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Promote births, not immigrant surfs!


1/3 less income tax per kid, 0% income tax after 3 kids, easy solution.


Wouldn’t pass since those leeches in Ottawa wouldn’t be able to take your money away anymore


Feminism & progressive ideology discourages births


Lack of financial and housing stability, along with outright failure to form roots and establish oneself


No, capitalism does.


There are countless sources which advocate female empowerment as a means of mitigating population growth. This is an obvious cause and effect relationship. A recent study even coroberates the consequences of female empowerment. The study evaluated lifestyle choices of women who have won the lottery and contrasted lifestyle choices of men who won the lottery. Spoiler: one group, when empowered, builds civilization, whereas the other group consumes and destroys civilization.


A lot of career oriented types don't want kids. It would be difficult to just promote it. My wife and I are childfree because we wanted to retire young, own multiple properties and travel the world. Most of my social circle has chosen the same. Edit: I see I am being downvoted with no rebuttal. Can I ask someone to explain to me how we can promote having children to someone in my position? I am a 40 year old born Canadian with a great job/income, and my wife does far better than I could ever hope to. But our lives are infinitely more enjoyable for us without children. We certainly aren't the only Canadians with this thought process. So if this is more of a "new normal" amongst child bearing aged adults, how do we swing the pendulum back?


Just eliminate OAS, CPP, government funded healthcare for old people who didn't have kids. If childless people can't afford own care due to labor shortages of nurses and doctors because of the low birth rate or end up running out of money or living in squalor then they starve or commit suicide. Tbh this makes sense and is fair. If you don't contribute to the system by having kids who go on to pay taxes you can't expect government help when you're old and you have to deal with labor shortages and other problems caused by a low birth rate


Damn. Pretty harsh but I do see your point. That being said, I can't imagine any party would be willing to try that. Politicians love the old guy vote.


Only old people who DID NOT HAVE KIDS get denied OAS, CPP, and government funded healthcare. So it wouldn’t negatively affect all old people and would benefit those who choose to have kids


I get it. Im not even saying its a bad idea, but I still think that would be political suicide. I mean, I don't know if I understand the CPP, if you pay that for your working career, I think its fair you get it. Also, what about those that can't find a partner? I don't think we should penalize someone for being unlucky with love, its a big deal. So, I do see your point, I personally don't hate it, but I am kind of talking myself into liking it less and less.


Once we get to a certain point there just isn’t enough money and labour to go around. Something has to give and this is essentially the fairest way to roll back. If you were “unlucky in love”, you’d still be on your own for not having kids, so no OAS, CPP, and healthcare for you once hit 65 or some other age. Re “I paid into the CPP even though I didn’t have kids” the government can just say too bad if they want to. I know in Greece they suddenly halved pensions without warning and that was that


Yeah, I don't think this would fly. It alienates too many people, a lot of the time for reasons out of their own control. If I was younger, working, paying into CPP and the gov made this change, I would immediately leave Canada and take a job elsewhere. That's far too big a risk for a 30 year old working in a high paying field. I think it would lead to a huge brain drain. Edit: what about a scenario where there is an absentee father? Or like, a parent that disappears for 20 years then reconnects with their adult child? If someone pays less than I have into CPP and gets it due to having unprotected sex 50 years earlier while I don't. I see a huge problem with that. Another reason I dont think this could work (sorry, this is an interesting discussion to me) every single childless person over 45 (maybe even younger) would immediately vote against the party that applied this. It would actually be the easiest election for an opposition ever. Canada needs to incentivise people to have kids, punishing those that don't would backfire.


But these old people without kids all have been paying education taxes their entire lives, without having kids. Does that mean they get that money back? I'd love to get the education taxes portion back from my property taxes if I don't get to collect OAS when I get old.


What if the kid died and the old people outlived them? What if they gave the kids up for auction or sold them on Kijiji for Rolling Stone tickets? What if they are adoptive parents - who collects then?


Or like, we have an incel problem as is. Can you imagine the problems if dudes not getting laid could affect them in old age? We certainly need Canadians having kids, I get it. But I would have no clue how to convince someone to do it. (I never heard a convincing argument for myself to have one). Its more than just money, its a lifestyle thing, children are exhausting/expensive. Huge shout out to those doing it. We need you, but that doesn't mean it's easy to convince someone to.


Most incels don’t have access to guns, or at least not handguns, and they’re completely out of shape. They aren’t that dangerous. And if you’re going to bring up knives that doesn’t help. Ribcage and skull protect heart, lungs, and brain. For the abdomen and appendages 85% of stab wounds don’t get past the subcutaneous tissue (fat and connective tissue) to get to muscle, bone, and internal organs. There’s also the issue of the knife getting lodged after a single stab. And if you read accounts of stab wounds they aren’t nearly as painful as you’d think. Most people compare the pain to being punched or kicked


I don't think this point really helps your stance. An incel ran over a bunch of women with a van in Toronto. "Being stabbed isn't as painful as you'd think" certainly isn't a win either. This also wouldn't account for the single successful 30 year olds that would leave to a different country due to the risk of losing their healthcare if they don't find a partner. And what about those that just cannot have kids? They get punished now? If there is a way to incentivise Canadians to have kids, this isnt it.


We pay taxes for everyone else's children our entire lives. Families are very parasitic to us.




I was curious if anyone else here had any ideas how to promote Canadians having children? All the answers that I received were basically "make life worse for those that don't" which isn't really how we do things. Is there just no way to incentivise childbirth? Perhaps longer maternity leave? Free post secondary?


Its the multiple properies getting you downvotted. You've basically said, i cant afford kids so im going to become part of the problem and make it harder for even more canadians to get ahead.


Well, the way view the multiple properties thing is, the game of life is certainly rigged, but that doesn't mean I want to lose. I was under the impression this sub was supportive of capitalism? If the problem is a dude owning a few condos in a few cities, I am sorry, but people are going to look out for themselves first and foremost, this was me doing just that Also, I was talking about how we can convince someone like me to WANT kids. I can afford them, just no interest in doing so, that is the problem. Too many Canadians got too used to the perks of childfree lives, I have no clue how we could change their minds. (At 40 I'm aware I'm far too old to start, I'm more talking about 30 year old professionals)


Not a capitalism fan myself. Though id love to experiwnce it some time. Crony capitalism is all ive ever known. Your logic for owning 5 properties is the same logic blackrock uses for owning 5 million. Why not skip to the end and elect a king, ceding all territory to him.


Im not thrilled with capitalism either, but I tend to get called a communist/socialist on here often. We all still have to play this game. I see your point with the blackrock comparison, but my stance is going to remain that I am not the first Canadian with a few investment condos, nor will I be the last. If I sell them, odds are someone will buy them to replicate my plan. This is the system we have here. Less jobs in Canada everyday, the only way I could really see to get ahead was property, so that's what I did.


I too am a shade too red for most peoples sensibilities. I was really just pointing out why your likely getting downvoted.


Totally fair. For what its worth I actually both acknowledge and respect your stance here.


This is the best stance. Dink and fire, perfection!


Thank you! It has worked out very well for us! (To be honest, I learned about the term fire like a week ago, but that was the plan for years for us.) Retiring 2 weeks after my 40th this year, then a 12 month ski trip around the world. Can't wait.


I have no conflict whatsoever. When you are on a boat built for six and add two too many, what is the result? Wrong time to try and build a bigger boat when you are all going drown in the boat you are in. Simple explanation, I know.


Imagine advocating for people who don't belong here against people who were fucking born here


My question is why does it have to be Canada that you come to?? Our country is not in the position to be some sort of beacon for freedom and prosperity right now, we’ve got people born and raised here who are legitimately struggling! People escaping real tyranny is extremely heartfelt, but please go find somewhere else to be a refugee. We just don’t have the room.


Its not that immigrants are choosing Canada due to some alluring reason. Its because the govt has basically removed our borders. We are a borderless country. So when immigrants try to go for a better country and they see that US, UK and Asutralia have a lot of barriers or cons. Canada is an easier sell cause anyone can just walk through the door.


Exporting tax dollars while the same time taking in refugees is not sustainable. Stop exporting tax dollars or stop taking in refugees. Pick one.


We needed a way better plan. Trudeau didn't have one.


The only thing I am conflicted in is should we front the plane ticket for them to go or should their country of origin.


Typical CBC News propaganda — conflating wanting less immigration with being a right-wing bigot. What a joke. Defund this propaganda.


Guess how much I trust a woman who looks . . . with the . . . to have sensible policies regarding immigration.


Why is the issue Canada and not the barbarity of origin.




I'm not conflicted as I'm sick of all of it!




The tolerant Liberals let’s see them take a bow


Dude. He's been here for 3 years and came here the normal way. He isn't the issue.


forget the homeless Canadians!


I think the issue here is not with refugees but the enforcement of making sure they are in fact, refugees. Unfortunately, there are a ton of people taking advantage of the goodwill of Canada by claiming refugee status. Traveling from Ethiopia halfway across the world to claim refugee status in Canada should give you questions like, why not claim refugee status in nearby countries instead of going halfway across the world? Are they skilled workers and refugee? The bigger issue is student visas though and the path towards permanent residence. The government just has failed to enforce credible schools, and processes and people continue to scam the system with the government being oblivious.


**DEFUND the CBC.** Next.


Refugees should ALWAYS be required to return home and never leave refugee camps for any reason than to return home, they should never be eligible for asylum or citizenship just because they are refugees. Students who overstay or violate their visa should be immediately deported and receive a lifetime ban from entering Canada.


50% of the original Syrian refugees are still on Welfare. So should foreign people be permitted to just enter houses at will because we should not refuse anyone? All immigrants should be controlled and stopped when it’s as bad a situation that we live in now.


We definitely need immigration, the majority of us wouldn’t be here without it. I just ask that those that come here share our values and have no intentions of making Canada the shithole they desperately left.


No one wants kids with all of these immigrants.


A load of shit. Canadians are not conflicted. They now exactly how they feel about immigration. Nobody wants to come across as racist. And Canadians should care where immigrants come from. Look into why Arab nations won't take in Palestinians.


On this sub we do