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A new Canadian political story comes out everyday. Use something like ground news to provide links to the left right and centre positions that come out. Not sure if that'd work with the auto-mod though.


So I think that might be a good thing to pop into that Daily Discussion thread, or you could feel free to post it to the sub in as just a link post or whatever. I would say that you should exercise your best judgment on that. I won't be the arbiter of what should go where. What do you think about some sort of Post Flairing where we could tag our posts for a more general story vs something that could be party specific?


Yeah political flairs would help.


I'm not sure I want to allow users to tag themselves, as that might lead to persecution based on their self-identified views, but I think that if a story comes from say, the Greens, then that article could be tagged appropriately. Does that make sense?


Yeah, that sounds good!


Ground news is a great way to monitor bias in reporting and see left right and centre reporting on the same issue


Rules because I noticed that this sub has none.


I'm not super crazy about going ham on chasing people down on rules, but I agree that there should be some general ones. Feel free to respond to my comment here with any you think would be appropriate. For example, I didn't necessarily have a problem with having some of the conversations that spammer was trying to instigate, but the way he went about it was needlessly inflammatory and generally just complete assholery. I feel like a decent rule would be: "Don't be a dick." And then we could expand from there and interpret it as needed. That being said, I don't want to have to be the police too much. I feel like people should be able to express their point of view, no matter how outlandish, as long as they aren't being directly disparaging.


It's always very interesting to me, how the religious can't bring themselves to behave in the absence of externally defined rules.


So if we're going to implement a rule of "Don't be a dick," This would be an example of something that would be getting close to the line here.


You're not wrong.


I'm a religious christian but I know how to behave in a group without rules, which is not the case with this other guy.


Painting the religious with broad strokes there, aren’t you?


I'm not familiar with the Auto Moderator thing but it sounds intriguing. I'd like to see that in action. Anything that helps generate constructive and friendly conversation would be welcome. I'll give your question some further thought. I'm in the middle of a whole pile of political initiatives locally (launching what I hope will be a monthly conversation café on Sunday and I'm on a panel of EV owners for a discussion session this evening, among other things.) So you'd think I'd have something bright to say. But I'm short on specifics. I sure appreciate the hard work you all did the last couple of days shutting down that drama.


> I'll give your question some further thought. I'm in the middle of a whole pile of political initiatives locally (launching what I hope will be a monthly conversation café on Sunday and I'm on a panel of EV owners for a discussion session this evening, among other things.) So you'd think I'd have something bright to say. But I'm short on specifics. That sounds really cool and could be a great topic to throw into a Daily Discussion post. All I have in mind for that is creating a sort of forum where any topic can discussed, but might not necessarily be worth a full post or article. Think of it as a sort of mailbag. > I sure appreciate the hard work you all did the last couple of days shutting down that drama. No problem, happy to help. I'm just glad I got the chance to join the team.


I think you need to remove some moderators, I’m referring to the ones that haven’t been on Reddit for a long time, and appoint new moderators.


I think that's something we could look into for sure, especially as it comes up. Until recently, this wasn't exactly the busiest sub so I think we'll delegate as it becomes necessary. For example, at the time I'm writing this response, we have 8,155 subscribers and 9 are actually present right now. I think if we get into a territory where we see a lot of growth and >50 people on at a given time, then maybe we'll look into adding some more mods and getting deeper into weeding and things like that. As for the current list of mods, the first three on the list belong to defunct accounts. I'm not sure what it would take to remove them from the list but I'm also not sure it's super necessary at this time. Frankly, I just started yesterday and I have half a mind to just pull a Cincinnatus and go back to the old farm. But I wanted to see what you guys thought first about changes or trying to stimulate some growth here. Because we definitely need a space that is consistently Canadian, and not just the mess that /r/Politics is. But this is also a bit small potatoes right now too.


If the mods above you on the mod list are defunct/inactive you can request ownership of the sub, that the mod order is re-ordered, or that they are removed as mods by Admin. Try sending a modmail to r/modsupport


Thanks, I'll give it a shot a little later on. No disrespect intended with regards to /r/politics. I can't imagine handling a beast like that.


No worries, none taken at all! It's... an experience lol Def set up a basic Automod, it will make your life much easier. Good overview here: [https://www.reddit.com/wiki/automoderator/full-documentation/](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/automoderator/full-documentation/)