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Deportations need to run up. I wanna see multi year highs and population to fall


As an American. I've never seen Canadians this upset before, Canada was seen as a Better America. But it's so morbid seeing so many Canadians here, I have several of them as Co Workers and they tell me the same thing


Canada has taken the worst aspects of USA and Europe and combined them. Terrible healthcare like USA and stagnating, terrible economy like Europe


We have the work hours and vacation schedules of the Americans, but the salary of Europeans. We have Scandinavian level taxes, with American social support systems. Our healthcare is free, but is collapsing in rural localities and on the brink of collapse in urban centers. We have no innovation. Our immigration policy used to invite the brightest, now we’re taking in Sanjeeta who is doing an arts degree at River Valley College and is working 60 hours a week in a Tim Horton’s. Great to mediocre in the span of a decade.


*8 years


I wonder if there was a certain official who got elected right before things went downhill 🤔. If Layton never died, we'd be in the best timeline, because he 100% would've won the election.


we are tired and we are angry, and I think its understandable. we live in one of the most resource rich parts of the world but through gross mismanagement and a general lack of spine from the folks on top, it gets harder and harder for anyone born here to make any sort of life here. Ive been out of work for more than two years, and while im sure that some of that is my own fault, its immensely frustrating to be told there are no jobs after watching your previous workplaces be filled with imported workers. So we are angry, and with good reason to be. im all for helping those less fortunate, and im not going to hate somebody for trying to better their own situation, but I refuse to be forced out of my home by people who have an entire other country they can go back to. Canada needs to put Canadians first.


It's a pill we need to swallow, and it will hurt alot of individuals. Domestic and foreign born. But canada cannot except a American open border like in the south of the states. We have increased people In This country by 25 to 30 percent in 10 years. We haven't kept pace with home building. Our mortgage market is flooded with erroneous applications and money laundering. We rely on the part time work of foreign workers to supplement our low skilled service sector taking away from jobs from teenagers, delaying their formation of soft skills. We have international students passed their visas protesting to be allowed to stay on compassionate grounds because some governments are waking up. It is absolutely asinine. And the only solution those in charge have is allow ALL to stay as permanent residents.


They're just gonna flip a red hat for a blue hat and all the monkeys will clap and cheer and the rich will buy themselves a few more years.


Bob Dylan quote?


Tombstone blues, all I really want to do


“We have a worker shortage in Canada” Why are wages stagnant then? Off-topic. I wish people would stop downvoting news posts. OP only quoted Pierre. Don’t shoot the messenger.


“Worker shortage in Canada”is just gas lighting Canadians into bringing more TFW literally no such thing as a worker shortage


Exactly!!! The job is posted without the intention of hiring anyone. They wait a few months and then apply to the government portal that there is no one qualified for the position in Canada (meanwhile there maybe dozens of qualified candidates applying). They then miraculously find a “highly qualified person in Indian “ ( who is paying the company $30-$50k for the job). They now enter Canada and apply for PR. It’s just another racket.


why are they gaslighting us so much? I find the 30-50 year old demographic on reddit believes there is a worker shortage for some reason


As a person in that age range, I just left a job in staffing. There has not been a worker shortage for a while. There’s been a job shortage though for some time now. The last time I had trouble finding people for jobs was pre COVID. Ever since it’s been struggling to find work for people. I have no idea where this nonsense of a lack of workers comes from. People were pleading for jobs and I had nothing to give them, it was brutal and heartbreaking.


I just had a recruiter reach out to me for a software dev position asking for 10+ years experience for a leadership role. The pay was entry level. I feel like they are just going to sell the role.


They're scared their pensions are gonna go under because we've failed to invest in a productive economy for 30 years


They’re right about that. Education and healthcare is already gone.


This is the real reason. It's to boost the tax base as the boomers drain the entire pension fund.




No, they’re scared their pensions are going to go under because Canadians stopped having babies. If we stopped all immigration today, Canada’s population would be 33.8 million people by 2054. Said another way, without immigration babies born today would witness the deletion of nearly the equivalent of the entire GTA by the time they turned 30. Not only would there be over 5 million fewer people in Canada, the overwhelming majority of Canadians would be older than 30 years old, with the single largest age cohort being 60+. Who knows what that would mean for our society, but when there’s 2x as many retirees as people still producing anything at all, pensions are going to be the least of our worries. Personally I think the world needs fewer people. We take up too much space. 5 million fewer Canadians means fewer reasons to chop down forests and build ugly subdivisions on the handful of native meadows we have left. But man would that suck for everyone who lives through it. That’s why our immigration numbers are this insane. The government is trying to stave off demographic collapse. But it’s a zero sum game, because the global birth rate has *plummeted*, even in countries like India and all across Africa. Global birth rates are falling faster than anyone ever predicted they would. Sooner than later importing “excess” humans from more populous countries is going to stop being an option for Canada, as those countries are all facing the exact same problem. Personally, I wish the government would be focused less on bailing out the boat and more focused on why it’s sinking in the first place. Canadians are growing up, looking around at the society, culture, and economy we’ve made for ourselves, and voting with their reproductive organs. You couldn’t find a more scathing critique if you tried.


Canadians aren't having kids because we've failed to invest in a productive economy for 30 years.


Then no one has. Because birth rates have fallen everywhere. 2024 may be the year that the world has dipped below global replacement birth rate for the first time in human history. This has happened decades faster than predicted even 8 years ago. No one knows why. Not really. But all the countries that have tried to do something about it seem to have focused on making it less of a burden to bring children into their societies rather than even considered what about their societies made children so burdensome in the first place. Policy wonks are scratching their heads over why free daycare doesn’t budge the birth rate, seemingly incapable of even considering how libido destroying *needing* third party childcare is because you can’t keep your family housed on a single income anymore. “Here parents, we’ve made it even easier for you to throw both parents into the wage-labor meat grinder, why aren’t you breeding more?!” Someday in the not so distant future all of humanity is going to have to have a very serious conversation about what the point of any of this actually is, because we are quite literally trending towards breeding ourselves out of existence.


>Then no one has. Because birth rates have fallen everywhere. Correct. An entirely predictable outcome based on evidence provided by every single developed country in the west has shown birthrate are falling. So instead of our countries addressing the root cause of this, which is failing our middle class in the name of numbers go up. I agree with what you're saying, but immigration as it stands will never fix the problem because our economies are reliant on exploiting it's citizens instead of investing in them. A falling birth rate is not a death sentence to the country. We should have done more to promote families instead of letting late stage capitalism wreck generations starting all the way back to gen x, but we didn't. My point is the only solution is against the interest of corporations that have lobbied for decades in favor of greed. I don't think it's too late but it's past the point where it won't be fixed until severe aggressive policies are put in place, and raising the dependants in our societies through immigration is not one of those.


Imagine if we took all the money we're spending on immigration and used it to incentivise people to have kids instead..


I personally think its because serious problems are now everywhere instead of just in poor or corrupt countries and everyone is just so overwhelmed stressing about how they're going to live, where they're going to live, so much that planning to have kids seems like its a push over the edge for some people. I know that I've been wondering if it makes sense to move to Europe because housing here is in a mess and might not be fixed for another 20-30 years and by that time I should be retiring.


This is a ridiculous take considering that by brining in millions of 20-40 year olds like they're doing, who are probably only going to have 1.5 children per women(or less) , that we are creating another millennial baby boom, that will cause an even bigger demographic problem in 30 years . Like, by bringing in 30 year olds who won't have kids, you aren't increasing the birth rate, so you're just kicking the can down the road. Not that bringing in immigrants can't help the demographics, but there's a difference between having enough immigrants to maintain the population, vs what the current government is doing, which is bringing in enough people to hit a population of 350 million by 2100. Seriously, this is not fixing a problem, it's creating another problem that's 10x worse. You seriously this this rate of immigration is somehow necessary to stop a demographic collapse when we're on track to hit 350 million people?


Kicking the can down the road is virtually government 101. That’s literally why we invented “deficit spending”


Crazy thing is I read in a Canadian newspaper back in 1990 that by the time gen x was ready to retire the pension system would be broke and we wouldn't get our pensions, so this has been a known problem for a very long time.


They're gaslighting us for next quarter's profits.


You mean the millennials? The ones who voted for Trudeau? How is this surprising?


I'd say it's more the 55+ years Olds, nobody 30 - 50 who is still in the work force is saying this.


I am 52 and I know damn skippy there aint no worker shortage


They are trying to destroy the cultural zeitgeist of Canada. It's not about workers it's about reorganization of the world. Divide and conquer of the ruling class. You should read sun Tzu's art of war. Specifically the chapter on making war.


I'm 38 and there is no worker shortage. In Alberta thousands of engineering jobs never came back and some coworkers spent years in Nunavut away from family and we are told stem including engineering is short. We recently saw layoffs of tech workers and only months later told they met (lobbied by) tech leaders and are allowing tech workers to stay here for a while before they secure a job..it's clear it's wage suppression I also only recently got back to my 2014/2015 wages with a promotion And far more responsibilities. Wages don't stay stagnant if there is a shortage. Ive seen when oil was booming and they were giving huge raises to poach talent from competition


There is a worker shortage for highly skilled people like machinists. We are not importing the right people


Nope. Is there was, I'd be able to apply for one and get the job the next day. That's how it used to be in IT for me. I'd apply for the job and the manager would just ask if I could do it, then I got the job if I said yes.


IT isn't one of those jobs bucko. Sorry for your loss. I do cnc sales in Ontario. Customers beg me for people. Machinists are in high demand everywhere


Cause there definitely is one in skilled trades and alot of people in that age group work in those areas, also there is one outside the GTA


Worker shortage, but yet we see line ups several blocks long for jobs fairs and other posted positions.


LOL, Exactly you said it. Keep hearing worker shortage. Corporations are misusing the immigration system to hire cheap labor. When there is a opening for 1 position at least there is 2000 application


Do what do the remaining 1999 do for a living?🤔


I just got layed off union out of work list is long. I've heard similar things for other unions.


Yep my partner is in HVAC and they've been hella slow for hours... infuriating they keep saying there's a worker shortage. Absolute bullshit.


Come to Alberta, I’ve seen HVAC companies walk off multifamily builds because they got a contract that pays more 


There is one everywhere but the GTHA but all immigrants insist on flocking , there so it's impossible to find a job there well most of the rest of the country has a labour shortage


Labour shortage but for some reason I have applied to 200 jobs so far and have only had 3 interviews (they weren’t hiring) and after next month I won’t be able to pay my rent anymore.


Only shortage is in essential such as healthcare and teachers… the rest is fake. We import people studying engineering and IT in mass ..


import people studying IT and engineering. You mean hotel management & marketing....


Lol where i am its all engineering… IM not saying they end up working in the domain tho…. Just have the bare minimum grade on the easiest diploma or longest one to be sure to have a reason to ask for PR you were not here to get first … seems to be the norms now huh sigh


I wanted to be a teacher but couldn’t afford to finish schools! Definitely wouldn’t be a shortage of either of these if people who lived in Canada could actually afford education and medical degrees.


I keep saying the same thing! I wanted to be a nurse but they made it so difficult that right now i can’t afford to study and work 90hours a week to pay for life and school


Exactly! I can’t even afford community college


Calgary unemployment rate hit 7.7% where is this worker shortage again?


The Bank of Canada released a publication that said the labor shortage caused wage pressure that helped erase the wealth inequality their QE caused.  You'd think they'd be happy about wage pressure, yet they support filling the labor shortage.  Making them a regressive institution.


Get the source from OP. I suspect this is an old video. For one, PP no longer wears glasses as far as I'm aware.


Why is there constantly videos of 500 ppl applying for a few minimum wage jobs


I mean wage growth is currently outpacing inflation by a good margin


And wow, now I'm switching to Ppc


Pierre is pro-mass immigration and parrots the “worker shortage” memes. He is just another Trudeau. Vote PPC or enjoy collapse.


Call him for what he is ^(direct flights to) Punjabi PP! Or PPP for short!




Everybody seems to thing Milhouse will solve this mess. Bro hes a bought and paid for shill. Honestly probably going to vote for Bloc Quebec or some ting like dat.


That's not a bad idea. Maybe there's a long shot Bloc candidate in my riding. At least the Bloc stand for something - the preservation of the Quebecois. The other major parties stand for nothing, are completely principle-less.




I love it when people call him Milhouse off the simpsons. that will never get old lmfao


He’s Milhouse quite literally. Remember when milhouses glasses fell off. Yeah that’s Pierre. He used to look like such a little scrawny bitch boy too. But now that’s he’s official opposition he’s worked out put on a t shirt got a tan and lost his glasses. But he didn’t really need the glasses because he doesn’t ready anything original.


Lmfao. I wear glasses for long distance (only for driving). I don’t have much confidence that he will decrease immigration. Maybe get more homes built quicker over a period of time/reduce red tape and drop the carbon tax immediately but even then…..


He was the housing minister for years and he didn’t build houses then. Milhouse is a bitch.


Truth be told I never heard of the guy until recently with the upcoming election. I just remember he repeated a couple times in interviews and in parliament sessions how rent was half when he was housing minister and how he will give incentives to municipalities/cities for construction. The more they build the more incentives he will give. If he does ever become PM, see how that plays out. I just never heard of him until he got active coverage in the news. I would rather vote for someone brand new tbh


Holy fucking sheeeet I never thought I'd see the day that this comment would get 200 likes on Reddit. Wow


I’m not surprised. None of the mainstream parties are offering what people want.


Pierre and Justin, two sides of the same shit. I am voting for Maxime and the PPC!




I’ll say it again! PPC is the only true Conservative Party… give me the upvotes for saying this truth for a long time now, even when it was unpopular. Basically getting a bigger corporate stooge minus the “sunny ways” with PP. I’ll be laughing so hard when we get fucked harder and people here were crying for voting for this complete shill


I wish you were wrong but I honestly agree


I’m protest voting and that’s it! Enough is enough.


Nok er nok


Yup boycotting them too! Too many times Galen has said “let them eat cake” and now he’s gone too far enjoying his Irish foreign tax haven estate.


Albertans love to down vote me when I say the same thing!


Well shit the UCP is power hungry and that’s about it. Life getting so expensive out there, highest insurance rates, electricity… it’s insanity. This is not conservatism, these are stooges working for the richest.


And the corporate whore running the province is begging for more migrants!


Oh god, the hypocrisy is absolutely astounding… I even forgot about that. I mean what’s the difference between what we have now? Cuts to our social programs that we need more and more now that life is so much harder for everyone - even with good jobs! wtf.


Just like in the US - we have the uni-party! They just virtue signal differently but they serve the same class of donors.


Yup, the billionaires and corps/CEOs that make more in the first day of the year than the average Canadian makes all year. It’s class warfare and it’s always been class warfare.


If PPC doesnt get in - im out of the country. im trying to get out asap rn by september 2024-january 2025


If my nationalist party doesnt get in, im going to be the thing i hate in some other country.


Lol. Immigration has to be sustainable, vetted, reasonable #s. Not what it is now. We literally got Indian engineers who straight up can’t spell. These guys are trying to design condos; bridges, etc. we are fucked I kid you not we got one Indian dude who claimed he was fluent in English reading , writing and speaking in documents spell “piece” as “pease” and “quantity: 5” as “Kwantitty - 5” 😂😂😂


This is why I'm voting for Max, among many other reasons.


same. Dont like his platform except for this. Fuck everyone else who keeps supporting this


What’s wrong with the rest of the platform?


Too regressive for me (like abortion bans)


Agree. Not sure why he latched onto the abortion thing. It's a non-issue for most people.


Fr man, and this is why normal people wont vote for him. He has lumped all the crazy in with him, and even now that the average canadian has seen the issues with mass immigration and feels like they can talk about them without worrying about being labelled a bigot, they still wont want to be lumped in with pro-life, anti vax, anti gay, anti climate change people.


What abortion ban? Who told you that?


what does he mean "stop" the deportations ? they were never taking place to begin with.


There’s no worker shortage FFS. 🤦🏻‍♀️ This bs has to stop. I’m so sick and tired of these deliberate catastrophic distractions.


its not a work shortage. its a race for cheap labor. stingy ass employers in Canada. a engineering job in like a mediocre US city will pay 2-3x - 4x in a desirable US city - then Canada's "top engineering" spots - Toronto/Vancouver...Montréal to a lesser extent. I have applied and interviewed for 100k USD (140k CAD) roles...no issues. No offer sadly. But I'm at 80k CAD (100k CAD with overtime) and I have recruiters shocked that I don't wanna take a 40k-60k CAD job in TORONTO. you cant live or survive comfortably on those wages in TO. Cost of living to income available ratio is a massive issue nation wide. It's not fucking normal for 80% or more of a single graduating class to immediately leave the country after graduation (Waterloo Comp. Sci. for example) - smh.


Soooo many people leaving, and I don’t blame them one bit. I hope you get a state side offer, save yourself from this sinking ship. This gaslighting narrative makes me feel crazy. And they’ve dug their heels in so far, we’re gonna need a revolution that would make the French blush to have a chance at a post pandemic do-over.


Yeah hopefully so. I would like to stay but COL and more opportunities down south is a draw, esp in my industry. I am looking at a TN & H1B. I got family in California and Arizona (on my moms side) and Canada/Canadian reputation has slipped. We definitely aren’t treated as seriously as we were under Harper - our previous PM. Not perfect but way better - proper/reasonable immigration levels, we weathered the recession. “Oh you’re Canadian. Nice!” Now it’s like “so….uhhh - you’re Canadian? What the actual fuck is wrong with that Trudeau guy?” - the Ottawa convoy went viral news wise and the emergencies act invoked - surprised and concerned a lot of people. Hell, Biden was threatening the same action if a similar protest occurred in Washington DC smh.


And people think immigration is going to change under Pierre 🙄 Canada is going to be even worse under him. Because he's going to slash services on top of even more immigration.


"Axe the tax" - thats literally all people care about him..im hoping he does the proper thing and deport some of these "students" and fake refugees. anyone who came here post december 2019 needs to go tbh as they all can barely speak english and are relatively useless job wise. we have an indian dude at my work who came here in 2021 who straight up spelled "piece" as "pease" for fuck sakes and now hes trying for a management position....and you know what happens when a indian gets into management...everyone non-Indian is GONE lol smh


"*DRIVING TRUCK*" 🙆🏾‍♂️🚚 Does Poilievre think it's easier for Indians to understand English if you pretend you can't speak it properly?


Driving truck sounds stupid but it’s commonly accepted nomenclature. I do think it sounds dumb and I mock it when I hear the term but it is technically correct. Edit - downvote me if you want but it’s the truth. Getting mad about it changes nothing.


damn. TIL I been speak English so rong. ! tomorrow I drive bike to langwige upgrade klas Just kidding. I didn't know "driving truck" was commonly accepted. That's wild.


*Gets mad *




It really is a common term. Not sure how you've never heard it before. I hear it said like everyday.


Hey I'm from Europe! We call it driving a truck, which is sometimes abbreviated to simply [Lastkraftwagen-Fahren](https://imgur.com/pasid2w)


Starting to get the feeling that any foreign student or TFW caps the Liberals are now putting in place are going to be reversed once the Conservatives come to power.




Almost like he is some kind of WEF stooge or something. It would be crazy if he was listed as a "young global leader" 




Pay for young Canadians post secondary education. They will fill in the jobs we need. Seems like a good start. Then we can stop the lies......hahaha....stop the lies


Because the politicians are all invested in real estate, they are all ready positioned for success


It’s a problem that Japan and South Korea haven’t figured out. It may be that if you industrialize too much you stop having kids. What other solution could there be?




I 100% agree


They are building some battery plants in ontario.


People bent over backwards to trying to prove he was anti-immigration by liberally interpreting small quotes.


Yeah ! Stop em ! Ship em to his place.... ALL OF THEM.


Three useless political parties. We’re stuck with the leadership they present.


Bernier for PM


I second this motion.


Fucking told some people saying PP was their saviour! None of these clowns are going to stop immigration because it lines their pockets and the pockets of their corporate overlords and friends


It's not the money you make after serving in office. It's the money you make in the private sector after.


and start the mass deportation!


Now that's a policy I can get behind.


If LPC lowers the population targets to 100k and CPC says we need more, LPC may actually win. It might be too late now however.


Lol and you'd believe them? Even if they pushed the paper they'd unpush it after the election


No, they would have to actually reduce the numbers before the election before I would consider voting for them. I'm going to be voting PPC to build them up. The 3 major parties have all lost their minds.


Every party will keep bringing in people we don't need . Gotta keep the wages down and profits up.


We need to start the deportations !


Nobody gets deported from Canada. 🙄


We can always start!


Every person and I know a lot of people do not support the extreme immigration that's happened. No one.


Almost like voting doesn't matter!


It's never mattered if you are west of Ontario.


We've been able to vote since forever in Canada. If this is the outcome, what was the point? Voting is just giving your consent.


Woah you mean a WEF "Young Global Leader"  Backstabbed canadians  and is not much different from the left? 


Do Canadians really not know that Pierre is funded by India, I thought this was common knowledge. Conservative party since Harper times has been supported by Modi.


This country needs a restart, old laws, too much bureaucracy, voices are not heard, no one likes the federal election system,


The closer this D bag gets to an election and has to start sharing real ideas and showing true colours, the worse he's gonna poll. Fk our options!


Politicians lie to everyone. I bet he is a big supporter of the WEF did he go to their young politician camps with Justin and Crista LOL.


Anddddddddd you just lost my vote PP. Your true colours are shown. Even the liberals are gaining some points in this area and atleast making moves.


Aw man he wants more immigrants 😞


Lolll again with the shortage. Maybe high skill shortage, if that’s the case, stop letting in low skill immigrants


Pierre is all about slave labour.. No better then trudeau


“Skilled worker shortage” then why import non skilled workers


Yall need to vote PPC. At least give a few seats to the PPC and let their message be heard everywhere.


This is an old video posted multiple times on this sub.




I'm starting to think the uni-party leaders are two-faced panderers... could it be?


Stupid question: aren't Politicians, regardless of who's in power, hired to act on behalf of Canadians by putting forward legislation, conversations, and actions that are intended to help Canadians and likewise are important for their supporters? I ask because they don't, It's confusing to me, like getting hired at a burger joint, then saying "I'll only make the burger when I'm manager"?


So do we have one single leader that actually sees this problem for what it is, a problem! Who the fuck am I supposed to vote for?!?!


Painful to watch 


I am French and I can tell you, even in Europe, no politician even left wing would say this openly, in front of crowds of immigrants. People are so angry and nationalistic at this point that he would get his skull caved in. And I mean the real Europeans of course not the foreigners.


Any vote that’s not for the PPC is a vote for the status quo


Remember when I would get 200-300-400 downvotes on a simple comment like “he won’t fix this issue” in the “other sub” that was shut down? His bootlickers loved to downvote. He was their saviour. Now look….. Called it. Canada is done. It’s over. The “F Trudeau” crowd who for some reason thought he was the fix refused to listen to his own words. And here it is. On full display. Maybe they will finally listen and stop thinking this guy is somehow better than the disaster JT is. When loblaws and colleges have ownership of politicians - this is the outcome I bet we see MORE immigration if he wins.


Pierre is getting pretty desperate… he is just driving more votes to the PPC


He's a politician at the end of the day and needs to get as many votes on his side as possible


This Pierre guy is the slimyest little weasel. Atleast trudeau was straight up about how he was going to absolutely decimate the Canadians standard of living.


we do actually have a shortage, but its for critical things like medical staff.


I don't see where they are hiring, they cry for staff


Because the current system is a nightmare. lots of places are understaffed but hireing is stuck in limbo. there is also the issue of allot of papers being fraudulant or not carrying the same weight in canada as they do in the third world. the immigration system we got is fundamentally broken and useless at all levels.


THIS IS NOT RECENT. Some disingenuous posting here to split votes. Its what the liberals are aiming to do now since their hopes are dead.


It was posted yesterday.


Did PP say that yesterday? Where did he say it? Or was this reposted yesterday from some previous time. I see he’s wearing glasses in this video, he did that in the past a lot more bit less in recent memory. It’s still damming that he said all together, but still


Even before clicking and watching the video I knew he was talking to a group of foreigners. I think Pierre is an idiot but it’s just pandering. What do you want him to say? You want him to piss off people at an event he’s attending? To give the LPC/NDP ammo? This is just regular politics. Idk why people hang on to every word.


Looks like an old af clip he ditched the glasses forever ago. Still not a good video for him though cause I don't think one would change their mind that significantly in that short of time


This has been the clear agenda for a long time.  Globalists are globalists. Whether the colour is red or blue.  The “Ooh we just have to get Trudeau out and *then* we can push other options” crowd is getting quieter and quieter. 


Canadians are so weak, all they can do is cry on reddit instead of going out and actually start making difference.


Wild… absolutely crazy this shit is going to go down like this… I’m voting for the last hope… NOK ER NOK with immigration!!


Doesn't matter no one really wants to stop it now... so yea. We're screwed the damage is done and will get worse. Just glad I have less time left then ahead of me.


Weasel said what ?


Pierre is all about slave labour.. No better then trudeau


There is a worker shortage It's just not in unskilled labour because anyone can work at Tim Hortons or Canadian Tire or Home Depot We have a skilled labour shortage as there is going to be a mass retirement of baby boomers in trades shortly Accounting has had terrible shortages for years Nurses. Doctors. Hospital admin. Forestry. Etc all shortages Jobs where you need education, training and experience are very low especially in small to midsize communities


Fuck no!


Ahh we’re so screwed


Pierre showing us all that he serves corporations that don't want to pay higher wages and inflation and want to import cheap labor so they can keep their profits high. Also this mass immigration was just to prop up the financial system. All those immigrants that needed bank accounts with a certain amount of money and to prop up the banks.


We want more!


Worker shortage? Dont they see the 3 hour line ups for a dish washing job? There is a worker shortage, but thats for skilled trades, bring in skilled workers and not foreign students going to school for arts and crafts. Pierre sounding like a Liberal. The same Liberals that got us into this mess. WEF has everyone in their pockets.


I told you all PP loves immigration. You're welcome.


That creep was and IMHO never will be the answer to our issues. With our actual political scene, I have no clue who to really vote for.