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I 100% believe in climate change. But I also believe people fear monger, and take advantage.


Exactly. Climate change is happening. You'd have to be blind to not see that. But there is much money to be made and control to be exerted on and over people's fear. Follow the money...always.


All the dummies like "How can money affect the climate?!"




One thing for sure, regardless of who’s right or wrong with climate change, Trudeau government plus more money does not equal greener planet.


*Laughs and smirks in Trudeau


Climate change is happening as it always has and always will. No amount of human action will control the climate. Climate change is based more on lunar cycles and the earth's magnetic tilt than human action. But leave it to those in charge to manipulate us to go back to being peasants with no rights


Volcanoes do a pretty good job at climate change.


Do you not remember acid rain? The hole in the ozone layer? Humans most certainly can have an impact on things of this scale.


Do you remeber the sea levels rising? Do you remeber in the 70s the world's gunna freeze? 80s acid rain is going to kill all the fish? Y2k? It's all fear mongering. They know the world's temperature is changing due to a natural cycle and they use it there advantage. Why is every climate study funded by the same people?


Um… Sea levels have rise, acid rain was going to cause a ton of damage (till we mitigated mainly coal plant emissions), ozone layer has regenerated as the world pivoted, and Y2K was precautionary… and valid. I research CFC alternatives, our funding came from big refrigeration companies as they wanted efficiency, something that wasn’t ozone depleting but also not super flammable. The other ‘woke’ research I did was alternative to gasoline, which was funded by corn farmers in America as the idea was to use excess corn waste and a bacteria matrix to make fuel. It worked, just not at the scale desired. But yeah, the ‘same people’.


Impact, yes. Not the root cause however. Impact, sorta like Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai and those before it.


I say impact because both positive and negative. Ozone hole was human created, and repair was human intervention (stopping CFCs). We ideologically are opposed, so there’s no point debating, nothing I say will change your mind.


Exactly, mostly because of the sun. And humans are too arrogant to think they can change anything and everything :) and this is the weakness that the tyrants love to manipulate :)


Lunar cycles eh?


[Relevant XKCD proving this wrong](https://xkcd.com/1732/)


Tell that to the half of all insects on earth that have been wiped out


There are regular periods of mass extinction all throughout earths history. That’s nothing new. We’re just alive in time to be next on the list.


Can't even fathom how you are that narrow-minded


Well, all life on earth will end at one point, but it would still be nice if that doesn't happen in the next centuries. Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's okay.


In urban settings maybe but I've seen no drop in the last 10 years. Just cause you heard something online doesn't mean you should believe it.


Lmao, home-made physics


Milankovitch cycles


So what do you think the term "greenhouse effect" means?


A naturally occurring process.


A lot more money tied up in big oil, though.


Maybe so, one does not negate the other. Big oil being "bad" doesn't preclude climate alarmists from disingenuous operations either.


Just like covid. There was some truth to it, but the left takes it to the extreme and uses it to control others... look how that turned out. When was the last time you heard about covid?


Some people on the left took it to the extreme and some on the right didn’t take it seriously enough. I’m talking about Covid but it applies to climate change as well.


Agreed, and that's my point. The truth is always in the middle.


Oh absolutely! This is an intelligible take.


While you are right. 2nd quote is out of context and a common meme proven to be wrong numerous times. Seems like the deniers take advantage too in that mess.


We need more people who think like you. Unfortunately it's either "the world will end soon" or "climate change is a hoax"


This is how weird of a framework it is.  You just opened by saying you believe in climate change, but what is the antithesis of that?  You believe in a stable and unchanging climate?  Its so poorly defined to begin with, but that's on purpose. If you believe that greenhouse gases retain heat, that's about where the science ends, but they expect you to know accept this package deal that therefore it is inherently immoral to have any impact on the climate and it will inevitably be self destructive.   This is the Old Testament being retold by people who think they aren't religious.  When it rained for 40 days and 40 nights it was because God was punishing them for their sins.  When they had drought it was because God was punishing them for their sins.  Now we just update the exact same thought pattern to be Gaia is punishing us for our CO2 emissions.  Every culture throughout history had some story about what sacrifices needed to be done to get better weather.  Some slit a virgins throat or threw them in a volcano.  Now we just try to crash out economy and think there's a scientific reason to do so, when all they have is that CO2 molecules resonate with certain wavelengths of infrared light which causes a logarithmic relationship with heat retention. Human prosperity and safety FROM the environment are at an all time high by orders of magnitude, yet people are still convinced the sky will fall for nothing more than reasons of religious rapture 


Perfect opportunity to add an arbitrary tax to make everyone poorer and make absolutely no impact whatsoever on the factors driving the increase in CO2


I agree


Climate change is real but that doesn't mean we have to pay a fuck ton on taxes because Canada contributes only 2% of it and throwing money at the earth won't solve climate change


I like the analogy that Canada is “throwing ice cubes at the sun”.


If anything inhibiting our economy puts us back the direction closer to countries to have to subsidize their gas to ease the struggle. The irony


The sky is falling, but, by giving all of your money to the government, we can fix this!


I remember him doing his speech on Oprah on how we'd all be dead by now! The young'uns should watch it so they can be made aware of the lies being told to them now.


I actually want to see that now. A few months ago I went back to watch Inconvenient Truth so I could laugh at all the outlandish claims that never came true. I was disappointed, not because claims actually came true, but because nearly all of the claims were so vague and I'll defined that no one would be able to tell if they came true or not. There's predictions of sea level rise but they don't give a timescale etc. It's almost comical how bad it is.


Right … Exxon Mobil also made highly accurate predictions on global temperature rise - those leftist hippies


What is China and russias carbon taxes?


These are grifters preying on people's fears.


You make sacrifices and pay more taxes to the government, everything will be alright.


When was this picture taken? The live feed of Kilimanjaro shows no snow cap at all, which is kind of weird as there is supposed to be a permanent glacier there, unless it's a lighting effect messing with the camera. Edit: The daytime temperatures at the peak of Kilimanjaro this week are all above 1C. The average temperature there for this time of year is -7 to -20. It was raining on the peak a few days ago. That's not normal for a mountain peak that is supposed to have a glacier. 2nd EDIT: Want to see evidence of this? Open Google Earth Pro on your desktop, locate Kilimanjaro in North East Tanzania, click on "timelapse". I shows every satelite image of Kilimanjaro from 1984 to today. You can visibly see the ice cap and glacier receeding year by year, until today where it appears to be about the size of a football field. In 1984 it was about 4 kilometers wide and 3 kilometers north to south.


Nuh uh, the meme says it still has snow! All the scientists are wrong, and I won’t listen to your “logic” or “evidence” because I’m mad at the government for misappropriating funds! It doesn’t matter if the problem is “real” and an “existential threat” to “humanity,” the government is taking my money in the name of “science” and not correctly using it, so I’m going to ride my tricked out F150 to the nearest gas station, fill up my my gas leaf blower, and use it just to tickle my little bum-bum, because I don’t agree with experts in their field! I’ve done my own meme based research and all my online friends agree with me!


You do realize that one PJ flight by a politician or corporate CEO emits more than an F150 through its entire lifetime?


But what about leaf blower bum bum tickles?


Here's a pic from 2024 showing almost no snow on Kilimanjaro. https://www.ambucopter.org.uk/events/mount-kilimanjaro-2024/


Google Earth Pro has a timelapse feature that takes every satellite image and plays them in order. It shows very clearly the difference.


Yeah, and Greta's tweet could be accurate too, it never mentions we'd all be dead in 5 years, it is specific about stopping fossil fuels in 5 years, or humanity won't survive in the long term


Yeah, it might not kill all of humanity either, but global warming may kill an awful lot of us.


As was plainly obvious to see during the "COVID era", those endless rumours of humanity's pending demise still remain greatly exaggerated. Ignore the fake noise and fake news, folks. Next.


Right!!! Been listening to Al Gore and Bill Gates promote their “the world is going to be under water in 10 years” BS for my entire 40 years of existence. But you know what has happened in my time… those 2 grifters have gotten richer and bought beachfront houses. Why would you want a waterfront property if the ocean is going to rise up and sweep it out to sea? Remember kids ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.


So many global warming prediction dates are expiring, and none came true.


But it was hot last summer. Experts are saying that it will be hot this summer also. We all will be dead. - Science


Summer is hotter then winter therefore hot.


But this one did actually come true. OPs second picture isn't from this year. You can see for yourself in the live camera feed of the mountain: [https://www.earthcam.com/world/tanzania/moshi/?cam=mountkilimanjaro#google\_vignette](https://www.earthcam.com/world/tanzania/moshi/?cam=mountkilimanjaro#google_vignette) Or you can open Google Earth Pro, locate Mount Kilimanjaro in Northern Tanzania, and click on the timelapse button. It shows every satellite image in order from 1984 until today. You can see the glacier and snow cap go from being 4 kilometers wide and 3 kilometers north to south to the size of a football field today. It is not longer large enough to be called a glacier. The average historical temperatures for the peak of Kilimanjaro even in summer are -7C to -15C. It has been above 1C for the past 2 weeks, and it was raining there this past weekend. OP is full of shit 100%.


Plenty of global warming predictions have been accurate. Most notably those regarding the increase in global average temperatures, the disappearance of arctic sea ice, the rise in sea levels and the increased frequency of extreme weather events.


We've had hotter summers and colder winters. Neither of which is an indicator of anything other than the current year stats.  As the ice age ends, things will continue to get warmer as the climate goes back to normal.  That happens whether we want it to, or not. 


There is no such thing as normal in climate, all changes are caused by something. If the current trend is not caused by man made emissions, what is it then?


When the rich move away from the waterfront..I'll pay attention.


How about if the insurance companies stop insuring waterfront property?


The ones who own the waterfront property own the insurance companies


The glacier has reduced by 90% over the last century, and now is expected to be gone by 2040. This isn’t the win OP thinks it is. Climate change is real and we need to address it. https://africageographic.com/stories/how-the-kilimanjaro-glaciers-left-truth-in-the-cold/


But with enough carbon tax increases we can save the world amirite guys/s


Carbon tax was invented by the Conservatives, and first used in Alberta. How it became a conservative kicking dog is beyond me.




We are driving large changes in climate over a relatively short period of time. We are not living in an age of climate change. We are driving it.


We aren't.  Things haven't changed noticeably in my 40+ years


That’s not correct. The change is measurable and substantial relative to the timescale.


Things haven't changed in 40 plus years? Biodiversity? Habitat destruction? increase in all kinds of pollutants to the air, not just those that are warming the atmosphere? Fish stock depleting? Coral bleaching? I just saw an article that said there's plastic in all of our sperm. Everyone. Ya ever see those dead birds full of plastic bits? Do you ever notice the windshield after a car trip, Doesn't have as many bugs on it as it did when we were kids? What the hell have you been watching?


[Temperature of the ocean over the last 40 years](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/)


Not to mention the second quote doesn’t say humanity would be over in 5 years. That scientist was claiming that the dominos knocked over would eventually lead to an extinction level climate change if we didn’t rapidly change our fossil fuel habits


Exactly. The quote is about action needing to take place over that time.


I wouldn't expect the glacier to get bigger as we move further from the last ice age


Ignoring human activity, as we get further form an ice age the Earth should be warming once time; and glaciers should reduce; ya? Generally this is what we have seen over tens of thousands of years - we are accelerating that trend rapidly.


'We' haven't seen anything. We are told it by people who benefit from saying it. That's my personal opinion.


We have. Your personal opinion is best informed by listening to and understanding those who understand what’s happening. Likely your skepticism is directly attributable to those who spread lies and doubt because they benefit from inaction.


Stop it! You are making too much sense!


The world will end in the next 10 years unless you give me a blank cheque to fix it.


If they are wrong every time they are just wrong right? Makes you wonder what else they are wrong about…


Science ain’t been right bout nothin since the moon landing and now global warming fake like the moon landing too


Same with Plymouth Rock. If sea levels were rising how is it still in the identical depth of water?


Plymouth Rock has not remained in its original location over the centuries, and sea level rise has been well-documented in the surrounding region, experts say. In addition, the photo also does not take account of regular tidal fluctuations. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-plymouth-rock-sea-level-924629756946


Counter point: nuh uh!


Ever heard of tides? They’re caused by the moon, cool fact


That's no moon. That's yo mama


How dare you!


I 100% believe in climate change but I Believe it is caused from manufacturing overseas to get around pollution laws, NOT consumers trying to get to work. (Funny how the solution is to scrap your old car and buy a new one)


Not until Bill Gates, Barak Obama, The Clintons, etc stop buying oceanfront properties. Why would they drop millions for something that they honestly know will be destroyed? Even more indicative, not until insurance companies refuse to insure oceanfront property, I refuse to believe. Those vampires and their actuaries wouldn't insure a dollhouse if they thought they'd lose money.


I hate alarmism. I'm all for reducing pollution and leaving a cleaner planet for our children, but that can be achieved through steady progress and engineering, without wiping out the economy. Oil companies are always researching and improving their extraction and refinement processes. Whether you think humans are accelerating the greenhouse effect is irrelevant; I think everyone from every political party can support clean air and water. Taxation is not the way to achieve that. Unfortunately we have little influence over countries like China and India when it comes to emissions reduction.


You're definitely wrong here. Canada and other countries like it have plenty of influence. Countries like Canada are actually part of the problem. This may be very hard but I want you to internalise this. If you send all your manufacting and labour overseas to places like Asia... they're still your emissions as you're bennifiting from them. It's like saying you reduced pollution to net zero, but moved all your pollution to another country to hide it.


Why does the top climate naysayers and the “agendas” conveniently ignore the documentary in the 70s that Leonard Nimoy narrated, explaining that scientists are Worried the world would get colder in the future ?


Both are true, interestingly. The reason the earth is supposed to be getting colder is due to our orbital pattern. We are entering the longer orbit pattern (It cycles about every 100,000 years) that can cause ice ages. Our planet is supposed to be cooling slowly for the next 30,000 years if you only look at our orbit and historical evidence. Global warming is counteracting this and then some, because our oceans and atmosphere are actually warming despite our planet growing slowly further on average away from the sun. The fact that our planet is warming while moving slowly away from the sun is actually evidence that global warming is incredibly powerful.


Every prediction the experts have made has proven false and they wonder why people don't believe.


No they haven't. You're just cherry picking data and using whatever fits you bias. If you wanted to you could see hundreds of studies that disagree with you from multiple angles. But of course, your decision must be right. Continue on strong.


I'm talking about the doomer predictions.


Anyone who believes “man made climate change is real and is a danger more important to focus on and utilize our time & resources to combat it” doesn’t realize they are involved in the largest, the most powerful & the most successful doomsday cult in human history, one that does more harm than good & robs you blind. The Green Cult’s ability to cultivate a massive following would make the People’s Temple, Aum Shinrikyo & the Ant Hill Kids blush


Climatism is a secular death cult which will happily sacrifice the world’s poorest inhabitants for a ‘better tomorrow’. It discourages forms of alternative energy which would actually work (natural gas, nuclear). Discourages people from having children. And encourages the degradation of natural habitats. Edit: this doesn’t discount that the climate is changing..as it always has and always will.


No it doesn't.


The climate has never stopped changing. And that doesn't scare me. If it stops, I'll be afraid.


The climate has been changing since earth evolved


Climate change is 5 thousand years old just like the planet but it been evolving that whole time and gonna evolve more if it can do


Yes. And you can change it artificially if you add the right ingredients.


Remember the ozone hole and everybody is like why do t we talk about it anymore . It’s because we collectively decided to stop using CFCs . It is the single most example of how out actions impact nature


Look at all the rain alberta is getting now and how few wildfires we had compaired to last year! The carbon tax is working! /s just incase, it's hilarious how climate doomers were saying were never gonna see blue skies again due to the fires, in northern Ab they're partly right, it's been more rain clouds than sunny days here lol


No it’s been a control mechanism for decades.


Where I'm sitting at least 4 different times there was up to a half mile thick ice. Another time it was the bottom of an inland sea. Some of what are now deserts were once lush tropical paradise. Yes, the climate changes, constantly. Current CO2 levels are about a third of what they have been historically (ice cores). What affects our climate? 1. that big yellow thing in the sky. 2. The earths orbit around it and the earths inclination angle. (and the moon, ie gravitational pulls). Then of course things like volcanoes that spew out more co2 in a couple minutes than mankind has in total, etc. Look, I can understand if you live in a big, dirty, stinky city that pumps millions of gallons of raw sewage into the local water body daily you could fall for this stuff. The world outside of large cities is a Very nice place, really. Taxes, wealth distribution and political gain do not affect our climate and that's all this is really a about. Follow the money, as usual.


Fearmongering Leftoid radicals.


Climate change isn't fearmongering in the slightest. Individuals are wrong all the time. You and everyone else on this thread are cherry picking data. Why else does every post agree with you? Lol


Climate change is absolutely fearmongering in an effort to "transition" Western Democracies into authoritarian Leftoid dystopias.


Highly misleading meme. Kilimanjaro used to have year-round glaciers. Now it doesn’t. It still gets snow. ❄️


We used to be completely covered in ice on north America.  Why aren't we fighting to get things back to a frozen wasteland?


I’m talking about 20 years ago. It was covered in ice year-round 20 years ago.


if it was that crazy banks wouldnt lend on ocean front property...


We can't get coastal flood insurance where I am in Nova Scotia anymore because the storm surges keep getting higher. It's not even an option anymore.


Sounds like accurate risk assessment based on actual facts vs Al Gore spewing garbage 


But the things Gore said would happen are happening. Storm surges are getting higher, Kilimanjaro has lost it's glacier (despite the picture which is clearly not of this year).


Hahah the scare tactic. It's disgusting how many people believe that shit


Why don't you believe humans can change the climate?


I never believed the giant hole in the ozone layer they told us about back in the early 90s, why the fuck would I believe some mouthy lil eco twat now🙄 But please keep telling us how the water lvls will rise an drown the world in the next 5yrs😅


He also said sea levels were going to rise 10 ft 20 years ago and in 2023 spent 10 million on a beach front property.......


Breaking news... Al Gore isn't the leading name when it comes to climate change and a single person can be wrong. Shocking.


Breaking news another paid shill lying to our faces to promote a narrative that only harms the public.


The idea of climate change itself doesn't hurt the public. Fearmongering can hurt some people sure. But it's also wise to be some what concerned about the effects if going to have on us and our future generations.


Forever chemicals and microplastics are the real enemy to humanity.


Which are things that change the climate. Therefore it all ends in how we effect the climate and change it over time


Yes. But no one is focusing on the chemicals and only on carbon which is stupid.


It’s been “we’re 5/10 years away from climate catastrophe!” for decades. They recycle the doomsday scenario every few years, and people still buy it.


So we are currently seeing unprecedented crop failure, deaths due to weather and our oceans are becoming so acidic it has reduced fish reproduction rates. It isn't a doomsday thing, if you look at any real source. Not the ones spoon fed to you by your influencers, you'd understand it's a gradual process.


Environmental communist fascism is coming for us all


I’m old enough to remember the world will end in the 70,s then the 80s etc etc. Hope Al and Greta put the dates in their calendar in pencil haha


We were supposed to be out of oil decades ago. 


Wasn't all the science saying an ice age coming in the 70s?


Microplastics will likely kill us faster than climate change now that it affects our balls


Damn, I guess we should really address plastics because not only are they harming our ecosystems, they're harming everyone else.


Yeah that heatwave that killed 200 in India this week is totally a normal phenomenon. So is the one in Mexico that saw monkeys drop from trees from the heat. You guys are fucking idiots.


They are 


That’s the issue with this sub, the people here that are saying “haha don’t fall for it” are just as worse as the extremist saying the sky is falling. I don’t like the carbon tax, I don’t like Trudeau, and I don’t trust PP (he’s not gonna make Canada better). But it’s truly ignorant to take a stance of climate change not being real - I hate how politicized and divisive it has become (both sides are to blame) .. caring for the health of our people and the environment used to not be a divisive issue.


If I have to pick a end of the world scenario it's still lthe walking dead. There's still a good chance of survival for most people and well it will help climate change. Now climate destroying the world, I think it could happen but it's not within the millennial life time or maybe even gen z. It's why I'm for reasonable and responsible plans to make life better and more environmentally safe. I think a good big impact in climate damage would be somehow reducing the number of flights ppl take, especially the rich and famous, politicians and athletes (looking you you Kim k for flying to Europe for a damn meal, and that's it)


Deffinetly is happening. Has been slowly happening since the ice age. Whether or not we can stop / slow it is the big question.


Al Gore needs to bust out his scissor lift and giant graph 📈 in order to emphasize the skyrocketing amount of bs flat out wrong predictions. Now thats an inconvenient truth.


Thank you for your service!


"THE END IS NIGH!!" - Climate Change "experts"


They have to keep changing the narrative every time their predictions have come and passed without even remotely coming close to what was predicted.  Sea levels haven't risen, although some of the coastal land has sunk as water and natural resources are extracted.   Earth's climate is in a constant flux. We're responsible for pollution (carbon isn't pollution) and poisoning the land, air, and water. But the climate? That's controlled by forces beyond our manipulation.  Orbital changes,  interactions with planets like Mars (proven link between our orbits and ice ages), solar activity, volcanic and tectonic activity.   Charging a carbon tax ain't fixing shit,  and the entire planet cutting fossil fuels cold turkey ain't changing the climate either.    Money should be invested in technology to adapt to natural climate change,  and in cleaner processes to reduce actual toxic pollution.  This entire green movement is a literal scam.




Y'all better believe Al Gore. He invented the internet.


no. I read Crichton and ever since felt that the entire argument was poorly constructed and that clearly it was a political movement


2nd pic- probably for the best. Js.


Climate change is real, but it is being exaggerated. Kilimanjaro will melt in 2050, not 2024.


Nah I don’t believe shit I see online


If you need to misinterpret someone else to make your point, then it’s not a great point


Ya I don’t think she was suggesting we would be dead in 5 years. She was saying that if we don’t act the result will lead to climate catastrophe that will help contribute to our end.


Well duh, we’re all only here today able to see snow on Kilimanjaro because we paid into the carbon tax. 8/10 families get more back than they pay, did you know that? Hey guys? Did you know that?


Do you guys have any ideas on how to profiteer from this? Please message me and let me know if you want to start a thinktank. I can invest brain power, my dog Logan, and my wife. She cooks well, he is named after Wolverine, and my brain is at 33.3 percent usage. Lots of ideas and ways to profit. Serious inquiries only.


No, I didn’t and don’t believe them. A climate catastrophe that has been foreseen has never, ever happened.


Just the fact she deleted the tweet is pretty damning.


Hey guys, I know you all seem very right wing and critical thinking may be hard. But you do realise we've taken some big steps in slowing down climate change? Also, if youre trying to quote one person to try and make climate change seem less impactful... that's called Cherry picking.


We have so many trees that were basically solid on the CO2 emissions


Great is 100% her parents puppet. She is as bad as the opposite end of the spectrum claiming it will be a water world. Please don't quote Greta if you want to be taken seriously.


People should check out thunberg when she answers question in congress or the senate in America. She really doesn’t know a single thing about climate change


They are only using this for power. It’s always a power play. We are not in a global catastrophe AT ALL. Is the climate changing? Yes. Everyone knows that and that’s why this scam is hilarious. Governments never really cared about anything external and now all the sudden they want to save the fucking planet after they spent a career in politics giving big business tax cuts and all sorts of other corrupt loop holes and shit to destroy our planet….but now…only now do they want to be heroes 🥸😒


yes buddy, im not stupid, i believe in climate change.


Climate change is real. It’s been happening again and again for 4.5 billion years. Are we exacerbating it, to an extent, yes. The real thing is, the end result is the same and we need to adapt faster. (We also need to stop trying to tax it away.) The ice sheet was hundreds of meters thick in Canada only 20,000 years ago. A lot melted before humans had any part in turning up the heat. Before that, between glacial periods, the Earth’s temperature would rise over 10 degrees C above the coldest periods. We’re crying, fearmongering, blaming and desperately trying to control it but it’s proven to be out of our hands.


Suddenly insurance companies charge much more in Florida… Nothing to do with climate change, right? And the amount of Glaciers that have melted away is staggering.


I can’t believe that you haven’t put together that the Canadian carbon tax has saved us all.


And then 2020 happened, and pollution went down significantly


to be fair, Greta didn't say we would be wiped out *in 5 years* but simply that we would be wiped out *if we don't stop using fossil fuels* ***over the next 5 years.*** the wiping out part could take longer, the 5 years just does the irreparable damage. that being said, I guess yeah there is still snow on Kilimanjaro. They were wrong. I do however still believe in climate change, but that doesn't mean I have so subscribe to Greta fearmongering doomsday in 5 years.


We had the warmest May on record in the UK.. Which was a joke considering just how wet and cold it's been. Apparently, it was 'warm' at night as it was so cloudy that it kept it warm. Dailysceptic has been cataloguing the many ways that the establishment fiddles the figures to show things that aren't really there.


That doesn't mean what you think it does. 5 years is a tipping point, not the end.


Climate change is real but we already did our part about it and have not ever even been a big part of of in any way. Its always from poorer our Industrial countries


Here's an image from 2024 that has almost no snow: https://www.ambucopter.org.uk/events/mount-kilimanjaro-2024 Is this seasonal or is the photo above bs?


Lol, they have been using the every 5 years since the 80s. That is why no one over 40 is freaking out about it like the 20 year olds. When the 20 year olds are 40, they will begin rolling their eyes to.


More for Gore or the son of a drug lord? None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord!


All this boy who cried wolf climate catastrophism is actually bad for getting people on board with making changes


The Greta one is bad English.


First off. Climate change is not disputable. Just like in your life, Change is inevitable. But let's all be very clear, climate change is only because we had an ice age and are still recovering from it. The sun won't stop, and the earth we live on will revert to its natural state, regardless of us humans. We are not that important in comparison to the earth and the solar system. Get over yourselves.


I've seen evidence of warming with my own eyes so it's not about believing anyone. The ski season is utter shit compared to 30 years ago.  It's not going to kill everyone but it'd be foolish to think this sort of temperature change isn't going to cause major problems around the world 


https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0906029106#:~:text=Summit%20ice%20cover%20(areal%20extent,in%202000%20is%20now%20gone. Killamanjaro has seen an 85% reduction in snow levels in the last 20 years.


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325706151/figure/fig1/AS:636514904051712@1528768387427/The-influence-of-climate-change-on-the-ice-coverage-in-the-Arctic-from-1979-to-2012-1.png https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/arctic-sea-ice/?intent=121#:~:text=Key%20Takeaway%3A,covered%20in%20ice)%20each%20September. Guys NASA is run by Justin Trudeau now 🫢


It's happening, temp is rising, Glaciers are melting, but it's not as dramatic they make it out be. Should we be careful about our carbon footprint, 100%, but fear mongering is just out of control.


You know they are talking lies when they don’t even name the scientist 😒


lol gtfo with this garbage op


1/2 the world is on fire and 1/2 is flooding so ya were not doing so good. You think immigration is bad now wait.


https://youtu.be/bnjU7ZAlFjw?si=CAky4DOlBbaQ7QwR “We didn’t listen”


Let’s hear the liberal watermelons pipe up about this lmfao what a load of trash


As long as we still have 4 seasons the “climate change“ is always true.


Exactly yep climate is change and always will be as god designed so