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It looks like the Great Divergence, no joke.


He crippled a strong mineral rich nations oil industry, and flooded country with cheap labor


Both he and his dad crippled our oil industry but somehow with completely opposite intentions.  Pierre thought oil was too important and put price caps on it which bankrupted everyone.  Justin thinks it's too affordable and makes it more expensive as a sacrifice to the Gods to give us better weather.


Whatever it takes to screw everyone


And this is how his fortune began. Oil. From his grandfather.


Justin hasn’t, actually. Despite his best efforts. AB productions rates are breaking new records pretty much every month this year.


Hasn't what?  Increased the price on fuel to make the weather better?


“Crippled the oil industry” All you guys can downvote all you want. But objectively, Trudeau has failed at this spectacularly if this was what he was trying to do


That why you still buy your double double at Tim’s.


The split in 2015 does coincide in time with oil price dropping from its height in 2010-2014 by the way. The US is a much more diversified economy than Canada is. Especially at the peak of our oil output. It’s obvious that a very big contributor to the gdp per capita part is the “per capita”. There is no doubts that the large immigration of the last years is detrimental to the metric if we don’t have an equivalent amount of high productivity jobs to be filled by the new arrivals. Note that without a certain immigration level, the GDP (per capita or not) may contract or stagnate as a result of the active population stagnating or declining (low birth rate). Poilièvre has _not_ been very clear about a plan to change that. He’s happily letting everyone thinks what they want or hope but is not committing in any strong way. The issue is real-but the answer isn’t easy and Poilièvre has no clear plan to address it. Claiming common sense right and left will _not_ suffice. TL;DR Poilièvre has not strongly committed to change in immigration levels and internal politics friendlier to the Oil industry may not help this metric much either.


If common sense doesn't make sense, what in your opinion does make sense and what ideas do you think should be implemented to rectify the situation.. I'm curious


Really tho ?


The answer is easy. 1. Bust housing. Flipping homes should not be the backbone of our economy, nor should single family homes be an investment class. . This will hurt, but is inevitable. 2. Create policies that favor business development and investment. 3. Also, stop printing money and get the debt under control. All easy.


Does this matter? If it did, then Biden should be ahead in American election.


The Great Divergence was the time when the Western world began industrializing and its GDP shot up while everyone else's stayed relatively the same.


People act surprised when they voted in a guy who said the “Budget will balance itself” … you voted for him… stand by your choice and don’t act surprised when it didn’t go your way.


That was the dumbest shit I ever heard.. It’s like saying your credit card is going pay for itself. Can’t believe I used to vote with emotions.


…. You do understand the full context of that quote right? That government spending can spur new economic growth, increasing revenue, and offsetting the original spending? Managing government finances is not like managing personal finance so comparing it to your credit card is what’s stupid.


Everyone’s aware of the full quote but in order to be successful, spending has to be deployed into areas of growth (both industries and wages).  Expanding low wage TFW programs and subsidizing immigrant wages works in direct opposition to this idea as all it does it expand the low(er) wage labour pool. Given that, the impact on productivity was entirely predictable. And no, managing government finances isn’t all that different from managing household finances. There are just more 0s and you have more monetary control, but cash flows are what determine what you can do today and tomorrow. Your ignorance of this is a reflection of you, not the absolute which you deem “stupid”.


I get the economics part. But the liberals have overspent with no real economic growth and now we are on the hook for it. We are going to be paying down their massive debt for a long time unless the conservatives after they win comes up with a tight fiscal policy.


I’m not saying the end result was fine, but presenting that quote like there was no context around it is pretty disingenuous.


Even the premise that government spending leads to enough growth that government revenues will rise to offset the increase in spending is communist bs.


“Everything I don’t like is communist”


I definitely don’t like communism. It’s responsible for tens on millions of murders.


Cool, nice deflection. Whether or not you like communism is irrelevant to what you interpret as the meaning of communism. What is your definition of communism? Any government program? Any taxation? Are the roads communist too? Come on, get those critical thinking juices flowing


Committing billions to awareness campaigns so that I can identify as rainbow dash results in zero gdp.


Billions? I would love to see where you’re getting that number from


Spoiler: It didn't balance itself. And now the plan is to just to tax the piss out of everything to pay for his failure.


Wow, thank you Trudeau.


Replace an economist with a drama teacher and look at the outcome. Go figure.


Focusing on identity politics certainly paid off


Yes. A time of reckoning of the government has come. Our government claims that their manifold regulations will actually improve the business climate. But each of these regulations is a burden on business. 'Employment Equity'/anti-white male hiring and promotion quotas mean not only means that the best person is usually not hired, but places the workplace focus on divisive identity politics rather than performance. Most think this systemic racism and sexism is unfair. The misnamed aboriginal 'Reconciliation' has soured race relations, rather than improve them. It has also diverted government focus from the economy to a process of endless conflict. Many a petroleum or mining project has been cancelled because of Native claims to government land, illegal and destructive protests, and costly legal battles. Trudeau may not be our only problem, but he is certainly part of the problem. Why is the USA doing so much better than Canada? Why does their employment rate soar above ours? Why have housing prices exploded here when they have only risen in a manageable manner in the USA?


Justin and his gang had no time to pay attention to the Budget, too busy under the covers trying to play naughty sex games with your kids. Free pot and rainbow stickers while the country burns to the ground and blaming it on climate change.


Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with diversity so long as it’s tied to successes, which it hasn’t been. It’s amazing that a so called progressive PM has singlehanded done more damage to things like diversity initiatives and immigration by turning the public against them (or at least how they’re managed).


I wonder what happened in 2015?


Energy shock - Trudeau only formed Government in late 2015. The second divergence at the end is more concerning. Edit: Fracking caused the price of energy to plummet in North America - that's the energy shock.


Time to support our main industry when it’s in trouble…but what did our government do, start a crusade against carbon by creating ridiculous bills to stifle the energy industry




It wasn’t so much fracking as opec+ lead by Russia flooding the market to try and kill fracking.


Fair enough!


Man, all one must do is blame Russia - vague suggestions will suffice - and the conditioned public will believe it immediately. Amazing.


Found the Russian bot everyone!


Such lazy thinking, as to barely be considered thought. Truly, a redditor. Let me guess, you voted for the Liberals...


Led be saudi


No Russia was the one who refused to cut production, when they did that the Saudi’s also refused as Russia had done the same thing previously and gained market share. Russia was attempting to control the market, likely for political influence in Europe to prevent opposition to their invasion of Crimea.


Saudi went crazy drilling to kill shale oil. I'm in drilling O&G https://www.aei.org/articles/saudis-drive-to-kill-us-shale-has-backfired/


I’m talking a bit further on in the timeline. The Saudi’s proposed production cuts when the prices fell due to glut. Russia refused just as they refused in 2008. That’s what extended the price drops.


Why didn't the energy shock affect the US economy?


It did - positively. They have a much more diversified economy and the result was cheaper energy inputs.


2006-2014 is the time period the US figured out fracking/shale. They became energy independent before the shock, and as others have said, their economy is more diverse.


The USA is a diverse economy now. Oil expensive, they make it up producing oil and refining. Oil cheap? They make it up with increased production.


Sunny ways suck.


Hey Beavith, I just realised something...






The rules of the sub clearly state that people are to follow the sub rules and reddit's rules. That comment above clearly broke reddit's rules. Any opinions on the topics that stay within the rules are fine to be shared here.


Junior Fidel may have ruined this country... FOREVER. I blame the kids and women that voted for him cuz he dramatized their brains


wtf do you mean by «dramatized their brains» ? Were you trying to say traumatized?


Nope. "Drama" as in drama


How do you dramatize a brain?


I'm guessing he's playing off how Trudeau was a drama teacher.


I can do anything I want on the Internets. You new here?


I was just trying to understand wtf you meant.


Lmfao… I want to give this comment a medal!🏅


We need the criminal traitor politicians in Jail!


this is what happens when you listen to hippies whose sole answer to environmental concerns is to block economic activity as much as possible - what should be happening is driving innovation to develop tech that increases output and productivity at a lower, more sustainable footprint but canada, esp. the environmental socialists, was never interested in actually working hard for something


I have no idea how anyone can even refute this. It started well before covid and covid has been a thing of the past since early 2023. A this point real GDP in the US has been going up hard and ours is going down hard. At no point has having the Trudeau Liberals at the helm been good for Canadians.


Come on. This can't be real. I want to share it but feel like it's a fake


There's something more scary about a slow drop, than a huge spike of a drop.


What a maroon


The reason is easy to point out and it starts with an i


US is major deficit spending. Watch what happens when the recession hits


I don’t have number handy to compare, but Canada has spent into a deficit at a ridiculous pace too


Mass immigration


Struggle only to struggle further does not make for happy productive workers.


Trudeau sucks. What’s PP plan to save the country….havent heard anything


I really hope members of the current government are charged for their crimes as a deterrent for would be politicians looking to make a quick buck. Maybe even for treason in some of their cases.


A lot of things happened. Trudeau, underqualified international students flooding our diploma mills, excess flow of asylum seekers, etc. And of course Trudeau is also to blame for much of that. (Provinces actively helped, I must add, especially Ontario.)


No it was WEF getting enough control of our parliment to start the pillage of our economy.


Old women still love him and think he's hot according to the polls


Old women want to sacrifice new generations to prop themselves up


During that time Skippy the US didn’t stop growing while Canada’s population did . But that being said. Canada has not altered its fundamental and longstanding position: It is somewhat poorer than the US, but it is progressing at a more or less typical pace. First, a note on the numbers: Canadian GDP per capita has not regressed to where it was in 2014. Regressed is the word that matched Skippy and his party in 2014


So does this mean Biden is doing a good job? lol


Yes it does. But their feelings don’t care about the facts.


lol please their mental gymnastics would say the first two years of Biden were carryover from Trump and the last two years were in anticipation of Trump being reelected. These are intellectually dishonest people who parrot the same talking points ad nauseam.


TBF Canada’s GDP is still growing (and too lazy to check) might be growing at more or less the same rate as the US. The problem here is that the rate of population growth is outpacing the growth of GDP and that’s resulting in the decline you see at the end of the red line. Yet another example that shows you that Trudeau’s government simply has not given any thought to how his immigration policies would actually affect the country, where are these people going to live, where are they going to work, what’s the impact on wages, etc. However this way they can just keep the outrageous debt going because at least in theory, the debt payments remain comfortably serviceable because the population is “booming”


Nah you're wrong on the first half. Check the secondary divergence post 2020, that's the population shock. The initial divergence was the collapse in the price of oil, as some ridiculous portion of our economy was tied to oil (like 20%) and it crashed. Now we're also massively weighed down by household and government debt and have no growing industry (tech is holding up the American side of things)


Wait, your telling me flooding the country with people with no skills would negatively effect gdp? Crazy


GDP can't grow forever though. And GDP is not always a good indicator of standard of life.


One country had a massive tech boom. The magnificent 7 are tech companies, not oil companies. People bitch about Trudeau being the heartless killer of oil companies who built a pipeline.   Yes. Shopify here. But, imagine if our tech industry was bigger.


Trudeau is practically like Stalin! Am I right??


No, during Stalin, specifically after WWII the USSR economy went hugely up


They went from dark ages to racing the US to the moon in a few decades. Make sense that capitalist America would feel threatened by them


I just want to add that this is not entirely new or necessarily a cause for concern. GDP per capita has been falling since the 80s. A resource intense economy just grows slower is also less prone to economic shocks... We have a much bigger per capita cost of infrastructure and as such we can't sumo all of our money into non-housing capital which these trends typically highlight and is what makes you "win" at this figure. In fact, resource rich economies (baring greedy corporations) are less prone to inflation shocks and when times are bad we don't get hit as hard, either. Think about how much more roads and bridges, forests, lakes, rail lines etc etc each person in Canada has to help keep up in ship shape vs a smaller sized country like the US who also had 10x the population. (And their infrastructure, by all accounts, is in disastrous shape at that.) I'm all for having better people run our country but let's talk facts not just scare each other with mumble.


So mostly covid and then America's recovery has been on better pace than rest of world. So they're doing about the same as many others. Nice try blaming one guy tho. 


Harper’s 30 year deal with china should be helping us any minute now


That the Liberals voted 100% yes on.


I love this response. So it absolves harper of responsibility. China lover lol


Globalization was the in thing then but hey Harper.


To be fair, the trend started before 2015 as a result of Harper's policies. Trudeau kept on making it worse, but he's not the one who started the decline.


What lol


Trudeau took office in November 😭


Business is bad for carbon, more business more carbon. Canada doesn’t need money, it needs less carbon.


Best to import more carbon consumers then, that’ll surely help


PP = Lies


So does the supreme ruler. All politicians lie








And you clearly don't understand that this post is actually just a tweet from Pierre Poilievre.


Vote for the People’s Party, the only true Conservative Party in Canada. Pollievre is an idiot. Changes his mind on the daily.


Yes, please do us liberals a favour and split the conservative vote


Ah, right. Let't forget the 2014 oil crash. Let's also forget that Canada has been losing ground in hourly GDP since the 1980s. But sure, it's JT's fault.


Tanker ban and 4 canceled pipes. Lift those and let the money flow. The world wants our resources. putin does not want that. Neither do many others.


Doesn’t solve the problem. Canada’s business investment is bellow OECD even without natural resources included. Trying to turn Canada into Russia isn’t going to cut it.


ruzzia is currently cut off and down over 30% last quarter production and failing.


How is that an argument for essentially emulating their policy mix? And it’s not like we can build pipelines to the resource-poor Europe. Let aside compete with the US, who can sell more cheaply and with greater reach.


If we had two more pipes to coast and lifted tanker ban that lifts the monopoly from the US. Why do people not understand that. Countries want our oil and gas


They want now. Those pipelines will take years to complete, sucking up billions in FDI, and pissing of Québec in the process. The demand may not even be there. Not to mention that most value add comes from processing natural resources rather than extracting them. And Central Canada just doesn’t have the refining infrastructure required, since we split our national market in the 1950s. So those project would require government backing — as almost all major projects do — all for heavily uncertain future while straining national unity. So unless Alberta and Québec can agree on a common approach and build out a shared ecosystem, the economic of case is quite questionable. And building out the capacity will take years if not decades. At this point one night gamble on critical minerals and highly specialized manufacturing. More value-add for similar fiscal commitments. Otherwise we’d be essential spending tax dollars on turning Canada into a petrostate. Why on earth would anyone do that if you could apply the same resources for manufacturing and renewables?


Lifting tanker ban is immediate. Less fuel burnt. Larger shipment. More revenue Everything has been in place for fully funded First Nation Project. Waiting for. You guessed it gov approval https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5204739


Cool, we do that. What about the rest? Besides, do going all in will solve our productivity crisis? If anything the Dutch case shows natural resources tend to crowd out private investment from R&D and manufacturing. Absent massive government redistribution.


It will help with paying 80 billion in interest this yr for Federal Debt to start.


Like I’m down. Unless it causes Canada to go full Dutch disease and strain the country’s unity. And no, Ottawa’s current treatment of Western Canada is not acceptable either.


So who accelerated the fuckery? Who is pandering to the globalist agenda? What’s with the mass immigration? Why can’t we have a surplus? Why is the state of our infrastructure so bad compared to the OECD countries. Where are our bullet trains? Where are all the new roads or expansion efforts? How much taxes are you paying and where the fuck is all your tax money going? I know where they are going… ABROAD. See this is how you spot liberals handout bums with no clue how an economy should work and benefit its citizens!


Up to half of Canada’s economy is decedent on global trade. We’ve been one the largest beneficiaries of globalization. Canada has also been well known for compensating for the lack of investment by throwing more people at the problem since the 80s. Canada also sieves relatively little on foreign aid and our companies invest overseas no more than American or Swiss ones. Your bullet trains aren’t there because they’d cost a trillion or two to build and require an overhaul of our education to favour technical skills and apprenticeships. Which in turn only exist in countries with strong unions and massive subsidies. You can blame Trudeau all you want, but has ran a government that would be considered right-of-centre in almost any country. So voting in the Tories, unless they’re ready to spend some handsome money on training and new construction. Which they don’t seem to be willing to do.


Oh well being largest beneficiaries of globalization has not made me or anyone here in the working and middle classes yield lower taxes instead the policies of the liberal government is punishing us. We keep giving money away to foreign governments. Why don’t we invest that money here into the trades and construction? Instead everything the liberal government does is for lip service and virtue signalling. Buddy it’s been nine fucking years and everything feels 10 times more expensive. Don’t blame shit on global trade and inflation. Canada is abundant rich in natural resources but yet we can’t harvests these resources to achieve anything. You know why the climate cultist block anything that pollutes the environment while India and China pollute like crazy to further their economy. Wake up and stop playing God!


Well policies that allow more people benefit normally promote active retraining and new spending. Hence why Nordics don’t really have this problem and why Québec has been having such a blast lately. Liberals weren’t doing it coz it was perceived as too far to the left. Canada might also have abundant resources, but we don’t have an integrated domestic market to process them. Largely as a consequence of J. Diefenbaker to split Central abs Western Canada’s oil markets in two. Followed by free trade with the US. Hence we sell our resources to be processed overseas and buy them back later. Last time we tried to changed that was the National Energy Program. We all remember who axed that. I will give to you on the major projects tho. Our impact assessment regime is a hot mess.