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Exploitation of Canadian taxpayers also peaking right now.


They are pulling at your heart strings so that you stop protesting and getting in the way of their agenda.


Did you actually read the article? It literally proposes ways to stop the insanity.


Yes I read it. The solutions they put forth are those to combat the exploitation of the problem only on one side. They don’t mention anything about combating the problem on the other side (I.e the exploitation done in India). Also 99% of these so called “students “ AND their families are fully aware of what they are doing and the “risks and sacrifices “ that are involved. How can it be called exploitation when the individuals involved are willing participants? There are countless videos on YouTube from their own community showing them how to cheat the system coming to Canada, once they are here, and also how to get PR. If anything they are exploiting Canadian high trust society.


Have you ever read/ heard why the influx of IS/ Immigrants are from India? Multiculturalism is long gone in Canada with the disparity in immigrant Nationalities. Such an incredible farce and only Trudeau to blame. It is so extreme that there must be other factors involved or are Indians the sweatshop workers like Mexicans in the US?


Lol...they are not coming here to study. It is common knowledge in Indian that anyone can get a student permit. Those documents don't even have to be genuine. IRCC doesn't care whether the admission letters are genuine and until recently, didn't even care to carry out criminal background checks. But why do so ..becuase you can start working right away ...as soon as you enter Canada, you are eligible to work full time for any damn employer.. But why do the find employment so easily in all the lowest paid jobs. Because , it comes down to leverage. Employers have huge leverage over international students compared to any native Canadian. Employers simply prefer employing those who don't have any leverage. Also, students won't exercise their choices simply so that they can fulfill the criteria needed to apply for PR. So what effect does this have. People pool money together to cough up the $20k to send their sons and daughter and hope they will earn Canadian salaries as quickly as possible and more than paying off the ROI quickly. A far better situation than what they have in India where unskilled labour can't survive. But all of this is enabled by your truly...JT and Sean Fraser. Look at when the student population spiked. Tight about the time the liberals started handing out full time work permits.


Ah yes the YouTube videos that prove your statistics of 99%. I didn’t realize I was speaking to a statistician and a sociologist genius here!


That’s not Solution for us quite opposite. Enough is enough, as a small business owner I see decrease of contracts to just 20% pre Covid levels, because some dude from India now is running illegal business not paying taxes and serving customers that would normally contract legit local business. Worst part is that later on those people do come to us to fix crap job they did, but they have no money do it properly. So we are stuck fixing hack job, working more and getting less. I did report individuals that work illegally, but problem is that companies they purchase their services also got in trouble. These guys lie that they are canadian business, set their business address to some virtual office or pbox place,… and no one is wiser.


They come here to be exploited. They’re not slaves. And unless tim hortons is keeping their passports, they’re free to leave


They can (and should) go home!


all of the canadian immigration subs are pretty much full of posts where people are asking how they can circumvent a temp worker/student status to stay permanently. these people never had any intention of going home.


Exactly, student visas are just a back door to PR. They think they’re entitled to PR for going to a strip mall diploma mill. Pack your backs and get out you’re not wanted!


You don't directly jump from student status to a pr work permit converts into a pr just a minor correction. In any case yes I agree with you. 100 percent. This needs to be stopped and all intake be vetted and those who are found to be cheating the system simply hand over them the deportation order after that it's Thier choice if they want to live cut off from the system without any financial system backing you no healthcare no judicial recourse not even a simple driving licence etc if they still want to be here. Well let them suffer but legally all avenues should be shut for these scammers asap.


But vetting requires people to do it and either we don't have enough to do the jobs or they're corrupt. The system is completely broken.


Vetting could be done for starter at looking if he speaks English like proper English then the college he is enrolled in what affiliations (with which university etc) have they attained. Who would be teaching them and what? Just basics you will know about the candidates and the college. You don't have to do alot. These filter should have been there in place from the start. Why the liberals had these ideas of allowing them to work unlimited hours without physical presence in their college and didn't even follow up with the college. That caused this situation. Hope it's corrected and things become more strict if someone is here and refuses to leave his choice but he won't ever be part of the main system.


That is how Canada is presented to them by immigration agents, Canadian immigration, relatives already here…their sense of entitlement to a PR is given to them. Often people here tell those back home,’ just land here once, on ANY type of visa. Rest will happen automatically.’ Canada as a country has hid behind their self image as open and welcoming while doing zilch to protect its integrity. You leave your home doors open, invasion will happen!


Why would they? Being working class here is better than being working class in India


For now.


Little India will catch up soon don’t worry! We will all learn to do the needful I already do the head bob


I couldn't care less at this point. My country is gone, I have no home here and no hope, and I absolutely despise anyone here in power with a burning passion for selling us out.


https://preview.redd.it/skky2u7h731d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab5d1fda72fc6b94b75c9775b2c660de7c46e19 Honk honk


Nope, good try, but I'm not a Clownvoy supporter, just someone so burnt out as to have pretty much become a garden variety anarchist. The Clownvoy breaks my rules on who can be trusted, which is to say any group larger than a beer league baseball team cannot be trusted and is up to no good.


Clown world is universal friend, it’s not all related to the convoy


hey, it’s not our fault that their country is a shithole they don’t want to return to or invest in!


A shit home they are doing their best to bring here. Ffs i thought this was Canada


Nope Canada was sold years ago, this is the principality of Weston foods, they just haven't gotten around to changing the name like the Rogers Center.


Irving oil already owns New Brunswick and Maine


But it is our fault that we let so many come into Canada


That is a given. These are economic migrants who will chase strong currencies and opportunities wherever they see them. Hence the rush to UK, Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand and Europe. I don’t think assimilation is even a thought in their minds.They make their own survival/support system within each country and live parallel to the mainstream. I am not even talking about any particular faith or community….just very different cultural groups. Because Canadian systems collapsed we are talking about all this. If they hadn’t these migrant groups would hv continued the way they have done for almost a century. Infact many openly say they need to safeguard their kids from liberal ‘white’ culture. Hence the rush to open faith based schools, more visible temples,mosques, gurdwaras than churches, more flamboyant and in your face religious festivals …..they intend to preserve everything about their way s of living except the currency they earn in and thrive on.




And how is that our problem?




They’re not being press ganged into coming here. They have the internet in India same as every other country other than North Korea My patience for these economic migrants is zero




The pity ship has sailed. No one will give a shit about some villager tricked to come here


I think you miss the point commenter above is trying to make. Direct your anger at the politicians and our business instead. It'll be more productive.


If their experience is awful they’ll tell their aunties and friends not to come . So yes I am going to continue to be mean to diploma mill seekers


It means nothing. As long as there is a void in our diploma mills, there are a billion people around the world willing to do anything to fill it.


PP eloped with an immigrant if you think he’s going to change anything.


If they have to forge banking documents to get here they should be here.




Well if they came here on honest terms, able to respect our country and way of life we’d have less of an issue. They are purposefully misleading our systems. They come broke. They shouldn’t be here.


Again, why should I care??? Drowned in debt for the rest of your life because you wanted to come here? Womp womp ig 🤣🤣🤣




Well, I'm here to tell you those aren't even remotely sympathetic or logical reasons. They. Are. Free. To. Leave. Though I get where you're coming from, ain't nobody gonna care about invaders when they made us vs them.


We are the ones getting exploited by international students here. For cheap labour they only benefit a few companies, but our tax dollars pay for their social services, schools, healthcare.


So you mean those few companies are exploiting all of us? Imagine people put this much energy towards holding those companies to account instead of posting dumb comments about people using legally available loopholes to them.


“Don’t hate the players, hate the game” is the sentiment you are getting at. But the players are entitled and opportunistic then they’re up for criticism. It goes both ways for the stupid systems to allow this as well. In the end I think canadians and our wellbeing have to come first and foremost, even if it makes non-immigrants uncomfortable. Wondering today, do you open your front door to a stranger who’s working on your house and let them live there indefinitely or you tell them when the gig is up you go home?


In the example you give at the end, I’M the one in charge and I’M responsible for setting the rules. That’s precisely my point lol. You know what I’m really curious to know? How many people in this sub have actually written to their local politicians and what kind of responses they got. I’m gonna make a post and ask people. Just watch how low the interaction will be on that post because it won’t be inflammatory or riling anyone up.


You must be new here. There is only room for one single idea here. Every post and comment should be a regurgitation of that point or else.




They pay extra because these institutions are particularly funded by tax dollars, which international students nor their parents have ever paid into. The tax dollars they contribute with the minimum wage and under the table jobs is extremely negligible, especially compared to the infrastructure and social programs they use but again, they nor their parents, have ever contributed to.


I think this is something that intl students don’t quite understand. Most come from places where there are no social programs or gov subsidies, so by them paying 3x equates for demand and entitlement.


No social programs in India? Dude, India gives free food to 800 million people. I'm not even lying, probably the only country in the world with this insane 200 billion dollar social program. It also gives free healthcare to 500 million people. The upper middle class in India gets taxed huge amounts to pay for the large poor population's services.


Thanks for the info. I’m glad they have social programs in place, but I am assuming if I were a student there I wouldn’t be able to use it, could I?


No, you wouldn't. Canada is stupid for allowing people to exploit and scam their systems


go home. if they are not a permanent citizen of canada, they do not deserve the benefits citizens have. if you can pay to afford to go to school here as an international student, you should anticipate paying for other things. too expensive, hard to find a job? cool, go home. native canadians are having a harder time renting, buying property, and finding jobs because international immigration. you are the problem.


And all of these things make sense, because they are not Canadian. All of these things would be equally true for a Canadian studying abroad. In Punjab for example. The difference would be that a Canadian who went to Punjab to study would study and not use it as a back door to find work. They would not protest if they were failed for cheating. They would not bleat about unfair treatment. The entitlement we are seeing with “international students” is astounding and, to be blunt, as un-Canadian as it gets.


I have replied to the comment that says our tax dollars pay for their school fee healthcare, etc. Does it? 🤷‍♂️




You pay what? $36 a month? Lmao




We are residents who have paid into the system our entire lives. $75 is nominal considering what you use and how little you contribute in taxes.


They can leave at anytime, no one is holding them here.


My papi, and his papi, and his papi's papi toiled these lands for 4 generations, accumulating a large enough tax base to ensure that one day 100,000 Indian Students per month could move here to learn how to cut vegetables at the fine establishment of Conestoga College


They can leave. They have another country to go back to. Unfortunately for the Canadians who are born here, this is our only home, and it's being entirely overrun by another culture that isn't loyal to our way of life in the slightest. Not to mention the hardship this is causing younger Canadians, low skill workers, renters, and potential homebuyers who are now competing not just with other citizens for scarce resources, but the entire 3rd world.


Canada isn't our home anymore. We don't have a home or a nation anymore it was destroyed, we're just renters here, being gouged by our Overlords the same way we are our landlords. I really, really hope there's no one out there who still feels any ridiculous sense of loyalty to thus shit hole.


Yup and people really thinking voting Libtard or cuckservative wil make some magical difference🤡 When both parties are taking it very deep in the backdoor by our corporate overlords Galen Weston Jr is best buds with Trudumb and Lil PP remember that folks 😂


When your opposition leader has 6 members of the Weston Lobby high up in his organization, including his deputy minister and his chief of staff, there is no Fucking way he's "for the people".


Some cultures r just incompatible. Canada imported from deep rural hinterland Punjab in bulk.They don’t even fit into the ethos of urban centres in India, how r they expected to fit into a Western Judeo-Christian one?


Agree. Add judeo to the incompatible part too. Canada was built by Protestants and Catholics.


Yes, but historically the European civilization has had both influences and its settlers from Europe who came to Canada……hence the term.


I think we might be the first country ever to put ourselves back into a population trap by way of unsustainable immigration. Thanks JT... We are all for immigration here but can we have a cap and be selective? Back to you J fucking T. At the rate quality of life are deteriorating here.. They might be better off leaving, no one is withholding their passport I hope.


Choose quality over quantity. Canada really scrapes close to the bottom to get these ‘students!


Like Poilievre will do anything about it either lol the guy who also voted to implement the TFW program at the behest of his corporate overlords. 😂🤡 We're all too busy yelling Justin Trudeau just to bring in another shill 🤡 While the wealthiest elite laugh at us munching on their popcorn The wealthy class want us divided just remember that. While we all yell at Trudumb Galen Weston Jr is living his best life in his castle...yes you heard me owns a castle!


The bots are downvoting something that's common sense crazy. You really don't want me talking about this huh. 🤫


It's not bots, it's people desperate to grasp at any false hope they can, so they pin their future on Lil PP and thrust their heads in to the sands. You get the down votes because they can't stand someone trying to make them acknowledge how fucked we are.


Based comment


"we are all for immigration here but..." That is some serious cognitive dissonance right there 😁😆


It's not, any good thing can become bad if done terribly. Like how this government has made it.


The title should have been: "Exploitation ~~of~~ **by** International Students in Canada at Peak Now"


We Canadians are exploited too. We don’t get the job we want. Our health care is failing. People are dying because of long waiting time. Our employment agencies like YES, ymca are burdened with all the international students and open work permit holders. Therefore Canadians are not getting help. We are sharing same resources with them which means we are giving the resources which meant for us.


And we are all too distracted with the puppets that are Trudumb and Poliovere bickering at each other While the wealthiest elite in Canada are living their best lives and laughing at us fighting among each other Remember Galen Weston Jr has a castle 🤫


I'm thinking of immediately converting all my money (including investments that aren't on American markets) to USD. If we're going to be the next India, so will our currency.


Buy them one way tickets home. Problem solved


I mean, they can go home...


They should all GO HOME


Mass Canadians revolting against wealthy class is key Not choosing between libtard or cuckservative


Or u can just work hard, not mess around, and save your money. Get a specialization and become the top dawg in that field, you will have everything. Crying and revolting your way out is not going to work. Get a grip and grind it out if you’re serious or watch as others do it.


bake bag plucky cows resolute jobless dependent deserve ad hoc unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're expecting too much from this crowd here buddy. Just grab popcorn and enjoy the shitshow.


International students shouldn't allow to get LMIA once they are done with their PGWP work permit.just send them back home.


Seems like Canadians are being exploited but ok.


Canadians are fucking stupid thinking Poliovere will solve anything when he's bent over and taking it anally by Roblaws big fat dick and other lobbyist corporations. Remember all these corporations want that cheap immigrant labour!! Doesn't matter whether you pick liberals or conservative both are sucking corporations fat juicy dicks




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You are goddamned right!


Yeah but that doesn't play as good for that immigration website to run a sob story.


To set an example of whats going on, I knew somebody that was roommates with an international student. She was getting 10 dollars an hour cleaning and barely ever attended classes. take from that what you will.


The economic theory that supported thus nonsense has been completed discredited as nonsense. Mass immigration into a welfare state is a drag on the economy and a net negative both in the short term and long term perspective. It drives down wages, impedes innovations and technological improvements and lowers the standard of living per capita. The claim of productivity gains is a myth it is a phantom accounting trick that is the equivalent of claiming cancer is a good thing because it drives up 5he GDP. Enough with the 1960 hippy communist psudio economic theories. People have got to eat, they need places to live they need work that is of value and gets paid. Governmemt cannot do any of that. This farce of economic growth from immigration is nothing more than the Cloward–Piven strategy in practice branded as a social good. It isn't. They all have to go back. The economy of Canada cannot support more than 30 thousand people. Deport now. They have a country to go back to. Canadian citizens do not. This is the only place Canadian citizens have in the entire universe. Stop giving away Canadian citizen's future to strangers. You do not have a mandate to do that. You have never asked the Canadian citizens for that political power. Stop acting illegally and without concensus from the Canadian VOTERS.


Can I just have a job and a place to live in the same country I was born in pls


Canada: lol no


Here, in Canada, rules are for everybody, not "everybody else". Your dishonest attempts at gaining PR have been observed and noted. You are no longer welcome here for that reason. Punjab is calling. Go home.


primary reason these so called students come here are for PR and when government gave them incentive to work upto 40 hours. They couldn’t ask for more Mission Accomplished There is no question of exploitation. They know what they signed up for.


It’s kinda what they signed up for.


They are willingly being exploited.


Exploited almost exclusively by their countrymen. There is a reason why commodity businesses run by Indians thrive and they are mostly built on the backs of exploitation, tax scamming amongst other things


Dumb headline. No one is stopping them from leaving.


They knew what they were getting into enrolling in strip mall colleges. They're not here to fill any labor gaps. They are just there to do the minimum wage jobs, earn in dollars and get the materialistic things like cars, clothes etc that they would be able to afford doing a similar job in india. Ur not getting the brightest like the US but getting all the leftovers that even Australia and UK don't admit. Ppl need to stop fooling around with this propaganda that these students are somehow model citizens waiting in queue to make canada the next superpower


Canadians are being exploited too, we need to stop this shit


None forces them to be here.


They are free to leave at any time, see ya!


We are middle east where the employers keep their passports. Let them leave if they feel they are exploited.


They’re exploiting us!


Exploitation of Canada by international students at peak now. Fixed your headline.


This is what you idiots get for voting Trudeau. Enjoy your weed assholes.




I dont mind people insulting politicians but your comment goes a little too far.


Everyone is paying hundreds if not thousands of more dollars in rent per month because of population growth from immigration, foreign investment and government overspending. The cost per person is astronomical when you add it up.


Well if it’s at its peak, that means it’s gotta come down from that peak right??…right :/


They always tend to take advantage of their own demographics.


Lets' be honest, most of them aren't poor.


I think this isn't the highest peak, it is the lowest peak so far.


Just the way businesses and landlords are exploiting them for labor, they are exploiting Canada for work visa and PR/citizenship. Its a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Exploitation of Canada by Immigration policy you mean?


Who's exploiting who here? They're not being forced onto planes by Tim Hortons to come to Canada to be low-wage labour. Neither are their passports being confiscated when they arrive in Canada. They are always free to get on a plane and leave the country. When other nationalities think about coming to Canada to study they apply to UoT, McGill, or UBC. Nobody thinks about applying to strip mall colleges unless there's an ulterior motive. In my view, it looks like these "students" are the ones exploiting laws that weren't meant for them. Our lax laws around international students were meant for graduate students studying at research-based Universities, not for strip mall college students only here for PR/Citizenship. We need to stop framing how these are poor international students getting exploited. They are not victims but the ones exploiting Canadians for their gain.


They are exploited by the big corp. We are robbed by the government to subsidize them. The government failed the people and refused to admit they did it wrong. They just keep pumping more people in to massage the GDP number




Ummmmmm, pretty sure their exploitation is far less than what they endure back home. Also, it's a voluntary exploitation, they are no indentured servants.


A bunch of greedy, rich, Canadians caused this.


Based post


The scary part is we can fall so much further.


Exploited?! 🤣


This country used to scam newcomers now it’s scamming everyone 😂 Thats equality 🤣




Cool, don’t come. The university’s care because it’s a cash cow for them… We shouldn’t listen to their nonsense.


International students are being exploited? Oh no! Anyway ...


Cry me a fucking river




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Immigration goes up , so does housing prices and the government does not mind that . Their goal is to tax new home sales for more revenue .


Jt and his lib government need this immigration because it is the only thing holding up the canadian economy. Without it , the system falls apart. However its gotten so bad that now, with it, the system is fraying by being over capacitated. Only way to end this without further devastation to cad standard of living/ higher inflation, is to fix the economic disaster the libs caused. Focus your energy on finding the political party that will grow our economy and invest in our resources. This is the only way out. At this point, i dont even think they can stop immigration as much as they would want too (i trust they do at this point as sentiment around this topic is not great)- until they have some other metrics contributing to canadian gdp. They have essentially cornered themselves into a hole.


you have that 100% backwards!!!!!!






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


They’re not being “exploited”. I would feel bad if they were coming from an economy in shambles or a war torn area and being sold the idea of Canada. But they’re aware of Canada and the declining opportunities. They come from the fastest growing economy in the world because they literally just want to live in a white western country since it’s a status symbol.


I'm more concerned about the exploitation of Canadian citizens. NOT SORRY


International students exploitation of Canada at peak


If they are so exploited they can go back


Is Brock continuing to exploit you? Sowwy


F them, Canadians first


Stop reporting about stupid international students who know what they're coming into. Report about the fucking residents that are facing the same issues. God the world is so dumb. CANADIAN news should start reporting issues that CANADIANS are facing.


Deport and shut down all these scam phone call places ffs it’s terrible trying to run a business and every other caller is a scam




Why would we want to keep wages low?


Also, stop being little bitches whining on the internet and vote with your wallet or call your officials ( not sure how it works in your government) no wonder your Canadians are such pussies. Lol