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Carbon tax isn't the main issue facing Canada. It's the dumb immigration policy for an economy that needs perpetual growth in numbers. And the declining social cohesion as a result. And none of the big 3 parties have a plan to do anything about it.


They never will unless enough of the population make a stand and force their hand. Immigration on Canada is insane. Housing market will just get worse and worse


Many European countries are voting accordingly. Perhaps it's time Canadians did the same.


There isn't a major Canadian party willing to cut the immigration numbers. We don't have anyone to vote for.


The parties promising to fix immigration in Europe weren't "major parties" a few years ago. Canadians have to stop this obssession with only voting for "major" parties. It's terrible for democracy.


We need ranked ballots


Europeans make the party major by voting for it. Parties have gone from 0 seats to winning, and from winning to 0 seats. We do have someone to vote for, it's just the vast majority of Canadians are satisfied with a 1 party State that uses two different shades of primary colours depending who's turn it is in musical chairs. They may complain and whine, but by the way they vote, vast majority of Canadians want the pegging to continue.


seriously, take advantage of your system. In the US we have two ossified parties that seem impossible to oust or move in a positive direction. Our issues arent as dire as yours but we need a course correction as well.


PPC. Boost them this election as it is meaningless. Eat CPC before the next one. We can take over CPC.


I mean yeah there is technically... If you want to look at the PPC. Max Bernier is very vocal about cutting immigration numbers.


PPC. Except for some reason, most people have Maxime derangement syndrome.


"for some reason" ... lol


Crazy that we still can’t vote on single big issues of concern. They spent $250 million on a shit app, they can’t create another one where you log in with your ID and vote on major issues?


I hate to say it, but PPC.


It almost feels like they are trying to get enough immigrants in fast enough that old stock Canadians won't have any power in the future.


It’s not almost.. that’s exactly what they’re doing.


It's funny though because almost all immigrants are heavily on the right..


For the same reason Trump would be a shoe-in this year….if he wasn’t such a basket case lol.


He didn’t even have to do anything smart Just grab the original world renowned immigration system that the cons got rid of and put it back exactly the way it was That’s all Easiest win ever and he screwed it up


Conservatives know that but they don’t want to change it, they’ll ramp it up, I’m sure. That’s why they bicker about the carbon tax. So they can ignore the thing they want to keep.


It's a tax, which disproportionately hurts Middle-lower class.


Exactly, and it's totally off-topic for this sub reddit. Comments are just a boring anti-Trudeau circle jerk with little if anything about housing at all. My life sucks because of housing, and housing sucks because the supply and demand is out of balance... that's out of balance because JT slammed the gas on population growth without making any progress on fixing housing supply (despite it being a campaign promise for the last several election cycles). Carbon tax is so overblown.


You think taxes on transportation for the materials for your house, your clothes, the companies payroll, transportation, food, materials, car, literally everything in the country you interact with, the company building your house interacts with, the employees and boss interact with, doesn't affect the price of your house? You're paying it 50 times over for every brick, broccoli, or shirt you buy.


Gas prices have wildly swung around over the years, way more than any effect the carbon tax has. Yet the economy didn't melt down. The carbon tax is a bit over 10% of the cost of gas in 2024. I can think of a bunch of times that gas increased in price by waaay more than 10% before the carbon tax was even a thing. That multiplier effect, how it ripples into all other goods... well that's exactly like every other tax and the impact is minimal, and it IS taken into consideration with the rebate. It's a revenue neutral program. Whether it's fair we can fight about, but the PBO has validated that it is a revenue neutral program. Everything that goes in comes out again.


China doing all the. Polluting foe the world, they must atone with the "free" cities. Don't ask why.


It is the proverbial Pandora's Box. It will not be closed so easily.


What’s interesting is that the Tories in the UK are campaigning on reducing immigration. It seems to me, as a political strategy, a $100 bill is lying on the ground, and the major players aren’t willing to pick it up.


Its both two things can be true at once. Carbon tax is is a tx on idiots.


Yup. And we have to address climate change if we don’t want millions of climate refugees going north


PP does, his plan is to connect a flight straight from Amritsar to Pearson. His words, not mine.


"I did good, I did a good job" as he finishes his smirk Lol


For him a good job is when he makes other people's life miserable.


J Peterman "... congratulations on a job - done."


Itching his ass with his left hand is an accomplishment for someone as braindead as him.


It's like when a comedian laughs at their own joke to let you know it's supposed to be funny.


There is one microsecond of horror on his face just before the mania takes hold


I interpreted the last part of the video as a nervous laugh too


Slow it down right as the boos start he has this moment of dread on his face like “this never happens in my personal echo chamber” then nervous laughter follows


No I took it more of a “fuck you” giggle


“I remembered my lines! Haha (and if the math is wrong Parliament Budgetary Office can fall on that sword, im too important to verify the math)!”


Lol he’s immature. That’s a laugh you hear between teenagers arguing on IG Live over some pointless shit smh




![gif](giphy|LiRoVoHjMa5bO|downsized) Liberal voters right now:


Liberal voters detest him for what he has done to the Liberal party.


Liberal party? The Country, rather. I don’t give two shits about any party more than the country.




I’m a liberal voter, and he’s legitimately turned Canada into a place that’s less Canadian. We’re more prejudiced, scarcity has caused us to lose some of our communal values, and I have no chance of owning a home as I approach 40 with a six figure salary. He needs to get catapulted yesterday.


>Liberal voters detest him for what he has done to the Liberal party. There is a contingent left that will vote for him no matter what, those people are detestable. A lot of people about to vote conservative in the next federal election, are definitely traditional liberal voters that are pissed off.


Yep a lot of us centrists are in hiding right now...


I don't agree. I mean pollivre isn't much of a choice either. But the next election will be the biggest one-sided victory in history. Trudeau seems to be working his hardest to burn every bridge on the way out and make sure he destroys his family name and the liberal party.


The same Liberal party that lost us PetroCanada due to the massive debt load they created?   They are historically the spending of the NDP with the tax policy of the conservatives, the party that believes in free lunches and budgets balancing themselves at some unknown date in the far future.


Sure that’s why they keep voting for him


Thanks for the laugh..🤣 this is hilarious!!


Like father, like son...


not sure i follow. what did Castro do like the turd?


He did get away with all the lies it when it mattered. But funnily enough, he didn't lie about this stupid tax, people still voted for it lol. Don't think that one's on him, that's on the voter. I can be proud to say that I never voted for this traitor - speaking of traitors, are they going to release the list of MPs that collaborated with foreign agents?


Pm blackface aka narcissistic boot licker.


Look at that narcissistic laugh. No self reflection or self awareness at all.


I mean he did say in the past I don’t read the newspaper, no watch it, if something important happens someone will tell him.


He's insane. An insane asshole. I thought maybe it was an impersonator. To laugh right after saying, 'it's absolutely true.' How can anyone sane still support this clown? Why do Canadians still think elections aren't rigged? It's the only way that pos got in - sure, a lot of Canadians are morons but this clown only gets in with a rigged election and/or so many idiots - that the voting system should be changed because you should have an ounce of a brain - to be allowed to vote.


So let's get this straight: because someone's the prime minister who you don't like, the election must be rigged? What kind of Russian bot shit is that opinion?


Narcissistic? Bros giggling because 32% of voters actually believe it


He's such a tool that can only recite a script. Complete bafoon.


Canadas 2nd crackhead leader


That smug laugh at the end, thinking he really said something there. What an arrogant and disillusioned piece of shit.


What a clown. Canada has lost the plot.




It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister.


He’s gonna crack. Clearly unhinged.


Yep. Public perception is getting to him now.


Yup, he loved the early days when he was complimented everyday, he's so full of himself. The nervous laugh now, he's not having a good time. He's gonna double down once again to feed his ego. If the liberals want a chance he should step down now. I'd bet on him not though


At this point, the entire cabinet seems like they are on crack


Hes just giggling picturing his back account...he wont crack as long as he keeps getting richer..


Smirking seems to be his go to response these days. Did the same thing in an interview when asked about Canada's youth struggling to pay rent. Poster boy for entitled smugness.


It's amazing that a guy who achieved almost nothing in his life through his own merit thinks he's better than the rest of us.


First France now Canada. People are not happy with the way things are going. Love to see it




The fact that not only Canada elected him but also reelected him twice says a lot about this country. Speechless!


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.


No. Still shame on the shitty voters.


Yes, blame the voters because every politician lies, and each side believes their guy will do the right thing THIS TIME. All the times in the past where just learning experiences, each party really really means what they say this time!


I guess if we’re trusting the voting systems of the last elections in North America..


How much do you trust that the Canadian elections aren't rigged and fraudulent?


Who were the alternatives good fellow?


Erin O'toole wasnt that bad at all. He attended RMC and actually served his country, more than most canadians do.


But was his hair nice (Erin o’tool) and funny enough he was actually younger than JT. But all that matters is having nice hair! /s


No. Canadian urban women decided they want that sweet, sweet ten dollar day care. None of them stopped to think, "how will we pay for this??" They just saw big daddy government offering a juicy hand out and jumped all over it. And now we all get to suffer for it.


A fucking potato


He's an embarrassment to Canadians. It's difficult to escape the Liberal Party VS Conservative Party option in Canada. The NDP is riddled with problems too, but of the three seem to have the better intentions. Not happy with any of them so my vote goes to whichever political party's policies may help the next generation most. - The Conservatives, especially in Alberta, seem to want privatized healthcare, more funding for major corporations, and are being pressed by the more extreme Christian right to reduce women's rights to safe abortion and contraception. Unfortunately the political nonsense in the USA and politicized social media, combined with the socio-economic pressures and global unrest have yielded very loud and beligerent assholes gaining praise from groups most Canadians would have rolled their eyes at 20 years ago. I've never had love for the Conservative party, but they have gotten much worse. - The Liberal Party are clowns led by a nutjob nepo-baby who should have bowed out years ago. The shift between the Conservative Party and Liberal Party being elected over the passed 20 years have made it difficult for Canada to keep a sane trajectory. I don't understand where our money keeps going. I've only voted for them once, in a year where it was clearly only the Liberals or the Conservatives getting in. I don't regret that one. It was years ago and the right choice at the time. However, we cannot have a two party system to vote between or we'll soon be a mirror of the states. Having that divide radicalizes crazies on both sides even more. Why the Conservatives are entertaining ideas that parrot the US red states is beyond me. We need political parties who lead without religious bias affecting their platforms. - The NDP scares the shit out of boomers and what is left of their parents. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They are far from perfect, but I'd way rather see them in the mix than having to decide between the two above. - The Green Party aren't close to getting in, and the Bloc Quebecois are really only supported in Quebec (no shit). I'd sure love to snap my fingers and fix what is happening in my country, if only it was that easy. I'm in no position to protest or influence politics beyond actively voting. Most of us are very, very tired. The Liberals have passed insane bills regarding what may or may not be considered hate speech, people generally only read headlines, and citizens can be dragged through the mud by spin tactics because folks often won't read beyond 280 characters. We have to be very careful of how we phrase criticisms over any form of recorded media, especially if we have any sort of following.


You're part of the problem - droves of clueless Canadians.


This trope about conservatives is why there are more conservative voters every day. Always gaslighting


I'm not reading any of that. If NDP is so good, tell your boy Jagmeet to call an election.


My "boy"? I am not representing anyone. I don't think any of these parties are great. On a scale of "not good things" being higher rated of poorly rated things doesn't make it great. :/ The NDP has many things I'm wary of and do not like at all. I am not waving anyone's flag here.


I've never voted for him because of that smirk


A guy with a 17% approval rating smirking. That says it all.


He’s such an arrogant dickhead!


This is him clearly just not giving a fuck anymore because he’s messed up the country more than he’s planned to and the more he messes it up from here is just a bonus to him. He seems legitimately proud of himself for being so disliked and turning this country upside down.


He’s doubled down and convinced himself he knows what’s better for all of us and that if he has to burn it down in order for his vision of our future then he will gladly be the villain in his eyes. This is dictator shit, his vision out weighs our needs and we are all going to suffer. Fuck this piece of shit!


This is why Trudeau is Klaus Schwabs favourite Young Global Leader...


bro forgot his place as a SERVANT. these people are supposed to be SERVANTS to us. all they do is fuckin take take take though.


He is the most disgusting politician Canada has ever seen. Zero ethics, full of narcissism and zero shame.


Bro treats his role as prime Minister as if he's the teacher of Drama class lol..


Get this incompetent man child out.


Anybody else think his face looked like a nutcracker when he laughed lol


Complete sociopath


\*Psychopath, sociopaths actually feel remorse, this idiot dont.


Yeah even he knows how much that's a joke. We are just paying extra for him to build migrant housing.


What a smug, self entitled prick.


That smirk and laugh is him being genuine. Everything else is just his practiced bs. I can’t diagnose him as a sociopath, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was.


Took more of our money, and in return... we got back: Increased food prices Increased gas prices A housing crisis An immigration crisis The most disdain Canadians have felt towards the government in decades. It's definitely giving us more of something....


This guy doesn’t deserve the air he breathes


We need to start charging politicians an oxygen tax


What a complete idiot he actually thinks we believe he’s bullshit can’t wait for 2025 election


(non-Canadian lurker here) Is what he's saying in this clip not true?


Fidel's kid at it again!


He seems more angry and unhinged with every public appearance, and then the psychotic laugh at the end....


Smug prick.


A child leading a country with no accountability


He knows he's fucking doomed at the polls. There's nothing left to salvage at this point.


That’s a fuck you I can do what I want


This dudes a moron


That smug-ass laugh at the end while getting booed to his face is completely unhinged. Like how deep does your narcissism have to be to act like this it’s truly insane.


He won't do well in public appearances when he's out, buddy's gonna have to hide in a compound or screw off somewhere else.


Not relevant but we all need a bit of schadenfreude in these dark times.


More and more he gives off Tom Cruise vibes.


The only difference is that he follows the Church of Climatology.


That's a joke.  Importing millions of people into a housing crisis as mass transit stagnates and we need austerity due to pissing money away is hardly environmentalist. We spent enough for 600 mass transit lines since he took office.


Justin done lost his mind (which is impressive given that it was barely there to begin with)


When was this?


What a precocious prick.


That ass clown has got to go.


Lol… this is the Canadian Prime Minister. No wonder the world laughs at you.


So punchable.


He’s disgusting and is a nepo baby. Never had to struggle to feed a family


That's Drama, not Math right there.


Once a douche; always a douche


This guy makes me sick


There are still people on here and elsewhere that claim they get back more then they give for the Carbon Tax. What will it take for those people? Well I have no clue.


I mean, it's pretty basic math so I dont know why you find it hard to believe


Pretty sure it's haha you can't do anything about it.


Stupid fucking moron


Enjoy your time in office, Justin. Your days leading this country and the Liberals are numbered.


What a smug asshole. What about the report he won’t release because it disproves everything he just said about the Carbon Tax?


The “haha” says it all


Doesn’t believe his own BS. By the way this is called the liars dupe!


Haha he says.... haha. Imagine ruining the immediate future for an entire country and saying haha


Smug asshole


He's lost his mind. More nuts than Post Grape-Nut Cereal.


Look at this criminal!!!!! He is fucking Canadians!


A dancing clown.


Controlled demolition of this beautiful country


Delusional self righteous prick.


It makes me feel a little better knowing we in America aren't the only ones with shit leaders. Not much... but a little.


What a slimy scumbag


You have to be a borderline psychopath to be a politician at that level, I swear.


I can’t believe someone hasn’t tried to hurt him yet


It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. It's illegal to slap the shit out of the prime Minister. My eye is twitching


Carbon rebate looks that way because it takes money away from those who need to use their cars/trucks the most (working class farmers and tradesmen) and gives it evenly to the population. Math aint mathing, Justin. You should make life easier for everyone. Throwing money (very little) and expecting problem to go away is not going to happen.


So if that’s true, it’s wealth redistribution disguised as a tax?


Remember those commercials from years ago”He’s just not ready” Holy fuck, he sure wasn’t. Who voted this idiot in, own up you mother fuckers!


And 10/10 Canadians are fed up with his incompetence and lies. Go back to teaching snowboarding. 


He admits that it is wealth redistribution from the top 20% to the bottom 80% and this sub lights up? Weird flex, but okay.


Trudeau is such a fucking piece of shit


This video is so wrong in sooooooo many ways !!! Time to go fuck face


What a phag.


Can we put this guy in jail?


The tax that gives back more than it takes, if its such magic then apply it to all taxes and lets see how it works out.


I’ve received nothing ever. BC


BC has its own carbon tax system, so none of this applies to you.


can see why he's single.


Smug bastard. Waiting patiently to vote the twat and his droogs out of office.


This dumbass really believes himself.


Video proof of criminal


whats this guy smoking




Smarmy d.o.u.c.h.e.


That is an evil chuckle


He's literally ignoring the other half of the report that says very clearly that when the economic slowdown imposed by the carbon tax is considered that 80% of Canadians are worse off. Here's the link to the full report: https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/publications/RP-2122-032-S--distributional-analysis-federal-carbon-pricing-under-healthy-environment-healthy-economy--une-analyse-distributive-tarification-federale-carbone-dans-cadre-plan-un-environnement-sain-une-eco


Thanks again, Moronto


Liberal math. He's not counting the excess taxes that Canadians are paying indirectly. He's only counting the taxes that we're directly paying. Things like gasoline and home heating are taxed directly while technically the excess carbon tax on food and other purchased goods are paid by the producers of those goods and he doesn't care about the fact that cost is being passed on to Canadian in the form of increased prices. The increase in food cost is only partially explained by inflation. The rest is the passing of the carbon tax onto the consumer. This guy needs to leave office and his whole party needs to lose party status.


Justinder is a borderline psychopath.


Everything about this man makes me dislike him on a primal level. I’m still not convinced he isn’t an alien masquerading as a dickhead for the lols.


What a douchebag.


He's such a tool. He's destroying our country.




That laugh makes me cringe.




He is such a steaming pile of 💩


Let's vote the Liberal-NDP into irrelevance and never again let a politician tell us what is good for us!


What a genius. Somebody give this man a Darwin award.


Listen to that conviction at the end. His heads so far up his own ass he really believes his own shit 🤡


If the end game of the carbon tax is to promote EV adoption, here's a better way. Remove the carbon tax and bring in inexpensive Chinese EVs and sell them cheaper than gas cars.


But how then will US and Japanese automakers justify their EV up charge? s/


Ahahaha america bad amirite?!?


Shut this foyer up please 🙏, he should get booed, he should get....




Mutha F'r.


I’ve seen clips where the math of what he says for this statistic makes no sense and he can’t explain it