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Seems like they all on the same page. I really hate that out leadership is destroying almost everything I once knew.


Look at ppc party platform


If it wasn’t for the identity politics and basic bigotry. I would…….


Which of those policies specifically bothers you?


All of it. We aren’t in Texas or Missouri. Plus. With massive issues that are set to really fuck EVERYONE over and sink the country, bullshit petty identity politics don’t matter.


At this point Canadians can't afford to not be more bigoted. I'm dead serious on that.


Disagree. Canadians need to be unified. A broken Canada is an easily conquered Canada.


Pro Russian? No thanks


Lol. Wasn't their candidate involved in the ArriveCan scandal?


Definitely feels like the moderate Canadians are the real losers in all of this, anyone who feels like any of these political parties have their best interests in heart are fools.


I might vote PPC this time. Voted conservative last time.


I voted for them the last time and will vote for them again


I guess PPC is the only choice, even if they just get a couple of seats at least they'll have a voice in parliment.


They couldn't even win Portage-Lisgar, a very conservative riding, in the by-election last year with Bernier as their candidate.


Overall sentiment has shifted, I don't hold much hope, but why not I guess.


Nothing to lose if he's willing to put a stop to it. I've seen more and more comments lately from people like myself who were NDP and have been sold out completely by the parties. If the election was held today I'd be voting PPC.


I’m with you on this


I agree with you. I'm only voting PPC and telling any conservative party fear monger to stick it where the sun don't shine if they tell me I'm splitting the vote.


Well I live in a ridding where the Tories haven’t won since the 70’s. Right now they are ahead by around 8 points. I don’t intend on doing anything to harm that. In my ridding, a vote for the ppc is a vote for the liberals


These type of governments are springing up in popularity world wide. The UK seems to be having a party that is trending to get 15% of the vote and actually overtake their version of the cucked conservatives. Italy went from 3% in 2018 to 26% in 2022 and Meloni won power. The Dutch also went from a miniscule percentage to close to 25% and winning a minority leadership. Javier Milei went from not having a party to winning the next election in Argentina. Just this sub has seen a massive increase in PPC supporters in the past 6 months or so. Shit is changing guys. We need to vote PPC to make sure our voices are heard.


Not an according to the polls. They aren’t projected to win any seats. A vote for the PPC is simply splitting the conservative vote. I guess if one lives in a Tory stronghold it would be okay to vote your conscience, but not in any swing riddings.




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They have no seats. The very best they have done is 17% in a by-election for a very right conservative riding. The Green Party has 3 seats. When do you ever hear about them? The PPC should focus on a few ridings but instead are running in most ridings. Their purpose is to siphon off votes from the conservatives allowing the liberals to win the seat. Vote for the PPC is a vote FOR Trudeau. Don’t be confused by a narcissist whose ego knows no limit. Fringe parties have no chance of having any influence. Please don’t waste your vote. We really need to get rid of trudeaus liberals.


At this point, I don't see how Pierre Poilievre will make a difference. He was the housing minister during the Conservatives, continuously bailing out homeowners, and he's not addressing the mass migration issues that are destroying the country. So at this point my vote will be to the PPC even if I don't agree with all their issues.


He was held that post (minister of employment and social development) for less than a year, two months of which were during the 2015 campaign.


Since he's the expected winner of the next election, I just hope he does something. He sounds like a smart guy that understands the situation, but whether he does anything I don't know. Will most vote PPC regardless cuz the conservatives under Harper understand what they were doing but still inflated prices.


Honestly I’m not an expert on these things but I go by what I see and experience. Harper deserves a lot of credit for guiding the nation through the financial crisis. We were the least affected out of all the G7 nations. And while not adequate, he certainly invested more into the armed forces than the current government is doing, scrapped the long gun registry, lowered the sales tax, and one of my favourites, introduced the TFSA. Towards the end of his premiership, many I small c conservative s around the world were calling him the defacto leader of the free world. I will be voting Conservative because my ridding has flip flopped between the Liberals and NDP for decades, but now the Tories are winning by 10 points, I don’t want to potentially waste my vote on the PPC.


Exactly. I believe the PPC has a place, but they should focus on a few riddings. You’re exactly correct. My ridding hasn’t gone for the Tories in decades and right now they are ahead by 8 points. I don’t intend on wasting my vote.






LoL that took me a minute


I still don’t get it


Rooster, also known as a \_\_\_\_? Lollipop also known as a "sucker" Put them together.


Hahaha I get it now




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The MPs are not questioning it because most of them are owners of rental property. Current policies benefit them the most.


Government has reasons for mass immigration. But not to benefit regular joes. It’s to benefits their corporate donors. I have zero faith that any party in power will fix the issue. You don’t get to be in major power without major political donations. Abolish political donations!


We are in dire need of mass deportation and a complete pause


There's a lot more to this than just housing. Schools, Hospitals, Energy supply, Food, Policing, etc. Every aspect of our society is being overwhelmed by too much immigration. If you went to school in Canada you took many classes on the importance on careful immigration/migration. It's a global conspiracy you can see it happening in many countries. USA, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Australia, etc, etc. Countries refusing the mass immigration being targeted.


Get rid of everything that has to do with global conspiracy, world health bank, world policies, we should be taking care of our own before giving money to the world bank


Governments need to start singling out wealthy individuals who are trying to manipulate the world to their own order and issuing arrest warrants and bounties to bring them in. They deserve to be brought to the Hague and sentenced for their crimes.


Half of our MP's are owned by the WEF.


What we can't build 22 years worth of housing instantly to clear the deficit and then increase current production by over 170% yearly to accommodate the new arrivals on top of that?


Because the opposition wants mass immigration, too The conservatives love lowering wages and protecting big business interests, and the NDP have completely lost the plot and are all about virtue signaling and prioritizing minorities, and not even Canadian minorities, it's like they want to save the world over people already here And I love that PPC are anti immigration, but also would ban some abortions... I honestly don't know if there's a not terrible option, much less a good one 


Any party that has ever put women's right to choose in question is off the table for me permanently.


With this kinda immigration in 10 years most of the country will be run by people that will bring our country back 60-70 years in human rights terms. You can also expect a lot of racism and very very hard times for white ppl from that point on. Don’t get me wrong I am on the same page as you, however recently I started to wonder we might need to bite a bullet and go PPC for our kids.


I think that the ppc if more for the people


That will happen with unchecked immigration. Immigrants coming from countries where women are treated like cattle and told to not work. They're cultures where rape and unwanted sexual advances are tolerated and you have tons of young men from this culture coming over here in a massive gender imbalance. Women will be targeted more and more. India has insane gender imbalances and a huge female unemployment rate.


Duh. You cannot have Tradwife cultures or large number of housewives and still make them go to work.


... which is why I will not vote for a party with even a whiff of tampering with women's rights


I'm a single issue voter. Housing and immigration. So ppc that is. The rest is just noise for me.


Its not even a single issue. They stem into so many other facets of our lives. These are mega issues. But PPC it is. Bernier is getting my vote.


The thing is they are not single issue.


Frankly mass migration from the rape capital of the world should put that discussion back on the table.


Same, I wish I could vote for them because they're the only party against mass immigration  With so many intelligent, experienced professionals in Canada how did we end up with such garbage choices?


We voted for them


some people did, that's true think apathy/ distrust in our shady system is a big issue... and politicians just doing WTF they want once voted in... I certainly dont remember JT mentioning mass immigration in his campaigns not that I voted for him lol


I remember voting reform promise. And the clincher. Feminist PM firing his FN female lawyer Justice Minister cus she wouldn’t interfere in the Lavalin case. That’s got to be a classic! A fence post with hair would have been better.


or a head of lettuce lol (while crying)


Ok. Become a third world shithole then.


I'd rather have body autonomy than some nothing burger designation because Canada will never be a 3rd world country. Nice try though.






What? Do you believe that anyone has the right to murder an 8 month old fetus? These are the "right to choose" in question. Pretending that Bernier wants to ban all abortions at any time is disingenuous and arguing for rights to murder fetuses that are a few weeks away from being born is wrong in my opinion. I believe that those fetuses have fundamental human rights at that point.


People who have 3rd trimester abortions are doing it because the baby has severe problems like being born without a brain. Get your fucking facts straight.


Lots of progressive countries have more restrictive abortion laws than Canada HOWEVER I am distrustful of a party that thinks it’s necessary to change Canada’s laws. Because in practice, late term abortions are not really happening. It seems like solving a problem that doesn’t actually exist.


The counter to that is if it’s not happening often at all, and the party hits all the other things you would want from a party, why would that one thing stop you from voting for that party?


“It would put politicians in the doctor’s office”. Changing the law to appease men (who don’t give birth) who think they would value their unborn baby’s life over their wife’s life, and evangelicals… doesn’t resonate with me.


I honestly don’t care as much over the topic as it’s not worth fighting over when we have so much going on. But we do put so much of society in the judgement of professionals as it is. I would never agree to a woman having to carry through a risky pregnancy because of law. I understand this has so many sides to it and each side takes it too far.


...because racism; everyone is afraid of being labeled one.


I was labelled a racist by the good folks over at the askTO subreddit, all because I said the millions of international students we let in over the past few months were part of why the city’s traffic has gotten much worse. I’m 99.999% sure that sub is moderated by some “international students”.


This is the biggest problem. But its slowly changing. Media worldwide has been calling any government that opposes immigration as "far right". They have used this phrase so much that "far right" doesn't even ilicit the same response anymore. When you call a massive chunk of your population as "far right", you are in the wrong. Populations don't just turn into Hitler. You changed the definition of what far right is. And same with racism. This will lead to civil wars worldwide. This is not an "agree to disagree" situation. You don't just get to do this to a country that doesn't want it.


No one in Canada is starting a civil war.


There will be civil wars in some places worldwide. Canada is not immune to this.


Politics these days are pretty well the same everywhere DIVIDE AND CONQUER = buying votes! if you create enough groups so you just have to hand out a few apples when you have an election to secure a good base. Any honest politician does not stand a chance my personal opinion


Because they would do the exact same thing and they know it. Everyone is bending over backwards to take the immigrant vote.


They don't like each other but at the end they all work for the same team. Khalistan for the win.


Time to go nucleur…PPC it is!


No one will question it because they don’t want to alienate a possible voting demographic……..


Why mass immigration…Because they’re heroes that are part of WEF and own the banks told them they’d make bank if they did it. And I think it’s clear as day to anyone with 2 cents to rub together politicians don’t have any interest in their citizens.


Even if Pierre replaces Justin Trudeau in 2025. It takes a majority gov to make any real policy changes. I like Pierre. But I don't see him saying he will close the border. I hope I'm wrong. People born in Canada have suffered from the results....




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I agree that immigration is excessive but saying that "being a NIMBY is good actually" is the dumbest shit I've read all day