "landlords" (worked as maintenance for a property management company seen alot of messed up things) The house is never usually privately owned and rented by this "landlord" under false name and that room will easily be populated by 12 men the sad part in all this is those "tenants" know or are caught off gaurd by the deal and can't leave for fear of repercussions from either "landlord" or community and are often students abroad or on work visa. One of these homes have been found out by a water leak that occurred and we git there as they started vacating and found 45 beds in 2 bedroom town home with only 1 full bathroom and no powder room, rent for the place was 1250 and each individual paid between 300 to 450 a month in rent to this "landlord"... So my assumption is that he's being ignorant and not trying to be racist just he knows other cultures or ethnicity will report something like this upon seeing it.


So the landlord paid $1,250, then sub-rented it to 45 people, each paying approximately $375. That works out $16,875/month. Subtract the $1,250 and it's $15,600 profit/month, or $187,200/year. What a bunch of cheating assholes.


And if any white person did this we'd be in the news, fined or jailed for racism.


Teachers in the FREE English program( not to mention other handouts) were made afraid of the Syrians because if they were disciplined for their bad behaviour like always needing to take a call or something like have a smoke. No one else did this. The dumb managers were afraid they would go to the legislature to complain. How f ed up is that? Many teachers were harassed and left. Your tax dollars went to that. And some Syrians fought in class and of course lied yet the natives were not believed.


Can't find it anymore, I was gonna chew him out in Hindi I hate people like this so much, Saskatoon has had a huge surplus of Indians trying to get PR as students I met one here and she didn't even know who the prime minister's was 💀 All she cared about was the PR


Im surprised this post hasnt been taken down. Reddit wants us to bury our heads in the sand. You don't want to do that on the beaches in Ontario nowadays.


r/ india would spin this into white people being racist and wanting to kill punjabis which is why they need their own special racial exclusive zones. Damn, our bad again, sry, sry.






Why are people so confused when diversity becomes division? It's all right there in the terminology...


Just wait until they make up the majority of the population, they are probably going to create a caste below Dalit’s for non-Indians.


The gall of that guy "this is my community okay"


If this was the reverse the woke mob would be holding demonstrations and Justine would be holding angry press conferences.


Literally in the ad "Only for Punjabi" ... such huge demand at U of Sak?


The fact that's in the ad just goes to show that Canada never calls out racism of Indians. **I doubt there's a rental listing anywhere in the COUNTRY that says "only for white people". There won't even be ONE!!**


One other thing OP, did you verify this landlord isn’t try to scam Punjab? Considering he’s living in Montreal?


File a human rights tribunal application against him.


Took screenshots in case this gets taken down.


this is even racist for indians lol punjabis are know to be racist to the rest of indians


Report this shit to the human rights commission. Let's see how this landlord likes kangaroo courts


Report to city and media as this is openly racism.


Report him. Legally you are not allowed to discriminate for reasons like this, lets get these people deported so canadians can take their place


Deportation should be more common lol


I totally get the frustration of Canadians when their politicians open borders and welcome the filth from 3rd world with arms wide open. The pioneers of this catastrophe are no one else but your shitty politicians (especially Libtards and Nation Destruction Party). They impose 1001 tough regulations for the well educated skilled people to move in through the express entry but let any scumbag in if they come as a student, fake refugee or a asylum seeker turned former terrorist. Indirectly you Canadians are also responsible for voting the Libtards and Jughead because you valued legalization of pot and the appearance of Trudeau more than the other aspects. Now, sadly those who voted and didn't vote this government are paying the price. The surveys done in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver still provide evidence that there is a considerably high number of imbeciles living in the dream of socialist liberal utopia.


Oh it's getting insane here in Ontario, they call for diversity and representation. But there are green houses where I live and they only employee sikh people. Like the place is called sikh greenhouses. Tim Hortons and most gas stations are the same. They only employ their people which is discriminatory. Canada's got a massive hill to climb. The pendulum has swung way way too far.


Every Canadian that is not pan-jabi is absolutely getting 💩 on by these clowns. No wonder why everyone all around the world have strong opinions about them.


North Americans live in a bubble because you're across an ocean. Racism is normal, standard and acceptable basically everywhere so this is the obvious outcome. The more people come into Canada, the more racist it becomes. Maybe not some pars of South America too? Even in Europe, it's not as bad as Asia, but people will be casually racist, often even against people from the same country but different parts.


To be honest, which non-pun-jabi person would want to live with pun-jabi people? I'd rather live in a tent and shower at a gym. It would be more hygienic.


Just imagine posting “whites only” in your rental ad. You might go to jail.


The "thas it" is such a punjabi thing to say hah.


As an Indian, I apologise on this idiot's behalf. He's a douchebag and we do not claim him.


Canada is now officially called North India.


More like "west Punjab"


More like Punjab


it's only racist if white people do it.


Im of Indian origin and I grew up in Dubai my whole life I had some Canadian and American friends there who told me to come to NA for my higher studies…I did and the reception I got for the Canadians was the best thing ever and I see something like this from a Indian person it’s just not good for the community you know…one guy does it and then the whole community gets blamed for it. We should all no biases kept should call out people like this guy and make them stop it’s just infuriating seeing this


Sadly, it's not just one guy. Go on Facebook Marketplace right now and look at rental listings by Indian landlords in any major city. They pretty much all want only Indians.


This is MY community okay. .. Talk about an enclave creating mentality.


The most racist ethnic group strikes again. So sad we keep putting up with this. Props to you for calling him out. 


Is a room a tenancy in the province of SK though? In BC it is not if the kitchen or bathroom is not private.


File a human rights complaint. Or consider spray painting racist on his garage. That’s how we dealt with white racism. That’s how you deal with brown racism.


Is immigrant allowed to be landlord?


Sadly yes, been happening forever with the Mainland Chinese investors that jacked up Vancouver's market further


My understanding is that it’s legal in a roommate situation. It’s illegal for a whole apartment or home.




People keep posting this kind of thing. Where can people report this? This is racist. These people need to be reminded that you cannot do this.


It’s because he can make up bullshit to charge extra to a person who doesn’t know any better. Or to hold a ridiculous lease agreement over their head for longer than it’s legally allowed. Why would anyone who’s not Punjabi want to live there anyways? You know you’ll be discriminated against..


Things will either come to a head, citizens will have enough and we will go through an ugly but necessary time of troubles to set things right. Or we will sit on our hands, letting these outrages continue and find ourselves without a nation. The choice is ours.


He looks like a bum


Report it!


Working in horticulture industry and a lot of the farmers are westernized Punjabi people who won’t even hire their people as temporary labourers because they’re crooked and lazy. They hire hard working Mexicans instead


Its a legal invasion. Repeated attacked every day at Pearson International Airport. We are loosing!!!


This villager can barely speak english. Good you cant rent from this slumlord otherwise you would be banging your head on a wall try trying to speak to this turd


Report for discrimination


The woke left are to blame. They scream racist anytime we mention anything about this.


I mean that means not even other Indians....


All of these landlords need to be outed. I say a list be made and handed right over to the human rights commission.


Cuckadians nauseate me. They've enabled all of this


good job canada, we imported a fucking caste system


Lol when liberalism betrays you. This could only happen a liberal ideals.


The reason Canada has become what it has, is because the ‘white’ Canadians have decided to be polite/indifferent or vent amongst themselves but not take a stand to save their country from ruin.


Something looks fishy. Profile locking on facebook isn't available in Canada. Can you send me the listing?


You were racist too - when you categorized it as "typical indian" behavior. That asshole being an asshole doesn't give you an excuse to be like him. And definitely not come here to parade yourself as any better after the fact. Report his ass to Facebook. Name and shame. Who are you protecting?


As an Indian immigrant to Canada, this is pretty disgusting tbh. SMH.


Racist cunt


Yeah. This doesn't come off as racist at all.


time to report someone to human rights commission edit: original message said tenancy board in error


Bruh, fuck that person. Nasty ass piece of shit, this is the type of person who should not be coming to this country. There, I said it. Bite me. How is this even legal? Imagine the outrage if there's a post that says room only for white people. Edit: Sent that dickweed a message chewing him out. But yes, I say this as a person of Indian descent: Indians can be some of the most racist folks you can find out there.


This D-bags's parents paid for that house and his hair plugs!


This should be reported to the provincial human rights commission.




We need to find a solution to this problem


lol maybe Canadians shoulda learned to have a pair of balls and stand up for themselves. But noooo we’re not American are we, we have to be pansies and let America be the big bad one. Just like playoff hockey. If you ain’t tough and mean you’re gonna get fked. Keep yerrr head up kid - don cherry. Oh yeah y’all cancelled him too🤣


Make an example out of this piece of racist shit!


You are dead on….you’d never get at with doing that back in the 80’s. Yet now we bend over for anyone not canadian


Only in Canada Immigrant have more rights than Citizens. Funny 😁






Report him


We have imported a huge problem. Canada is the worlds door mat. So sad to see our country go to shit in a hand basket.


It used to be in Brampton only. Now even drug infested shitholes like saskatoon are getting infected


It's only racist if you're white. I thought everyone knew this.


I always report listings like this.


Send this to Justin Trudeau for comment.


Deport them! They can’t adapt to the Canadian culture anyway.


It’s not even legal to say ‘only for female or male’ because that’s discrimination as well, but landlords do that by the dozens House hunting is a joke these days!


Flood them with requests from white people and record the interactions as they become more and more unhinged and racist and then when theyve fully incriminated themselves as being racist against a single skin color then get authorities involved.


And when you turn the table to them, they cry racist and shit.




Can't be racist if your not white it seems. Shrugs it is what it is. Nothings going to change anytime soon. It's going to our children's problem


This should be the easiest way to find people they need to send back


it's time people stop being you can't be racist towards white people. here is a prime example of yes you can be!