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No problem, plenty of room to cut it by 100% in short order


Ah yes the department of gender equality where 51% men and 49% women is bad for a given company, program, field but 49% men and 51% women is considered good


*"Federal Department of Women & Gender Equality headcount increased by 409% under Trudeau Liberals"* More wasted Canadian public tax dollars disappearing into the usual DEI and virtue-signaling black holes. Canada's downward spiral continues. Next.


"Useless idiots, and hateful sexism increase by over 400% under captain blackface"


Captain blackface lol 😂 You sir have a well deserved upvote 👆


You. I like you.


The thrift of Canada the Aladdin of street rat of policies. His best friend is brad merchant. Lol


the clown department


The stupidity of this “government” knows no bounds.


I hate anything other than merit based systems....That said: Can someone break down what 409% is? Going from 1-5 is 500% but isn't really the end of the world. There is so much bad shit that the Liberals have done, I really encourage people to find the worst stuff and have facts. Posts like this get people all wound up that already agree with you, if you do want to convince others it's great to have more data. If this is a really bad thing then pile on the data with the total cost and headcount. It's not hard to make them look bad so let's stick to the good stuff....Like insane immigration.


1 is 9% of 11. So it was at least 11 if the increase is 409%. Let's say it was 11. So 11 to 45 employees.


Personally I think this is a GIANT waste of money but I could see many stout supporters of these policies being ok with that number tbh


So much taxpayer's money wasted!




Surely this department didn’t exist prior to 2015? It’s a joke


This would not bother me whatsoever if the individuals being hired are competent and the hiring is merit based. But I suspect that is not the case. And the fact that a selection bias is being employed to actively discriminate against other groups in order to achieve this woke nonsense is another problem altogether. I feel like a sucker for doing my part and playing along to welcome and accept all other the various diversity status individuals throughout my life. I do not see the same degree of tolerance or reciprocity on behalf of the woke agenda. In fact, I commonly see employments ads highlighting that white men are specifically not desired. I have never behaved in a way that discriminated against others but I am a victim of an agenda to marginalize my demographic group at the expense of people who are often not nearly capable or skilled to perform in the jobs they were awarded. How can this be good in the long run for anyone?


White men are the only group that can be discriminated against without repercussion.


To the surprise of literally nobody. A whole career choice of doing your best to segregate people by sex, religion and gender.... for profit$ and political power. While, of course, pretending that you want segregation to end.




This is mainly because it didn't exist as a department until after trudeau created it to be more woke.


pretty soon all of us will be sleeping under a bridge, so at least that's equality 


CRA increases are good. Tax cheats need to be investigated and shouldn’t leech off honest people. It’s irritating that this Twitter poster is trying to demonize the CRA for the same poor reasons that the Republicans demonize the IRS. Edit: Downvotes? Promoting tax fraud?


lol 400%? Over 8 years? Wow. Imagine being such a Terrible Alternative Party that you can't even get yourself elected after 10 years of this Prime Minister. Fucking dumb shit conservatives.


Technically the last 2 elections conservatives have one the popular vote by a fair margin, the biggest issue is not every vote holds the same weight