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My impression from talking with lefties (who would never consider voting Conservative) essentially boils down to this; They agree that, yes, the current quality of life, cost of living, problems in society, moral decay, etc, is bad, but *being racist and homophobic is worse. Being racist and homophobic is the ultimate sin.* And they just genuinely see anything right winged as being racist and homophobic, no matter what. They cannot be convinced otherwise. Therefore, it is unacceptable to vote for them. So they will always vote for parties on the left, no matter how "bad" society gets. Because the alternative (being racist and homophobic) is worse.


The weirdest part of this is I know ALOT of conservative people. Honestly dont even know one that I would call racist or homophobic. Most conservatives I associate with just flat out dont care about that shit, which is maybe what the left interprets as racism/homophobia? The whole thing is just a massive strawman.


Agreed but I think it's because we're usually bundled with the socons that makes it difficult for a lot of people. It's the "guilty by association."


Hell even in this comment chain theres a dude conflating moderate conservatives with christian socons. These folks legit believe every conservative is a Christian fundie who hates gays. I suppose the analog is right wing people who assume every leftist is a commie antifa supporter. Political discourse in 2024 is just so extreme and unhinged all the time. Anyone with a moderate position just gets to eat "guilt by association" for the worst things there "side" has done.


I'm left leaning by nature. The guilty by association is definitely difficult to overcome. I genuinely despise the social conservatives in my family and their bigoted views towards lgbt and other races. It makes it very difficult to agree with them politically even though I understand the current iteration of the conservative party is not running on any so con platform. I find it hard to consider voting conservative for these reasons. I'm still mentally flipping between ndp, ppc, and con this cycle. Liberals are directly out for destroying Canada. Ndp, While complicit, I feel will ultimately replace Singh after this election so it's a wash.


I know a lot too. Many of them are very Christian conservatives. Some votes for PPC last round. They think being gay is wrong, or even further, is a sin. They don’t think that gay people should be allowed to marry. They don’t like pride parades or any celebration of it. Those ideas are pretty homophobic to me. I am not saying it applies to all Conservatives, but there is a big group of people who vote Conservative because they think the party’s beliefs are inline with theirs.


Blame the liberal controlled media for that. They cast this narrative and have been able to hold it up until now. Finally people are starting to realize they've been taken for utter fools.


Yea man. Their argument is basically ignorance is murder. By not caring ur the worst.


One of the things I’ve learned by talking to leftists is, they are cynical, power hungry and profoundly stupid.


I have a friend who leans very left… he’s a bit like Trudeau in that nothing is his fault. If you talk about the problems that exist today he argues that Trudeau inherited them and therefore aren’t his problems, or that any other leadership would be materially worse. But like the main comment. He believes that inequality of minorities and indigenous need to be supported financially to no end. But like most leftists where they excel in theory they lack in practicality. Since there is infinite demand for free money.


And Socialism works until you run out of money


It works until you run out of other people's money* Fixed it for you Edit: typo


Nah, the budget will balance itself


I don't concern myself with fiscal policy


Thanks as soon as I posted it knew it was wrong


Socialism works until you run out of others people money


A lot of people on the left still can't come to terms with the fact that Trudeau went back on his word to get rid of first-past-the-post. Electoral reform is unlikely to happen in any of our lifetimes (I'm fine with that) but they absolutely will not let it go. It's surprising how many on the left view the Libs as being a right of center party.


I have started to notice a correlation between job competency and political leaning. Far left leaning types are basically fucking useless. Easily 9/10, the useless shit piles are "anything but CPC, everything is racist" style lefties


Well it’s because they can get away with being useless and if anyone says anything they yell bigots and homophobes go crying to HR to fire you


Yup they don’t build anything they corrupt and destroy because evil can never create anything only corrupt and destroy.


They are lacking the pragmatism to actually see the humour, or any humour really, in the situation.


Leftists are the most dangerous combination of stupid, cynical, self-serving, narcissistic and, indeed, evil, whether they’re actually conscious of it or not. Absolutely nothing they say can be trusted, and they will use any and all means to seize and retain power.




they really are killing themselves with the kindness/utopia they desire, it's quite sad they can't see far enough ahead to understand that. what I've gathered from many, many in-depth talks with extremely leftist people, anyway.


Read Atlas Shrugged This is exactly what Ayn Rand warns of .. It is the exact opposite of objectivism. We are breeding second handers.


Real scary to see she was right instead of a valley the rich have mega yachts and islands


Ayn Rand was a woman who believed you could torture children for science as long as you had the parent's consent because she doesn't consider children human beings. She also wrote that entire book as a self insert fanfic where she gets to fall in love with a hyper competent rich man Ultimate Capitalist Tradwife Fanfiction And that's NOT a good thing




Underscore the profoundly stupid part. That part cannot be overstated. They have the uncanny ability to twist the most logical common sense points using Olympic gold medal level mental gymnastics to suit whatever leftoid nonsense narrative of the day they need to follow. It's total insanity.


Yep I would actually be impressed if it wasn’t so devastating to civilization itself


Holy shit, isn't that the truth.


Nailed it


Yet in 2019 Trudeau’s argument that was defended by every Liberal that election, was that it was better to be racist (blackface) than homophobic (Sheer’s three legged dog comment).


This is an internet brain take. Most people aren't this extreme. The reality is that conservative governments have a different world view. There is less emphasis on climate change, mitigating the damages of industry (environmentally, economically), economic redistribution, etc. People who are interested in voting for the left put more primacy on caring for the country's most vulnerable. In building positive social programs to ensure a base-level of prosperity for citizens. Just because the current government is doing a terrible job of impacting positive change doesn't mean that set of values is inherently wrong or disproven. It's difficult for somebody to vote for another party which sees the world in a completely different way just because the current party is doing a shit job. I'm also skeptical the Conservative party is going to do anything to impact immigration or housing costs. Immigration is good for business. High housing market is good for the most wealthy. Conservative governments are generally advocates for immigration and high earners.


>I'm also skeptical the Conservative party is going to do anything to impact immigration or housing costs. Immigration is good for business. What Canada and the US have right now is not immigration though. Immigration is not a free for all, which is basically what it is at the moment.


What I noticed over the last 20 years is a reversing of policies and actions. The liberal party are doing what the conservatives normally do and vice versa. You make a good point about immigration being a pro for conservatives, but it's the liberals doing it. Conservatives want to slow it down. Conservatives would benefit from slowing the building of homes, but they are calling for loosening of the permit structures and more building. The embezzlement of government funds has been linked to the Trudeau family directly. Having given tons of money to his wife's charity, etc. His defense was that he does not consider his wife as part of his family. This is how we expect a conservative to act. Look at Trump. When we judge based on ideals and words instead of actions, we only mislead ourselves. Who is acting conservative or liberal. These are just the names of the parties, they do not describe who they are or what they do.


My point about immigration is it is good for the upper class, regardless of left or right. Liberals also talked about reducing immigration, stabilizing housing prices, and reforming the electoral system. And then they did the opposite. I'm not Nostradamus but of course the conservatives are going to campaign on those issues the liberals are dying on right now. But then they'll gain power and make some minor change while essentially justifying the status quo. Call me a cynic.


You're a cynic. But seriously I agree with this exactly.


>This is how we expect a conservative to act. American news is rotting people's brains harper is the only conservative prime minister we had in the last 30 years. None of that happened under him. The guy was as controversial as a baked potato and had the personality of a tea spoon.


If you are a Canadian conservative then you must be pro trump. Like people, that's the wrong country. Think for yourself... like you said, we are flooded with American media and rhetoric. It's melting our brains. It's become a sad, far too common case.


well....when observation does not match the hypothesis, yes, it's wrong. As are the left with their hyperbolic fear campaign on climate change, LGBT rights, racism, bigotry, and all the 'ism's' in the world. So when you say it's not inherently wrong or disproven, you are inherently wrong because in fact these assertions the left makes aren't based in reality and don't match the observations right wing - logic and living in reality left wing - fantasy and living on a fake moral high ground


Lol tell that to Ontarions. The Conservative party in Ontario has been some of the worst governance and pitiful fiscal and economic responsibility. Corruption at every level (bribes at wedding parties, legislation for immunity from being sued from deaths at LTC's, green belt etc),


Hate to tell you but every Conservative I know hates Ford \*because he has not acted like a Conservative but rather like a Liberal.\*


Where is he acting like a liberal? I'm watching him make the rich richer and cut public funding to everything important. That's 10/10 conservative playbook


This is a good reply. Honest. From your reply. "*People who are interested in voting for the left put more primacy on caring for the country's most vulnerable. In building positive social programs to ensure a base-level of prosperity for citizens*." This is a good talking point, but people see the current left-alliance government grow huge tent cities, lines at meager job openings, skyrocketing food bank usage, falling standards of living. The list goes on. So tent cities and food banks are this current governments new base-level prosperity for citizens? That's sad and disheartening. Then you manage in one paragraph to claim the CPC would keep the tent cities growing. People don't believe it as no government in the past has done it. Conservative or Liberal. Sometimes it's best to just sit an election out.


Don't sit this election out. You can vote for PPC. Think about it, they'll never get power so we don't have to worry if they're actually unhinged, but voting purple WILL send a message to the other parties; scratching your vote won't. Policies I'm particularly supporting from the PPC: less immigration, less foreign aid, and no plans to even change the current daycare system which was a rare W for the liberals. Again, they won't even win a minority government, but voting purple will send a signal I feel I've never had the chance to send before in the 3 party system. I am so fucking ready to vote it's insane.


That’s bullshit. Everything you think true “lefties” complain about is culture war bullshit that just distracts from the real problems. True left wingers basically just want to prevent the massive wealth hoarding at the top and transfer the wealth to the lower middle class, that’s what it “boils down to”.


This is the unexciting but accurate answer you have been scrolling down for. I'm a lefty. No I don't give a shit about identity distraction politics. Wealth inequality, job offshoring (which the left embraced) climate, social media manipulation. These are things I'm concerned about.


In Canada that’s known as being “far right”… welcome to the club I guess? 😅


That's absolutely correct. I would like to add that we just want everyone to enjoy their weird religions and hobbies separately from government, money out of politics, and an end to wealth inequality. I wish the party system could be replaced because people are too damn tribal, and it's a great distraction for the ultra wealthy.


Woah there, you have already been informed of what leftists think: by people on the right! Sure it sounds like a giant Mansplaining thing, but it isn’t, just get with the narrative! This entire sub seems to be filled with “Temporarily Embarrassed Billionaires!” Or maybe, multi-millionaires-in-waiting! One day they can be Billionaires too! Just work hard, and hate the right people; enjoy the Bread and Circuses.


Who exactly is being racist and homophobic and how; is what I pose to them.


It's 50 years of teachers unions pushing liberal ideologies in classrooms. The brainwashing is difficult to look past for some.


Well, the left also doesn't believe that the conservatives will solve inflation, or wealth inequality, or the housing market, etc. So it's not that racism and homophobia are worse than the other problems, it's just that those problems will persist plus racism and homophobia. This is an embarrassingly incorrect reading of leftist politics. I highly suggest actually talking with one.


That’s exactly it. Ever since a certain presidential candidate campaigned on racism victimhood and “white privilege” back in 2007-2008, the media has been pumping all that nonsense into people’s heads. And now the truly brainwashed are the die hard lefties


Or anyone that still believes the tv doesn’t lie.


This literally sounds like a religion. All of this coming from the folks that berate and make fun of Christianity. Absolutely bizarre.


Everyone and everything is racist to these people. There’s no explanation


I tend to vote NDP and I don’t think all conservatives are like that. I see them as people that use common sense a lot of time


So they're complete morons with no sense of actual reality lol


I have voted across the board, and looking at my voting history, ive voted liberal more than any other party. I've actually only voted conservative twice in my life. Why won't I vote liberal any more? They lost their way. I consider the party death around the time of paul martin, who I liked, but since him the party isn't what it once was. They have moved more left and away from centre. They appease the minority over the majority. They are the furthest thing from transparent, and the fact that very few MPs have stood up to JT, they have no values. They just want their pension. That's one pro about Pierre. His pension is already a lock. He isn't concerned about it, like so many are. We aren't playing politics right now. It's just a game of securing one's own pension. Edit: Just to make it clear, I never voted for Trudeau lol


This. I've only voted conservative once in my entire life. I won't be voting liberals again for all the reasons stated, not until they move back to centre left and rid of JT for a more respectable leader.


The liberal party of today is much different than that of Chrétien or Martin. I really liked Martin, he did a lot of good stuff in the banking world but he'd be considered conservative by today's standards. Unfortunately the "center" has eroded and everyone is being pushed to the extremes


I feel like the "I will get rid of the GST" that put Chrétien in power followed up with the "not actually doing anything about GST" explains Canadian politics very well. We saw it again with the "this election will be the last one held in FPTP" Trudeau. If there's one thing that I've learned, it's that Canadian voters aren't incentivized to being well-versed in politics anymore, and they haven't done a good job at learning our past and present lessons.


Everyone I've talked to have gaslight themselves that all of the current issues existing are somehow either the fault of the previous conservative government, the conservative government in their province, or initiatives are being blocked by the conservative government. They fully believe doubling down harder on current leftist policies will fix the problems their policies have created. No amount of reasoning or examples of other places (like the US) that is doing much better in many of our main pain areas will convince them. Attacking any right wing policies is so deeply rooted in their identity, they can't conceive the possibility they may be wrong.


I see this too. Some people are so far gone. They automatically accept anything the Libs say and automatically dismiss anything from the conservatives. No fact checking. No critical thinking what so ever.


>They fully believe doubling down harder on current leftist policies will fix the problems their policies have created. Which policies specifically?


I’ll bite even though outing yourself for supporting NDP in this sub is a shot in the foot. I started voting federally for the first time in 2008. Jack Layton really made an impact on me and opened a view to labours rights, ndp’s history with the 40 hr work week, the development of socialized healthcare and the support of workers. I had watched the entire economy around me growing up-which was mostly manufacturing- get shipped to Mexico or China. Couldn’t get into a trade besides labouring or afford to go to college. Anecdotally, I went for a job posting once for two positions only to grouped in with hundreds of others. I knew we had been sold out by all politicians at that point in my life for corporate interests. And whatever you think about free trade it was in the interest of corporations that the government worked for and they still do. When it came time to vote for Stephen Harper or Stephane dion which every once else was doing I said fuck that. Everyone said that I was wasting my vote, you should vote conservative or liberal. I could not in good conscience support any party that has continued to sell out its people- and I actually did believe in the Jack Layton at that time. It was inspiring and hopeful to hear someone talk about actual people. And even though he lost I still felt good that I hadn’t supported the big guys that aren’t out for the people. Nowadays, I still support NDP. Partly because I hope the party will get back to its ways and partly because I know it’s a numbers game. I don’t want any party with majority. I don’t trust a single politician to do the correct thing without getting pushed to do so. And the parties need to work together more to benefit the people instead of playing politics red ,blue, orange, green


Though we likely disagree on many things, I appreciate your comment as it gives good insight instead of just yelling at each other in anger


Thanks man I appreciate it when people post questions like this and everyone doesn’t just downvote someone that replies without explaining themselves. I can take the downvotes but it just discourages others from having open dialogues


Absolutely. It should be about finding the reasonable middle ground through dialogue and not stubbornness hatred, which leads to nothing for everyone. Keeps each side honest


The Jack Layton era was a completely different ball game, as in they were profoundly genuine in supporting workers rights. This NDP does not. Its sad because rhat was the party 15-20 years ago that was going to make a progressive difference for Canada and it's citizens. Tommy boy and baggy Singh haven't done anything great to represent the NDP as the peoples party. I, myself, lost faith in them due to those directions. The Liberals I cannot support with a vote become too much of their platform hits me financially and restricts my hobbies. I'm not against many of their ideals, but they come grouped with many policies that take too much money from my family and make what we enjoy doing harder though cost. I wish we had a party that could help us all fiscally and protect our freedoms, yet be OK with supporting a variety of ideals, all the while being accountable to our taxes being spent and programs being properly aided.


Could I ask why you think the ndp doesn’t support the working class anymore? Cause I have other issues with the party but that not one of them actually. I find they work with unions and workers right the most of all the parties


I just feel the Federal NDP doesn't advocate for unions as much as they used to. They spread the word and use them as talking points, but there is no action after the fact. I live in BC where we have NDP as a provincial government where as a 19 year union member in the trades, my daily life is not any easier under their platform. The NDP have opened up the flood gates in BC more so as a "right to work" rather than strengthening workers rights and unions. The amount of low bid companies in the interior and on the coast that are Alberta registered companies is obscene. I actually preferred the provincial Liberals much more in BC. They didn't do anything wildly kooky and brought a lot of work to the province that was mostly union only. The NDP policies are not good for the majority of people, the effort, in my opinion, is not focused on programs that need to be addressed or at least not seriously.


Jack Layton was a Canadian hero and someone all Canadians should strive to be like, Genuinely cared about this country and not the power of a MP


I’m not into putting anyone on a pedestal. Tommy Douglas had his issues and Jack did too. But for the most part Jack stood for where I think Canada’s mind should be. And that’s with the people that keep it running


Thank you. I believe a sensible labour party is necessary in a democratic system. Having a preferred party is fine as long as we hold them accountable at all times.


The NDP has always struggled in its efforts to merge a labour party with a student/environmentalist/woke progressive party. They are culturally and in some major ways economically incompatible, and this chasm between the two parts of the party has only grown over the last few decades. Singh is very clearly from within the second part of that equation and it's been showing in labour's growing support for the Conservatives.


If I knew it would have made a difference, I would have voted Jack Layton over Trudeau 3 times!


I just paid attention to politics in 2020 and I can't even imagine that the NDP party was like that, given the incompetence of Jagmeet. I would support a party that supports the workers like you described but that definitely does not sound like them now.


I hear you. I don’t support all that jagmeet does but some of the policies I think can help canada if they were implemented. But that goes for the Conservative Party too. I like some of what they want but not all of it


I have voted for each of the 3 main parties in every election since 1998. I have never been more inspired by a politician than I was of Jack Layton. He seemed like the perfect guy to run this country. I hope a party gets another Jack one day. This country has lost its way this past decade, and these party leaders we have now are horrible, really bad, and probably bad, but we don't know yet.


Layton was the man back in the day. Had the vision and the personality and wasn’t afraid to intelligently converse with other viewpoints.


That’s for sharing great comment !


Former supporter here. Because I’m a *fucking* idiot. And, honestly, let’s not pretend the Cons are some eminent choice. That said, I am sorry for lending my vote twice to the Liberals. I thought they lead from a centrist, if not tempered neoliberal, position. I saw the writing on the wall and in lieu of better alternative, thought they could pull it around. However every single Liberal MP’s narcissism has demonstrated remarkable disdain for Canada. The Cons may be cronies, but at least they’re not weaponizing the language of virtue, scolding others by dint of virtue, while manifestly undermining everyone’s sense of virtue and dignity, while trying to gaslight public discourse by co-opting the voice of public opinion as the minority voted government. Eg. You can hate everything equally with a smarmy smile. There is only entitled condescension from the Liberal machinery now, and I’m over it.


Many far leftists are narcissistic people unable of critical thinking of admitting that they went to far


As a socialist, I used to support the NDP but they lurched so hard to the centre that they're pretty much just Liberal lite now. The two parties are barely distinguishable anymore. I want a government by and for the working class, not a government by and for neoliberal muppets.


>used to support the NDP but they lurched so hard to the centre that they're pretty much just Liberal lite now This is an interesting take as many suggest the Liberal and NDP are taking steps further left. I understand the Liberal lite reference, but I feel that may be because of the coalition and many seeing them as one and the same right now.


The only people who think the Liberals and the NDP are moving left are people who think the left consists of solely of rainbows and taxes. The left is anticapitalist. The Liberals are staunch defenders of the capitalist ruling class and the NDP has abandoned their anticapitalist roots.


Since when is the left anticapitalist? Just because undergrad lefties think socialism is the new hotness doesn't mean leftists can't be capitalists as well.


Since always, that was what Marx wrote about. His whole thing was criticizing capitalism.


These people don’t even understand the political spectrum, which only really applies to people under the liberalism umbrella(conservatives, moderates and progressives). The lump the illiberal(socialists/communists) in with liberal progressives which makes zero sense and is a childlike understanding of political ideology.


Nope, both of those parties want to keep capitalism in place. A true left party would reform capitalism to a point that it's not capitalism anymore.


NDP didn't lurch towards the right, people like you have shifted to an extremist political view towards the left that anyone to the right of you POV looks conservative in comparison. Also as some one born in the 20th century fuck all socialist as they are an evil ideology that created Nazi's, communist and most authoritarian governments in the name of equal outcome for all.


I think you need to stop looking at labels and parties and look at platforms. What from the previous conservative election platforms do you wish was enacted? When the last election happened, was there something the Conservatives proposed you think is a 'no brainer' and can't understand why people didn't vote for it? I recall childcare as a major plank for the Liberals, and pharmacare for the NDP. What practical policies are the conservatives proposing beyond 'not Trudeau"


100%. Vote for platforms that match your views. Forget party loyalty. If a party consistently aligns with your values, great! But don’t blindly follow.


Interested in the subreddit's take of this


- Remove carbon tax - Reduce permitting time on projects - Reduce government administrative bloat - Reduce immigration (slightly, not crazy) - Target higher % of highly skilled immigrants - Remove 66% over 250k cap gains rate - Lower regulations on new developments - Attract investment to increase productivity - Better incentivize entrepreneurship - Reduce government spending Current platform; not last. However, much of it is just the inverse of policies enacted post-2015.


Some of these sound great but the devil is in the details and claims such as "reduce government spending" can quickly become "reduce funding for research" or "remove childcare spending" Comparing [platforms in 2021](https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2021/party-platforms) I think my main issue was the lack of clarity in many Conservative proposals. Happy to change my mind if you have pointers to new platform details


Hey, someone who used to be very conservative but have voted NDP (in Alberta) and spoiled my vote federally (cause they all really suck). My shift towards more left wing policies started during covid. What I’ve come to realize is conservative policies (as of late) are very individualistic, more of a “I have mine fuck off”. I care about my community, I care about everyone having access to things like child care, quality education(well into post-secondary), social supports and healthcare. What I’ve noticed is that the UCP (and conservatives federally) will or have stripped these services. I believe everyone should have access to these and I do believe a lot of right wing voters take these things for granted. IE if you get cancer without public healthcare, your insurance company can tell you it’s not covered and then you either go bankrupt or die. Is that what we really want? I sure don’t. I also see a massive hypocrisy in alottttt of right wing policies and voters (again not all of them but a vocal minority). With things like equalization, rural folks(generally supports right wing policies) would have fuck all without the major city centre’s tax brackets. So what if the cities and their tax payers told the rural folks to fuck off? What if the more wealthy communities told the poor ones to fuck off? We can’t function a society like this. Are the NDP and liberals perfect? Hell no, does Trudeau need to step down, hell yes. But if I look at the parties wholly, they are better options for me and my beliefs. Also fuck the carbon tax (and yes climate change is real lol) Edit: I also feel the conservatives throw mud without offering solutions. Sure axe the tax but what about literally everything being so expensive (it’s not just the carbon tax)


Its funny, I made the opposite switch in pandemic. I've voted liberal or NDP (abc strategy) most elections. I feel like the safety blanket failed miserably, and lefties locked themselves up only looking after themselves. When push came to shove, they abandoned the needy and treated those who had to leave their homes poorly. It really is dog eat dog. the new left use social justice as a weapon to further their interests. To tear someone from the outtribe down, or line their own pocket. Nothing to do with actually caring about helping people.


Great response 👏


Regardless of where you sit, I think this question can be applied to both sides of the aisle, and I think the general answer for both is “because it’s not the other thing”, when you cannot intelligently understand why someone can side with somethings that can have strong arguments for it, but you just outright oppose it. I think most people today are less inclined to dig down to the root of most political policies on other side of the spectrum, because they have become so complex and twisted that the average individual doesn’t want to spend the time to attempt to understand it nor do they have the time, which is why career politicians are a thing and the stay in power when they are clearly not the best option. The average person would rather have someone else deal with it, instead of getting involved, because it’s exhausting to attempt to understand a lot of the policies nowadays, when you’ve already worked 8-10 hours for the day and are trying to take care of your own home. Or the existential dread is just too much to care fully some days. With the digital age of quick information and algorithms that are made to hold you attention, it also becomes self fulfilling that we generally only see one side of the information, the side that gives you a dopamine hit for aligning with our beliefs, which makes it hard to genuinely see the other side. Everything is presented on polar opposite to make it easier to consume. “You’re either with us or against us.” So we have access to quick information that doesn’t require investigation because it generally matches how we feel and we are too tired to dig down, and it is being dispensed by an individual who’s whole livelihood is based on get a job again in 4 years time, which is easier when you villainize everyone else and make them fearful of the alternative. And lastly, I think it’s about power and control, and power and control of you versus your “enemy” (at least the enemy that is presented to you in a political light). When people are loud, adamant, and angry, about something political, it’s usually power and control that are the driving focus behind them. But I may be completely wrong, who truly knows I guess.


I was a hardcore feminist liberal when I became voting age and there is a few reasons why. 1. They make it sound like they care about marginalized groups but they just use them as voting pawns. 2. I was in the mindset that conservative was old white dudes that wanted to take away the rights of women and the gays. Obviously none of that is true. I would scream f*ck the patriarchy and think I’m oppressed and have higher education, a good job and more opportunities than I could ever ask for. But the liberals try to tell you that the conservatives want to take away my rights. 3. The social programs for people sound great but then there is the fine print or they never actually get done. 4. I wasn’t an adult with bills and truly understood how society works. This sounds ridiculous but becoming a homeowner, having real responsibilities, bills and doing the “adult” thing/experiences changes your perspective. The liberal makes things sound great in lala-land but real world, it doesn’t work. You see the wasteful spending and nothing to show in return. I could say so much more but people would call me racist or homophobic cause that’s the liberal way. 1984 is happening in front of us and no one seems to care


NDPers think they’re still voting for a socialist party, LPC voters are either elderly, lazy, low information, or have a vested interest in state power (civil servant, subsidies, protectionism, etc)


Gonna guess the dream of self responsibility, regulation and the desire to be independent is lost on many people. I probably should vote ppc.


I have a cousin in Ottawa who's a die-hard Liberal voter. She only cares about her own needs and doesn't care about the rest of Canada or Ontario. She's even said she hopes the rest of the country and the world burn, which I think shows how selfish and out of touch some NDP and Liberal supporters can be. They have a mindset I can't understand, and they react strongly when you make stereotypical or semi-racist jokes. Plus, my cousin's place is full of Taylor Swift merch and posters, which I find hilariously fitting for her mentality. I've sympathized with **SOME** NDP voters because they want better wages and work environments. But as a former hardcore NDP supporter, I find it frustrating that we couldn't coexist peacefully due to differing views between the NDP party. So I’ve moved to Conservative for the time being until JT is out of the picture. Overall, most Liberal voters seem uneducated in politics or just want free handouts to keep living in their idealistic world. They think they're better than the rest of us.


The only growth sector in Canuckistan for the last 3 decades have been working for the gov't. All LIB & NDP voters are either wannabe community organizers or just want free shit.


>All LIB & NDP voters are either wannabe community organizers or just want free shit. This exactly. Maybe Canadians wouldn't need so many free government handouts if the government made life more affordable period. Of course you need a lunch program for kids if parents can't afford to buy groceries in this country.


*"Liberal & NDP Supporters. Genuine question, why?"* There is no shortage of daft, delusional, one-issue, activist, and low-information voters in Canada. There's your answer. Next.


I often can’t understand why JT was voted in again after all the scandals, spending and apparent lack of ethics. I can only assume he was voted in because of uninformed voters who could only make the decision on aesthetics. Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense.


Junior Trudeau called an election in 2021 simply because he wanted a majority, and instead what he got was an instant replay of the 2019 election results, because too many Canadian voters at the time chose to vote for the COVID-era status quo, and also because no one liked Erin O'Toole any more than they did Andrew Scheer back in 2019. Voters also did not anticipate the possibility that Trudeau and Singh would form a coalition, either. In the end, Canadian voters still chose the bed they are now lying in. The last chance to save Canada will come at the polls in October 2025, by which time Canada's status as a unified country will be hanging by a thread. Watch for it.


Its very simple eastern Canada is full of people gainfully employed by the government and hates the west. So this combination make people vote against their own country to push down the west while increasing government jobs for themselves.


Simplistic take. Rural Ontario is, and has always been, more conservative than people in most prairie cities and the north.


They are not the ones deciding the elections, its populations centers like GTA that decide who is elected.


Meanwhile, the east will happily take transfer payments from the west.


That is the only reason western Canada is "Allowed" in their Canada.


Surrounded by morons


Well I’m here to listen to the “one-issue, activist” folks so they don’t become “low-informed” or maybe I’m the one that’s not informed. Your mentality leads to divide and the “oh well”attitude which the other side can say the same about you too no ?


These are the people you are going to be listening to. Apparently anyone who is conservative is led by the nose by disinformation etc and we are all a bunch of uneducated knuckle draggers as is evidenced by their comments ​ [https://new.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1dxx1xg/conservative\_supporters\_show\_higher/](https://new.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1dxx1xg/conservative_supporters_show_higher/)


Speaking as an NDP supporter, I will continue to back them and here is why: In Canadian history, virtually everything the federal government has done that will actually help the average person was thought up by and pushed for by the NDP or its predecessor the CCF. The Canada Pension Plan and universal access to health care are two big ones. Now children and seniors have dental care because of the NDP, and we are working towards Pharmacare. The NDP was fighting for the environment before the Green Party existed and they have always been the champions of affordable community housing. On the other hand, the Conservatives may talk like populists, but they always have and always will serve the interests of Bay Street, not Main Street. You think billionaires will pay their fair share under the Conservatives? Their party is also full of individuals who openly oppose a woman's right to choose, common sense drug laws like legal weed and gender equality, and they are often caught on social media being blatantly racist. So far, I see not one workable solution to Canada's major problems from Poilievre. All I get is "I'm not Trudeau." Good for you. In 18 months, you'll be PM and the Liberal leader will be Mark Carney. You'd better have a lot more to offer than "I'm not Trudeau," because as of now you haven't earned my vote.


Yep. I’m very confused at how PP has somehow convinced the working class he is for the working class people. He’s not. I support the left parties because I believe wealth disparity has gotten out of hand. That the only party actually for the working class is the NDP. There’s no way that the conservative parties will reject big business. All big business wants to do is make more money for their shareholders. The regular working man is not a shareholder. Without regulation, the CEOs will drain as much as they can from the middle and lower classes.


Todays Liberals and ndpers see society as the problem and point fingers at anything but their own actions. They’d rather tear down the system and start over. conservatives tend to focus on self improvement and family and want to improve what we have.


Liberals are low information voters, there’s your answer. The left in the USA didn’t know Biden is a vegetable until the debate happened. The “news” sources they watch are all fake news and bullshit propaganda from the worst people this world has to offer. They are actively voting for the destruction of every western nation as we speak.


Lack of better alternatives on the left. The right would probably get a lot of swing votes if they were interested in addressing the climate crisis as well as growing inequalities instead of worsening it. And I hate that the movement has been slowly infiltrated by right wing christian ideology. There's a reason for the separation of Church and State. I want a secular state that can take care of those who need it the most, not because we should, but because we can.


As a voter, I don’t even know what the liberals stand for anymore. A government is supposed to work for the benefit of its citizens that elected it. But the liberals are more interested in pandering to a fringe minority and this just confuses the hell out of me. My take on JT is that he wants to become a leader who is taken seriously in global issues, which his dad couldn’t achieve. JT got way too much attention because of Trump and that just got to his head. And Jagmeet is a total tool and a hack.


JT is waiting to get that attention back if Trump wins. That’s really his trick to win election and may be some voting changes.


It's because they receive money. They like to spend money from taxes stolen from their friends. They say it right to their face. Boomers do the same. They vote left because of what they give back. Nobody talks about abortion anymore... This isn't 1960. Remove money given out and put everyone on a flat income tax system (example 15% on first 25k and 25% onwards) and you'd have a completely different vote. I get it. I'm not happy in the current system. My issue is when confronted they can't be honest about it. They try to play the rightousness game. Get off your high horse.


I would vote for an organ grinder monkey act if I could see VALUE in what I pay in taxes. I too care about our vulnerable citizens. A nation is only as strong as their weakest link. If we don’t take care of those who need a hand, who are we really as humans? No, I don’t support the growing shanty towns in our cities. No, I don’t support mass immigration without there being a solid plan for housing, infrastructure, and ensuring that we are bringing not just the best other countries have to offer, but those who want to CONTRIBUTE to making this country better. However on the other hand, I don’t support giving millions of public education dollars to private schools, ANY religious denomination school, or any ideologue factory moonlighting as a charter school. People who have the ability to send their children to those school, shouldn’t need the help of the public to send their kids to these places. Kind of flies in the face of most right leaning ideologies (The I got mine, and take care of myself, and you should too type). Healthcare? Well since this system is so beyond fucked up and able to continue in its current form, we need to blow the motherfucker up. From the bottom up. And we need to ensure that it remains accessible for everyone without horrendous waits. Which means supporting what doctors and nurses need to be able to attract more people into the professions and compensate them properly. In the end though, since I live in the west, it matters not how I vote federally as it’s already decided for the country before the count even passes Thunder Bay. To summarize, I would gladly vote conservative if: Electoral reform actually happened Public education stayed public Healthcare remains public and accessible for all. Pipe dream isn’t it.


Arrested development. I was a communist back in high school, and then I grew up.


Appreciate those that shared insightful points. To those that are just chirping with no context, refrain please, those acts are part of the problem and causing divide …


They will vote left no matter what. Seriously, no matter what. An excellent comparison is South Africa. Under the ANC, SA has fallen from 1st world status to near 3rd world status. However, the ANC keeps getting elected. Why? "Oh, if we don't have the ANC, Apartheid will come back". Liberal & NDP supports will jump into the abyss no matter what.


None of the parties as a whole are worth shit. I vote for my local representative who better lines up with my beliefs and isn't a literal shitheel of a human person. Which for most of my adult life has been the NDP Candidate. Conservatives aren't going to actually fix anything in Canada, nor will the Liberals or NDP honestly. Don't like any of the leaders at all. I miss Jack Layton. JT is in it for himself and his corporate overlords. PP is in it for himself and his corporate overlords. I do think its time for a change but I do worry about PP giving into some of the far right requests.


You are 100% right when you describe them as incompetent. Some people just won’t change their minds. Some have no understanding of the importance of a healthy economy and some don’t really pay any attention to it at all.


The conservatives and Liberals just work for the rich, and not average people. The NDP has lost its way some and moved too far from the left but it's still the party that closest aligns with my values. That being that wealth inequality in this country has gotten out of hand and that the uber rich should carry the majority of the tax burden. Unfortunately their good policies get muted by them being pro immigration and lgbt stuff. But when the situation gets bad for lower and middle class people (like it is now) they actually have good solutions


Liberals in canada are communists, not liberals. Liberals should be against wage suppression by importing millions of cheap labor and against labor slavery. Trudeau and his friends are pure incompetency and corruption.


Because it’s coming from the top down. In high school 6-7 years ago I was told by my TEACHER (who had every you know what flag on the wall in full size) Said on the FIRST DAY “if you’re homophobic or racist just say it now, but I’ll warn you that your peers will likely beat you up if you raise your hand”. She later went on to say “the main ideology of conservatism is to keep the poor poor and to keep the rich rich”


If the liberals and NDP changed their name to what their goals are (Cloward–Piven strategy party, and the socialist authoritarian party) maybe people would open their eyes. But they’ll do anything to be on the “good team” no matter how destroyed their country will become


I voted liberal because the best mp in my area just happens to be liberal. If I could get what I want it would be mostly ppc policies mixed with conservative and more liberal (but far less liberal than currently) for LBG community. PPC by far has to me the best policies but they have shit mp’s, not enough of them and simply cannnot win. Best case scenario is conservatives win and adopt some ppc policies.






One approach promises you the freedom and liberty to go it alone and seek out your own rewards through hard work and risk taking. The other approach says the hardworking risk takers have too much and we should take steal what they have and give it to others for free. Turns out there are a lot more stupid mooch bags than hard workers.


Reasons why I tend to vote NDP & Liberal: - Economic data supporting the importance of immigration and how crucial it is for countries with low birth rates. Without it, we will certainly slide into recession, and likely depression. - The childcare rebate program was a single issue for me. My neighbours were paying $2500/mo for their 3 children in daycare. Now they are paying $400/mo. I am happy that my tax dollars are helping ease the load for them. - Too much of the legal system dollars were being spent on prosecuting and jailing people for non-violent drug possession crimes for owning weed. Glad to see it legalized. - Despite promising tax cuts, the conservative parties never actually deliver on that promise. They take the money, and sit on it. Sure, sometimes they spend less than the liberals and NDP, but all they do is sit on that money. Danielle Smith is a prime example of that in Alberta. Promised a low income tax cut, immediately shelved that promise, but STILL cut spending. So now she’s sitting on a giant cash pile and proving Albertans zero value for their dollar. - Conservative parties demonize renewable energy research and spending to diversify Canada’s energy sector. This is patently bad. All that said, Im not locked in to Trudeau for the next election. Poilievre could swing my vote. Depends. If he looks like he’s going to only cut immigration by maybe 10-20% max, while not repealing the childcare rebate, I would consider voting for him. He seems significantly smarter than Trudeau, and he isn’t capitulating to the Bernier supporters who only want white immigrants here.


Really appreciate your detailed response! A couple of questions - our immigration policies with scoring systems before works, I have university (not fake colleges) friends that were part of that process and now a great value add to the Canadian culture and society. But wouldn’t you say what’s happening today is not right ? Local kids can’t get entry level jobs because of volume and our day to day is now “forced” to embed ourselves with “foreign” culture due to volume. I am an immigrant myself (2nd Gen) but our parents respected local culture and integrated well with their own in small doses without impacting others. Really don’t see that with new immigrants anymore and non of them will be “patriotic” to Canada - we have high rates and still recovering from covid policies. How does a carbon tax help with stimulating the economy ? True green initiative is tax incentives for green infrastructure investments to incentivize investors both domestic and abroad - honestly a tax cut means more disposable income where people can choose what to spend it on. I’d take government sitting on cash (while I take home more) versus taxing high and spending on stupid things Again, really appreciate your responses, it was eye opening


Very interesting, always like hearing serious responses from Liberal voters. There's data that shows birth rates would increase if having children was affordable, is there a reason you would vote in a government that makes life more expensive for Canadians and have them import other people to fill those gaps? Tax cuts are needed after a previous government over spends, classic Canada as the Libs spend, get voted out and the Cons balance the budget. Oldest tale in Canada. The money being put aside is to service Debt. While this isn't true for Alberta as we have a surplus, its always good to sit on money when a Federel government is reluctant to help our province with anything. I agree on the Cannabis topic however hard drugs like opioids and meth need to be punished hard as those types of drugs lead to crime. Conservatives understand the need for renewable energy, just not in the ludicrous timelines given by the Liberals. There's a difference between demonizing it and being realistic.


So tell me why some daycares can't afford this 10 dollar a day and the are going to close and this means it will be alot hard to find daycares was this ever thought out.


If the plan is executed properly, you should expect a small percentage of daycares opting out of it. An accurate calculation will incentivize most daycares to stay in, while not overspending so that every single daycare opts in, no questions asked Youre trying to thread the needle so that the decision for daycares to opt in is only SLIGHTLY better than opting out. While daycares want the funding, they need to do the calculation around whether or not the price cap put on them is worth the funding.


I have voted NDP my whole life (now 63). My parents were all very engaged from the early sixties, and became very successful both politically and professionally. As a kid, I enjoyed the festive atmosphere around campaigns and rallies. I didn’t like being bullied by neighborhood kids whose parents were reactionary. As a teenager, I read political philosophy and I one day said to my mother, “I’m a democratic socialist.” My mother said, “That’s what the NDP is.” I then started getting involved on my own, including participating in the youth group. I’ve had my ups and downs with the NDP. My commitment to socialism in general has carried me through, and will probably continue to do so. I’m upset about the nexus of immigration, homelessness, and housing prices. I’ve thought about switching to PPC, and maybe I would do so if it is was just a question of these issues. But I have found that there is a slippery slope that takes me to ranting old reactionary pretty quickly. So, I’ll stick with the NDP and the general principles of socialism. It feels right to me. It connects me to a revolutionary movement that extends back in time to the earliest days of civilization. It keeps me kind hearted. If it is true that this country is headed for a disaster, it won’t affect me much. I guess I do feel bad for the less fortunate, but the way to improve one’s personal condition and that of the society as whole is through socialism. Now, there are certainly problems with the way socialism is enacted, but I don’t have any problem debating with fellow socialists the question of how to move forward effectively.


NDP: sick days are incredible. Everyone shpuld have them. Phramacare: manitoba has a version. A federal level will help people Dental care. A good start looking forward to seeing it expanded. Liberal: i do not like empty promises. No vote from me. Conservative: religious fruitcakes ruin things. I am tried of the usa republican feel of some of the people in the party.


The problem is that as a visible minority, conservatives cater to some interesting far right policy and figure head. This would put my safety in danger. At the same time, whoever believes that conservatives are not bought off buy corps are too navie. Where as, liberal are just as bad in term of selling off canada to corps. At least I am not worried about a mini race war in the future with them in power lol.


While there may be fringe racists involved with any party, I do not believe the Conservative party (or any other party) is racist. Poilievre for example has been unmistakably welcoming to visible minority groups and courting their support. While I don't want to dismiss your concerns, to worry about a mini race war as a reason for not voting for one of the mainstream parties is silly. I say this also as a visible minority. It's also worth noting that in the 2020 Conservative leadership race, Leslyn Lewis (a black woman) was receiving almost a third of the votes among the three candidates remaining in the second round of votes, just barely behind the other two candidates. To my knowledge no visible minority has ever had such a high profile in a Liberal leadership race.


The fear comes from how the Far Right US states are acting and how some Conservative politicians think their leaders are great. Danielle Smith seems to love them and their ideas for example. Now I don't think the Conservative party will lean too far right as they need the moderates to stay in power but the fear comes from that.


Any specific verifiable examples yet? I mean the Liberal Party and even the media insinuate things like this but they don't provide specifics when asked.


I am a minority and immigrant (2nd gen) myself and the reason why my parents didn’t go to the US is because of Canadian values, so Im sure the “far right” values will not be like Texas or Florida level policies. But do explain why would you not feel safe. To be honest unchecked immigration with crime on the rise and screwed up supply/demand housing is way worse imo, but do share what policies do you see happen to visible minorities ?


Because I would have sooner supported O'Toole than Poilievre. CPC failed to elect a leader that is even likeable or honest. (Y'all that are supporting him are willfully ignorant of his voting histories and it shows.) I expect a lot of "Why did the leopards eat my face? (and take my home and rights)" if Poilievre gets into power.


NDP is a shell of the Jack Layton days. Liberals spend too much money in other countries.


I consider myself politically homeless in Canada. I don’t agree with everything the conservative parties have ran on, but I also don’t see Trudeau or Jagmeet as valid options for leadership. Now why not vote conservative? What I’ve seen with my friends who are more left than I am…they see our conservatives the same as the maga conservatives, and they focus on the extremists of the group. They paint anything right of them as radical, which to them makes anyone who’s not left a valid option. Basically American conservatives have poisoned the well of Canadian conservatives, even though they’re more similar to the democrats of the states on social issues. Tribalism and some fringe members of our own conservative parties make them a none option for a lot of more left leaning people.


My personal ideology is conservative but I have two HUGE issues with the current Conservative Party; Social conservatives ( way too much Christian juice) And PP himself. So yes I am ABC


At any other time I would have figured, yes, it is time for the traditional swing to the Conservatives after a long stretch of Liberal government however this Conservative party seems to have evolved into an angry rage farming, non productive party lead by someone who is encouraging bluster and only speaks in memes and insults that can't seem to get beyond blaming and hating Trudeau. Being racist or homophobic is just one component of their make-up but if they think that is the main reason the left is against them, then they are naive. They have given no indication they are prepared to govern fairly or competently and their leader has done nothing to suggest he is capable of leading our country. The Liberals have accomplished much in their term but yes, probably it's time for Trudeau to go but the alternative scares the hell out of me.


What has this Liberal administration accomplished that you’re satisfied with?


I think the tough part is every politician is known to lie about what they will end up doing. However if you had to vote, you'd likely look at the party values and see which one aligns with what you believe is the best. Since every article has a massive hate train running against Trudeau, shitting on him for everything from bad policy decisions to rain fall causing floods, its hard to know what is actually wrong with him. I believe this continues the apathy for Canadian Politics and makes more people just look at the parties themselves and vote that way, which based on how many wins he's had, is not good for the Conservative fanbase. I don't know of a solution and do not like our politics, but this is how I see things. Note: When many countries have economic issues with inflation, blaming him for it when no other country has solved the problem is not going to shrink the opposition.


You will have your answers if Pepe Lepew squeaks through.


NDP supporter for multiple reasons, but it largely boils down to Cons and Libs being bad for me and NDP is the least bad option. **1. Social Issues:** Liberals aren't bad for this either, but everyone else completely drops the ball on social issues. I'm LGBT+ and I'm not going to vote for a party that demonizes me. CPC and PPC are both vocally anti-LGBT. That's not to mention the threat that right-wing parties pose toward women in general, with access to abortion, contraceptives, and healthcare in general. Right-wing parties have made it a large part of their platform to oppose "woke ideology," and they consider people like me to be woke. Again, I'm not going to vote for a party that demonizes me. **2. Climate:** Liberals do a pretty bad job of this, but considering how people react to any climate legislation, I can't entirely blame them. Right-wing parties' refusal to acknowledge/combat climate change poses a threat to our planet, and I'm not voting for a party that doesn't care about the future of our planet and country. **3. Economy:** While all of our parties are in the pockets of big corporations and lobbyists, the NDP proposes significantly less anti-consumer legislation than the other parties. I'm not interested in parties that want to deregulate our industries and practice supply-side economics. I absolutely do not want more and more of our services to be privatized; the notion that adding a rent-seeking middleman into the equation will somehow improve the quality of our services or reduce the cost is absurd. Taxes don't bother me. I'll happily give the government half of my income if they can keep our infrastructure maintained and provide a social safety net for the poor. I want our military to be stronger, and I want healthcare to be better. Do I think the NDP will be perfect? Hell no, but Liberals are meh and right-wing parties will gut everything for "muh budget." **4. Immigration:** Yeah, PPC wins this one. I'm probably forgetting more points but I'm tired so idk. Listed in no particular order. tl;dr our right-wing parties don't like people like me and want to get rid of everything I care about. NDP is flawed but they at least don't openly hate me and embolden the people who want me dead.


Never voted Liberal. I haven't supported the NDP since Jack Layton passed away. Tom Mulcair and Jagmeet Singh have proven to be completely useless.




It’s not so much a left versus right thing. Our options are either, we maintain sovereignty over the only country we have, or our power is stripped from us by people who already have their own countries. Our opposition—for the time being—are purely enemies, listening to them only hurts us. On a side note, I wish there was a leftist anti immigration party, I feel that would only bolster our support for the issue we as Canadians should be worried about.


Please list what you think is "incompetent or act with an agenda" We all know that Trudeau is incompetent and has an agenda so besides him, what else?


I have voted all across the board. This election I’m concerned that the liberals have no clue how to run a government. Freeland makes me want to do a Russian defenstration. Ndp could be a good choice as they seem to care about pollution and things that matter to me vs pp the shill and Canadian version of DJT. I miss Harper and Mr moustache rides Jack Layton. Jagoff will likely bring in more foreigners but the ppc is more leaning into where immigration should be tracking at less than 150k new people per year with housing the way it is. So it’s a toss up. Ndp or ppc.


I’ve voted in two federal elections now, voted liberal first time (when Trudeau was first elected) and NDP the second time. This upcoming election I will likely end up voting conservative. When I started voting it was never about not liking or hating the Conservative party, it was more about voting for parties that I thought had my best interests in mind for the future. To give some context, I went to school for behavioural psychology and I now have a degree and am working as an addictions counsellor. I felt as though the liberal and NDP party would be the ones to give me the best future considering my career choice. At the time it just seemed like a better choice to vote for the party that supports my career choice more. But as time went on the parties I supported have instead routinely made my life worse. Yes I have a decent paying job and good job security, but the money I make means fuck all when there’s a million taxes on every little thing we do. This is where the liberal party lost me. Their desire to be “morally” better than the conservatives have driven me away from their party. The liberals have had some good ideas that I fully support but the execution has been anything but good when it comes to those ideas. Take decriminalization for example, in theory it’s great but the liberals fumbled the execution HARD. But my hesitation in voting conservative came from the fear of them not supporting my career choice and cutting funding to what I do for work. This genuinely frightened me as I have a firm philosophy against privatized mental health and addictions services (primarily because most private services charge more than what the average person can afford and I didn’t go into mental health to bleed people dry of their money). But the more I watch the liberal party support nonsensical policies the more I am leaning toward the Conservative party. But at the end of the day, just like we do as regular people, I have started to believe that no matter what party they support politicians are only looking out for themselves and not the actual people of Canada. If it wasn’t so polarizing I just simply wouldn’t vote but I feel an obligation to but at this point I genuinely don’t know who I can trust and rely on anymore in politics


I think more left leaning Canadians are moving away from rational political thought and behaviour and more towards extreme partisanship. Engaging in rational political thought has a lot of costs with limited rewards. Sitting down and actually listening to opposing views, criticizing your own ideas, studying political ideologies, learning about economics, thinking about psychology, and making an objective assessment of a complicated issue takes a lot of intellectual effort. Most likely when it is all over you will end up with ideas and opinions that are different from the status quo which will expose you to criticism and hostility. Engaging in extreme political partisanship is substantially easier. You become free from the burdensome task of objectivity and critical thinking by subscribing to a rigid political ideology and you assign yourself to a “team.” In social situations you are rewarded for having the correct opinions and political positions among the people on your team where looking like a good or compassionate person (rather than a rational person) is the ultimate reward. Basically, political partisanship has the better cost/reward payoff which is why it seems to be drawing more people on the left. In exchange for being free of the intellectual cost of objective thinking you must be unwavering in your support for a party or ideology. This leads to people continuing to support parties and candidates who are undeserving.


I'm a leftist and strongly anti-authoritarian. I want an effective government that provides essential services (defense, law enforcement, education, health care, roads, etc) and then gets the fuck out of people's private lives. I've voted Blue, Red and Orange depending on the election. I feel politically homeless. With the current batch, I don't trust Trudeau, Poilievre or Bernier to do anything and the NDP is ineffective. I think it's hilarious that you'd say "The liberals or NDP act with an agenda" as if that isn't part of what political parties are supposed to do. I guess in that sense I'm not the demographic you were asking about because I don't really support any party right now. I'm answering more from the perspective of why I don't support the CPC (I.E change, as they are most likely to win the next election) or PPC (to send a message, I guess?) The answer is basically tone. I look at the more right leaning Canadian subs and the tone of posts is super off-putting. There's a level of contempt and hostility that I don't want to participate in, or really expose myself to. I understand that things are not good in Canada right now and sometimes venting is good, but I feel like the tone in Canadian subs is unproductive at best and probably making things worse. I don't need it, and can't bring myself to support it at the ballot box. I don't know where that leaves me. Granted, left wing spaces aren't exactly welcoming but I tend to have more ideological overlap on the left since I'm not opposed to government in principle. The level of purity testing in left wing spaces is really troublesome and I acknowledge that there is an authoritarian component on the left that needs to fuck off.


I have no party allegiance. I vote different every time depending on who I feel will best represent me and the community as a whole.


It's an issue of temperament and composure. American right wing media and Donald Trump brought about the MAGA movement by fostering rabid anger populism and abandoning professionalism. The same style of politics that PP and Canadian right wing media mimic. I hate the way Trudeau speaks, but it is, at least, professional. PP is an entertainer and rage baiter. Canada has problems, but so do most advanced economies, and they are structural. PP and the Canadian right wing are obsessed with Trudeau and their campaign is against Trudeau, not a policy platform that addresses these problems. So, for now, unfortunately, I'm stuck with the the devil I know.


Sometimes when you're caught a belief you do not wish to give it up does not mean those people are mean for trying to hurt anybody but their belief was taught to them in school my left-ling teacher. Left leaning parents. I noticed hard to believe who they vote for but if we don't stop I just point fingers at them then they'll just keep pointing fingers at us. It is time for all of us to sit down and come back to reality it'll be hard because of the left leaning papers will keep lying the left leaning teachers will keep lying. But let's show them we're not left or right but the center we are the majority and we want everybody to come back to the center.


Does anyone actually think the CONS will change anything. All 3 options suck. Can anyone point to the glorious plan the cons have that going to change anything? I would love to see it.


So … who do you vote for? Conservatives? Why?


I would say at one point I did support Trudeau and I supported Jagmeet. I stopped supporting Trudeau after what he did to Jody Wilson-Raybauld and it went down from there. Jagmeet was my choice until he decided to form an alliance with Trudeau. He’s not the progressive he wants people to believe. He’s a neoliberal like Trudeau and only cares about his interests. For the working class, they’re both ineffective leaders. I think Pierre is a provocateur and he has proved through HoC votes that he cares about the rich more than the middle class, but I have slight belief in him to possibly turn around where the country is going which what Jagmeet and Trudeau had at one point that’s now gone. I’m not a Jagmeet supporter but I do support NDP being a progressive but I’m generally open to voting for whoever will do best for this country and for Canadians.


My vote always depends on the issues I find most important or pressing at the time, and which party I think will better handle those issues. Next election, I will most likely be focusing on whichever platform has the best plan for our housing issues, and a few other issues I find important. It often feels like we're a 2 party system, and I just wish people voted for the party that best represented their interests. So many people say that a vote that isn't liberal or conservative is a wasted vote, and that's not true. Also, it would be nice not to be so hateful towards those with different views than ours. Everyone in my family votes differently, but I understand why they vote that way based on what's most important to them. We still have fun at the BBQ pool party lol.


Because we’re currently in a world wide battle against global organized crime run by Putin. The Republican Party aligned with him over a decade ago because, like Putin, they want to continue to sell fossil fuels. They knew losing to the Democrats was likely in 2016 and wanted in on his global disinformation network which worked for them. The Conservatives have joined in on this madness and have gone full MAGA as they too are beholden to these corrupt billionaires to the south. Disinformation is mainly financed by Russia and Canada was one of their last remaining targets using immigrants, fake scandals and now transphobia to rile the masses. The Liberals are standing up to him so they have my vote.


I am not an NDP/LPC supporter but I've never been able to support CPC either. Just seems like we are in a race to the bottom.


For me , I sometimes support the liberals , sometimes NDP , and sometimes conservative . Over the course of my 40 years of voting , after each election you often see that it really doesn’t matter much . What they say and what they do are usually different . They have excuses for not implementing their election promises . One good example is that all parties talk about electoral reform, but nobody has done it. The NDP were elected in Ontario with a promise of making auto insurance a publicly controlled good, didn’t happen. It is time for a change, so I hope the government changes this time and then we will see what happens . See what promises the conservatives can’t implement because of one excuse or the other . See what scandals and corruption unfolds . It is just too predictable that it really doesn’t matter who gets elected.