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Not a word of English and he wants to study in English. I wonder why the government is so weak? Do we deserve such a government? What have we done wrong. Is being nice and welcoming wrong?


they use a cultural pyramid scheme of sending their young ones off to far lands to earn western money only to send it back home where the money will last longer, and the families keep doing this thinking its ok to rip off your own family lol


If they cut off the ability to send $ over seas, then this would all stop.


At least tax it, would cut down on money laundering as well I bet


That’s not the answer. The is an immigration loophole problem not a sending money overseas problem. Our money is already taxed. If someone wants to send it to their struggling family overseas it shouldn’t be taxed. We need to control the flow of immigration instead. There needs to be a cap on how many can come from each country or region.


Not likely. For every rule, there is someone who will find a way to break it.




Reverse colonialism. Under the original scheme Europeans went to India etc then billions of wealth was sent back to Europe. Now Indians are coming to Europe and North America and sending back billions. Think I saw a figure of almost 4 billion dollars sent last year.


How many MPs are working for foreign governments? That's the problem causing this.


He’ll make an ok Uber driver, congrats guy! Your dreams have come true




There are forgery mills for that. Have you not seen the police hauls with 75 licenses, 50 health cards, etc., in the possession of maybe 4 people? Tippity tip of the iceberg.


Thing is, the dreams did come true. Thats a 50x better job than anywhere back home. Thats why this will never stop, the Government is letting it happen. The people coming and the companies helping are just taking advantage, big government miscue.


Yes being nice is a sign of weakness. Being polite but firm is what we should aim for.


The rest of the world see us as push overs and they will take take take until their is nothing left to take.


kindness isn't weakness, though. I agree with the sentiment however.


Kindness builds the best country in the world, and is completely on the path to a perfect world. But other cultures and people will take advantage of it if we don not stand up for ourselves.


So we need a self isolationist policy like Japan?


It is when it starts destroying the country. There is a balance that must be found. We see what it looks like when it goes to far in one direction.


He needs a job at a drive through window.


The government is working with China, and they want to destroy the West... What your witnessing is the new form of War.


Government is working with China to mass import Indians…?


Ya.  The undermining is real.    Many immigrants I have met  think Canadians are dumb with bad food and poor health habits and a weird culture and the weather sucks.  They know how to take advantage of our ridiculous overly generous visas.  Why else would they come here if the US or UK offered more? Now we are  the laughingstock of even Australia and the US among others.


Honestly at this point dissolve Canadian parliament and let the Yanks govern us probably would be better


Lmfao no We want a Canadian Canada, not an Indian Canada, not an American Canada. We need to start standing up for our rights instead of repeatedly asking someone to do it for us.


God I could literally kiss you, take no offence.


The government that lets millions of illegals across their southern border. Not much of an upgrade


Disagree as the US has allowed their " India" issue for years in the form of Mexican and South American " refugees"! Americans complain but no business owner has been charged for hiring illegals! If they were serious, which they are not, anyone employing illegals would be held criminally responsible. Illegals do all the menial jobs, valets, landscapers, labourers, cooks, housekeeping etc. and have done so for years.


Thanks Doug Ford. We used cap international students at a really low number vs what we have had during and post covid


People will expoit if you let them. Look at US, learn from them. Canada's political will is skewed and they're only concerned with money and votes. Sad.


He will have problems but hiring a good immigration (read crooked) lawyer will help him get this student visa converted into work permit.... Yes these lawyers thrive. when it's time for the next step (pr) and they make sure that legal or illegal you are caught in the web.


You don't need a criminal lawyer, friend. You need a CRIMINAL lawyer, pal.


This sub was recommended to me for whatever reason, but as an American I absolutely feel bad for y'all.


It’s incredible lol


At least youre not making fun. Everyone makes fun of us for this stuff and we can't even argue because it's factually correct :( "Canindia" "Brambladesh" "Canuckistan" It's so demoralizing.


On the bright side we are educating Americans on finding Brampton on a map.


Not doing them any favours there 😂


“Canuckistan” is a new one to me 🤣


20 years ago we already had terms like "Japanada" or "Hong Couver"


Now the Japanese have 0 interest in immigrating to Canada lol






The only thing demoralizing is the weak willed goverment. Why oh why would you forsake your own citizens. I truly understand how you feel


As an Indian, I feel equally bad for native Canadian citizens. To me it looks like vote bank politics. Politicians are trying to create a bigger vote bank for themselves out of these emigrants so that they never loose in future. This is wrong. Changing the demographics of a country to stay in power is going to change Canada forever. I hope they get someone more aligned in the parliament soon.


I think it's all ogre for us now.


It's never ogre


Nah this has nothing to do with politics, it's about economics. All parties agree on immigration. Capitalism and socialism both only work when there is growth. Economic growth and population growth are closely correlated. Canada has not had a birth rate above replacement levels since the 60s. We are jam packed with old people and do not produce enough young people to generate consumption growth and fill vacancies in the economy. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91f0015m/91f0015m2024001-eng.htm This is the real reason why the right wing in the US is against contraceptives, LGBTQ+ people, abortion, etc. It's about demographics and how they affect the economy.


That’s why governments should incentivize families making children


No no instead we need to import the entire third world and make Canada unrecognizable


This is the answer here. We have an eroding heal care system, and an aging population that is adding immense pressure on that system already and it’s only getting worse. Who else is going to pay into the CPP? All these taxes levied against us, designed to take money from these international students as well. When you create the foundation of life in the West solely on “work” and not “family,” you end up with an abysmal birth rate, that can’t even replace itself, let it alone allow it to grow. Now with all their bullshit, raising a family is even harder than ever, which is the foundation of this entire problem in the first place. Rights for LGBTQ, climate rights, rights for international students, rights for diff cultures and races, but no rights for young families to have a home and build a future for themselves and feel safe and secure enough to have offspring.


This is happening in America too btw. People are just too preoccupied with the border crisis right now to see it. Lots of people from one country in South Asia are fraudulently acquiring F1, H1, and L1 visas and flooding the workforce and doing the same things here that they're doing in Canada.


Love him or hate him. Trump is going to operate the largest deportation the world has ever seen.


LOL the same man who uses illegals in his own businesses is going to lead "the largest deportation"? Clownery.


You mean the guy who everyone made fun of for wanting a secure southern border?. Clowns indeed.


People talk like trump was never president before. Dude was president for four years and all he did was become king of twitter. If trump gets voted in again, he ain't doing shit but get revenge on people who wronged him. Love him or hate him, That's just the nature of the dude, he doesn't give a shit about anyone left or right. Just ask everyone he threw under the bus, there's a whole ass village there.


I think Trump has dementia, he’s not doing shit


Didn't stop Reagan from a second term.


Yep, just on a smaller scale and more spread out. We should view this as a warning because it’ll happen in the US sooner or later.


Anywhere I can read abt that?


We need America to occupy Canada and free us from our government's tyranny.


Let's tell em' we found a big pile of Communist WMDs with some oil sprinkled on them in Brampton!


I'd be happy for a few American telecoms to come in and give us cheaper internet and cellphone service.


Elections every 4 years is definitely a sign of tyranny.


Send help


We will take you


As an Indian born in the USA, I feel bad for Canadians too ngl.


The fuck is a Indian born in the us...


Sorry to say, our lax rules here and the swiss cheese Canadian border is these immigration fraud's gateway to the US ... [Alternative Route to the US via Canadian Border](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/04/25/indians-immigrate-to-canada-in-record-numbers/)


As a Canadian-citizen of 45 years, a mother with US citizenship, a PhD in mechanical engineering, and 20 years of experience teaching and conducting research, I’m still trying to crack US immigration and move south. Clearly, US immigration is much better controlled than Canadian immigration.


You have an engineering degree and are a Canadian citizen, you should be able to get a TN-1. It's really easy as it's not an immigration visa, just work and keep renewing until you're ready to leave. I'm leaving in a year after 5 years.


Also an American perusing and I have no words. 😶


The icing on the cake alot of individuals scream racism , and are working hard (surprisingly) , to get get these Canadian subs shut down.


we’re f’ed




Here's an excerpt from his Google review: "He wasted my 6 months of life. He told that I will give you the offer from Hanson college but they rejected because he didn’t put my transcripts properly. After that he applied for fleming college but they didn’t released my offer letter. He took $4,000 dollars for all this process. He gave me fake transcripts as well to apply the offer letter" How's this not a crime?


It is, but criminals have no recourse. "Oh no, the guy who was forging ny documents ripped me off."


right. its like bitching to police that your dealer ripped you off lol.


Fuck, you took the words right out of my mouth. What a disgusting situation


Both deserve to go down lol


They're both in on it. It's just one out-frauded the other fraud.


Our justice system is garbage, unfortunately most of these fraudsters will never be prosecuted


"Speak in Punjabi, that's fine" Spitting right in the face of everything Canada. Fucking repulsive. WHY are we letting this happen?


I'm in Scotland and we're the same. Overrun with immigrants. We're in a housing emergency right now and finding it difficult to get a telephone appointment with a doctor never mind a face to face one. Can't get a dentist appointment for love nor money. I dread to think what the place will be like in ten years time. There will be nothing left for the native people. It's so sad.


Jeez it's like all leaders of the western world got together in some back room and devised a plan to destroy western civilization.


they did the plan is essentially the WEF


They did.


This is exactly like Nova Scotia


The problem is that the US sucks up all the actually beneficial immigrants. Something like half of their big companies are founded by immigrants. Their PhD scientists are like 90% immigrants. They know how to do legal immigration right that the rest of the world needs to understand


Visitor visa to study visa shouldn't be a thing at all. Send them back if they want to apply for study visa, and then if it works, have them come again. The extra burden of booking flights to and fro should at least deter some of these guys. Apart from this, I'm not sure if diploma mills study visa even grants a work permit now or not. If it still does, then the government needs to do something. If it doesn't, then these guys are going to be protesting in a year or two about how they were scammed and told they can convert visitor to study to work to PR to citizenship. Where does it stop!


It doesn't it goes from study to refugee


There shouldn't be any asylum seeking allowed from India. India is not a failed country, there are no civil wars as such and nobody is getting targeted unless they are criminals. So Canada govt shouldn't even allow that!


But there's been ads for converting study into asylum. We shouldn't allow this but some people will scam the system


The Trudeau government is literally turning a blind eye to the immense amount of immigration fraud.


Canada considers India a safe country. Canada isn’t approving a lot of Indian refugee claims lol.


At this rate, Canada will be a failed country and Canadians will qualify as asylum seekers.


They come to Canada, manage to get into a job that has access to immigration stuff, use the system to bring more of their people in. We're screwed. They have infiltrated every level of government while we welcomed them and they have corrupted everything they have touched. Mass immigration and tolerance were a massive mistake.


I am wondering if I can make a refugee claim? # Who can make a refugee claim To make a refugee claim, you * must be **in Canada** * can’t be subject to a removal order Hmmm I qualify says nothing about being a citizen of the country :D I could get a job and start a new life right here in my own country :D OHHHH and I get to apply for benefits too wow I am all in :D I wonder what nice hotel they will put me in :D


You’re missing the most important lol


How dare you be born here!


Shut down his business and deport




Conestoga increased international student admissions by more than 1500% and greedily scammed Canadians for international student tuition profits. Causing housing to go up and our economy to tank , for the sake of profits for Conestoga College. And this is just one instance, this has been happening all over the country since covid. Canadian politics is atrocious, we need affordable housing and nobody is lookin out for us


I can tell this man is going to thrive in English studies !




I wonder why an ad targetted towards the people of Punjab is using Punjabi as its language. I really wonder why hmmm...




“Covert” lol the best mistake




Well said.   canada is now qwik e mart.


Thank you come again 


Punjabi and broken English are Canadian official languages.


This guy should be deported for taking advantage of our immigration policy. Absolute abuse of our system which is already bottlenecked.


Id probably pack my stuff and move if it was so easy to move to another country.


🖕..... literally all I can say to this shit anymore.. it's fucking stupid. I feel soo ashamed to be a Canadian, I was once very proud. I can't stand the hardships soo many REAL immigrants had to go through to get here. The ones that dotted every single I and crossed every T... took the test and everything. Now they just let these fucking guys in for nothing while they use up all of our resources and find more and more ways to scam the Canadian peoples out of what THEY deserve... and when I say "Canadian", yes, I'm also talking about every single one of you who did it right and are now a productive and helpful member of our country. This isn't fair to natives This isn't fair to natural Canadians This isn't fair to the immigrants who worked and deserve to be here, who didn't use loopholes and were made to jump through hoops by immigration... Fuck this place man.. fuck Justin


As an Indian immigrant who studied and worked hard to get a job in the tech industry, this kind of person is the one even we hate the most. Most of these people, as you know, come from Punjab they don't know how to speak proper English, and either they buy IELTS back in India or get work permit through these shady people. And to get PR, they will buy LMIA's from another punjabi business owner here. Not only that, they won't follow canadian laws and try to fit in with canadian culture. They will bring their own shit which they used to do back in India. So, trust me guys as an immigrant who migrated here following all the rules and regulations, we hate this kind of people as well. This might be harsh, but they need to put a ban on Punjab state or either have them one on one English speaking test upon arrival. Because these people contribute nothing other than causing problems for Canadians and us immigrants who came here for a better life following all the rules and regulations and studied hard for a better future.


There’s a reason OZ banned “students” from Punjab Haryana Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh


Is there somewhere this can be reported to?


I want to do some research on this. It seems fake. Why start out in English and then specifically ask the guy to speak Punjabi.. in English. Anyone have a website for these guys? Says they are registered with the government. Edit: I was right this is a fake number.


He's an immigration lawyer. This can and should be reported to to the LSO.




Speaking because of ignorance, but how can you legally change a visit visa into a study visa?


You can't directly. They enroll them into shady colleges and then apply for a study visa.


This week I have had 9 people from India ask if we are hiring. This is new for this area. I have not ever had any ditectly ask me like this. They were looking for a 2nd or 3rd job after being limited from certain work for PR programs. They just want to atain PR to get to thier communities in other provinces with harder PR programs. I started to notice this 4 years ago. We'd get a new Indian worker they worked till they got PR go home, get married and bring the SO with them and 90% went to Ontario.... Seems very planned.


Constant scams and how to beat the system videos. Just stop all Indian immigration for 4 years. Completely. All of it.


Piss off we are full!


Bit of a Freudian slip in the title.




lol nah they’re just that stupid. Canada just adding more idiots by the day. It’s depressing


Corrupted politicians won't make this illegal because they want to destroy Canada




They need to put a stop to this


Is this a new method of getting a work permit? Or newly discovered? Seems like there's been a lot of different immigration services advertising this on social media recently.






There is no such thing as 'converting a visitor visa to study permit' you can come here as a visitor sure, and then, sure, you can decide to apply for a student permit while you are here. But you still have to go through the exact same application process... The issue here is NOT the immigration system, it's whatever Diploma Mill or 2-bit professional college decided that he had the right eligibility to enroll.


BRUH wtf is this loophole scam system we allowed to operate within our nation? How are people not protesting outside these businesses? This is literally how we got into this mess by allowing this to go unchecked. Last time I checked if you’re going to an English speaking country you kinda have to know basic English?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh he's perfect for telecommunications.


Permeet cannot speak in English ? Then how did permit get the permit ?


I'm a PhD in CS from an Ivy. I have enough financials & equity from my CS job. I studied in US & now in Japan. My SO is Canadian. Immigration Canada didn't go ahead with my PR applix because "I didn't have enough points" - for being around 35, and not having the job codes hot on demand (butchers, plumbers, HVAC etc), not living on Canadian soil or graduating from Canadian university. These are so trivial reasons to downweigh talent pool. And then you see people like this sardar get through the cracks. its really infuriating Your politicians really need to fix your immigration system ASAP


I mean he could have showed a little effort and spoke in English...


This is the shit I dont stand for. Dont scam the system.




These loopholes must be fixed.


When low on resources blame the person who left the door open, not the person who rushed in to escape the cold. That being said this country is not safe for Indian at the moment. You can sense it in the air.






A society and culture built around exploiting loopholes... so glad we brought them all here.


He ain’t going to study nothing but a truck seat


And this is why I’m leaving Canada this place has gone to shit, yes let’s let in these people that don’t contribute nothing and cause problems :). This country that has gone to shit prior is sinking deeper and deeper.


Canada is giving visitor visa to indian youth like crazzy.i know almost 15 people got visitor visa whose not even 30 years old.by giving them visitor visa for 5 and 10 years this government opening more doors for scam and fraud in this country.


So the visitor visa was indeed a ‘Covert’ operation?


How the F is this legal?


Probably isn’t there are cash deals going down offsite and in back rooms.


Anyone reporting these immigration agencies to anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Mr. Gagandeep Kum is op comedy name.


Stop admitting foreign students and visitors into Canada until there is proper housing built to support their arrival. 1,600 new immigrants a DAY are coming through Pearson airport. There is not enough infrastructure to support these people.


How about helping Canadians instead? We need help from our own government, instead they hand out aid to literally everyone BUT a Canadian


I wonder how many people here bitching about this whole thing voted for Trudeau 😂


Easy. Return to your home country and apply for the visa. Like every other fucking country in the world would make you do.


Seriously!! If this was in USA this guy would have been arrested by now for the fraud they are openly doing. Canada is falling and politicians are not interested in saving it. We are doomed.


Conservatives better have a plan for this because I'm gonna vote for a party that want's to end this scam.




Bro what the fuck is this? I'm not even from the north American continent and it's making me cringe


He tried his best to speak Punjabi in that clip. Not sure if he's improved but he's done it for a while now


It's both funny and sad. Funny that someone who can't even spell convert somehow is ''smart'' enough to game the system and get people who don't speak a word of English ''study permits'' and sad because you know that dude probably paid him 50k to live in Canada, work for beans and live in piss and shit sharing mattresses with others Absolute joke of a country.


Is Ilets not a requirement for student visa?


Thank goodness he can get a cold and tie up resources now too


Canada has become exactly like one of its telecommunications companies: better deals for the NEW customers than the existing loyal customers. If only there were a way to use this against our system - show the holes and the different ways to abuse it, so that they have to shut it down.


All I’m saying is, I better get my SkipTheDishes on time!


Permit for Parmeet


"Covert?" Careful...your "Freudian slip" is showing.


These "consultants" are a huge part of the problem... They sell lies and dreams and enable.


Mr. Gaggin deep.


These places that help people game our broken system need to be shut down and the owners of it should be put in jail


This is what Canadians need to realize, people that come from these third world countries are taken advantage of by these sick slimy individuals, they do this all the time and the Indian Government, as corrupt as Putin, does nothing to protect our sovereignty. Our elderly are scammed and then the scamming of their own innocent people id just as bad. We can say shut the door to Canada and these pieces of pure shit will disappear... but they won't.... they were doing this to their own people 20 years ago in Dubai when I lived there. Canada wake up, this is war against the criminals in the world. These cultures and others are rife with criminals and lack any moral integrity. Twenty years ago they immigrated and learned the Canadian way, but this is NOT happening anymore. Markham and Richmond Hill and Brampton do not have a distinct Canadian culture anymore. There is no one left to learn from. If we continue on this path of letting the lowest of the lowest individuals in our country they will take it over and we will cease to exist as a country.


That place needs to be shut down... There is absolutely no way they are doing these things without abusing some kind of a loophole or using illegal methods. It's not their style to do things ethically.


A problem: Such agencies. A bigger problem: The fact that such loophole exists in the first place.


How is this even legal?


While it should say convert it just says covert... sketchy


People scamming people scamming Canada


Shutdown these fake Immigration offices! Maybe Canadians can start protesting in front of these "offices"? 10-20 Canadians holding up signs stating this is not a legitimate "immigration" office... Should draw some attention and support from more actual Canadians.


It’s out of control. There are 1.4 billion Indians and Canada has a population of around 40 million. Enough.


“covert” 💀 This ain’t covert at all they’re doing this in the open.


Crack down on people making blatant misuse of our immigration laws. This is beyond silly.


Nothing like blatantly taking advantage of the immigration system for personal profit.


As an Indian, I am happy these khalistani's will become Canada's problem. You did nothing when it was time, now its not in your hands. Thank you Canada.








No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.






JT: ![gif](giphy|fo1Uv366cBaDgLxGw9|downsized)




Trudeau and Miller must be very impressed on how things balance by themselves

