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its not racist to want to protect our country for our children and ourselves. we have no houses or jobs for you. sorry.


The same people screaming about racism are also very racist. It's why I say that the word racist no longer has power.


Then when you check rooms for rent in Brampton, the ads say: For Desi people only.


I have a feeling that if it said “For Canadian‘s only” that would make it on the news


I have a basement suite that I would like rented for September. I don’t plan on renting to international students. I won’t put that in the ad I plan on renting to people born in Canada.


Or just whites


That’s why we don’t advertise it. We just don’t rent to Indians plain and simple.


Apparently they forgot about the Caste System.


Or how South Indians absolutely hate North Indians (I confirmed this recently with a co-worker of mine).


Just wait till they tell you about how they feel about Pakistanis.


This. They literally did the protest during a Portuguese festival in the same park. You’re either a halfwit or you purposely chose that day to target Portuguese. Especially when the festival is a planned event and everyone in the city knows of it: https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/News/Pages/News-Release.aspx/1392


This!!! My husband was not hired once even after having passed all the interviews and visited the place (Yukon), the manager was from South Asia (who said no to hiring him), and when checked back the position(it was the utility company) Guess what?? The New Hire was from that race... 2+2=4


That’s what they do. They only hire South Asians once they are in management or HR.


i hate to break it to you. but i would really like you to see who is working in the immigration office going through work visas in Ontario. you will really hate that…


It never really did if you honestly assess the complete picture of our globe. People, all people, instinctively fear the unknown and unusual. It's Survival 101, lizard-brain programming, bred in the bone of everything that lives. Everything. People who look different and act different, are initially unknown and unusual, and the story of humanity is the one of slowing overcoming our differences. Sometimes through diplomacy and peace, sometimes regrettably and all-too-often through war and violence. Everyone is racist. Everyone. Always have been. Every culture fears 'the other' to some extent. The great irony of only white people getting called out on their 'racism' for the last few decades in the media and academia, is that the **only** philosophical system in human history that has ever self-examined itself to any extent and tried to do better... is in fact the very same *Western Civilization* you hear is so terrible all the time. Individuals are rarely racist one-on-one. I've been all over the world and met lots of wonderful people doing so, but I've also encountered racism and hate from all corners that is *far* in excess of anything you'll find emanating from Western countries. There's hate all over the place, and it's catastrophically dangerous to assume that all other cultures and peoples want the best for you and how you choose to live your life. The only weapon that's ever really worked against the West, is using our own morality against us. If you can disarm someone and get them to give up on defending themselves just by calling them a name, that's a powerful weapon indeed.


Indians were found to be the most racist group in a survey in London. The question was a bit stupid and patronising to the African community, but it was something like "How would you feel if your daughter married a black man?" Most white people were fine with it. Arabs and Muslims were split. East Asians a bit to the racist side. Indians were almost unequivocally negative. But it isn't just black people. They have a caste mindset - kiss up, kick down. Latinos will be seen as inferior, as will East Asians. They respect upper class whites, but only until they're in a position of authority over them.


I was on the india subreddit and they are racist towards each other. Very aggressive, in fact.


Did you see the stat that 65% of those that live beneath the poverty line are “white” and currently the highest income earners are south Asians. It has already happened. And what’s scary is the number of incidents I’ve heard where once they are in positions of power, they only hire their own race and reject Canadian applicants.


Of course, because it's only racism when it's white people looking out for their own.


It's because upuntil now, most of the South Asians that came to the country came through point system and point system required post secondary competence. They also live with their parents so you dont have poor seniors and single mothers. There are single mothers in South Asians but they just live with parents. The poorest group in Canada on average is the Caribbean community.


It has happened in our workplace. Manager is Indian. I submitted 5 resume of my past colleagues. I was surprised none was hired. All new staff hired were Indians.


Yup. I’ve been seeing the same. And also seeing that they are newcomers without any relevant experience. When I asked what’s going on, they said these people are better educated and being from the same culture as themselves, they know they are hard workers and will get up to speed quickly, so I shouldn’t worry. Then they are hired, and it’s a shitshow for like 8-12 months until they adjust. Reality is, that any of the local candidates would have been able to produce results immediately, and at the level we were looking for, and not after a year. It’s great to give newcomers a fair opportunity, but these situations are very clear preference.


these are GROWN ASS ADULT MEN ! not young people. Deport them all !


Dont worry, some of them already work under the table for 9$/h. Canadians are not willing to degrade themselves to the same level and thus they shall be replaced.


is this true? I always hear people say it but..






Very common in Asian immigration chain, which Indians are the most slimy and the majority. They can fake a lot of papers for visa too. Remember the incidence that hundreds of Indian were granted visa to study with fake paper (I think it was admission letter from school or something) from an Indian immigration agency? Canadian weasel government later on decided to just grant them post graduation certificates to legitimize their stay. No accountability no responsibility and a bunch of Indian that were not qualified to stay now can stay, just because they were crying!


Even bigger corporations are underpaying them with 0 benefits. I am seeing it first hand. They hire a bunch for seasonal full time work at $17 (50c more then minimum yay!) and they get 0 time off options, no benefits and are kicked out the door after 3 months for the next batch. The REAL base bay is $22-24 standard+a shit ton of benefits+TONS of time off options. They don't like to give out real full time employment anymore (besides management+office jobs). They still do take on co-op students though for a few hours of free labour. I don't deal with that as I work nights, but I hear they are always bone heads. I got in early and got a great position in the IT part. But all my co-workers have magically turned from black, white and Asians to being asian-indian only... They found any excuse to fire my ex co workers. I have no idea how I have held on. Maybe because I'm the last person there that can actually fix anything server related? Or anything related? All I'm going to say, is when I first started, shit was really flawless. Quality control was at 99.4%, we were ranked #1-#5 in NA for so many things. Within two years, we are #49. And now have a QC of 81%.


> QC of 81%. Yikes. That is an insane amount of waste/re-work. Anyone want to know what kills Canada's productivity number... it's your QC going to utter shit.


I don’t know about you but my experience working with Indians were/are not good at all. While all others Asian works hard, they are desperate too, but they put in the efforts and it pays off. Indians I met at works are slimy, lazy with works but always the one who speak the loudest in any meeting with their heavy accent, disappear when work are needed but always shows up in any meetings, taking credits, kissing the management asses, never talked to the people below them unless they need something from them, wanting to play the power game without actually having to work much, always late with deadline and pretend they’re busy/overloaded…


It is. I’ve had two south Asian immigrants tell me this is very common in their community.


Lots of small independent restaurants and businesses with low-profit margin hire them because it helps a lot. $16/HR to some high school punk or $9/HR to a borderline slave. Small business owners love these guys.


I've even heard as much as the employee pays the employer as they can get PR if they're employed for 2 years and there employer writes a letter to their government. So they're literally buying their citizenship taking advantage of loopholes. They have to go we have to have a higher working wage and more housing for candians before we can even think about immigration.


Well then stop calling these people in the first place. Vote for a government that says no to international students and their money.


Which government says no to money? Lol


Nobody says no to money, but only PPC has pledged to do the massive sweeping cuts to immigration this country needs.


The bloc also want to reduce immigration numbers and they have seats which the ppc won't have.


Maybe true but the Bloc is a one province, one issue party. Also a lot of non Quebecers have very sour memories about the separatist times.


You guys alao need your own version of the bloc when both the liberals and conservatives are failing you. They could form a coalition on those issues ans do something about the two main parties fucking this country.


I worked in a factory via Randstad and there was another agency there that gave cash and the person who worked with me was illegally working as he was a student making 700 a week without taxes, I forgot the name of the agency so this is very true and big companies are involved I have first hand experience


Yes, let’s see if our colleges and universities can survive on only the tuition they charge Canadian students. They’re part of the problem, we have not only a housing crisis but a post secondary education affordability crisis


Hey universities, Time to learn some fiscal responsibility


Then they all don't need to exist. Consolidate.


If they would stop paying sunshine list salaries to the top brass they might be able to


But we are sending them home and bringing in 500k immigrants for this year (federal target), so none of this makes any sense.


The 500 k is made up of people already here like students who meet the score threshold as well as people who arent but have skills we need and also meet the scores. We have close to 3 million temp people here so not everyone is going to have the scores to stay.


What can we do about this?? Didn’t PEI give in?


Stop apologizing. Fuck them. They're bleeding us dry. Apologies are far from deserved.


The entitlement is off the charts, but the cynical tactic should be expected. They’ve been taught the exact buttons to push to get the reaction they want from gullible, soft Canadians.


They see Canadians as doormats. It’s evident from their boldness and their demands.




Minimum wage work pays little to no taxes. It's usually subsidiesd by higher income, which is not a bad thing unless everyone is minimum wage...


For sire They fled India instead of protesting for better quality there. Now they protest here. But they dont protest for anything noble, they protest only fir their own skin, to get an easy way into Canada


Canadians need to harden very fast to save the country


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Me too


They all look middle age …..


Maybe they're slumlords posing as students trying to make sure their meal tickets they're cramming in 25 to a room aren't going to be deported?


One of the "spokespeople" for the PEI international students let it slip that he owns a house in Canada.


Wow, this should be bigger news.


For clarity sake it's a rental property


And male


Exactly middle aged family and military men. All of these men that can just abandon their wife and kids back home are peice of shit people that we shouldn't even of accepted in the first place. All of these Palestinian protests in canada because of israel. If they have a problem with it why don't they go back home to Pakistan and fight for their country? I know these immigrants will never fight for canada if it came down to it.


The fact theres enough of one specific demographic of internatinal students to organize nation wide protests over this just goes to show weve let far too many on from just one place


Yet you will be called a racist if you call out certain demographic of people.


"International students" lol right




Ohh thats a good one




business as usual back home


they look closer to 40s than late teens early 20s


See one of the slogan saying "Justice for our WORKERS" lol


Yeah 40 year old are 'students' now lol


Some of them have been to school back in Jalandhar in the 90s. What are you on about? /s




What's a more accurate euphemism for the community?


I would say oppurtunistic parasites but then people might call me bad


Who cares who calls you what brother, just speak your mind. You have like minded individuals everywhere. You are not alone with the way you think


I second this description! These people are a pestilence. I don't worry about what people want to call me for speaking the truth. My ancestors built this nation through hard times, hunger, sweat and blood. Settlers and pioneers, not immigrants. Be very proud if you're from a long line of European settlers who wanted a better life for future generations. Dont let anyone say otherwise.


Temporary foreign workers trying to blackmail the government because they don't know what "temporary" means? Hope they're deported asap.




probably something that if we say will get us temp banned from reddit lmao




You don't see any Ukrainian students in the protest and thier country is crumbling.This is so shameful and intitled.These Tim Hortons clowns are why our kids can not get jobs.The government pays companies that pay min wage to hire International Students.Notice No Frills,Burger King, Tim Hortons ,All Brown town, even 5 hrs North Of Toronto.!!!We are over run up here.Help Us!!!!!


Nor Chinese, Nigerian or Filipino students. Just Indian “international students”


This is the telling thing. It’s not “international students” as a whole having an issue with this, it’s one specific nationality who has made a game out of it. Shameless honestly. This massive increase of Indian immigration is going to lead to social division and the rise of far right anti immigration rhetoric because it was done so irresponsibly.


It's already happening, i was a left leaning centerist until the last few years. The liberals have fucked this country and they don't have the stomach to do what it takes to get it back on track.


To be fair they have done this to multiple other countries too. UK, Germany, France, Sweden. As a woman I can’t say I’m happy about people promoting ideologies that are anti free speech and take away all my rights. I’m not allowed to talk about this though because I’m told it’s just a “conspiracy theory”.


Women, LGBT folk, other international people. Truth be told they gotta pick one or the other because there's simply some things that can't work together.


This is the danger. The extremism that's going to be unleashed because of this is squarely Trudeau's fault. His arrogance, his entitlement, and his callous disregard for his countrymen are what's brought us to this precipice. This is a tale of bourgeois anomie; of pampered PMC liberals who happily benefitted from this Punjabi slave class delivering their food during the pandemic, while the actual citizens whose layoffs they oversaw were left to starve. And yet, it needs to be done. I will not vote myself and my family out of a house just to oppose the right. Food and shelter trump all other concerns. And guess what? Our new "neighbours" don't give a single solitary fuck about trans issues, homelessness, the disabled, abortion rights, drug policy; nothing besides their own benefit. And if we vote for those things to the detriment of food and shelter, we won't get *any* of it.


This is how I feel as well. I normally wouldn’t ever vote for a right wing party or candidate, but the Trudeau liberals have literally destroyed this country and won’t even acknowledge the damage their policies have done.




I’ve pointed this out quite a bit on this sub - my aunt works at Nunavut Arctic College and there’s Indian international students there. The Arctic my dude. In an Inuit community.


40 year old students. lol nice.


How tf is it racist to not have so many people come to this country? Plus, all the fucking scams ffs


Hahahaha. Send them back home please.


Imagine if canadians tried to pull this stunt in india


Go home now! Go home now! Go home now!




I guess Trudeau and Jagmeet really wanted to change the Canadian demographics to India 2.0 I can understand why Jagmeet supports this ( he’s gonna be loyal to his Punjabi folks), but why does Trudeau hate his own Canadian citizens this much to fuck up his own country this badly? I don’t even know if this situation is fixable because Canadian government is such a doormat, they’ll probably give into their demands.


> but why does Trudeau hate his own Canadian citizens this much to fuck up his own country this badly? This sounds too conspiracy theory-esque but it's because he's a globalist.


Can barely speak english and they consider themselves students?


Today, one client came. He was a Punjab Indian. He barely spoke a word of English, he needed his brother to come translate for him. He literally got PR 2 days ago. Yes PR. Doesn't speak a word of English. These are the people coming into our country. This is destruction. This is all done on purpose.


If the government’s goal was to turn Canada into Khalistan, I’d say they’re succeeding 😭


The goal is to import voters for Jagoff. Jagoff and Trudeau are WEF puppets, as Klaus literally bragged about. Trudeau imports Punjab Indians, and Jagoff keeps Trudeau in power. India is a MASSIVE place. The only ones coming are PUNJAB Indians... the place where Jagoff is from. You see how they are wanting to give everyone here citizenship right? That's the goal. VOTES. Indians only vote for Indians. **You are witnessing the destruction of Canada.** Mass Deportations is the only way to save this country.


Didn't they remove English test for PR?


They call themselves “students” but don’t even know how to turn on a [computer](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/some-international-students-lack-basic-computer-and-academic-skills-conestoga-college-unions-claim-1.6868467)


Racism is walking into any fast food place and seeing it 100% staffed by people of one race. 100%.


nation wide...




Imagine thinking it’s racist for government to adhere to its immigration laws? What a delusion.


This is not racist and they’re weaponizing the term, completely weakening what it means when something is actually racist, which fucks up all real claims of racism - a Sri Lankan


Spot on brother Parripu is also delicious


Do you mean parripu? Like lentils/dhal? In which case - I completely agree!


I'm equally angry at the lack of counter protesters or people yelling from their cars for them to get the fuck out of our country.


Buddy I’d be there if I didn’t live 4hrs away from that shithole city


Pretty sure that would be considered illegal due to "hate speech" or whatever


Send them home




At my college ( Atlanta Canada ) We had tons of Indian and Pakistan ect students semester I would see them all over campus. Semester 2 they're all "gone" apparently what was happening is they're all working at Uber eats or other similar places and doing college at a minimum just enough to pass often and many weren't passing even. It's just about being here and sending money back home. It's not really gonna help Canada, especially if most their of it is going back home and not back into Canada's economy.


3rd world blackmail disguised as protest.


A particular community is protesting for all "international students" ❤️.


How magnanimous of them.


This country literally turning into india


Who could possibly be racist to this demographic in Brampton... BRAMPTON! You're here to learn, not work full time hours and make demands


They say as they're actively racist and hateful toward Canadians.


No Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Australian, British, Irish, French, German, Dutch, etc in sight, just Indians of course.


They contributions to the Canadian economy is extremely low. 99% of their earnings will be sent back to India anyways.


Not to mention the taxes they are evading to pay with many working under the table and for cash. Top that off with the rental scams they are involved in and how many of those slumlord home owners aren’t paying their fair share of taxes to the ratio of people living in illegal basements and structures. This is what people in India do not understand. Nothing is free here, everything is paid through taxes.


How is it racist to not want random foreigners working here every country does the same


It's a numbers game. A person is not going to steal from the store if they are alone. However if 100 people band together they can loot and most likely avoid any penalties. The flooding of migrants was intentional by Liberal government. The government will say that they HAVE to give these folks residency rights. It's going to completely change the voting demographic in the next 5 years. Liberals at 16% right now? It will be 50% in 2030 thanks to these new voters.


We should look to Denmark who has a little to zero tolerance policy for Immigrants, especially those that try and claim refugee status https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/07/12/denmark-refugees-frederiksen-danish-left-adopted-a-far-right-immigration-policy/


lol. I went into a dosa place today. Dude was staring at me and my female roommate. Seemed to be a friend of one of the employee. 5 minutes of it I got fed up and approached him and asked him to stop staring as it’s rude. His response was so aggravating and entitled “you can just order your food and then leave now stop talking” I don’t know how or why they’re able to sound all at once disrespectful and rude and ignorant to this level it’s mind bogglingly rude


Yup, also dealt with the staring. And it’s not like a regular glance, it’s like they will intensely stare and hold their gaze. Very creepy and unsettling to have to deal with that as a woman.


an abrupt dosa reality


Deport them ALL.


Just like their scam centers, fake international students. Canadians fight back!!!


Well, this video settles it... I guess I'm a hateful racist now. Who knew.




Get the fuck out please 🙏 ❤️


2021 - Trudeau : Canada stands with the protesters in India. 2024 - Indian protesters are standing in Canada


International students which happen to all be men in their 30’s, who own homes, and drive brand new cars lol right


Immigration should watch their videos and deport one by one.this is a joke where outsiders staging protest in canada on daily basis.


Where's the diversity? Not a lot of females in that protest, I notice.




that's the absolute state of things these days when even your mattress is full of Indians


"No racism" ... "indians only!"


We should shout: "PR is earned"


This is laughable."Canadians First"!!!!


What does a work permit have to do with being an international student. Students study, workers work. You wanna work 10 hours a week as a student , ok.


How about no more entitlement to easy Canadian citizenship?


No Canadian flags I see




Racism in Brampton lol, browns are the majority in Brampton. They work on cash and own expensive cars that block half of the sidewalk because there are 8 parked in the driveway. They make fun of other communities and are racist themselves. The only reason this protest is working is because they are seeing examples of it across the country and this is going to be the new trend because governments are caving in and the protesters know it works.Bye Canada


They all know how to play the race card well. (I’m indian by ethnicity as well - so not being racist here). I’ve literally lived and travelled to more than 30 countries. Never have I ever felt more welcom and “at home” than in Canada- which is why I decided to call it home. This is a beautiful and welcoming country. I say this as a proud Canadian now. Don’t test the patience of Canadians - pls !


Unless this sub or group of subs take a protest march against these fuckers, nothing will change


Stage 2 of the invasion and eventual takeover


Their studies aren't even 5 years. Let's stop referring to these clowns as students.


I am from India and in the past I have been sympathetic towards these students. But, this is a clear case of exploiting Canada and its people. The entitlement here is at a crazy level but I’ve seen these stuff in India. This is where the Canadian government needs to toughen up and send these guys rolling back to where they came from. If they start giving to these demands then Canada will soon become like India and the entire reason I left that country will be useless.


There is a very simple solution to stop all the hate and “racism”: https://www.aircanada.com/en-ca/flights-from-canada-to-india


Crazy how they have not been deported yet when they self report their true intentions like this lol.


I don't understand why these people feel so entitled for things in a country which is not even their own? I mean the government is obliged to and must provide for things for its citizens and not anyone who enters their country. I really don't get the logic behind this entitlement. But having said that Canada please keep these people in your country and don't deport them. We already have too many people to deal with in our country. 🥲


India is one of the most racist countries in the world.  Oh, the irony.


To these Indians from a fellow Indian, - Stop embarassing us - Respect others and other cultures - Adapt to where you have came - Dont keep asking for things. Earn it. - Stop using racists words like "Gora" etc.. and hold a board called "Stop racism". We Indians are divided by caste, religion, color of skin etc.. more than any other country in the world. Lets first try to fix our faults and mistakes first. We are in no place to criticize others. Especially you are in a different country. You are guest in someone else's home, don't tell them how to run their home. If you don't like here, LEAVE. India is a great country with wonderful talent, beautiful values and rich culture. Unfortunately Canada failed to attract talents and instead imported cheap labours. This is a wrong subset of people representing a great country. I am not sure how this will get fixed.


I am an Indian Immigrant, who went to University. When I was studying, There was no work permit. After writing the last exam, We had 90 days to find a job in our field to stay, That was also capped at 1 yr. unless we apply for PR. We never thought of asking for more or protesting, Just worked hard to get a deserving job. This diploma mill leeches wants 5 yr work permit is wrong and illegal. No Indian who came on merit support these people. Trudeau is such a weak leader. Deport these all ( Also those Palestine protestors who are here as a student and turning Uni/College into political propaganda).


Were they marching to a plane to take them back home?


Go protest in your own country for jobs and housing. They should all be deported immediately.


If this is how demanding they are as guests, just imagine how will act if they ever get any kind of permanent status...


Deport them all


It’s not racist. People are just exhausted as the cost of living in our own home is now insane and there are no jobs left. We simply do not have room. Bringing in more people when the quality of our own lives is rapidly deteriorating while catering to others is not the answer. To demand more when the intent was temporary is ludicrous. The entitlement is insane and it is rubbing people the wrong way. These people are basically admitting the intent was never temporary.


Why do we need so many international students anyway?




Imma take a wild guess and say they are all Phanjabis, just trying out every possible trick in the book to get a foot in the door in Canada. And once they are here, it's just a matter of continuing to stay by whatever means possible. Bunch of scammers. Talking of protests, how about they protest against slumlords from their own ethnicity who exploit international students?










Will they stop the rental ads for punjabi only then?


I don’t have hope in all levels of governments. They will cave in eventually.


We know what Marc Miller will do


You can not declare "Justice for Workers" when you are here for education only. Work is a perk to make education and boarding more comfortable.


We should seriously start counter protesting this nonsense with "Stop invading our country!". This is bullshit and we as Canadians are way to passive.


You signed up with everything out in the open. Now you want more. Too bad. Go home and get back in the proper way. We don’t care about your rights because you don’t have any.


Australia checking in. I feel I can post here because our PM is just as stupid.


What the f* is wrong with people? When I came here to study (because I actually wanted to study what I was studying, and I wanted to use as an opportunity to see if I could see myself living here) and my visa expired after my one year of open work permit, I went home. Even tho my name was in the PR pool, I didn’t have a PR. So no status. I returned home, worked there and one year later I got my PR and I returned. Why it is so hard to do things the right way? Why they feel they are special and needed to be treated differently? Lots of people did the process the correct way, so why can’t they? And why the government keeps helping them? It’s really unfair to the immigrants who came and did things right.


5 years so they can get their PR and citizenship and bring millions of villagers from back home. This needs to stop now !!!!!


Says the most racist demographic in Canada


I feel bad for constantly saying this but they are going to win. Canadians are spineless and government / corpos want all the cheap labor they can get and they don't give a flying fuck if it means the country turns into a poverty slaveland to do it.


do they want a war


Why should they get 6 year permits? What is their argument as to why they should be entitled to that ?


No mure rece cesum.


The entitlement is insane




Anyone who protests who isn't a citizen should be deported. They came here on temporary visas and they knew it.


The shout “No more hate and racism”, yet they only rent to Their kind of vegetarians and speak their mother tongue.


Plenty of jobs for these students in Dubai.