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Apparently he's seriously injured, but not life threatening.


Probably a good thing you can't hear them. I watched a video of a guy going into the trees on a training jump a while back, it was definitely R rated.


Good... That could have been a lot worse


Fractured foot and multiple lower spine fractures, according to an update from the SkyHawks.


That...is a CF98 if I ever saw one.


Not service related


Bro this sentence hurts deep to the core


How do you figure?


"Prove it" VAC - probably


You mean: « not caused by service »


Some MO is gonna be confused when the CF98 he has to review has a video attachment


Yeah but how do you fax a video?


Don’t be ridiculous. You have to print the video and sign it in blue ink and then scan it back.


Orderly room will need the original signature on each frame though.


Plus PKI signatures.


Every frame


4,000 sheets of paper that you make into a flipbook.


You gotta print it frame by frame and send it to them silly!


I know right


His CoC will tell him to withdraw the 98 or they'll hit him with a 129 for some stupid reason.


That should be a club Ed invitation for the CoC


Agreed at the very least it should be one of those things that makes the officer a permanent Captain stuck in an HQ roll forever. But no....... he got promoted and made a CO. See this actually happened, in Afghanistan. Bunch of guys got hurt in a vehicle on KAF, when they submitted the 98 the Platoon Commander called all of them in and said "Make these disappear or I'll 129 you for not wearing your seat belts!"...... even though all the seat belts were being used at the time. It's called the blade trade for a reason.


someone should have immediately said, and I'll elect court marshal if you do.


That is exactly what happened. Charge reports magically disappeared after that.


hopefully it followed with a phone call to JAG and some witness statements.


If you were injured on sanctioned military activities, and this has happened to you, you need to report it - if necessary outside your direct CoC if your direct CoC is telling you this. This is NOT something that is authorized. It is not a thing.


Thats why the members (some of whom were friends of mine) did exactly that. The Platoon Commander was a total knob and had tried to "prosecute" an other member earlier on during the tour as well. It blew up in his face. Such is the BS that is/was in my former branch/Trade.


I hope that troop commander was charged and placed on RW. That is bullshit.


Unfortunately he was not charged and I don't think he got even a slap on the wrist. Last time I saw him he'd been promoted to Major and was the Regimental CO for the French language Regiment of my former Trade/Branch. Yeah my former organization is so small that Majors are Regimental COs........ and Regiments are that in name only.




I'm going to admit, you lost me on that one.


I was guessing you are referring to 12 RBC, nicknamed "12 Rubber Boot Company" Although, it seems not! Which would then have me guess 'Chimo' Because I didn't think the Vandoos ate their own that bad. But you did say PL comd...


Ah.... no. We (they as I'm retired now) wear a funny coloured berret ..... that isn't black or blue. Oh and it has a totem poll on it!


Jesus, that's a hard landing.


There’s a vac claim.


Correction that is a VAC denial.




Lol you must have an in then. They consistently deny in hopes you will walk away before you go through their appeal. I know people that are successful in it but only through lots of fighting or through exaggerating symptoms to get through the denial. Couple that with trying to get a doctor to sign something when you can't get a family doctor and it is a real $h!tshow.


Why would a military member need a family doctor to sign anything when there are doctors in the military? I can’t speak to all the people you seem to know that have been denied, what they were trying to claim, or what the process was. But I know plenty of people that have successfully made VAC claims for service related injuries that have been well documented. It doesn’t get much more open and shut than a SkyHawk having a hard landing on Canada Day with unlimited witnesses.


A veteran putting in a claim. During the Afghan conflict documentation wasn't done very well for the most of us. I have an injury, even had it documented but parts of the documentation didn't get sent on my release. There is a group of us that were even told don't worry they always reject the first claim just use Tha advocate and appeals process. Sick to death of all this bs.


Well thats all no bueno, and I wish you the best of luck getting through it. Hopefully this jumper does not have the same experience.


I’m trying to see a military doctor. I’m on a waiting list of a few months just to get the appointment set. Then the appointment will be another few months from then. If there aren’t any delays I might actually see a doctor before my next posting. Then I can start again for the follow-up somewhere else.


Oh wow. Gross. Maybe theres some dependency on where you work and how severe the injury is. I feel like this lad will be seen quite quickly.


This person likely did not go to a military doctor but straight to the ER (although based on location, may have gone to the Montfort and seen a military doc there.) It's more the follow up service that is hard to get.




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"Sorry sir, we have determined that your injuries are not service related"


Mission failed, we'll get em next time.


How so?


Is joke


Ah. Internet sarcasm. Carry on!


Is there a particular reason this guy dropped like a brick at the end? Jesus.


Because he was off target and to not land on people he made himself drop into a place without people. Self sacrifice.


It could have been much worse indeed...


He panic grabbed his front risers putting him into a dive instead of flaring with his steering toggles.


If this is a skyhawk, I dont think so


Happens to way more experienced canopy pilots.


Indeed. You can see he accelerated when he pulled them, the initial speed from the start of the video wasn't too bad.


There's a video on CTV where you can clearly see what led up to it. He was braking with the toggles but overshot where he wanted to land, and then my guess is that he tried to grab the rears to level off more and gain some time, but without looking he grab the fronts instead...


Yeah this video angle was much better to see that he pulled on his front risers a bit, especially since his canopy was charging. Oof. Obviously panicking, glad he'll be okay though. Not sure yet if I'll be in this situation one day whether I'll have a cool head about it. I want to know why he decided to go there though. Word has it he was upwind, which is where you want to be if you're out. I do want to know more about why he didn't make a better choice sooner then.




I hope the dude is ok. I am super impressed he missed the lamppost and the stairs, though. Many scenarios where that could have been a lot worse of a day...


Crash lands , has to do the coopers test tomorrow for pt


Can’t let those FORCE test IBTS stats lapse


Once upon a time, I was trying to do cool guy stuff. Didn't make it, and since I didn't last the full time, I was not entitled to any post tasking leave. (Less than 14 days away from home). Day 1 back at the unit, all beaten, battered, and bruised... combat force test. It was rough.


I sure hope he’s ok, mechanism of injury such as this can cause fracture to tib-fib, shatter ankles… the one I’m concerned with is compression fracture to his back or shattered pelvis… depending on how he landed, a fall like that can cause a arm fracture or shoulder dislocation can also be of concerned. Either way he’s well taken care of, wishing him a quick recovery and thanking for avoiding the crowd.


He's fine... his boots are still on.


But were they issued boots…


"Sorry, you weren't wearing approved footwear. We can offer you no compensation. Enjoy your sick leave though!"


You're not wrong...


I just hope its not a back injury. Guy I did BMQ with years ago fractured his spine while jumping (landing).


Not a service member, but they do jumps in BMQ? Or is it just if you're going into airborne?


They worded it kinda funny, someone who was on the same bmq as them went on to injure themselves later on in their career.


At least they shouldn't have to worry about getting witness statements.


You are now required to submit a witness statement. Thank you for volunteering.


I’m not convinced that your compressed spine is service related - any caf mir anywhere










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Really hope he is ok at that speed he could have a couple of broken bones


I don’t thing his injuries are service related


The MIR: "Here's 2 ibuprofen, now change your socks"




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Holy crap 😲 At that speed, I'd be more surprised if he was able to get up afterwards




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Guessing he could have landed softer but it would have endangered spectators. Clearly something went wrong - hope he recovers.


Nah he's cooked


Goodbye hips, it was good knowing you




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dude it's an accident. It happens to the best of us.


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