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Apparently, and I heard this from a recent immigrant, what happens is Indians in different levels of our government are approving applications but are getting paid under the table by these applicants and their family back in India for the approvals (by the boat load). Then these government officials extort these immigrants for years under the guise that they can take back their immigration status or PR by reporting them to the government or just simply reversing their approval. The level of corruption is much deeper and more perverse than half of us are aware of.


This is it. It's why it won't stop. Too many people are making money scamming from these new immigrants.


This is how it works in the third world. A group infiltrates the various mechanisms that are supposed to act as a control and so the whole system is corrupted. From the criminal to the government official to the policemen to the judge they all work together. I'm from Africa and I'm sad to see this start happening in Canada with mass migration


This is what I have feared. My worry about 3rd world immigration has always been about corruption, not about race, Look at the corruption map at Transparency International: [https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz18Pg1FPwjijtxX6q6LbFDk2fvYZ-uz\_pzTOQqerL6YL1OeM6xFvN5YaAtCxEALw\_wcB](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz18Pg1FPwjijtxX6q6LbFDk2fvYZ-uz_pzTOQqerL6YL1OeM6xFvN5YaAtCxEALw_wcB)


My experience of dealing with Indian migrant workers has been the same as that of dealing with pathological liars: the complete, ***total*** shamelessness with which they lie is so jarring that you start to question your own sanity. They will look you in the eye and tell you the fucking sky is green, with such psychopathic ease that you almost buy it. We are being gaslit. Not just by the upper classes (and their pampered children keyboard-warring from their student lofts), but by our millions of new "neighbours."


I’d go even further and state that even through generations, the allegiances to their origin countries don’t die. How long until we have a Canadian born Indian prime minster who is just a sycophant for India itself. Their culture does not mix with western ideology, especially lgbtq and women’s rights.


I disagree with you on the Canadian born.


Canadian born in a place like Brampton, you don't grow up with Canadian values around you. You are effectively growing up in India.


At least in Vancouver all the "Canadian Values" I see nowadays are fentanyl related ODs. So, getting those values replaced by Third World corruption feels like an improvement. TBH I am getting sick and tired of walking downtown in a so called "good areas" and finding dead people outside fast food joints. And make it worse by having our local government "fix" the problem by giving addicts more drugs


I was born and raised in Brampton and have no allegiance to India. You're generalizing. Don't paint everyone with the same brush.




TBH I am more shocked that we have an epidemic of fentanyl related deaths in my city and our local government solution is more free drugs to addicts. The Canadian dream died long time ago.


Only a tiny fraction of people take fentanyl.


I grew up in Brampton that had more Indian kids than anything else. I share your concerns and agree with most of what you said. Children of immigrants born in this country aren't all more loyal to their parents country. Your generalizing makes you sound like an ignorant ass, and allows progressives to invalidate all of the valid concerns you have. I don't give a shit if you're an immigrant. Stop generalizing people.




No, I clearly can't read and thought you were the person I originally responded to 😂 Edit: I take back what I said regarding how generalizing people will let progressives write off everything you say. You didn't generalize as you didn't make the comment I was originally replying to. Like I said, I do agree with alot of what you said (now basically everything as you didn't make that comment).


Canada is unified, this seeks like a foreign interference post calling out cities in Canada by ethnic demographics.


Don't worry about OP's comments. CBC - Allegiance predicted the dangerous movements that will hurt Canadians started from people going after Canadians with a different skin colour, or dividing Canada.


I disagree, yea obviously you see the immigrants that come over and their kids still have pride for those countries. I grew up in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood where kids had mini cliques (nothing serious think Polish pride type thing) but I couldn’t say anyone of those people would put their parents country above all else. In Canada there was at least some degree of assimilation in the past with a touch of prior country culture. Maybe you think this now because we’re not seeing as much assimilation these days.


Would be the same as every american sycophant you've elected.


The "America bad" CCP shill using the word "sycophant", you can't make this stuff up


And you would be another american dick rider?


You can't imagine a world where you don't have to ride somebody's dick, can you? Now go, those "America bad, CCP good" posts won't write themselves, and you're behind on your daily quota.


Is there a world where Canada actually acts like a sovereign country and doesn't do everything america says?


You don't understand India. That's not how it works.


I mean we have jagmeet as a possibility..


I think you need to look at culture and corruption acceptance. Just because the Philippines for example has a higher corruption score doesn’t mean they value it as a society. The country is poor and the folks come here for opportunities to break the cycle. I’ve never heard of a Filipino loan. Anyway, I don’t think we should paint all the Indian immigrants with the same brush, the point is there are some really horrible people that are taking advantage of others and it should be stopped.


This is terrifying …


So what happens when said government officials are ousted in the next election and they have nobody to cover for their fraudulent documents?


A new group of corrupt assholes has to get cut in. 


I doubt anyone will go back and look/reexamine already approved applications but who knows


Well, an investigation can't hurt


If that happens, the next group will do the same thing.


Go out and vote read all of the parties policies pick one to your values they may be at the bottom of the list but give them time and support and things can change


Holy F, I had never heard of this, but I have no trouble believing you. Could very likely be possible.


Good God, can you please contact the media and your MP about this?


I heard something similar from an Indian friend. But with respect to employment status, where companies will sell employment for the point increase for immigration.


I do that. I have set up several shell companies and advertise fake jobs. I charge these Indian kids 10k to be hired. Then I get money from TFW program to pay them. I rent them a mattress in one of my houses and charge them more than what I tell the gov't I pay them. Oh I also sell all their data when they apply. Obviously I am joking, but I know this is being done. Tragic.


Please I highly encourage you send an email to the corruption prevention agency [email protected]


I can but how do I cite the source? Do I just give this guys name?


It is up to you if you are comfortable. I think it would help a lot. if we don’t do anything as citizens we are pretty much surrendering this country to corruption. Edit: if you know any victims of this kind of fraud it will help a lot too. Victims are much more likely to collaborate with authorities since they want to get out of extortion


Once one Indian gets in anywhere they just flood the area with more. That's why American tech leadership is almost all Indian in leadership positions now.


Are you assuming that's due to nepotism? Tech leadership filled with nepo babies cannot survive. Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella are rock performers that grew up the ranks based on their merits.


No Indians are just really good at tech/IT stuff, it’s not due to nepotism. Microsoft CEO Nadella has completely revolutionised the company and it has become a powerhouse


And they probably have to sign a clause that forces them to vote liberal ..


Oh great, third-hand hearsay, the most solid of evidence.


I literally said I heard it, it’s up to you if you want to believe it. They’re doing it with the Brampton loans, why is that far fetched. I’m not a journalist, you’re welcome to investigate further.


Nothing will convince the paid shills working the troll farms.


Your accusation is an admission of guilt, troll.


You got nothing. Nothing. You got zero arguments. Big fat zero.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Look at the corrupt culture in canada trudeauu has enabled. This is totally plausible and a logical extension of his mad immigration policy.


Okay, sure. *Everything* is Justin's fault. 🙄  Prove it then, don't just spread baseless conspiracy nonsense. There's enough concrete reasons to target Justin without adding this kind of bullshit to the pile.


trudeaus failed immigration policies aiding inflation and creating a housing crisis while lowering our standard of living. The repercussions for our health care system is catastrophic. Most smart people can see the degradation of canada in the last 8 years. Your trudeau shilling is very transparent. You refuse to see achnowledge the  stark reality in front of your face. Assuming you live in canada and not on some foreign liberal financed troll farm.


I'm not a Trudeau supporter. I'm pointing out that there are plenty of issues his feet should be held to the fire over without resorting to the obviously fabricated bullshit conspiracy dumbfuckery posted above.  As someone who clearly has a hard-on for hating on him, you'd think you'd be in agreement that we should stick to the facts: something you attempted, but failed to do, by immediately jumping to the conclusion that any criticism of a challenge to Justin, no matter how idiotic or baseless, is support of Justin.  Be better.


Be real and honest to the degradation and breakdown of canadian society.   How can you not see it? Are you blind or willfully blind?  The degradation of canadian society is not open for debate. It is FACT.  Be honest instead of willfully  corrupted.


An immigrant told you this! That's some solid proof for sure.


Proof. This is just conspiracy.


Let me go grab that for you. 😒


I wonder where they are going to be living ?? when the people we already have here can’t find homes….


10 of them in a 2 bedroom apartment of course


They'll just move in with someone who already has a home.


Ad on Facebook marketplace: FOR RENT - 1BHK to be shared with 10 WOMEN ONLY rent per person is $750 a month Must be Gurjrati female and complete VEGETARIAN only. NO BOYS


A controlling Indian male! I'm shocked, not.


Brace yourselves lads, protect your women


You can fit alot of mattresses in a house. A 3 bath, 2bdr house can fit about 30 people. Storage lockers are good. Heck, I even rented out my shed to 26 of them.




Don’t blame the Indian Trudeau and his pal Jagmeet are to be blamed .


I blame both, as the wilful intent is present with both.


Its the government responsibility, not average people to control immigration in a country. Whether citizen or tfw


The current government would like nothing more than for people to blame immigrants instead of government policy failures. Do not fall into this trap.




Bust the unions and supress our wages


Don't forget strain the social services and create a voting block loyal to big govt


No, I'm union and I'm still under paid in my industry.


How about, Bank of Canada QE caused wealth inequality, immigration depresses wage pressure that reverses said wealth inequality, according to BoC themselves?




This is a very small part of the issue. It all comes down to enormous flow of people.


To depress wages and entrench wealth inequality that QE caused.  That's the entire point.


That's not stopping anytime soon. I might as well start learning many other languages as English will be dropping to the bottom.


Tiff says our wages can’t go up, Freeland says “We have the social capital” and Trudeau says “Um Ah”.


The slums will start soon. Homeless people don't give a shit about the law. Welcome to the new Canada where you will most likely get shot or stabbed without being allowed to protect yourself. Countries just sending fentanyl over here. This country is pathetic and I can't stand to even call myself Canadian. If Trudeau and his lackies aren't ripped from that podium and showed consequences this will not stop. Ripped from their high horse and forced to be exiled, family included. Never a Trudeau should be in power again, public shaming.


Junior Fidel following orders. Amazing that people couldn't see this coming


Can this be fixed or reversed? Serious question as I’m rather new with politics


We will need to use mass deportation and halt immigration for 30 years to fix this and even then, it will take decades to repair the damage done.


Do you think any government would actually consider that? Pierre has said a few things but I believe he tells people what they want to hear. I feel like whatever government we have, we are screwed


No I don’t think so and that’s why we’re cooked. The only party that wants mass deportations is PPC and there’s no hope in hell they win anymore than 2-3 seats this coming election, if that.


Also if the PPC went into power, they’d enact some other awful stuff


Such as?


Well first of all, while they plan to cut the deficit, they also then immediately plan to use that to cut taxes and not, yk, fund our important underfunded programs or pay back our debt. They believe in various things about climate change not being caused by humans, despite the evidence. Although I will say that a lot of the other stuff on their platform looks (on the service) good.


Banning abortion, gutting environmental regulations and labour protections, banning marijuana, harassing LGBT (now that the Tories and NDP are trying to create a national registry for them)... All that Christian-fascist shit that Alberta-chuds love. And you know that perfectly goddamn well.


It really won’t take that long and the main issue is more TFW and low skilled foreign labor as opposed to “immigrants”. We can bring in lots of immigrants a year as long as they are skilled in demand labor


Why would any skilled person come to this shithole?


Even with how bad we perceive minimum wage here, it’s a lot better then a lot of other non western countries


I think the only one who would actually go through and deport some people is ppc.




Canadian liberal voters will vote in his son in 20 years. Canadians are hopeless clueless dummies.


There was this judge that took bribes and when he got caught they flayed him alive and made the judges chair out of his skin. Made the son be the next judge. We used to have ways of making people be more humble.


Imagine people like us who did not vote for Trudeau ans even 8 years back were advising friends and families to not vote for Trudeau...who should we be angry with, Trudeau or the people who voted him in...TWICE!


The government officials that voted him in. He didn’t win the majority vote last time. He won the most seats, which are votes specifically made by people like government officials and municipality leaders (mayors for example)


I don’t blame the good homeless people (people that have no other option because of situations like their rent raised, but they can’t afford it and can’t go anywhere else) that don’t care for the laws. The government is what made them homeless in the first place


It's like these people are trying to do as much damage as possible.


why do they and the boomers hate us born and raised Canadians so much ?


Because we have standards


They hate us because we’re from a better country The boomers hate us because we have access to knowledge about our rights, so we won’t accept their crap anymore




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Where are they going to live and what jobs will they work?


Are you kidding me? Are these people blind and deaf to see that there's literally too many people coming to Canada? This country is set to become a true third-world country in the next few years. /vent over


We're already well on our way....


We're there.


Don't forget JAGMEET is making this happen. He can shut it down immediately but he will not. He's probably hoping for half the votes. We do not live in a democracy. We now live in squalor


Well. Considering he likely still has family he wants to himself import… duh!


Gotta serve his corporate overlords with cheap labour.


We want to replace all you ungratefuls who are going to vote against us. So we will fill the districts that count with people who will vote us in again. Good night and fuck yourself. Sincerely the government


I want to live in a literal fortress these days.


I moved several hours north of Southern Ontario. I live very rural. I did it for my peace of mind literally.


Went rural as well. The cities are drowning in Indians and life just carries on as usual out here.


If they were so concerned about "settler colonialism", they'd halt immigration period. And then they'd let indigenous groups be in charge of our immigration policy. 🙄




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Deport them


Lived in the north of Calgary and I'm more then 100% certain most of the apartment buildings and houses were owned or being rented out by these people to the point where everywhere I went the would be at least 2-10 near me at any point hell even walking tot he bloody store. I have no problem with immigrants but the amount is outrageous, and what is worse is having to deal with immigrants especially kids or teens that have no idea how to act moral ?!!? Their Beasts and I've been harrased by these kids more then any other demographic ! And their women just judge you and anyone else.. WORSE YET while working in Retail without over inflating or being dramatic, people from the middle east / India id say 80% of them steal on a regular basis!!!! You have no idea how many times I'd catch some middle eastern women stuffing her bags full of stuff or putting something underneath her dress and waddling away !!! Their horrible people and even worse yet was the sexual harrasment I'd get from their men!! Disgusting.


Are they mad. There’s a severe housing shortage, there should be an immigration moratorium for a couple of years.


30 years*


And people think that we live in a free country -- this is a great example that we don't.


Oh this lady. She’s a real treat.


Somebody end this fucker (‘s reign).


So fed up with this government. Trudeau makes me sick


Seems the Canadian government is as good as the US at ignoring the wants and needs of its citizens


Every country in Western Europe and some Eastern European are ignoring the wants and needs of its citizens. Half decent conspiracy theories gives better answer than our current politicians.


Anybody else just done with this shithole country. I literally don't care anymore. I don't care about homeless people, drug addicts, people starving,malnourished kids, sick dying because of healthcare, If our gov't doesn't care about its people why should I care about them? I got mine, don't care about you or yours. This is the society you wanted. RIP Canada, you had a pretty good run but it is over.


I understand the sentiment,  But I'm not done caring. I hope that enough of us can care just enough to maybe try and leave this country and world slightly better than when we came into it.


With the “leadership” options we have I’ve got zero faith that this will ever be a functional country again. It’s too broken to be fixed but nobody with the power actually cares to even try


The issue is when those same ppl you don't care about make you care by robbing you cuz they're desperate


Hell no!


That Senator is a major backer of the Century Initiative.


Who the fuck is this lady?


Some grifter.


He needs to be in front of a judge. A none corrupt one... may be hard to find. Would his dad be rolling in his grave or clapping? I don't know. I thought his dad had lore political prowess, but honestly, I only 39, so i don't know.


Holy crap, stop this Insanity


This is how you change the makeup of a nation. And how you get people to blindly accept anything yo do.


Typical cart before the horse liberal thinking. If something isn't working the answer isn't to fix it but double down.


He's totally trying to destroy this country before he's done. He's a completely narcissitic madman. We do NOT need any more immigrants until our own are fed, housed and have jobs ffs.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Canadians voted yes to doing away with vetting our refugees in 2015. It was very important that we kept these protections in our immigration process. Now we don’t have it anymore. It is open to anyone who wants to come in and further exploit our country. Corruption has been allowed to flourish because of it.


I don’t want bottom of the barrel people. I’d be much more content if more educated people came in here and made our society better. The reverse has happened!


No way


Of course I'm sure Justina and the liberals will force them to sign a contract that states you must vote liberal in the next 5 elections or they send you back....welcome to Canada


This. is. a. deliberate. policy. This is not an accident. This is a controlled demolition.


I hope JT disappears in the US for good


Why don't you guys do something about it instead of constantly bitching about.


Sometimes I wonder...is there any point of all these subs, day in day out, if the govt doesn't give a shit? They are supposed to be our representatives, but the reality is they do things that are totally opposite to what people who elected them want. When can these ministers be questioned and made to change their ways? Is there even a way to do that?


Thanks for the lesson on how Canada's system of government works in the title. lol Trying to attribute that to Trudeau is quite rich though...


This is fake. The video has nothing to do with the headline.


The Senate is a complete joke and should have been abolished at least 30 years ago. They are the worst of the worst. The very antithesis of democratic elections.


Canadians totally agree with everything. There's yapping going on about it in social media, but in general we're all admire anal sex, especially when it voluntarily mandatory by government.


How can you increase it by millions? I swear another two million arrive every day. And all from the same country.


So many young smart qualified educated people will leave canada for better opportunities. That leaves us dummies running the country.


Unelected? Sorry you aren't nuts about our political system but he was elected.


So we're gonna ignore the many conservative premiers who practically begged for increased immigration in 2022? Or what about Danielle Smith who just asked for AB's immigration limit to be increased not even 2 months ago? Almost as if the federal govt is just *doing what the premiers asked them to do*?


That is one group of people that are really done. The new Indians aren't going to give to flying fucks about the old ones. I wonder what our national hockey team will handout in a few years instead of soap stone carvings?


these people are either absolutely stupid and without an ounce of common sense or absolute liars when they say that these "immigrants" are all playing by the rules and are not scamming their way in, 70% of them are totally scamming the system they have "how to" videos posted online ffs!!!


I don’t care who the next prime minister is…just don’t want Trudeau


Haha get replaced