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https://preview.redd.it/jpxsq2kbq84d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890fb9b1b3b2bb4b30dda55a5fb2609147fa85cf This is the guy speaking in the video. He's a registered immigration consultant and has been very vocal about supporting international students. He's already attempted to lobby the federal government with PGWP durations, has been very active in Manitoba, PEI and now here with students. He personally benefits directly from international students and the ICCRC really needs to look into his involvement and strip him of his license.


Get this to the top šŸ˜³


People on X/Twitter donā€™t even like his ā€œadvocaciesā€ and they commented something like ā€œheā€™s a clown, fraud etc.ā€


Wtf an ā€œimmigration consultantā€ crying Indian students were exploited by ā€œimmigration consultantsā€, like himself?? Now this is a Scam Artist! Strip his license? More like send him back home.


What a P.O.S. let's expose him!!!


Let them permits expire babay! There's a reason why the people before us with a brain knew better to put an expiry on it!


But will they be enforced is the question.




About 500,000 illegals are living in Canada that the government knows of.




Hilarious how it's always "international students" from the same country protesting and playing victim as if the Government is going out of their way to screw THEM over specifically. Where are the Mexican students? Where are the Chinese students? Where are the Filipino students? Canada has been taking international students for decades, how come we never had these issues until the demographics were predominantly Indian? Tell these people to fuck off already and deport them if their status has expired.


Too true


Chinese student here, wouldnā€™t even think about protesting. Play by the rules and figure out a way to become attractive to Canadian employers then you get to stay. Simple as that


also funny how they are almost all male. This is going to be massively dangerous for the females, as well as public safety in general.


My Mexican financial managerā€™s work permit expires soon and she is not getting a PR as her Big 5 employer wonā€™t file an LMIA. My Lyft driver student from the protesting community is getting a Welder license to get PR and hopefully build us more homes instead of joining these entitled kids. I came to Canada as a student with clear understanding that Iā€™m promised a 3 year work permit and this country didnā€™t owe me a PR which is dependent on the labor market needs. Most of these kids were just 18 years old when they were sold the Canadian dream by immigration agents and our scummy colleges in exchange of huge loans backed by their agricultural lands. The guy on stage is a social media famous immigration agent himself. And yes they should protest in India against these agents instead seeking refund.


Send us his social media Iā€™ll tell him how I feel


Totally agree, Canada isn't here for the taking


It's not just Indian students. It majority from Punjab. So there is even less diversity. Imagine how diverse India is...and Canada is only receiving a small segment of that.


It's all Punjabi, where i work its all Punjabi students and let me tell you lazy as fuck, almost all of the girls work on their backs looking for a husband, is any of them come to work they are what we call tome stealer's the women all will use their period for sick days literally and they dont even know how that works you sont get you period 3 times a mont. I enjoy watching them fuck up buy taking to much time off and calling in sick 30 minutes before their shift work, have their hours cut then they act shocked and complain. You should see their face when they come to me about it, I just laugh at them. I'm indigenous, you can't tell because I look like my dad and my mothers family have been here for thousands of years. So this to me is laughable. Plus, I dispise e liers.




Even the south and central indians donā€™t like Punjabis.


Ikr, these people got scammed by the ā€œimmigration consultantsā€ from India and trying to let us clean up after them? If they knew they were trying to take a shortcut to immigrate to Canada by faking as ā€œstudentsā€, too bad theyā€™re caught now trying to exploit the Canadian immigration system. If they didnā€™t know they were being scammed, sorry they donā€™t meet the intelligence baseline to become new Canadians. Either way theyā€™re not entitled for anything here, Canada doesnā€™t owe them anything.


Filipino students will be more likely busy with their studies or spending time with fellow Filipino students/friends or working.


Indians love to protest, bro. They do it over there, too. With a population of 1.4 billion it's only the loudest mouths that get fed. The thing is, much like how terrorism is dealt with, you can't cave to demands or it will be the go-to to get their way EVERY TIME. Just look to the sorta recent trucker protest of gravel/dump truck load limits, or even the no farmers, no food movement.


no Pakistani intl students or Eastern European students as well; only Indians!!!!! Always complaining after theyā€™re caught abusing thr systems like they did in Australia & NZ




You have been banned for 99 days for speaking your opinions.


And banned from 6 unrelated subreddits youā€™ve never even visited


30-40 year old international students. Trudeau and Miller are absolute shit stains.


How do you do, fellow kids?




I worked with 38 years old international students. Basically, they donā€™t want to study, they just want PR so they could get their families in India.


they are taking over gas stations, tim hortons, walmart...and driving on the wrong side of the road


In my home town, they purchased all the affordable housing, and now rent them out for $3000 a month


and they are not international, just indian


And their familiesā€¦ They all came over with their families to do the one year diploma mill. Some had anchor babies here so at least those kids are citizens and can come back later


Canada owes these people NOTHING. They arrive with their fictional booklet called "What Canada owes us". It's written by all the other people that have come here with open hands and closed minds.


totally agree


*What do we want?*Ā  Whatever we can think of demanding! *When do we want it?* You're a racist!


Hey now stating that you're worried about being labeled a racist is also grounds for ban and punishment now!


Youā€™re labeling Redditor with possibly being labeled. You banned!


Banned from a sub? Hunger strike!


Mmmm subs


Banned for talking about subs in this sub


Funny the ā€œinternationalā€ students are basically just Indian


Basically just 50 year old students.




You have no rights here at all because youā€™re not a citizen. Check yourself to the door.


It's actually citizens who don't have rights now.




Are they actual students or diploma mill attendees?




No. I beg to differ. PEI govt didn't change the policy. All of them are out.




They won't.... Hopefully


"students" as John Tibbits would say with a Dr evil voice as he gestures his fingers doing air quotes


They're landlords. As canadian banks need more leveraged customers, one way is to import landlords on student permits that can rent out space to others. Their PEI protest leader is a landlord on student permit


Is Brampton still part of Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ šŸ¤” šŸ˜³


Brampton is actually a suburb of India, an overseas colony if you will.


It's called New Bramledesh.


Brampton is another punjab with Indian rednecks running around.


New New Delhi


**Brampton has fallen.**




You mean is Brampton still part of of Nova Punjabia?


I heard theyā€™re demanding independence




Except Niagara Falls the illegal immigrants already got that


Technically they are also illegal immigrants as they falsely stated that they are here to ā€œstudyā€ and not to immigrate


Yes. This is such a huge factor that gets brushed over by the mainstream opinion of the topic. A huge percentage of these fucks misrepresented themselves on their initial visa applications. The reason these new crop of students are causing issues is because they would've never normally qualified to be to get a study or work permit. What changed you asked? The current government instructed overseas visa offices to crank out the approvals to meet the new quotas they set for the immigration numbers. Normal vetting and due diligence was severely compromised as a result. Source, not allowed to say.


The entitlement is unreal. How is this not public nuisance?


Freedom of speech. I give the right to do this, the entitlement blows my mind though.


Freedom of expression does not entitle anyone to void the consequences that expression might bring.


FoS is all fine and dandy, but do you think temporary residents should be allowed to organize protests against the country/government to force policy changes? Sure, if the government does something egregious - for example cancelling a visa after granting it and the workers/students were let in the country and then telling them a few weeks later they have to go back before the expiry date - I can understand that would be unfair. But demanding to change policies that they already were told could be changed based on the provinces/country's job market and economy?


Freedom of speech applies to Canadians and Permanent residents. Not tourists.


Their entitlement is truly off the charts. Never seen anything like this. Here's video of another speaker at the protest. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7umiVExDTW/?igsh=NTY3cjAzMjJnZm1n She says that immigrants held up the economy during COVID while Canadians were at home isolation. She tells that this country runs on the back of immigrants and says that Canada's aging population needs new immigrants to run the economy. Their demands are a fair pathway to PR and right to bring their families to Canada. She also adds that Canada exists today due to only 2 things- 1)the theft of indigenous land and their genocide. 2)the exploitation of immigrants (talks about contributions of Black, Chinese,Punjabi immigrants) Remainder of the speech is in Punjabi so can't understand that.


Oh so she talked about colonization and how bad the Canadians were for stealing land from the indigenous but then went on to say that she wants to take advantage of the system of government, the economy, and the social infrastructure that those Canadians built, and continue to colonize Canada at a rate never before seen in the history of the world? GTFO.


The main problem is that these immigrants, won't be able to maintain the social infrastructure that Canadians built. They will be transformed into something else.


Donā€™t forget the cultural norms and values that made Canadaā€™s development possible in the first place.


The real great replacement theory is the ever decreasing percentage of Indigenous peoples in Canada. It's so incredibly ironic that an immigrant is appealing to the indigenous and about Canada being stolen land. Do they not realize they're the continuation of the replacement of the indigenous, but under a different colour?


My response is, fuck off, I worked through covid.


Sheā€™s correct. This country was built on LEGAL immigrants. Not ā€œstudentsā€ that falsify requirements of entry to Canada. Apply like everyone elseā€¦ LEGALLY




Their families will cost the system billions. And kinda negates the advantage of replacing an aging workforce when each kid brings in 2 senior parents who havent paid taxes and require social supports whether income or health care.


So basically hate speech


She forgot ww2 and we fought for this country along with the natives. Nice try now piss off.


Sikhs and Indians fought for the Allies too. Her argument is stupid tho. Most TFWs that worked during covid are PRs already, the ones who are left now either wasted 3 years of their work permits driving Uber or came to Canada as an international student after 2020.




Iā€™m banned from this sub for saying this like a month ago.


Some people canā€™t handle the truth...my turn to get banned!


I was bringing this up years ago and every douchebag on reddit shit on me for it, calling me racist. I wish I was wrong about it all, but I wasn't. This country is fucked.


The funny thing is it is not even Indians these are just people from One Indian state of Punjab who have this very fucked up sense of entitlement and will misuse your own politeness against you They will never try this in a gulf country or in the USA but they know Canadians will simply fucking ask how high when told to jump Well read liberal Indians from other states do not do this


This is really getting out of hand.




Why are the unions backing them up? I donā€™t get that.


Because the unions representative these days are placed by the shareholders, not the actual employees. If you got money backing you up, more people will know your name and vote for you.


> Why are the unions backing them up? I donā€™t get that. Unions, much like the garbage collection industry, has deep ties to the mafia. The unions don't give a shit about these TFWs or Canadian citizens.


Yup unions want their pound of flesh regardless who it comes from


Modern neoliberalism has destroyed unions.


If this is true, itā€™s disappointing.


GO HOME ! āœˆļø


The government needs to stand their ground. Fuck these people.


These people looks past 30. How are they ā€œstudentsā€??? Lol


They all came with their families as ā€œstudentsā€ at a one year diploma mill. Most have had careers and have degrees from back home. They are late 20s and 30s. The one year student route was the easiest way to get PR and bring their whole families. Education was never the goal. Spouses were also given a work permit when coming with a ā€œstudentā€. They enrolled their kids in local schools and had more babies here who are now all citizens.


Screw you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, etc...


ā€¦fuck you, youā€™re cool, Iā€™m out.


[throws raw burger patty]


This is why they shouldnt have caved into protesters demands in Manitoba. And we may end up doing the same in PEI. The result: protesters from around Canada will now expect PR and citizenship in a giftbox.


Gtfoh. This is some ludicrous bullshit. If you ā€œstudiedā€ something that serves no useful purpose, well thatā€™s on you now isnā€™t it. I studied abroad and guess what I did when I was done. I went back home!


Arnā€™t they supposed to be here to study? Seems like they have a lot of free time on their handsā€¦ maybe itā€™s because they came here under false pretences and should just go home.


who are you protesting to in Brampton? Its like 99% brown already


If the permit is done then is over. Return back and try other scam


Most of them came with false Diplomas and Degrees but are here for more education? The amount of time spent on all of this could benefit so many better things in your community. Apply for a work permit? I immigrated to the US and spent years following the rules and doing it the correct way. This shit is just ridiculous, you are just sick of your smelly stinky country, which I can understand, the visit i had to India was breath taking in many ways. Now you just want to bring India here...Even the multi generational immigrants I've come to know think this is WILD.


They don't respect us, which is why we don't respect them. We need them to go back to India. They came here to "study", once studies over -> go back. We are FULL. We have NO room. We don't need Tim Hortons workers. We don't need their 60 year old uncles and 80 year old grand parents to come milk Canada dry. We must save Canada. **Mass deportations are the only way to do so.**


Why are all the immigrants protesting from the same country?


These scammers have devised a sophisticated scheme to exploit our system, with individuals strategically placed throughout the immigration process to facilitate unauthorized entry into Canada.


Scammers need to be deported


International? I donā€™t see anyone but Indians.


They fully embraced the narcissism and victimizations value of the western world šŸ˜Ž


More like taking advantage of it! Basically fake progressive wokeism used by the western ruling class to divert attention from the economic injustices of Neo-liberalism as they screw the lower classes.


Bruh pretty soon they gonna demand turn Canada into Canyaindian.


No. It would be Khalistan. And they are not gonna fail like Quebec.


Exactly they will turn Canada into Khalistan. All known thugs from India came here despite of having criminal records in India. I wonder this is why Canada banned asylum visas for Indians.


As a Bramptonian, I'm absolutely shocked this is all they could muster in the capital.


This country will be unrecognizable in 20 years. Unfortunately this isn't exclusively a Canadian problem. The answer isn't to run but to stand up for your own beliefs. Not even for yourselves, but the generations to come.


I donā€™t understand how you make demands of a country that has graciously allowed you to be here so you can try to improve the quality of your life. As a citizen of this country, I question why they should be allowed to continue on their path to citizenship when they are not interested in following the rules set for them. Why should I believe they will be more interested in following the rules when they are further along the path. I love the idea of immigration. But I want people who want to be part of the way of life here rather than try to change it. Iā€™m at a total loss of why anyone would aspire to come here to make it different. Why not go to that place where things are the way you want them to be.


Can I demand a million dollars for CRA. If they donā€™t pay me I am going to go on a hunger strike


bro, go home to your country, u make indians that have been in canada for decades, look bad. when Indians (and immigrants) came here in 70s 80s n 90s, there were NO handouts, NO freebies, zero, zilch, nothing, not even free English or French courses, nothing, nada. They had to work harder and smarter than the English and French speaking population and Canadian citizens, all they qualified for was minimum wage jobs....... The 2020's immigrants, they come here looking for handouts, freebies, easier life at the cost of Canadian tax payer dollars......we call them "[Gimmigrants"](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3b701b2d5299deeb349d5eb8ac181a16-lq) The cost of living is at its highest, we're in a recession, politicians government banks and dino-corporations have destroyed this country, people are struggling to pay their bills, put food on the table and find employment meanwhile you kids are new to this country making demands as if we owe you something when we owe you NOTHING while in fact you are actually attributing to big problems here in Canada (yes, I know its not your fault) and taking away from Canadian tax payers! so, STOP demanding and asking, go out and work for it, or, simply just go back to your own country and figure it out there the way you were doing before coming here to Canada




Oh Deport straight back to their home country. Adios!


Next up Surrey, BC.


Talk about a speed run to becoming the most hated ethnic group. These protestor specifically, they deserve any and all negative outcomes from their behaviour.


Get out


This is ridiculous Why always the same people doing this shit


A protest for what? "I protest! I want an extension to my 4 weeks vacation to 8 weeks! I know I signed for 4 weeks, but I protest!"


Can the government please grow a backbone. The right to peaceful assembly and protest is for Canadian citizens. These people are not Canadian citizens so arrest for disorderly conduct and ship their asses home. How would this work if we tried this in India??? Or any other country for that matter???


This is funny , they get PR while a family physician whoā€™s practicing in Canada and has 1200 patients get denied for the PR !!!!!! Look it up, Ottawa family doctor was denied PR !!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The government has no intention to fix any of the crisis weā€™re dealing with right now ! If anything they want the break Canada even more


Why do we call them international students? By now we know these are Indian illegal workers


Canindia https://preview.redd.it/6uz2o6dsc84d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c80f8ea51a8d9375f9883de9e78880a87b7672




Specifically, they should be talking about \*illegal\* immigration aka the wrongful use of student visas.


Cancel their student visa and start teaching non-citizens to RESPECT CANADA.


By *good enough to work* do they mean *post graduate* work? Iā€™m a bit confused as to the reason of their protest.


For every protest from non-citizens the only correct response should be to do the opposite. Cut off the permits now. Reduce working hours. I cannot imagine the balls it takes to be a guest in someoneā€™s house and complain loudly and obnoxiously. If you donā€™t like this club, the door is right over there


Fuck them, They think they have more rights than canadians in their own country when they are causing the inflation problem everywhere.


Really this shit is getting out of hand, send them all the fuck back home and start putting some money into Canadians and shit we need.


As a hard working struggling Canadian that gets zero support from my government these people can go home.


Canada is ~~inheriting~~ importing India's punjubi problem.


Iā€™m of Indian descent and grew up in Canada. What these entitled little pricks are doing is very cringeworthy and I'm concerned that it could lead to an increase in racism against people like me who have followed the rules and integrated into Canadian society. We need diversity in our immigration and I want to see Canadian high school students working at Tim Hortonā€™s, not Indian international students!




Yes Mexicans did protest for amnesty back in the 80s and to a lesser extent during the Obama administration for DACA/dreamers. Btw DACA was for 800k~ people in a country almost 10x our size, meanwhile the clown in charge of immigration wants to give that many people PR in our tiny country. It will dramatically change our demographics.


Deport them all.


India has been abusing student visas and employment rules for decades now. They have companies and subsidiaries, companies that only hire more Indians, or companies that are conveniently looking for skills that are only satisfied by people in particular programs in India/Indian companies. Their high schools/universities teach nothing about social studies, history etc. in their technical focuses. So countries get a bunch of migrants who only speak computer. So they come over and behave like demanding, rude, and superior assholes.


Fuck 'em.


Nah, GTFO.


Go awayyyyy Big business will come out in support, they canā€™t let their cheap labour go away. Wages would go up 30% overnight lolol


Go home man. International students are not immigrants. Follow the protocol lile everyone else did.


Send them back as they are taking the future of our kids. Honda plant in alliston is taken over by the indian people so quality will go down, unions will come in and Honda will shut down and relocate to Mexico šŸ‡²šŸ‡½


I'm confused.. don't these student understand that even studying in Canada is a *privilege and not a right* ? I suppose the biggest mistake Liberals made was allowing them to work in the first place. They came here simply to study and return home, that's the entire purpose of student visas. It's not supposed to be a loophole for becoming a permanent resident.. No other country on earth allows these nonsense. Our government is clearly failing us, they seem to have forgotten that they are the *servants* of people they govern, not the other way around. Perhaps we should remind them of that next election?


So when do we riot?


Fuckkkk offfff


Your religion has no place in politics, no religion does.


Ironic that Indians are complaining about scams. I mean I assume Canadians are bombarded with daily scam calls from India just like we are in Australia. Also seems to me itā€™s the Indians do the exploiting here. Smh


I don't know what the liberals and the diploma mill owners thought would happen. I literally predicted this 4 years back when they started handing out full time work permits. Canada has always been "home" for Punjabis. The moment Canada opened the flood gates, we all should have expected them to come flooding in and now, not wanting to leave. Thanks the liberals and all the diploma mills....


I am so tired with these clowns constantly protesting. They have no rights to protest. Why can't they just go back to their own country and do what they do best: protest with their own govt.


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø have some dignity and GO HOME.


We thanked you for your efforts by way of a paycheck and experience for your resumes. Now go elsewhere and sample what life has to offer, maybe go to a country where you won't have to demand your "Rights", since you think they're owed to you.




Trudeau ordering PR via Uber Eats.


Go home fuckers.




Temporary means temporary. They took the IELTS before they came here so they should know that word.


Theyā€™re not the only international students or foreign workers who are required to leave after their visas come to term, just like students and workers from any other country. Their entitlement is off the chart. I get they feel cheated, but Canada doesnā€™t owe them anything, they should be back home protesting against the Indian scammers who took their money and told them going to school in Canada is the cheapest and fastest way for immigration. Even if Canada needs immigrants these delusional troublemakers shouldnā€™t be considered.


As a Singaporean, itā€™s crazy how guests from another country are even allowed to protest in your country without repercussions. They are not citizens.


Bro the sheer audacity to play the victim card. Please fuck off. If the permit expires, get the fuck out.


Yo Brampton, counter protest that shit. Enough is enough.


Never seen so many security guards in one place before


I gotta say it's weird to see one of them protesting while wearing a $5000 louis Vuitton jacket like in the picture of them in PEI. My car is worth less than his jacket, I should be the one protesting so I can afford rent! Or maybe one day a home


This whole international student farce has gone way too far. The corruption and scamming.. It's becoming a joke. Enough already with the walmart stock boys and Tim hortons coffee makers, not to mention the 40 year old students. Wtf has this country become.




How many times did he say "how"?


Zero personal responsibility. None. Deport. Deport. Deport.


Noah, get the planeā€¦




Time to go home


International students in Canada = Indian stdents!


The government can't keep giving in. We will be taken advantage of by everyone and anyone. They don't have the rights to make these requests. DEPORT!


This is not Canada, this is Punjab, even India is SICK AND TIRED of Punjab


In Canada not speaking English with what looks like Khalistani flags. Back to Khalistan my friends back to khalistan


Don't they own Brampton already? Lol


They're coming for Kitchener now. That city is unrecognizable now too. Try going to one the malls there, quite literally every employee in every store is Indian. Its fucking SAD whats happening to this countrys identity.


Hahahaha this is amazing! I'm watching a country destroy itself before my very eyes!!! And, and it's being destroyed by something it brought up on itself by encouraging it! What a time to be alive!