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What is really harmful to democracy is the refusal to reveal the names of the individuals involved and provide full disclosure so that voters can make their decision on whether these people are fit to represent their country. A healthy democracy also punishes those who betray the trust of the electorate, including that gaping asshole Trudeau who routine violates ethical standards and never is held to account.


steven guillbeult is on the list. they don't want his name out as the whole climate change house of cards will topple down.


I don't want to see voters make the call, I'd rather see the prison sentence make the call for them


Do u think Voters should just assume the Libs are all Manchurian Candidates then if they keep refusing to reveal names?


I will go one step further: Any serving politician at any level is unfit to represent Canadians if they hold a senior post with the WEF, or report ANY compensation paid by NGOs or other countries for any reason. Too many conflicts of interest embedded in the system already. Canadians are compliant idiots to tolerate this abuse. And on top of it all, we put up with these untrustworthy sociopaths voting huge raises for themselves while most Canadians are suffering financially and struggling to pay the added tax burden.




Absolutely. Period.


Obviously. They can declassify, they refuse to do it. This means they have the most to lose.


Canada is a Monarchy with elites that are untouchable as long as they are part of the "elite club".


They know this. It’s like a questioning cheating partner after evidence of them being a shitty narcissist emerges: “telling you the truth would harm this relationship.” Mother fucker this relationship is OVER. But clearly there are enough naive and gullible morons in the audience required to maintain this shitty national relationship with the LIbranos and the Narcisstic Dancing Poltroons. There are the ass clowns in media that uphold the structure of the unholy alliance’s false reality in the minds of anyone mainlining most MSM. There are the useful idiot partisans who’d rationalize getting their legs chopped off if it benefited the demonstrably corrupt face painting enthusiast. There are the wilfully blind who “has been liberal since Pierre Trudeau was the PM when I came, and so I’m forever loyal to this party no matter how shitty they are.” Then there are the corrupt. The mafia connected. The construction, intel development, and big finance firms whose staff fuck around with normally laundering Canadian cash through third world progressive development schemes (you know money is thin when they bring those schemes home), through those “dark money washing machines” in the Caribbean.


Well, the govt should definitely be saying more than they are about this situation, but listening to Canadalands podcast sheds a little more light on this. There seems to be no names listed in this report, so all of the hype from each side is irrelevant. This shouldn't be a 'right wing left wing' issue, this should be a universal 'what is actually going on' issue


Don't worry folks. I'm sure the government will investigate the government and find that the government has not done anything wrong.


Liberal government 101


Actually Melanie, TRAITORS hiding in the Liberal Party caucus harm our democracy


Her “boy toy” is probably at the top of that list… considering Klaus Schwab already bragged about how he and the WEF have penetrated over half of the liberal caucus.


They already did with the former Governor General whose report read basically nothing to see here. Move along…




I am liberal minded. I’d be a democrat if I lived in the US and I have to admit this is the most cynical, borderline Orwellian, western democratic government I can remember from my lifetime or studies. I always thought that this sort of thing would emerge from the right. I was/am wrong. These people use double speak and cynical rhetoric like dismissing any questions by using social constructs like racism or political leanings to deflect. On this subject alone they could easily fill the information vacuum by RELEASING THE FUCKING NAMES OF THE MPs INVOLVED. It is maddening to listen to these people speak and anyone on the left or in the centre who was appalled by the trumpists down south should be just as outraged by these people if not more.


I'm on the same wavelength as you. I'm done with the liberals for the exact explanation you gave.


Release the names by arresting traitors in the house of commons. Make it a confidence vote, when all are present roll in the CSIS officers and make a spectacle of it. Make any others rethink their positions. I am willing to bet more than a few suddenly run for the airports to try to leave before they are caught too.


I'm sure some are already gone (to private life). Anyone who resigned prior to the 2021 election is suspect.


Everything you said is why many people who have historically been on the left are now identifying as middle and even slightly right. The entire spectrum has shifted further left making people who were in the middle to be deemed right.


Totally right. I count myself among those people. But frankly the entire political spectrum is now completely devoted to non-policy/social arguments instead of substantive serious subjects that impact the rest of us.


Get out of my head.


I feel much like you. Would 100% be a Democrat in the States. But this government takes the cake and is about the closest Canada has ever cone to Animal Farm or 1984. To think that they could be this corrupt and that their actions are not on purpose or simply misguided... we're way beyond that now. The refusal to call an election when it's quite obvious they'd be obliterated is proof that they don't give a flying f-ck about this country.


Exactly. They behave the way you would expect a puppet regime in a banana republic to behave. They’re completely unresponsive to the population they claim to govern on behalf of.


This comment 🔥


She's definitely on the list isn't she, if a foreign power is going to interfere with us the Foreign Affairs Minister would probably be target #2 or 3.


And the news media funded by the same government ain’t gonna ask the real questions like this


I heard whispers she's nailing Trudeau, but that could just be gossip 🤷‍♀️


Not gossip.


Been true for at least 4 years.


Common sense would dictate so. But we know Joe Public has no common sense.


Yeah, I don't trust anything Joly says, I'm actually annoyed I know what her name is, she is undeserving of respect or recognition of any kind


Then release the document. Otherwise we have to assume they are all traitors (based on their policy we knew that anyway)


She's a traitor.


Democracy becoming the most fake word on earth. It’s meaningless in the mouths of these ghouls. Soon as I hear it, I know I’m being manipulated.


That’s rich coming from the party of lies. Fuck you.


Release the names and put an end to the controversy then. Bitch.


CHALLENGE: Liberal members try not to speak in a condescending tone (Impossible)


Well if you are Trudeau and is a current liberal MP their MO is to never be open and transparent so what are we supposed to assume? You are constantly hiding info like the dishonest crooks that you all are. Just another reason not to re-elect the treasonous party of the republic of Bananada!


That is just what a traitor would say…


You harm democracy.


So, feel free to release the documents on that investigation to prove that...


Love how the blame shifts to online misinformation, they want as many arguments to censor people as they can. It's like people who blame PP for not reading the report, how about focusing on the actual people who are so obviously corrupt and now blocking the names of political traitors.


So instead of releasing the list they'd prefer people think they're all traitors


How is Polievre making this a partisan issue? He stood up in the House of Commons over election interference years ago and the liberals shot him down and did nothing about it. Now when the report comes out years later, it is Polievre’s fault?


Deny until evidence is presented, deflect the attention away from said evidence by accusing people wanting answers as "harmful to democracy" and then ultimately when they're proven to all be traitors... Downplay it by saying "it happens everywhere and has been happening for years" "other nations have this issue too but we're doing the best at it!" Like that's great but guess what. You're still a fucking traitor... And no amount of denial, deflection or downplaying will shake that notion. Tar, feather em and put em on display for shame and for examples to the others.


Her accent is so forced, it's not even funny.


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy"


release the unredacted report


Liberal mandate number one. Under no circumstance do you EVER answer any question.


All the Liberals do is gaslight Canadians


GASLIGHTING: The Narcisscist Liberals #1 playbook move. "Your objections are made up."


Then name names. They knew about Han Dong and were ok with it until the public and opposition found out. Liberals play book is to call it misinformation, call opposition racist for saying it, truth then comes out and then the liberals say we Canadians can learn from this and promise accountability not knowing what accountability actually is.


There seems to be so much corruption linked to the Liberal party it's astonishing really. They have no soul! Totally lost their way! Criminals really.


Traitors cannot form a caucus, or parliament under a constitution


Rumour has it Joly and Justin have been VERY close. Yea that kind of close.


Democracy… you mean the financial elite puppet we vote for every 4 years.


there are traitors in all 3 major parties. the question is damage control now. which ever party has a long term policy that puts Canadians first - is salvation and future for Canada. what does putting Canadians first mean? 1. dramatically lowering immigration numbers - in particular for those taking advantage of the loop holes. 2. encouraging local talent in nurturing and innovation. 3. cutting taxes for all. 4. creating more strict conflict of interest laws in real estate. 5. investing in the oil industry but at the same time shifting the long term focus to renewable energy. 6. heavy penalties to employers for hiring low skill, low bar temporary foreign workers. 7. incredibly heavy penalties for treasonous acts of those who help with foreign interference - private and corporate. start laying down a solid foundation for Canada's future - it's children. if not, there won't be a Canada very soon.


Interviews like this and the one Vassy did recently with Chrystia Freeland confirm for me I could NEVER get into politics. No one can just answer a question, or give a straight answer. It’s ridiculous and absolutely frustrating.


At this point any Canadian who votes for liberals is a traitor in my opinion !


Lmao wtf. She doesnt want to make it a partisan issue, but then goes off on the conservatives about not dealing with it lol


The way she answered the last question SCREAMS “I’m lying”


We are being led of a band of traitors. Of course they’re covering their own tracks.


Too funny. She expects us all to drink the Liberal Kool aid.


I use to like her.... Now I can't stand her. She is such a sell out... If the price is right, she will say or do anything. You know what that makes her right?


Traitors in parliament are the only important harm that needs to be dealt with arm.


Anything that hurts the left is a threat to democracy. The conservatives winning the next democratic election will be a threat to democracy. Tightening immigration is a threat to democracy. Their playbook is getting pretty stale.


PP: call an election! JT: that's a threat to democracy


If this is so why do you have so many MP’s that carry more than one passport . If they were straight up they would only carry a Canadian passport but it don’t seem this is the case , now they can run to the other country with no consequences.


Oh look. Dismissing concerns with “OURDEMOCRACY”! Haven’t seen that play before… almost like these psychopaths all covertly have an agenda or something


I'm so tired of hearing these politicians in Canada and U.S use this buzzword "democracy" that doesn't exist. Its so obvious they were coached to use this word whenever getting hard questions they can't answer truthfully.


So in her opinion traitors in the government help democracy? /s


Ignore the foreign intervention for a moment They are still traitors


So in other words, the less we know, the happier we'll all be


Yeah we'll just take her word for it s/


Virtue signaling harm democracy is done by traitors criminals protecting their own criminal interest. Eat cake when out of bread


Calling out the corruption that’s eroded our democracy is, itself, harming our democracy. Got it. They “lead” the country but have no responsibility for any of it.


Jagmeet said it but it's Pierre Poilievre's fault, huh?


she's hot


If you like JTs sloppy seconds


The people refusing to name names are aiding traitors which is a treasonous act on its own


Maybe there wouldn't be speculation and misinformation if you RELEASED THE INFORMATION instead of covering it all up


She's a part of this corrupt government, what do you expect her to say. The liberal house of cards is tumbling..hopefully sooner than later for Canada.


“Hurting our democracy” We don’t live in one, don’t let them trick you with their words.


Disinformation is the liberal party platform. Lies and nothing but elitist lies


Freeland without the twitch


I may be losing my mind but I swear Reddit was always sticking up for the Liberals only a few years ago. Unless I have dementia 😂


What we have here is those that are guilty of being traitors to the country in charge of the investigation and what information gets out . I didn't have any trust before this , and now feel that all of the current caucus needs to be removed and completely replaced . I get that this is a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater but this a lot more serious than people realize .


So she's on the payroll. One down all of em to go


What do you expect all liberals to say. They are all complicent


Guess we know another traitor's name now lol


Lol the public inquiry happened after trudeau declined to initiate it, then got a friend to conveniently decide there was no need to initiate it, and now is saying he doesnt believe the results.


There's no reason not to release it if they are innocent. If even a single conservative MP was on that list, you know they would be announcing it immediately.


So release the names. Not hard. Something something openness something something transparency something something democracy.


That’s a yes or no question.


Got to love the day and age we live in now. If Someone is caught lying, cheating, stealing, or in breach of any law and anyone that tries to stop them or speak out against them they are labeled a bigot, racist, homophobe, sexist, white privileged or a victim of misinformation. There is no right or wrong anymore. It’s just left or you’re a Trumper.


Melanie Joly failed even to win Mayor of Montreal. She is incompetent puppet of Trudeau . She is just moving air.


Canada doesn’t have a democracy. The MP’s don’t struggle with housing. How could they represent their constituents


If their lips are moving, they are lying. Or projecting all their actions on the conservatives. It is that clear cut.


Canada is absolute trash right now, thanks for the Tim Hortons though. Oh wait, I can't afford anything now, including Tim Hortons. Thanks Liberal Party.


She's just an adulteress. We can't take the word from her or trudeau. If they'd cheat on their family, they'd cheat on their country


Stick your head back in the sand lady


She's truly embarrassing....


The real harm here is the fiat currency debasement.


Mmmm I never thought being liberal for my whole life means they get to be liberal to shaft us in the butt.


Release the names. Better yet the traitors should have been rounded up and arrested. The fact that they haven't shows our country is doomed. We can't even arrest traitors without our traitorous government stopping it because it looks bad for polling numbers.


Easy fix. publish the list or shut up..and continue to bang Justin..


Release the report and restore faith in the govt. what are they hiding


The only source of misinformation is the Liberal government


Is this like how they said that they didn’t want to talk about Chinese government interference Bruce it would harm Asians populations here? They can fuck all the way off


I don’t care what’s going on in my neighbours home or what they are doing about it, I care about what’s going on in mine, the same thing should be said about our country.


They changed their go to dismissive line. Now everything is about a threat to democracy.


To use this as justification for doing nothing about the treasonits in our goverment is wrong.


Nah, it's their complete unwillingness to be transparent and honest that's exacerbating the issue.


🤡 👠👠


What would Joly know? She is completely clueless.


Claims don't hurt democracy, having traitors in government hurts democracy.


Time to throw out the traitors!


The liberal party is the biggest threat to Canadian's democracy


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of the LIB team members are not the brightest in the field. They do spin some good tales though.


It’s not foreign interference in our politics that erodes democracy, it’s the language we use to discuss the foreign meddling lol


Release the full report to prove that there isn’t disinformation roaming around online or fuck off


From her perspective why is What Pierre said horrible and what Jagmeet said acceptable? Does she just not want to get into a fued with the NDP but doesn't care about the CPC?


The words misinformation and disinformation have done almost as much damage as Trudeau and his ilk have.


Dumb as a stump.


The only thing hurting our democracy is the Liberal party. They are experts are misinformation; disinformation ... and they never answer a question truthfully.


K release the report to prove it then.


When there’s and information vacuum, the void will be filled. Simple fix reveal the actual information, tell us who the traitors are. Democracy relies on trust, there is no more trust in the government.


Meanwhile the people who claim democracy is under attack in Canada are the same people who worship Donald Trump


You know what else is harmful to democracy? Traitors in your elected Parliament!


Traitors to Canada need to go to prison and that is me saying it kindly. 😐😐😐


Yeah, by covering up the Liberals are protecting "democracy".


The standard answer. Anything casting a poor light on liberals is a threat to democracy and misinformation. This is universal terminology now


Yup, it's always the NOTICING of their crimes that's the threat. If we'd only stop paying attention then they'd be just fine.


Her English has gotten way better. Still an idiot, but language skills have vastly improved.


It’s been like this for a long time. As long as you have a system where lobbying exists there will be entities (corporations, individuals, etc) that can pay (bribe) a state official to perform. Releasing names or convicting people, while deserving - won’t stop it from continuing.


So according to Melanie Joly there are no traitors to Canada in the liberal caucus. source? “Trust me bro!”


I'm curious how these folks aren't in jail. What is the point of the Canadian justice system?


The entire "liberal" party are traitors to Canada.


The only disinformation out there is put there by the Liberals & NDP


This should not go away. Why is this being downplayed by those in power? We need a whistleblower.


So why won't Pierre get security clearance so he can read the report and take the briefings?


This tactic is worn out and ineffective now


Name all treasonous bastards.


Here you go folks, your tax money at work... Its time to get Trudy and his goons out.


I like how Fake News alt-right blog True North just steals clips from ctv and puts their own water mark on it. So lame lol


No harm to democracy by telling the truth.


Wonder what number she is on the list


Then open the documents why hide the facts if we want to be fair


Why doesn't Peirre Polievre want to ready the report? What is he afraid of? The traitors in the Conservative caucus?


No. If he were to read it, he would be sworn to secrecy and unable to talk about it in the HOC. He is the opposition leader that has called Trudeau out on this several times before already and Trudeau has done nothing. He wants to be able to keep holding the Liberals to account, which is his job.


I wonder if they are going to keep refusing to answer questions and calling everything misinformation as they are being sentenced to prison sentences for either treason for those who are on the list or for obstruction of justice. Justice will eventually find its way to these crooks.


If it's false, it harms democracy. If it's true....


🤡 Don't know why you make it such a big deal. It's the new normal. Get over it. Canada is broken.


I keep thinking that the Liberals can not possibly get any dumber and every day, they prove me wrong.


Mis and dis eh


Yes trudeau is a traitor, yes he is giving off misinformation. If your own party leader is the worst case for this why wouldn't the liberal ranks be fill with these kind of people?


ww3 is about to kick off




Trudeau’s cabinet is by far the best at talking about all they are doing about something without actually doing much at all.


Well she is definitely part if the problem. The only misinformation we need to worry about is corporate mainstream media. Actual propaganda.




She is an embarrassment to every decent female politician that has ever been an MP!! Absolutely brain dead!!


# Minister Melanie Joly is just as stupid as Trudeau is. I think they all went to the same school of idiots. I always like to see woman in power but this just makes woman look like they shouldn't be in power.


This level of gaslighting is driving people to MAID. Maybe this is their strategy. 


She is embarrassing


She has NO CLUE.


Gaslighting 101


I hope she gets roofied by a gang of jeets.


Dumb blond


Why can we never get a straight answer from liberal politicians? As soon as she started answering I just clicked off the video because I knew we wouldn't get an answer by the end of her tirade. It's misdirection and segways until you forget what the initial question was. Aren't liberal voters tired of hearing non-answers and pretending this is just normal in politics? I know I was, I have too many views that don't fit with conservatives but too many braincells to endure this kind of pandering. The sooner the CPC gets in the better.


Oh dear! Party “A” is saying that they don’t have any issues and all talk against Party “A” is undemocratic! But talk of Party “A” having issues instead is upholding democracy… Right… And I have a bridge in Saskatchewan to sell anyone gullible enough to think any Canadian Party has nothing to hide…


Don’t take foreign money and pretend you still give a shit about Canadians


All you have to look at is their policy to figure out the treason


Traitors harm democracy AND their country.


She is number 2 or 3


You are traders, 15 minutes cities are comming, and no one can say conspiration anymore 🤔


Are We The Baddies? ~ Trudeau Liberals


The greatest harm here is being caused by a lack of public information - not misinformation, not disinformation, just a lack of information. The redacted report may be available but it's too ambiguous to call transparency


She used to strip at super sex.


She's full of shit


The government wouldn't LIE, would they?


She's a fool. Most likely one of the traitors as well.


We are more or less already involved in a shooting war with Russia, and China is trying to take over the country by buying our politicians and a controlling interest in strategic resources Our politicians when the word treason gets thrown around: "Uhm, you see... no."


I can't wait until these smug Liberal assholes get tossed out next year.