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I agree with her 100%. People should be exempt from the same things country wide. Not just those they’re trying to buy a vote from.


It's the same as why the carbon tax is designed to hit O&G companies but for some reason it exempts concrete. Why concrete? Concrete is the third largest polluter of the planet? Because every province, including ON and QC use a lot of concrete, and the liberals need votes there. It's OK with O&G getting hit because they stand to gain very few votes in AB and SK where this tax hits the hardest.


Trudeau doesn't give a fuck about the environment. His immigration policies actively import 1million people per year. All of those people's burning carbon via plane to get here. Many of those people previously lacking 1st world luxuries are now polluting more than ever because of the excessive consumption the 1st world offers. Shall I mention the complete destruction of the environment to build home and infrastructure? Can't harm the environment if there is no environment.


Precisely - if he did, he would have taxed concrete. The carbon tax is a vote buying scheme fueled by Western Alienation, prove me wrong.


Cannot prove facts wrong.


Shocking statement. Surely the carbon tax that does nothing to address the causes of climate change or take any positive action towards reducing carbon emissions is a prime example of his care for the environment. Next you’ll be tell me this is just a wealth transfer tax that super heats inflation and makes everyone poorer. Obviously that’s not true as JT has said we all get back more than we pay.


lol they arent building any homes or infrastructure


You got me there.


Well they are building luxury condos on a wetland that’s already at shoreline capacity in my town so there’s that.


lol sounds like a great investment opportunity


He lectures from his private jet. Don’t use your ac!! But buy an electric car that takes more electricity to charge than running the AC a little. We’ve been getting a lot more power outages here with the influx of hybrid and green vehicles. They keep telling us to stop using AC (most don’t cuz the hydro and electric bills are already expensive for no usage and all taxes & fees) and go green! It takes way more resource and energy to produce these “green” vehicles too. That can’t handle extreme cold or heats. All part of the 15 minute city plans and penalize you for leaving your zone.


Yeah he seems to like dropping bombs in Ukraine too.


Once again we see the fairness at the heart of these liberal policies. Can’t have any non liberal provinces prospering. Gotta make sure we financially disadvantage them for the benefit of other liberal strongholds


Excellent point


Not only do they use a lot of concrete, one of the largest concrete production plants on the planet is under construction on the Gaspe peninsula completely exempt from the carbon tax. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see people still so brainwashed by this clearly partisan nonsense.




I never thought we'd ever see Liberal fascism. I was wrong


All you people are climate change deniers living with your head buried in the sand. Sure the JT policies have a few problems but the narrow minded provincial leaders who are nothing but a bunch of complainers and whiners won’t be there to save your butts when the effects of climate change bite you.


They are exempt for the same thing country wide- the cost of home heating oil It’s just that the majority of homes heated by oil are in Atlantic Canada.


The majority of homes heated by oil are not in Atlantic Canada. More than 75 percent of oil heated homes in Canada are west of New Brunswick. There are 1,165,000 homes in Canada that heat with oil. 286,900 in the atlantic provinces (24.6 percent) 117,000 in western provinces (10 percent) 266,700 in Ontario (22.9 percent) 465,200 on Quebec (39.9 percent) 29,500 in territories (2.5 percent) Large percentages of p.e.i, and nova Scotia are heated with oil, but I think people forget that the population of all 4 Atlantic provinces combined is barely bigger than the city of Calgary.


Thanks for the information. It actually confirms that the carbon tax exemption on home heating oil actually benefits more people outside of Atlantic Canada than in Atlantic Canada.


What a great environmental move. 🙄 Except the highest polluting heat fuel. I use the greenest gas(propane) yet I have to pay the tax. They did an exemption solely because they were losing votes. That's how much they care about the environment.


Perhaps you are not aware that home heating with oil is the most expensive home heating in Canada and some places, particularly the Maritime provinces, have no other options? **The carbon tax exception has been extended** to other homes and some businesses that, for now, do not have the option of hydro, electric or natural gas. Most homes and businesses in a large part of Canada, including Saskatchewan, do have options other than heating with oil.


Majority of sask uses Natural gas. What else would you like us to do? Why are we being penalized for what our options are? Why is the entire country being penalized for our only options to stay alive and survive, except the ones using the dirtiest - heating oil, which is primarily out East.


Check your bills. All the admin and tax and fees on your bill far exceed the carbon tax. None of those mostly online businesses loose a penny. All of us have increased home insurance due to the increased damage from increased extreme weather. Most people within a certain income range are receiving more in rebates than they pay directly for carbon tax. Those with higher incomes have more money to spend and usually emit a lot more than people who appreciate the rebates.


The fact that Trudeau sent the CRA after Saskatchewan over this should come as a surprise to no one, but I do sincerely hope that Saskatchewan sticks to their guns and fights them tooth and nail.


This should be a fucking wake up call to every premier and all Canadians. The totalitarianism from the federal liberals as disturbing.


They love to attack bank accounts.


This is why they want to get rid of cash. They have forgotten what happens if everyone is fucked, the French have an elegant solution for it.


I wish BC had some leaders with a backbone. We just have a spineless unelected Trudeau puppet left over from a failed NDP green coalition government


They call it democracy and the people that still trust tv believe it. They’ll give you the true definition of totalitarianism and democracy and dictatorship while still telling you these actions aren’t the evils they just defined….


🇺🇲 Sorry, Lost American kinda wandered in here. Idk what any of this is, but I wanna know. And how do you pronounce Saskatchewan?


turn your video volume on


Oh right on.. that worked. Hey that's messed up!


He did it for “democracy “ while enacting as a tyrant and dictator. Shoulda seen the military grade guns they had in Ottawa for Canada Day. You couldn’t even have your coffee, they’d point the guns at you and tell you to pour it out because it could be bomb fuel.


It’s always the fairness of liberal policies that engenders so much trust in the current government.


And most of Canada wonders why there is a western separatist movement. It’s because of shit like this.


Gotta have equalisation…but we all know that’s a one way street.


Even when oil prices are down and Alberta is hurting, we still get nothing back.


Now that’s a little unfair. We got bill C-69 in return.


..one way: up the Hershey Highway...


This move by the Liberals and the CRA will eventually be struck down by the Supreme Court. The Constitution states that all Canadians must be treated equally.


DEI enters the courtroom


Lmfao - yes exactly this. This bullshit has no place in the courtroom


As a white heterosexual male I must say it seems other people are given preferential treatment over me.


Discrimination is fine if you have the misfortune of being born on the wrong side of the equity policy. Not all white males have had life handed to them on a silver platter. The vast majority are not as fortunate as our glorious leader JT.


Racism and discrimination can happen to anyone. Any race , colour , gender or beliefs group. The fact that certain sects are “allowed” to be treated with discriminatory practices is a true slap to the face.


If you notice that happening, you're a conspiracy theorist! If it is happening, it's a good thing!


That will never happen. It's not happening. Okay, it is happening. Here's why it's a good thing. It's always been like that


Don’t you mean equitably, that appears to be the new buzzword this government gets behind to justify its openly discriminatory and unfair policies.


Notwithstanding clause has some wiggle room, and they are not afraid to use it.


Except they weren’t when banks were ordered to cut off civil peaceful disobedience. That was overturned and the gov was fined and there were consequences. Was quietly reported. Not enough actually know


The CRA is now just a political arm of the Liberals.


The Trudeau-NDP government like to freeze and steel money from bank accounts. Time to Axe the Tax and elect a new government.


Wood they do that?


They mite!


I only wish every province would stand up like this


⬆️ What he said


SA. And AB and BC don’t need federal handouts. The Atlantic provinces will never do this because they are all on the take.


Well BC, AB and SA should all stop paying any federal taxes till a fair system is in place for them.


BC doesn’t pay the federal carbon tax. They have their own


Only has it because the federal government forced it on to the province and has to go to the tax rates decided upon by the federal government....


The saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" applies here.


Any good the Trudeau government ever provided will be overshadowed by their ineptitude and the sad reality that the country is far worse than when he first became Prime Minister. In under a decade, housing prices and the cost of living have surged by over 50%, healthcare and transportation services have deteriorated, and Canadians are now moving to the U.S. in record numbers. Trudeau will not be missed. Hopefully his tenure can serve as a warning. He never should have become Prime Minister, and that choice reflects poorly on us Canadians. Having a politician as a parent doesn't automatically qualify someone for leadership.


The root cause of Trudeau was a yearning, in a significant enough number of Canadians, for a sleek purveyor of virtue signaling. Remember the swooning that some of us did because of his declaration that "50% of my cabinet will be women because *smirk* it's 2015"? The rational-minded among us asked questions such as, "Shouldn't you choose the most skilful and experienced candidates, regardless of gender?" only to be shouted down with a plethora of cancel-culture buzzwords. Mysoginist. Bigot. Cisgender scum. Nations are not made strong by pandering to short term feelings of smug moral superiority. It takes hard, difficult work, backed up by a lot of wisdom. Until Canadians excise the cultural cancer of virtue-signalling wokeism out of their bloodstream, there will be no reliable, long term, good governance.


Well said, a lot of pent up frustration for sure. However, I was watching the CBC news last night and someone did a poll and apparently 2/3 of the pollsters still side with this man. If he still comes to power, honestly, we are doomed.


>someone did a poll and apparently 2/3 of the pollsters still side with this man Seriously? I wanna see this shit lol.


Ya! It was on CBC last night. Forgot who did it.


Uh, that’s completely inconsistent with the results we’ve been seeing for at least the last few weeks or more. For example: 338 Canada Updated June 30, 2024 CPC 42% +/- 4% LPC 24% +/- 3% NDP 17% +/- 3% BQ 8% +/- 1% GPC 4% +/- 2% Nanos: [Nanos May 2024 data](https://nanos.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240510-Political-Package-report-with-formatted-tabs.pdf) Both of those show the exact opposite of the results you said.


I don't know what you want me to say man, all I said was that CBC said some shit. Do I think they're biased, hell ya. Whatever.


Well, thanks for bringing it to my/our attention, because if the CBC is really stating the opposite of the facts, then that’s concerning.


Haha joke it’s a cbc poll. They are working for GG appointment.


That nice hair has given us all a haircut on our wealth and opportunities. More like a buzz cut…


In Trudeau's Canada provinces are not equal.


At which time were the provinces ever equal? Quebec has had a special status for the longest time.


"By going after Saskatchewan, your poll numbers will skyrocket Justin!" -Liberal Party Group Think


"By going after Carbon Tax, your poll numbers will skyrocket Moe!" - Saskatchewan Party Think Tank.


correction "Sticking up for your citizens against unfair treatment your province will do better"


Saskatchewan has had its taxes raised repeatedly, the Sask Party has just been more crafty at it then something as blatant as Carbon Tax. Sask Party is only doing this to look like they care. [Tax Revenue Figures | Provincial Taxes, Policies and Bulletins | Government of Saskatchewan](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/taxes-licensing-and-reporting/provincial-taxes-policies-and-bulletins/tax-revenue-figures)


why did this popping up scare the shit out of me


She looks like she just crawled out of a crypt. She's not wrong though.


I know it sounds very superficial, especially given what she's trying to do, but when your eyes are at uneven height, you probably should consider makeup that doesn't call attention to them that way.


Give ‘em hell, Saskatchewan. Our federal government is out of control and off its rocker.


CCP admirer are criminals and traitors are sent to jail


Justin and jagmeet must go immediately


Sounds like we should start saying- the country of Saskatchewan


Alberta can join to, so can B.C. but only if the go to rehab first


Just leave the Okanagan, Vancouver and the island. Take the rest with SK and AB. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I sooooo wish I was living in SK! Stay strong SK and show the right way to all other provinces and to our country leaders that shouldn’t be our leaders anymore! They should’ve stepped down a long time ago. But they don’t care to listen to us. They just want to hang to power, just like the Chinese dictatorship that they admire so much!


He’s a petty child.


I seem to recall Liberals saying that if we wanted our voices heard by the government that we had to vote for them. This is what they meant.


JT sure loves freezing bank accounts. Saskatchewan only has one Liberal riding and the Atlantic provinces have boat loads - I think almost entirely. It's simple vote buying. The Liberals know they are going to get crushed in the next election but they need to maintain party status and the Atlantic provinces will give them that.


I've never seen someone who looks like they are wearing someone else's face more than this.


Their go to control mechanism is bank accounts


Never in all my days. Fuck, what’s the freaking problem dude,Mr prime minister. It’s this kind of mistreatment of power that drive us apart. Good luck Saskabush


There's never been a more hated PM in Canadian history...and rightfully so


Carbon taxes are a bullshit tax grab disguised as environmentalism.


God I hope Liberals lose every single God damn seat. They have no clue what they've done to this country. 


Alberta and sask should just cut off equalization payments and let the useless class of ottawas elites scream in virtuous outrage


Giving Sask a break doesn't help First Past the Post as much as giving the east the same break.


Hopefully one day the long history of east Canada stealing from west Canada will end


Trudeau looking more and more like Stalin


What a load of B.S. you can't just opt out of a law. She said it herself in the video. Unfair, yep, but then you get it sorted out with the appropriate officials. You can't just opt out. The feds should never have given that exemption, that vote buying was B.S. But refusing to collect taxes is also B.S. Both governments are assholes here.


When the convoy organizers accounts were illegally frozen by the Trudeaus govt, people didn't care. Now they go after provinces, it shows they have no regard for any dissenting vocies and just dictate by strangling the money. This is why I bitcoin


She is very well spoken. Good for them. Wish Ontario had done the same.


The fact that they charge a tax to heat your home on top of HST in a country that gets winters is fucking crazy to me.


I would simply separate


I'm all for fighting global warming, but this carbon tax policy hasn't worked And too many average Canadians are being hurt by it. And now, because the oil gas relief that Atlantic Canada got, Trudeau has turned this into a political thing instead of environmental/ future Canada


Maybe Saskatchewan should consider holding its wealth in a currency that can not be taken away by the CRA. NO BANK ACCOUNT NO PROBLEM. BTC BTC BTC


This liberal government can go get fucked.


Atlantic Canada - they have all the senators


Trudeau can go F himself.


Are We The Baddies? ~ Trudeau NDP Liberals


And that's how District 13 was started.


We are all equal as Canadian citizens Just some are more equal 🤕


Go Saskatchewan go. Don’t back down!


Good for Saskatchewan to stand up for their people!






Fire Marshal Bill.... lol


Imagine what this infighting looks like to hostile nations, lol.


And all Trudeau had to do was give all Canadians a break, not the ones he liked.


Trudeau only likes Trudeau. Atlantic Canada got the break because he needs their votes.


Canadians - or as Trudeau calls them: heterosexual, fascist, populist, Caucasian colonizers. Oh wait, he said immigrants are more Canadian than Canadians. I am so confused :(


They're the ones creating and fueling it so I imagine it looks like success. 


I hope they stonewall the investigators and give them nothing but a ride out of the province.


Send the CRA after Trudeau to get back the billions of dollars he wasted.


Holy fuck, a Canadian politician is doing the right thing? How did she slip through the cracks!?


Nothing says invest in Canada like a government going after bank accounts. First private citizens and now provinces.




If the Sask government can prolong this for 1 year the carbon tax will be gone hope they can drag it out.


How petty are these incompetent people we have to govern us 🤦🏻‍♀️


That woman should run for Prime Minister, let's get mr. prissy pants out of there.


All provinces are equal. But some are more equal than others


I haven't ever heard of this woman before but I hope she runs for PM one day. All most people want is fairness and she presented the problem with class and grace!


Sounds like China-da more and more everyday with what JT is doing :/


Time for other provinces to follow in Moes footsteps.




FYI. It’s China and India polluting the world.




Perhaps carbon, but overall pollution [most polluted.](https://www.iqair.com/gb/world-most-polluted-countries). It isn’t even a comparison.


Very interested to see where a rebellion starts first. Canada or the United States. Canada is further ahead in its weapons confiscations so they have a head start


Not sure if it is legal for the federal government to go after the bank accounts of a province. Maybe in the communist utopia of the NDP-LIBRANOS but in the real world not so sure about this.


Wait! we get more than we pay 🤣


I'm not saying they're demonic, but they are demonic.


Canadians are soft. I really cant believe Canadians have put up with thier bs government for so long. I wonder when the people will decide to stand up against this tyranny? It really is insane.


Conservatives are in next election anyways.


Wow. This shits unreal . How are they getting away this.




A true leader that challenges the Liberals and yup Trudeau’s lacky NDP government.


Im moving to SK. I vote for her to be PM she has 1000% more brains than mini castro


Turd l’eau by makes more carbon in a week than 10 families in a year.


Way past time for WEXIT.


Fuck these current morons destroying this country. Never has such incompetence been placed at the helm.


At this point provinces should all threaten to leave Canada. And force a federal election


Provinces should be able to host a referendum about calling a federal election. If every province has a vote and it's unanimous amongst all those provinces. Then a snap election is called becuase of non-confidence. Get these liberal ass-clowns out of power.


What tax relief is Saskatchewan getting anyway? They renamed the carbon tax, instead of sharing tax rebates with residents of Saskatchewan they are putting it in their own pockets and will conveniently use it to reduce the deficit at election time. Yet the federal government offers to still give the residents of Saskatchewan the carbon tax rebate and your all whining like a bunch of babies.


Is Canada racing the US to try to get to a civil war first?


I like what she has to say, but this looks like a 22 minutes skit just without a punchline


Imagine a time when you're taxed to heat your home.......in Canada. We live in the upside down.


You can't be serious. Tell another story 🤣


I have not followed this story at all so this may be an irrelevant or already answered question but is it possible that the federal exemption would not apply to to those already in receipt of a provincial exemption? And that the provinces would continue to be responsible for its cost (as in you won’t get reimbursed and you can’t cancel your program). And lastly, that the CRA audit is meant to validate the province’s program cost as they are seeking some type of reimbursement. Basically, is this because the province wants fair treatment for its purposes…


If Trudeau is re-elected I will begin my exit plans to another country


fkn disgusting.


Its time for all provinces to out right refuse everything the federal government is doing and start refusing immigration all together. Our system is on the verge of collapse and is all to do from the federal government. I don't think we can even last another year of this insane federal government.


Trudeau is gone October 2025.....or earlier if we are lucky.


Shocking I know This reminds me a lot of Germany in the 1930s for anyone who’s read history


It's an attack on democracy


Is it Covid again ?! send the truckers


Oh, those silly misogynistic, evil, and immoral people in the west.. why do we tolerate this fringe minority? ... sorry, I am a medium and was just channeling the spirit of Fidel Trudeau.


The Sask party has already been down this road once and they lost and they’re going to do it again and waste a bunch of taxpayer money in the process


Wrap up Alberta and Saskatchewan into the US. Where do I sign


Time for Saskatchewan to add a tax on federal building, "for the environment", that is exactly what the federal government is stealing from them, plus 50% interest. Give them 2 days to pay, and then start seizing the offices of the CRA first for non payment. If they complain, say they must then hate the environment, and they are immoral.


Like I agree with everything she’s saying and all, but I can’t stop thinking about how she is probably so intentional with the angle she holds her head to try and cover how uneven her eyes are from her nose


Literally a reptilian with human skin stretched over itself. That is not a human being


Liberals blow, but only slightly more than this goul and her friends..


She's got crazy eyes.


Trudeau is right though, had Saskatchewan elected Liberal MP's, then they'd get the same treatment that the Maritime provinces get, 'cuz they elect Liberal MP's.


Sorry, but to be clear the province didn't follow the rules in filing their taxes and now the tax people are going after them. I'm supposed to believe it's some kind of conspiracy? That's kind of just what happens when you don't pay your taxes.


True however it usually takes years before the CRA can go after a bank account, they have to issue demands to file, if the taxpayer still does not file then they have to do an arbitrary assessment, then after that they can start collection action which is supposed to follow a set of procedures with escalating severity (the rules around excise taxes like carbon tax demands to file may be different than this as its based on income tax but collectons actions remain the same) Lets also not forget that the CRA just had an article about stopping collections actions of multiple millions on a TP that it claims was defrauding Canadians https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/iris-technologies-tax-deal-1.7249817 Its been 4 years and there is no record of seizing bank accounts


This is an entire province making a political statement. You don't think that played a factor?


I can tell you like being taxed


Yep, if I state I am an anarchist who does not believe in government, therefore I do not pay taxes, doesn't mean the tax man doesn't come after me.