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Trudeau is famous for bringing women in that have no business doing the job only so he can turn on them later and fire them. Women need to look after themselves. If Trudeau offers them a position they need to run far away.


He needs 50/50. Which mea s you get unqualified people all over the place. Cuz you're hiring for genitals not skills.


That was one of the most patently ridiculous policies and they promoted it \*\*so\*\* hard. A 50/50 split for some of the highest positions based only on "boys and girls" is \*\*\*\*literally\*\*\*\* discrimination under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Act. And then Biden makes a visit and says how anyone that thinks it isn't the obvious correct move is stupid and made and almost threatening statement when most of the MPs in attendance didn't cheer for the fact that HE ALSO HAS THE 50/50 policy. Direct quote from his speech: "Both of us have cabinets that are both 50 percent women for the first time in history," \*pauses waiting for the crowd to go wild but when most MPs didn't give him his anticipated standing ovation he literally said **"even if you don't agree, guys, I'd stand up."** Fucking shit show.


I dont see how people can't see the issue. Thats def a shit show. They should have boo'd.




Recently? This has been JT's signature move from day 1. Remember the whole "because it is 2015" bs?


No, that's just JT operates. In both the public and private sectors, how you described smart bosses should be the norm, how that is not always the case.


it’s called the cloward - piven strategy. It’s a long game to undermine a country started in the 1960s by the communists. it worked canada is pretty much the first full on success case . Usa isn’t far behind. look it up


It's not recent. It's what Junior Fidel has done from the outset


Which is a disservice to both women and society. There is no shortage of highly skilled women that could do these jobs well, and yet he selects absolute fucking idiots. And then plays the sexist card if anyone complains, well he’s actively reinforcing sexist beliefs that women are too incompetent to hold these positions.


Julie Payette. Brenda Lucky. Christie Freeland . to name but 3.


Payette is a failure in her own league compared to the other two. 


Isabelle Hudon


Jody Wilson-Raybould is an outlier


It’s a whole thing! “Glass Cliff” — hire a woman for a position you want to axe, and then set it up so she fails. When she fails — because she didn’t have the operational support — “see? Women can’t—-“ Now, is she specifically qualified? Prolly not. But the Glass Cliff is real, unfortunately


This, this is what they did to black people for years take a man unqualified to be in the position put him there blame all of your screw ups on him.




Except for Katie Telford, who is his buffer from all criticism. She ensures that he never hears it like it is.


SNC Lavalin. Might be wrong spelling but this scandal is a pretty good example from what I can remember.


Brilliant move by The Turd. This appointment should send chills of fear through the hearts of our enemies.


The only thing that makes sense is that China is telling world leaders what to do and laughing about it at meetings


Yes, a very real possibility. Mao's redbook of marxism is being played out before us in real time. A systematic teardown of everything we hold dear.


And the things many of us refuse to hold dear until they’re gone for good.


Basically they are all the guy in the yellow suit licking his lips and rubbing his hands together behind the tree meme.


She isn’t there to fight external enemies, but rather internal ones. An obedient ideologue who would gladly, and vigorously use her military against native Canadians whose ancestors have been in the nation for hundreds of years.


We're the first Armed Forces to have feminine hygiene products in EVERY washrooms at all our military installations.


I wonder if a world war broke out and we went back rationing EVERYTHING like in ww2, if they will take feminine products out of the men’s bathroom first


that would set us back decades in our progress towards INCLUSION!


I know most Canadians would be too scared to join the fight if war broke out. Sad


Why join when the people who never have your interests at heart and are happy to discard you as canon fodder to enrich their corruption and assets? In the military, your personal rights don’t matter. You are a tool of the government. And with this kind of leadership, no wonder people just don’t care anymore


I'm sure she as qualified as any of the other picks from the Dear Leader Justin... 🙄


yeah, but is she his ski buddy? and cottage neighbor? and family friend?


I am sorry but DEI is the bane of Canada and we get under qualified people in positions like this ruining our country.


Just look at the courts full of activist judges.  


Oh, you don't like murderers with hundreds of convictions roaming free and getting little to no jail time? How non-inclusive of you.


That's not even the problem. This commander in chief abandoned her post on deployment in ~~Afghanistan~~ Iraq and demonstrated cowardice. Edit Iraq, not Afghanistan


its so bad they are purposely giving non Canadians softer sentences so they are not deported. Which is completely discriminating against actual Canadians. This is completely back wards as our governmental system should always be more advantage to Canadians. Also any one immigrating here who does any violent crimes should be deport with their family to force self accountability. I hate activist judges and how they are never accountable with their actions.


>DEI is the bane of Canada Progressivism is the bane. DEI is just one branch of it.


Sir, yes, sir! “Did you just assume my gender, maggot?? Drop and give me 20 apologies for your colonist ancestors!”


I wish I could upvote this a million times, you hit the nail on the head.


God save the carpets


🤣 I LOve this ….😂😂😂


When a carpet means more than your fellow countryman. God it's so asinine I can't even with this bitch.


You think she bunches mox?


It's a reference to her withdrawal from Iraq. She bumped soldiers off of flights so there would be room for the Persian rug collecting she bought... Right when our troops were ordered to evacuate due to Iranian proxy rocketing coalition bases


lol I thought carpets was a euphemism for something, but no it's literal carpets


Omg; entitled bs


Wtf is there new articles about this? Atrocious and shes apparently the best qualified. I thought we were just talking about box eating, that's clearly all she chows on.


dude what??? what an actual piece of shit


Wait till some investigative journalist publishes this story…..Julie payette part deux


And she tried to be the first person on the first flight out……until the yanks stepped in and said uh…no


Cultural change......lol


Just what we needed! /s


apparently across the entire country as well.....who knew??


this'll modernize our Armed Forces!


They want to begin building the durka durka social justice warrior army, led by the very own Canadian Ellen Degeneres.


Imagine being paid big money to just go, "NO MEN! ONLY HIRE WOMEN REGARDLESS OF SKILL!", for a living...


I remember one of her brief where she blame everything on white man.....yeah great choice...


Recruitment numbers were already low. Who wants to serve in a woke military.


Good point. But now they will offer jobs to international students and give them citizenship after serving 3 years in uniform.


The desperate Plenty now in Canada


They're homeless and broke too, why bother enlisting?


Apparently they didn't want to serve in a bullshit military with no services and care.


You have served?


I'm not opposed to this appointment because she is a woman. I am opposed to this appointment because she demonstrably places ideology over pragmatism.


Just wait till everyone hears about her 2022 carpet antics in Iraq 👀


This shit is happening throughout western society. Inform each other, and vote.


This is intentional sabotage and destruction. Wake up your friends and family. Show them page after page of evidence. Refuse to let their dissonance convince them this is normal.


I don't care if she is a woman. Has she ever served in a combat role and faced the fire with her unit? If she hasn't, she has no business in that role. That is literally the only thing I care about besides general competence (pun not intended but I'll take it) and it sounds like she doesn't even have that. What exactly is Justin preparing the CAF for?


Her "combat role" was running a training mission in Iraq and she is seriously despised by the rank and file for her performance and priorities when she was there. 


Bit, but those rugs.....


I'm sure they were really nice. Worth more than many fathers lives to their wives and children, clearly.


She's not very liked in the force, especially those that served with her in 2020 in Iraq.


Qualifications: woman ✅


According to Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennie_Carignan She has served in the Golan Heights, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Then why was her ONLY decoration a CD? Not one service medal. Something fishy going on...


Go look at the photo. You missed a few decorations. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/organizational-structure/chief-professional-conduct-culture/biography.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/organizational-structure/chief-professional-conduct-culture/biography.html)


Well, to be fair, before Dwight Eisenhower was sent to Europe to command the American contingent in Britain, later the invasions of North Africa and Europe, he had never been in combat either. In fact I am not sure Ike ever fired a shot in anger. So if she has no combat experience but other experience that she can bring to bare it might help.


Did the last guy have experience being shot at?


True, but apparently she has a thing for carpets.


Combat role? So you're saying that the CDS can only come from a combat arms trade? I'm fine with that personally but that's an incredibly narrow band of only army personnel. Meaning our Navy and Air Force would naturally suffer as the chief is only Army. My guy, you need to understand that the CDS position has no tactical relevance. It has strategic relevance which does not require an infantry officer, no matter how much us infantry officers would like to believe that only we can do a good job.


The CDS position conventionally only goes to: Manoeuvre arm, specific combat support (Arty, Engr), SOF, Naval Warfare Officer, Aircrew. That’s what people mean by the extended CDS “Combat Arms”.


[she seems to be quite well educated](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/organizational-structure/chief-professional-conduct-culture/biography.html). I feel like there's more to this story than this heavily biased tweet may imply. Not to mention that it doesn't matter if "sissies" and "minorities" are joining the military. It's better than no one. Not to mention Bernier has never even had a real job, just been a political jerk off his entire life. At least this woman has actually worked.


Women have been permitted in combat roles since 1989. While the invasion of "graveyard of empires" Afghanistan was ill-advised the performance of Canadian forces in that campaign was still effective. The problems with the CAF isn't whether or not you can be a non-binary furry or something, but a threefold issue of inadequate funding, a shitty and seemingly eternal recruitment process and a well-deserved lack of trust in foreign policy. None of these can be pinned on any specific political party and the issues have been many decades in the making. Woke vs. anti-woke is a rage-bait circus act used by the major parties to distract the electorate from the meaningful.


This is good sane analysis...


yeah the CAF has a lil bit of a rape problem too


The CAF has had a terrible, terrible culture problem for years, too. Frankly, this is common Canadian knowledge. The recruitment process needs to be updated like no tomorrow. Let's see if this gets fixed.


As a former member I can attest to the culture problem. Fixing the recruitment process isn’t an easy task though, especially when it comes to combat arms. I can’t speak for other trades but the combat arms are loaded with people who came from broken homes, have substance abuse problems, mental health issues, unresolved trauma, victims of many forms of abuse and the list goes on. It’s not as simple as “fix the recruitment process” Normal people don’t want to join combat arms and if by some chance they do, they either switch trades or get out of the military altogether.


Don't forget the insanely massive military cuts during Trudeau's reign all while he throws our tax dollars at other countries. 200$ mill for gender efforts in Africa for example? Whatever that means?


Yeah.......she will certainly 'fix-things' alright.


As a woman and a lesbian, hiring quotas for ‘minority groups’ is a whole lot of bs. Hire off of merit, nothing else!


She’s a woman who will get thrown under the bus eventually by her dear leader.


is this not the one that tried to get her rugs out of Iraq before all the troops were out


Reddit mod IRL


She still have those rugs?




Ahh yes ["Operation Get Behind the Darkies"](https://youtu.be/Nrh5YOQHvFw?si=OM6mBptY6cLpCu2k) one of my favorites


She wouldn’t even be able to defend her house from a single man.


She didn’t really bring this into the CAF. It was imposed by the political level. She had to implement direction. I think Bernier is off on this one.




Anyone who thinks she wasn’t, explain why the airforce lost its spot in the cds rotation. Also, you ran from indirect fire. Not a good look.


I can't wait till woke culture is over with. Let's leave and forget these idiots in the past.


Diversity hire?


Profesional Conduct of Culture background is going to terrify the Russians, Iranians and Chinese to surrender.


She also has an absolutely terrible reputation with our NATO allies it seems like Justin just picked someone he knows is the absolute worst person for the next government to deal with.


I wouldn’t have a lot of confidence in the sissies watching my back if the shit hit the fan, but Trudeau doesn’t care. He’s not sending his kids to fight.


Liberals destroy everything they touch


I am old enough to remember when the Canadian military was known for its peacekeeping missions. Now the Canadian military is known for tampons in the men's toilets, and men in the women's showers, and now this lady.


Peacekeeping is what ruined the CAF. That was another liberal mistake.


lmfao what the fuck is Canada doing?


it is the Wrong person for the job


Because not enough people thought that our country was a joke, this brave and stunning woman stepped in and said "hold my spot mocha latte" and showed the world that our idiocy will not be contended with. Just don't show up on the battlefield because we aren't prepared mentally, physically or financially for combat.


It's almost like China is putting these people into positions for an easy takeover.


The militsry's sole objective is precise execution of violence and lethal force in the most efficient manner possible. Feminist emotional proclivities and other communist bullshit endanger not only the troops but the entire country as a whole.


ITT: People who haven't served, who will likely never serve, making comments and assumptions about a general officer who they don't actually know nor have they worked for or with.


Agree. Didn’t hear many of these peeps speak up against senior male officers accused of sexual assault or misconduct, against other CAF personnel.


I did cadets years ago and recently spoke to some current cadets. They told me that it’s all identity politics bullshit and nothing actually gets accomplished because they are forced to be “inclusive”. Back when I was a cadet we had a nice Sikh dude join. Did we have any bitching and moaning that there wasn’t enough Sikhs in cadets? No, of course we didn’t. We couldn’t give to fucking shits who came through the door as long as they took it seriously and had fun. We had white, east Asian, black, brown and aboriginals all apart our squadron. Not a peep about “diversity this, inclusion that”. So why the hubbub now? Get these fucking clowns out of office…


Cadets lol. Thank you for your service 🫡


This shit is scripted at this point.


I don't ever know what to say about this shit anymore. But I am sure we all feel the same in this sub. Pendulum has to swing at some point.


There was an article in radio canada today explaining that the army has serious recruiting problems. That nomination surely won't help.


Iceland: Hey! WTF Max?


Wow, never heard that russian word "apparatchik" used in English


Guess I’ll send my CDS commendation back. Pinned to a rug.


To quote wikipedia; In the military, a political commissar or political officer (or politruk, a portmanteau word from Russian: политический руководитель, romanized: politicheskiy rukovoditel; transl. political leader or political instructor) is a supervisory officer responsible for the political education (ideology) and organization of the unit to which they are assigned, with the intention of ensuring political control of the military.


Gotta love Maxime


Why?? We had a new army boss last year? Another  one? This is so stupid 


What a swamp


I think this might be Karens final form


Fuck me .... we gotta end this nonsense.


Canada is LGBTQ+ land.


Diversity > most qualified in this country these days.


I was her Operations SgtMaj for 7 months in Baghdad, Iraq with NMI. Don’t fool yourself; she’s the real deal. I hold her in high regard. However, that being said, her appointment is completely political. I called this 4+ years ago!


I wondered, I feared, I thought, "no, she'll probably be okay"... and wow. I guess it really is that bad.


Did you expect anything less from the idiot that put tampons in the men’s washroom?


The point is to put obedient ideologues into positions of power. The main threat to those who have seized power throughout the west is the native populations of those countries.   People like this woman exist to fight the native population,  on behalf of those in power.  


Man I gotta throw my resume at the army. Aspiring rapper/amateur painter might get me to general! Who's got my back?




Worked out well for Mounties….now they’re in a recruitment crisis 👏👏👏 bravo JT!!! Your legacy will have been….You broke 🇨🇦


Well, that the end of Canada’s Military


Being disrespectful to members of our military is unforgivable. No shame. This “man” does not love our country.


Should tick all the woke boxes, completely unqualified and hire lay merely to quiet the scathing reports of harassment…..more reason that the PM should not be the one hiring the heads of all Canadian departments


Wait till all the Iraq carpet shit comes out. The Canadian forces sub paints a very different picture of this person 


What I learned from this post: The leader of a "major" Canadian federal political party is comfortable using the word "sissies" in a tweet. In 2024.




Hope she's ready to get thrown under the bus by JT if it benefits his donors or ego in any way. See Jody Wilson Raybould, Jane Philpott, Brenda Lucki. He's a misogynistic asshole who uses women to advance his political interests.


If more women handled the armies of the world we wouldn't have wars, just a bunch of countries not talking to each other .


Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Social Workers will be a real power for change on the modern battlefield


Yes...boo to women. Except MTG, we love her!


Let's hope to fuck we don't get attacked by another country or we're doomed with this thing at the helm


Do you have any oil over there?   Thanks, -an American 


I dont get the hate on her... I've met her in person and I believe she will do a good CDS... she is smart and seems to have a good strategic mind. Id give the runner a chance before being too harsh. And i mean who is Max Bernier to say anything about competence he cant even get elected in his home town...


Ive never heard of her so just read up. Honestly she has an impressive resume. Knowing nothing aside from her education and 38 years of service this isn’t some crazy pick out of left field.


Did you also read about her trying to get on plane before her troops to leave the frontlines? And ordered troops to clean her carpets to take with her on plane instead of other troops to go with her, therefore action shows her carpets are worth more than lives of her troops to her on the frontlines?


I didn’t, could you share an article?


You can have a career in the CAF and not be a gun toting front line soldier.


Fuk Bernier, he s from where i live and is not even passing here. Idk of anyones opinions, the guys only seeks attention and mostly get it o the internet, like this echo chamber


Lmao you would think for being such a hardcore and expert on the military he would sign up and show us how it should be done


Could it possible be an attempt to fix CAF's sexual harassment issued? Nah, we'll bash her as a diversity hire.


Who’s he calling ‘sissies’?


The problem with the CAF isn’t women, gender equality or quotas - I’m sure any of these soldiers would perform well as they should, as history has already shown us. The problem is lack of FUNDING. Bernier is just trying to stir and divide people with this message.


Yes because Minorities suck in wars. Tell that to all the Chinese, Indians, and Africans who fought for England, USA & CANADA in WW1 and WW2. Do you know how much of the US Military is Mexican and Black? Immigrants is one thing, but sayings minorities as if it’s a bad thing in war is pure idiocy.


Here we go. Another diversity hire. This reminds me of Anita Anand defense secretary and she hasn't even fired a BB gun


She actually turned out to be one of the best MNDs in a long time


She’s been in for 38 years! Women have served in uniform for over 100! And yet in 2024 people are still attacking women because of their gender.


A bit of an aside here, but why is he picking on Iceland? Iceland doesn’t have a standing army, yet they still won the Cod Wars against the United Kingdom.


Didn’t zhey command a force of soldiers in iraq. Or is this more “create a narrative” bullshit used for incompetents and incapable for their inevitable overpromotion, kind of like “The Architect” aka “You’re Racist” Harjit Sajjan


I know who I am not voting for.


So does this mean average Canadian citizens will soon have the power to take the country back by force?


Its a perfect plan to let all the woke folks do their part and serve.




"...to make sure we have an army of sissies" 🤣🤣


Fitting... being that our armed forces are canadian geese


Good old shit rises


Should have been War Daddy Rouleau


i was also soooooooooooooo hopeful when they name Brenda Lucky to be the first cis-woman RCMP Top Cop in history.


Tell that to Russel Williams, Haydn Edmunson, or a whole bunch of other cis-men who were named to be top military


Well, that’ll sort out our issues at NDHQ and drive recruitment. I’m sure. Truly a “soldier’s General”. /s.


Jesus, maxi is going full hood off these days.


Hope this was based on merit


Just more stuff to grovel about, throw it into the ever Jenga'ing pile


Omg, why is this still a subject, is she qualified or not.


Don’t underestimate Iceland, Max! They beat us (England) twice at soccer in living memory!😱

