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Protest. It’s all we can do right now.


Careful. May have your bank accounts frozen.


We all have mental illness for thinking anything is wrong, eh?


Just a bunch of fringe minorities with unacceptable views.


Don't forget racist science deniers


The left is getting tired of being gaslit too. Even Socialists agree that wealthy, top earners, and government are taking Canada over a cliff for their own personal gain.


I was a leftie - am at heart. The middle has moved so far, I’m now by their definition - a rightie. Even voted for Trudeau in 2015.


The leftist have left the Left, because they shifted the Overton Window way outside earth’s orbit to the point that it’s now normal for a townhouse to be priced at $1.6 Million even though it costs $200K to build with land, meanwhile our children are forced to learn about anal $€x in the 5th grade. Our vote is an illusion our taxes fund the genocide of other children left amputated & dismembered with no surviving family members. At the same time The Right has become so morally Wrong that it has slithered back to a time when tribalism & othersim defined who we are and race & religion are deployed as metrics to identify us vs them Ex. Polievre at Genocide rallies. While Galen Weston & others like him bask in the new found wealth resulting from “fertilizer shortage” as if Ukraine had a global monopoly on minerals & manure. But right now the nation is ready to vote a monkey to Parliament rather than see Genocide Justina with a pink skirt again. https://preview.redd.it/rskv1kryyt9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5a3023d97a438a6d1bb4c553c578d9e43f0d92


You are me.


Not left vs right. Bottom vs top. It’s even more insidious.


i used to be left and now i'm nothing lol


Socialists know we need a better solution for retirement than home ownership. Like better CPP. Something that pays more. Otherwise these mom & pop investors trying to fund their retirements distorts the housing market - especially when there's a huge cohort of them. Even builders have been building luxury homes - or investment condos (that the boomers buy and rent to pay for their homes...) - the market has been distorted so much that the home builders are only catering to one demographic.




please don't put up a pic of him...I cant look at him.


I’d rather be castrated by safety scissors than see him re-elected.


I STILL to this day have no idea how he got reelected in the last election. Before the election I got told by anyone I asked "I don't care who the prime Minister is, as long as it's not Trudeau". Literally, that's a direct quote from someone at my old job. Can someone explain to me how the heck he got reelected?


Chinese interference




Canadians don't vote. Does your family? Friends? Doubt it. Ask your fellow Canadian if you can find one if they vote. Chances are no, they do not.. Nor do they care. Our politicians rely on this and take advantage of the complacency.


I puke in my mouth a little each time.


;lol right? like why torture us with that picture...we already had enough andseen it too many times.


Did they not take a astrazenoca off market for safety after saying you will need this? The ones who choose not take the needle are not suffering like those who chose the needle. But people going to defend their choice to needle because they want not to feel like a stupid doing what they are told without question.


Liberal voters next election will feel the ironic sting of that comment.


Once they take it all there’s nothing left to lose.


The masses are but a Sleeping Giant that only wakes up when its out of bread and circus.


What is the alternative to being scared of the government and living life as a slave like German citizens did during the Nazi era ?? Have some spine get to the streets and take control of our country's destiny or you can sit all day in owns own comfort zone and keep playing victimized and powerless like snowflakes and keyboard warriors all our LIFE!.


I agree 1000%!!! It's the only way out of this mess. Those Indian students are protesting like motherfuckers. Why can't we? Cuz we're too busy bitching online about those students protesting.


In their country they have to fight the government all the time to get things done they don't trust the government no matter what, unlike us, who only follow what the government says just like of lamb being taken for a 🎢 before slaughter.


We must fight the Shadow Government that serves the Permanent Deep State which is the Zionest Kabbaal, only when we wake up to this reality, then we can direct our political energy in the path of True Resistance instead of marching in the path of least resistance. Watch Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate on “The Grey Zone” follow Whitney Webb, listen to George Galloway, witness Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, and Judge Napolitano on 2x playback speed for a start.


Truckers shoulda created a party.


They can’t freeze our bank accounts if we have nothing in them.




Ya - hate speech. Only love speech allowed. But ya you’re allowed to blast hate to the right. Consequence free.


Fuck em. Let em try. The optics they have right now... it won't look good for them.


I’d even go as far saying protesting tomorrow is a form of celebrating Canada day. You’re there cause you care about the future of the country and are willing to stand up for it


Yeah. Bring your Canadian flags. Grab a char. Beer. And you can sit at the protest instead of on your lawn.


You know if everyone collectively stops paying taxes, they’d listen


Better. Create a new party and promote it, or join an existing one and help push the change you wish to see.


That’s what we’re hoping will evolve from these protests. The really difficult part is getting motivated leaders.


I would rather a party forms before protests. Protests tend to deviate from their main message, occasionally turn violent, and / or cause enough disturbance to dissuade people from joining their cause. I am against protest. I am in favour of entering political races to get messages across. Place political ads calling out the issues on the radio, television, newspapers and wherever they reach people’s eyes. Have people stand in debates and talk facts, whole calling out politicians on live television. Organize volunteers to distribute flyers and talk with others on the street. Everyone in Canada knows the root causes of our issues and knows politicians today do nothing about them. We don’t need a protest. We need someone with the courage to run and for others to get behind. I personally don’t have the wits, money, time or energy to do so. But I will rush behind anyone who I feel does.


I’ll agree to disagree. We need protests to reach the non-Reddit, non-twitter crowd. If there is enough interest we can then talk about a party or some sort of non-partisan charity to help people run for office but momentum needs to be built first.


You live in the 90s my friend. The folks that run the G7 will never allow your “party” to gain traction. Do you not know that they froze Nigel Farage’s bank accounts & ceased his assets? Do you not see what they did to members of AfD in Germany? Do you not remember that they assassinated James Traficant or John McAfee? “They own you, they got you by the balls” — George Carlin


It costs 150K to win a seat in the Provincial Legislature in Ontario, the same for a Federal Riding so unless you have 20-30M per election you're not going to go anywhere. You'd need to raise $500-1000 from 20-30% of the electorate to get enough money to get the media exposure to compete with the money rolling in from Big Business. There's a reason the CPC shuts down candidates unless they can sell 1000 memberships and get the members to put up the max donation, it's not feasible to be competitive in Canadian elections without a very wealthy donor base. Even the NDP is forced into supporting Trudeau because it's always one election from bankruptcy.


Vote PPC.


I will be.


Me too! Nowhere else to turn, I'm afraid.


This is the way!@!


Fellow Canadian citizens it's time to fly the Canadian flag upside down for real. Flying a national flag upside down is generally recognized as a distress signal. It is often used to indicate an emergency or a situation of dire need. In some contexts, it can also be a form of protest or a way to signal disagreement with government actions or policies. 🔻🇨🇦🔻 [Flag](https://live.staticflickr.com/4106/5030721036_ffc6b5039f_z.jpg)


Well if anyone feels the same way, you have the opportunity to show up tomorrow and protest. Maybe you can make some like minded friends, go grab a beer after and see that others feel the same way as you do.


Have you seen the cost of beer?


Buck a beer in ontario, right?


From the same a$$hole who sold Ontario Place to Thermea and all the best land to his buddies.


I’m an Indian and I fully support this(I know it doesn’t matter) but you guys need to stand up for yourself. Most of these immigrant have a way of taking advantage of people generosity and niceness which needs to stop if you want to save Canada


I'm Pakistani originally but was born and raised in Canada. I don't want more immigrants but there's a few things many commentators completely miss Firstly, you can't blame those people for coming here. You can blame them for not integrating sure, but the fault that they are here is the fault of the Canadian government. And second, too many Canadians are totally complacent and okay with this. My white friends tell me I'm 'shutting the door behind me'. It's like bitch the door doesn't exist anymore. My family came here in 1990 when immigration was 1/10th the level now and the economy was twice as good.


Too many people are okay with this because they’ve been brainwashed that speaking out is racist. Claiming immigration is too high is equated to anti-Indian racism.


> Firstly, you can't blame those people for coming here. I can and will actually. Don't tell me not to blame the people lying, cheating, and stealing their way into the country my ancestors built.


I BBQ, get high and drink regularly I hate fireworks and parades It's Monday bud


My friend are we the same guy, bro?


If not, WWE is on at 8 pm if you wanna chill


Wrestling has more than one Royal Family




Yall got room for one more?


I will be celebrating people moving around 


Where have you been all my life. Why is my neighbour not this guy!


Politicians in Canada have sold it like a $2 whore. They've been doing it for decades now because that's what their financial backers demand. Money and influence are everything to them and voters are treated like suckers. The whole notion of a "Canadian Identity" they've been trying to sell us for so long is laughable at best; tragic at it's worst.


This sentiment is more wide reaching than ever before. The uber-wealthy did this to us. Such a small minority, completely f#cking over the majority. All three parties generally agree with economic and immigration policy; leaving us with no alternative. …and we’re just taking it.


Vote PPC.


Fine. Like whatever. Most of us will vote for a viable chance at some change, but Bernier can’t even hold his own riding.


I hear ya, but how else do we get the point across to the main parties that some drastic change is needed in this country? Things are so out of whack that it's scary! Is the only answer revolution? I'm all ears to hear any viable solutions to Canada's problems.


As a minority who opposes immigration, who should I vote for?


If you can't bring yourself to celebrate, join your local CoL or TBC protest. Make yourself heard.


Nah man everything is fine look (especially at the very top): https://preview.redd.it/lo7ad4ki8t9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5a618339fe45f86314e5ac4e1e0fc0a3ac36bd


This chart is disgusting.


Nah man, we only got millions more of what's at the very top in 2024 in Canada, but everything's fine trudeau said it. And poilievre says we need even more of them, he's so smart


The chart will balance itself. - JT, probably


Boomers: you’re just not working hard enough. This country can suck my dick and balls, especially the boomers.


Babies: fuck this, I'm not celebrating.


To hell with the wealthy boomers.


Be sure to pay your taxes tho to fund those government pension checks to pay for all those extra vacations to Europe and Mexico they so richly deserve.


Thats scary - soon we'll be a province of India and every MP and MLA will be Indian.


It already is in my area, everyone is Indian. It's rare to see a white person walking the streets. If you do, it's like seeing a unicorn.


Cricket is the new Hockey


I don't need a chart, I can just go out anywhere in my city and look around. I can't describe the feeling of being a minority in my own city.


Yeah well most Canadians seem to be fine with it because no one is saying anything about this shit. i have to post this graph everywhere to finally read comments like yours. Like what the fuck is going on ? Are we Canadians going to just let this happen ?


I just threw up a little bit in my mouth 🤮


Holy fuck balls!


India Hortons


Happy "CANINDIA" DAY, folks !😒


https://preview.redd.it/vtevmyhqgu9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98746b9413e9ade5fcc80aab6c9465e3d8389ddc They made it here..


I suppose this is another international student who provided fake financial proof for the study permit application. The financial proof must state they have enough funds to support their lives and study in Canada. If they don’t have enough funds, they cannot get the study permits. We need an advanced system to detect such fake documents! Honestly, I cannot understand any such protests.


Man imagine natives looking at such charts back in the day lol


Remember it’s NOT LEFT vs RIGHT. It’s BOTTOM vs. TOP. And there are precious few at the top willing to change that especially in the PC and Liberal parties. They’re 2 sides of the same corrupt coin. The whole process needs reform.


I have never felt more Canadian than I have ever felt in my entire life until someone took away what it meant to be Canadian from me. Now I know what Canada is. It's not mosaic. It's not multiculturalism. It's a common bond between different culture that respects one another and upholds western philosophy and virtues of our government which no longer exists for the benefit of our country. The stewardship of public good at the expense of benefiting a few and temporary. People who can forge a long lasting bond towards equal benefit for all by sacrificing equally. That Bond no longer exists. Now we know what we must fight for.


Fantastic definition. Lost on the Left.


Same. Foreign students seem to be worth more than citizens


I was born and raised in Canada and I feel the sentiment in the post so much. I feel so sad for our country and I worry that the process of fixing the mess Trudeau has made will continue to create turmoil for everyone here. If you are a Canadian reading this, please remember something: This. Country. Owes. You. We live in a first world country led by a government that sold us the idea that we would be taken care of here. However, Canada Day is reminding many of us of the pain this same government has been putting us through. I get that. But the best thing we could possibly do is vote at the next election. Please please vote. Our comments here or protests on the street won't mean anything without a vote. I live in Calgary where everyone expressed distaste with the new mayor FROM THE START but when it came time to sign the recall petition, there weren't enough signatures to get her out of office. Now my city is continuing to suffer because we are being led by someone who looks at all of the hard work that made this place great like a money grab. Canadians are being robbed in broad daylight. They are being forced out of their own country and replaced with people who are actively trying to change what it means to be a Canadian. There is no pride left, just a chance for people to exploit this beautiful land. My future children will never get to experience the Canada I know and love. I'm begging you to vote.


Well put. Vote for who though? Blindly voting blue because red is bad is not the answer. Red fucks up so bad that everyone goes blue without demanding that blue change the actual policies that red imposed will just fuck us all harder. Fuck it-- I am voting PPC. I refuse to vote for NDP, Libs or Cons.


Very true, both parties just exploit each other's weaknesses in the public eye for votes. Conveniently, they both lack a clear platform which allows them to stay true to their hypocrisy. The NDP is definitely not an option but it looks like the PPC is echoing a lot of the sentiment Canadians are feeling. Thank you for your comment, I just signed up on their volunteer page, haha!


I’m signing up to be a member of the PPC tomorrow. The only thing I’m doing for this country on that day.


I grew up in a rural town but I've always felt nationalism is pointless because under capitalism nations serve corporate interests first and foremost. Canada is a nation of corporations, not it's people. So no nation is owed my loyalty. But what I do believe in is my neighbors, who have been kind and caring towards me and my family. Many who are immigrants, and foreigners. My loyalty is to the people I love and trust in my community, who strive to make this place better simply because they believe our world should be better, and so I'll celebrate them in the little ways I can tomorrow.


Go to the protests ! They're going to be massive


I was at my daughter's grade 8 grad last week. They played the music for Oh Canada, and not one person sang. Standing in that school filled with posters about diversity, equity, inclusion, and celebrating the sexuality of minors, all while the kids can't tell the time on an analog clock, I could not dig up one ounce of pride in this country.


Justin trudeau destroyed this country he must go to hell MF


You should absolute celebrate canada day. At the protest.


Cuz its not as easy to just up and leave..some of us are working towards leaving here. Making enough money to funnel tf out of here. Just like the migrant and new immigrants who are doing the same, in time most of us will leave, we are just in build mode rn to get a nest egg and gtfo


Turdeau has turned anyone who built this country into a villain. We have nothing to be proud of (according to that smug POS).


Part of the problem, and the reason things won't change even with PP elected, is that it wasn't just Trudeau. I've been watching things get worse for decades. The libs, cons, ndp, and provinces have been failing young Canadians this whole time, while helping corps and wealthy instead.


Trudeau said Canada Day should be a time to reflect on the nation's historical failures.


Actually do celebrate it tomorrow. There’s too much liberal bull crap that Canada Day is a racist holiday and too many leftists wanting to protest tomorrow against it. Celebrate it but at the same time, let your voice be heard that our country is going downhill and that we as Canadians must fight back against what the Trudeau government is doing to erode the middle class and poor.


Canada is a way better country than you think. We just need to get rid of the mfckrs abusing our kindness.


No it’s not. I grew up here. I know what it once was. You’re just coping.


I miss the pre-Turdo Canada, I can't believe how things changed so fast here. I'm really weighting my options on getting out of here. Brain drain here I come...


Yes it is. I was also born and raised here.


Not sure if you have the opportunity to travel much in your life yet, but we are way better off than most of the world. I totally agree that it's definitely not the same country I remember growing up in but what place is. We aren't headed in a good direction but this has been decades in the making. When your younger you dont give two shits about politics or policies or immigration all this shit was happening you just don't realize it. We absolutely need a change here but all the parties are riding the same train so its going to get worse before it gets better.


I've traveled to many countries. Absolutely we are way better off. At first other countries seem amazing but then the crap in those other countries rears its ugly head. There's only so long one can live in a developing nation before you just can't ignore the crap any longer. I lived in the Philippines for 6 months. It was 6 months too long. I could write a book on the bullshit i had to deal with and what i witnessed. Back in Canada, now with a new understanding that we don't have it that bad!


Definitely agree with you. Not saying we should just roll over and take the crap that's happening now, but there are not many other places I would want to be.


I’ve travelled all over Europe and the United States. Canada is dogshit.


Respectfully, I don’t think he meant Europe and the United States. There’s lots more to the world than that - when he was saying that we have it better than most of the world. Europe has great things to it that Canada doesn’t have but it’s getting its problems too, esp since 2015. I’m proud of seeing them change politically. I also see your frustration when people say “just leave” as if it’s that easy. It’s sad to see that be an option instead of seeking solutions here.


Then why the fuck are you still here.


Probably because no other Country has open borders like we do :/


I think if they did boot out the immigrants, you’d find the same people in power taking advantage of the working class. It’s not as simple as locking out the races of people you don’t like.


Booting out these garbage migrants will solve a lot of things.


There are lots of other countries where life is more affordable have you thought of moving...


Fuck that shit. I'm proud to be a Canadian and no fucked up economy, nor housing market is going to change that. I was born a Canadian. I'll die a Canadian. Canada is my home and native land and I'll be damned if some fucking government, or its stupid policies tries to deny my the sacred right to celebrate who I am nor the country that I love. Nothing about what's going on right now isn't easily reversed. It will be reversed too, make no mistake about that. I'm proud to be a Canadian, and Canada Day is my day to celebrate.




Yet you post here. Why? You want people to congratulate you or do you want to take away any pride others might feel. Or just make everyone who feels the same more filled with vitriol. Instead of posting about it and complaining about it. How about doing something about it


Canada needs a reform party like what’s happening in the UK.


The PC party joined the reform party that became the alliance that then dropped the progressive from conservatives and are now the conservatives. We need to vote independent or for non-bloc voting parties until enough people see independents have a chance to win.


I feel attachment and loyalty. I would fight before I give up on it


I still celebrate it because Canada is the best country in the world imo, the current government however is horrid and corrupt. Doesn’t mean I should just say fuck it and give up on the country I grew up to love. Things can always change


Agree. It just like relationship with your loved one: you love her, help her to get better; you don’t love her any more, walk away. I believe Canada had a lot of difficulties in history, but the country lives because we the people have same beliefs. I will celebrate Canada Day tomorrow.


I'm celebrating because liberals lost by-election! Been saving the celebrating for Canada day!


All I know is my pay cheque is delayed because of the holiday.


I am no Canadian but I would say this is what "they" want you to feel. (Your opponents, the people you disagree with, etc.) Fight for your principles and your country.


Hilarious to see that so many think Canada is the "best". Or that moving mean automatically moving to the US. That there's no other country that compares. Travel. No country is perfect. And the country that is perfect "for you" and "your family" may be one in Europe or could be one in Latin America. Could be Panama, could be Costa Rica. But you shouldn't shit on someone for making their own choice to go where they feel is best for them. Speaking for myself as a small one person business owner, I personally get very tired of hearing how I should pay more and that small businesses are so wealthy. And have a look at how the actual news media abroad covers our politics vs the media Trudeau paid off. Very eye opening


Have you ever lived in a poor country ? Like, 3rd world F. Country? No? Just visited? Well, I grew up in South America and trust me it’s a hell. Canada sucks right now but still a “ paradise” “compared with many other countries. And the best part is that we can vote!


This is exactly how I feel too👏🏻


Don't celebrate, there's nothing to celebrate. Come protest, you can come up with thousands of different reasons to protest in this shithole of a country


Dude, Canada Day isn’t about celebrating the government or the current state of affairs. It’s about maintaining a sense of cultural unity. We were never celebrating the government. What a gross idea. Why would we celebrate politicians?? The celebration is for our NEIGHBOURS, who are all struggling. We’re celebrating the fact that we’re not some bitch ass country that’s gonna take the shaft lying down. By abstaining from celebration, you implicitly enforce the idea that Canada Day is only worth celebrating if the government is doing a good job. Come on bud.


"I'm going to blame Canada for late-stage capitalism and greed existing worldwide." -OP


Do you know what happens when people let the grass grow and leave the house unattended and empty? Someone else will move in and take over. Lack of pride is one of the greatest threats to national identity and sovereignty. So many foreigners chomping at the bit and they’re seeing Canadians wallowing in self loathing. They’ll keep nibbling at the flesh of our feet. Find purpose and move onward. Enough of this anti Canadian BS.


I'm  Enjoying the weekend, trying to be depressed on purpose is futile. 


I suspect no one is trying to be depressed.. mostly depression happens when your circumstances are crap and out of your control to change.




Love canada. ❤️


Canada is broken


You guys have it so amazing here. In Canmore and it quality of life and prices are amazing. Water is fresh. Air is clear. I am debating whether I return to NYC. Trust me your country is the NAFTA leader.


Everyone on my street put up huge Canada flags !


So leave?


Same here .




Then leave


Unfortunately, you are not alone in feeling disillusioned by poor public policy choices that have squeezed out many Canadians. However, despite these challenges, we are still incredibly fortunate to live in such a great country. Canada is a nation that upholds freedoms, liberties, and a quality of life that surpasses that of most places on Earth. I am proud to be Canadian, and it is this pride that drives my desire for a better nation. I will carry this commitment with me to the ballot box, likely our best catalyst for change. 🇨🇦


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Which cities are having the protests ?




Party for the people and what the country represents. Our families and ancestors. Burn an effigy of our shitty government. Don’t let them rob everything from you, at least enjoy the day for yourself.


Don't hate the country; hate the government that got us here


Just takes all the money and leaves nothing for us, the money that we make and work hard for


Joyeuse fête du déménagement! : )


I’m going to go out on a limb here and try to paint you a bit of a picture to put this in context. There are 8 billion people on earth. In 1990 there were 5.3 billion. In 1990, 1.9 billion of those people lived in extreme poverty, most of those people lived in Asia. Today, about 600 million people live in extreme poverty, almost all of them in Africa. So the boomers in Canada were wealthy because basically rich countries were hoarding wealth, grabbing whatever resources we needed from around the world basically for free. This is no longer the case. On a global scale the standard of living has leveled out a lot, and the education levels have flattened out. Each of us are now in a global competition for resources  with not just the 3 billion people living in wealthy countries but now with the 7.4 billion people around the world who have the same educational opportunities and access to capital as us. So naturally that is going to put a lot of pressure on people regardless of where they live. This is not a national issue and that is why we see similar cost of living challenges all around the world in wealthy countries right now. Because if we are moving towards a more equal world well that means that the wealthy countries are going to be relatively worse off compared to the past. Overall this is a good thing for humanity but on a personal level it kind of sucks to feel like you are “falling behind” but I think the context is important. As to the policy in Canada, I think there are two options. The first is to continue to grow the population through immigration, the thinking here is this will bring more resources overall to Canada and make good use of our vast land through development. The problem is the government is not executing this strategy well because at the same time that they are trying to do this strategy, they have extremely restrictive policy towards resource and land development. So the strategy has a lot of the downsides without the upside of development. The second is the one I see favoured here which is to shut down immigration and try to hoard our resources among our lower population. I think in the long term this strategy will fail. In this age of global competition, we will fall behind as our population ages and our only option becomes to trade away those resources for cheap. It is like the Venezuela strategy. Things will become more and more expensive because we don’t have the productivity to compete while supporting the aging population. Ultimately the best solution is to move toward a post national world but sadly this seems like a dream becoming more and more distant. So there are a lot of tough choices but one thing I can tell you is that there is no going back and we should not really want to.


Happy Canada day!!


If you don’t care about this country, maybe you should leave like the Excessive immigrants. I love my country and I’m willing to fight for it.


I am in Disneyland with my son. It's my 40th today. Happy birthday me


Good luck finding a country where this isn't the case and is also not a developing country.


Same. My kids are little and all they know is that they love Canada. My daughter woke me up this morning screaming, "Happy Oh Canada Day, Mommy!" It was bittersweet. After job searching for the last 6 months, I have no energy left for celebrating Canada Day this year. Gonna nap and watch movies instead. 


Coming from a communist country ….. this is exactly what the communist/totalitarians want .. destroy moral , attack nationalism, create chaos in society to make it easier to control ….. the problem is not the country or the citizens.. it’s the government attacking us


Everyone saying Canada is a great country. I agree it was. It still is in many ways. The comments against this are reflecting the change, we who have been here for 25+ years are seeing. Erosion of our morale fabric. No one knows what being a Canadian is. And those who are coming here now want to change not integrate. Crime is up, cost of living is higher than it needs to be, just the general respect is gone and it’s heartbreaking. We are apologizing for things that don’t even exist. Billions of dollars are being given to special interest groups that have made claims without proof. CERB was a disaster, the ArriveCan app was even worse. I am so tired of working my ass off to watch it just be handed over on a whim. I don’t have an issue with paying my fair share to support healthcare, infrastructure and education. But they’re all a disaster now. I’m just so tired of it all.




Canada Day?!?!!!?! It’s no longer Canadas day! It’s for everyone else who doesn’t pay any taxes for the Canadian government


Whine about it on the internet. That will fix it. Happy Canada Day loser.


Happy Canada Day anyways.


You're always free to leave


Time for you to find a new home that you can be proud of


So you won’t celebrate Canada day because… a shitty, borderline treasonous government made things horrible? You celebrate Canada for canada as a country, for its people and land, not for the current government in charge. Way I see it, protesting tomorrow is a form of celebrating, cause it’s about caring for the future of this country and standing up for it


There are protests happening in many major cities across the country. You are definitely not alone.


Canada is the land and the people, it is not the government or the system man. Happy Canada Day


Lmao this is so overdramatic


No one cares if you celebrate it or not. The real Canadians who love this country no matter what she is going through will be celebrating. No country is perfect. No one robbed you of anything but yourself. There are countries going through war. There are some that mother nature is wreaking havoc on and there are some who live in fear of their government. All I hear on this subreddit is a bunch of whinners and sometimes I think borderline anti- Canada who no matter what will always shit on their country and would even destroy their own country because they lack loyalty. I truly believe some of you on here are the riffraff of our country. Happy Canada!


Kind of sad when we’re like…Canada is great. Can’t afford to live but shit bro, could be worse. At least we’re not at war.


I work 50 hour weeks and still have to live with family cuz I can’t justify sending half of my monthly income on an over priced shit apartment. Ten years ago I made a lot less and could afford a nice 1000sq foot place for myself and have the finances to live my life happily…. figure that one out. 50/30/20 no longer applies and we are expected to spend 75% of our income on basic needs.. it’s a joke and fucking embarrassing. Anyone who thinks the country is fine is living with blinders on


Canada is a democracy. Do something to change for the be better. The current government is a disaster. The housing situation is a disaster. Organize and elect a different government and start working on changing the housing situation. One thing I can’t understand about Canada is the lack of land to build on and the high price of construction materials. Really? Canada probably has the lowest population density in the world and has more timber than any other country in the world. What the hell, people? This ain’t Singapore or Hong Kong. With today’s internet (Starlink, for instance), anyone can be anywhere and work remotely. Build new cities. This is the only way forward. Expand into the unpopulated areas. There should be no shortage of housing in Canada, of all counties. Also, pressure you government to stop the crazy immigration, which is destroying Canada. Start having more kids in these newly built towns and increase in population naturally. Remember, this is democracy. How come people could cross the ocean 400 years ago, settle the wilderness, and become successful, being able to build their own houses, cultivate the land, and raise a dozen kids per family back then, but now with all the progress that has been achieved, suddenly, you can’t do anything about your own destiny? What the hell happened to you?


most, despite what they say, never look or step foot outside their own bubbles let alone the country. Truth is shit is rough all over the world these days. Income inequality is sucking the majority of people dry, and its far from a Canadian problem. Governments all over the world are captured by the rich and corporate interests. Class war will come eventually... if we can ever get our shit together enough to stop being distracted with every new social issue or country-specific boogeyman of the day. In the meantime, enjoy all the great things this country has to offer and be kind to people out there. cheers.


Happy Canada Day my friend- Well said!


Happy Canada Day.


Nobody cares


Yeah, pissed off a whole lot of you in this thread lmao. Waaaaah he hates Canada! Cry more about it.


You’re free to leave


Not how the world works but ok.


Actually, it is. You’re whining and bitching because things aren’t great in Canada for you. Ok. You woke up with clean water, air conditioning, sanitation, basically no risk of violence, banks and institutions that you trust with your money, a lab inspected and stable food supply, etc etc. There are only a handful of countries that have better quality of life metrics that Canada. You can try to move to one, or… go to some third world shit hole and try to make a go of it. Or… recognize that this is still a great country and celebrate all that it has done for you, even if we recognize it needs improvement and may not be on the right path at the moment. Talk about entitlement


Where are the FreeDumb protesters? Why won’t they actually do something and protest this time around?? These are really good causes! 1. Inflation! 2. Housing 3. Uncontrolled immigration 4. Throw down freeDumb!


[https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca) do this instead


Happy Canada OP😁🇨🇦


Sorry but I really couldn’t care less if you’re celebrating or not. I bet most people don’t.


Wishing someone happy Canada Day doesn't require them to love Canada, just as wishing someone Merry Christmas doesn't require them to be Christian. But if you feel that strongly about it, then I wish you a sad Canada Day and I hope you're upset and miserable the entire time tomorrow.


Be the change you want to see in this country.


I still love this country.


Go anyway. We don't win this country back by sulking in our homes. That's how THEY win. We had a hint of our strength during the Ottawa truckers rally. What if we all came out at once and showed the country that our spirit is as strong as it ever was? What if we inspired each other to fight even harder to get it back? Only evil people want us demoralized. Who wins when Canada is weak and afraid and scattered? We choose when enough is enough. We choose where to draw the line. We choose to fight for sanity, not them. Come out and fight for what's left, before it's too late.