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OnlyFans 100% remote work


Lol im A man so sadly this doesnt work much for me


You have a pregnant wife, time to fill that bank while you can


That's not all he'll be filling


Still can do: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FseBFUB-8SU


Create gay erotic content. Come on man think outside the box. How bad do u want it?


šŸ˜‚ i mean, theres alot i would do but that ima have to skip


The wife/gf doesn't need to know :D


Haha i would know though xD


ā€œOutside the boxā€ā€¦I see what you did there.




sex and fetishes knows no gender




You'd be surprised ...




Hey OP, so you want to make $100k, not willing to go to school for new skillset but willing to change your career? I don't understand. You don't just wake up one day and say man I want 100k and shit just happens lol...


Im willing to learn new skills, but im 31 and have kids on the way, i can't afford to go 10 years of full time school to become a doctor, i need something that pays quickly, not invest another 10-12 years into a carrer thats gonna pay me 100k per year in 2040. By then it would be the same as making 30k a year now with how influation is going


I am currently 33 and have been going to university full time for a few years. Quit my job as an aircraft mechanic and am now doing my engineering degree. In this time I've: bought a house, gotten married, had a child. I basically funded all of this (minus the down-payment on the house and mortgage obviously) by serving tables and bartending. I had zero experience doing either, got hired on as a doorman at a fancy hotel, and annoyed my way into the restaurant. The money was awesome. 300-400 bucks cash on a 4 hour shift. However, the schedule sucked for having a baby. So I decided to become a Real Estate agent. The entry fee for me was about 7k, and the monthly fees are about 350. However my first paycheck was $10k. From one deal. Other than those two jobs buddy you'd be hard pressed to find any job that is entry level and makes bank. Good luck with it all. Edit lmao somehow completely missed the whole point of OPs post but I'm leaving it up just to remind myself why I should stay off reddit when I'm baked


Good job but you're no closer to 100k 100% work from home job :-P


Legit guy just wanted to tell his life story with no relation to the question lol


I get this - I funded my school and rent with bartenders.




Asking for advices not your opinion bro. If you aint got anything intelligent to say just scroll by




I mean, I hate how he delivered it but heā€™s the one giving the truth. Someone might have an at home finance job for you, other then that if you think you can just grab a 100k job why is there poverty?


It's because you are delusional what advice do you want? Double salary fully remote but currently have very little skill to offer. Now you want to enter the data domain which is littered with 1000s of fresh grads and it doesn't even guarantee 70k for fresh grads let alone 100k+. You deserve the criticism here. Maybe it'll knock some senses into you.


Advice IS an opinion, which you are looking for, sorry you don't like the answers I guess?


Asking for advices not your opinion bro. If you aint got anything intelligent to say just scroll by


Bro, stop blaming people for your poor choices. Who the fuck has kids these days, especially on your low salary?


Someone looking for a carrer or carreer after loosing their job.


You are a bad person... you sinked him instead of helping him... Hope Karma will do his job....


Just going to put this out there : have you never heard of transferable skills ? Plus it could be 80-90k to start then move up in salary scale . It's feasible but they have to look. Nothing wrong by asking which fields could apply to transferable skills. Your comment is beyond unhelpful for OP. As described in his finances breakdown he can't afford school for that a long time. His situation isn't a "product of his own choice" either. He took a remote position. They are flipping tables on him.


Youā€™re a piece of shit lmaooo


The only way to survive is to eliminate expenses in your situation at the ATM.


Already done that, and eliminated the max i could lol hence the post asking for suggestions. Rent is 2k a month and theres nothing Cheaper thats available. Also looking for a way to live and not just survive. Im also considering moving out of Canada as well as it seems to be getting out of control


Well if you have the option to leave, by all means. I myself can't leave due to my existing mortgage and family, but if you can and start with a clean slate, you are going to be so far ahead there. Col is retarded and the only solution is to pump more bodies to save the landlords. Pretty awful I'd say.


I totally agree. Thats also why im looking at remote job to have more flexibility to where im going to live, i have no mortgage currently and no kids yet (though they are coming) i just think the tax is way too high here for the services we currently have lol


Can I ask where are you thinking of going if you move out of Canada? I hear this a lot but Iā€™m wondering what the alternatives are to the problems we have here.




Nah if you were looking for a way to live youā€™d consider working out of your home


Since you say rent is 2K and there is nothing cheaper, Iā€™m going to guess you likely live in BC, ON, or QC. If you go to AB, SK, MB, or many Atlantic states you could get much cheaper than that and work remotely


Yep Mtl


Insurance claim adjuster, you learn while on the job to get your CIP. You can reach 100 000 if you want and it's remote. EDIT: oh you want 100 000 K now, I don't know man lol


I second! Disability Claims Management specifically has a pretty decent starting pay and will most likely remain fully remote as it's very competitive especially in the Montreal market.


Do you need experience?


Find a headhunter and move to the US. Time to leave Canada if you can't afford it my guy.


I'm a paramedic and make 100K a year and only did 3 years of school.


Why not? If thatā€™s the money heā€™s making, what makes you think he canā€™t get a different job for that amount?


He said he is not making no where close to that.


>and if i maths up all the extra expenses this is going to add (gas, parking, coffee) K cupsā€¦. I work in an office and McDonaldā€™s k cups from Costco are a normal part of my grocery list every few months. Explore provincial/federal jobs in finance. Iā€™m not super confident you will find any that are 100% work from home but they should pay enough to keep you afloat. I work in finance for govt. itā€™s 100% in office and I could be wrong about this but I think you can do work from home agreements? Not sure how they work but certainly worth exploring. Government pension is defined benefit so it also provides more security, in a sense. Full benefits etc. Or, if you want to get real crazy, use some sales skills and start selling cars. Youā€™ll likely get a free demo to take home and save on the payment plus the rewards are lucrative. Not the most fulfilling career but hey, itā€™s a little more exciting than finance in some ways.


Thanks for the advice, what kind of job is there in finance for the government ? Could you tell me more in pm ?


You'll want to look for FI jobs in the government (FI-1, FI-2, FI-3, etc.) For FI-2 and 3 I believe you need a CPA designation but not too sure on that.


I work for provincial government so hard to say what would be available for you. But I do small biz/commercial loans for local companies I live in a lower cost of living so Iā€™m not at 100k a year but I think proportionately other provinces would be around there. Search your provincial and federal job postings. They are everywhere, but the government can be tough to get into. Need to know someone sometimes or have a really good personable interview. Edit: saw another comment where you said youā€™re making 60k. Have to imagine youā€™re currently on the lower-medium end of your salary and making 100k in a remote position is probably pretty far fetched. Iā€™d lower your expectations. Look for a job with ā€˜room to growā€™ and go from there. You need skills to get these jobs and no offence but if youā€™re only making 60k now finance isnā€™t one of those places where you can just hop into a new generous paying gig without being really good at sales as well. And even then, thereā€™s not enough of those jobs to go around in this economy.


BC gov has union finance positions that are remote within BC. They go up to $92k at the moment (FO 27). Otherwise youā€™d be looking at manager roles (band 3 or higher).


Is it possible to apply from Montreal lol ? If i move it would be outside of Can entirely


You're looking to go from 2800/m to 100k? Yes there are remote options thatcpay 100k a month but thats a huge jump for you


Get your ass into tech. Youā€™re gonna need a laundry list of skills for it though, and itā€™s not for everyone. Tech jobs easily pay over 100k and many places offer fully remote jobs. Source: I work remotely in tech


He will need to invest at least 5 years to reach a 100k mark and work remotely, which OP clearly does not want to invest into. This feels like another relative/friend asking ā€œbro how do i learn programming and make big $ fast?ā€, you send them few online learning platform links and never hear from them again.


yo share those learning platforms


Yup. There is a reason they pay high since there is a limited supply of good workers and lots of demand. If OP can code then go for it but itā€™s not something anyone can just pickup, especially if they donā€™t have the aptitude


The other thing is to work remotely in tech (I do) one needs to have an established and proven level of maturity to be trusted remotely. Junior devs are rarely allowed to work remotely in my experience.


Appreciate the headsup brother. Good sector a 100% i gotta learn to code lol


tech sales is the answer, no coding, high pay and remote


Yeahā€¦ Ā«Ā Iā€™m gonna learn to c0deĀ Ā» is not the answer. Far more qualified people are already doing the kinds of coding work someone would be stretching for out of a coding boot camp.


A potential issue with tech is entry level hiring is very competitive. You can make a lot as an experienced worker, but it'll still be a multi year process to get there. A good thing about tech is that you can realistically be self taught, as opposed to something like being a doctor. But even so, breaking into the industry isn't easy. Just worth being aware of.


There's so many tech jobs that aren't coding


What is a good starting point to learn? I have tried looking into it but seeing a whole list is overwhelming and have been wondering if itā€™s better to go back to school or learn online.


Now is a very difficult time to be looking for entry level positions in tech.


For any kind of level, it's a hot mess


"easily" I fucking wish.


If you truly want to make good money in tech, tech has to be your everything for at least 5 years. You're competing with people who've been writing software (notice how I didn't say 'code'), and deploying complex infrastructure since they were 16. OP has a difficult time putting together a coherent sentence. Tech is not the answer. A trade likely is


I mean. Fair enough. Itā€™s not for everyone. I get it.


Stop selling him a dream. Tech is so over saturated these days.


Consulting is pretty good for remote work. I'm in tech but there are other consulting companies in finance. My uncle works in finance consulting and he pulls over $200k/year - he's senior management though.


Appreciate the thought ! Been thinking about consulting as well, he's dealing with clients directly or businesses ?


His clients are business. That's pretty much all I know lol, he can't really tell me too many things as a lot of his stuff is confidential. I know he deals with really cool companies though because when some aerospace stuff became public a couple years ago he was like "yeah I got to see that prototype last year on site". But yeah his clients are businesses. As I said, I'm in tech consulting so I don't really know much about his industry other than he's 99% WFH with occasional flights out to client sites a few times a year for a few days.


Remote as in flying around the country 6 days a week and having no family life.


Myself and a lot of the people I know don't have to do that. In the last 8 years I've had exactly one trip that was work related. My Uncle does a bit but he only takes one trip of four days a handful of times per year. My other Uncle previously flew out Monday mornings and flew home on Fridays but that's because he chose that particular path within the company (same company as me). He did it for quite a few years, accelerated his career while being able to travel, and then only took on remote roles and hasn't travelled in the last five years. There are options, it's not all just things you've heard from the industry.




I have no idea how you figured that out just from that comment but not going to lie, I checked your profile and yeah, we do. Last year was my promo to L8 which pushed me over $100k in Atlantic Canada. I know of one L9 at $101k in Toronto so I know the L9 pay band for that region will hit at least that high. I know a couple L8s in Toronto as well and they're making $15-20k more than me.




Haha that's true, I guess we are the main tech group out there. I've worked with Deloitte folks before but they're a more diverse company and I've worked with CGI but they're pretty small. Never really thought about it before lol. Yeah when I was L9 I was at $85.3. I also work two jobs because back then it wasn't enough and even now with the prices of everything I'm still not where I want to be. I'm at $102k currently. The scale for Atlantic Canada kinda sucks compared to the GTA and Ottawa.


Cloud Services (Google/Azure/AWS) Network Engineer Project Management Financial Analyst. Real Estate Analyst Geological Technician


Solid stuff. Ima research on em thanks man


For what itā€™s worth, all of these require a degree and/or years of experience. You wonā€™t see 100k in under 5 years.


Only Fans. Some people are making mad stacks.


I'm a commercial damage insurance broker and make a bit over 150k BUT, it took me 8 years to get there, I also need a car as I have to go do some prospection and meet clients. Otherwise I work from home and go to the office whenever I feel like it Also I'm a 100% commission paid, no base salary. What you're asking is impossible without being either patient, returning to school or taking risks Good luck.


I am also on insurance. The big green company. We went 2 days a week this summer and it fucking sucks. Noone wants it. I want to unionize but am being careful as I will likely get canned. Let me know if you find anything.


I feel you man, there is an union here but they don't do much. No one has enough balls to stand up against that decision anyways. Just annoying as they are doing this on purpose so people leave "by themselves" that way they don't have to pay indemnities. Low move


I wrote an email to our vp's basically saying noone wants it but it was a waste of breath. I started a change campaign highlighting why it was a bad idea with over 100 signatures.... still cookie cutter bullshit answers. It's fucking stupid.


Sad story man, yea once the corporate come to the the decision its already over lol


Get into Sales. You are in a tough situation. Be ready to work 10-14 hr days. Dig yourself of of this hole. Get into the sales position with a lot of room for growth income wise. Then start doing DoorDash Instacart in your spare time. You can make money, but are you willing to sacrifice the time?


So you want to double your income? I'm sorry is this some sort of joke?


Forgot to mention, would like my wife to stay at home for the first year or two. I have a business on the side that can provide good income but very inconsistent so im looking for a reliable remote job


I am in recruitment and make around $100k per year, working from home 4/5 days. Itā€™s taken me 17 years in the industry to get to this stage.


Have you looked into IT privacy certificates? You donā€™t have to go back to school, just take a quick test, get a certificate in privacy and this opens several doors in IT if you are smart and want to work and pave your way in the field. Initial pay is 90k.


Definetly worth a look thanks alot !


Itā€™s actually cybersecurity, sorry! Take a look at this one, for example. This is a 2 day course. https://learning.oreilly.com/live-events/comptia-security-sy0-601-crash-course/0636920055925/0636920081809/ And itā€™s a 1.5h test only. Huge lack of professionals in the field. Telecommunication industry in need of people with this certification paying 90k.


Appreciate it, ill check it out


Can you please provide examples of companies to apply with and the name of the role youā€™re referring to?


Any IT, telecom, bank, etcā€¦ look for security or cybersecurity analyst, for example. You can also look for the name of the certification and see what positions are asking for it.


You could work in the industrial section in a trade, not exactly sure what the economy is like where you are but here in alberta we are dying for tradesman. I'm a pipefitter, we make an average 100k a year. Start off at first year's rate but your making money the whole time, after you get your journeyman it's nothing but bank. Usually 2 months of schooling per year and the rest is all on the job training. Plus your outside, working with your hands and mind, good people, retirement packages, medical benefits, stuff like that. Something to look into


If you have finance experience CRA is always looking. Most jobs are WFH. Apply. They take anyone who knows anything about accounting and finance. It's part time, but full time hours. Once in, apply for full time jobs.


Did anyone happen to tell this guy that we're in a global recession and hiring freezes are in effect for most organizations? Take what you can get dude šŸ˜‰


Why stop at 100K? If you are going to ask for something mythical, when shoot for the moon? I say ask for a 350K job that also gives out handies under the desk!


I dont think 100k is asking for the moon. Starbucks employees in dubai are paid 70k USD cash no tax


You want to stay home, and do fuck all, and get paid 100K per year. Thatā€™s literally not a thing. Get in the car, go to work, do a good job, get a raise, repeat. Thatā€™s how this is done. I donā€™t think Starbucks employees in Dubai work from home for 70K a year. But Iā€™m headed that way in the spring so Iā€™ll check and report back.


Math ain't Mathing. Net pay is $2800? That's about 4k gross. That's 50k in salary.


Was about to post this ... OP wants to double their salary with a remote position. Nothing wrong with that but the numbers aren't adding up so not sure about the finance experience.


Yea about 60k yearly with a shitty pension plan, hence why im looking at 100k jobs now


Let me know if anyone offers advice on remote, part time gigs that pay up to 200-250k salary. Looking to change up my career choices and make some extra money cuz shit is expensive these days and I never been good at savings


You want to essentially (at *minimum*) double your salary *and also* go remote? I'm not saying it can't happen but I think you need to understand how unlikely and improbable this is, especially in the current job market. You'll likely need another stepping stone or two before that type of role happens.


I mean 100k jobs arent what they were back then. Even with 100k a year your still poor in Montreal. I can go and drive trucks all day for 150k a year, but looking at something remote so i can work on my business on the side by saving on commute times


Sure, 100k doesn't go as far as it used to but it doesn't mean that there's a ton of availability of 100k remote jobs out there considering the state of the economy right now. And anything 100k+ and remote is going to be *extremely* competitive to apply for and something that will go to people with experience in the field, not someone trying to undergo a career change. It's also extremely rare to double your salary without doing so through connections or through another stepping stone first. I'd focus on finding a 70-80k job first, whether or not it's remote, as that's far more realistic than asking to find a unicorn.


Appreciate the advice, good words.


The wanting to double their salty and working remotely to save on commute time and to work on a side business is definitely what employers are looking for. I for one think OP has a pretty good plan and a competitive advantage over any other applicants




Appreciate the thought ! Yea fidelity or them were two possibilities in my book. Thanks !


Good luck making 150k driving trucks.


Quite easy actually you should check it out


Unless it's your own truck it's not happening https://ca.talent.com/salary?job=truck+driver#:~:text=The%20average%20truck%20driver%20salary%20in%20Canada%20is%20%2448%2C750%20per,up%20to%20%2464%2C743%20per%20year.


Yea obv, id buy my own truck


No one making 100k in Montreal is poor. If they are they have some very bad financial management. This thread is ridiculous, youā€™re basically saying you should double your salary just because you want to. You make about 60k, what about your partner?


If you think making 100k a year is being rich you're either 16 yo or 45+ and have your home already paid. Rents are starting at 2k a month and go up to 3.5 easily for a 51/2 (which is needed for 2 kids) now factor in nursery fees which ranges from 40$ to 60$ a day because theres no room for public ones and there you have it, you're broke. You havent eaten, bought anything, and barely enough for a car payment. You need 2 and above 85 ea to just cover cost.


Donā€™t know what kind of background you have but I have plenty of friends with kids who donā€™t make 100k a year in Montreal and theyā€™re not crying on Reddit. How much does your partner makes? Whatā€™s the household salary? Young kids can easily share a room, even more if you decide to have the newborn in your room for its first year. Itā€™s hard for everyone right now, costs of everything are high.


Looking to double your pay while increasing your flexibility. Unless youā€™re willing to do something thatā€™s pure sales/commissions, itā€™s gonna be pretty damn tough, and even then competition is gonna be pretty high. Problem is remote computer work is easy and comfortable so a lot of people are willing to do it, which drops the wage pretty substantially. It would be different if you were a programmer or something similar.


Im considering data analyst, there's online classes available and apparantly lots of high paying jobs


Yeah apparently 500k new international students want to same thing and pursuing it.


Yeah, I work with SQL and PowerBi as a sideline to my Supply Chain job and there's not much above 80k a year in Montreal if you go for a basic data analyst job...


Well yeah, but most of them (or a good portion of them, anyway) are going to return to their home countries as soon as they finish their degrees here. Unless you meant international students or grads studying in other countries and then moving to Canada to apply for those jobs. If you meant the latter, my mistake. The bigger concern right now is the veritable tidal wave of highly skilled immigrants. Theyā€™re the ones who are applying for the high-paying jobs, not so much international students. By virtue of their status as students, theyā€™re still in school. I wouldnā€™t worry about them as competitors for high-salary jobs just yet.


It must suck to be so out of touch.


My friend is an analyst in Montreal for a large corporation. He has a university degree, works remote only half the week and does not make 100k.


Not the most reliable sector right now but tech jobs can get you there. Video game jobs can lead to 100k but it can takes time or you'll have to aim for managing position.


So you currently make ~45k/year, but won't take a job for any less than 100k/year?


Nah i make 60, but because of pension plan i dont get much


What do you do now for work? Truth be told, companies are moving away from remote-only and are going hybrid at a minimum. And those few remote-only jobs that are available are going to pay lower. Jobs in IT are probably the best bet for working remote and making over $100K. But even those jobs are becoming more hybrid. You also may need certifications, etc. in order to work in this field.


How much do you currently make in your remote position, $2800 net does not equal to $100K annually. Depending on your current industry, why not try to jump to a competitor? The experience is already there, if your industry allowed for remote work, then the competitor would likely have the same ability as well. Jumping ship will also come with a pay increase likely. ​ Insurance is also an industry to that provides a "pay on performance" structure, and can be very lucrative like car sales, though might not be remote (the trade off is the money)


There should absolutely be WFH jobs in that range with your background.


Thereā€™s only one way to find out, and that is starting to look for another job. I wouldnā€™t be so fixed on earning the exact same salary. If the market is not offering the salary you are looking for on full remote positions, consider earning a little less. Considering that you wouldnā€™t have to get another car, spend in gas + commuting time etc you may still end up on top even if you earn less (vs keeping the same job and having to commute that is). Good luck!


Learn a trade and become a contractor. Been a sole proprietor for 5 years now, I'm making roughly $110k / year and I work April - December


Remote tech jobs, obviously. When youā€™re a senior pay into the 200s


Inflation hit everyone with a pay cut theft. We all deserve like a 60% raise to afford living costs. Affordability crisis is real and these greedy multi billion dollar companies couldnt care less about workers financially strugggling. I think this is why a lot of American families are creating Youtube channels.


If you have expertise in insurance then start selling it - I'm an insurance broker and I clear mid 6 figures every year




Do you own your book of business? The key to insurance broking is to have equity in building a book. Also to make big money you'll need to do commercial lines.


looking for help how i can double my salary. TIA!


I do 110k , have a degre and work 600miles aways from home outside as a mechanic 12 hours a day and 2 hours of transport from my chamber to the pit .....


Mortgage broker? If you're good at sale, work as a realtor, and sell a couple of houses, then you're good for the rest of the year.


If ur working remote get out of a big city and pay less eh


Lots in banking and tech.


Iā€™m not familiar with the finance or insurance industries, but Iā€™m sure you could apply for positions at any of Canadaā€™s major banks and be well on your way to $100K in a year or two. Anecdotally speaking (as someone looking for work right now myself), a lot of positions that pay $100K to start are senior roles. This doesnā€™t mean you couldnā€™t get one of those jobs, but theyā€™re usually looking for people with at least a decade of relevant - and progressively senior - experience.


Are you in Ontario? Wsib is hiring case managers. Job pays that much after a couple years. Starts off high enough. They require in office attendance very rarely (though this could eventually change).


In Montreal


Ah ok never mind then. Not sure about cnesst, maybe they pay similar? Worth it to check and see. It's insurance, government(ish) so pension etc.




They're pretty active on LinkedIn and also on their website there should be a job description. You need a university degree and relevant experience.


"So im looking at a remote job that pays a minimum of 100k a year, i have expertise in finance and insurance but thats about it." ​ Sell product. Target large files and close them . Start off at 2 hours a day, and go from there. Take what you can get from the market for the guaranteed gig. Means a ten hour day.


It helps what role you are doing now and what you role are you looking for? I think remote work is being more welcome now by employer or at least in a hybrid capacity. have you talked to your current employer about hybrid? Going by your income ($2800/month) you are making way less than $100k so most likely you need 1. more education and it can be just certificates 2. career change


If you are disabled, you can try to get a medical note to accommodate fully remote. They would have to accommodate to undue hardship and after 3 years, it would be difficult to prove rhey can't accommodate remote for their disabled employees.


Go back to the office


Other than commission sales, it's difficult to get any management type jobs in the office that pay 100k/year, let alone remote work. Good luck!


Iā€™m also in Montreal, south shore actually. I work in tech (non-technical position),fully remote and 100k+ but with your experience/background thereā€™s no easy and quick way to make that move to that type of position unfortunately. My advice would be to: - Look for a similar position in a different company - Find a cheaper apartment to live in - Move to an area where you can use public transportation to get to work (at least avoid having to drive downtown) Good luck!


Appreciate the input, care to provide more details on the position and what you did to get it ? In the DM for privacy obv




Get into Property Management. 2/3 yrs exp you could be making $90-$100k - however, itā€™s mostly in big cities like Vancouver or Toronto where the salary is like that. If you make Sr. PM or director, you are looking at a $150k+. You do have to drive though, and there will be site days and office days, but you could probably negotiate 1 or 2 days off. Also, pretty recession proof and stable career imo.


Nice input, havent thought of that, Any recommandation for a specific company that would offer positions in this domain ?


You could look at Assistant/Jr PM jobs at companies like Bosa, Avision Young, Onni etc or if you want to get into strata you could look at AWM, FSR etc. This is the link for a PM license in B.C., your province will likely have something similar: https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/programs/real-estate/licensing-registration-courses/bc-licensing-courses/rental-property-management-licensing Edit: Do not get into building manager jobs however, those are live in.


get into software sales


LĆ¢che Desjardins et va en consultation.


The remote job ship has sailed. Most companies have mandatory days in office now.


Live more within your means. 2800 a month each is PLENTY compared to most people


Iā€™m too late in the game but iā€™m studying web development. Currently have 60k a year now but work remote for ever, but its not enough for us as cost of living keeps increasing. You can check https://roadmap.sh/ for a roadmap you want to follow. Tech jobs are usually remote, ive been remote since 2016




Etsy Nigerian Prince r/illegallifeprotips2


Tech. Good on you though, I make 100k and still dont think I can afford a child.


Yeah plenty - sales, technical pre-sales, software development, professional services, consulting, etc.


UX design and later transition to Product design


Plenty of remote jobs in tech. You said your finance? Maybe look into fintech companies.


Average take-home of $2800=\~ $4000 a month before = <$50K/year =<$100K/year for household. And you are saying you need a single remote job paying $100K ASAP...You clearly don't have your expectations right... Based on the description, I'd guess your job is more of a sales-oriented role on the personal finance side. Your expertise in finance and insurance won't give you a step up in terms of salary. Your best bet (doesn't mean it's easy to get in) would be commercial banking in finance which pays you much more than your current salary but is still farrrrrr from what you wanted and not remote either. Also, $100K+ remote jobs in finance are very very rare. For that amount and remote format, you should be looking at experienced junior-level tech roles. But you are not willing to spend years in school so... Your money-in side should be your long-term goal (maybe 3-5 years). You should work on your money-out side of the equation for the short-term fix. Just 2 cents from a young finance professional with bunch of close friends and gf in tech.


Software sales. Look for ERP sales or insurance software since you have a background in it. Most big ERP companies will hire people with a finance/accounting background for their ā€˜Solution Consultantā€™ roles since you likely have experience using an ERP or know the ins and outs of the use case


You are trying to double your salary. What expertise do you have in Finance and Insurance? And how many yearā€™s experience? Why not look at other companies in your industry? They might pay more for someone with experience.


Guns and drugs seem to bring in big money. I think it's the overnight shift, but it's not 5 days a week...


I donā€™t understand whatā€™s the need to find remote jobs just to save 300 a month rather than keeping your job in this market? Remote jobs are the first to be eliminated the moment they can find replacement from cheaper labour from overseas or AI one day.


The point of changing job is because right now i would have to actually pay 500$ a month to work. It doesnt make any sens. I already cut all possible expenses, at some point im not gonna sit there and keep loosing 500$ a month on top of my time 5 days a week. I don't know of anyone in their right mind who would keep doing that, hence why im asking for suggestions for a carreer change.


Hydro One has quite a few.




Lol best game ever


What do you do for a living? I work 100% remote and make over $100k/yr but I also work in a heavily in demand technology sector.


$100K for full remote work? I think a lot of people wish for that. Most places are shifting to go back to norms, offering hybrid (part work from home and part in office) and others are back to full in office. For $100K, most places will prob expect you to be in the office, at least partially for the week.