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20 years MAX and this country will be unrecognizable from today.  Today is already unrecognizable from the 90s.


The RCMP came out with a document recently saying something along of 5 years before we revolt lol


We gotta reduce that number to NOW


What’s funny is that Canadians are way too “polite” to do anything about it. Yet we see “entitled Indians” protesting. They’re taking more action than we are, that’s all I’ll say…


>What’s funny is that Canadians are way too “polite” to do anything about it No. Not true. Canadians portray a facade of nice and polite, but its not real. Canadians are generally not so nice or polite underneath the facade. Canadians threshold of snapping and going berserk is set higher. Thats the only difference. Which usually will lead to a worse outcome when things reach a breaking point.


The threshold level is rather too high. By the time the breaking point comes, it will be far too late to change anything for the better. The breaking point should have come about 5 years ago.


Canadians have become soft. We've lived in a society with no wars, famines, massive racial riots, low crime, low corruption, and a high trust society for the last 100 years. The moment we open the floodgates to people from the Middle East we get wars. The moment we open up to Poos, we get a morally corrupt society. 


It’s not about the threshold but the capacity and experience in execution. When the society is based on over a 100 years of zero internal conflict that required physical rebellion, you can’t possibly expect going “berserk” to have any real damage. Btw I hope you’re right and I am wrong, but people are going internally weak due to the circumstances and the strong ones majority won’t want violence, as that only harms them.


It’s been 4+ years of this, the only thing resembling resistance was the trucker convoy and Canadians turned against them because it looked ugly… you are wrong and if your banking on canada having a breaking point you will be left holding the bag


Like the other guy said, no one cares if Canadians are polite or rude; the point is they’re not gonna take any action


If we aren't nice and polite...what are we pathetic door Mats? Haha. The answer is yes.


We are responsible for the Geneva convention


Shit would definitely be heated now haha. I’m all for hot tar and feathering those that sell out Canada for personal gains.


Canadians are too busy protesting for Palestine and for Israel.


Those aren’t Canadians


Not just protesting ,Edmonton City Hall shooter


Least they realize the conditions are there.




Demographs are being weaponized in North America




Anywhere there's a majority White population, not just North America. Nobody says anything about the Asians buying the Black population's lands and natural resources in Africa, either... But demographic change is only forced upon White (or used-to-be-White) countries. The Great Replacement, all organized and pushed and bankrolled by...? See 4chan for graphs of the nationality and religion of all media moguls, of most media figures, of most CEOs and people in power a.k.a. the 0.01% a.k.a. the Illuminati, etc. Not gonna spoil the ¡surprise! 😏


Stop noticing!


I noticed that the group advocating for uncontrolled immigration in the west doesn't want it for their own country. 


Funny thing, noticing... if you do it in a plausibly deniable way, you can **notice** all you want, but if you're incautious... you get your accounts banned and have to resort to using your old porn-only acct for everything :-D Ah well. Spread the word, the more people that *notice* things, the better for all of humanity.


Mass migration was a policy of Argentina. Millions of Europeans migrated there.


It's unrecognizable just from pre Trudeau era




We have imported enough of their kind. I think it's pretty much over.


Not according to the politicians. According to them, is just getting underway.


Today is unrecognizable from 2019. If you’re in Toronto, today is unrecognizable from September of 2023.


Damn, that's true.  We are fucked.


20 years from now? I moved in the fall of 2009, I am a big walker and average 15kms/day living downtown Toronto (well till last year). My walks are unrecognizable now. So not sure what you still recognize from the 90s other than certain buildings or name of the neighbourhoods, but I am curious to know.


I mean, I said it is UNrecognizable from the 90s, so... But yeah I see an absolute decay in courtesy, manners, civility on the subway, and sort of rules or order are gone, it's just a free for all now.


Best to try fight before flight.  You don't know what problems are lurking elsewhere.


Right on


I'm from Montreal and I visit Ottawa from time to time. Both are completely unrecognizable since 2018-2019


Some would say the 90s were unrecognizable from the 70s.


That's fair.  Unrecognizable in progress or in deterioration for that time period?


That’s too much. I give it 5. They say 2030 for a reason




Just keep an eye on our so called representatives. As the disproportionate presence of MPs from specific countries and cultures grows. There will come a tipping point. https://www.indiaspora.org/features/the-rise-of-indian-origin-politicians-in-canada-socially-active-politically-empowered An interesting quote from this Trudeau friendly article “The American media had widely quoted him (Trudeau) during his visit in 2016 to the US when he joked, "I have more Sikhs in my cabinet than Narendra Modi (Indian Prime Minister)." Once you look around and realize there is no one representing you in government that’s when it’s over.


Not just Trudeau The UCP [MP](https://www-cbc-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6121213?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17169338045054&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fcalgary%2Fdevinder-toor-ucp-elections-alberta-fines-1.6121213)from Calgary, owner of 'Payless' liquor store ( Pays less to his employees), has been fined several times and still serving. He should have been removed on breach of trust. The contestant from NDP opposite to him is a decade old [Khalistani ](https://thenationaltelegraph.com/opinion/calgary-falconridge-ndp-candidate-is-an-open-khalistani/) indian sikh terrorist


Let me tell you one thing, start enforcing Canadian laws and give some more tooth to money laundering investigations and immigration department to enforce deportations and shut down these fake colleges, investigate and prosecute the people running this scam. This all happened cause we have gaping holes and our various law and order systems which are sooner or later going to be exploited by someone. Either by one demographic or multiple ones. By the rate Canada hasn’t eliminated organized mafia families gives me bleak picture. We need to get strict for our own goodness sake otherwise what OP posted won’t be a far fetched future.


Can't even clear a campus of a bunch of protesters.  Americans can.


Alberta cleared theirs actually


Yep! We sure do! A U of C encampment in Calgary was recently shut down.


Might need to move to Alberta. Ontario gave in and let a bunch of students who couldn't scam their way to pass their final retake. Or just bumped their grades up so they passed their class.


Calgary had no problems clearing theirs


Why's everyone talking about leaving? Stay here and act against this government, and the next if needed.


Naaah Canada has fallen, abandon ship. See you in Florida/ Texas


Do you think it’s easy just to pack up and move to the US? The US has some of the toughest immigration laws in the world. They just don’t let you in if you happen to have a white skin color.


Bon Voyage!


They're there too.


Did it 10 years ago - living the life now. Everyone thought I was crazy at the time.




Indias government is inept and corrupt but not at war with its own civilians. Different set of circumstances.


What you are going to have is segregated neighbourhoods, with segregated schools and segregated businesses. Those that dont have the money to access these areas, will fall futher and further behind. This segrgation by choice is already happening, if you look at Brampton, Markham etc. but other groups will look to establish their own enclaves.


I already feel the segregation Everyone has there own enclaves outside of our downtowns Whites, Brown, Black's, Chinese, olive skin( Persians, arabs) It's quite jarring! Visiting the states, small towns have a healthy mix of white/Latino/black, e.t.c


“Healthy?” Wow. From what I’ve seen most places are just as segregated as you’d expect anywhere else.


Most Whites are in tents already.


You’re mostly describing the area around Toronto, a place I wouldn’t want to live anyway because it’s too much like the U.S.


Lol go for a walk along bloor west. Its an urban issue too.


At least if we go to war and need to bring in conscription, we have a large pool of healthy males in fighting age to force to fight for the country they've taken over, so look on the bright side




So this is awkward, but the number of male escorts who naively want only female clients and who list South Asian as their race has increased a lot in the past year.


And how do you know this?


Isn't it obvious? I look from time to time. Some of the ads are hilarious.


Bring in a bunch of desperate ppl with no idea what is going on... give them a deal to join the military... send em over to be "blood bags" for their next bullshit wars. I'm sure that is part of what is going on.


That would see them flee.


This is exactly what’s happening in the UK look at what their PM is proposing. Mandatory service at 18. The rich get to do community service and the povvos can get trained for the meat grinder. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/26/europe/national-service-britain-uk-sunak-intl-latam


Only person they’ll go to war against is you


What disgusts me more than anything is that there are seasonal farm workers that have come here everyear for decades, paying income tax and EI and CPP deductions, forced to go home every year, and are systemically denied a pathway to permanent residency. These workers have made significant contributions to our agricultural industry and through taxes, yet never get any of the benefit. Now take international students who completely gamed our immigration system and our complaining about not having an easy pathway to PR despite contributing NOTHING to our society. They have the audacity to complain they are being taken advantage of.


There are actually a couple of Canadian authors, K.M. Breakey being one, who have written speculative fiction novels about how much time we might have left in Canada before collapse. In my view, I would be inclined to think that this Agenda 2030 that we've heard so much about may provide a clue. The globalist organizations facilitating this catastrophe clearly see the end of this decade as a key marker, and that may also help explain why mass immigration (which quite frankly has been too high for at least two or three decades) has went into hyperdrive since the 2020s started and the pandemic ended. So that would mean five and a half years and then any semblance of our previous way of life would be mostly gone (even though it sort of already feels that way). As for leaving, I recall a lot of chatter about Costa Rica from disgruntled fellow Canucks around 2021-2022. Cost of living was apparently reasonable, but rising. However, that seems to have tamped down now. The big obstacle is adjusting to the lifestyle and the culture shock. But then again, we've experienced a culture shock right here at home seeing our demographics get absolutely transformed. Unfortunately, all options are gonna be tough on the moving front. The lucky ones are folks who have dual citizenship. I read about someone who has Portuguese citizenship who is getting ready to leave Canada and move to Portugal and may have relatives to help with job hunting, etc. Any connections like that are quite valuable. Wish I had 'em!


Portugal is dead easy to get a visa for if you have a remote job. You can get a digital nomad visa and that provides a path to permanent residency and citizenship after 6 years. You do not want to get a job here though because the salaries are awful. The only way it works is if you can work remotely and if you can you're golden. Otherwise, Portugal is a very difficult place to live and it's getting more and more unaffordable.


They are there too.  Read a thread by a Portuguese person.  Same problems as here.  Also heard Costa Rica pricey these days.  Gotta fight for your rights.


I'm Canadian with an EU member passport. Have the equivalent of a downpayment on a TO 2bd condo saved up. Make well above median Ontario income. I would move there tomorrow except my role is not convertible to a remote job. I think there are many in my shoes.


look let me be honest with you, any country that is "easy" to get into, is going to be a fucking shithole. portugal has open borders, spain has open borders... they all have the same problems as here, locals being pushed out of their homes, etc. but i'd rather deal with latinos/moroccans/africans in spain than indians in Canada, plus the weather helps... its 50% cheaper than Canada which means if you work fully remote for a US/Canadian company, your quality of life just went up 50%.


>and the pandemic ended Wrong. The pandemic is what hid this from everyone. You were locked inside one day when you could recognize the face of your small Canadian town. You emerged months later to find a town that was unrecognizable.


Here's what I wrote (in context): "mass immigration (which quite frankly has been too high for at least two or three decades) has went into hyperdrive since the 2020s started and the pandemic ended." >You were locked inside one day when you could recognize the face of your small Canadian town. You emerged months later to find a town that was unrecognizable. I don't live in a small town, bud. Where I live, things haven't been recognizable since 2012. Below is a graph showing the population growth (obviously all immigration) in Canada by year. Note the immense spike from 2022-2024. That's what I meant by "hyperdrive after the pandemic ended," as this represents a 2.5x increase from the already absurdly high immigration level that existed before the pandemic. https://preview.redd.it/hqmwqm41623d1.png?width=1910&format=png&auto=webp&s=9baa71f319bf8eac6176f23d45fd06e67f1ec300


Well a former prime minister of Portugal is part Indian.


I looked up Costa Rican spiders, and I just can't do it. Sorry.


Mate, Australia is in the same predicament. Indians are taking over every industry, have now branched into their own real estate and development companies etc. The only thing that keeps me positive about any of our forced migration. Is that eventually the Chinese and Indians will inevitably start clashing with each other, and that will be fun to watch! Indigenous and white Australians are now a rarity in our own shopping centres (although the Indians avoid our aboriginals, it's actually quite funny)!


Tbf if someone’s ancestors lived in that cursed island for thousands of years, I’m not fucking with them


Canada is much much farther along the curve. Source: I split my time between the two.


There is a big difference between the 2 groups (Not talking about educated and wealthy ones). One just mind their own business and rely less on the government hand outs. The other is the completely opposite.


Will you rally …..? Seriously. It needs to be bigger than the Truckers Protest to Queens Park


If you don't mind getting bank account frozen and getting arrested, for sure I'm down


I would say 20 years at the very most. We will look like a backwards, third would country in a decade.  I expect once white people become a minority in Canada (~2040, gen z is last white majority in Canada, US, and UK) that the same laws that prevent white people from getting jobs today will still be in place and it will be near impossible to get any job. You will likely have the live in poverty (like third world level poverty). I have zero confidence that the whole idea of "post national state with no core identity, no mainstream" will mean that people will come here and uphold the beliefs and laws of this country. We can already see this playing out in politics where people are scared to upset a certain group of relgious people.  If we were smart we would have told people coming here they have to adopt Canandian values, Canadian ways of life, and leave their thousands year old relgious wars and anti-lgbt stuff in their old country. We didn't, we told them we have no common culture and you can import all your old beliefs here. As the groups of people that no longer believe in anti-discrimination, seperation of government/religion, and the belief that everybody is equal grow and gain politocol power, those beliefs will be replaced.


Gen Z is easily white minority in the USA. European Americans are 41% of the US population. It's skewed by Mestizos, Middle Easterners, Iranians, and even Indians self-identitying as 'white' on the census.


We have to act now before it is too late.


It's already far too late.


This is the slipperiest of slopes lol


We're on the verge of fallout. We have to act now


The Canada you're nostalgic for will ultimately be seen as a blink of an eye. A small blip. Because Canada will be for Indians. I wish this weren't the case, but it's simply inevitable. There's simply too many of them. There's 1.4 billion people in India.




They are projected to grow to 1.7-1.8 BILLION people in the next 25 years. Its disgusting. Their passport is worth nothing.




Those job line ups with hundreds of « students » and religious festivals are going to be prime pickings. Whenever I see them now I think to myself it’ll only be a matter of time.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


IMO, at this point the only hope for a decent future in Canada lies in traditionally minded Canadians from the rest of the country moving to Alberta and Saskatchewan en masse and using their political power to push for independence. It would have to be done in a fairly short time frame before the federal government can enact countermeasures.


At current trends Indians will be 33% of the population in 10 years which is 1/3 of the population. Now I'm not sure our economy can accommodate that many ppl so quickly so we might end up in a great depression scenario which would shut the borders down. There is also a possibility that we might end up in open revolt before then as well. But the outcome is pretty bleak if we just continue to let it happen and our government can find a way to keep us afloat. Whites will have to hussle to find a living in an Indian dominated workplace but non-white-non-indian Canadians will have no choice but a life of crime to get by.


Dude Indians went from 3% of the population to 12% in the past fucking decade. To put things into perspective, the Chinese population of Canada was 4.9% in 2010 and 4.6% today. In fact, the population proportion of every single ethnic group other than blacks and Middle Easterners dropped during that time. So we've let in more Indians in the past year than all immigrants AND their descendants from 1980 - 1999. And that was during the so-called Hong Kong "migration wave", where a total of... 300k mostly educated and wealthy people migrated over 20 years.  We've fucking let in more Poos in just half a year. 


Who will mass deport? Because that is whats needed. No fucking pussy caps or limits on immigration...deportations must happen now.


Civil War gonna be crazy


This is the way it's heading. This or simply roll over so Canada can become Indianada. 


I had to leave. I have 5 children. There was no way to support a large family here... Funny since the gov says we need more people


Where did you end up going? 




Isn't this what Canadians voted for in the last 3 general elections?


Yes, they did.


>Now, my question is: how will this end? Look at countries that already did this 60+ years ago. My parents are from Trinidad. The island used to be peopled by 1) blacks 2) hispanics 3) whites 4) mixes of the above. While under British rule, England flooded the island with Indians for cheap labor (kind of what they've been doing to Canada for the last 10 years). Today...if you meet a trini....they're likely east indian. Go to the island. Every politician, news anchor and tv celebrity...east indian. Food? Everybody eats curry. I grew up eating curry (not east indian) and all trinis of every racial background claims curry and roti as their national food. Thats Canada in 25 years. We'll be famous for our curry poutine...curry tourtière....curry pizza. Can't wait.


You can tell this is gaining serious traction by the amount of foreigners trying to discourage Canadians again. Shout out to the foreigners commenting below how they cant stop them from taking over. Keep adding fire to this. Sure that will end really well for everyone.


This has been going on for a long time. Back around 2006 I was hired by Elections Canada to go door to door signing people up to vote. The lady who hired me and who was in charge of setting up the office was East Asian. There were about 20 people hired, 18 of them were her family and friends, they sat in the office to answer phone calls (the phone lines were never actually activated) while myself (caucasian) and a black guy were sent door to door to sign people up face to face.


The thing is people think this will all end calmly. It wont. If things keep descending the way they are now eventually it will fall into a civil war. A conflict between Canadians who have been here for generations vs newly landed Canadians. A conflict between a fed up public vs government. A conflict between those who have nothing vs those who have everything. This wont take 20 years to happen, or 10 years, but much less. It only takes 9 consecutive missed meals before revolts occur.


People seem to forget what will happen in the trades. There are very few Indians in this line of work which is essential. The average tradesman in Canada is in his 50s. ( me being one of them).Can you imagine the work standards with Indian contractors, fatalities etc. Infrastructure will fail, building standards will drop. We will have a nation of fast food servers, taxi drivers and IT guys. Third world coming our way.


>Infrastructure will fail, building standards will drop. Yes. Trucking, for example, is a canary in the Canadian coal mine because the standards are non-existent. IT is, as well. I could see our grid crapping out because of some of the software engineers coming in. It's cold comfort, but most of the newcomers do not want to be boilermakers or plumbers or produce anything of real value, so that might buy us some time. Driving uber to take a drunk college kid to McDonalds on a night out is preferable to swinging a hammer. They're above it. And I'm not disparaging uber drivers. It's still work. It's just not the work that needs to be done.


It's already failing. Just look at our fucking trucking industry. Those fuckers just go around killing people. 


Looks like the “subcontinents” want their cake and eat it too.


To the feds, we are STATISTICS. So, let’s say they plop a million immigrants in the centre of Guelph. Do they care where these “newcomers” will be housed, fed, and cared for? Absolutely not. So what do they do. They elect fiscal conservatives (Dougie and company) who proceed to SLASH spending on housing and health care.Make sense?


I wanna say -365 days.


It’s too late for me to move, unless it is to retire in another country, but I urge my teen and young adult sons to move. They already have had trouble finding part time work. I live in a town ruined by Conestoga College. My eldest is a physics major and literally every university job I’ve seen posted lately won’t even let straight white men apply. If he identifies as a black transsexual maybe he has a shot. I am part Indigenous but we don’t have status so even that won’t work. I also see more and more houses being sold and then turned into rentals. Mostly by Chinese people who may not even live here. And Trudeau is bringing in more Muslims every day. I see a huge change in the population in southern Ontario. They are a closed society who won’t integrate or offer anything of value to our society. The Indians I know are all happy to be Canadians. I don’t see that in Muslims and the Gazans he is bringing in are not peaceful people to say the least. I feel for your generation. The opportunities for jobs, buying a house, and even dating feel lost. And the cost of living and taxes in Canada are killer. If I was young I would try to move to the US. Just for the income and cost of living. If we could sell and move there we would live like kings.


im a girl in my early 20s and i 1000% agree with everything u said here


If you didn't vote for the political party that caused this, move now. You don't want to wait to a point where you are incapable of moving out. If you voted for the political party that caused this. Stay a long as you like.


Instead of running, stay here and clean up your own backyard. People mobilized can make a difference. The trucker convoy had a lot of support until they cooked their own goose by pissing off the people. They could have held a quiet occupation and held everything up for a long time instead of acting like idiots. I'm neither for or against them but am using them as a point that mobilized people have power. Fix the immigration mess, tighten the security and bounce anyone who came here dishonestly. And stop paying them to have kids! 5 kids is close to 50k a year in benefits. Canada is a honeypot!


Get out now while you can. If I could leave, I would. But go where? The US is out of the question. There is too much legal rangling to do it legally. Plus, they have their own issues. So where do you go?


Bon Voyage - I recommend you get out quickly.


The Bank of Canada already says they are ringing the alarm for falling productivity investment, would you invest in this mess?    This is where it ends, debt becomes more expensive the further we fall behind in production , and we're already in huge debt so its not an option.  They haven't yet recognized housing prices and bottom of the barrel "talent" is keeping investment away, so your better off keeping your own investment away from Canada.  Every good employee will keep moving to the US, especially as the new youth no longer have a future here.


Stop the internet! Go to east hastings in vancouver and find out. Live in GTA to know what tent city looks like. Or stay in downtown Calgary to see the rehab center goes by a day. The country is worse than you thought.


I am planning my moves for sure. My kids will be inheriting our house and may have to sell it to an Indian. Now it is a matter of selling it for top dollar and moving further out to start over again. I have no control over what happens to my grandchildren if any are born. But it will be a lower quality of life for sure. It is an invasion, complete sell out of our country without firing a single shot. People will come to realize this in time, but it will be too late.


I say around 4-5 years. By the end of the next Trudeau term, you’ll be out of the G7. More and more Canadians will make the trek up north where it’s too cold for most immigrants, and many citizens will also try to emigrate to the US. Either way, I’m expecting at least another 2 million Indians to enter in the next 5 years. With compound increase in population, and considering most of these immigrants are from the backward areas of India who have a higher birth rate, Indians would be easily 10% of the population by 2035. At that point, they will be a powerful voting bloc and can easily influence federal decisions regarding more immigration/benefits. Don’t be surprised if there’s a movement for reservation of jobs (akin to affirmative action). My friends and family are already buying/remodelling up houses in the outskirts of GTA and planning to expand to Alberta soon. If you have the capital, I advise you to do the same.


> I say around 4-5 years. By the end of the next Trudeau term, you’ll be out of the G7. This is my bigest fear, honestly! I am thinking about option in LatAm. The problem is: I do not know whether I could save enough money in 5 years. My gut feeling also tells me that we might have maximum 10 years, but realistically -- 5 years at this rate of decay. This means the time is extremely tight! Another fear of mine is that at some point we might not be able to leave at all. > My friends and family are already buying/remodelling up houses in the outskirts of GTA and planning to expand to Alberta soon. If you have the capital, I advise you to do the same. Could you kindly elaborate? Buying houses in Alberta as a bug-out location. Or to sell to those who will need a bug-out place in the future? Anyhow, thank you for understanding!


I would say 5-10 years before Canada becomes the next Venezuela, so get out while you can, plan your exit strategy. I already got out, moved to America, I’m going to work till retirement then move to Thailand or Vietnam for the rest of my life. Canadian employers used to be cheap and not pay a living wage however a new trend is emerging ! Working for no pay ! I’m not joking shoppers drug mart is now advertising for “volunteer”!!! Duties include restocking shelves, organizing inventory, and maintaining a clean and organized store environment and supporting staff members ! WTF. ???!!!!!!!! [https://tnc.news/2024/05/17/sdm-toronto-offers-job-no-pay/](https://tnc.news/2024/05/17/sdm-toronto-offers-job-no-pay/)


This was one post by one store and it’s not even clear if that was true. Stop spreading hysteria


Do you not see the irony in going to live in Thailand or Vietnam when you are not from there? You buying property there / renting will raise the cost of living for locals and force them to leave their neighborhoods as well.


This all started with "multiculturalism". Any country that does not have a defined, national, set of cultures and values that are enforced inevitably falls to a cultural invasion.


Isn’t everyone moving to the US?


Yeah and the US seems to have as much of an immigration issue as we do. Except theirs are mostly homeless that apparently are just getting shuttle rocketed across the US because no one wants to deal with them


And not only Indians... so it's even scarier for Whites there.


Although I agree with this statement, U.S immigration is not as bad as Canada. U.S only got 1 million people last year with population over 350 million people whereas Canada welcomed same newcomers with population of 40m. This madness gotta stop


I am an immigrant from India. I love Canada. I am not one of them. I want to assimilate and integrate into Canadian culture. I want to know your history, your sports, your food. What I am seeing here is shocking. There is no real diversity. Every single place I visit, it is like I am back home. Rentals based on food choices (only vegetarians allowed) and a particular caste/tribe (only Punjabis allowed). It used to disgust me back home. The problem with the majority of us is we never want to assimilate and integrate. We love our little enclaves and we never want to get out of it (think Brampton/Surrey). But I assure you, I want to see **real** diversity, meritocracy, and I will be on your side to reclaim the original Canada.


The negative commenters on this thread do not represent the views of most Canadians. As for diversity, I hope you get to travel more and visit other neighbourhoods and cities. If you’re renting a room in your home, or advertising for roommates, you have every right to ask for someone with similar food choices. It’s where you live and not an investment property you visit a few times a year. I’ve been completely vegetarian at some point in my life and even wouldn’t let anyone prepare red meat in my kitchen. Plus, I can’t handle the smell of foods like lamb, liver and sardines. I like Indian and Mexican food and would be thrilled to have a roommate who could make a good curry or empanada because I hate to cook! Bonus points to anyone who speaks a language I’d like to learn. I’m a Caucasian female and would rather share my house with a woman. I also wouldn’t rent to someone who didn’t like dogs or cats. They’re treated like royalty in my home.


That is good to hear. What I find hypocritical is that we're supposed to accept immigrants and allow them to crap all over everything, as if they can't possibly, ever be racist.


Canada won't collapse as it'll have the cleanest ducts in the World now.


Im shocked how mass protests against the standard of living here haven’t occurred, that’s one cause all races and cultures can get behind.


agreed! people are too complacent, scared, think their bank accounts will get suspended, theyll be arrested, etc.


Didn't you hear? We're looking for men in finance, trust fund, 6.5' blue eyes.


Either a civil war or we wither into the liberal internationalist hellscape that makes today look like a utopia


We are minorities now compared to the them


Canada's last gasp for remaining a unified country is Pierre Poilievre winning a landslide majority election win in 2025. But make no mistake, should Junior Trudeau and his side-kick enabler Singh somehow win yet another coalition minority government instead, that would be curtains for Canada with 100% certainty. A large number of Canadian voters are simply too oblivious and politically illiterate to understand just how much existential trouble the country is actually in. Next.


You perfectly summarized these Poos. Once these Poos start entering politics, business, industry, media, or the military, we'll be fucking screwed beyond comprehension. Just look at the UK today. We'll be pretty much x10 worse than them, where eventually everyone is a Poo and they'll establish a complete power dynamic. 


I see what is going on in the university near me. It is scary.


Why did you start the point count at 4? For any one who values their time: “The Reddit post expresses concerns about the future of employment and living conditions in Canada due to alleged discriminatory hiring practices favoring individuals from the Subcontinent. The author worries that people from the Subcontinent will dominate all positions of power, making it difficult for others to find jobs or advance in their careers. They express fear about the inability to afford housing and consider the possibility of being forced to leave Canada if these trends continue. They seek advice on how much time they might have left in Canada and what steps they should take in response to these concerns, while emphasizing that political solutions are ineffective.”


I would imagine that Canada will be incorporated into the states within 50 years. That or chunks of it will have.






It ends with you realizing internet doesn't reflect reality. This sub has scared you into thinking this is more of a problem than you think. Yes we've let too many people into the country. Policies are changing to try and remedy this, that's what the immigrants are against. It's not the end of Canada. Next time instead of calling your fellow Canadian lazy for not wanting for low wages, you help them get a union or support their strike. Remember when the right wing was calling everyone lazy for not wanting to work for shit pay after COVID? Corporations found a solution in immigrants.


The biggest issue you have and this entire subreddit CanadaHousing2 is amplifying is over exaggeration. Yes things have changed, but it's not nearly as widespread and penetrating as the internet makes you believe. If you really need a job there are plenty of big box stores & institutions hiring that don't care about skin colour. If you don't find them now you'll find them sooner or later that's just how the job search process goes.


Always dreamed to work at a big box retailer. How many of those jobs do I need to afford a roof?


I don't dream of working at these places either. But just like many I work with you can work hard, move up in the company, and afford a place to live. I live on my own and do that by having 2 part-time jobs. Blaming issues outside of your control will never get you that nice big roof over your head you seem to be dreaming of.


Yes, it’s sad we don’t see posts that are actually relevant to Canadian housing instead of mostly posts by a bunch of racists incapable of reasoning or doing accurate research.


I think a decade or two before half the pop is homeless.


I think the IELTS test should be marked by a Canadian body and not someone overseas. That will solve a lot of problems.


It's always so weird seeing posts like this, because most of what is stated is in no way relatable. Do I live in a magic pocket of Canada or does OP live in one part that actually faces the concerns this sub raises??? Personally I'm starting to think it's the latter and these are really only issues if you live in the GTA or the poorly set up maritimes.


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The sad reality is, we don’t even have five years. Our current government seems hell-bent on destroying our country. You can see it everywhere you look and every action that they take. and yet Canadians utterly refuse to save themselves. To apathetic, two brainwashed, and quite frankly just too lazy to stand up and tear down the tyranny and corruption. don’t talk to me about an election. That won’t solve a thing. When every system and every level of government is corrupted and co-opted, it won’t matter. You can stick a new figure head in, but the system will corrupt them a minute they’re put in there. sadly, a revolution is our only hope of saving our country and ourselves. No government we have will do what’s necessary. We need mass deportation to save us from the mass immigration. There is 5.8 million people here that we cannot support. And they have to go home in order for us to fix the problem. We can certainly invite them back out to rate we can handle after we’ve corrected our country. There is not a single system or element in this country that isn’t completely broken and corrupted. And I challenge anyone to tell me one system that’s working the way it’s supposed to be.


well said!


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Immigrants come from all over, how is this a specific group?. Increasing population by not vetting individuals or looking into previous criminal activities is a slippery slope.






No one today has any responsibility for what happened 200 years ago.


Leave the cities to a very rural town


>>Any idea of moving plainly terrifies me I respect your sentiments and you’re definitely not far off in your projections. But I just have one question: Why are you “terrified” of leaving Canada? Is it because of the financial preparedness you mentioned or something else?


My plan A is to won the lotto. Plan b move around the provinces and hope for the best.


I guess you don’t know many second generation Canadians.


I’d argue China is better than Canada at this point. Maybe not 20 years ago but don’t trust western media.


You need to just get your stuff together and leave I'm doing finishing school and it's really hard I'm hoping I can just pass and not flunk out and leave the country


Isn't this what happened to IBM?


You wanna know what the plan is? I'll tell you. **Get the hell off of this subreddit**. I mean it. I'm not saying that because "augh we don't want you here", but **I** am pleading with *you* to do so for your own sanity. This place is a xenophobic hive who thinks that we're all doomed to be slaves to "smelly brown people infested with bedbugs", when the odds are pretty good that you will never be impacted in any direct way aside from housing, but there's caveats to that which I won't go into detail here for because we both don't have the time of day. You strike me as someone who is genuinely concerned for the future, and you know what? That's okay. Shit's bleak right now, but it's not because of some Punjab boogeyman, it's because decades of bad decisions are coming down around our ears and there's no good fix for it. If you feel like your odds of a better life somewhere else are good, then make your plans, but do it because you want things to be better for yourself and your family (if you have one); jist keep in mind that there's immigrants who have that *exact same* thought process you're going through, but their material conditions arw even worse than yours. If you want to stay, it'll be a struggle, but you won't know until you give it your best shot and get away from these freaks who think Timmies will only serve chai tea and samosas in three years time unless Poilievre gets elected.


Things will start to improve next year when Trudeau gets voted out. We just need to ensure that the far right doesn’t scare moderate Canadians or we will have this liberal nightmare back in 2029. There are very few places where Canadians can go. Unless you have a needed degree or special skill you are not getting into another first world country. Many people think that as long as they are white they will get into the USA. You are not getting in. Places in SE Asia will take you as long as you have cash to support yourself. If you don’t then you are out of luck. Better to fix Canada than hope to run away.


how will Poilievre improve things?


to address your first question, the way I see it, things can go one of two ways. the better way things could go down is that the government puts in its big boy pants and does it fucking job, sends some folks back, keeps a few from coming in, and maybe, just maybe things can get better. its gonna take time, its going to cost money, and its going to suck the whole time its happening for a whole lot of people. the other much, much worse way i can see this going down is that frustration keeps mounting, the people see time and again that one small, easily distinguished subset of the population controls all the jobs, all the homes, all the wealth... and we suddenly get a flashback of interwar Germany. not good, but would not surprise me. second question. how to make a living? beats me. I'm three weeks from the street. your third question is one I have thought about. I, and likely many of my peers will never own a home. at least not if things continue on like this. as for your fourth and final question: I don't know. time left for what? until what point? we have stumbled as a nation, but we are not out yet, and all we can do is keep fighting, keep trying to make our country into the land it ought to be. that it has the potential to be. into the kind of place where we can help people who need it, and provide a good life to the people who come. but that cant happen if we refuse to help ourselves first.


Thank you for your understanding!


I'm an individual from the sub continent, I moved from saiga to Niagara as I wanted to be surrounded by people of a similar mentality. 4 years in Niagara is slowly turning into Brampton and I don't see what can be done


What I’ve noticed is that the vast majority of Immigrants who come here are only taking jobs in fast food restaurants and as cashiers and I’ve rarely seen any immigrants becoming nurses or doctors and since Canada desperately needs healthcare workers and they are becoming the majority of our population, we’ll eventually have massive shortages in healthcare and manual labour. So the government officials are essentially shooting themselves in the foot by letting such a massive amount of immigrants come and take over, that’s why I’m trying to get a good and stable career in healthcare and go somewhere in America. I’m not gonna live in a country that hates it’s own race and wants to actively replace it. So we’ve got about ten to twenty years before it all goes down, I’d suggest trying to get a stable degree (healthcare, welding something that’s always in demand) and try to get duel citizenship or just straight up move to either America or somewhere else.


Thank you!


I hear you. I never thought I would be willing to leave Canada but the last year really changed my thoughts. I'm definitely looking to leave here in 5 years to the States or even possibly New Zealand.


5 the first time in hiring practices. There was a high-level case in the US on caste discrimination by high caste Hindus against law caste Hindus in US. Most famous in recent history being the [CISCO](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/14/opinion/caste-cisco-indian-americans-discrimination.html) case Good thing in the US, H1B visa holders have to wait 15+ years to get citizenship.


This isn't Canada anymore as it is.