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We are clearly seeing a situation where people with mostly no major criminal record in India, come here and commit violent crimes. I think many have this belief that they can get away with it. Here’s some examples: https://globalnews.ca/news/10542136/humboldt-broncos-driver-deportation-george-chahal/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/zain-haq-deportation-cancelled-1.7180202 Immigration board orders deportation of non-citizens for committing crimes, and sitting MPs lobby to let them stay. Then, why would any non-citizen be scared of consequences of committing crime? I think at this point, there’s no point in blaming Indian government, but IRCC needs to ramp up scrutiny of applications better.


Because they would’ve gotten away with it in India, it’s a no brainer. There’s not even an attempt to adapt to do the crime differently, they simply don’t care as the consequences aren’t real to them.


Again, that’s exactly why CBSA/IRCC must be upping their game on identifying non-genuine students. (We literally have an immigration minister who doesn’t know that Police criminal checks are not required for study permit applications)


Agreed, but there are over 3000 arriving every single day! I can just imagine the vetting that goes on at the border crossings and airports…do you have a criminal record? No? You’re good to go.


Here’s my take, we can very well do this during the application process and not necessarily at the port of entry. If we have the infrastructure to do it for PR applications, why not extend it to temporary residents too is my question.


Too bad doing it efficiently doesn’t let someone in the middle take a cut , so it’ll never happen 😆


I agree with you. But how efficient is our government? If you make an OAS (old age security) they need five months before they make the first payment. I doubt very highly that the vetting of these new arrivals is anything but cursory i.e. we have no clue who is coming in.


When I came to Canada in 2016 as an international student, we got police verification. A policeman came to our house and took pictures with me and another neighbor's uncle as a witness.


In theory sounds great but in practice I can tell you with certainty that they cut alot of staffs and this will just get worst. Out of all the places, they decided to cut important staffs in positions that matters. Most are also overworked, doing overtime (contrary to popular belief that gov workers are lazy). 


In India, you can scream what you want until your face turns blue and no one will give a shit... Here, they realized our government our so focus on virtue signalling that they can blackmail them by protesting to get what they want. It's this government that has no balls to deport them in the first place. The Liberals needs to go!!!!


I am from India and I totally agree with this. If the government decides to deport someone, they’ll do it regardless of the popular sentiment or outcry by international media. For some reason, Canadian government thinks they know Indians better than us (and also somehow the world’s problem are Canada’s problem). It never works like that irl.


If you think there’s going to be a major shift of policy on what’s going on once the Libs are out, I have a bridge to sell you.


If you think for the last 9 years of this goverment and thing will get better by voting for them again, then I can refer you to a theraphist. The defenition of insanity is when you keep voting for the same and expect different result. My cat can be a better PM than JT does.


The audacity of the guy who caused the Humboldt crash. Jeez, I don't remember the whole thing but I believe he ran a stop sign?


No major criminal record? Where can you, as a Canadian travel with a criminal record? No Where!


There are enuf Indian origin MPs of a certain hue and now they r showing their political clout and lobbying for these ‘students’ most of whom come from their own community.


2/3rds of our TFWs are military aged males who were lied to when they were promised a PR they are never going to get. That is 1 million angry young men. Ben Rabidoux said he believes this situation amounts to a national security threat. Our stupid government bears complete responsibility for it.


Wait until they become REAL Canadians and become disillusioned. Then the real anarchy begins. The scale of the truckers' protests will be a footnote...


People seem to forget the loudest truckers were all brown. As long as Ottawa suffers the most I'm okay with this


You read between the lines and caught that subtle hint. Slow clap 👏


They will all get PR.


Yeah they will get it and the excuse will be to save us from a national security threat. The government is great at saving us from the problems they create.


They've conquered Puerto Rico too?


Oh I wish they were never getting it, but they probably will.


And they’re still digging the hole now


The problem is that most Canadians need to be educated on what is actually going on. The federal government does not work for Canadians anymore. Canada is now an ongoing experiment. The objective is to get to [100 million inhabitants in Canada ASAP](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). Who profits from this experiment ? The wealthiest individuals in North America. The wealthy love a cheap obedient workforce. Mass immigration from india is therefore very convenient. As the next headclown pierre poilievre said it himself: "we need more restaurant workers in Canada" (Spoilers: We don't). Liberals, conservatives... they're all worthless parasites. The illusion of a choice for Canadians. trudeau's a useless rat. poilievre's a useless rat. poilievre is indeed also in love with [mass immigration from india](https://voiceonline.com/poilievre-says-hell-fight-to-establish-direct-flights-between-canada-and-amritsar/?amp). And these 2 rats have been trying their hardest to divert the Canadian normies' attention from the issues that actually matter. Blocking mass immigration from india for starters. "Look at the Carbon tax !" they tell you, when this carbon shit does not fucking matter compared to the horrific immigration crisis we're in, which is also in turn contributing to the housing crisis. But you are not allowed to say that, because that makes you racist. i hate to say it but PPC's Maxime Bernier seems to be Canada's only hope. The only politician who's actually willing to work on what's important. The only politician who's still willing to work for Canadians. Some people go "but you shouldn't split the votes or liberals will win", well perhaps the Canadians voting liberals could finally unfuck their brain, and start doing some actual research, to realize that their country is about to fucking implode. https://preview.redd.it/j5dr0pmuvh4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a1903455d91eceac722db8eba5afbcd5e6441e




It was never about race, that was a misdirection. It was always about labor


It was also always about banks keeping asset prices inflated and inflating - many people don't make connection. It's always look left and right but never up at the corporations and banks making returns like never before.


If it gives you any hope , I’ve always been liberal & I’ll be voting PPC. So here’s 1 successful convert lol.


I have never voted liberal but I will certainly vote PPC as I am tired of the constant grifters red and blue represent.


Ex NDP voter here lol… PPC probably just so they get a representation as a new party in Canada to be fair. Saw through PP’s carefully presented image and focus on carbon tax and costs and 0 verbal and platform commitment to significantly reduce immigration of all forms including huge record level migrant programs. But Uber and Lyft and Instacart and DoorDash need their below minimum wage drivers I suppose, to make that next multi billion dollar profit Uber reported for last year.




It’s the “new world order”, people in position of power as puppets not real ones in control


Theres no way Pierre gets rid of all the cheap labour coming in, it seems like a conservative party cornerstone. Im no political expert tho!


I'm a Muslim, Arab, and long time Canadian. I'm probably more "Canadian" than most people who profess to be patriotic and love this country. Many are just hypocrites. My take is that none of the current parties or leaders are really for Canada. They're all just 1-2 topic skanks who love to virtue signal. We also have so much zionist involvement in our political process like the US, but we're also lucky enough to have China and India infiltrate us as well. Who knows who else. We have yet to see a good strong Canadian leader who gets people in line, focuses on Canada first (infrastructure, healthcare, education, quality of life, etc) but also aligns us well with the international community and brings in highly skilled immigrants when needed while maintaining balance. Instead we're here voting for zionist drama teacher vs. zionist Milhouse, both already paid and bought by foreign governments, institutions and corporations. We have enough wealth and resources in this country to absolutely fix all of our problems but the greed all the way from our leaders down to the every day citizens is just poison that is rotting this country inside out.


Jack Layton was the last


The only reason it is happening is because when they run the numbers they see that our civilization will collapse without sufficient tax revenue


Liberal and NDP voter here and I’m 100% voting for Bernier unfortunately, as much as it kills me.


No Canadian but seems to me this is happening in most western countries, I kind of thought the governments had control of it because they ban groups like this on every mainstream communication platform so valid ideas like this can’t spread


I agree with the point about Pierre P…look what sits behind him in question period! I wonder how many CPC Indians are included in this scandal?


My concern is out of 190+ countries why do we have such an overwhelming amount from one area of one country? Why isn’t it even slightly diversified?


Because majority of them come as indian international students. This current govt is money hungry and dumbfuck about what's going on overall. It's not just Indians.. I think all these new immigrants in general don't assimilate with the society. They form their own groups. There is no such thing called canadian values for these immigrants. They are.not patriotic. The govt need to curb immigration on all forms .. we have way too.many people immigrated in last 4 years. Thanks to motherfucker trudueau.


Pretty obvious if you think about it. Big population who wants to emmigrate. Canada being one of the easiest to get in. Canadian government somehow favoring people from that one area over others


Your last sentence is my question. Why is it so favored?


You can count how many English speaking countries there are on one hand. Then look at tuition costs and requirements in each of those and you get your answer. At least they speak the national language. Several European uni or country subs are flodded with the same questions of Indians asking about how easy is it to get jobs with zero language skills except English and Unis in India are advertising that you don‘t need to know any local languange in Europe (esp. Germany) and everyone will just hire them even though they only speak English.


They don't even speak English anymore though. We're scrapping the bottom of the barrel. They lowered the requirements multiple times.


Same question we're asking in Australia


CSIS latest report on foreign interference says Canada's Indian MPs have been taking bribes to do the Indian government favours, sharing sensitive intel. Traitors.


That would be treason


That would be treason they should lose their citizenship


They need more than just losing their citizenship to happen


This is an actual concern. I am a south Asian woman who immigrated from Sri Lanka years ago when the system was normal, I have assimilated, and I am getting more and more concerned at the type of men we are bringing. They are misogynistic and I feel uncomfortable taking public transit in the GTA, mainly Brampton. There are advisories for women travelling to India. My parents brought me here to leave that culture behind. These people dont want to assimilate. It’s genuinley a huge concern, they are bringing their cultural values and it is not safe. This is happened in Europe and the sexual violence rates went up during their immigration flood. I worry a lot for the future of women’s safety here


Absolutely. This is a threat to the safety of women. Send these men back and we need a complete overhaul of this system.


I said it once, I'll say it again. If educational institutions can't stay afloat without destroying the middle class, they need to downsize or shut down. The argument used to be that international students are reducing tuition for domestic students; but increasingly rising rents and mortgages have greatly offset any benefit reduced tuition would be giving us.


The middle class is almost extinct. There are the haves and have nots now. Investors, foreign and domestic, and members of government that own land own everything.


Yep... Canada is reverting to basically what is the normal state of affairs for 10K years of humans collectivizing together. Ppl had it so good in Canada, and had/have no idea of what history, and the rest of the world, is actually like.


Any lie that's convenient at the time of sale is the one they'll use to convince the masses.


The amount of catcalling I have witnessed near Sheridan college in Brampton is a complete joke, these guys follow girls walking on the side walk in their cars and catcall. I have been in Canada for few decades now and as a non Punjabi brown person, the only time I have ever been racially abused was by an international Punjabi student. To grow up in Canada to get racially abused by an international student definitely opened my eyes to how shit the government is.


I agree very much. My family immigrated to Canada in the 90s following the Balkan Civil wars. The religious persecution and misogyny of cultures like those from the middle East and India is something we have violently felt personally. I'm very very fearful of what is happening. Folks in north America have been very sheltered from these issues - unlike those in different parts of the world. Norms and religious beliefs are intensely drilled into certain cultures regarding women, violence etc. and it is not easily changed within a few generations. Add in the type of people coming in (? Low socioeconomic status, low education, low health literacy etc) and you have an absolute time bomb. I am soo scared.


I had three dudes follow me down the beach just last week, staring hard enough to put a crack in concrete — and that’s with a big damn dog at my side. First time that’s happened and I do not care for it.


I think we need not look far to find an answer to your question, Europe has already shown us our future. We are currently facing the greatest crisis in Canadian history, at no point during any wars has Canada’s direct security been at stake. We are halfway across the world from any credible threat, yet our government has willingly imported millions of lowly educated fighting age males from an incompatible culture. The threat is now here, not across the globe. No-go zones will develop which will only be accessible to Indians. Once they become a majority in certain cities, observe how basic rights and freedoms will be infringed upon by this new population. The caste system is prominent in India, do not believe for a second that it will be any different here.


How long before the seperatism starts, too.


People need to wake up and start arming themselves. There’s a reason why the Liberals have been going after long guns.


I agree


I called TD fraud department last week, got an Indian woman and then another Indian woman after escalating. I'm genuinely considering calling corporate to figure out what the deal is. It's so sketchy that they outsourced the fraud department to the scam capital of the world.


I was getting calls from a random number by a person with a thick Indian accent so I would just hang up. A week or two later I got a letter from my bank wanting to make arrangements to re-do my mortgage, it was the actual bank associate trying to get a hold of me. These scam calls are making people not trust anything anymore.


I no longer answer any call from a number that isn't already in my contacts. Leave VM (98% don't), and then I may or may not call back. In the rare instances when a message is left, it's almost universally a call-centre trying to sell me products and services I have zero interest in.


I don’t care who it is or what they are calling for. It’s they have an Indian accent, I hang up. It’s these little things that will get businesses to change their mind. If I go into an establishment and it’s all staffed by Indians, I walk out. I only support businesses who have diversity in their hiring. I haven’t set foot in a. Tim hortons or an A&W in a long time.


The last time I answered a call to a random number, I asked who it was and where they were calling from. In a thick Indian accent he said he was "Bob Smith in Saskatchewan" ya, I was done.


Good old Bobbyjeet from Saskatchetoon.


With his cousin Billydeep.


Watch corporate was outsourced to the same building :)


It is capitalism. They will always chose the cheapest option when it comes to wages. Hence corporations will outsource at their earliest convenience. No Global movement warned everyone about this in 1999-2001 but we preferred to focus on Middle East and imagined mass destruction weapons.


Then there was occupy, which was also dismissed. 


Correct. Some people united against the biggest enemy but failed to achieve any meaningful result. Now there is not much left than having to hate on people poorer than us.


It’s greed, not capitalism. It’s the greed from the wealthiest businesses, not the mom and pop shops! Tim Horton owners are getting $10-20k in cash for every Indian they hire! How is that capitalism? This is as corrupt as it gets!! The owners are making free money right now and Mark Miller isn’t doing a thing. This is the liberal government.


So do you think capitalism has no corruption issues? The whole system stands to achieve a position of monopoly. The self-regulating free market acts like a religious myth but has no factual evidence. Have a look at how big tech companies act, they impose/force on you choices. Apple forces you their hardware. Microsoft forces you to stick with its proprietary logic. It goes well beyond tech. Agriculture, education, and so on. The biggest players set the table, because that's what the whole game is about.


Up until recently capitalism helped anyone who wanted to make a really good life, a profitable life a reality. I still think as a society we all have options to open a store, grow a business, take advantage and use your skill set and make it happen. That is the beauty of capitalism. If you want it, you can make it happen. This is what I love about it. But I see your point. End stage capitalism? I guess nothing lasts forever. The really good times are gone. I’m scared for the kids. What is the alternative?


Crony capitalism is the issue as well as governments picking winnners and losers. A true capitalist economy would see shit companies disappear and only the ones that provide wanted service would survive and rightfully so. The manipulated monopolies that have been created is not true capitalism. It is legal organized crime.


Leave TD, go to desjardins. Stop supporting Indian companies or they'll keep doing it.


Well it goes without saying that since we no longer have a national identity there is no need for national security. Besides who the fuck would ever defend this government or country? The new best and brightest that are here now? Nope. Canadian born citizens who are being fucked over? Nope. The 500k illegals they want to give citizenship? Nope. Plus it was just reported that MP's are actively working with the Indian government. So there is no more nation to secure.


The government is obviously trying to undermine national security, not improve it. They want to harm the existing citizens.


Slightly off topic, but definitely related. I keep seeing that warning pop up that the RCMP is worried about the destabilization of Canadian standards (and of course it falls on the deaf ears of our government at every level) ; can’t afford a house, can’t afford food, can’t get a job….when people get desperate and have nothing to lose that’s when the shit hits the fan. So take the growing anger and hopelessness of Canadians and add the entitlement and fraud of newcomers and we’ve got a recipe for disaster.


Exactly, how long before American troops are being deployed here?


There are three main things the feds do NOT care about: 1. National Security 2. Canadians 3. The Law There is only one thing the Feds DO care about: 1. Money


It’s ironic because we’re in more debt than ever and spending more on debt interest than healthcare. So they certainly aren’t good at managing the one thing they care about 


The fact that this isn’t the single biggest election issue is insane. Everything is impacted by the outsized growth in our immigration policies. Housing, healthcare, crime, infrastructure, economy.


>I don’t want to work construction I want to work in Tim hortons Yup. Construction is seen as lower class to them. Also construction doesn't pay well when you look at the job requirements in terms of credentials, work experience, and what it does to your body. It is much easier to work 12 hours a day at timmies today than put in years only to do back breaking labour for 8 hours a day. And I've almost never seen a strong Indian guy. Only skinny fit guys. They want to clock hours and do very little of anything. Timmies it is.


And so called security guards. Most useless people on the damn planet


Okay first of all you're racist. Second of all your racist and a stereotyper. BC has so many Indians doing construction. Many own their own firms or are the big developers building towers. You're so pathetic lol


We need to start asking why the feds over the last few weeks have started kicking open every door they can to let anybody into the country with little to no regard for how they contribute to society or if they even came in legally. It's starting to feel like we are being taken over by a hostile state actor.


I agree and Marc Miller is directly enabling it


We have a puppet government that isn't loyal to Canada.


It became a national security threat 2+ years ago when the Liberals decided behind closed doors to do it, why do you ask?


The Cons were the architects of wage suppression by immigration. Only the PPC can save us now as sad as it is to say.


I love our country’s reputation as diverse with many, many different cultures and people all sharing and living together. I’ve made friends with people from all over the world, who come here to have a better life and be Canadian. I’ve grown up with so many 1st generation Canadians and learned about their parents culture while sharing our love for our lives in this country. This is not diversity. Diversity does not mean make every immigrant come from one country, and millions of them to boot. Diversity is not showing up to my country and demanding everything be your way and not caring about who we are as a country. Diversity is not “Indian only apply”. And of course, lets not forget the worst offender, our worthless government allowing this. Bless those who are coming here to genuinely be a part of this country. I just wish we could figure out who they are.


Another aspect that I rarely see brought up is the huge amount of money that leaves Canada through remittances back to India. Almost $3billion a year leaves Canada to this and it's set to increase. India actually had its biggest remittance year in 2023. https://www.forbesindia.com/article/news/with-125-billion-in-2023-india-tops-the-world-remittance-chart/90419/1


Yup, coming illegally, demanding we bend to their will, then siphoning the money to another country that is assassinating Canadians as a political tool. Seems like a great situation.


Mass deportation to combat mass immigration.


I agree


As if the damage isn’t catastrophic already, Marc Miller wants to reduce the language requirements to import more who will expect the rest to speak their language. Why are they doing such irreparable damages now? Is there nothing to save and protect the people?


We'd have to be a Nation to have National security. Trudeau pronounced us dead a few years back, "the First post-national state" which is to say a corporate protectorate run by the Century Initiative on One hand, and Weston foods and our Telco's on the other.


If we're a post national state, then I guess his authority doesn't exist.


Very well put, this seems like an invasion. For a government so concerned about reconciliation and past grievances this is crazy. Import more Indians than Canada has indigenous people. Wait until they take over our leadership positions. We will all be living under East Indian laws. Just give it time. They are more organized than most think.


I never even dreamed that anyone could fuck over a country worse then Pierre Trudeau then comes along Justine. It’s amazing people still support their man and his destruction of Canada one Indian at a time.


Air India Flight 182 was blown up by Canada based terrorists in 1985 killing 329 people. It should have become a matter of national security at that time. It was world's biggest terrorist attack in terms of death till 911 happened in US. But no Canadian blinked an eye because almost all of those who died in plane were Hindus.


They were actually majority Canadian citizens. It’s sad India is actually trying to address this more than Canada is


The Indians already have enough influence to secure their presence here. They own big businesses, they have lots of real state and they have MPs and an Indian party known as new Diwali party also known as NDP. They have money and power and Canada can’t and won’t do shit with them. They have colonized and invaded this country already without having to fight for their invasion. You just need to walk in downtown Toronto to realize you are in Mumbai not Toronto. We are bitching about it in reddit and they laughing at us in streets. We need action this is more than enough.


I'm quite sure the total number is way way more than 1 or 2 million over the past few years


What a fucking shit show! So many people are at fault for this. From the federal government, the provincial government and the schools. This is what happens when you become obsessed with foreign money! Canadians should always be prioritized, this new world we are living in is not going to end well. International students from India are becoming a major problem in all western countries. The US has this issue as well.


I think firmly we should be invoking first strike laws, come to the country and commit a crime, get arrested, get chucked into a PMITA prison, and when/if you get out, instant deportation and a minimum 10 year ban from ever even attempting to apply to return.


I agree. I think the ban should just be a lifetime ban


We need public executions. Yeah I said it first. Definitely change the attitude.


To anyone who voted in the Liberals and now regrets it - we warned you. We warned you, you didn't listen, and now things are affecting you, too. And now you, don't like it. Now that it affects you, you don't like liberalism any more.




Just letting everyone know, that group that is mass reporting this sub Reddit has taken this screenshot and edited to make it look racist (substituted Indian for “blacks” and India for “Africa”). These people are unhinged.


More fraud by the people trying to defraud our country


Yup. Trying to paint another picture and twist the truth. The fact they used “blacks” and think it’s okay shows how hypocritical they are and how racist they themselves are.


Are Indians not aware that Canadians hate their fucking guts for what they are doing


I can assure you they couldn't care less.  You're talking about a culture of people who literally lie, cheat, scam and taking every shortcut possible to get ahead in life. They don't care if it means every single Canadian falls into extreme poverty/homelessness in the process. 


And most Canadians are too polite to speak up. The land stolen from Indians is now being taken over by the Indians.


Long ago


It’s total chaos. Canadian governance is so massive and unpredictable that it’s just a free for all. Who knows what they’ll enforce if anything when it comes time to actually do something about all the immigration abuse


In the eyes of Reddit my solution is racist, what should happen and what does happen won’t be for the benefit of Canadian’s. Waiting for the liberals to announce that the election is open for everyone to vote in.


To late for Canada


It already has.


Why not have a Canadian military made up of Tim’s workers who are the army in their own country. Canada’s calling solve the military shortage. Send these to fight for Canada the land they live so much!


Don't even look in their general direction. Just ignore all the exploitation, scams, and people are who directly responsible for the crisis. It's racist! *grin*


Everyone is easy to exploit here they say.


What’s not ok is that they always try to blackmail the governments like going on hunger strike or organizing demonstrations for excessive demands.


![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA|downsized) That should’ve been the response to the hunger strikes




Their here to destabilize Canada :/ and any other country who let's them in.


Canada is done.


If and when the government gets involved it will be a bad and sad day. After that last few years I don't trust any government 


I dunno, ask the First Nations.


Your government doesn’t work for you, you just pay them


That is a fact


So basically china and India are competing to gain control of Canada from the inside out


Agree 1000%


30 years ago.


Our Canadian govt is a giant pushover. We’re soft and people take advantage.


This is extremely serious. Our government is ignoring us. This is clearly some sort of invasion and truthfully, I think our only real hope right now, is either we rise up or the US steps in and annexes with mass deportation. I would welcome the Americans in a heartbeat, even if it meant giving our territory to them. Our quality of life, our futures are going down the drain rapidly. We need help.


Canada is garbage


As our PM is out of touch with Canadian values, and, seeing as he is receiving instruction from the WEF, and, at the WEF command, is striving to attain a Post National Status for Canada, bringing in>4M Indian Nationals, without adequate background checks, is an effective method of eradicating Canadian culture. PEI was obviously sacrificial in the Libs perspective, ON next, and then?


I’ve been saying this for 20 yrs . Chinese and Indians will own our country . It’s like they are playing the game of Risk in real life ! Sending their people out all over the world and slowly taking over that country! They plan for the next 100 years. We plan for the next election


What else do you do with an excess population of young males? Have them start civil conflict in their homeland due to lack of mating opportunities? Send 'em to the West!


In the meantime, we transition our males and sterilize them in the process.


You guys better off start learning Hindu at this point tbh


If you vote for polivier you’re gonna not have health care and they will still be pouring in FYI.


I’ve only ever voted conservative and next election I’ll be voting cpp


Thanks for answering the question no one asked that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


Exactly…You see what sits behind him in parliament?




Planes fly over walls, stupid




Seems like someone is actually benefiting our country rather than just opening another timmies and making us all impoverished by buying out our housing supply. Thank goodness they are building weapons to help defend Ukraine. Oh no! Ukrainians displaced by a war are working at a Canadian factory to build tanks to repel the war that forces them here in the first place.


I have no issues with Ukrainians working .... I have a issue with wage suppression, when half your workforce are refugees and the other half are brampton Indians on TWP ..... is very safe to assume this guy doesn't pay a livable wage.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




Im just asking ....   Are there any petitions (I don't even know if that's the right word) in effect about this topic?


I really hope people vote, for a return to logic and economic development and stability in the next election in other words not for the Lib and NDP....




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


We’re already outside NATO and the 5 Eyes. It’s done. There is only one question for the next election. Are you with them or with us?


When our passport isn't worth the paper it's printed on, the USA and other countries will not allow unvetted people to pass over there borders.


I think when you mention that the Canadian was killed also mention that the Canadian was a terrorist. Why is Canadian govt harbouring foreign terrorists in the first place? The guy scammed his stay, marrying on last day to be allowed to stay in Canada while orders were out to deport him. Canada is at this point no different than Pakistan harbouring all major criminals and terrorists who are running after doing crimes in other countries. Of course countries like US,India will do covert operations to take out these terrorists in such rouge nations. What can we expect from a pathetic country which couldn't handle the bombing of its own citizens and where today all the terrorists of that act are free and MPs in parliament justify the bombing of Canadian citizens.




You do know that most of the Western Hemisphere has allowed immigration since it was discovered by Europeans and that most of the countries are still here and thriving. Almost the entire population of the US and Canada are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.


i find this whole situation quite funny. Québecois were called racists by the rest of Canada when we raised issues with the immigration just a few years ago, and now that it's happening everywhere else, everyone is freaking.


But why not bring people into a democratic society from another country in numbers greater than the people from the country. Obviously that isn't exactly the same as giving the country away to another country.


The only solution is to ban indians entry to Canada in perpetuity. We have MORE THAN ENOUGH of their "culture" in Canada to ponder. Deport all the students and the ones on worker visas. Vet the permanent resident indians. At some point we have to open our eyes and protect our country, customs and values.


All is working as intended. Be quiet now racist. /s


It’s ok. They can’t afford to live here either


Send them back. Every single one. We don't need them


Make any male immigrant between 18 and 40 have the requirement to be inscripted into the military. Immigration issue over!


I used to live in Langley and Surrey BC. I heard that some schools, especially in certain Surrey neighbourhoods, were essentially ESL schools. Meaning that the children who went to school spoke little or no English as they were not raised in their home speaking it. So image a non-south Asian child having to go to that school…their education would be shit due to teaching to the lowest common denominator, ie illiterate Indian children


Nijjar came on falsified documents, his request for residency was denied and then political pressure resulted in govt giving in to his demand for citizenship.




Just a correction to a very valid post. Most of the ‘students’ you are talking about are actively anti- India and find Canada a suitably nurturing environment for their anti -India, separatist agenda.


They’re preparing us for collapse. They know when it happens we’ll revert back to ethnic tribalism and destroy ourselves..


This is happening in every western and asian countries… world agenda


About 3 years ago. But it's almost too late to fix anything. All the alarms on the control panel of Canada are solid red. Sometimes, when a thing is this bad, there's only one thing someone can do for themselves and theirs. Get to a safe spot and watch the motherfucker burn. We can always rebuild in the ashes.


Does anyone else feel like the new report on foreign interference plays a role in our how quickly immigration has ramped up? I’m starting to feel like that’s the key to all this


Okay your comment is somewhat racist cuz you're only targeting Indian immigrants but also you're also delusional if you think that they are not brought here to do service jobs and construction. Corporations are behind this yet you blame students lol you dont see the big picture and Canada had a housing crisis since the turn of the century...it's just in steroids now