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Certain individuals in the Government should really go to jail for such uneducated unethical decisions. It’s infuriating. At the very least. It does seem like a growing majority of Canadians have had enough and are speaking up. Trudeau is a delusional fool.


He is not delusional. He is very much aware of what he’s doing. He just doesn’t care about us. Remember the system isn’t broken. It’s working exactly as it’s been designed.


Did he design it or did he have help? If so who helped him?


Look up the century project


It’s actually the **Century Initiative** , see: [Century Initiative on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative)


Oh boy, WEF, BlackRock, McKinsey, Sullivan and Cromwell! We're in great company with that board of directors. 🙃


Right??!! This is what so many Canadians fail to see as the cause. There are some powerful forces at play here. **All three parties are pushing this initiative as policy** Let’s not blame the immigrants; because everyone wants a better life. There just has to be a government that protects its own citizens.


Also the Canadian business Council, a representative from a private insurance company, the CEO of a large agricultural conglomerate. It's clear whose interests these are.




Same here in the US, this is all by design.


He's helping the rich implement it. This has always been about wealth preservation/wage suppression. Any ideology or social goodwill or whatever is a mask. This was always about greed at our expense. Politicians are simply employees of the wealthy who actually control Canada


Indeed. Unfortunately, most people here are too smug to realize it. Oh, I'm canadian, I'm polite, and my government says we are all inclusive blah blah blah f#cking blah.


Just a PSA- the last day for submitting the immigration levels survey is tomorrow. You can share your opinion if the immigration targets for 2025 and 2026 should be adjusted and what the new targets for 2027 should be. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html


This survey you have linked seems to be geared more towards organizations begging for more cheap imported labour as opposed to citizens begging the govt to stop. Am i just looking in the wrong area? Or is that just it. Edit: Id like to add I progressed through the part where it asks for your organization/sector/locale etc, and got stuck at the part where it asks you to rank certain issues 1-3. No amount of different combinations of answers would satisfy the page to allow me to progress further. Anyone else had any positive results? Again, this still doesn’t seem to be a survey meant to be accessed by citizens. Seems more like the Corpo hotline to vote for “More cheap labour please!” Overall it looks like neither cons or libs are interested in slowing down the importation of cheap labour for their most important corporate overlords. TL;DR it feels like we’re fucked.


Yeah. I'm stumped by organizations name, lol


I entered "none" and the next question gives you the option to select that you're not part of any organization


I was going to do this but sorry folks, just for organizations... cringe.


That’s the right survey. Idk why they put the organization’s name as a required field. You can probably bypass it by putting the name of your employer or a random company.


Tried but it’s swayed toward increasing population


I noticed this too


yeah there will be a protest on july 1st canada day.. take back canada and [costoflivingcanada.ca](http://costoflivingcanada.ca)


They should be deported as they obviously lied about having sufficient funds.


Exactly. Sufficient funds means that if your kicked out of one place, you have the funds to rent another place, in addition to having money to buy food and not take food from our food banks. Food banks that Canadian citizens fund and/or donate too. Unfortunately, that cost has risen drastically. So the required baseline of sufficient funds needs to be raised and periodically checked throughout the year. Not just before they come. Sorry, but all these fucking 'students' need to go.


While watching either a Marketplace or other news reports, one of the tactics being used to address the 'sufficient money to support themselves' requirement was to borrow the 10k from a family member or money lender; the student would then plunk it in the bank as proof of financial stability. Once they crossed into Canada, the money would be returned (with or without interest) to the party that provided the loan. Thus leaving the student to be set adrift to find themselves a job and house on whatever real savings they had left in hand.


Yes. I believe it wasn't even family members. I think banks over there were giving loans, the 'student' would submit it as proof of funds and it would be returned prior to them leaving to come here. This is why the requirement for periodic checks is necessary.


Not even banks these are full-service application scam agencies that are more like predatory lenders (closer to loan sharks) who 'place' the money into the account long enough to be shown for funds verification, then removed (plus a fee) right after. They also help them lie on the applications and coach them on everything they need to do get their student visa.


The education institutions should be on the hook to provide room and board. Payment ought to be taken up front and confirmed prior to entry in Canada. Period.


Definitely! You want the dollars those students bring? Then you need to secure room and board including the respective payments for it. Upfront. (Oh and it goes without saying, these so called 'educational institutions' should be limited to the number of students they can provide room and board for.....as incentive for them to 'do more'. No housing; no student).


What dollars? If they don’t have the money to sustain themselves here, they aren’t paying that much for this BS diplomas at these clown colleges. It’s all an immigration grift, nothing to do with education.


This!!! Because they moving funds between them to show $20k. This would solve it.


I agree with the payment in full up-front for accommodations. You should have to show either residence fees to the school or a lease paid in full prior to acceptance. Possibly even a meal plan as well.


In Germany, you have to keep the funds in a special bank account that releases on a little bit throughout the year. It's also worse here; you only need to provide a pdf printout of your funds. People fake them and pay on fiverr to create fake bank statements.


Yup. The stupidity here is that the proof should have been a history of having sufficient funds (I.e. a few months holding $10k or more, whatever the requirement was), not just the required minimum.


This right here. And I think they raised the amount necessary due to our current housing issues and the fact it hadn’t been updated in a while. So the fact that international students are struggling and living in tents would suggest they need to look at their funding and paperwork again, but this is not appropriate or sustainable for anyone to live like this.


It should be a simple rubric when adjudicating foreign student applications: 1. sufficient funds to pay for all tuition, room and board, and spending money of say $500/month. 2. every college or university must house foreign students and furnish them with the full room and board paid for up front. 3. students may only be permitted to work on campus for the university (ie working in a lab), or in a formal coop program. 4. PGWP will be granted for 3 years. If you can’t find a job paying 125% of median wages for your age group in your province, you are ineligible for PR. If you earn less than 100% of the median wage in your primary career, your work permit will not be renewed except for in exceptional cases. Do this and the BS will stop quickly.


She keeps asking "where can they go???" . They can go back to their home country, that's where they can go.. they don't have the funds that they declared to have on legal documents... You lie = goodbye


That’s the way it should be.


This exactly. I had to show I had funds when I studied in Europe and provide my housing as well to my school. My school was extremely serious about you stay at this provided accommodation and if you run out of money, you leave. It was crystal clear. Studying abroad is expensive and it is an absolute privilege.


No need to deport... Winter is coming.... What the Federal and Provincial government has done to this country is appalling.


They’ll just resort to plonking you on the head and robbing you. 


>obviously lied about having sufficient funds This is all that matters. It doesn't matter about the race, the country, etc. If you lie about funds or anything else, you cause problems for the society that was acting in good faith, and trying to take advantage of them. Deport anyone that lied on Federal paperwork.


To be fair, the amount the Government said they needed to have to come study here was only $10,000 until recently. Not enough. Likely that’s what all these people in the tents had. Now it’s $20k. Better but still not enough for if they are here more than a year.


She says “they came as international students, there must be somewhere they can go!” Yeah, home.


It might be unpopular but it's been made such a joke that canadian citizens have been having to live like this because of rampant immigration, that I don't feel a shred of sympathy for these people. Go home. Social media has vilified the people living in "Trudeau towns" as being violent druggies rather that working class citizens who cant make ends meet because of our situation... why am I expected to feel bad for the international students?


Absolutely agree with you.


it's a canadian past-time. apologizing for absolutely everything to help anyone EXCEPT for canadians! smh.


That’s a Trudeau/Liberal pastime. I’d wager most reasonable Canadians would tell these “students” to go home


I just don't understand this mentality of these folks. A lot of Canadians would LOVE to study abroad (especially indigenous students) but can't afford it! It is expensive, it is a privilege, and that's the reality. Canada is not unique. If you can't afford to be here without working, you shouldn't be here on a study permit. Every. Single. Country. Does. This.


These people can't afford it either but they forge applications, bank balances and get handouts to be here. Other countries don't put up w that shit


They truly don't. We need college inspections too. The US mandates attendance and if schools fall out of compliance with attendance, they lose the ability to get any int'l students. We had to maintain all sorts of documentation and do checks. If students didn't show up and didn't communicate, we had to inform the State Department and ICE and they would move onto deportation.


most countries (even the xenophobic ones like japan) have a \~20hr/week limit


Canadians would be genuinely studying not using as a backdoor to stay indefinitely


Winter is going to be entertaining


100%. Zero sympathy for a culture that breeds rampant fraud and brings it to our lands. We have plenty of our own that need to be looked after. International students fuck off.


Too fucking bad for the "international" students, Canadian's are in tents as well and should be the priority. The scammers need a one way plane ticket back home


You can buy them a one-way ticket home but it has to be in form of iTunes gift cards /s


Shouldn’t this be grounds for legal deportation. This has to be veritable proof that they lied when certified ghat they have enough funds to support them throughout the course.


Can we please stop calling them students? They are economic migrants


Let's get even more real and call them what they really are - invaders.


The solution to this is 3 fold: 1. An Air Canada ticket home. 2. Adding their identities to a list barring them from re-entry to Canada. 3. Significantly tighter immigration controls and eliminating birthright citizenship.


This makes too much sense for it to be implemented with the current government.


Don't assume the Conservatives will fix it.


I doubt they will. But Trudeau and his Buttsmasters turned it up to 500 degrees. I hope Poilievre will be more moderate and turn the oven down to 400 or 350, since all polls suggest that it would be surprising if the People's Party was able to even capture a single seat. That said, it is possible that the People's Party may get more votes and maybe seats if Canadians become disillusioned with Poilievre and the Conservatives in the next elections *after* the one that's scheduled for 2025.


No, the rich that have abandoned Trudeau over a year ago and got their claws in Poilievre to get him to sell his soul to do their bidding won't let it happen. The money made up until today can't be allowed to magically become less. Those who actually control Canada can't simply make less money


They probably won't. It also seems unlikely they will continue to allow things to go unchecked, and will at least do some moderation on immigration volumes. I'm afraid we're a long way from getting enough heat and light on this issue to force politicians, who don't already want to, to act.


PP is a landlord profiteering off the housing crisis. He doesn’t want to see his income source diminished


Sorry that sounds racist and xenophobic. The only solution is to bring in another 20 million unqualified immigrants to turn post-national Canada into a 3rd world shithole.


I hate that I had to upvote this because it’s legitimately what the libs and cons will do


Bring in more immigrants and build more Tim Hortons.


I have at least 4-5 Tim's within a 5Km radius of my home. It's too many!


I just did Google maps of my address and in a 5km radius I zoomed out and counted 49 💀


We need more. Build more. Do your fair share. Failure to do so means you are “small minded and mean”.




I kinda want to turn it up to 40 million. We could be the first 4th or 5th world country.


Well, Pearson gets about 12 million passengers per year, so if all the what, 10 major airports in the country ramped the numbers up, we could get at least 150 million people here by the end of this year, and another 200 million by election time in 2025.


no doubt - where are they going to the bathroom


But just think about how bright your smile will be with all the new dental benefit money rolling in.


Yikes you are making too many good points lol you might just fall out a hotel window


I used to think this is bad. Now it's sad. Just stay home in a country that doesn't turn to snow. If it were as easy as dispersing all the rich people's money to everyone. That would be cool. Do you know where the money ends up though. The rich get it all back. This is a weird world we live in


It’s definitely sad as fuck. These folks for whatever reason spent a majority of their parents life savings sometimes going into debt to come here to live like this. Literally makes no sense. Pretty sure they would have had better lives back home but here we are. Everyone in Canada also forced to deal with their poor decision making. But I have very little empathy for them now and anyone else coming in as a “student” anymore They have access to the internet and definitely aware of what’s happening but still choose to come here.


> Literally makes no sense. It makes a lot of sense if the "student" sponsors his 600 immediate family members, and their 14,000 extended family members all come here allegedly on vacation but never leave, they all get benefits for life, and will each rake in $5000/month or more. Not like the CRA or CBSA would object, they're all compromised and will turn a blind eye to certain names while dropping the hammer on others.


These people are lured by immigration agents. These people if come on their own, they would have so much money. But the immigration agents take a huge cut. The legal process is very complex. Also, these guys should stay in India and use this money for good. They can setup a good business and have a good life. However, in Punjab there is a deliberate effort to get all these kids out. Punjab is in north India where showing off wealth is in the culture. So these kids fall for it. They want to copy the Punjabi singers and move out of India where they can buy a challenger and smoke weed. Put pics on Instagram. Drive trucks and make money by smuggling drugs over the US border. This is the mindset that young people in Punjab has. The females want to get away from their parents and enjoy their life. Party, disco and dick ride. Then they come here somehow ans end up in tents.


Yeah, we don't care. They should have done their homework before moving halfway around the world. It's like actions have consequences, or something.


I agree that their choices are wrong. I think the government needs to penalise the immigration agents and the colleges as well. Or is it that the government is also happy with the money coming in?




Go home for Christ sake. If this isn't proof that you're better off staying in India I don't what is...


Why don't they take the L and go back? It is clearly mentioned in the guidelines and applications that you have to be able to support yourself. Why did they not research average rent, COL etc. to understand what is going to happen.


Too embarrassed/ashamed to face their families and friends I imagine. Going from a third world to first world is a huge jump for them….moving back would be a massive downgrade or they’d be seen as “failures”.  Me personally, if I was in a new country and I struggled i would give it 1 year maybe 2 years max before giving up. Nothing wrong with returning to your home country. Canada isn’t for everybody. Every place has its pros and cons anyways.






Trudeau towns are all over Canada. They wanted to be Canadian here's how we treat our citizens. Welcome.


I think she misspoke, or got muddled up with her words. I think she meant to say: “International students are living in tents because they should have come here without enough funds to study or pay the costs of an international education, and now should promptly leave”


Mister Speaker, We have AAA rating.


Canada has plenty of social capacity. -Chrystia Freeland (apparently during another full on delusional state)


Canada is the fakest country in the world. We have all these nice suburbs that look nice on the surface, but when you pull the bushes it's full of homelessness




They're waiting in line for the Tim Hortons job opening.


Oh yeah, 100%! These poor kids, where can they go?...Oh wait I know, they could always GO BACK TO INDIA!?


Looks like they couldn't provide for their education and should never have been given the permit.


Can confirm. On my dog walks in the woods, I see tents all the time out in the bush. It’s mainly males since all the rentals insist on “female vegetations” 


And bypassing the Canadian kids living in tents.


Never mind international students , they can always go home , it’s the Canadien citizens that are homeless that should be helped fist , where can they go ?!


Trudeau and his Buttsmasters don't care about immigrants either, just like they don't care about Canadians. If they cared, they wouldn't persist in this irresponsible policy of bukkakeing Canada with unlimited numbers of newcomers far beyond the capacity of the social/public infrastructure to accommodate them. Even a 3rd grader should be able to do the basic arithmetic that shows if you increase the population by x-amount through immigration, while there's only a y-amount of increase in housing, medical care, and other services, where x is much greater than y, services and living standards will decline. But, of course, Trudeau will just continue to prance and mince around like a moppet, spouting the empty hollow woke catch phrases that his Buttsmasters have given him: "Grow the middle-class" "Male feminist" "Believe all women" "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" And so forth. Meaning all his jibber jabbering is totally disconnected from the way he's destroying Canada and the future of Canadians. Newcomers, for their part, can be even *worse* off than established Canadians in many cases. Because if you've been in Canada for a long time, you've had more opportunities to get in on housing opportunities before prices went crazy, and are more likely to have a network of family/friends who can help you. If you're some newcomer "student" or "temporary worker" who paid your family's life savings to get to Canada, and don't have enough money to pay rent, have no skills or qualifications, and can't even speak English properly, then you're fucked. But Trudeau and his Buttsmaster don't care about that.


I'm sorry many feel they will be shamed or castigated by their family back home if they return, but that is not the host country's or its citizens' fault. They sold a lie to their family of what going to Canada as an international student would be. Now they have to face up to that mistake.


Which happens to students all over the world. It's part of growing up. I studied abroad and a lot of my friends did too. My one friend went to Japan, had a mental breakdown because it was way more overwhelming for her than she thought and she left after 3 weeks. I worked in the study abroad office at my uni too and it was way more common than you think for students to exit studying abroad early for all sorts of reasons: money, emotional tolls, difficult school work, difficulties with language. It's fine and it happens. These students here need to understand that.


Hi disabled canadian born and raised in this fucking hellhole country 👋 So when the government has disabled people living in poverty for their entire lives in the country they were born in end up homeless noones gives a fuck, but when international students who had to prove they had funds to come here are homeless it's an issue? WHY DONT PEOPLE CARE ABOUT DISABLED CANADIANS BEFORE TAKING IN THE WORLDS ISSUES? PEOPLE ON DISABILITY LIVE 40% BELOW THE POVERTY LINE. FOREVER. WITH NO FUCKING HOME COUNTRY TO RUN BACK TO. I HAVE SEEN MORE KINDNESS AND PITY TOWARDS FUCKING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS THAY SCAMMED THEIR WAY INTO OUR COUNTRY TO RAPE OUR CULTURE THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN TOWARDS DISABLED CANADIANS WHO ARE KILLING THEMSELVES BECAUSE THEY CANT AFFORD TO EAT


Nearly everyone around me does care about our own and doesn't give two fucks for/about these foreign invaders and the governments that enable them. The food bank issue was what pushed a lot of my family over the edge and got them paying attention to what's going on. We have folks like you in our circles who are being left behind in favor of these assholes that defrauded their way into Canada.


Yeah, I can't believe how much the leftist parties abandoned the disabled. It's pretty callous.


Hey they didn't abandon us, they expanded MAID!


Disabled, homeless Canadian too. I stand with you. We deserve better


they should all get to move into Trudeau's house with him.


Okay so international students are living in tents are claiming that they were able to afford coming to Canada. Government needs to round these individuals up and buy them a one way ticket home. This is a strain on their life and our communities.


It seems like people who come here are used to these conditions. Personally, I would say fuck this and leave.


Coming from a country where it rarely dips below 15C to a country with regular negative temps to sleep outside is wild AF to me. 




No one told these people to come here, and they're super to have the funds to be able to support themselves. They have a home in India they can go back to.


Send them the fuck back


Propaganda, for pity


Zero sympathy, leave Canada.


That's not even how you spell Sandalwood.


The worst possibly here is that such video will pick up traction on social media, triggering Canadian “social capacity” (Freeland) and free handouts to them…including of course PR or even direct citizenship


If living in a tent is good for Canadians, then it's good for International Student!


Oh, people who came to exploit canada for its resources are living in tents? So are Canadian born citizens who've worked all of their lives....


Deport them for lying about their funds. Make an example


I thought Timmies pays a livable wage with great benefits ???


THEY can go Home! If they cannot support themselves, they fraudulently entered Canada. And no, 'we' are not all immigrants. I was born in Canada. I am a Canadian through and through. I am tired of this nonsense.


“There must be somewhere that they can go,” says the lady. Yes, home.


That's tough. Maybe they should consider going home...


This will be a new reality thanks to Trudeau. He made Canada literally a second class country


Third class country. If something is wrong your house is in fire.


Anchor Babies has been an ongoing issue for 30+ years in Ontario... Many ppl were not aware of this problem, unless they worked in the medical fields such as Maternity, Labour & Delivery & so on. They knew about this problem existing & so did OHIP. OHIP did nothing to stop this. Our extremely lazy Politicians always knew about this problem all across Canada, they too, did nothing about that! Had they dealt with this swiftly, we still wouldn't be talking about this in 2024. Nor would these big time scammers be taking advantage of this loophole (and more) by creating, then having their Anchor Babies here on Canadian soil, either. Once this Anchor Baby reaches 18, they can legally come to Canada as they were born a Canadian Citizen, & that is when the fun starts. They now can bring their family here to apply for PR, once that's accomplished the next steps would be to promptly apply for our Universal Benefits/Social Safety Net without so much a putting in a dime of their money into our System, unlike hardworking Canadians! In the next 20 years or so, we'll still be talking about the same thing, again.


they can go back home if they don't like it, plenty of veterans on the street, government doesn't seem to care ,so why cater to temporary students


they are international students. "there must be somewhere that they can go." .... you mean, like back to the home country?


How to leave canada after your study permit expires. Pack your stuff. Book your flight. Bye


lol,where they can go is back to their country


They should be able to support themselves. Even show enough funds before they can come to Canada. This has to be illegal


Everyone is living in tents due to housing crisis, they aren't special.


Oh well. Go home.


We don’t care they need to leave


Saw a similar video from Dublin, Ireland except over there the local Irishman who filmed was threatened with violence.


Person from Brampton has never seen homeless before? Maybe she needs to get out more and visit any downtown in the province.


International students choice to not willingly go back home and to fake their ability to financially support themselves. No sympathy.


the true Canadian experience. tell your friends back home.


Imagine coming to a new country for school with no plan on where you'll be living...


"There must be somewhere they can go". They can go home. Swallow your pride and go home.


Brampton isn't canada anymore and none of the business giving a job to white people as they are hiring only indians and this is the result of that.


Where can they go? How about home.


international students are just trying to make a point that they are homeless too .... because we "racisists" keep blaming them.....I believe its all bs. If you look at the homeless population what is the demographic that sticks out to you.....seriously look at all the homeless videos on youtube for canada and you will see a common theme among the people that are homeless due to lack of housing not mental health, not drug addiction.


It's peculiar that in the last few years the factory I work at (I'm in the office) has been completely taken over by Indian students. I don't know how it happened but slowly as workers left, they were replaced by Indian students. It's not to keep pay low because it's unionized so the pay can only go up. The management is also not Indian, only the workers so not favouritism. How they're students, I don't know. I can only assume they study on the three to four days off they have per week or they just don't really go to school. What's funny is that older Indians from other regions hate them because they're also just from one region of the country.


Gonna be a rude awakening come winter


Yeah back home. ✈️


The solution is simple Brampton woman. Leave your tent, the city will take it away, get your return ticket and head home. I'm sure there's lots of lovely places inside in india.


Deport, don't even waste time.


They should not be allowed to come to Canada to study unless they have enough money to pay a rent OR the schools should be responsible for housing them.


Spray them all with water. Imagine going to India and just.... Messing things up. Spray the fuckers down. Tough love. Get the fuck back home


Go home.


Deport now.


When are the executives of these diploma mill colleges going to get called in front of our ontario politicians and face questioning and consequences for their bs? Or is this just never going to happen because Doug Ford doesnt give a fuck


I've noticed that an increasing number of homeless in Toronto are Indian/South Asians. 🤔


Thinks there's basements they can be crammed in with 25 others for $250 a month. They have fire safety exit though.


You know why I didn’t study abroad? I couldn’t afford it.


They have a home they can go back to.


When I was an international student back in 2007 you had to prove that you were financially able to sustain yourself for the whole period of your studies.


They have tents?!


Headline is incorrect. Let me fix that for you. Housing crisis is due to international students and temporary residents.


Good, hopefully that gets them out of the country quicker


Canadian nationals are also living in tents


This just in! Actual Canadians ALSO are living in tents.


Where can they go? They can go back home.


I remember in 2016 the colleges were FULL of Indian students who would do a 1-2 year program then get a green card. They’re gaming the system, it’s pretty terrifying to see.


They could pack their bags and leave


Then they clock in to make your breakfast...


Just go home, at what point do these people accept homelessness just to live in an expensive 1st world country? Like why the fuck would anybody choose to live on the streets rather than go back to their own home country. It’s fucking ridiculous what they’re doing.


Are they shitting on the streets too?


I was almost ejected from my temporary permit in Thailand because my bank card wasn't working to prove I had direct access to the funds. Took 3 hours to fix that fiasco with my bank. They restricted my account for unusual activity...aka using my bank card in Thailand lol. If I had to prove my funds, so should these guys x.


Bye bye


The harsh Canadian winter might freeze a couple of these fake students.


Then they should go back home.


$20,000 still isn't enough. They should have to prove $50K at the very least 


Where can they go? How about back home? Just a thought.


Jeez, we just don’t have enough homeless right now, let’s bring some in from India…


They lied when asked if they could afford 'schooling' and housing. Unfortunately, they will need to head home or be deported. Get the Liberals out and let's clean up our country.


Tip of the iceberg. It will only get worse


Sufficient funds in Canada means you have over a million dollars in your bank account...


Just... go home.


The old saying: You made the mess -- you clean it up. Are you listening Fed AND Provs. too??


Keep letting them in…. Canada will be trash soon


They’re not international students they’re economic migrants that are knowingly exploiting our garbage system. Call it like it is.


They need to go the fuck home


 there will be a protest on july 1st canada day.. take back canada and [costoflivingcanada.ca](http://costoflivingcanada.ca/)


What's going on is not a housing crisis for international students but an immigration crisis. Btw, i only saw one tent. I have zero sympathy for them.


I didn't see a single international student in that clip. I know 100% that the tent city near me is almost 100% Canadian born and educated drug addicts. Just saying.


Don't give a fuck. Canadians first, go the fuck back home.


Enough of the "we are all immigrants here," bullshit. What progressive tripe. We need a moratorium on immigration and the "foreign student" scam. Then you won't see these people in tents in Brampton-Delhi. These people are not our problem. And yes, this is most certainly the fault of another group of progressives. The trudeau liberal and the I-want-all-immigrants-to-be-from-india-singh. They both need to be tossed so we can bring some order back here and stop being flooded by people we cannot house, and have no interest in Canada but living in their own little enclavewhile receiving benefits from our tax dollars. Getting a Canadian passport and citizenship is a joke.


Simple solution - GO HOME!!!! We don't want you, we don't need you, we don't have enough houses or resources for you. Please leave and never come back. 


that's why they should go back, please


They can go back home to their country.


Just imagine where these Int'l Students are relieving themselves.