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I’m natto curious but the fam is aghast and against


I'm also natto curious but haven't run into it anywhere. I have a fondness for pungent foods (durian anyone?) so I'm guessing I might like it.


My Hmart has an assortment of different brands of natto in a freezer facing the cashiers. I have been walking past them all this time until I was waiting in a long line and looked around me. Inexpensive - $2 or $3 for a 3-pack. Not bad price to indulge your curiosity.


No Hmart here unfortunately. ☹️


I’ve seen those too - I always move on to the Diet Coke cases 🤣🤣 I was overwhelmed by the number of different natto at the Mitsuwa, and am always a little embarrassed to stand there with my Google Translate app. I need to get over to the Mitsuwa and get over that language hang-up, since the alternative is learning Japanese


Be brave. Ask someone if you see them taking one out. Done this many times in ethnic markets.


That is VERY GOOD advice :)


You can also take a picture of it and ask in a Japanese language sub, where people learning the language want to practice and might be familiar with the different types. If reply with the photo here, I can probably help :) I disagree with that being good advice in general. Someone “being brave” in an ethnic market can be off putting.


A simple question of asking which one is best isn’t off putting. If asked I’d steer them to Heinz instead of Hunts ketchup.


What is “best” really depends on the individual. Personally, I’d suggest “be brave” in a different way- buying and trying each one to determine what you like!


I always get whatever is selling for $1.99


Its not a pungent aroma, but the taste is...odd. I think it just tastes like rotten soybeans. Which I guess technically it is. Personally don't get the hype.


Yeah, I think most people just cannot get over the slimy texture


Yup. I can't do the ick.


The hype isn’t that they are a delicacy, its that they are super healthy.


Healthy, sure. “Super” healthy? Maybe. Lots of ways to get probiotics. If you like the taste, that’s fine, but there are less…funky ways to get probiotic doses.


Thats the thing, after the acquired taste they’re not funky.


They're incredibly healthy and definitely more to them than probiotics. One of best sources of vitamin K2, which is super helpful for blood clotting and bone health.


Sure, but k2 is also present in a lot of foods. A balanced diet will give you plenty per day. A single egg can proved your entire day’s k2. I’m not saying it isn’t healthy, I’m saying you don’t need to add it to your diet for health reasons if you don’t already like the taste. I personally can’t stand the stuff, *but if you like it, eat it.*


I like durian but it took me about three attempts before I could finish a bowl of natto


Most natto brands taste the same with very minute differences so you can start with whatever packaging is most striking or attractive to you! Though some only include the mild soysauce packet, while others will have that standard soysauce and also a little mustard packet. The mustard is a must for me, but it took a while for me to acquire the taste for it! My advice for natto beginners is to put a little scoop of it on a plain pringle chip to ease your way into the texture! And the only thing I recommend to wash it down is hot/warm tea, something light and simple and not a blend. Do NOT drink anything with carbonation, the slime will bubble and become impossible to swallow lol.


These are EXCELLENT TIPS - I’m a total Diet Coke chick. I’ll have some natto in here by the weekend


I debated including the carbonation warning, glad I did then! I'm a big pro-natto gal, and if admitting it's nasty for the first like 10ish tries, then so be it. I was on prilosec for far too long thanks to stress-related IBS and natto helped ease me off that. Go forth and may your bowel movements be blessed! 🙌


I tried natto exactly once. I nuked it in thr microwave for a few seconds as i was keeping it in the freezer. I have a strong stomach but I genuinely couldn't handle more than like 2 bites. Is heating it up wrong? Should I have prepared it differently? I don't think it was even the texture that was the issue, the taste was just so gnarly. I really wanna try again though so I'll give the chips a shot


The taste will def be something to get used to but i think nuking it was also the wrong move, as it would basically kill all the parts of natto that make it so beneficial to eat, especially since they already took a solid hit from being frozen, like how yogurt brings beneficial bacteria into your gut. If you keep it in the freezer, all you need to do is transfer it over to the fridge about a day in advance and then, from there, eat it within 3 days of defrosting. If you want it warm, the rice should be what you heat up hot and the natto should warm up via contact with the rice. Again, it's most definitely an acquired taste and I highly highly recommend the salted pringle hack to ease your way into it, it really helps with taste and texture. To further mask the natto taste, consider a piece of kimchi too. I technically CAN eat natto without the pringle boat and funky fermented topping, but why should I? Beyond it being a hack to make it more palatable, it's just genuinely my favourite way to eat natto and I get to have some extra potato chips as a treat lol.


The reason I like natto is it’s delicious, not too bad price wise and it has tons of fiber. I personally love how it tastes but I also ate it growing up. It’s an acquired taste.




Sweet coffee in slimy bean form - now that's a selling slogan. However, it's true. Most of the Asian tins I've tried are so different, I do a double or triple take when I first try them. But dump them on rice, heat them up, and I go out and buy them again. I've said before, pretty cheap hobby to get into and your taste buds may explode with new flavors. I love it.


🤔 Hmmmmmm


It is surprisingly mild.


I was natto curious until I was living in Japan. I tried it once: seemed not too bad at first but then you have to keep chewing... and chewing... and it just gets grosser. Yeah definitely not for me.


It's great


Im dying to try Natto. Found out a store kinda near me has a brand in stock and I need to make the trip soon


Hopefully you like it, otherwise I fear you'll hate it lol


The first and last time I had them was in Japan. My mom took mine when I didn't like them and she didn't want me to throw it away. She mixed it into her food before tasting. She didn't enjoy her food after.


When I tried them for the first time, memories of the taste and smell quite literally kept me up at night for weeks afterward 😂 although I was very young and more sensitive to tastes then - maybe I’d like it now!


I tried it out of curiosity because everybody talks about how gross it is, and I was surprised to find it had virtually no flavor on its own. I wouldn't say I really liked it either, but it wasn't disgusting. I can see, though, how people might find the texture off-putting.


I wanted to like natto SO badly. It’s so good for you. I love every other fermented food I’ve tried so idk what my problem is lol but I was legit gagging trying to swallow it - it seriously just tasted like something rotten I shouldn’t be eating. I tried a different brand and it was a little better but I still couldn’t stomach more than like 3 bites. I’ll probably try again out of pure dedication to try and gaslight myself into liking it lol


If you can gaslight yourself into liking it, you can do anything you put your mind to lol


Is Natto on the top right? What is it?


Japanese fermented soy beans. They have a funk and this sticky, stringy slime holding them together. Not bad, but not something that I would seek out. Supposedly very good for your gut with the probiotics though.


I found the taste wasn’t horrible but the texture was so off putting. It was like slime that got more and more foamy in your mouth as you chewed. It was a struggle to swallow


Just add hot sauce and you're going to live forever eating this.


Natto, whatevery cheap canned sardines and a small drop of XO sauce on top. Yum


Interesting. I've not had natto for years, since I worked at a Japanese company and my colleagues tried it out on me. It had English mustard on it (at least that's what I remember it as). I remember the taste as something like marmite/vegemite


As a lover of both, I do not think natto tastes like the Mites. IMO Mites are very salty and yeasty. Natto can be salty depending on the sauce but (without the toppings) has a slightly more bitter and earthy taste to them (kinda hard to describe) Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents since for those that want get Natto because you're a fan of marmite/vegemite, you're going to be surprised


Yes you're right it is different - but when I tasted it and tried to describe it to English people I struggled to come up with anything .. the blue bit of blue cheese is the other thing that I thought of, although natto doesn't taste cheesy. The other thing I remember is that after I tried it my Japanese colleagues said it divided Japanese people, half of them don't like natto. It's time I tried it again.


I’ve never had vegemite and honestly I cannot think of any way to describe what natto taste like lol


I kinda agree with you sister since this needs either rice or bread like ...... this ain't enough bro. PLEASE tell me you either have a big lunch or graze snacks like you're cattle


I eat 5-6 meals a day. Does that count


Wonderful More than counts


I LOVE NATTO AND SARDINES!! I feel so seen 😭. My husband definitely judges me though 🤣


So you're just skipping the miso soup and rice to form a full Japanese breakfast?


I never have rice left over. When there’s rice at home I’ll eat it. Not enough time to make in the morning either 😂


Rice cooker with a timer- fresh rice for breakfast >:)


Microwave rice. Japanese, Korean, or Taiwanese


I highly recommend silicone molds!!! I cook a bunch of rice, then batch freeze them in the molds. Cheaper and eco friendly - cuts down on plastic.


My tupperware and I noticed the same thing about rice in our home.


If “you need help” finishing that lmk


👍who has two thumbs and never have leftovers? 👎


omg natto and sardines, I have found my people




This sub is my safe space


Tell her, "It's natto business."


Now we're talking! maybe some seaweed on the side to sandwich spoonfuls of it + top with green onions and that'd be breakfast for me.


Natto, sardines and XO? I hope you're brushing your teeth afterwards! That is a powerful flavor concoction you got goin' on!


Breathe into manager’s face at work to assert dominance


Hold direct eye contact too.


He called in sick today, what’s up with that?


Clearly he spent the whole day munching on natto and fish!


I have enjoyed a similar combo with natto. Usually, it's some sort of canned mackerel. Great protein breakfast.


I bet your gut's sooo happy tho


You need help... finishing that? It's missing the rice but apart from that, that's something I would totally eat for brekkie.


Ngl this looks like heaven


your microflora must be unstoppable


I love natto! It's pretty good on its own, but eating it on top of a steamy bowl of freshly cooked rice and lots of minced green onion REALLY hits it out of the park.


"No I don't, I poop like a dream" is what I'd respond to your sis with lol.


Unfortunately that bastard also poop like a dream


This is amazingly nutritious. You are giving your gut such a wonderful treat with the natto. Eat some sources of dietary fiber to feed the gut bacteria and you are golden!


some fermented veg would be amazing.


Sometimes I do this and + kimchi, rice and some cucumber and radishes and call it a day. Yum


yes yes yes :3


I get it, op. That looks so good.


Oh man this is inspired. I must try it!


I thought the top image was some sort of odd colored ball python in a plastic container. My brain was freaking out.


What’s XO sauce?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_sauce it’s fingerlickin good


Wow looks so good- I’ll look for it at HMart next time


I make my own natto. Super easy and inexpensive. Love me some stinky super food!




Caveat; You need an instant pot Soak some dry soybeans Cook said soybeans with some salt Drain, and mix some packaged natto as a starter Place in a pre sterilized bowl Cover with cling film and poke some air holes Place in instant pot under yogurt settings for 24 hours Enjoy lots o Natto!


I like to add okra to my natto 😉




Wait i do this too! Glad to have found a kindred soul.




Live past 100 starter pack.


You need rice but *smash*


What is the stuff you put on the sardines (sorry couldn’t figure it out from the comments) love sardines and new things so curious as to what I’m about to try next


Anyone know what it is?


Natto! It’s a typical Japanese dish, majority eat it in the morning or as a side dish with other food. It’s fermented soy beans!


Your sister is right


That looks amazing




Ok. Now I must google natto


Craving all the good stuff!


My fav combo!




I found my disgusting fam 🫵


Natio 😋 sardines 🥴


Stinky competition


You will live forever


I love sardines. I love natto but it is difficult for me to get. I have never had them together. Now I will try it. 🥰


There’s a way to make natto in the instant pot I saw on Google. I considered this because I love natto and it can be expensive per serving. I still got my organic soybeans from 2020 because I haven’t attempted it yet :)


I lived in Japan for 5 years, and my host mother tried desperately to get me to eat natto. I just never could get into it. I liked everything else, but natto is a no-go for me.


Sardines... no problem. Slimy moldy beans? I think this is my stop.


How would you describe the taste? Curious....


Not quit ammoniated like Limburger cheese. But it helps beginners to eat with minced scallions yellow Asian mustard that comes in the pack and a little soy sauce and Japanese steamed rice. If you just take a mouthful of it you’re going to spit it out. Literally eat five beans on a large spoon of rice. Try to like it, it’s delicious.




I agree lol


So, do you need to keep a window open at work?


I work in a small enclosed space and I’m always ready for a fist fight


I love both of these food items but even I’m more sure I could do both at the same time.


This looks great! I have a ton of natto so I'll definitely throw some on my sardines next time and give it a shot.


Your Reddit history is the most wholesome and adorable thing ever.




Hey I also like smelly foods and plants, so I'm in this boat with you


I love natto! Favorite way to incorporate with sardines is topped with scallions, splash of soy & wasabi over hot steamed rice. If you have roasted seaweed, it also goes well with this combo. It's my favorite breakfast!


This is actually my daily diet lol


I LOVE NATTO!!! Glad to see it get some respect.


I LOVE THIS FOR YOU. Imma try it tomorrow.


I envy your palate! I hope one day I can grow to like natto. It looks good...


Gonna have to brush tour teeth 3 times after this meal


I couldn't get into it, atleast not plain. The taste is fairly inoffensive but the texture genuinely made me gag which is insane lmao


Natto?? Maybe pair some surströmming with it for full fragrance and room-clearing ability.


I really enjoy natto for its savouryness and Ive eaten it with sardines too its a pretty good match although I do eat it with Japanese rice usually. I like putting butter in the natto it complements the flavour really well. I had a natto jacket potato the other day it was good!


Ironically enough I just watched a video of someone eating this


I love natto but never thought to eat it with sardines.. interesting combination.


what is in the packets on top of the natto?


Mustard and dashi


cool ty


I’d eat these separately but not together. I prefer to eat my Natto straight from the pack, have done it this way since I was a kid.


this looks healthy af, good for you.... BUT YOU NEED HELP PERIODT


This would wake me up


yummm health


I regularly enjoy natto with sardines on tamagokake gohan, so this looks great.


RedditCareResources will be coming after you next. jk, but I never heard of natto and now I definitely have to try it


I love natto and love sardines, but don’t love the two combined. Not sure why! But respect the combo nonetheless!


Put this over hot rice. Top with bonito flakes and green onions.


Hello fellow nattō and fish addict. I also combine it with tuna and kimchi. Better than crack.


Throw in some stinky tofu if you really want to clear the room! 


I really wanted to like natto, the flavor is nice. The texture though... So god damn slimy. A mouth encompassing, slug evoking, goo. Like the entirety of my sinuses in one bite. Sorry, but I will take the sacrifice and donate my serving to someone who actually likes it. Good fish though.


Natto and Sardines doesn’t sound like a bad combination


Hey now! As a guy who likes both of these things immensely, my only question is, with rice right?!?


Haha no rice 🫠


Your gut is very happy!


Not gonna lie - in and out of bathroom within a min for #2, no hemorrhoids while almost all my friends who refuse all legumes have them, I’m a happy duck


not here for the natto, but to each their own