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You are not the only one. [Why the dream of homeownership is fading for many Calgarians | Calgary Herald](https://calgaryherald.com/business/dream-homeownership-calgary-alberta-fading). Everyone is affected. There is hope if we demand better from our politicians.


Stop adding more human bodies. That's the fucking start.


But we “have a labor shortage” and Canada is “in fantastic economic shape and is rapidly growing” - according to our good and honest friend Marc Miller 😂


"...labour shortage..." Right. We put out an ad for 1 position. We got 300 applications in 24 hours. Miller is completely out to lunch.


Just replace “labour shortage” with “liberal voter shortage in key ridings.”


Yup labor shortage my ass that's just an excuse to import cheap labor and continuing to erode our std of living


Yeah it’s crazy for most roles. I am passively searching as I am pretty comfortable but am open to doing something new. I’m just happy with receiving an acknowledgment email at this point that they received application 😂 Also you know he’s on BS because he’s always like 😯😲 when being interviewed. Needs to work on his poker “serious” face like Trudeau lmfao smh 


He’s literally so delusional.


He always acts like the journalists are gonna jump him too 😂😂 Any question he gets he has the 😲😮 look on the face. Lmfao


Everyone I know, it doesn’t even matter what side they’re on, is feeling this way. It is flat out ignorance and purposely ignoring the issue at this point.


He knows exactly what he’s doing. despite it being easy and comfortable to blame this shit on ignorance, there is no world where a 50 year old politician does not understand the concept of supply and demand. It is 100% intentional and people need to start recognizing it as such.


I could not agree more. My hope is we can somehow all wake up to this.


What is he doing? What is your perspective on his intentions?


The economy is good when the wealthy are getting wealthier


I just came back from a trip to NFLD, every single fucking Timmies was only employed by Indians. All barely speak English. It must be TFW's. I was in shock it was that high. My wife's friend who is out there say her kids can't find a job because they are being taken by TFW's. We are getting fucked in literally every fucking hole. It's beyond me how we even have 20% liberal supporters left.




Labour shortage is but a minor issue. If you think about this in a logical sense, more bodies will mean lower labour costs which should, IN THEORY, reduce prices. But that's not happening. So labour isn't the issue. Rather an aging population. They need a younger labour force to sustain the largest pyramid scheme of all time: CPP. Our policies are broken and we can't adapt fast enough to match the changes. We keep.on voting liberals or conservatives thinking one will make our lives better. But both parties are just idiots. Until we get a government that truly wants good for its citizens, we'll all feel like this for a very very long time.


No, the start is to end home ownership for profit. Also heavily tax anyone who owns more than one home. Airbnb combined with hedge funds are absolutely decimating the housing market.


All the bleeding hearts have somehow convinced themselves that the principle economic concept of supply and demand simply does not exist as long as the demand is made by people who they deem “less fortunate” than them (I.e. economic immigrants)


How apathetic everyone is makes me angrier than the costs of living sometimes. Like, if you’re not willing to DO anything about it; you deserve what you get? I’ve been ready to protest for a long time about this…just tell me when and where. They can’t ignore enormous masses of protesters in front of government buildings demanding change.


There is a protest canada wide July 1st


Why would we protest on a holiday and not during a regular work day?


Because most of us would be fired?


At some point enough is enough. I live in a province where only two in ten voted for our "majority" government who claims they have a mandate (ontario). Federally, is the same two options it's always been. Everyone got sick of harper, everyone got sick of trudeau, now we are back to looking at harper Jr. It's works in both major parties interest to keep options limited. What would I like? Creating a voting holiday, ensuring every citizen votes on voting day, and making sure candidates pass voting threshold (maybe 20 percent?). Just ideas of course.


A boycott sounds better then a protest. Also one day won't do anything, people will just forget about it a week later.


it’s a holiday, no one’s gonna be anywhere to hear them. it’s the nothingest thing they could do.


Most people have to work to get food on the table.


LOL Canada Day is a regular work day for the plebs. The store I work at is open every day of the year except Christmas. There are other services (airports, hotels, hospitals) that are staffed pretty much 24/7.


Did not know this! Thanks!


Yea I’m quite sick and tired of all these people complaining but then when you bring ideas to the table you get shut down immediately. It’s like oh ok fine keep getting screwed over and having your life’s become worse and worse year after year because you don’t want to stand up for yourselves and demand more. It”s their lives if they wanna walk blissfully ignorant into poverty and being owned by the owning class then go ahead.


There's a reason the oligarchs behind all this have figured out this is "taking candy from a baby". In this case the candy is our quality of life. A few people will pout and politicians will say "wha wha deal with it" and then call them a racist if they say anything else. Other countries will riot and politicians are afraid of actual violence. At a certain point, violence when your country is being stolen from you is actually reasonable. Transport men from the 1940s to today and they would be gathering for war to overthrow the rogue government.


I wish we had the solidarity of the working class during the generations where they stood together, fought for a better life for each other even against the government and owning class.


I've been on this train for ten years. Telling everyone housing is going to ruin us was very unpopular when enough people were getting rich fast. We'll have to wait for the other shoe to really drop, so expect to have to screw over tons of lower income boomers for any kind of fix, while the ones well off won't have any repercussions after bleeding two entire generations into poverty. 


boomers? really?


It’s a bit difficult. Especially, when there are still people supporting the Liberal government, Justin Trudeau along with the NDP, and parroting this is all a right wing narrative. When it isn’t. It’s reckless government policy.


Can they not extend an olive branch and get us people who we actually want to vote for? I live in Ontario with a government that less than 20 percent voted for... less than 2 in 10!?!? And in some weird world we live in, there is a majority government and a mandate.. Absolutely insane. Then look federally.... we are switching between the same two options that are always presented to us. We all hated harper enough to vote Trudeau...now we all hate Trudeau enough to vote for Pierre... it's by design. It's sounds crazy maybe, but I think a good starting point is mandating every citizen has to vote on voting day. Followed by a federal voting holiday for everyone, and if the same two options don't garner enough votes...find new candidates... That is what I would like to see. Of course the two parties that benefit from our system will never institute voting reform. So it's just a matter of waiting for things to get so bad gen pop finally has enough? I don't know.


My son is 32 and makes excellent money. He's still living with me and saving money. He makes the best of it but I know he wants a house. My friend's son is your age and also living at home. He's a nurse. It is disheartening.


It's so sad out there... Owning a home shouldn't be this hard


I know. It's heartbreaking. I hope things change after the election but there's so much damage. It will take time.


Majority of voters are home owners who don't want home prices to go down, therefore no politician can really do anything big to effect home prices without killing career. We are in a bad bad place, there is no way PP is ballsy enough to go up against the biggest voting block.


Plenty of home owners want prices to go down. Me, for example. I'm worried sick about my kids and grandkids. I don't know whether Poilievre will decrease immigration. But I think there is a good chance he will at least cut it back to pre-Justin levels. The current immigration rate is ruinous for us all.


I always felt pretty lucky because we bought some acreage and built our home before prices went absolutely stupid. Then a few weeks ago I realised that my plans to gift my kids a 1 acre building lot when they grow up will probably cost me 100-200k per kid. It was a vacant hay field in a rural town with virtually no services, but we're 20 minutes away from two small cities so that's fine. We paid 32k for 32 acres, 1000$ per acre, which was the going price in that area. Fast forward to today and people are selling / buying 1 acre lots for 100-150k. By the time my kids hit their 20s (10-20 years from now), 1 acre lots will likely sell for 200-300k. I can't imagine having to save up hundreds of thousands of dollars to give them space to build a home, or expect them to save up that much money themselves before they finish their education. We're seriously going to have to choose between a modest pension or being able to afford to gift them an acre to build on. It's just stupid.


Poilievre has already stated he wants to increase immigration even further.


You’re kind, my parents have expressed I’m too old to help, same age. Apparently I shouldn’t need help from my parents at this age cuz I’m an adult… then they wonder why I don’t talk to them… what do I say? I’m fucking struggling and can’t afford food and basic things while they are in Hawaii? Lol I can’t listen to them complain how Hawaii isn’t the same while I haven’t bought new clothes in 6 years lol


I'm sorry.


It’s ok I feel like it’s my fault but I know the responsibilities of a parent shouldn’t end. I appreciate parents like you who allow for the children to have the best path forward so thank you


Same here, except they where telling me this shit when I was 18. Went crawling back to them when I was 20 during covid cause I was gonna be homeless and they berated me and told me to get my shit together and told me how easy Independence was when they were my age. Meanwhile when they were my age rent was 300$ and you could easily support an entire family on one income. I wish I had family support so I could acctually save money. I've been working full time since I was 16 and basically have nothing to show for it.


Same story here...I'm currently living with my mom at 25 working in the trades. I have a sizeable down payment ready but fear being house poor for the rest of my life. Don't know if I should buy or just keep saving. I just get more and more depressed at the state Canada is in right now.


If you want to buy and you have the money to buy, then I would just buy now. You could easily be permanently priced out in a couple of years and miss the opportunity.


32 male as well. Lived with roommates from 24-30. Paid ebery single bill myself. Every penny that supported me, i earned. Its just not worth it. My sister never left the house. She has 10x the savings i do as a result.


It's a good way to save.


Yup. If the trend continues, I have no intention of renting again.


Ya we just want to grow up really. Especially when someone makes a financially wise career choice like nurse it's very disheartening. I'm a software developer, I don't live at home but my quality of life has stayed the same for the 10+ years since I graduated (student apartment, roommates). I've saved a lot but only fallen further behind in that time (should have just over-leveraged myself and bought years ago, now it's too late). If I could pay the inflation adjusted price my parents paid for their home, I could pay for it with no mortgage, just cash.


Within 2 years there will be opportunities to enter the market. It won't be a nice finished move in house in the burbs, most likely a fixer upper outside the gta. If not check out the crash happening in Florida atm. America will see 1000xs the options for opportunity. Keep your eyes open fellow Canadians. People are dead broke and once houses don't sell and comparables start to become plenty and start dropping in price.. game on.


Thank you for being an awesome parent. I really mean it. My parents were abusive and neglectful and I could not stay with them. 


I have a contact in Pennsylvania hiring nurses. with some outrageous pay, if you are interested. DM me, I'll scan the business card and send it to you. Was in the NYC for 2 days and came across a retired millionaire whose wife has a staffing agency.


Then they wonder why canadians aren’t having babies…. Bringing in millions of people without housing is not the solution


According to some numbers i remember, more than half of Canadian households are net negative in economic production. ie. they consume more in taxes than they produce And for even more reasons I don't think the government wants more Canadians born. They found a printing press for population Honestly think they don't care, because there's zero repercussions. No one has done anything about the housing or Healthcare crisis. Both are/were entirely avoidable


We desperately need a new government.


Unfortunately all three parties are beholden to corporations at the moment.


Newcomers use more than they contribute. especially when they bring their whole family. If we can’t support the current population growing it rapidly won’t make it sustainable. It just moved the goalpost for an even bigger collapse. We used to get a lot more services for our taxes, and we paid far less. The reason we “can’t afford” anything is because governments give massive handouts to the wealthy, while increasing their own compensation massively. If we can’t afford to support the people and fund services then politicians should get a pay cut. And we should never be subsidizing private companies. At all. Not to extract our resources or to build factories here. Especially when most hire foreign workers. “Publicly subsidized, privately profitable.” We shouldn’t be giving hundreds of millions to Ukraine or to Quebec for “temporary immigrants.” Interestingly in Trudeau’s province right before an election. We used to have more services, better wages relative than to cost of living, we had public utilities, a public airline, railway, public farms, etc. And our taxes were way less. Any government who claims the public system is too expensive is a corrupt liar. It’s more profitable for THEM and their donors to privatize these things, and then use our money to subsidize them, for way more than the cost of public ownership. A lot of the huge number of public jobs being created lately are contracted out to private companies. Which costs way more for lower quality jobs. Which costs of more and reduces income tax revenue. Paying for public services is cheaper that contracting them out and privatization.


No jobs either. People have said they've been applying to hundreds of jobs but have found nothing, and cities are not bothering to fix roads either. Some cities like Hamilton, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, Sudbury and Montreal have the worst roads.


infrastructure like roads and hospital bed numbers were not addressed when opening the immigration, foreign student floodgates. My city is slow,y digging up major roads and replacing the sewers and evrything, then laying g new road beds and repaving. nice to see, but we are delaying a ew regional medical center, year by year, and migrants fill the area. So there are jobs for certain skilled workers, but we are full of other workers for many years to come.




Government wants to get rid of the middle class and go back to only rich and poor. Time to bring back other things from olden times too lol


Ropes are cheaper.




If you have stem degrees why aren't you breaking for the border on a TN1? I'm stuck here because my degree wasn't in STEM so I don't qualify for a TN1


Yea same, I’m confused as well. I’m stuck in Canada only because my degree wasn’t in STEM and my professional field isn’t on the eligible list of occupations that qualify for a TN Visa. If it was, I’d have hauled ass to the USA like yesteryear.


Not that easy to find jobs in the US, I've been looking for engineering and most have clauses saying they're looking for US citizens.


TN visas have a lot of exceptions for many many jobs in STEM fields. I’m a doctor from Canada training in the US and the list of exceptions for the TN visa is staggering.


Same age, male. Live in Onterrible about an hour outside of the GTA), make 32$ an hour, in my small cities, an average 1 bed Rental is 2400/month + utils, and I have elderly parents here, with no other support system. My options are essentially, stay in their income suite, that I moved into while being renovicted, or move so far North I can't be around for them when they need it. I've given up on Home ownership, kids, or Retirement in Canada, I'm just here until my folks pass, then either selling everthing I have to go to Vietnam or South America, or just eating a bullet if I'm too old to start over. I have Zero faith in Canada ever righting it's self, the corruption has just spread too far, and our parties are too heavily controlled by Corpos and Lobbyists for things here to ever improve.


I agree. It's only gonna get worse. Trudeau openly said Canadians need to work harder to make it as well as saying he doesn't want housing to go down so boomers don't lose money. It doesn't get any clearer than that. The government isn't gonna help us any time soon


It’s not even about boomers, they just want us to fight each other instead of them. They want to prop it up for developers to keep profiting. If they cared about seniors they would raise pensions to a livable amount. They just want people to fight other generations to hide how crap everything is. “Millennials are entitled and lazy” “Gen z are entitled and lazy” “Boomers are selfish for not wanting to move to tiny shit, condos” People continue to push this propaganda because it causes so much in-fighting. Dividing us so we don’t work together.


You can thank the US and UK for spreading that neoliberalism cancer to the rest of the world.


Honestly, considering we have it way worse than the US now, and our "leadership" vastly accelerated the US version, I'd argue it was likely an inevitability here anyway. At the end of the day, with Late Stage Capitalism and Globalization, this is inevitable. With the amount of wealth that has been hoarded and the ease with which Serfs can be imported from the Third World, or manufacturing can be outsourced to it, the privileges we enjoy in First World (or in our case former First World) nations were always on borrowed time. Money is all that matters, any other pretenses of "civilization" have simply been a means to keep the population under control.


I'm 37, nearly earn $30/h and I live with my mommy and daddy still. My whole neighborhood is the same with 2 or 3 generations under one roof. What the next 10 years holds I don't know, but I don't think politicians are aware of how many of us there are.


Basically what I’ve noticed - my friends who are married and have two incomes are able to have the life we expected as adults. If you’re single, mom and dad are your roommates. I kind of feel like it add insult to injury. Not only do you have to deal with the loneliness of being single and failing societal expectations, but you also have to live with your parents and perpetually be infantilized.


You're absolutely correct and are not alone in this feeling. I can only hope that it gets better for us eventually.


Pretty much. My sister is getting married and they immediately were able to buy a house. Even if I had enough for the downpayment I still can't afford it.


I don't know what two income families you're talking about but even two income families are struggling hard.


I lost my 2 long term relationships, both to us being unable to establish ourselves and move out and together


I’m 31 and live alone. Moved out of home/parents at 21, Been living alone since 25. Just all the costs fall on you and you gotta carefully budget/make good money. I enjoy it, but at the same time I wouldn’t mind as I have a good relationship with my parents but I would hate to be infantilized. It’s a shame with the previous comment that her son is a nurse who obviously gets paid well and still has to live at home. COL outta control here - used to be a big city thing now it’s mainly everywhere. They need to build more housing and cut these immigration numbers by a SOLID 75% 


36 year old woman currently living my mother too, I feel ya. 18 year old me would never imagine older me living with my damn Mom, again lol. Good thing is, we honestly are not alone in this, I am certain there are lots of us mid 30s adults co living with parents. things are hard enough I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes it’s like oh man, this is my life, doing comparing a lot (which I do too much) just does no good for me. The way I cope is just tell myself that this is just right now, and holding hope that this tough period of time we are all living in will get better at some point. Life is all ebbs & flows. Hopefully for both of us we can be in a better spot financially soon!


Thank you for your comment. It is good to know we're not alone. I am happy to help my mom financially but It's a depressing situation. I have no privacy and she's in my business more than I care for her to be. I hope it gets better for the both of us sooner rather than later. Wishing you the best! :)


We are living the same life lol. I can totally relate to how you feel. Wishing the best for you too!


Gently tell your mom not to be in your business. Tell her you have to learn for yourself. My child lives with me. But I never interfere. Listen when grumblings go on about the workplace and the people that have to be dealt with, at work. Youngsters are unable to live on their own, as the house prices are around a million. Unskilled and burdening on our system, are the type of immigrants that are coming in at the present time. The screening process is practically non-existent.


It's class warfare and we are losing. There is little hope for change to occur before we make it happen. In fact it is far more likely things will continue to get worse. Quarterly profits need to get met somehow.


Hoping our growing determination & anger stays hot. I’m hoping for a damn shift in the Universe


I’m in Edmonton and am a single mom of two teens. I work full time and make $36/hr. I live paycheck to paycheck. Often going into the negative at the end of the month. I pay $1950 for a 3 bedroom townhouse + food, utilities, gas, car payment, bus passes for my kids, health insurance, etc. It’s crazy how expensive everything is


I remember in Edmonton making above $20/hr was great just like 5 years ago. It’s wild how much things have changed.


This is my point exactly. The cost of living has rapidly increased in the last 5 years! It's very concerning there are people on here telling me that I am the problem....


Wow, my respects to you. Don’t know how you manage to do it supporting dependents. I was making $35/hr 1-2 years ago in Toronto and barely had any money left over at the end of the month as a single person in her 30s. It was hard enough sustaining myself alone on that wage (didn’t want to live with multiple roommates in a basement). Nowadays my hourly rate is even less (fuck the Toronto job market) and it’s rough as hell.


A townhouse for $1950,what a dream. In Calgary we just got news our rent is going up to $3000 for a 700 sq ft 2 bed apartment.


😬 that’s Vancouver and Toronto prices. I left Vancouver in 2015 because my 3 bedroom went from $2000 to $2700. I was still married at the time but that was too much for both of us, even $2000 was too much. $3000 is insane!!


that's nuts... me than my mortgage


Bro a bachelor suite in Vancouver lower mainland area goes for 2500-2800. Help us vote Trudeau out.


Just waiting for voting day


Deep down inside, do you really believe that will drastically change the housing situation? It won't. I'm no fan either, but really, it'll just change the name on the PM office door. Just like every other time.


Yeah people believing one person will be the difference have the optimism of an elementary school child.


Trudeau replaced Harper. Campaigned against Harper policies. Gets in office, changes nothing. Am I wrong? It's the same every time.


His policies when he ran actually seemed good. However, Trudeau did literally nothing that he said he would do and actually made policies going against what he said screwing young Canadians forever


None of em will change anything because lowering the price of houses is bad for their chance of reelection. I gaurantee PP won't do anything about housing prices.


Yup. PP will just cater to the corporate elites. He said a lot of stuff he wants to do but he won't be able to wave a wand and lower housing and rent costs.


But he can wave a wand and lower immigration. That will lower rent eventually. There is no way rents will do anything but go up as long as we continue to have thousands of newcomers arriving every damned day.


He's not gonna do that. He has said he wants skilled immigrants to be fast tracked. Guess who that harms the most in terms of wages?


Honestly doesn’t matter, he’s been there for a decade and things are bad. He’s gotta go.


If a large enough amount of people become "one issue" voters for housing it will make a difference. Politicians need to be more scared us than they are of the other voting blocs. It's possible. Be willing to vote for anyone Federally (except Trudeau), provincially, municipally. Left, right, centre. I really don't give a shit about anything else anymore. I'll vote Conservative federally, NDP provincially, whatever, who knows? I'm just reading the housing policy (and policies related to housing like immigration) and nothing else. If enough people do that, housing will rise to the top as an issue. Housing may take a decade to fix though, just because it's such a massive issue that requires millions of homes to be built. At least we can make sure the next generation isn't subjected to what we had to go through.


You know the housing is provincial right? Also healthcare?


I'm going to continue posting this until the day of the protest, for everyone who isn't aware this is happening: Dear Canadians, If you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!*** Strength in numbers! 💪🇨🇦


The problem is that the majority of Canadians own a home, around 65%, which means no politician would ever lower house prices since it would mean they won't get reelected. We are in a tough place...


It's horrible. I'm in Edmonton. In 2016 (just 8 years ago) I lived near the university in a bachelor apartment for $850 per month. I only had to pay electricity. Just looked online and the very same bachelor unit is going for $1700. That's insane. Edmonton used to be affordable but there is nowhere to run anymore. I feel the worst for domestic violence victims (women and children and even fathers experiencing violence or abuse). There is nowhere for them to go. Shelters are full (in big cities, sometimes with Non-Canadians!) I wish I had some better advice. All I want to share with you... From one woman to another... Please take care of your mental health. I actually think it's great that you are helping support a family member. I'm sure they really appreciate your company. In the meantime, try to find things that make you happy. For me, it's hiking, which doesn't cost me anything (yet! 🤪), listening to music and watching free movies on Tubi or whatever. Remember you are NOT alone. Anyone who is working class in this country has been completely fucked over. None of this is your fault.  Personally, I do look forward to Trudeau being booted out. The next government will have to get reckless immigration under control or else risk being booted out after a single term. It's going to be a rough road to get there, so in the meantime, take care of your mental health and keep doing the things that bring you stress relief. 


“…just 8 years ago”, so basically the time in which Turdeau’s been in power. It’s not a coincidence.


40 Year old man here, living with my parents again after a long illness during my 20s and 30's, so I'm essentially \*just starting out\* and I am Twenty Years behind my age group and will never catch up. Blame Turdreau and his WEF masters bringing in 500,000k / year; but if you mention this you're a racist!


I am disheartened because my mother lives with me to survive.


Our mother had to move in with us as well. Puts a damper on things, but otherwise she's on the streets ... and she worked all of her life @ CPC, has a pension (\*\*\* non-indexed, of course \*\*\*). Something drastic needs to be done!


The Canadian dream is dead! The liberal govt has absolutely ruined this country ☹️


Imagine not having your parents or anyone to live with!


This is where tent cities come from.


There's been a 7% CAGR growth in M2, much of these problems is a consequence of the CPI being broken.


Unfortunately, most people will never understand that this is the underlying problem.


A funny nuance around it is the Feds buying mortgage bonds, 60b a year.  They are borrowing money to depress shelter inflation, to increase M2 supply, to allow Canadians to borrow more debt.   Imagine that though, printing money to depress inflation.   Then during covid they printed money and it all went into housing because people couldn't buy goods or services, and the CPI didn't capture any of it.


We need provincially mandated rent controls yesterday. It’ll take years for the housing policies to impact the housing market - in the meantime, this new norm is squeezing every long gone Canadian penny out of anyone making less $100k. Why can’t the feds overstep the provinces when it comes to rent control?


I'm in the same boat as you OP, alas. I had to move back in with my mom after my landlord in Mississauga increased the rent on my apartment by $500. I also make $30/hr. in a stable job, but at $2300/month I'd have been spending more than 50% of my income just on housing. It was absurd and not worth it, so I moved back in with my mother. The only friends of mine who've managed to carve out what our parents' generation would've considered a life for themselves - home, car - either came from or have married into families with a lot of money. It's very demoralizing. Thankfully I have an EU passport and my next move will definitely be out of this country, but a lot of people don't have that option.


The big issue not yet at the top of mind, is Saskatchewan and Alberta do not have rent controls nor nearly the Tenant protections that Ontario has. This is going to become more problematic


Rent controls are a band aid solution that doesn't address the root of the problem which is supply and demand. Demand is easiest to control (freeze immigration + deport the people that need to be deported). A side effect of rent control is that many people become trapped and can't move, in addition to living under the constant threat of getting renovicted. I have a friend who is paying 1/2 of market rent and he's fucked if he has to move.


Rent increase caps have done almost nothing for us in BC. The landlords just say they have family who are going to move in, have a friend stay there, wait the minimum time required, and then re-list for a much higher rate. I've had to move in with my mother to stop it from happening to me. Nothing affordable stays affordable.


There is always hope... because the end, is not yet.


The hardest person to beat is the person with nothing to lose. Canadians are getting close to having nothing to lose. Hear that, JT? How about you, DF? And you, JS? Eventually, the most decent person will have no choice but to spit on their hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats.


Hey man just get a better job. Get into the trades or something and you’ll be fine. That’s the response I’m always given. OH you’re jobs not good enough, oh you didn’t go to college or uni, oh the career you have isn’t a good one so you shouldn’t be complaining! GET INTO THE TRADES! Sucks when you’re an adult with a full time job and licenses for multiple heavy machines and you work for a company that makes million of dollars of year but people still tell you nope you’re jobs not good enough you don’t deserve to be able to afford to live a decent life. I would say I feel bad for you but really I’m sick and tired of everybody complaining and then when people come to them with ideas to make things better you just get called a communist and told you’re not worthy of anything because I don’t have some high paying career. I dunno maybe I’m wrong for thinking people who work a full time job ( most of our time, aka our lives!) Should be able to afford at minimum, housing, food, transportation. Pretty sure that’s why something called the MINIMUM WAGE was invented and clearly the minimum wage is much to low. Join the POWCC


Even trades don’t really earn a livable wage until you’re a journeyman. Start at a couple bucks above minimum, ceiling is 30-35$ cad (generally) after 5+ years. Don’t forget to save up for 2 months of school every year, and you still need to pay your rent and bills for 2 months while in school. (While buying tools, boots and making a couple bucks above min wage)


I hear you it's tough and depressing. If you ever wanna vent or discuss stuff reach out could be good


I know it sounds fucked up but if your priority is a house leave Canada asap. Affordable housing is not in the financial interest of late stage western society capitalism. That is simply a fact as of right now


Welcome to a rentier economy where people are inclined and incentivized to make an income exploiting others rather than being productive. It kinda reminds me of another country that's blighted itself through that economic philosophy where hordes now line up to flee its hellish wnvirons. Somewhere north of Sri Lanka. Can't recall the name at the moment...


Ya this isnt normal.  It should be perfectly normal for someone to be able to live on their own off $30/hr and not live in squalor. 


Sorry to hear about the circumstances. This is a super common thing now where renters are squeezed beyond their means. Another common thing is our parents who rent are getting squeezed out and are forced to move in with us. Coupled with depressing reports such as 90% of all wealth in the country is going to those who own property, we really ought to start calling our economic model what it's turned into: neo-feudalism. We've been separated into two classes, the land-owning class and the peasants. Those of us in rent-controlled units are essentially tied to our apartments like serfs to the land due to the massive increase in rental costs that come with moving. Social upward mobility has practically been halted and, in most cases, reversed. No wonder we have substance abuse crises and a decline in productivity.


yeah and when you don’t have parents to depend on it’s much, much harder as a single person. I think being appreciative that you have the support is the best thing right now. I do not have that.


This resonates so well with me...I hate this place :(


It really is hard, and rent in calgary is worse than what you described in the post, with condos being 2k each and one bedroom, 500sf basements like my friend has in the south west being $1,500. I have been in 3 provinces since christmas 2022 and only just managed to get a job and off the streets and leave homelessness behind today. I am currently planning to save some money and leave the country as i feel i don’t belong here and don’t have the skills to survive, let alone thrive here. I wish you luck on your journey fam


Yeah it’s crazy $25-30 per hour isn’t enough anymore unless you’re doing crazy OT (52 hour weeks). When I was making that I was living paycheck to paycheck, nowadays that’s only good money for like 18-25yr olds. I recently just got a bump to $40, I get OT every week and I’m still stressing lol. It’s insane and depressing


But taxing you into poverty is what will save the world!! (The thoughts of Trudeau) /s


I live with my parents (29m) and the girl I’m seeing (33f) lives with her mom. No shame in it. Anyone paying $1500+ for an apartment is getting ripped off and I much rather live at home and save for a house, if that’ll ever be possible.


I live in Toronto and am always concerned about money. I live alone. Your correct. Everything is increasing in price very very fast. I'm willing to say wages are going down when you consider the big picture. I'm 47 and can afford to stay alive. But not support a family.


It’s definitely a struggle. I’m currently viewing 1 bedroom apartments in Toronto and the average price is $2400 a month. It’s insanity, what makes it harder is a lot of the new builds stay vacant while everyone competes over any rent controlled properties available.


Home ownership was dying during GenX most of my friends have lost thier homes over time. Personally I have no safety net, I'm all that keeps my disabled wife and I safe. I will keep a roof over her head if it kills me.... and at this rate it will. So I'm taking or a life insurance policy for her. I don't care about myself she cannot be in danger if I can do anything... Not like Canada is going to help. At least if this work kills me she might have chance.


I feel for you. I’m a 51 year old whom went through a horrible divorce with an abusive man. With the inflation, I am going to lose everything I have left because I needed back surgery. I would be living with my parents also, if that was an option. It’s not, but I am financially screwed since needing to be off work and the poverty pay through my work insurance. It doesn’t even cover half of the basic needs. I am disheartened and angry that this is what I have become. I already have told the politicians who will be, that I hope the government will be providing a sturdy box and tarps to me from the taxes I pay. Sadly they had no comment.


I am sorry to hear what you're been through. I am proud of you for getting out of that abusive relationship and I wish you the best. You're strong and I hope life gets easier for you.


I so hope things will work out for you. You do what you need to do. No one can understand your situation better than you. You will get through this even though it was never your life plan. Be safe and do the best you can. Sadly we don’t get to choose our lives, we live with what we are dealt. I have great faith in you. I wish you much happiness in your future. I am rooting for you. You matter.


Totally agree. Cost of living is decoupled from reality. It's absurd.


The current Canadian government is 100% compromised. They are only there to line their own pockets and to keep the status quo going.The level of corruption and incompetence has reached Soviet Union/Venezuelan levels of mismanagement. If things continue, the country will collapse under stagflation. I wouldn't be surprised if Trudeau is filling his offshore bank accounts with our tax dollars right now before jumping ship. The Liberal government is full of traitors and they should all be held accountable for treason. RIP to my home country. We were once a great nation.


This is terrible, very sorry. Perhaps now people will think before they vote🤷‍♂️ I thank my fellow Canadians who voted for the haircut.


Majority of Canadians are now financially struggling, the majority of Canadians voted for a drama teacher as prime minister, if only something could be done about this situation.


*leaving many of us born and raised in Canada feeling let down and disregarded.* truthfully, ALL Canadians feel let down and disgarded! :-(


30 dollars an hour isn't big money today like it was yesterday.


Totally agree with this. My salary is much higher now than in 2019, when I got my first job out of school, but quality of life is exactly the same. If anything unexpected comes up, it needs to go on credit because my salary barely covers the regular bills.




Me and my partner are 28. We’re both lawyers. We want to be parents some day and buy. I just did a quick mortgage calculation. My partner is debt free and I’m in debt up to my eyeballs. On his salary alone, we cannot afford anything livable. We could get a mortgage too small to buy a crackhouse where we live. If we add my salary (and liabilities) we would be outright denied for any amount. At this point we are INCREDIBLY lucky to be able to live in a small 2-bed house my landlord cousin owns who charges us marginal rent ($1000/month all in). But if we can ever afford to have kids, there’s a very fair chance we will also have to move back in with my parents to make ends meet/have enough space for a family. And I was told that we did “everything right” by going into an elite profession…


Very important election is coming up next year


The government doesn't do anything though. They don't own apartments or control food or anything else. It's all an open market. Prices are high because people keep paying the higher prices. Got Netflix? Then your groceries will keep going up. They know you have two cents to rub together and when the sound of them rubbing stops, prices will come down. Government isn't going to help anyone. The new Canadians live ten to a house and pool money to buy up property, just like foreign investors. Sounds like you gotta start a corporation yourself and pool up capital just to survive. New skills for survival I guess


We all need to tear the system down!


You're alright. If you want to see a real nightmare google hk, singapore, japan, nyc and sf. 


Oh I feel you I'm 41, moved back in with my mom after school. in the same boat as you basically but in Ontario 🫣. Life in Canada has gone downhill for anybody born here. We're all in a terrible spot. There was a time when ppl like you or I could afford a home, a nice car and to put money towards retirement but not now that there's been a mass migration into Canada. nothing against new Canadians but when you mass migrate all to one place it drives up the cost of necessities like housing, food, car + now the job market is super competitive. Plus the Canadian housing market is in a bubble which desperately needs popping. But instead they are prolonging the suffering but lowering interest rates. If the housing bubble would just pop, prices would settle down a bit. This is the Canada we've got, there isn't much we can do but thank our country. Plus I don't know if it's the same out your way, we used to be able to commute with normal time but now no matter what especially in the smaller townships you'll have a little town that takes 10 minutes to pass through because it only has one main road that thousands of people have to all use at the same time. They need to fix the infrastructure. Even the water and sewage won't be able to handle this increase in use forever. I picture Canada living like Victorian England and emptying our bed pans onto the curb in the future.


I feel your pain. I turn 30 in a few days and the internal panic is ramping up. I'll never be able to afford my own place. I have a good job and make more than 30$/hr but the prospect of ever owning a home or even starting a family is further and further off every day.


Good for you, the more people who refuse/can't afford to pay the ridiculous rent hikes and cost of living increases in general the harder it becomes for them to continue to gouge us the way they have been. Don't listen to the people saying you're the problem. They're the problem for accepting all of it with no protest. If every Canadian who's fed up with this actually stood up to them, they'd have no choice but to give into us. They take advantage of us and try to keep us divided and unorganized for this reason.


Thank you. The comments attempting to criticize me are quite intriguing. They don't understand my budget, and although I mentioned I make nearly $30.00, they're taking it literally and assuming my finances. The real problem is, that I don't want to live in a small bachelor suite in a rough area of Regina. Canada is becoming increasingly unaffordable, and that's the real issue. I remember when rent was $500/month back in 2005. Some suggest I need a reality check, but let's talk about inflation. Instead of attacking a stranger online, how about we direct our frustration at the government that’s making life harder for everyone?


Revolution time


I feel so bad for all of you making good money but unable to own a place of your own. We need to push for real reform in our government. Right now none of our sitting parties are going to change their gravy train


Hey there fellow reginian! I had to do a complete overhaul when I was single in an apartment a few years ago... But a little definitely does not go along ways anymore...


Yes, don’t vote for Trudeau, funny how his time as PM coincides with the dropping standard of living.


Definitely not the only one. I try and look at it as a blessing I get to see my parents more often. Time with family is not infinite. Plus look all over the world!! This is kind of a western perception (I actually dunno). But a lot of nations live with and support family through out their lives. Side note: it's great if you can buy your parents their own houses near by of course lol.


had to move back with my parents 2 years ago. Im almost 40. It's insane


You are absolutely right !! This country needs to ask why are the liberals in power ? Because a bunch of morons put and keep that clown at his job ! Vote him out and citizens need to demand better Fuck the Canadians who keep voting liberal


I’m from Regina too I call them all slumlords like 98% of the renters are here for strictly profit and non fucks givin about anyone besides there profit the entirety of Canada is dealing with it and this is a huge part of the problem with the housing market is bonkers not like are boomer parents generation they had it so fuckin easy to get into affordable nice houses


You’re not alone/ this is what Canada has become for a majority of young people. The true problem is most are ok with it.


In the 2008 all the way till 2019 what were you up to?


Protest mass immigration and the lax immigration laws our elected officials continue to abuse.


This is why rent control is so important!!


Everyone is feeling it. Our standard of living is going down faster than I thought it would.


You’re right. Late stage capitalism has fucked most people. And no, government intervention is not coming. Maybe it’s an opportunity to save / invest for the future?


Regina needs rent control, we are all gonna be fucked soon :))) my rent went up 25% in one year smh


What changed 10 years ago? Just say it out loud


Sorry to hear that, and I feel your pain. Although my career pays well it doesn't have the best job security. it wasn't much of a problem until this year. Before I started my new contract I had to ask my parents to loan me 2 months worth of rent money. I try to be positive and count myself lucky my parents are well enough off to be able to help me like this but I know not everyone is. I just turned 38 and without my parents I would be homeless right now. It sucks... I hope things get better for you soon.


I’m 39 year old male. I’m living with my dad to save money. I’m building a small business so he’s letting me live here while I get it together. I pay rent here as well. I own a 1 bedroom condo downtown but it’s over 2k a month with utilities, thanks to being unaffordable with these new rates. But 30 an hr is about 60k a year which not long ago was a very liveable wage. I feel 60k a year is the new 45k. So you’re not the only one.


I am sorry. I'm 55 and had it so easy, moved out at 18, there were jobs, low cost of living. I worry for my kids. Practically speaking, do you get along with your mom? Moving home was never an option for me, (chaotic home life growing up) and I always envied people who had a safe, reliable and caring home they could return to if necessary. The economy is broken. No question, your situation is not ideal, and it's not where you want to be. I'm really sorry. I hope that you can make the best of it, save money while your living in your family home, and at least try to find some positives.


I’m in my late 30s as well and moved back with my dad. 15 years living on my own and the hamster wheel after earning my degree didn’t get me anywhere. Now I’m prioritizing my TFSA and aim for the days I can just work seasonally and spend my winters somewhere warm and cheap. Life on your own in the big city is no longer attractive. It’s a trap where you spend everything you make and the next year you’re back to square one.


There's a protest happening. check front page. stay strong.


Your feelings are valid. I hear you. I agree with you. I don’t have a solution. But I hear you.


the truth is, now that we know - how many of our top government leaders are the pockets of hostile foreign nations, between our elites and banks- the current situation is FANTASTIC for them, reaping unprecedented profits and asset gains in property values- thus, our elites do NOT have the same goals of the middle class- so- they got a lot of BIG TALK to make it SEEM that they are WORKING on the problem- when in fact, many solutions exist -but they do not opt for those- they are purposely putting band aids solutions so that the fundamental situation does NOT change since, as I mentioned, the current status is EXCELLENT for them and their sponsors.


Not your fault.


Send this to your MP.


You can start by voting anybody but liberals.


No one should HAVE to live with roommates in their 30s. If they want to that’s a different story. It’s so hopeless because of the cost of housing. And rents are high for horrible rentals.


Yeah, in my area it's suggested $36 per hour to afford to live on your own in a one bedroom unit. That was city research. Many people at our hospital in GOOD jobs arn't even pulling that in. It is crisis level. Everyone needs to vote. Rent can't be 50-80% of a persons pay. We will have a very ill society if we don't turn housing back to a consumer good, instead of a assest resting place.


Also. Hang In there. It is tough. I feels like it’s not how things should be but try to find things to be grateful for.


Cloward -Piven strategy. How to destroy a western democracy by overloading it with immigration. All western leaders are doing this to their people. Deliberately. Probably being paid to do it. Every program that Justine comes out with has this effect. And he knows it and a pr firm tells him what to do an say. Canadians are too stupid to figure out that they are the problem.


Stop voting for the lefty Libs and NDP'ers. Maybe one day we can have some sense of normalcy back. I am an Albertan and make less money than you. Mommy and Daddy kicked me out at 19, I am now going on 32. In order to not live with mommy, you need to focus on needs, rather than wants. It's all about the bills. Give almost everything you make away to the crooks, every pay check. That's how our country works. This is the state of our affairs, unfortunately.


I'm in Regina. home still affordable in certain area. closer go the ghetto since it's cheaper. but you basically have to board your area up. high fence and basically barb wire.