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Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ unfortunately, yes. No one would put that on their product if they didn't have to. I feel this, though. Got caught slipping and ended up with a year old jar of terpless element LR. Gotta be on your toes with these fuckers.


Well fuck that sucks lol. Now I gotta check all the dates!


Also, this looks like michigan. It is, isn't it?




Same. Go to a vertically integrated shop like LSF. They usually care way way more.


What dispo?




I am somewhat sure you dint just add those 2 numbers together. So there's 2 numbers listed. THCA: 68.10% THC: 61.20% The second number is the total thc I believe. To get that number you convert the THCA into THC by multiplying THCA * 0.877. Now you may be thinking well if I do that equation I only get 59.72%. Generally with concentrates there's a small amount of THC already in there that you add to that 59.72%. So it'd be like 1.48% THC that was already in the product. Then you add 59.72 & 1.48 and you get 61.20%. Most other states list out the entire cannabinoid content so you're able to see that what I'm saying is accurate, for example. THCA: 68.10% THC: 1.48% THCV: 0.60% CBD: 0.04% Total THC: 61.20% So I believe the total THC (the thc content after doing the equation) is what the 61.20% comes from, the way they have just those 2 numbers listed probably causes confusion


Gotcha, just not used to this from my other experiences but haven't been to MI. At least here we just list THCA%, THC%, CBD%, etc all separately like you mentioned. (I'm in the industry, just see so many shenanigan tests on Reddit that I got wary.) This still sketches me out of no production/expiration date, but not personally in MI so not sure if this is the usual.


I've gotten tons of Michigan hash rosin from dispos and I honestly can't remember for sure, but I think I have seen harvest date AND package or testing g dates listed on some brands but not all of them.


Iā€™ve always wondered if cbd and cbn are included in total thc or if itā€™s just THCA/THCV etc


Cbn is aged/degraded thc


My question is if total thc includes cannabinoids without the tetrahydro prefix (cbn,cbd)


What? ... Just research what these compounds are. It'll help you a lot. Any CB isn't going to be related to THC's. THCv and D8 are also excluded from thc total.


You're very confused on what THCa and THC are.


Yup.. that's what I meant by "caught slippin"... I forgot to ask for the dates. At that point I knew better, too.


I recently went to a place in Oregon that had a LOT two to four year old oil. It was all so dark from oxidation. The weed looked awful too. What you have would be a gem compared to any of that.




Thatā€™s not even the made date. It looks like the tested date so technically it could be older.


Unfortunately, also true šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I swear


Oil stays good for a few years. I tested our oils for a 2 yr expiration date and the thc was within 2% variance. As long as its packaged and no light contamination then it should be good for quite a while.


That's good to know thanks


Losing terps though. Def influences the effects.


How would losing terps change the effect though? The only terpene with any proven activity on cannabinoid receptors is beta caryophyllene, the rest havent really shown and recreational usage whatsoever? The only way i could see this happening is if youve placebod yourself into believing the terps matter and then dont feel as high on less terped stuff.


Tell me you just started smoking without telling me. Hahahah only someone who knows absolutely nothing about weed would say terps or flavor don't matter.


Do you have any studies that they provide effects? the terps donā€™t do anything besides placebo, the entourage effect is real but it only works when there are two compounds which produce psychoactive effects, you canā€™t entourage a not psychoactive compound like every terp except beta carylophyllene with a psychoactive compound and get an entourage effect, the entourage effect you feel is from cnoids in the flower and untested for cannabinoids/unknowns in cannabis. Certain terpenes do indeed have medicinal benefits but ONLY beta caryophyllene has shown to have psychoactive effects, itā€™s about as potent as cbn but leaning more towards cbdv in effect set more calming than tiring.


My study is smoking for over 20 years. The flavor of what you are smoking effects the nuance of the high. I don't know what to tell you other than smoking tasteless product is a flat bland boring high and when you smoke something that has tremendous flavor you are floating in the clouds with effects that may not be psychoactive but you definitely feel in your body and mind


You understand this is placebo though, right? The only reason terps influence your high is because you think they do. If no one had ever told you terps do anything psychoactive you wouldnt think they are. There are literally studies showing BCP is the only terpene that binds to any cannabinoid receptors, and the rest of the terpenes only have medicinal benefits (bcp is also never going to be at the proper concentrations to cause effects, you need 5% bcp). We literally have studies showing that every terpene except bcp has no psychoactive effect.


Ok maybe it's not the actual terps themselves people are calling all cannabis flavor "terps". Flavorless weed is flat effecs. Yes I'm familiar with volatile sulfur compounds and the emerging information about them and also ,Ā polyphenols and flavonoids. All which degrade over time. They don't know how all these compounds combine with everything in cannabis to give its effects. Synergy. But flavorless old ass weed has different effects than the funky bag that will smell up the whole room. So say whatever you want but the flavor/smell of cannabis 100% effects the high


You trippin'.


Not everything revolves around THC%. It needs to be kept cold as well. Even then, 2 years is entirely too old to sell.


You know that itā€™s not going to smoke like it would fresh. Cmon now




The fact people are down voting you for saying this is unsellable says a lot about the quality of what people smoke in this sub sheesh


I'm stunned by the amount of people just saying that this is totally fine. This isn't even sellable by law here.


Testing for THC content isnā€™t a very reliable way of determining quality imo. Lots of studies show huge ranges of THC swings in the same strain. Like 13%-30% from nugs off of the same plant. Plus it doesnā€™t account for the things you really should worrry about with aging extracts like mold spores & other contaminants.


Its testing on the same exact product not a pheno. It has to pass microbials, pesticides, residuals and potency for a longer expiration date.


Let me guess, you saw 710 labs poorly executed test?


I got some with a future date of 09-20-2024 as the preparation date.


The amount of fuck ups that happens with just these stickers at the facility I work at is outraging.


I too work at a facility, and it too, has a *hehe* METRC fuckton of fuckups


I send them straight back to the packaging team and the mistakes have definitely cut down a lot when they have to sticker a whole batch again.


Itā€™s turned into us the production team having to resticker because of how bad it is.


Fuuuuuuck that, I'd be fuming back when I was the lab if they asked me to come sticker. Same where packaging wanted to kill us when mgmt would make them gram out poop soup they had to lay on ice packs, knowing it was gonna go back into distillate carts at the end of the day. I also moved from CO to MD, hard year on stuff here from production to expiration and once anything gets in 60 days at our place we drop it to $1.


WTF šŸ˜‚ That's fucked up


Could be the metrc use by date. We just had to start adding them with a 9 month after production use by date. IMO this a good rule to have, no one should be sold old hash, especially if itā€™s rosin. Really messed up to be offloading old hash that you as a maker wouldnā€™t want to smoke yourself. Almost always MSOs who donā€™t care. Sell it to a edible MIP but donā€™t be doing your loyal customers dirty like that. Also the people that do that just bastardize their brand and clearly take no pride in their work


Itā€™s aged šŸ¤ŒšŸ»






Itā€™s a Michigan processor license listed, possibly could be even older than that if itā€™s the test date. Weird they have the metrc batch with no actual production batch data on there though; thats usually where youā€™ll see date produced.


I personally love the shit out of CBN


Yeah but old oil stored right is absolutely fine it's not flower


Diamonds will dissolve into sauce, terps start evaporating, shatter turns into sugar. And also, this comes from stores now. Would you be happy if your grocery store sold you cereal from 2022? This is just an all around bad take.


Your take yes it's an all around bad take. Not everything is cereal


Sure bro, you keep being thrilled about buying oil that got ran 2+ years ago.


I happily will buy the about to expire oil I have done it a few times. Got a bunch of $40 grams discounted to $10 a gram.


Yes, but also, if it tastes good and was stored properly, who cares? I'm still smoking on stuff older than that. It's completely stable if stored in an airtight jar in the fridge.


It was for sure not, and that was by your choice. If my grocery store sold me cereal from 2022 I'm sure it's also fine but I'd be pissed I just paid for it now.


Not just that bro but the water you're drinking used to be dinosaur piss


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Banjoschmanjo: *Not just that bro but* *The water you're drinking used* *To be dinosaur piss* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hey at least itā€™s 129% THC!


If only that's how THCa and THC worked, lol


I mean, even if you do the math it still works out to 120.4% according to this label.


no it doesn't - THCa * 0.877 gives you THC, which would be 59.72% THC. then probably a few more percentage points of already decarbed āˆ†9 THC and you get the total 61.2% THC


My bad. It would be 120.92%. You add the THCa (after conversion) and the THC for total THC. (68.1 x .877) + 61.2 = 120.92


not how that works at all. look at the carbs on a nutrition label. there are total carbs, then how many of those carbs are fiber and how many are sugar. it's not total carbs + fiber + sugar. you're doing the same thing here. the THC is a part of the THCa. it's not in addition to it.


It is exactly how it works. Take a look at the linked technical bulletin from Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency, specifically the second sentence of the second page: "Please refer to equation 1 (below) for calculating Total THC with the inclusion of both Delta-8 and Delta-9: Equation 1. Total THC where M is the mass or mass fraction of Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 THC, or Delta-9 THC-A Total THC = M(d8THC) + M(d9THC) + \[0.877 x M(d9THCA)\]" [ https://www.michigan.gov/cra/-/media/Project/Websites/cra/bulletin/5Technical/Marihuana-Infused-Products-and-Edible-Marihuana-Product---Allowable-Potency-Variance.pdf?rev=c17c5e55901d4827acf51ea6c2fc2107&hash=533FDE984B8649B3C9A521086CF8A30B#:\~:text=The%20laboratory%20testing%20results%20provided,considered%20the%20target%20Total%2DTHC.](https://www.michigan.gov/cra/-/media/Project/Websites/cra/bulletin/5Technical/Marihuana-Infused-Products-and-Edible-Marihuana-Product---Allowable-Potency-Variance.pdf?rev=c17c5e55901d4827acf51ea6c2fc2107&hash=533FDE984B8649B3C9A521086CF8A30B#:~:text=The%20laboratory%20testing%20results%20provided,considered%20the%20target%20Total%2DTHC)


I know that's how it's calculated. you're confusing that with how they are representing total decarboxylated THC content on the package. they are giving the total percentage with the acid still attached as well as the total active decarbed percentage. you do not add the two. the total THC is literally the equation you gave so I'm not sure why you're confused.


If youā€™re not a troll, I worry about you navigating the world.


How can something be made of 120% of something else? Can you get 120% pure gold?


If you can, I bet math problem guy would buy it!


It can't! This is obviously poor reporting on part of the Processor. I'm not saying the packaging is correct, I'm only saying that the two values would, in fact, be added together to create "total THC" which is what Michigan requires to be reported.


no they wouldnt. jesus i havent seen someone so agressively wrong like you in a hot minute. how could anything ever be above 100%? just think about that for a quick second.


No , the values that get added together are delta 9 thc and THCA after conversion. The thc percentage on the right side of the package you're referring to is indeed the total thc concentration of the product, after the equation has been solved. It is not the delta 9 / active thc concentration. That is not listed on the package. The state just isn't mandated to labeling/ specifying it with the text "total thc" on the package . But imo it should be . It is in Ohio. They list D9 , THCA, total thc and terps. Until everyone knows the differences between all the types of cannabinoids, we should get individual percentages for each individual noid, along with total thc, overall total cannabinoid and terpene percentages on the package. But that's just me I guess


I got some diamonds on sale and stacked more sales to get them 13 a gram with tax and a couple of them had 101-102% and I was thinking how is that possible but 129% is an even bigger factor of error off. Whatā€™s up with that?


the possibility is a purity level higher than what was used to calibrate the system but there is also a 10% variance in the total usually. so at 100% it could be as low as 90% or whatever but if it were something that said say 60% it would be +/-6%


I guess that makes sense I just didnā€™t get how they could even put above 100% like it seems like the machine would cut off at that point. I guess a margin of error could cause it.


Yes. Unfortunately, this is normal for dispo meds.


How does it hit?


It's been making me tired as fuck and now I know why. It hits pretty nice I'm not going to lie but shit do I get exhausted.


It should be fine if itā€™s 2 years expired. Use to work at a dispo and they would basically give us expired stuff like that. Had a whole collection of expired goods that never seemed liked they were compromised. Only edibles truly go bad IMO


It was on sale, no wonder


In all technicality, it doesnā€™t ā€œexpireā€. The lipid structure destabilizes and breaks the thc down into cbg and cbd. The terpene lipids also break down, so there is significant flavor/scent loss, but the product technically canā€™t expire in the traditional sense. Those dates arenā€™t expiry dates, theyā€™re production and lab test dates.


Definitely didn't think it was an expiration date, I imagined it was the date it was tested and close to the date it was manufactured. Makes me hella sleepy


So does that mean the 4 year old dabs I found cleaning my house should help with pain more than they were originally intended to?


This is so incorrect, oh my god.


Please. Inform me. Do you know the half life on lipid acridity? Or are you just going to state your knowledge but not demonstrate?


Not only are you assuming that the oil contains lipids (properly made oil shouldnā€™t) but CBGa turns into THCa which then turns into THC, not the opposite way around. The lipid content has nothing to do with that happening either. https://completehemp.com/blog/cbg-the-mother-of-all-cannabinoids/


Probably has a higher cbn content since itā€™s 2 years old


Lol, that cbn be doing its thang


Iā€™m sure itā€™s not gonna hurt ya lol


Definitely not, just being picky about getting all my terps and less CBN lol




lease its prob not a knock off lol


Dabs stores properly do not loose potency over the period of years


As long as it still works, who gives a monkeys ass? Unless it got moldy. It's about getting eft up. If it does that, its all good. If it doesn't, why bother in the first place?


The fire Station in Negaunne, MI has given me 2 year old rosin twice now šŸ˜’


Most likely 3 year old. That may be the expiration but it may have been produced up to a year before that.


Yikes! That's rough


Eh itā€™s no worse than being a kid and smoking that shit chipped off a moldy brick. Think of it as dabbing a fine aged concentrate ! Enjoy !


Haha good point


thatā€™s when it was testedā€¦ which means at best it was harvested 3 months priorā€¦ so your oil is more likely from late 2021 if anything


That resin ain't live no more


What's the common price of 5g of wax in the market?


Thats more then likely the packaging date. If there is no ā€œbest byā€ date, its usually 1 year from the packaging date and it just starts losing its potency just like medication. So technically it doesnā€™t expire.


I got a several two liter bottle of glue that is from like 5 years ago. Kept tightly closed and in a dark, cool area, it might oxidize a bit but from what I can tell, it does not loose it's potency.


What's ya point lol Isn't gonna hurt ya unless they let it get moldy


That's not bad


That's not bad the sad part is the most the flower is years old


Iā€™m still smoking bud from 2017


Really? Are you sleeping right now?


Woah buddy lol thatā€™s where I draw the line. Can we get a pic of the actual product for science šŸ˜‰


This is the oldest concentrate I've seen sold st a dispo, yup 2 year old dabs.


Ooze is trash. Thatā€™s why it was still sitting. Idk what you would expect paying 10-15 bucks per gram of wax if not cheaper.


Even Los Angeles Legal dispos push the old weed man, tell me why connected and alien are on sale for so longā€¦ freaking batches from Feb 2023! Gross ass terpless CACA


THC # is after decarb amount it looks like


They probably got that for free from the distros and now they selling the samples lol šŸ¤£


Could be old or could be theyā€™re using the same labs for multiple skus


Welcome to state Ran dispensaries congratulations


Lol wish Cali could go back to being an ilegal state




Most states require harvest date. So the flower could have been harvested two years ago and recently made to wax. But honestly itā€™s most likely a typo. Iā€™ve had employees misprint compliance labels so many times. Itā€™s a lot of work to fix and itā€™s infuriating. Especially if the product makes it to shelves before itā€™s caught. Is this AZ?


Can you read dude?


As someoneā€™s whose spent the last 5 years in the Michigan Cannabis game, yaā€¦.. thatā€™s old af and should have been marked down literally years ago to sell. What a shitty dispensary. Most of that thc has probably broken down into cbg and cbd. Which isnā€™t bad, per say, itā€™ll just be a really sleepy buzz, good for night time and heading to bed.


It's probably more cbn. Thc doesn't turn into cbg. It's the other way around and then to cbd and cbn.


Ya, youā€™re correct, itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve been on the production side of the industry, the chemical precursor cbga, which decarbs into cbd and thc, i fogrot the Thc continues to breakdown into cbg, cbd, and cbn. My bad brotha!


No prob, just a minor correction!


Yes exactly I've been knocking the fuck out with this. It was on sale but damn I didn't expect it to be this old


Doubt it has 129.3% total THC.


I work in the legal industry in NV, and at least here, cannabis products can only be sold for a year after the test date. Also that is the test date which is probably like 2 months after the harvest date.


I work in compliance in NV, and only edibles have an expiration date.


Do you think they test each individual packet?


No but I imagine the batch that this came from was tested on the date printed. However I could be wrong


Ya, that how it works. It should have less terpenes and some of the thc degraded into cbn, but it's fine to consume


Damn that kinda sucks


It's not too bad, there's a good chance you've had a lot of old concentrates before. You can blast a batch and sit on it for years before you test, package, and sell it. Companies do this often so as not to diminish sales and to avoid expiration dates. Is it bad? How's the taste and entourage effect??


Damn that's crazy to think they sit on batches for a long time before they even tested. It gives me a pretty strong head high but it fades away quickly and makes me extremely tired


They donā€™t take individual packaged products out and test them, but the contents in that package were tested on the listed date. Theyā€™d have to be at least older than the date there because of the way causality works


Actually at least at the facility I work in cali they do exactly that. They take like 25 randomly from different boxes and send them out for testing.


Since your in the know, how are they stored before they go out to stores? Shelf life can be a lot longer depending on the type of storage correct?


Typical reddit downvote lmao


Naw. Your comment didnā€™t make any sense. Thatā€™s why it got downvoted.


I was a being a smart ass, it happens. I know why I got downvoted.........


I'd love to hear you explain this one. They have to test every batch, so this batch got made before that date.


I cant, I was just being a Dbag... and it backfired on me lmfao.


Actually funny but I think just no one caught it as a joke.


True, haha.




Ya, you're replying to the wrong person. I was the one who corrected them, not the person talking about the downvoters and asking if they test every packet. Swing and a miss.




Good times in here as always hahah


True... Looks like my humor needs a little more seasoning, or maybe just a better label!