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My favorites Cape cafe working spots are: - Snowy Owl - Sandwich - Bread & Roses - Hyannis - Great Awakenings - Hyannis - Three Fins - West Dennis


I tried going to snowy owl today but I could not find the entrance door … I’m not even lying . I have such bad social anxiety tho it’s not even funny


I have also skipped out on snowy owl for the same reason 😂


the daily brew!!!


Best spot for this, snowy owl’s good, but for drinking coffee and work or studying, The Brew is hands down it.


What about the libraries? There’s so many cool ones on Cape and they’ll all have free wifi.


I just wasn’t sure if it was a place for like 20 something’s , idk I do want to be around people my age


My “ideal world” would be a bar that you can study in lol


Bread + Roses in Hyannis has a liquor license too.


Be smart and do your own homework. Bread and Roses seems like a very inviting, earthy-crunchy vegan spot. I’m sure it will be just fine - (….as long as you don’t disagree with the owners politics- or his blatant anti/ police biases.) Personally, I prefer less drama in my study space…the owner of the business is welcome to do as he likes - I just think it’s really funny that so many of the “protestors” aren’t even from the area… 🫣 -(on both sides of the equation groups have to bring their own talent (🙄) to the Cape to participate in their “rallies”.) IMO -You’re better off not mixing your studying and social life down here - there are so few places to go that you can burn all of your bridges pretty quickly if you aren’t careful 😉… Try going on social media sites to find other like-minded individuals. Set up a 20-something Facebook or Next Door group and put together a list of Study hotspots for local students. Search for Cape Cod community college student sites and/or CASL (it’s a social sports league on Cape Cod …on FB) I know the Cape can feel very isolated – and isolating – jt’s not always easy to find a peer group…don’t give up. Find a group doing a hobby you like and I bet you’ll find another going to college looking for the same things you’re looking for… Matt put some more in but nothing good comes easy and knows this may turn out to be something you can turn into a full time job - monetizing groups targeting college students in areas where there aren’t a lot of options for entertainment or interaction . I have a 20-year-old son who has owned the same concerns… if you’re looking for something that doesnt exist / you’ll either have to create it or market what’s out there already better… (sounds like the basis of a social group to me… just make sure you get other people working with you because running a social media group will suck the life out of you if you don’t.) Yes / I got a little carried away lol… I’m waiting to see a new doctor, and focusing on an issue issue like this distracts me from what’s really going on and why I’m here.., I hope you find what you’re looking for- please keep us updated and feel free to DM me if you have any questions or comments… **I’m not anti-first Amendment; maintaining open lines of dialogue is critical for change…but supporting ignorance and violence and picking and choosing the positive parts of volatile Militia-like groups is shortsighted and dangerous. Rant over




grouchy cat, indeed.


If you want a “bar that you can study in” why not consider “college” …🙃 All kidding aside - I have a son your age and I’m afraid you’re not going to find many options for local coffee shops where “20 somethings” hang out to study… it’s winter - and the only full-time college in the area is Cape Cod community college (not exactly a hot bed of learning… and I say this is someone who has taught there in the past…) I don’t want sound like a broken record, but housing is so expensive on Cape that we’re losing lots of young families and 20 somethings because they can’t find jobs that pay them way enough for them to live independently. Why are you here??? - the only place on the Cape you might find an academic environment would be Wood’s Hole. I lived there for several years and found it to be closer to that ripe of feeling than anywhere else in the area . As far as meeting other like-minded people is concerned- this is honestly the best time of your life. Why are you wasting it on Cape Cod? (don’t get me wrong. I love the Cape- I came back after decades of working and living overseas and in different parts of the US. Don’t limit your world to this overpriced sandbox … )


All kidding aside you rlly harshing the thread, I was just trying to find a fun place here lady. Idgaf about your son tbh. I have graduated college and am in a program that paid me to move here in order to get my PhD, would you say no? Asking “why are you here” as if you know any of my circumstances is very ignorant. I can’t just afford to pick what exact school / institution I want to go too, I apply to programs and cross my fingers. I’m from a very low income state & this is an opportunity of a lifetime for me as someone who would never be able to otherwise afford higher education. Sorry , I’m just trying to find community given a situation I couldn’t pass up. It honestly sounds like YOU dislike it here . Im at least trying to find joy. You wonder why the cape is so sad and bleak in the winter and maybe it’s bc only ppl like you stay here year round. Also if anything you sold me on Bread and Roses as soon as you said anti-police.


Are you scared of old people?


Horrified rlly.


That makes sense! I think it will depend on the town and who’s around at the moment. I usually see at least a few 20/30 something people at libraries working. Definitely not the majority, there’s usually young families and older folks around too. I totally get it about social anxiety too and that affecting even visiting places. I always feel like I’m going to be busting into some kind of private club where everyone knows one another and I’ll sit in the wrong place or go out the wrong door and be marked for life. If you have the time and energy, go scope out a few of the libraries and see if they feel right. Www.clamsnet.org will have a lot of locations but I think Sandwich and maybe Osterville and Bourne are not part of the same system so you’d have to look them up separately. I hope you find your place and your people!


I second Snowy Owl. Kings on the Yarmouth/hyannis line is good and has some working space. I’d also recommend libraries! Nirvana in Barnstable is delicious, but not a lot of space. There’s always Panera for the tables and the death lemonade 🫨


Remember that there are libraries all over the Cape, most of which have free wifi.


Might not be so welcoming to a cup of coffee.


Bread & Roses in downtown Hyannis!!! Great spot, great coffee, all food & drink are vegan just a heads up!


Coffee O or Pie in the sky in falmouth or woods hole (more like the third point of a triangle between Bourne and Hyannis though) Daily brew in North Falmouth but they shutter about mid day


I work down there so it’s actually perfect lol !


Oh great! I think there's a big whoi / usgs work culture at pie and coffee o in WH through winter / shoulder seasons... At least 15 years ago!


Pie is nice for coffee but not great for lingering and working, at least in the winter - there's just not enough inside seating. Seconding Coffee O, though - both locations (Falmouth & WH) are great for working. I also really like working at Daily Brew. I would also recommend checking out your local libraries - Falmouth has a great one. No coffee, but free Wi-Fi and great space and you can stay as long as you like.


I find the upper level of the Bourne library to be very quiet and comfortable. It's my favorite spot on a rainy day.




Not lame, Starbucks is great. There’s also CapeSpace.


Lighthouse Keepers in Yarmouth Port is a nice environment to work in, but it’s a bit busy so definitely bring AirPods.


Nirvana in Barnstable village is great!


Check out upstairs at the Daily Brew in Catumet. Cool place, great coffee