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An evil man will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes - Sun Tzu


Justin Trudeau is certainly......the shit-Master-of-Disaster. There can be no doubt about that..... Edit -Title change.


He enjoys the drama.


That explains why he became a drama teacher; he loves to write his own disaster!!


Bruh, don't give him cool villain titles.


Noted......and revised.


Whoa whoa whoa. Apollo Creed was the “Master of Disaster”. Don’t equate Trudeau to Creed.




He’s head of the evils.


Sun Tzu never said that, but you're not wrong.


Gahd DAYUM thanks for the fire quote, boss. Hope you drink enough water today


I think this is a perfect description of Trudeau


To think, the liberals ran on a campaign slogan of changing an already great country... what were the leftist plebs thinking? Looking back, 2014 Canada looked pretty good!


because they elected a narcissistic rich kid with a history of sexual misappropriation, because he had lovely hair and fashion sense. the liberals deserve to lose their shirts and party status over that alone. but hey, he also ensured any male in his caucus that ever was accused of anything got thrown out in shame, regardless of due process. then it was his turn to resign over the same accusation, and then the goal posts moved again. guy is fucked.


Don’t forget blackface whilst calling other racist


well yes, but that was different. and pointing it out as a problem makes you, racist, as i understand.


*double racist


Weed. They wanted legal weed. Seriously, pot lost Harper the election. Had he just loosened his draconian view on marijuana, he would have had another 4 years.


I think people were just sick of Harper. He should have stepped down and let someone else in the party run.


I agree. Trudeau just had to run on transparency and saying it's time for election reform. He lied, of course and is just as arrogant as Harper but has brought the worst circumstances beyond anything I could have imagined to Canada. Plus he's also way more corrupt than Harper was. I had issues with Harper due to his corruption and lack of transparency and here I am again with Trudeau (even worse though). No winning. Their egos are worth taking down their party, crazy.


People seem to forget that Harper also contributed to people mistrusting his administration with gaging scientists, and his own weird interpersonal stuff. And either way it's barely relevant because they're just figure heads that pretend to represent us but represent corporate interests in both cases. Acting like voting for the other broken party is going to fix our country is madness.


Exactly. Weed. That and electoral reform which he reneged on. And then, in typical politician fashion, promise reforms and benefits that will take years to begin and more years to phase in to full effect, in order to keep him there to "get it done". I hope my fav movie critic doesn't mind me quoting, "go away now".


Leftists were bought on proportional representation and marijuana The NDP would’ve been supported if not for Trudeau


Trudeau never promised proportional representation, he promised electoral reform. The sort of electoral reform he wanted was ranked ballot, which he though would help the Liberal, as the historically "center" party between the Conservatives and NDP. He abandoned electoral reform when proportional representation was what the NDP and smaller parties wanted, because it would hurt the Liberals. Trudeau only wanted electoral reform to the extent that it would personally help himself and his party.


I’m just saying what lefties were hoping for


Fair, but I think it's more accurate to say it's what supports of the NDP and other small parties were hoping for. Electoral reform really isn't a left or right issue, each party just supports whatever system is best for themselves. The NDP supports PR because it would give them more seats. [The PPC supports it for the same reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3KDHcXSRiw).




They were thinking legal weed that's it


One of the best ads. Cannot believe how this country was destroyed by one narcissistic man and the morons who voted for him.


I’m not sure what’s worse - how Trudeau drove our country into the ground for the past 9 years or that he has 500 more days to make it even worse from here


This is my concern atm. Sadly.


He didn’t mention it changed to worse




The worst to ever do it. F*ck anyone who still supports this clown.


People in Vancouver, are these pictures legit??


I was in Vancouver just visiting last year. There are literal hoards of drug zombies downtown. It's really bad. Who would of thought giving drugs to people instead of helping them get off would ruin so many lives.


Vancouver, a once beautiful city, is basically the day of the living dead. Drug outed zombies passed out in gutters.


When did we ever help these people?


Well here in BC they raised our taxes to help. (They said). Since then it’s only gotten worse.


To be fair, the zombies were there long before decriminalization of drugs


They were but it's got a lot worse not better.


Perhaps it’s not being handled properly then, because it worked well in Portugal.


would have* not “would of”


All white people too, usual suspects. Saw some guy shitting on the street haha


I live just outside of Vancouver. The city itself, and the municipalities surrounding it, have transformed to say the least, the population in the downtown east side has grown by a lot, and you can go anywhere in the entire city and find homeless people, encampments, safety injection site, or people simply slumped over from the drugs. For families with children, some of these people are a stones throw away from parks and schools. Yet the rent here is still incredibly high. It’s reality right now :(


Literally Gotham city.


Vancouver has gone so downhill, the downtown east side has spread. Granville street used to have all kinds of funky little shops now it's all smoke shops and druggies. Last time I was there all I could smell on Granville was human waste. Got rerouted by police in gastown because there was blood all over the sidewalk. It's so bad now.


Yes it is.


Yes, these pictures are legit. Downtown main and Hastings looks like a scene from the walking dead. There is the Abbotsford BC one that is no longer like that. They put up housing for them in the same spot and it looks very nice, but most of the homeless done want to live in those places so they most likely moved.


I got off the sky train an Main St yesterday at 6:30am and there was a guy passed out on the ground out just outside of the turn styles with 2 massive piles of human shit right beside him….Vancouver literally smells like piss.


Far worse than shown,yeh downtown core got seriously messed up during covid.


Lol it’s actually worse


Was just in Vancouver last week. Got off the city train to go to the central station, crack heads openly being crack heads on the bench when you walk outside the depot. By being crackheads that is smoking crack. First time in Vancouver - disgusting city


Yes it is. Vancouver island is really bad, even northern BC’s small towns are seeing it now. But Nanaimo, Victoria & Campbell River have been hit especially bad.


I was there in March and some corners are like the walking dead. Incredibly depressing.


Looks like these images are taken off google street view. They show all the past pictures they've taken over the years, so you can see the decline yourself.


Yeah, it's real. You can look up videos of people walking through the downtown east side on YouTube. The picture looks like its from the Crab Park encampment. The only leader that has gone and seen it first hand is Pierre to my knowledge.


From Vancouver. The worst images are on the east hastings area near main. These areas are easily avoidable, but parts of this stuff is spreading further out. I live near city hall and the alleys around here have small pockets of this stuff. The people leave you alone, but there is way more trash and needles. Also the people who setup tents in the area are usually screaming in the middle of the night which can disturb sleep. I used to go downtown pretty often. I don't anymore. Coal Harbour is fine though.


Can confirm Halifax is much worse


I live in the lower mainland and visit van maybe once a month. Hastings looks worse than mexico city slums.




One single issue resolves the majority of these issues. Stop Mass immigration/invasion. A complete 2 YEAR moratorium ON ALL FORMS OF immigration, refugees, temporary foreign workers, "students," no more subsidies for businesses (LMIA). We need a US style ICE program that is highly trained and staffed to go after the 1 million illegals and deport, deport, deport, and deport without prejudice! 🇨🇦 CANADA IS FOR CANADIANS! 🇨🇦


LMIA should be eliminated altogether. Need to bring the best talent without any delay; scientists, researchers, software engineers, doctors, and all the key roles the country desperately need to remain competitive on the global stage.


Lol! Canada doesn't have jobs for the best talent. Jumping through hoops to actually be eligible to work here. Now stack that on top of the ridiculously inadequate pay and abominably high taxes. After paying all kinds of taxes, what I get in return is horrible healthcare, completely overburdened and unresponsive police force (no security), exponentially high rents, groceries, phone bill, pretty much everything, and literally no savings at the end of the month. Absolutely a dream destination for highly skilled professionals (Note the sarcasm), who spend years on education and gaining valuable experience. At this point most skilled immigrants are moving to States or going back. Most of them at least know where not to go now.


I totally agree, the amount of gatekeeping in this country is mind blowing. All sectors are locked by oligopoly or monopoly, from banking to food, to healthcare. This is what is truly holding back the country. We need very strong leadership to break through this. I’m not sure we have anyone that would be up to the task but hey we can’t get lower than this. We have reached a tipping point, let’s hope the next election to be like no other.


Exactly, the oligopoly here is making sure that the services remain sub par and prices high because there is no competition at all. I've been to many countries, some not even developed according to Western and European standards, but none of them were this resistant to innovation and growth.


That is an effective ad, this is the reality and it is very difficult to not link this directly to him.


Well, we can't go back....but we can vote him out the first chance we get!!!


We did vote him out. TheNDP wanted to keep him!


Party, you are not wrong. Next time let's not allow for that detrimental loophole.


There has been three chances to vote him out already and he is not out. Don’t be so sure this time will go the way you think.


The fact he was elected twice, but is going to be so *emphatically* voted out this time shows just how bad things have gotten in the last 3 years in particular.


He is a spoiled, bitter, vitriolic man. He will punish Canadians for his poor polling numbers. Sophie got out too late, but at least she did.




They're both entitled delusionists. Justin is abusive however.


Who knew he really meant social climate when he says climate change


That clip doesn't even do Kelowna justice. It's brutal.


you can't make this shit up


I remember seeing a WWII documentary showing bombed-out Berlin in 1945. A banner written in German read “Give me ten years and you won’t recognize Germany! Adolf Hitler 1935.” We could say the same for Canada on account of Trudeau!


Except that before going full psycho and invading most of Europe, Hitler actually built up Germany. Trudeau has been a steady decline since elected. Pretty sad.


Great commercial. 100% true.


That looks like a dark twisted movie trailer about Justin.


It's a documentary about Canada. When will people fight back like they do in other counties. Look at Argentina right now.


Justin is trembling. His inevitable fate can’t come soon enough.


Sadly his fate is just losing the next election. His fate should be being put on trial for treason.


Do you have a link to the documentary? Or the name? 


I say in jest


Lmaooo I got really excited about this documentary 😂 


I honestly think someone should do a documentary. Like a Canadian Michael Moore. Show how terrible it is here. It's funny that back in the day in his documentaries, he showed Canada as being one of the GOOD places to live. Boy has that changed.


Aaron Gunn has made a number of documentaries about the decline of Canada over the past few years. They’re available on YouTube.


Thanks so much, gonna check them out!


Yes my dentist yesterday told me I can't get an appointment for a checkup until February and they declined taking on my son and wife as patients. The reason they gave me was because of the massive influx of Canadian dental plan clients. Thank you for ruining dental service as well as every other fucking thing I have taken for granted for the last 40 years👍👍


We need more foreign students!!!


And only from one country!!!


The audio and editing had me captivated. I was expecting John Wick to arrive at the end.


Some pics of the capital city would have been good too.


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


This goes hard


Damn this hits


His dad would be proud


Yeah, change is all I have...to buy food for my daughter tonight while I go without until I can get some side money he can't tax.


I think I need to get into the Tent sales business….


Real change is right. No house, no food . no job but hey, we made you feel guilt ridden about stuff that's not your fault, so that's a good deal. Current Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.


So freaking good this video


Trudeau speed run the destruction of Canada


Toronto has more homeless than all of the entire province of Quebec.  The supposed financial head of Canada/Ontario has more economic hard times for more people than QUEBEC! I urge you to write your NDP MPs and urge them to help cast out J.T. asap.  He has caused nothing but trouble and the liberals will likely sit out for the better part of a decade now due to him and Freeland. J.T. please step down, this is not right.


Change (for the worse)


Obama did the same shit to America. Who you really think is running America now anyways. Old senile Biden. Absolutely not


He sure did. From a beautiful friendly country to a third world shit hole in 8 short years. All in the name of his personal growth


I’m really wondering how people still approve of him.


Bro is abolishing whatever is left of post WW2 Canada. The boomers had it too good. Now its back to normal. How a proper 3rd world country supposed to be.


Kelowna is downright dangerous if you wander onto the wrong street too early or late. It’s sad.


Liberalism is a mental disorder !


He's making it impossible for the conservatives, then he will try to run again and blame everything on them 🤷🏼.


... details


Only thing he was good at !


How many people here voted for Trudeau in the last election?


Love this


You know what gets me ? “Safe” drugs . Free . Naloxone for said people , free . Life saving epi pen for some people …. $300 dollars.


Sure did..he ruined the country


Once the online harms bill passes you guys are all gonna be in jail!


He really needs to step down but all these politicians are living the life of luxury there all in it for themselves


That is a funny ad!


Change. Yes it's changed for the absolute worst.


Shouldve checked if he said real change for the better not the worsening




Go and do it then. Or at least advertise to your friends and family you want to execute the homeless.


May you become homeless.


Evil, disgusting PoS


Is it not past time to change things? The east keeps voting the idiots in - we’ve never had a vote here in the west. Why can’t we just split from the idiots who want to keep the libs in? It’s so far past time to say ENOUGH! NO MORE!!


I don’t know who made that, but it should be a conservative ad


To bad the conservatives dont have a friendly video of what their real change is. Maybe gated communities for the rich?


I don't quite understand how the homeless issue is specifically a federal thing. The ontario budget shows that the province provides 68 percent of support and is supposed to provide programs, with municipal taking up 23 and federal at 9. Anytime something goes wrong, it's Trudeau. Even if we can point to a premier who was responsible. Anytime the federal government tries to step in and assist, everyone gets mad because they don't want Trudeau to ruin things. So no matter what, it's Trudeaus fault. I don't know if I'm haply with the current liberal party myself, but all this grandstanding and blaming him for things that are provincial or municipal is silly.


Ya my take is PP is a @##h### and this video came from russia or nazi germany or i hope not canada... but this shit is real sadly.


This is terrifying.


We need work camps to force drug users to be separate from drugs for a year or two. Compensate them for their labour sure, but using drugs like that is and should be illegal.


Woo, he did it!


I can't think of one good thing he did since taking over power. I'm neutral on the whole legalizing pot thing as non-user myself.


The damage he has done will last decades. God help us.


This fud rucker has destroyed Canada. He has nice hair though.


A dictator. A liar. An evil human being.


He changed Canada, for worse.


I’m voting for Harper he’s gonna make a big difference


The most incompetent, immoral, corrupt PM in Canadian history. Blows my mind he’s been able to stay in this long & do this much damage.


Hes incompetent. Go get a drama teacher to runt he country… he just yapping all the time… see right through him… hes an actor


He did real change. Just not the change we wanted …..


This is a great ad …. Impressed


Liberalism in Canada has gone ultra left under Trudeau and related party posers, if all back room crimes are ever exposed Canadians will see just how much money was misdirected and how the horrible policies he implemented were entirely on purpose,


Yeah he certainly changed Canada for the worse. Rent higher than ever, not being able to buy a home, food prices worse in history. He is so delusional he thinks Canada is better than ever. Worse P.M in history.


Rent is a provincial issue. Most conservative premiers undid rent control before 2020 Most attempts to end blind bidding in the real estate market have been blocked by conservative votes on a provincial level. The premier of ontario specifically ignored appeals from federal government to ban it. Food price control has been blocked by conservative votes numerous times on a provincial level. When it hit parliament, they shot it down alongside the liberals. How are these things the fault of the federal government, exactly?


Really??? Conservatives blocked everything? None of it is liberal parties fault who is in control of the government. Sure liberals are completely clean of the mess Canada is in. Get real. Trudeau lover


Big assumption on your part as to how I vote How is it that you can be mad that things were blocked on a provincial level and that Trudeau didn't step in and resolve it on a federal level? You can't blame him for being responsible and also blame him for having nothing to do with it. These were all provincial votes and provincial issues.


Since Trudeau has been in office Canada had gotten worse. It's the worse it's ever been. He's the Prime Minister. He's the person who should be held responsible since he's the leader of our country


Yeah, if you considering bankrupting the country and almost eliminating the middle class to poverty, yeah he’s definitely changed it


Yes, a real change indeed...I don't recognize this Canada anymore. Nobody could have imagined that Canada could be messed up like this before 2015. Justin Trudeau has just proved everybody wrong.


Yeah, destroyed our country


Uggh, an orator this guy isn't, he has a way to make you feel like he's talking down to you. Sure, he wanted real change, sure this government was different from the old one that grew fat and lazy with patchwork solutions. Now we have another leader basically saying the same thing which people are catching on to, so don't be surprised when in 4 years there will be grumbles of dissatisfaction, only to vote them in again and get more disgruntled Personally, I think PMs should have only 4 years of leading a party before a new one is elected


Change does not require improvement


That is the best ad I've ever seen the Tories put out in the last forty odd years.


They need to stop depending on other countries importing goods and we need to manufacture our own goods for ourselves on our land with our workers.


Yo, this ad goes hard in the bussy


He definitely changed the country... and it sure is real. Not what we thought however.


Certainly not for the better.


BC has had a homelessness problem since the 90's, but yea, blame Trudeau.


This is incredibly eerie tho


It doesn’t matter who is in charge they’re all paid for by industry. If you want real change ban all private donations and fund parties based on their vote share.




Ohhhhh that’s so accurate it hurts.


The most corrupt and pompous leader since his dad


Our own little Hi-tl-er.


Not quite the legacy this douchebag was thinking about


The work of red fascists.


trudeau/freeland turning canada into Venezuela, eerily similar reckless spending and massive welfare to buy votes from poor and uneducated people, meanwhile screwing with taxes and regulation that fucks business and investment, freeland is undoubtedly the least qualified finance minister in g20


Bruh even Canadians don't like Trudeau.


I thought that anyone that doesn't like Trudeau is a Nazi though?


Be the change you want to see in the world. Living those words.


TRUDOE ALBUM : from Toronto rap artist : https://open.spotify.com/album/7yyQKpLPi7NrOdnCXLwhiA?si=L8oHd9I9SeCdcNzn0Z1qfA https://music.apple.com/ca/album/trudoe/1748087750


Just saying, but shouldn’t this be more on the cities themselves? Why aren’t the mayors and city councils actually doing work to deal with this shit. What’s the point of city councils if they’re not going to fix problems in the city.


He kept his promise totally fucked up canada


He didn't lie, he did change the country, just for the worst.


He did a great job for sure


It's not even propaganda it's bang on


If only he would reign in those corporations!


Yes he did... Closer to nature living...


What did you expect from a World economic forum member?


There are actual political promises he hasn't fulfilled or shit he messed up, like the immigration crisis. This mass homelessness crisis is affecting everywhere, and the provincial governments have just as large an effect on this homelessness crisis. Example, being Doug ford spent 250 million dollars breaking a contract 2 years early, so Ontario could have shitty beer in corner stores, that money could have been used to build any number of more useful things, infrastructure for jobs, etc Daniel smith and Alberta are spending shitloads building a new stadium we won't profit from, all that money could have gone to fixing this crisis I'm not saying tredaue is perfect, or even good, anyone would be better than him, but blaming him for everything does not fix the issue


fuck him 🖕🏻🤮🤮🤮